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WELSHPOOL. (Continued 'I'u;;¡ j-'ljC 5.) D. JOXES & Sox's Indian and Ceyiun IYn. a.L 2". per lb. is absolutely pure, therefore best.—Noted Home Cured Ham and Bacon Stores, High Street. — [Advt.] THE CHCRCH SCXDAV SCHOOLS.-TLe ANNUAL festival in connection with the Church Sunday School- is fixed for Sunday, July 12th, and the nsua" summer outing will take place on the Thurs- day following, when Aberystwyth will again be visited. It was hoped that Barmouth would be the locale this year, but as the accommodation for the tea is insufficient it was found impossible to accept the suggestion. A PROBLEM.—The feature of the second day's proceedings at the Porth Eisteddfod on Tuesday was the adjudication-a kind of Solomon's judg- ment—upon the solo competition between men over 60 years of age in rendering "Crugybar." The adjudicator in this competition was our towns- man Mr T. Maldwyn Price, R.A.M., who declared that the prize must be divided equally between the three competitors, s. declaration which, it is reported, was received with hearty cheers, which were, however, changed into loud laughter, when the conductor announced that the prize was a pair of trousers.—Answers invited. BoKont POLICE COL-RT, Saturday: Before Mr M. Jehu.—Alfred Owen was charged with being an accessory before and after the fact, of stealing a fowl, on the 27th April, the property of Mr D. A. Breeze. Belan School House. Prosecutor stated that he saw another man, not yet in custody, taking a hen off a nest in a hedge where she was sitting, and the prisoner was in his company. The prisoner was remanded for eight days to give the police an opportunity of arresting the other man, who has left the neighbourhood. FREENOLD PROPERTY SALE.—Mr Thomas Morris offered for sale yesterday week, at the Royal Oak Hotel, several valuable lots of freehold property. Lot 1 consisted of the Upper Pheasant, a fully- licensed inn and premises in High-street for some years occupied by the late Mr Thomas Parry. The lot was withdrawn at zCI,190, but £ 1,205 was subsequently bid privately, though not accepted. Lot 2 consisted of Tae Dingrle," a farm at Trewern Buttington, containing 20a lr 38p, in the occupation of Mr John Jones, and was purchased by Mrs Jones, late of Garbett's Hall, and now of Guilsfield, for £ 950. Lot 3 being another farm called Tynllan," Llanwyddelan, containing 35a Or 26p, in the occupation of Mr John Davies, was purchased by Mr Martin Woosnam, solicitor, New- town, for £ 1,010. Another lot, consisting of 11 cottages, at Salop-row, Welshpool, was put up, but withdrawn. TEMPLAR HALL.—On Thursday evening the anniversary of the Rising Templar Juvenile Hall was held, when a miscellaneous entertainment took place, under the presidency of Brother Edward Jones, G.M. There was a good attendance, and the following was the programme :—Opening ode, "Come friends and brethren"; address Chair- man song, "Manners," Rising Templars; recit-i- tion, Brother E. A. Owen; medal competition song, Sister Mrs Challoner; flute solo, Percv Davies; humorous song, Brother J. R. Thomas medal competition song, Sister May Humphreys duet, George and Percy Davies; violin solo, Brother Wendal Jones song (in character), Six Little Nursemaids medal competition; song, Sister Beatrice Jones; sleight of hand tricks, Brother Sergeant W. H. Gregory; song, Sister Maggie Owen song and chorus. "Holidays," Rising Templars humorous song, Brother J. R. Thomas God Save the Queen." SCHOOL TEACHERS AND THE EDUCATION RILL.- A deputation from the Welshpool and District Teachers' Association, consisting of Mr Pugh, president, Mr Stourton, vice-president, Mr Copnall, Mr Lewis, and Mr J. G. James, hon. sec., had an interview with Mr A. C. Humphreys-Owen, M.P., on Thursday, and Major Pryce-Jones, M.P., on Friday, at'the Royal Oak Hotel, Welshpool, with reference to the Education Bill and the superannua- tion of teachers. Both strongly pledged themselves to support a Bill for the superannuation of teachers. Thøy also were in sympathy with the majority of the suggestions which had been drafted by the National Union of Teachers on the Education Bill, such suggestions being for and against it. They were in favour of "better payment to teachers, less work, and protection from wrongful dismissals." Votes of thanks were passed to both members for their kindness and interest taken by them in educational matters. The association publicly beg to thank both for their warm and sympathetic support. PROPOSED VISIT OF THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS OF WALES TO ABERTSTWYTH.