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FORD EN RURAL DISTRICT COXj^clh' WED N E8DAT.. J. Present Mr J. Davies (in the chair)- f'^eg, Sawer, Messrs W. Pritchard, D. Howclls. E- T. Owen, R, Jones (Churchstokc), and J. /g0X' with Messrs C. S. Pryce (clerk), W. P- .^0 > ,tor). veyor), and H. P. Pritchard (sanitary inSPe^ jjjs --Blr W. H. P. Pritchard reported that appointment six months ago he had 1slte 500 premises and m doing so had travelled up of 1,050 miles. 292 houses had been fou11' ^0\, satisfactory sanitary condition, whilst 208 'wel(j so 110 preliminary notices had been sent a'\oy0 cases laid before the Council. During theI beet' time eight cases of infectious disease had notified scarlet fever six, diphtheria'one, one but no death.—Referring to the qlieS l, ill the Berriew water supply, the Clerk stated 111 y consequence of Major Corbett-Windcr being from homo no meeting of the committee £ )1- to called. It was left with the clerk and call a meeting as early as possible- The C\ev\*$f a letter from Mr G. D. Harrison, clerk of the 0 qq4 Council, stating that the liability of the CIl: cow to repair the approaches to their bridges 'l tpe- sidered at a meeting of the County Council 0 the 19th inst. and he was instructed to call npof1 Company to undertake the maintenance ° ^ei approaches forthwith. He was further ii'S^^pcil to invite the co-operation of the District and to ask if in the event of legal proceeding coming necessary they would be willing tribute towards the cost in proportion to the e jfo8 of the approaches affected in their district; Cleik stated that the surveyor had him that they had only one bridge In iefS district, in which case the owners and occlt VOO were liable to maintain the approaches.^ ^0 decided to forward a reply to Mr Harrison t0 ^g,t effect.—A communication was received fi'oB1 the Town Clerk of Welshpool in reference to ø.ge nuisance at Castle Caereinion caused by the se for from the Rectory flowing into the water sopP the town, and which nuisance was within trict of the Forden Council. He was insti-nc. j^ request the abatement of the nuisance forth^ The Inspector stated that he had seen the 14 gged on the matter, and that gentleman ha'd his willingness, if the sewer was allowed t0 get away the refuse matter, to provide a drain t° the sewer.— On the motion of Mr E. HngJJW Council decided to abate the nuisance e within their own district.—A letter, adjourne the last meeting of the Council, was read ffJLiV E. Lloyd, Berriew, on behalf of the Parish \° iju# drawing attention to the state of the road 1 vgfO* from Brooks' to Glyn Llivior The ^fl.r tbf haying stated that the length of road witk'f jurisdiction of the Council was only yards, Mr W. Pritchard gave the followiw aaa", _0f motion Tb.,it tlhe Clerk- Surverf-l^ inspector be instructed to examine tfitf se r to parish maps and enclosure awards in order the ascertain what roads was repairable gfii owners and occupiers of the adjoining ]an^». ^0 what public rights to water there are (if any) area of the Council."—In consequence 0 rIJ0d> motion the above communication was as was also a letter from the Bausley Parish on the question of the repair of the bridle pa This concluded the business of the Council- FORDEN BOARD OF GUARDL^ WEDNESDAY. rit1 Colonel Twyford in the chair.—A letter 0 been received from Dr. Morgan, medical ofEc £ !r'tJ>0 to the ability of Mary Adams, as nurse & to House, the Board unanimously appointed that office, on the motion of Mr. E. R. JauieS-'O.ili Clerk read a notice from the Salop County C'° peti' of a meeting to be held at Worthen, at which 0f tions will be received as to the proposed divisi the civil parish. The notice, said the Clerl^^ii not state that it was proposed to affect any pOe to ,Ice of the Union, and so it would be of no conseqne^jjijje them whether the parish was divided or not-' the Clerk, amid laughter, read a resolution from ld Richmond Union, to the effect that provision s be made for the detention of persons who fested symptons of insanity, when they had small quantities of intoxicating drink at ^j-o^' intervals.—The Local Government Board consenting to the appointment of Drs. Atorp, dis- Waters, as Medical Officers for the respecting, to tricts of the Union.—The Chairman, refel"rl. ibe the drain at the House, to which Mr. Bivc^ Local Government Board Inspector, had attention, stated that on Monday in comPaU-i tb3 the Master, he inspected it, and foun jji' it was in a shameful condition, ^e' ge, jurions not only to the inmates of the ^°?re b0, to the inhabitants of the neighbourhood. gjjjO0 understood that it was a farm drain, bnt n^jjol0 discovered that it was the drain for tb<^ House. The sewerage was all drained int;0 foef0 ditch within 50 yards of the House, pr°' was an accumulation of black sludge.—On position of Mr E. R. James, the Visiting CoB was requested to inspect the place and reP(|ee p1^ a later stage of the proceedings the Commi ejjd^ sented their report in which they reconi ^$0 that the ditch should be cleaned out as so0tl -pjtt60 hay was cleared off the field. The 0ol<J ^5 would then visit it again and see what done. — Statistics: Out-relief during the Montgomery district, per Mr. R, Tomlev, j fo? 71 recipients; Welshpool district, Per tune, £ 12 2s. to 76 persons Worthen ^'s-rragr&V Mr. J. Oliver, £ 13 Is. to 81 paupers. relieved, 144; number in the House, 85.


. , WHITTINGTON- oo0.< £