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NEWTOWN. tot PSALM OF LIFE."—The Newtown c0'lL nat th0 the choir which is to perform this caa a T)jcndid Crystal Palace to-day (Saturday), ga*Jnegday rendering of it at the Victoria Hall on g. evening, under the able conductorship 0 3luS- Thomas, in the absence of Mr David J< n 's gu9" Doc. The second part of the aod tained by Miss Mvfanwv Jones, Miss a]' j'gOnJ0 Mr D. H. Phillips, whilst the choir rendei Welsh Airs in a most commendable manne njed C. S. Keedwell and Mrs Kershaw ably accc on the pianoforte and harmonium. meelio$ CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY.—The quarter R £ IAY of the above was held at the Stores A evening, Mr Spence (president) in the e of dividend of 3s in the £ was declared, a Oi- Tj,0 £ 3 17s being carried to the Reserve -1 joying number of members at present is Th0 withdrawn during the quarter and 6 butchery department shows a large (^ ^isco0' some members spoke strongly in favoui to tinuing the branch, but it was ultimately < n re9d give it another trial. The balance sheet Th0 and after considerable discussion, P^ycrh, retiring members were Messrs Edward j;. J. Lewis, T. L. Jones, W. Hinchcliffe a] Ire, Goodwin; Messrs Gough and Goodwin \V- elected, and Messrs T. Powell, Murray> w'o1. Trow elected to fill the other vacancies. 1 Jenkins was re-elected auditor. =tni°t05 SUCCESS OF A LOCAL SnoT.—SERGI.-f" ,lfld Wallingford, of the Hythe School of Mas e son of Sergt Wallingford, of Newtown, has a series of successes as a shot during the ^gVetH' weeks. On Tuesday, 23rd June, at fc"e sc0r j ment Ranges, Milton, open to all comers, a0a 91 in seven shots at 200, 500. and 600 ^rii secured 2nd prize also the 4th prize at ^e scoring 30, and 1st with the Stanhope feci shots at 200, 500 and 600. For the ]uShe^0°^o» gate in the three above competitions, he n.^j0 ft- the Gregory jewel, scoring 70 out of a.PoSftk JoW' At Browndown also in the week ending -zes^ Sergt.-Inst. Wallingford secured three cup, barometer, and £ 12 in money. At on Monday and Tuesday last, his 'perf Orly) alce io such that wins for him the coveted PosltioIJ-nir OP the best shot in the Army for 1896, boa r gC()rjii^ Lamb, a distinguished Lancashire shot, y an aggregate of 569 points for the two Lamb being second with 564, thereby w_inl giti0,J gold jewel and first money prize. ThlS gives him first place in the Army team to ^jgle; for the United Service Challenge next week, and he also wins the N- pyjnce0 medal which entitles him to shoot for the Wales' prize at the approaching BisleV mee COUNTY COUNCIL 0 licit A committee of the Montgomery County sat at the Police Court, Newtown, on ^at -tjeS inquire into certain alleged irreauja cill0 £ connection with the election of Parish q^. for the parish of Tregynon, on March John Jones presided, and the otherT'talc^r present were Messrs K. E. Jones, Cefn BrVn Jv- Jones, Pertheirin, R. Lloyd, W. Theodora, 0fice Morgan, Bahaillon, with Mr Powell, from 1 fj-ofl1 of Mr Ci. D. Harrison, and Mr Cecil Tay the office of Mr R. Williams, returning officer* attendance of the public, which was unial eg, A' Rev. D. B. Edmunds, Messrs J. Hatner bevV'J D. Jones, clerk to the Parish Council) '• Fraithwen, J. Corfield, Tynybryn, R- if'scb°°i Mill, R. Breeze, Church House, C. P. 2a ,j and R. Davies, Black House.—Mr PoVV the following memorial addressed Council:—" We hereby make applic lelf,lity an inquiry be made by you into the 9 {Or.t of the recent election of Parish Co.,n illor' oeti parish of Tregynon. First at the Parish set held March 9th, Richard Davies, Blac^ ft0 duly qualified parochial elector, was preveD j. 0o voting on the ground that his name was n°otlg,i^Z register. It appears that one paper, Division 2 of the register, which inc Se Davies's name, was omitted from the 0[ to the Assistant Overseer by the C -DO Peace, and in consequence of Mr te being prevented from voting, a cand1" elected by the casting vote of the ^hai1" would not otherwise have been elected. J at the meeting of the Parish Council, Mr B. H. Phillips was elected a CouncJ A majority of the Council to fill a vaca0 £ i* Jjd*9^ have been caused by the resignation 0 Thomas, but Edward Thomas, we signed the declaration accepting office. guC°^ we submit the highest on the poll of the fal candidates at the Parish Meeting, been