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ABERYSTWYTH. Our representative m Aberystwyth is Mr. J. DENLEY SPENCER, G2 High Street, to whom uorice should be given of all events required to be reported in the COUNTY Ton:s. THE ROBBERY OF A CASH BOX. PBISONER STARTS HORS; DEALIKG- AND A TINKER HAS TO SUFFER. At the Aberystwyth Police Court on Monday morning, before his Worship the Mayor (Councillor T. Griffiths) and Councillor E. P. Wynne, William Sadier, an elderly man, with a list of previous con- vict.ons standing againot his n'1m", was brought uo in custody charged with -stealing a cash box con- fcaining something like £ 22 in gold and silver and a cheque, together with papers of value from the shop of Councillor 11. Doughton, Great Darkgatn street, on May 5th, the day the Militia left the town f"r South Hook.—Mrs Sarah Owen. a lodging- house keeper in Trefechan, gave evidence as to the defendant sleeping at her house on the night previous to the day of the robbery.—Robert Doughton, owner of the shop, said that on the 5th May he went away from home with the early train but before going he had occasion to take money from the cash box and he could swear that he left in the box gold and silver amounting to between £ 12 and £ 20. in addition to a cheque for £ 6 10s trade parable to him, an T O U. for 12s, papers beicnging to a pensioner, a bunch of keys and a dog license. He returned home oil the following Friday but the box was not there and he then gave information to the p,,Iice.-Prisc)tjpr Did you see me near the shop ?—The Chief Constable He doesn't say so.-itobert, Thomas Doughton, son of the last witness, said that he missed the cash box about 12.30 on the- morning of his father's departure. He counted the money in tlw hox on the previous night, and there was then, including the cheque, from ;E43 to C44. He did not see the accused in the vicinity of the shop that morning.- Edwin Peters, of .51, Great Darkgafe street, said that on the 5th May he saw a man resembling the prisoner coming out of Mr. Doughton's shop with a square parcel under his arir, wrapped up in a coloured handkerchief, similar to the one now pro- duced. He recognised the prisoner, from amongst other men at the police-station, as the one he saw on the 5th May. Prisoner: Can you describe the clothes the man wore? No. --Prisoner: If yon can describe a handkerchief von ought to describe a man's clothes. .Mary Morris-, grocer, deposed that she remembered seeing a man like the prisoner coming out of the shop with a square parcel under his arm. She identified the man from amongst a number of other prisoners.—The Chief Constable: Any question to ask ?—Prisoner No. She has been well catechised. They are all tarred with the same old stick. Somebody has been put- ting it on to them. I don't have a chance at al1. Charles Pickering, 19, Skinner's street, a member of the Cardiganshire Royal Artillery said he was with the regiment at South Hook, and on 29th May he was going to the post office at Hi!ford for letters. When near to the post office he met two men, one of whom was the prisoner. They were talking about a horse bought for C5 of which 10s was to be spent in beer. The prisoner was the man who sold the horse, but witness did not see any horse about. Prisoner We had three borses.J-One of L -i them called to him and said I have no change but it iF not too late for the bank, perhaps this young man will change it for us." They offered him 10s to change a cheque for them. The prisoner had the cheque and gave it to the tinker and the latter handed it to witness. Prisoner asked him if he belonged to Aberystwyth.- [Prisoner: I migh1, have been blind and could not see.He found the cheque was drawn out to Mr DoughtOD for £ 6 10s and bore on it National and Provincial Bank." He handed the cheque back to the tinker and this man tried to change it but failed. He waited till the men went out of sight and he then reported them at the po, ice station. The regiment came home on Friday last, and on the following day witness was going into the Lisburne Arms, and the prisoner followed him into a room. Witness said, Have I not seen you before ? Prisoner replied, Very likely, I have been down at your camp at Milford." Witness was now in private clothes. Prisoner said that he knew the postman of the Cardiganshire Artillery, who had run his chum in quod at Milford; but be didn't know for what. Witness then in- formed the police, but when they came to the Lisburne Arms the man had gone, but they found him at the Western Arms. The tinker was arrested at South Hook.—Prisoner said the witness had beet well coached like the rest.