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I SfjlFEST MEDIQiNE^Sjl | -without mercury)j S08tivC.„.°N< FLATULENCY. «aj9^rf=TOE« JW,, °°8 Db- APPETITE AWD I °S' PBOMOTK DIGESTION. I 4@P Some Vendors I tA lfV may try to persuade yon to buy a preparation of their own. I K sB&^ Insist on having DK. SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS, j|A«which are wrapped in a SQUARE GREEN PACKAGE, bearing the name of the Proprietor, mbu.B.T, 173, SEYMOUR PLACK, LONBOH.W. VSJLLIARDS & BAGATELLE. Xi^OTJG BROS.. Ltd.. Milliard Tabla Makeri, **• clioi' Hish St.. (coroer'of NCT u.xford St.). London, W.O. '-apest house for repairs and all kinds of requiwtsfc —'—rric*. feta and sampla* free. Est- 1383. VICTORIA HOTEL on the wi *itiBa nS^e and facing the Pier. Excellent, cuisine <3FR^ „ie'ftgTaphic Address, VICTORIA." Manager, late of the S&lisbnry Hotel, London. c, FOR I II' I filE I («jw^ (for Belize LI SKIN I (fOt' Delicate Skins) id., 6d., 84., 10d., &; 2/1 I A b- 'per Thbløt. (for Itching, Face Spota, Ac.), lIB, 1/9. ) ESTABLISHED 1831. ||JKBECK BANK tit^TO T^k'Sinpton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. 5!0S'Mr>-A-HALP per CENT. INTEEEST allowed on (n^O rePajable on demand. S?1!>oV,h.,GENT. on CURRENT ACCOUNTS, on the mini- I ^OCRs! balances, when not drawn below £ 100. I fc?5<e toj5atl(^ SHARES purchased and sold, f vj^ 'KBECK ALMANACK, with full particulars, post | FRAN CIS KAVENSCROFT, Manager. Jin PAIN OJT ANY KIND. I, ■L'-Coms Browne's CHLORODYNE, COUGHS, COLDS, I allMf tfea ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, So ^YR^GIf- cAt|ew dThs it 5 extra ordinary medical reports on tori **tal "HHIi tjie efficacy of Chlorodjue render g^^te^k^Portanee that the public should obtain the Genuine, WfJ^e,sr £ ?,^0veraraent stamp,bearing the "words *'Dr.J. Collia I *1t1? 2'i^e. See decision Vico-ChancellorSirTV. Page I w^{uly 10,1864. Testimonials from einineiitPhysiciana I *n Bottles, 1/1L 2,9, & 4,6, by all Chemists. I ^V TgHsn "BOILER EXPLOSIONS i^in**JPREVi:NTED BY i;si-v'> I Jwr?Lt''S PAT.«N'T SAfX'VV VAI.VjSQ. I >,t Simpl.. HIH. Eiiicient ti.'ifety Valve Known. I AT .vft-otiv Used tii« wll over. 'i<t?25nd niiistr.1. Pri<-« Li.-ts on application. 'L i'O-i Brgu<>t»tttC'.iN (i uscdw. ma^Kil"E^' having" CAKUiAG; s to" i will find the Biker Street C «••-nntye t,J}W. an excellent market. Oumii'i'v a!-<> ware- r E;it. 1822. E. T. DAVIS,lilana-or. S 0 XvT Ec-st Style?. New and Second Hand, f1A Sale or Hire. i V^AGSS. LAURIE AND MASKER (LTD.), I 311, OxroKp STP.HET,_LOXDON,_W. I' fflSSjpAJi ;:NSTRTJl[ENTSforBrass,Reed, &P;i'e Bands, Pianos, Organs, Melodeovs, 'Unif8. Sa,j kipeoiiiilv reduced prices post t'rci. Musie for ^r^a-rcL Ip'n'8 t^ps O'd Insirajuentr. bougbt or taken second-aua irstromentb uiwaf« <*a nal« -J^yOHE & Co., p.usLon P.caa, Huadersflela. I "ADAM FRfliN's I ^ABtous female MIXTURE. JjV POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE on earth- ^ttfPric?