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UNlQM I IMC fortfi<J rrvr* AFWCAT? GOLD LII)3L FLKLIV THE ItOYAL MAIL «ery o^r^piltDIATE STJt.A^i.1 '»S sail rrom iyovt/iamotoa fee rr'Wday for South and E^t African Ports. 1'a.Ue |E £ A$ J £ and Tenerife. Apply to THE UNION ptl^rr SHIP COMPANY .Xiaxdted). (>> 110*4, fctoTffiPwa, and South Airioaii House, 8-1 to B«, Binhopagiibe London. E.C. NEW Vnn 1/ Fast Steamers "STATE OF NEBRASKA" ,*•11 I UnK and "STATE OP CA-LXFOB.I'JIA" Sail i4Spiy-T fortnightly from Glasgow. ALLAX. 2o. Botli-.veli Street^Glasgow. GUARANTEED PUKE. L&Hi. A HK "< 1l J^YEAST;: NEST YEAST IN THE WORLD. Can be STJKKSX, AND WINTER. used in this di-.tr-et 8 hours after Manufacture. JLHL; UTP MAN'r'KAc rkvl> soi.>;[,l' ]IY ewLEa VALL^:Y DISTI;,I"ITCO.. LTD.. tSTii. VTFO tlO, LUXLiOX, £ Genprr.l A"p-;ts f.v~United Kindlon :— J & CO.,ii.TDv HULL, \a:i:)n:=t lie IU:l'le. -====-, YB^UARDS & BAGATELLE. JO^KTG BROS., Lr.. 'Jiili-ird Tab Makew, clif'.l' Si. (cuHser of .-t.\ !ri-ion, TV.O. ijoMse for win: und all kirns ot requisitM. ■——liita and .Vee. Kst. lbQ'i. "hY^ BSTABLI8HED 1851. ^JRkbeck BANK TWo' T°uthwnpton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. D^OSMD-A-HAXF per CENT. INTEREST allowed on repayabla on demand. ^tao^l^NT- on CURRENT ACCOUNTS, on the mini- balances, when not drawn below *100. lir^ an^ SHARES purchased and sold. 5|l. ECK ALMANACK, with full particulars, post FR.ANCIS RAVENj>CROFT, Manager. '^fordT They Wash.. They Soon., t„ j repay their a perfectly, and, CnJ"t Bg hun- wita Rolleri, drods of usen ?$ £ Srl"» r'11, will toll you. '*im ^regions *nd Ask iheui. Ad- '4/ jl theyj.eep' linen Holborn, LOH- beautiful p T-IPOT.B. WiI colour. They »"• or #i§ last a, y«™ or f^U'r.Kor ID ore, liKft thou- K sands now in use. Llv;iiroo\. m Y^v: fr»» by peat. m Y^v: h.. b pelt. Vc~. METALS"of every rto-cription purchasedfoi B. BABSARD & Išt BLOOD-FORMING TONIC.I ?Mlv y- SCTENTrFIO OB.GANTO SPECIFIC. and Recommended by the Medical Profession. I .~KT> for: Aneemia., Chlorosis, Poorness ■ of Blood, General Debility (either con- II ■ mm stitutloual or the effect of severe illness), ■ OES of Appetite, Nervous Disorders, &.9. Md hy Fbi1-Ewi-a11 Chemists, 1/9 (50 Pills;, 2/9 I10U r r l01'*H with every bottle. Manufactured by E;Vv" 6 °56 A CO., Pharmaceutical Chemists, COLOOS B. n^1'! p,,s. genuine unless bearing this Tra/le Hark (rcyd.) *»k. LX"iarti to the Brituh Wholesale I>ep6t(37. Wal- Do^, B.C.) for 1»F.?CRII*TIVK PAMI'IU.BT. wir h UPII^IBN of Medic:il Moil in.minl- fee.. 1HI-T I'r. r^ARKsED WOMAN 1?JS apply to NtTRSTi GABRIEL for ILLUSTKATED to AVT/ \vn.s. two penny stamps ^QLO-FREKCK EuKEES .0.. l4i[ooorf„ 5a. KEWTOK S H. W iT. PICCADII^Y, '-roved oj iui; i> I&ANCUESTSR. BEST FAMILY MEDICINE; P^^TY-SEVKN- YEARS' REPUTATION. IK J ^^AJUbJkJUkBM| H ITVWj 13 i I ^"JKELY VEGETABLE H m^U I ■ FOR ALL LIVER AND BILIOUS 0 REMEDY FOR FEVER & ^JS*. ENSURE SLEEP. ABSOLUTELY NO OF COLD SO COMMON WITH MERCURY AND ftllK FFICACIOUa in ALL CLIMATES. toMLTRIAL SUFFICES TO COHVIIICE. »,QHlSn J.?h_emist8 and Medicine Vendor* in Boxes, lS^d. and J/9. A. „?,OWDERS. 