—P.S. Davies gave evidence as to arresting the prisoner, and whilst he was searching the prisoner's clothes, the latter said its no use for you to search you cannot find .the b- cheque." Witness asked him what he meant by cheque, and the prisoner replied, I know all about it; you arM looking for a cheque for JE6 10s -[Prisoner: What a b-- lie.]—which I tore up because I could not change." [Prisoner: Oh C-]-Witness asked him where he tried to change it, and he s-,id Haverfordwest, Milford Haven, Pembroke, and Tenby, and it was of no use to him because he could not change it. Prisoner I told you in the cell that I would give you no information whatever. I told you that a dozen times, and the superintendent can tell you so.—P.S. Davies: Yes; you said that when the Inspector came there but you told me the other thing before be came in.-Prisoner: You don't want to hang a dog because be has got a bad name. Give him the benefit of the doubt. I am not guilty. There is not sufficient evidence to send me for trial. —The Mayor: You are committed to the Quarter Sessions in July. TOWN COUNCIL.—TUESDAY. Councillor T. Griffiths (mayor) presided, and there were also present Aldermen D. Roberts, W. H. Palmer, and Peter Jones, Councillors Dr Harries, C. M. Williams', J. Watkin, W. Thomas, Isaac Hopkins, D. C. Roberts, R. Peake, R. Doughton, E. P. Wynne, John Jenkins, R. J. Jones, with Mr A. J. Hughes (clerk), and Messrs H. L. Evans and Rees Jones. THE QUESTION OF FIREWORKS. Alderman Peter Jones said that at the last meet- ing he moved a resolution which was carried that it was undesirable to have any fireworks cn the evening of the royal visit, but he did not see it recorded in the minutes of the Council meeting.— The Town Clerk said he understood it was merely a recommendation.—Councillor R. J. Jones said it was brought forward when the Council broke up and when he and others had left the room.—After some discussion it was decided to add this resolu- tion to the minutes. CARRIAGE STANDS. The Chief Constable (Mr Howell Evans) wrote asking the Council to indicate! a spot at which carnages and other vehicles could be located on the 26th.-On the proposition of Councillor Thomas the matter was referred to the Public Works Com- mittee with authority to act. A I MOIL R2NT. to the rno read fr.0m Mr Hugh Hughes, clerk pay the :P7mnSi' stit*no that the Board would not Chambering for the U3e the Council -The Council de"ded to to the Workhouse. Board. ,reed to accept the decision of the w, THE PUMP ARMY. street, suggesting that°S ^7 J/ Williams' Bridg° of the myriads of people the Want3 the. 26th inst. 3poia^° 7™}d °» should be run up alongside th* fountains (laughter)—so that the thirstv ° Posts— drink at leisure. Councillor Jone™ If Come, and these myriads it will be necessary 'to exTend ^1° reservoir and have new ™ains.-cSnciUorThomase Does he say myriads (yes).-Dr Harries lT?W the pnmp army or Mr Williams's ownau»w»ti s (laughter).—Councillor Roberts proposed that iTl™ referred to the Public Works Committee.-Agreed TRAFFIC ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE 26TH. The Town Clerk asked that an advertisement should be inserted in the local papers statinthe traffic arrangements for the 26th inst. This would be of advantage to persons residing at a distance. He also sta 'ed it would be desirable that the Mayor should declare that cay a general holiday in the town as there were, he believed, certain classes who would not have this holiday unless the Mayor pressed for it.-Both slggestions were adopted by the Council and the advertisement will be found in our columns. THE LIGHTING OF THE TERRACE. Councillor D. C. Roberts said that he had to apologise for not having called a meeting of the Public Lights Committee to consider the question of increasing the number of electric lamps now lit on the Terrace, and asked that the Council would instruct the Surveyor to make arrangements for the lighting of all the lamps commencing next Wednesday until the following Wednesday. The cost would be stigit and the company was quite prepared to meet them in the matter.—Agreed to. GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE. Alderman Palmer presented the report of this committee which was as follows :-The leport of Mr Hugh Jones upon his inspection of the boats was read, and your committee recommended that no licenses be granted to boats requiring repairs until the woik has been carried out to the satisfac- tion of the Harbour Master; The Town Clerk was instructed to furnish each boatman with a list of the repairs required for his boat; your committee recommend that the number of passengers to be carried by the sailing bont Lizzie be reduced to 45. and she number of the crew reduced to three first cias-" men your committee recommend that L.