^? obstinate cases. Will not injure the most deli* pbn^AT, rwoJ^Siisti'ongest lis. bottle). Pose free 6d. extra. I ^ITUTE, IE, Hackney Road (opposite Shoi-editch I 'tok^r rto.M^V' N.E. Send at once Stamped Directed Enve- I ^^SSualth rirs aria proofs. I will forfeit £ 100 for every I 18 not genuine, and they can be seen at any time. I 18not enuine and they can be seen at any time. I ord's T ey Wash., They Soon.. jilt ft lYWon^' co«Ptay«'th^- I fljpafl—jri ™ dreds of users i WML M/n^5Foaid 1^1 I m^llh ^p'tvS Ho^.H^h B be* u t If a 1 j>ow, or Dcans- I* •. BlHtnrairtvf colour. They B«te. MAM- 1 last 20 Tears or cH*»T»m, or W, more, like, thoa- Bold Street, ^SE—— lands now in uie. Lnurooi. q averv description purchasett IOI Cata! oandll now in UM. LI.POOL. o 0, free 1ty lands now in uie. Lnurooi. q averv description purchasett IOI /f^^a.B.BAi^AM_&3o?81H4lT*mbet £ Walk,Londcai. ■ a^ess, NAYLOB ROAD, PjgCKHAar, Lom^j'. F 9Din<>• .neill handsome solid walnut case, nstt« f ORB AN, used. Bargain, £ 4 4- v PAYNE, 103, APPROACH ROAD, cAiiBitiDoia i-ONDON, N.E. ( kNO, COTTAGE (Sroadwood). C,t {;ij: !t()!b 71-. PAYXE. 103, APPROACH HEATH. LOXDO, X.E. BLOATERS, Kippers, and IW 3;-i. tavOuii, V*1 Herring!i fresh daily from ourinp bouses, fo/T-i Iper post IS,; 35 for 2 b per 89, rv carriage paid.-Heuuttance to Obl.iN^ IVr AnyT" 'a'am iAoad, Lowestotc. i FEMALE BEMEDY.^0ne ^lo^nteed.toremove I ^edS^i^th0Il2tbinf??'n I ^^fflord House, 83. Dawe's Road, I r^QT5?HtatorR iLondon. It^f8 LONGSTANDING CASES rapidly YIELD ^^>S*8tanina5 -^articulars, Testimonials, ana Aa.Vi.ce pos — '.s>,t^rkugO]RT.-PALACE HOTEL, Birkdale ll ;'tish Winter resort in own ground; Electrio a,ran £ rp»?, i8- Birkdale Pr.lace Station oonfiguotw. JVI ordor.—E. A. FICK, Manager. Wl>Ji50'.Va. I>Wn.,Ho.uc., t«. KV\va 5 Desj^m »nd JEaUinatei of kSjOTrnVT '— ,tSc CO.. 20. Warwick Street, Repeat Street, London, "W» HOTEL on the vStjon; e"^ and facing the Pier. First-class hotel accom- r,Sa." x°ellent cnisin« and wines. Telegraphic Addrew, • NOTTTlrfiA^ P. G. NARK, Manager._ f'».NiP™?T'~PALACE HOTEL, Birkdal# OlW^Trrp^S^contiguQ'ia.—E. A. FICK, Marthear. "InS's PATMtT HEARTHBUB NEEDLE. cloth on to canvaa or harden. With K g!9*Q oan be made in a few hours. Full ¥1^554 a RroTxlasfe needle. Price P.O. Is. 2d„ post paid, yinrSite^YQ"N, 37. Lincoln Road, Peterborough. mLS ol I^PERS WANTED.—Destroyed X¥i.5EN- boXorfe: Repuljted at >Iills. Please write to f\ Dover Street. London, S.E. fATplDOTlCA. w ^ARVEIT TRY 1X11 TRY IT! -JfcaM. S, fl,li7„8 CURE for an SKIN COMPLAINTS. bypost 3 2 and G A hftT" —Station Road, Brixton. London, S.W. married women-gaassssft 1 f^a^.tewa&iarflgs.?K* o!J AB,HTT1TGERF0RD,& WILLIAMS. I PAID DURING 1805. i, i; I'-i < «a.; Feb. 1, £6: March 1. £5; April 1, £81 Tot., h 7 •"i;10 July I. £ 9; Aug. 1, £ 9; Sept. 2, £ 8; 111 for io°?1- !