134d. per Box; OINTMENT, lSJd. and Vt BRrrrJ?510'e8ale Houses, or from Messrs. M0RI80N A CO., tJt*.OOLLEQK OF HEALTH, 83, Euston Bd., London. S5L7*«*. ?e are aI*o prepared with • Pearl (bating which rtndtrt but dor) not intetfere with their prompt action. RHEUMATISM CURED. IC, Brunswick F U, London,"W.C,has been thoroughly "Si llheuinatism afror muc h suffering, will gladly send V ^iculars to any aultoer on receipt of application to her. BEST F^TSITD.—Mde. LILLY'S ]W;;ndj.i-tu!, luwmU'ss Fi'SIALE 3CIXTUT.S, positiveand K3-«;?,stPr all irregular.11 11, ■M.y.tih-. sy.-ti m. >sver iafl- d^?CAOUSremedykiiov/.s. TostimoniaKstainj«oaenvelope. cf?•' Scr^n'>r■10 It. LILLY, This well-known remedy, tor bears 011 ti^stem^^e^ame of tOd. UCeg a LOVELY CO:MPLEXION. au,} cures Spots, ^PTURF=SfiPORTA»T" NEW iSSSTlE ^»kjLW,'« •' SIMMONS' I'ATKSI l'XKUAlAflO TKL -Si'.S." £ j:°nauItation frtc. F.T.Simmons.jJ.Ui'Ulijn PI.,l.piiil.m.W. y0tTGLAS, HUNGERFORD.& WILLIAMS. *6lv,2. PROMTS PAID DURING 1895. yi> «7- ^er cent-: I'eb. 1, JC6; March 1, £ 5; April 1, £ 8; Tot„, /!rle -< £ 10 July 1, £ 9; Aug. 1, £ 9; Sept. 2, £ 8: kl tor ioJct" !• £ 8 .Nov. 1. £ 7 Dec 2, £ 7. ^92 per cent., an average of nearly fea Per Ceat- PER MONTH. t«b ? ?A1D DURING 1896. *z9, ^er cent. Apr. 1 £ 6 per cent. w «?»J fl » May 1 •• •• £ 0 '• » »» »> June 1 £ 5 „ &b]t* ,^EW ILLUSTRATED MANUAL, <T^Up,i^lTTTriTxmrt'f'nHS, sljowintf low these profits may be • J'l'oii),^ SPECULATION. Uiieqyes for profits W^iiv. °U2ii^ i?\ ot each month, and for Withdrawals of DnTr^HdITTJ; ,c^ eacli month. Trial investments of £ 5 UQT A e mailt*. \Ve have not a dissatisfied Client. HUNGERFORD, & WILLIAMS, 1 ^opthall Avenue, London, E.C., and ——Place de la Bourse, Paris. TRE PERFECTION Tstv J8YsTEM OF INVESTMENT sSi„6 Onlv J Registered and. Protected) by which an income is regularly ana Ca-^u "Without risk oi failure. *6^ Carr+ secures a Weekly Profit of £ 2 to £ 3, to<fv.t>ro secures a Weekly Profit of £ 20 to £ 30, r5' i^e r"les being so founded upon caution and ihov Possivioss tl)at success is ussured. This system i3 the K,e aPPi-oach to infalUbility. rttotik. to clients in all parts. 2*J> Paill -S™K^"TS of £ 5 or ilO MAY BE MADE. ^eri" -.loii'1.v. Capital wirluu-awable at ten jr^Dtof- Particulars will be !<ent FEES OF CHARGE Ti^jli-ess. Semi at or,c.e to ttENRY MILLER, 14, Holborn, I —- LONDON, E.C. ^auSfN,K-SwUzerlan.1,<>T!' 1.i' V\T!U>PE. h Sjt|iati«!i <»•! tli^ 1.1 ■ view of the ^.itt. Ell-I'tri :i "-ion rates. fSi*.fiEST FOR SALADS, &C.. &.C. >»s Y AND ftUALlTY G UAK.AjN'XJSL.Ii 0V^SK your GROCER FOR IT. flftY r ft 2-0 Y v A as SOCfTK-WAKK, LONDON. 