-wis Jone's bo granted a first clas? certificate your committee recommend that all sailing boats plyieg for hire be required to carry two lifebuoys. The Town Clerk was instructed to forward notices to all proprietors and drivers of hackney carriages calling upon them to take out their licenses at o; co; your cummittee recommend that n competent person be engaged to inspect and report upon all hackney carriages plying for hire in the BOfeClglv- The report was adopted. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. Alderman Peter Jones presented the report of this committee which stated that the Surveyor ba.1 110 appreciable dimunition in the quantity of the water at the reservoir after the recent drought,— Agreed. THE BARRICADING OF THE TERRACE. Councillor \Vatkm asked if anything was to be done in the way of propping up the rails near the Victoria Terrace, some of which wre old and worn. —On the proposition of Councillor D. C. rioberts, seconded by Councillor Hopkins, it was agreed to instruct the Surveyor to take what he deemed necessary for the protection of the raiis, and the securing of the tops of coal cellars. ERECTION OF STANDS. Councillor Jones suggested that the Council should a stand near the entrance to the tstation and make a charge for i:, when he had little doubt but that they would clear about £100. -Conncillor Williams s:i,1 that it was intended to place the choir on this spot whi6h was under the conductorship of Mr David Jenkins.—Councillor Jones I understood that the choir would not go there.—The Town Clerk It was decided to go there afterwards. — The Surveyor said that underthe pi-esent arrangements it was impracticable as the wall was to be taken down to allow the carriages to come up. Councillor Peake suggested stands lor children and elderly people but the majority of the Council did not favour this view, and it was not pressed.—Councillor Thomas mentioned the necessity of providing urinals and the Town Clerk said that at the end of the meeting there were one or two things to be brought before their notice. FINANCE. Councillor Jones presented the report of the Finance Committee, which showed payment during the past two weeks of wages and bills amounting to £202 2s 7d. Tenders had been invited for the town criers's new livery.—Two tenders were re- ceived, and that of Messrs Richards and Co., which was the lowest, was accepted. FIREWORKS. The committee appointed to consider the question of fireworks reccmmended the Council to expend £75, and Messrs Brock and Co., of London, to have the order.—Dr. clarvies proposed the adoption of the report.—Councillor Jones seconded. Alderman Jones spoke against it.—Alderman Palmer sup- ported it.—It was pointed out that the country people were looking forward to the fireworks with a certain amount of pleasure.—A vote was taken, and there were eight for and seven against. £400 FOR DECORATIONS. The Decoration Committee recommended that £400 be expended in decorations, and tha5 a con- tract between Messrs Piggott and the Corporation be prepared by the Town Clerk.—Agreed to. THE BEQUEST TRUSTEES. A POLITICAL AXD RELIGIOUS WARFARE. STEPPJXG STONES TO THE FIGHT. j Councillor D. C. Roberts said that he was re- sponsible for putting the following resolution on the agendaThat inasmuch as the last notice issued by the Charity Commissioners relating to the appointment of general trustees of Downie's Bequest does not include the names of Alderman Peter Jones and Councillor C. M. Williams, two members of this Council previously approved of by the Commissioners, we respectfully ask the Com- missioners that they will not proceed to appoint new trustees without holding a public inquiry into the charges brought against those two gentlemen as requested by the Mayor in his letter to the Commissioners of 12th December, 1895." (Hear, hear, from the Radical members). In proposing that resolution he did not wish at the outset to cast any reflection upon the names Councillor Jones I am sure Mr Roberts will excuse me in- terfering at this point; but it is only right that the Council should know the whole of the contents of the letter to which he takes exception. I move that Mr Roberts be asked to read the letter.—Coun- cillor Rober. s said that it was his intention to read the letter of Dr. Beddoes as well as the letter, he was sorry to say, written by Mr ThoiAas GiIiGths. Would that satisfy Mr Jones ?