• £ 3: Nov. 1. £ 7; Dec. 2, £ 7. per cent., an aveviige ol nearly *<Vn Cent- MONTH. r?:a ilx« PAID DURING 1896.' ^'2. "Nt" £ 6 per cent. f,„rW ILLUSTRATED MANUAL, rearii-st. showin« how tJiese profits may be f,„rW ILLUSTRATED MANUAL, rearii-st. showin« how tJiese profits may be SPECULATION. Cheques for profits C5 •« •> ;• '■> Is.' of each month, and for withdrawals ox ""■'••i U'~i,v-.<i'la 18 51 of each month. Trial investments of T\p,^ !.rl,ri- Ii;ay be made. "llff ,>tJ iKV,e not a dissatisfied Client. HUNGERFORD, & WILLIAMS, Avenue, London, E.C., and 1 — .Piace_de_la Lourse, laiis. juaioi^ITS can be secured daily by ^-TO^v, (iu"? speculation in STOCKS, SHARES, <3RAIN I Van Pri^y3' SIJ(;All. &c. 4(,r STRICTLY LIMITED. bu? u\s available. Prospectus and lat-est adnoe WPSTw^fS1 free of charge on application to I,>SJ8^)D & CO., Stock, Share, and Proauce fffi, Railyyav Approach. I.ondon Bridge. 8.E. a.vpft WHM MAKBIED." A 1, Elm Place, Fulliam Ed., London. £ Brs WANTED sp?^rad0oS I u»c.—D. and A., 155A, Upper Thames Street, fY^r? LONDON. E.C. a first-class house, AGENTS^ classes of SACKS and BAGS, TINPLATES, nTmSL Wi^tp^A rGOODS, TIN CANISTEKS, (a < ARY ISLANDS and MADEIRA 5bi« „ AUTTTvr-KTLINE of STEAMERS. | J*lQ.tiiS5lpatnr VJ1LN and WINTER RESORTS. j £ oS%X^aste7epESUJ £ £ D their REGULAR FORT- ^atharir, f^" t\ e''n;m»lnS until May or June, 1»6, I ?l*e] ?e ag laswlf 8 -P00^ to Madeira and Canary Islands, ^eh J?r fioumi v1'' Stewardess being carried. Fare (inclu- SJxba^ade 153 Arrangements have I th5 a* Klburt J-T-S. Railway Co. for passengers to I 'ttl». ^dernS+L ts ,may obtained on a ['plication I w *° S'ORWrSvr^'i. address.—For fur her particulars r sS8?T,SRo'rHERS and CO., 3, CROSBY Vlr^gpte5SPARE. LONDON, E.C. l* CELL to know that *Q^epuj>& £ d !L WORK. AT A GLANCE S^blo^ °i ^V'ine 'SKJ258 valuable instructions and i eaching the L ifaae^ ^lsatidf Beer Cellars in one day. This -work I fV«r(,tul^t.f ».r„*?,°"tain first-class app"ointm«nts in the 01 I Jolt.Bli. ya..nll» Mo. kwell. l.ndon. SH £ TJJRE CURED L^KNIa' T»^OLCmT' & GUARANTEED. ad »t BRIKTOT 'SI'S2, 489« Oxford Street, LONDON, PiVPx^TJ1' CARDIFF, and NEWPORT. t C^A^rTr £ ^M?HLETS FREE. S?D?i)J!FA.TiPh.D.(ffealf7i Electrician), R°Ai), TOTTENHAM, LONDON, re- j. Re»lth Belt for all ailments, S/ post free. ^/armern sar killed with Sanford's Poison. J—SU&a/ a I 'f .'ne« eTer known as the Rats are Found Dead. & SON. Sandy. Sol.: by Chemieta. IN MARBLE & GRANITE, fIii'ect Elusive. Headstones, crosses, & ajr™ Italy. ,D.igns and prices free. J Hiii, London. Est. SO years. f FnFF 1%iLstrated LIST OF ^MkC. "f^TnpsiAN SPECIALITIES, indis. ^SkleI0* MATO MONUL ttAPPI. ECONOMY. Send addressed L. —-Siyer, 2Q Mmnt Preston, reed- SOIKP TO THE SOAP FOP, H-ARD E D till, FO Vor 160 Wrappera the splendid Pictore "The ^ia^e of^the"'Light in good gilt frame, will be sent carriage paid. Full particulars on each Wrapper. frame, will be sent carriage paid. Full particulars on each Wrapper. WATSON'S MATCHLESS CLEANSER is sold only in 16oz. Tablets. A 16oz. TABLET of SOAP for 3d. equals 3d. per lb. 4 A 12oz. „ „ 2M. „ 3jd. w Our Mail Ordel