8SP CONSERVATOIRE of MUSIC ^O^/NLR^TION of PROFESSOR Dr. FFTANZ WULLNEBT the MUSICAL CHAPEL of COLOGNE *he0rvato1^ consists of an Instrumental, a Smging and c]!V ^-W^nd Opera School; also of a Seminary for I4 Possesses Preparatory Classes.for Piano, «^?niH'is^d 8°lo-Siusins, playing from spore, Italian Dp- Esthetics of Music, andadnuts Pupils to ^tSi.0' 0o??^VOl'ohPstral-Rehearsals) andCla^ses for Harp; Ons&bass, and Wind Instruments if desired. 40 to- te? %li ViU totpte,mber 16th, at 9 a.m., the Examination for Ad- O^oi^torv fLPlaee. The fee for one principal branch and tWfiW bra £ s?°ondary branches is M30(f( £ 15 per ann.; if the if the Ujoj 7i>iary ^n,eluded, M450 £ 22 10s.) per ann. For joining IV^r >-th^olara pay, once and for all, M50( £ 2 lOs.5. ^«Lv,-r)jali £ itrtlc'JarV, school-regulations, &o„ apply by 3) SECRETARIAT OF THE Conservatoire 1896- XHEJ^OMM^TEK^ ^^SS?0^S~imTR0FlT. This ^ves full details of a Systemby winch any- Sri^^braii] s may mth money. Post free lid. (or by ^-j-SAZEi; & SON, 4, Adelaide St.. London, W.& SANS ORADrE, sins GENE." Jk THE BANTAM. SAFE, SPEEDY, COMPACT, UGHT. DURABLE, UPRIGHT fflTOFX^ POSITION. NO STEP NEEDED. Highly recommended by FitLd. mmMQ^ List Post Free. CRYPTO WORKS CO., LIMITED, Y|jrT^^ »»i oixrirnn^ell Road, London. H.O. TO LADIES. of v' celebrated Dr. Foster ohati?01, 15 v^Ta' 'la8 remedy which was discovered „ irre^fi^ 18 guaranteed to remove the j^bIible68 01 ob8truotion 18 boura. ^a8^t Pofft^PP^als oan be had on application. The under coyer at 4s. 9d. Addres»—■ Fnlham, London. S.W. »^f^&;i>ALACE HOTEL, Birkdale ^*553*7^ TnjJffS. 8easide resort in own grounds. II baths. Birkdale Palaoe Station 'UIAR^ XT°r"tyar- :'J-UREAU DE CHANGE X ^trand, London, W.C., it VrM-A'n,V'nev description of Stoclcs and Shares and ^OvS f-^VB -Marl.it r.atfS. 5 J^jjycent. ooVg^ TS opened in Stocks and Shares at approved Stocks and Shares at Notio,. allowed on Deposits, subject to maxa^EB. hS?21BIEND.—Mde. LILLY'S mXTUM, p^ittreand ie8 of the fem&ie system* Never faQ* o-TT-n fit,ampedenvelope. i I SEAL BOON TO LADIES, tho«e wh<>Wiah 10 knoxf T. A "HTT? Q *4 » *i- o^rtairi, and remedy JLiilX-'XHi IJ T' b'' r obstruction*, -»• » "P\TX^ O t'U "■•i^hnndar the TOOK tryin« t'.if i.uftUknce« ftndlnthemoitiiifficuli ro "d LADIES OHRTIHATB CA8S8 O NBVEB JAILS TO ATFOKD L O ra nuu. LADIES ]'0 c.u.J J* a J'DW aovaa. LAD rg s K* ra.-i fcopjifw, fallors Is simply T A T~4TTPQ i V M Xr«. Snow.of Denmark JLi^xJ.XXJ O •«,. r-\ Ilni. C*>aberweU, writes: A -a\THO -R? year kettmwl m» LADllLO tr»xj6'v g.a«i misery wej OTfti- wit/iln *wani* f^'ir aith->Bi;b 1o> o^or T.AT^TT7Q J. ih~: (r i:»oQ' iw I b«en daily tftVicj AJJL4.