—Councillor Jones: Yes; I am prepared to second your resolution if you will allow me, Mr Roberts—(" chair, chair")— I only wish to express a wish that it should not be discussed until after the reception of the Prince of Wales. As a bumble member of the Council I am prepared to second the resolution, providing Mr Roberts does not enter into particulars.—Coun- cillor Roberts explained that it was his intention to leave the matter rest until after the visit of the royal party, but the Town Clerk informed him that something must be done before the 19th inst., and suggested that he should get the members to agree to apply to the Commissioners for a postponement. The Town Clerk failed to obtain the consent, and he was now going into t h9 whole thing in order to protect themselves.—Councillor Jones Then you intend to proceed with the whcle thing ?—Councillor Roberts Yes.—Councillor Jones: Cannot we have that letter the The Town Clerk suggested that the Council should be asked to agree to apply to the Commissioners for a postponement.—Councillor Roberts said that he would not accept. it that day. I have put a notice upon theagenda-Cooncillor Jones said that there was a difference in the position of affairs. He quite agreed with the Town Clerk, and he raised a point of order.-—Alderman Jones desired to know what was the point of order. Was not Mr Roberts to be allowed to proceed ?— Councillor Jones said that he was surprised that Mr Roberts would not agree with the suggestion of the Town Clerk.-Alderman Jones: You have raised no point of order. I think Mr Roberts ought to be allowed to proceed.—Councillor Roberts said that he intended moving the resolution and express his reasons for doing so. He was interrupted when ho was about to say that he did not wish to cast any reflection on the gentlemen who now formed the five nominations. He pointed out that morally Alderman Jones and Councillor C. M. Williams were at present members of the Downie's Trust, having been nominated in the usual way, and the sum of ten shillings forwarded for the stamp. But Dr. Beddoes wrote a letter to the Commissioners which contained certain charges against these two gentlemen, and this was followed by a letter from the Mayor. These two letters he would keep as long as he lived, and in- tended to bring them often before the public. Dr. Beddoes' letter contained charges against two of the members of tho Council, stating that they were persons unworthy of credence, that they made statements known to be inaccurate, and that they wero not trustworthy persons. On tho 12th Dec. he was surprised to find-he could not say that he was so surprised at Dr. Beddoes's letter--but he must say that the letter of the Mayor was really one that astonished him, and must astonish every right-minded man and woman in Aberystwyth. The gentleman now occupying the chair wrote this letter. Great Darkgate-street, Aberystwyth, December 12th, 1895. Sir,-—I beg to acknowledge your favour of the 9th inst. I have perused the correspondence which has taken place between yourself and the Clerk to the Trustees, and find (1) that the meeting which considered the objections consistod of three iu- dividuals, all belonging to tbe same political party as the nominees. (2) the newspaper extracts alluded to in tho objecting letter were not for- warded, and were not therefore under the con- sideration of the said meeting. Had they been so it would have been impossible for the members of the meeting to deny all knowledge of the matter, a.3 they did through their Clerk. The fact that one individual objected does not affect the reasonable- ness of his objections, and as I also object, you have now two persons disapproving of the nominations. appears to me that in common fairness to the pu IC further inquiries should bo made. I request you to make such inquiries, and shall be glad to ™m —* •» "«!««- JtlX° 'r of the aWe 2as Mn vnr"°,i f apT'f,oval tho Radicals, and the Mayor called Councillor Peake to order ) If the Xonrnnf ?b/>ected because there were too many hnve « tS OT T many Radicala» he would If nr R w ° T^'l hls letter was in Support th M ed oef.3 At fche end of his letter the Mayor asks that m common fairness to the public an enquiry should be held, and he requested that such an enquiry should be made. These two men were placed in a difficult position, and although they had endeavoured to take actiou against Dr Beddoes they could not do so because the com- munication was a privileged one. He said that he was sure that it was no question of church or chapel, and some churchmen to whom he had spoken had felt most