—A public meeting, under the presidency of the Mayor (Mr W. Forrester Addie) was held in the Council Chamber on Satnrday evening, to consider the advisability of forming a choir to sing selections at the Railway Station on the passing through of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales on the occasion of their visit to Aberystwyth. The notice convening the meeting having been read by the Town Clerk, His Worship said the reason he had called them together on what was, he feared, rather an inconvenient night, was that on the previous Wednesday he received a letter from Mr Denniss, the general manager of the Cambrian Railways Company, stating that the train in which their Royal Highnesses would travel would probably have to wait a period of four or five minutes at Welshpool station, and it seemed to Mr Denniss that that was a long time to be at a Railway Station, and it would, he thought, be rather a cold reception for their Royal Highnesses unless something were done to pass the time agreeably. In consequence of this a suggestion was thrown out that probably there might be some singing. Sir Francis Knollys had been communicated with upon the matter, and he was glad to inform them that Sir Francis thought it would be very agreeable to the Prince and Princess of Wales. Seeing that was so, and that there was very little time to be lost, he thought the only means by which a choir might be got together was to call a public meeting. He did not know what number of voices guch choir should consist of, nor did he know what number the Directors and Managers of the Cambrian Rail- way Company would allow on the platform. He had, however, written to Mr Denniss as to the latter, but up to then he had had no communica- tion from him owing to his absence from home. His own idea was that a committee should be appointed whose duty it should be to take into consideration the number required. Mr T. M. Price aereed that a committee should be appointed and proposed that Mr C. H. Jones, himself, and other gentlemen present who would have some idea as to those who could sing in the choir, should be appointed uron it and that such committee should meet at once to consider who should be asked to join, and the question uf number could, he thought, stand over until they heard from Mr Denniss.—Mr C. H. Jones agreed with Mr Price's remarks and thought a committee should be appointed.—Mr John Evans proposed that the gentlemen then present be a committee.—Mr H. Lloyd seconded, and it was agreed to, the names of Air C. E. Howell (ex-mayor), and Mr J. A. Downes being added.—Mr T. M. Price was, upon the motion of Mr C. Shuker, seconded by Mr J. G. James, appointed conductor of such choir.—It was agreed, on the motion of Mr T. M, Price, that one of the pieces to be sung should be God bless the Prince of Wales."—Mr D. Row. lands proposed that they have one National Welsh song in addition, the words to be sung in English.— Mr Robert Owen seconded, and it was eventually agreed that the March of the men of Harlech be the additional song.-The Mayor (Mr W. Forrester Addie) was appointed chairman of the committee, and Mr Robert Owen hon. sec.—The first meeting of the committee was held on Wednesday evening, and the first practice is to take place in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening next. ANNIVERSARY OF THE ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. The Anniversary and Sports of the above society took place on Thursday afternoon. The members met at their club-room at the Gullet Inn at 1.30, formed in procession, and headed by the band of the 4th Batt. S.W.B., conducted by Bandmaster Fred Owen, proceeded up High street, and via Brook street to the Parish Church where an excel- lent sermon was preached by the Vicar, Rev D. Grimaldi Davis. Service being concluded the pro- cession was re-formed and proceeded up Broad street to the Gullet Inn where a capital dinner was partaken of. Dinner being over, the President, Mr W. Forrester Addie (mayor), proposed the toasts of "The Queen," "The Prince and Princess of Wales and the rest' of the Royal Family," which were duly honoured.—The Vice-President (Mr Galloway) said the toast he had the honour to propose was one that would always be well received in such an assembly as that, viz., The Army, Navy and Reserve Forces." They all knew the gallant feats our soldiers and sailors had accomplished in the past and he felt sure that when the necessity arose they would give a good account of themselves. Lord Wolsley had said that at the present time our forces were in a very satisfactory condition. As regarded the Navy both sides of the Houses of Parliament would be of one mind as to the necessity of keeping up the high standard of our Navy so that they should reign supreme on the sea. As to the Auxiliary Forces they would have to rely upon them should danger and trouble arise. He thought they in Welshpool were particularly well off at the present time in that respect. He had much plea- sure in coupliasr with the toast the name <•! 