selected, if willing to serve:—(Signet' Gittins (Hafod Talog), Edward Lewis (^^eg ( \>' R. Breeze (Church House), Evao -A Cappin), and Richard Davies^_(Blac^ "L^g, p —Rev. D. B. Edmunds, for the apP8|r 0tt he was at the Parish Meeting, and Mr- 5^ was in the chair. Mr. Richard DavieS 0 Te^0[ House, who was on division 2 of ,„ntio<ltb0 ter, came to the meeting with the of voting, but was prevented by the C nllofb Council (Mr. A. D. Jones). Fourteen D°. red papers were handed in. Two were dec valid—Jlr. William Gittins's and ^r'ja Phillips's—because of the omission of ^13. name of parish. Questions and withdi"3, c* any, were asked for, and Mr. J. Willia1"9^ tfif" didate, went up to the table intending draw, but on the names of the t> put, Mr. Williams's name was ca^e^*al (witness) said he understood Mr. Wi'1 jjg 1* withdrawn, and the Chairman said no, not. He (witness) said that was unforjj'1* t io he intended voting for him, but he ie$. p. now, as he had voted for seven Candida (J. of the candidates —-Mr Evan Jones and Hall—had an equal number of votes for t and last place. The Chairman said, casting vote to Mr Hall. He was sure jeg Scott Owen had voted before. Mr B- told before the meeting began that he allowed to vote, Mr Jones, the clerk of Council, having told him so. Mr DaYieS the meeting. Mr Richard Davies, .na, said he attended the Parish Meeting ept0r!<oii intention of voting. The Chairman, c^t0) e'' shook hands, afterwards remarking to h1 j- fc&V'' have no vote, have you ?" he said, I r$,igd and the Chairman said, That is a c#' Presently the Clerk of the Council cade ,g him to him, and said his (witness's) na^1?er bf.rfK on the register. He was shown thereg13 e C> Clerk, and division 2 was not there. was well aware that he had a vote.—The ^eSe^f You do not know exactly what the Clerk$9 but you may be able to convince us.—Co»* pre^/ Davies said his vote was allowed at tn o £ }oCe<^ Registration Court, and was on the vote The Clerk also told the Chairman that allowed, and the Chairman replied, g oV 0ji be allowed but those with their register. He happened to be the onl„ ff division 2 present. He (witness) voting in consequence of what the CI'a*tuet ,.r |—Some discussion ensued as to \v it- committee should deal with other a^ ] a0. larities not mentioned in the memory was ultimately decided to keep to th1o ^G Jj —Mr. Corfield drew attention to the four of the valid nomination PaPe^S(jisq'ja'o^ parish," the omission of which hd ar,dvVrlt p two others, had been filled in m different from that in the other colufn"^ ^rord Jones said the question was when 11 j, to filled in.—Mr Alfred Dolbey Jopes, cpSpofldeI'j,0 Parish Council, on behalf of the r 0f complained of want of courtesy on the P appellants in not having given them no the charges were that the preferred He denied having prevented Mr Davie and he wished that know n, asii a^eC ^r. R- much in the parish.—Questioned by and Mr Lloyd, witness said he Pu^ Tregynon on some of the papers berO g p!1 sent out, but he put nothing on the Pa" £ j0 go- night of the meeting, and he refused o ^e 0 did not put Tregvnou on the paper ■ gaid.d not time (laughter).—Witness, cont.in"lie copy of the register produced was ,^e oDe him by the Clerk of the Peace, and ^vell 0 at the Parish Meeting. He knew qul c0ll]d Mr Davies was an elector, but his name foc0d found on the register. On going ho"lG aa a page of the list was missing but i pavieS he had it from the Clerk of the l,eacC'1iotes >v°rVo1'" not told when the names of the condic to abstain from voting, but he 9^al 0 pd (laughter). In regard to the vui: ^gjrin^^id Williams, that gentleman went to th ™ said he wished to withdraw, and the -yVil he had better come to him (witness;. (^ jd' then said, I am going to withdraw • }j0 said, You had better re-consider i > a Williams said, Then I will notiwi tjjjfo went to his seat (laughter). 0 t-on the if cleared, and after a lengthy J ov'01' on being re-admitted, were inform o0e -ei man that the committee bad irreS'11^011 the matter they considered their °P 'ffr0 proved, and that they were such a fcj0o- vo^h made it expedient to order a fresh elec Parish Meeting would be held on ? neg if aemanded, on July 25.-Mr R- E- Jo«d a ge* from the award in so far as it ordered election of the whole Council. e, eiVi • i

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