Dept. ¡ 111 ii irass purchasers at a distance as ► ell as if they came to the shop [ In person. | Ladies are invited to write for a ? | BOX OF PATTERNS, comprising a com- 4 plete range of the latest specialities in < KNITTING WOOLS, J KNITTED UNDERWEAR, J SHAWSWATER DRESS FABRICS > &c., &c., > 4 sent post free on approval to any address > J direct from y < FLEMING, REID Co., The Worsted Mills, GREENOCK, N.B. ► All Goods at Mill Prices, and guaranteed y < equal to sample. > A valuable Knitting Instruction Book, free on [ i .2 application. J c IL i REAL BOON TO LADIES, TO :.f"c:fl: o,¡e, te; LADIES nA far nil irrecuisnt'EE *nd ohe'-r e:n>:w, T TVTT? Q PA reroe'iv which nnde'_the 1,;> JuAx/lili k) TO and LADIES ( OB8TINATS CASKS T^T"P Q i 0 KffiVEB FAILS TO Ai'fORD IjAUl-lLO TO nLIn. LADIjLb 11'0 aonajiui Dr mtw LAD IE S mr\ J»opci.»n, (allure Ii timplr T A I jITp C .X v/ »» Mrs. Snow.of I>enm»7k JLJU.JL/ LJ.-i k/ ^1^1)1 C»u)b*!rw»U, write*: -p » T\T I "By o<loptiiiK y«JUr tre»tmeiit -r;> 1 l A I J 1 i'j O anxiet y and mt*ery w«« o»er withla -r^ r-s TO LADIES -s X ha(i daily tz?rin ^011]* a»d other thi»g« in -vain. Hail f i r\ T O Q m fsantl:; yoo cent pro»«i *B«4tvu, I iA I J I PJ ij !» my lnieMe Joy and »urprl«o." IX) 4 amum fmurantee la enelowid wtcii JjAl/1 Cj h ^111 twtimeeiala and medicjue, irUcb — x r, to InexpniMive, an on» bottle at <• *d. T A 1 J T M, >» poit. 4a. 9A.) i> usually luffloiaoj UXV.X. V «-< kj [TO ^«U ?2«! o!aTa *H1 be gladlr f«- liA.O.LIL S •n/ w*ri9' 40 "7 oa rttt*lfe •* T i p 5-771 o T 0 idd'—td LAD IE b TO Wrln prirately t€~ LADIES TO LADIES TO LONI>OH. • LADiiiiS B VEGETABLES. FLOW L li S. "Webbs' Collections prodace Webbs' Boxes of Ftoraj Gems a constant supply of the best arranged for the Gardens of Vegetables all the year round. Ladies and Amateurs. c/, 7/g 12/6 21/ 42/ and 2 6, Si-, 7/6, 10/6, and 21/- 105/-each. Delivered Free. each, Delivered Free. For Priced Lists, Description*, and Illustrations of the best sorts. "gO Webbs' Spring Catalogue. Post free V-, gratis to Customers. Abridged Edition gratis and post free. WEBB & S ONS,Word-sley,-StourbriaEu HUBCH" n KE r.nARLES EVANS CO. go. Warwick S-r.-et. Begent Street, Lon io. w. 52ENDlid.toE.Morpran, Publisher, Norwood,S.E., forWEATHEB ALMANAC,by B. <?. Jtnkins, F.R.A.S., andyou will be. as a correspondent says."realty ajumiahed :atlie accuracy." | THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. SIXTY-SEVEN YEARS' REPUTATION. I. I a NpUBEEX- —.<<N W Hg HNi!B UNSURPASSED FOR ALL LIVER AND BILIOUS DISEASES. QUICKEST REMEDY FOR FEVER & p KHEUMATISM. ENSURE SLEEP. ABSOLUTELY NO DANGER OF COLD SO COMMON WITH MERCURY AND OTHER MINERAL DRUGS. SAFE AND EFFICACIOUS IN ALL CLIMATE8. QUE TRIAL SUFFICES TP COWVIHCE. per pot. Of Wholesale Houses, or from Messrs. MORISON aau, 5'H E BRITISH COLLEGE OF HEALTH, 33, Euston Ri. ^°n^; N.B.—The Pill* are also prepared with a Pearl fhem quite tasteleen, but does not SE„sU5iliaVu T?