strongly the position of affairs, and were exceedingly sorry that their own party were taking advantage of this attack, which, in the end was a paltry party victory, taken at the expense of the characters of two of tW" r- colleagues. He moved the resolution as read.The Mayor asked to be allowed to say a few words. When he wrote that letter there was nothing fart her from his mind than slander. Mr..Peter Jones was a particular friend for the last thirty or forty years, and he could speak the same of Mr. O. M. Williams. Certainly he was a Conservative, and sometimes felt keenly the way in which Downie's Bequest had been managed for the last eighteen years. From figures before him he found that Mr Peter Jones bad been a member for 15 years out of 17 years, Mr C. M. W,illiams 10 years, Mr D. C. Roberts 6 years, Mr W Thomas 5 years. Look, at the difference—Alder- man David Roberts, the oldest man on the Council, 2 years, Mr E. P. Wynne, who had been on the Council for years, 2 years; himself, 1 year; and Mr B. E. Morgan, 1 year. Were there no Con- servatives on the Council worthy to be appointed besides the gentlemen just named ? The following list showed them rL Vi" the representation had been shared :—1879, 3 Liberals, 1 Conservative 1880, 3-0; 1381, 3—1; 1882, 3—1; 1833, 2-2; 1884, 2-2; 1885.4-0; 1886. 4-0; 1887,3-1; 1388,4-0; 1889, 4--0; 18)0,4-0; 1891, 4-0; 1892, 4—0; 1893,4-0; 1894, 3—1; 1895, 3-1; 1896, 2--2.-Coencillor Roberts: Is that your justification.—Alderman Palmer asked if thero were any Conservatives on the Council during those years worthy of the ap- pointment.—Councillor Jones There was Mr E. P. Wynne.—Councillor Jones then rose to second the resolution. As made out at the public meeting and by the deputation it was a, fight. He would take it upon party grounds that the Con- servative party iu Aberystwyth were perfectly ready to court enquiry. They knew that Dr Seddoes's letter was only a side issue and was not at the root of this great contention.—Councillor Roberts I say it is a-fctherootof everything I have got to do with this. I ask you to accept what I say, 1 would not stand five minutes to support any Con- servative or Churchman.—Councillor Jones said that it was a pariy fight and such was stated to be the case by Mr White at the meeting. The question, it seemed to him, went back to the dispute with Dr Harries and the Infirmary Committee, who had left a letter of Dr TIarries's unanswered, and which letter contained facts disputing assertions made by the Infirmary Committee.—Alderman Jones said that there were fifteen members of the-committee, and was there any particular reason why he was singled out. If there was avv charge to answer he would be prepared to answer it.—-Councillor Peake: This is the Infirmary not Downie's Bequest.— Councillor Jones 1 understand the case and I don't want any information, from you, sir. I say that it was your duty and the duty of the members of the committee to enquire into the state of affairs, and to deny what Dr TTarries stated if it was iu your possession to do so.—Councillor Jones then read a long Jetter addressed by Dr Harries to the editor of a local paper, and with the coutents of which the public are generally acquainted. As a result of their treatment of Dr Harries, Councillor Jones said that the Infirmary was deserted by all the senior medical mcItof the town.—Alderman Jones asked if Mr Jones justified the letters of the Mayor and Dr Beddoes.—Councillor Jones said that whilst he had the greatest respect for Alderman Jones he was there to maintain the rights of the Conservative and Church party in Aber\Tstv/yth.—Councillor Roberts By blackening the characters of your opponents. That is the point.—Councillor Jones then read a letter from Dr Thomas Jones in which the writer denied having had correspondence with Dr Harries previousl to a certain dat and which letter was an answer to the action of the Infirmarv Committee, and had not been taken any notice of. It was not the intention of the Mayor to say one word against the gentlemen named, and they could nl put that construction upon the letter. He again asked was it fair and just that the committee of tho Infirmary should take the course which they did. Surely Dr Harries's word was as good as the word of Alderman Jones and Councillor Williams. Referring to the appointment of the trustees in 1894, he said that practically Messrs Peter Jones and C. M. Williams took part in their own appoint- ment. He did not consider that this was a right thing to do. It was really well known that the Conservative party on the Council had always been ignored