0::artei-niaster IRICRTII.er Julie-, IN responding, said tjf was very proud to be there on that occasion, and to RESPOND to that toast. He begged to thank t-hem very MUCH for the way IN which they had received the to«.st.—Mr Thotna.- Morris said he had the very great pleasure of pro- posing a toast which he had had the honour of proposing for many years, viz., The Bishop and Clergy and Ministers of all denominations." As thev knew, they were doing a good work, especially in this parish (hear. hear). Some years ago people were talking of pulling down the galleries in the Parish Church, but when their present Vicar came they found that the church would liard ly hold the people. He had, therefore, great pleasure is asking them to drink the toast. and coupled with it the name of the Rev. D. Grimaldi Davics.-The Vicar, in responding, thanked them very much for the remarks and the way in which they had received the toast. It was most pleasing to the clergy to be seeking the happiness of their fellow-men, not merely in a religious sense but in A temporal and religious seuse.—Mr W. Humphreys submitted The Mayor and Corporation," coupling with it the name of the Mayor, whom he thought- was the right man in the right place (hear, heart.— Mr W Forrester Addie, in response, said that each member of the Corpor- tion was, he believed, sincerely desirous to promote the welfare of the town. The town had conferred a very high honour upon him in electing him as their Mayor, and he was glad to say that up to the present the office bad been a very agreeable one to him. He imagined that these days everyone's thoughts were directed, to the question of light railways. They in Welshpool viewed with favour the idea of a railway to Llanfair. He might sav that it had been discussed by the Corporation, and they had appointed a committee to deal with it. That committee met tha' day, and he might say a very important resolution had been passed, which, he thought, w..nld be highly beneficial to the town.— Song, White wings," Mr W. Humphreys.—Mr n. Smith, in submitting The Hon. Members oi Court Powis," said he was glad to see so many of them present. He was sorry, however, to see that since their last anniversary they had missed Ol1 from their midst, but he saw many others there. lie coupled with the toast the name of Mr Yearsley.- Mr Yearsley, in response, said it was undoubtedly a source of great resret to many that their old friend Colonel Huddleston was no longer with them.-Dr Ward, in proposing The Town and Trade," said Welshpool had been called by some rather "a dead alive place, but he did not think that was the case. He believed what Mr Addie had said, that the railway to Llanfair wo.iid make a great deal of difference, and he hoped it would. He thought it would improve the trade of Welshpool considerably and make it a more important place than it was He believed it could be made so, and that it would become so in time. He had much pleasure in coupling with the toast the name of Mr Robert Jones.—Mr Robert Jones remarked that he had been connected with the trade of the town for a good many years, in fact, soon after the Queen's coronation. He thought the want of manufactories in the town was one of its greatest drawbacks. There was no employment for labour. He thought, however, that if they had more manufactories trade would be more brisk, and the town would, in con- sequence, be benefitted.-Song, See that my grave's kept green," Mr Walter Evans.—Mr John Quinn, in submitting The Surgeons," said he could not find words to give expression to his feelings and good wishes towards their Club Doctors. All he could say was that there could not be found two more attentive gentlemen from sea to sea than the two doctors who attended to their club. They had a distance of four miles to go to attend the sick members, and there were members, he had no doubt, present who could bear him out when he stated that they were equally attentive to those members as they could be to those from whom they received a much higher fee. He hoped they would long continue to be surgeons to their club, and he had much pleasure in propos- ing the toast.—Dr. Ward, in response, said, on behalf of Dr. Hawksworth and himself he begged to tender them their very best thanks. Unfortun- ately Dr. Hawksworth was away, and therefore unable to be present. He might say, that they had always done their best for every member of the club. Pesonally he knew a good many of them when they were invalided, and he was pleased to see them that day in health and he hoped that they might long continue so. It was a great regret to him that this perhaps was the last club meeting he should attend, but he would always carry away with him kindly feelings of Welshpool, and of how well he had been treated by the members of the club.