-Ix XJ..i O rns\ a »•'? oUier i* ^ato. H-alf x 4 T\T*l^ O S t! 4 ')M<4Hbi\^iy T9U sent pro^»deffe^ve, JuA-LU-i2j •» m, JDt"IIL" JOY ajid larpnoe.* I'" fu it '1> ¡,nte" I. en..led wIb f JA\ i_)x h. O ,U1 ar\d trttAjrine, ^'h»«ro T r r-« r-i fM i-'Cxpxt'WM* *8 on* hofctJe at 4* ftd. I ] Is f'.Si A} •■apu U. W.) u ruualiy L4a-~X 1 K-i rs^ r 0 U parVI'-aiara wtil t>« gmdly £ *r- OX Fii w-« .^v to **y <w» leee^l oi — -> ri"< r> 10 r<jvc,i*^ LAI*u'jo TO T<8 ¡trtyl>ta!r Ie- LADIES TO «"■»•»•••. L'\J>fE8 J- 'J i«». IIOOIWJH I6iD, ( TO U}»OOM. 6.W. L, A :J ¡ ». ESPLANADE HOTEL, PORTHCAWL, fec- tug Sea. 100 rooms, Eleetrio Light. moderate terms,good water &dra.inagoe. Mean temperature same as Bournemouth but climate peculiarly invigorating. Dry sandy soil, southern aspect, safe bathintr. Sea fishing, extensive Downs, splendid golf links full course; furnished & unfurnished houses. Apply Manageress. fXARDEN SEATS AND CHAIRS of Man-o'-War" Teakwood. Send for particulars to H. Castle & Sons (Ltd.), Ship Breakers, Millbank, London, S.W. (Manufacturers of Garden Seats by appointment to Her Maj esty) tf tP LADIES ^DISPENSABLE TO LADIES! SSlS Asafo and reliable remedyfor all obstructions and irregu- larities, a medicine which cures (usually in a few hours) cases which have baftled the skill of the best medical men. No lady need despair as the most obstinate & hopeless cases han been immediately relieved by this remedy. Mrs. Wilson, of Honor Oak Park, Forest Hill, says: "Your lnvaluabls remedy took immediate effect; In less than 12 hourQ I was all right, after 14 weeks of misery and hopeless- ness." A properly certified guarantee is enclosed with ai I ten ti* monials and medicine. One package at 4s. Sd. i-i usually lJufficient for any case. Ladies send at once fully dhectcù en- velope for particulars and proofs. I win forfeit £ 1000 for every testimonial that is not genuine. TbouanclR of testimonials have been received. E8taWi"he,1 over 100 years. Do not h" mi-Mcd bJ showy adve.rtiseme2.it8 anù other Ho'c¿¡,;¡e(11'('H\(',i\34 whi::h are utterly worthies' Write privately, at. once, to — jfvi yy >5. JVX >;E S'KASSC, U2D-SAL HACKiiSY iOi;posi!.o ShomdUch Church:, icnsias, J4.3. JUN OCT CLE S veSY ISir. RACING, Touring, 'w;1lsa ESrvSif4ia?'iSa LADIKS', YOUTHS' ,Y /T,1 j..1 V felfjTl [¥] MIX-ITARY, ANI> iljl'Mlif.l jga*—lMMJ k 1*1 Othbb SAFLTUSS. i EASY TERMS FROM B 10'- MONTHLY. M>'0br%W/ I LARGE DISCOUNT. 7^ ff' fl CARRIAGE PAID. a Sand at once, for New v3.lll'3vLvvV-^I'2;I Season's Large Illustra- \.UST^7 POST | ted JUNO List ojt^Ma- yS^IWlB'iYS^yiW-T-yr'ry JJJ -Jt 1 rifl Sundries. Sent post free. tinfrli ™ V\triCLJ.lliW■ MIW" iBviffiiiaMI Machines Exchanged. METROPOLITAN MACHINISTS' CO. JuTD. "MSTBOPOLITAIT" Sewing Machines. 