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CHESS. All communications for this department ja(j be addressed to the Chess Editor, who will 0 to hear from Secretaries of Chess Clubs tournaments, matches, &c. All letters to c0 this office by Wednesday morning. Local intel g will be given the preference to other news. PROBLEM No. 30.—Solutions invited. BY G. HEATHCOTE. BLACK 8 Pieces. WHlTE- 8 Pieces. White to play and mate in two moves. t Position—White: K at KRsq, QatKKt3, QB6, B at K7, Kts at KKtsq and Q.Rsq, Ps a and KB5. Black K at Q5, R at QKt2, Bs aUS £ and QR3, Kt at QKt8, Ps at KKt2, K5 and # # GAME No. 42. QUEERS GAYBIT DECLINED. WHITE. BLACK. R. Teichmann. L. Van Vlict- 1 P-Q4 P-Q4 2P-QB4 P-K3 3 Kt—QB3 Kt-KB3 4 B-Kt5 B-K2 5 Kt—B3 Castles 6 P—K3 Kt-K5 (a) 7 Kt x Kt (b) PxKt 8BxB QxB 9 Kt—Q2 P-KB4 10 B-K2 P-K4 (c) 11 P-Q5 Kt-Q2 12 Castles Kt—B3 13 Q-B2 (d) K-Rsq, 14 QR-Qsq B-Q2 15 P—QR3 „ QR—Ksq 16 P—QKt4 Q—B2 17 P-B3 (e) P x P 18 B x P P-K5 19 B-K2 Q-Kt3 20 Kt-Ktsq Q-R3 21 Q-Q2 (f) R-Qsq 22 Kt-B3 P-R3 23 Q-Bsq B—Bsq 24 P-B5 Kt-Ktsq (g) 25 R-B2 Kt—K2 26 B-B4 Kt to Kt3 27 QR—Bsq R—B3 28 B-K2 R-Ksq 29 P-Kt3 Kt-K4 30 Q-Q2 Kt-B2 31 R-B4 P-KKt4 (h) 32 R (B4)-B2 Q-Kt2 33 B-R5 R-K2 34 B x Kt R (K2)-B (i) Drawn game (j) t (a) The usual and preferable variation being P-B4, or the Queen's Fianchetto. R. 8. (b) Better would have been 7. B x B, Q x P x P, Kt x Kt; 9. P x Kt, P x P; 10. B- Q3' a well developed game. ^0, (c) The advance of the KP opens Black's and his position is now preferable. (d) To prevent 13 P-B5. by (e) Compulsory; else 17 Q-Kt3, followed the decisive P- B5. øJ1J.' (f) 21. Q- Bsq at once would have saved a :8" able move, because of tho obvious reply—21- IQsq.. to Plal (g) The manoeuvre to bring the Knight in Jj^ is very clever, and requires to be met with o care by White. jCJi, (h) A bold attempt to maintain the attack, howevei*, is not without danger. (i) 34.R (B3) takes B was the right w°vc' (j) Mr Teichmann, who thus secured th^^v prize, accepted somewhat hastily the offer oiiBQr' He had prrsbfibte Avirmfng chnhccT\viTTf at anv rate lie had the better position, „ %3, against Bishop for the ending. The nevertheless, a very good specimen, coi1 boldly by Black, and skilfully by White. The Prince Regent of Bavaria has given rtjj0 of plate of the value of £ 150 as first priz0 forthcoming international congress at N3r» The subsequent six prizes will be 2nd £ 75, 4th £ 50, 5th £ 30, 6th £ 15, and ?th Baron Albert de Rothschild, of Vienna, adds Jld for the most brilliant game in the touirnaniellt'. est Herr v. Heydebrand u. d. Lusa £ 5 for score against the prize winners. TchigorlB^j« already sent in his name and that of Pillsbu daily expected. As the prizes now stand test is certain to overshadow all previous to meats of its kind. It is to L^e regretted Tarrasch cannot compete owing to his having ^gS- a leading part in the organisation of the Coufe a tP6 The Brooklyn Chess Club have challenge Paris Arch des Echoes to a match by cable. *»* g jo Mr Steinitz gave several exhibitions of cheS otl Holland on his way to England from Russia, Thursday, 14th nit., celebrated his 60th kirt^^g of Simpsou's Divan by engaging in a quiet g*1 dominoes with his great rival at chess, rierr LI" of Both seemed to play as if the result of a it 100 points was of the utmost importance, tib was very interesting to watch them a'c jjj6) nothing depended on the winning of the g which ended in a victory for Steinitz. *#* of A history of chess ki New Orleans (the Morphy), now in course of publication by tho Democrat, bring to light a remarkable and crank, named Camilli Rizzo. Born iu 1 t Rizzo settled in Marseilles iu 183C, fled city during a, cholera panic, taking vea first ship announced to sail. Tho vessel Up to be bound to New Orleans, and here he his abode. Having made a competency ag b, dentist, he devoted himself entirely to chess, lishing in the French quarter an Ac'd<^el^,e0e^ Echecs, where I10 taught, as his adverti- g^.ale" quaintly stated, "the theory of the mate, tbe foe mate, and the draw, according to the rule3 0 pJost celebrated Prihdor. In his play he waS(.e) eccentric, he as a rule aimed not at checkn\a 0f to compel his adversary to stalemate hi over 10,000 problems he had composed up t f his there were few under 100 moves. One j hobbies was the organisation of problem competitions, the boards and men used occasions being of his own make, and so a t^iat during the contest the pieces were inl and the time consumed by each compe effecting a solution was duly recorded 0"^ted clocks of his own construction. He most ingenious code of signals by which g v# on either side of his house could play chesod bO him, each party remaining at home; also devised a scheme by which each <iU consultation games had a room to thcnis0' exchanged moves by means ot aminiatnie t In appearance he is described as a libt-le. y(??■ with lean and wrinkled face, long stra,? 1 ^lii- small and intensely brilliant dark e.ye»> seemed to be everywhere at the same tllT\°' hurl a mouth at the ends of which playe earthly and almost satanic smile. When signs of the confederate war were obsei fi"0 with the suddenness which marked his eX 3ekeL Marseilles in 1830, disposed of his propei^' up his chess material, and departed for home ii: 1 ranee, never being beard ol J. j iu t for a few weeks in 1862, when he compeLgreS0' problem tourney of tho London Chess Con& 0f The report, from the Amateur nigOtili, Craigside Hydro, Llandudno, is not Qul.^g iti as yet. There were ouly four en trie Challenge Cup competition, Rev. J. O^'em Jo^ B. Skipworth, Mr Bellingham, aud Mi j"0„eS (last year's holder of the cup). ^r. e0trieS #1 again secured the cup. There were slX„ejiiu^b e]\ the handicap:—Messrs Jones anC^ ^jr flus (scratch), giving Pawn and move to 1 glit (secretary, City of London), and the Messrs Firth, Leech, and Stoeher. ANSWERS TO # The Chess Editor will be correspondents in this column it tnen h ja^er 1 received at the COUNTY TIMKS Office n Wednesday.