—Mr. Lewis Davies said the toast that had fallen into his hands to propose was that of their solicitor—Mr. Yearsley-whom, he stated, had acted with the greatest kindness on their committees during the past 12 months, and had rendered them very great assistance.—-Mr. Yearsley, respond- ing, said he was ready at all times to undertake anything which fell within the scope of his profession. He might say that so far there had not been very much occasion for the services of a solicitor, and he hoped the time would be far off when they would be called into requisition.—The President, in proposing the toast of Success to Court Powis and Kindred Societies," said he was afraid he should not be able to do justice to such an important toast. He noticed on their private forms that they called the name of their society The Ancient Order of Foresters." He supposed there could be no gentleman present that afternoon, or indeed anyone outside, who could question for one moment, the antiquity of their Order. In the old days the Order of Foresters was entrusted with very great power. They were not only entrusted with the keeping of the game for the King, but they were also entrusted with the preserves of very large tracts of country, which then consisted of forests. Now, however, the old order of things had changed. Still, he thought they had greater powers entrusted to them than what they had many years ago. A good deal had been talked and written about State aid pensions. His opinion on the matter was that anything which would take away from their Friendly Societies that quality of independence, that quality of manliness which was so characteristic in their society would do a great deal of harm. Touching for one moment their Court he was glad to eee it in such an eminently satisfactory condition. He was also very pleased to see that they had a juvenile branch connected with their lodge. This would, he be- lieved, be the main strength and support of their parent society in the future. It was with the greatest sincerity that he proposed Success to that Society," and he coupled with the toast the names of Mr John Beedles and Mr Lewis Davies. Mr John Beedles, in responding, said they had seen Court Powis in a better condition than it was at the present time. He might say, however, that there had taken place recently different arrange- ments in the working of the society. There had been during the last few years a cloud over them but he was very pleased to say that there was a silver lining to that cloud, and in a few years that clould would roll away. Song, Cheer boys cheer," Mr Galloway.-Air Yearsley rose to pro- pose the toast of their worthy President Mr W. Forrester Addie. Mr Addie was well known to all, and it needed no words of his to commend the toast. Mr Addie, as they knew, did a great deal of work in public generally he was an active member of the County Council and Town Council, and this year he had been elected Mayor.—This toast was received with enthusiasm, the song For he's a jolly good fellow being sung meantime.— Mr Addie briefly returned thanks. Mr Beedles gave the health of the Vice-President, Mr Golloway. He was sure they would receive the toast with particular enthusiasm.—Mr Galloway briefly re- sponded.—" The Press was then proposed by Mr Galloway, and acknowledged by the representative of the COUNTY TIMES.—" The Host and Hostess," proposed by the President, and responded to by Mrs Gittins.-The sports took place in the Recrea- tion field and were well patronised. The following were the officials: Judges, Messrs J Pugh (Pool Quay), C P Yearsley, H D Barrett, and John Elton starter, Mr H Smith handicapper, Mr E Lewis chairman of committee, Mr S Manford; Court secretary, Mr J Beadles; sports secretary, Mr E Lewis. Foot races 100 yards Foresters' juvenile race (under 14 years of age), 1 J H Evans, 2 A Lewis, 3 Austin Pozzi. Foresters' juvenile race (14 to 18), 1 H G Foulkes, 2 E Powell. Half- mile race handicap, 1 G Roberts, 2 T Austin. Quoiting, 1 R Jones (Forden), 2 Walter Davies. Shooting at goal, 1 WalLer Davies, 2 T Davies. Tug of War: Powis Castle Estate beat Galloway's Rovers; Town Team beat M. Y. C.; Powis Castle Estate beat Town Team, and won.—Bicycle Race 1 Pryce Baines, 2 A Evaiis.Greasy Pole (prize given by Mr S Manford) All the competitors failed to reach the top, but Mr Manford kindly gave a sum of money to the two highest climbers, T Thomas and R Thomas, for their plucky at- tempts.—The Band, during the evening, played several dancing selections, and dancing was largely kept up until dusk.—Too much praise cannot be bestowed upon the Sport's Secretary, Mr E Lewis, the Court Secretary, Mr J Beedles, and the Com- mittee for the way in which they carried out the various arrangements. Mr Manford acted as Chairman of the Committee, and it would have been difficult to find one more adapted for the position.