when the appointmenis came off, and in 1893 he had to fight hard to get one representative of the Conservatives on the Trustees. It was then that Mr William Thomas stood up and fought against the appointment of Alderman Roberts. Mr Jones then pointed out that the original holders of the trusteeship were all Churchmen with the excep- tion of one who was a Methodist, and the present trustees were simply carrying put the original Councillor Roberts: At the expense of the charac- ters of two ot our p ui/iio men. Councillor Jones I know that I am going into a thorny question. I say Churchpeoplp are right in their contention that they should have a fair representation. It seemed to him that it was a party question and that the trustees were simply carrying out the original scheme, and endeavouring to give the Churchpeople and the Methodists—who had been excluded-a fair representation (laughter).— Coun- cillor Roberts Mr Jones as a supporter of the Methodists.—Councillor Jones A supporter of what is right and just.—Councillor Roberts All I can say is save me from my friends."—Councillor Jones said that with regard to the public meeting held the other day there were few ratepayers pre- sent, and he heard upon excellent authority that there were only 108. One of the speakers asked where was Dr Beddoes ? Was it likely that Dr Beddoes would be there when Alderman Jones and Councillor Williams had threatened him with pro. ceedings.—Alderman Jones I wish we could have taken them.—Councillor Jones You did not ex- pect him to be present ("no man"). He heard Alderman Jones say that they should never review anyone's conduct when his case was under con- sideration, and proceedings were threatened against Dr Beddoes. Councillor Roberts They could not take action because it was privileged. Councillor Jones asked if the letter was sent to Dr Beddoes to intimate him to be present. If this was so the writer of it ought to be ashamed of it. Alderman Jones said that this", as a defence of Dr Beddoes. —He pointed out that though they were a majority on the Council at the last election, the Conserva- tives acted fairly, and accused the Liberals of abusing their powers.—Alderman Jones appealed to the Town Clerk to say if any Conservative mem- ber of the Council gave him more ready assistance than he had always done,-Collllcillor Williams said that he could make the same appeal.—Coun- cillor Jones said that the proof Of the pudding was in the eating, aud it was all one sided. Councillor Roberts: And therefore you attack the character. You are justifying this.—-Councillor Jones I do not attack characters.—Councillor Roberts: You are justifying this.—Councillor Jones: And Dr Beddoes based his letter upon Dr Harries's. Alderman Jones Does Mr Jones justify Dr Beddoes's letter that I am unable to take part in the public life of this town.—Councillor Williams I ask Mr Jones the same question. Councillor Jones was understood to say that they took part in the forming of the six paragraphs objected to by Dr Harries. Councillor Roberts And that justifies it.—Councillor Thomas: Does he say that justifies it.— Councillor Roberts: Oh yes; that justifies it.—Councillor Jones: Don't put words into my mouth Mr Roberts. I am surprised, I thought you were conscientious. Councillor Roberts you are doing so all along. -Alderman Jones protested against bringing in something that happened six years ago as a protest to his taking part in the public life of the town.—Coun- cillor Jones: So long you were a member of the Infirmary Committee Alderman Jones I don't want your instruction.—Councillor Jones I have an opinion as well as you.—Alderman Jones Why don't you draw Mr Bonsall's attention to his con- duct.—Councillor Jones I hope that the whole matter will be enquired into. Alderman Palmer said that Dr Gilbertson was of opinion that the committee of the Infirmary had acted rightly.— Councillor Jones I am here to justify the action of the present trustees, and to second a proposal for an enquiry into the whole conduct of the Infirmary committee.—Alderman Jones thought that Mr Jones should move another resolution ask- ing for an enquiry into the act of the committee in 1190. He could not see how he could twist to second a resolution by Councillor Roberts upon definite terms when all his remarks apply-Coun- cillor Jones I will leave that to Alderman Jones if he wishes to move it.