5'-Monthly, tinufor Utt. 78 & 76, Ijiahq^Bgate Street Without. London. E.C. Mciniuii ilua Paper. ^YCLIMC1 P (-1A.DINC IbbUS- m -TRATiD tV?WN« PAPi_Rn ^Mffgs Mj vim ram Vn ^is^rVCtY wnkdayI TH fl OTO £ tT For ,cJucl"" Stoutness Ml WARD'S FUCUS VB3I- 'JSJ U I UU I CULOSUS TILLS. H*ral«uudrlMuatUUk«.S^a Obtainabl. oalj from LONG, Chemi«t,S«. at.MFOM Hxfcfc. "RALEiGHS" UNEQUALLED -S, _3& ^DESIGN, FiN!SH,K3RKKAKSHIP All EALETGH Cycli.nrs huijr u;iiler BAS^KTT& mTiTls! UMt'U1'' e.'iitly'liianal n '• fT^r f.rni <iiief <k*hit:tu*r, rosp'J iv^Iy,. tlie *v\ Bi'us-ton. Huinber \V.>rk-. 'lit j-a^t w>rk fitturt», :»n<l neither ••!»»•»n r *•*[. nsc have been fcpareil to place oh mi uf' f rir.iV 1KB RALEIGH CYCLE CO., LTD., allAM. 0 1890, INDUSTRIALKHIBITION in the Municipal Pa.rk at Treptow on the Upper Spree. UNDER TUB FATBOHAS1 OT E.B.H. PB.INCE FREDERIC LEOPOI/D OF PRtTS8XJL BARON VON BEBLEFSCH. Pn&Ni. Minuter of Commerce and Industry, Honorary President. MAY 1st TO OCTOBER 15th, 1896. Open daily until towards Midnight. THIS EXHIBITION is of larger dimensions than any Inter- national ExhibitiC?n,lrillierto held in Europe. It covers an area of moft than a million square yards, the principal exhibition building occupying a space of oyer 65,000 square yards. The ExhIbItion IS divided int6 8ecton for 1lshirig, sport, alimen- tary products, sanitary and hygienic arrangements, education, chemistry, RCIentí1ic instruments, and photography. There it &180 a department for a.øt1"Onomy, with a gumt teleeoope. A larIre hall is Bet mrt for building- and engúi. THE EXHIBITION presents a Complete Picture oi the Indue try and Art ot the Oermatt Capital, and oamgriw 88 groups, representing all branches of trade. THSS1 ASS ALIO COHSSCTSS WITH IV 1. The GKRltKAK FISHERIES EXHIBITION. Pant. HATI>SLD'TBACM>SIM A.Pre8ldent Huwio, Hon.Preaidentt. 2. The GERMAN COLONIAL EXHIBITION. Organized with the Cooperation of the Imperial Government. rami von AMHIIIS and Da. KAYIBB, head of the Colonial Depart. ment of the German foreign Office, Honorary Presidents. 3. The magaifleent and highly attractive ditplayi OLD BERLIN, a living picture of the History and Development of the Capital. Special Exhibition: "CAIRO." TBSATBB. CONCERTS. IISSTAOBAHT*. In the PLEASURE PARK the most Varied Attractions. THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY'S GARDENS, JL Regent's-park, are OPEN" dailyfexoept Sundays), from 9 a.m. till sunset. Admission, Is.; on Mondays, 6d. Children always 6d. FEEDING TIMES OF THE ANIMALS PELICANS 2.30 pm. LIONS AND TIGERS 4.0 p.m. OTTERS 3.0_p.m. SEA-LIONS 4.30 p.m. EAGLES (except Divrsro BIBDS IN 112.0 p.m. edn 8,30 .m. LADY £ GENTLEMEN CANVASSERS WANTED, in all districts. AS AGENTS for a patent article required in ereiy home, selling atl/Bca.h. Send 2/- postal order for Sample carriage free, with instructions) to THE BOURNE MANUFAC1 