—Alderman Jones said that during the whole time he was on the committee of the trustees he never saw any question of politics arise. Referring to the charge of attitude from the members of the trustees who had first of all signed his nomination, he said that he would like to know if they endorsed that letter because if they did he would consider it his duty to tender his resigna- tion. If he was not fit to take part in the public life of the town he had lived under false colours. Alderman Roberts was in favour of his appoint- ment. He was perfectly willing that they should enquire into his actions on the Infirmary committee. —Councillor Thomas said that Alderman Roberts told him how glad he was that Alderman Jones had been put on Downies Trust. Neither Mr Jones nor Mr Williams took any part in the discussion on the occasion of their appointment.— Councillor Hopkins reminded Councillor Thomas that he himself said that there was a bargain made. —Councillor Thomas said that he never conversed with Councillor Hopkins so that it was untrue for him to say what he had said.—Dr. Harries said that he was glad of the i a. difficulty in getting clear, but he had no apprehen- sion asito Messrs Jones and Williams being able to clear.Councillor Roberts said that if they were collectively gnilty they were individually guilty.— Councillor Williams said that the simplo question was, was any member of the Council prepared to stand up and justify the charges of Dr. Beddoes. that he and Alderman Jones were unworthy of credence. If this was true, then they were unworthy to take any position in public life. This had not been touched upon and Mr Jones dare not go into the matter straight. When thoy asked him to justify it he said no. (Mr Jones: I wont oyer -) What was the meaning of the three-quarters of an hour speech ? When the whole question was investigated they would then be able to prove that there was no truth in the whole business. They would have expected the Mayor at any rate to have explained, but his letter was simply an endorsement of the infamous charges made in Dr. Beddoes's letter.—Councillor Jones The Mayor has made his explanation, and I am surprised at you referring to it again. I think that it is very wrong for any member of the Council to argue the point after the Mayor has distinctly stated that, there was nothing further from his mind.—Councillor Williams said that he would appeal to the Mayor. Alderman Jones and Mmself were looked upon as two men utterly unfit to sit around that table. They knew the Mayor dare not stand up and sav they were untruthful. But, judging by his conduct at Downie's Bequest he had all along been holding up the letter sent to the Charity Commissioners. He was not going into the matter of the public meeting but he might say that it was one of the most representative meeting ever held in that room. He said that it was not true that they took part in their own nominations. They knew per- fectly well that there was a great deal more behind the scenes. He repudiated the letter of Dr Beddoos and he invited enquiry. He had facts that would keep the commissioners for two or three days. He had never voted for himself nor asked anyone to vote for him. Referring to the Mayor's charge of the Liberals being one sided in their actions he said that Mr Ellis Morgan had refused the post. —Councillor Jones said that Mr Morgan was sorry to that day for the treatment he had suffered at the I hands of the Radicals.—Councillor Williams: Mr Morgan sat by my side and told me so. --Councillor Roberts rose tv reply, and said that there was only one inference to be drawn, from the remarks of Mr Jones and that was that he justified the letter of Dr Beddoes.—Councillor Jones: I simply stated that Dr Beddoes based his charges upon Dr Harries's letter -Councillor Williams There is no getting out of it.Councillor Roberts said that in his remarks Councillor Jones justified the attack of Dr Beddoes and the Mayor upon certain circum- stances which had taken place at the Infirmary. He refused to accept the ruling of Councillor Jones as to it beiug a party fight. He was always ready for a party fight but tuis was not based on party matters but on Dr Beddoes letter. Councillor Jones had complained of conservative representation on the trustees and took advantage of the attacks of Dr Beddoes letter to -Councillor Jones objected to these remarks. He never said anything of the sort.—Councillor Roberts asked for the support of the Council with the voting.— A vote was then taken and the resolution was carried, no one voting against it. CLEANING THE STREET. Councillor Jones asked that instructions should be given to the Surveyor to keep Terrace road, North Parade, Great Dargate street and Pier street clean by the employment of two lads.Agreed. The Council then went into committee.