UK1NG CO«# 55, CHASCKKY LAx., LQWDON, W.C. YOUNG MEN ■offering from Nervous Exhaustion, General Debility, Ac., 4ue to youthful ignorance, should send for new Treatment, free. ST. LOUIS MEDICINE CO., 42. Gray's Inn Road, London. ysga W&0BLEVS' JK/WF FRRRI'T> TO PK-T :rn:<. w wooo'care REPASK11D F4-i-i. f&l TV«a JSf DUIUNO SEASON 1S3o, DSHA8ED FROM SSY A JSC. THE HYDE IMPERIAL BliBBiR CO.. Li! WOOi-lE* THE HYDE IMPERIAL BliBBiR CO.. Li! WOOi-lE* #'CINDERELLA' BOOTS k SHOES For LADIES' & Cnn.durn'S WKAK, Of all leadiuK retailers. AU genuine, stamped" CiNDKhBMiA- MA N U FACTO It Y, WORCESTEK. Name of nearest Apen t sent on receipt A BT'Rr"EN GRANITE MOIUJI' iCNTS, -fV £ 5..win# IMKi.i. insoript, _>• i'i.ilia »V jJ- h, {H-'U-i' > I, i \] v|i,!arit.i'b, Obstructions, 1 U •• ■»,> „i, AuflOLUTKLT CK,;r; vj rrHOV't M EDj CJ N K I'llla, Ali*- lil* .1 .i. ,r-. t- f.'rt'irr*/ t"»< •111^r MetllCtll sv„, ,iii,Ij.»• fn pari.ii-iiUr».THunnionial8,&o., •lMks W Mii/Ii Jlolhom. l-ondou, W.O. CAST-OPF CLOTHES, UNIFORMS, ARTI- Vy ficial Teeth, Antiques, Jewellery, &o. Full value given for the above. P.O. per return for parcels and boxes sent. Ladies waited upon. Bankers, London & County. M!. & MM. GQ-RrtQN TTAwT?TTTfir 168. Great Portland Street, London. WEYMOUTH. ROY AL MARINE ▼ T FAMILY HOTEL.. Pacing Alexandra Gardens and Sea, close to the pier; and adjoining the departure stasre of Jersey and (^iiini,' Also CJOLDKN LION HOTEL tor Gentlemen, centrally tuate;1. Apply for Switzerland.. BillMASGQ Canton Tessin. HOTEL DU GLACIER. Open from MAY till OCTOBER.. BAIj^ProEngtM. fr'1£ TEA 0' THE TIMS \œ n          -1"\ ^Ask your Grocer for it. From 1/4 to 8/4 per lb. wm«S"-mni>OO viiuv raA CO, 7 fll 8, Idol Lane, LONDON, K.O. 7 fll 8, Idol Lane, LONDON, B.O. atT-RTT? LONDON BUILT CAItlUA«ES I riU XS.X Best Styk,s. New and Poeond Hand. Nile iillU or Hire. i^JL^^fLTDA 311, OXFORD STREET, LoNpgNjJW;—, FURNITURE,-INCREA SE Your INCOME l! bv buying from & recommending to J:oufriens a mill.          A BREAT SAOIFICE.- Re Silver t Kated S oons and Forks, King George n. rmgn, oz: LID SILV1I:& A Lady m sad need^oi! » viz.:12 eaoh Service for Sale, by ™V„H Pork3 and Tea Spoons (5 dozea Table and Dessert Spoons and 1+eed silver on pure white pieces), very highest quality,Bach piece bears quahty NiotoelSilver; will wear for 25 years,^aon^ £ l3 iBs.; wifl mark (" A1"), c3rown, &c. Makers 14 P., on approval Scept £ 2 7s. 6d., carriage Pfdo^ £ t ih8 SILVEB has before payment n noble nresent. Letters only. never txsen usei Would make a noble^resen^^ -MB3. LA^QTBY^yjceforagfc 44 \TONOPOL." THE NEW GARDEN -ItJLENGINE. ForGreenhouse^ Vineries, ConseiJ^ ^eau^ Fruit Trees, Bushes, Shrubs, Floww Beds, &c^ jn various tif ul continuous spray in a m»st effective ma BjACiNxOSH sizes, price from 22,6. Send for price list. and CO., WOOL EXCHANGE, COLKMAN STRI.ET, Lo_ |-f T„vn, S.E. ENGLISH-THE BEST! BENSON'S ISMS WATCHES. Guaranteed for Accuracy, Durability, Strength, and Value. Thousands of Testimonials have been received. BENSON'S i BENSON'S English Lever Keyless English Lever "LODGATE" WATCH "BANK" WATCH. In Silver Cases- ^In^l^ct. X) R I 1% i\ 4 /%S6S< A Silver Cases. /uliMMk Silver Cases OLD W -,TCHES AND Selections JEWEL- LERY ill TAKEN IN Watches or EX- Je- c .,at felle IIANGE. sent .free on All Goods receIpt of Not reference. t Approved will bc Ex- Cheapest, Strongest and most Durable London A good Knockabout Watch for roigh wear at a made THREE-QUARTER PLATE ever sold. low price. Best. London made, ThreeQuarter Plate An English Lever, Jewelled with 13 Rabies, Chrono- English Lever, Larce, Chronometer Baance, Jewelled meter Balance, Patent Lar^e Barr el, and Damp and 111 ^ut)ies, Strong Keyless Action. Dust Proof Ring Band. Price LB 5s. An Exact Timekeeper, and better -alue than any Keeps better time than, and is double the Strength Keyless Watch sold for JS10. and Value of. any £ 5 5s Watch made. In Sterling price £ 5 in Extra Strength. SterlinrSilver, Crystal Silver Cases, with Strong Crystal Glass. ninsa Pn=r>s 3 Made in Four Sizes at one Price, £ 5 5s.No. 1. x nnnrnirm o • Gentlemen & Youths No. 2, Working Men; No. 3. RENSON S ENGAGEMENT RlJGS, in Half- Railway Men and Miners (as illustrated); No. 4, Ladies. Hoop. Marquise, Gipsey and another designs, In massive 18-et. Gold Cases, with Crystal Glass, set with Brilliants. Rubies, Emerald, Pearls, Sap- Gentlemen's size, Z12 12s. Lady's size. £ 10 10s. phires, Opals, Turquoise, &c., &c., or inPlain gold. a ALL WATCHES AND JEWELLERY sent post free, and at my risk, to all parts )f the World on receipt of Draft, Cash, or P.O.O., payable at G.P O. CEND FOR BENSON'S BOOK of WATCHES from £ 2 23. to £ 500. CLOClS, CHAINS, ENGAGEMENT RINGS, BROOCHES. PLATE.$e.. &o. Sent nost free on application to JW PPMCAM WATCHMAKER and JEWE'LER TO • MJL • » X>Juil t9l/IN, H.M. THE QUEEN and R0Y& FAMILY. Steam Factory: 62 So 64, IL<XJI3Gr^5.TE HILL And 28, ROYAL EXHANGE, E.C., and 25, OLD BOND STREET, W. LONDON. WATCH, &c., CLUBS.-Applications for agencies invited. Easy system, no rSk. BLINDS BLINDS BLINDS VENETIAN WINDOW BLINDS. MADE ALL COMPLETE, ANY COLOUR, 4d. and 5d. per ft. WARRANTED. SUN, WIRE, CANE, SPRING, & OTHER ROLLEt BLINDS. Before ordering elsewhere send for Samples and Estimates, Free of Chrge, to IT o PAYi\l E & CO., Office: 114, QUEEN'S ROAD, PECKHAM, LONOON, S. E. N.B.—SPECIAL PRICES TO THE TRADE AND BUILDERS. Old Blinds Re-painted Taped and corded equal to new, 2Jd. &- 3d. per foot. Shop Sun Blinds fixed complete. Send for Estimfes Free of Charge. I ESTABLISHED 30 YEARS., BANKERS E. & S. WBAKK.


[No title]



[No title]