<~ TO WOMEN.W^^IS CBK3(AIN Method WITHOUT MEDICINE. tures, or Useless Injections. @r^t^ Dwcovery<rfJM[ UNION LINE fiELDsS0Tr'THB:BofifSffiS HJ hMI^dJIm^E^ers £ j £ ™vsXhamcX S ^Applyto XaBte^S Steam SHIP COMPANY &imlted), ^'e Koaa, Southampton, and South African House, 91 to 96, Bifih psga Street Within. London. B.O. • NOW ON BARGAINS FOR LADIES.1'^ DOVMB SDBft, iiQiroog. Bat. lftn. — i NURSES CINDERELLA BOOTS & SHOES for LADIES' & CHILDREN'S AVF.AR. of all lmdin«retaj"" AH pf.huin*, stamp#* •* CINDXi^ ii LLA. tnlL tester. Name of nearest agent sent. -—— TiEST and CHEAPEST MANURE for FARM X> jind Garden, NATrVE GUANO, £ 3 lOs. per ton, in-.ags. 2-Ton lots carriage paid wiUun 100 miles. A 1-ewt bat camas Said,011 receipt ofP.O. for 53. For twenueih :om all parts address NATIVE G-UAI40 COMPAIN X. H, 29, New Bvidpre Stroe^t, Lonuou, V. A^oiits_\V_aijteii __d d SHUBClt PLAT2, CHARLES JiVANs' & CO., j SO, Warwick Street, Regent Street, Lv »ion, W. c £01 Warwick Street, Regent Street, Lv don, W. ASK YOUR r, A. W V -J KL'L Y AND • -■ SSTAB. ov«R 3SP SS Tratnmr toanite kmtow™3S I lnirOf Ailments, rrre^'nlai-it''ir '■ I ATlIrS 8UFFBREi«.. hiding •o .j. ure LHIllbV remedy in vain, has d.«<• Faxtioulars free to all. Send stojrive*! ^«WJUU*« to B K-K'rn wc. 46. Sonthainpton Bai.?.1" 'Hi London, or send M. t, .riUania^gtae^Tooi 11 J glffi-sfor sale. h'l'ATK FUhh D- TAILS. T1OURNEMOUTH," Seabourne (the honse JtS nearest to the Sea), opposite Pier, faoinp ^ea. Terms en pension from 3Q/ IUustrated Prospectua and Guide npn Kino TO Cure guaranteed tew d:iy^. Or. Howell, M. >r II IMII JM* ai^ahonse St.London.W. 2/6 a box: any cagie. Take Comfort HOROCEA is a True Friend to all Sufferers. | # for it J Touches fKil^ I | the Spot t and I CURES PAIN. | Wonderful as an t < OINTMENT or an I EMBROCATION. | For CHILBLAINS, CUTS, SORES, SKIN DISEASES, &c., &c. Use and have f relief at once. J S Of all Chemists, price 2/1 and 2/9 per £ A box, or free by post for 1/3 and 3/- A 5 from the HOMOCEA COMPANY Ltd., J 22, Hamilton Square, Birkenhead. TfJiOREIGN POSTAGE STAMPS. 100 all ■P different fori/ SIO ditto, 2/6; 260 ditto, 3/6. Post free. OIobe PMlatel^?Co., 151, High St., Notting Hill Gate, London, W. r!nllH<*tioii8 andolA loose stamps^ used or unused, bought tor cash. PROVERBS ANCIENT AND MODERN. A word to the wise is sufficient. A WORD TO THE WISE IS BO VRIL. A= stood as gold. AS GOOD AS GOLD CAN BUY, IS BOVRIL. As lively as a lark. A6 LIVELY AS A LARK IS THE BOVRIfc, DRINKER. Every little helps. EVERY LITTLE CUP OF BOVRIL HELPS TO HEALTH AND STRENGTH. A little pot is soon hot. A LITTLE POT OF BOVBH, SOON STRENGTHENS THE SYSTEM. An Englishman's house is his castle. AN ENGLISHMAN'S JOY IS THE BOVRIL CASTLE URN AT THE RAILWAY BUFFET. Like looking for a needle in a hay-staek. LIKE LOOKING FOR NUTRIMENT IN ORDINARY MEAT EXTRACT. For want of a nail the shoe wos lost. FOR WAXT OF THE TRUE NOURISHMENT OF BOVRIL THE LIFE WAS LOaT. £ \d-vt. I' THE MONARCH SYNDICATE, LIMITED. BETTER THAN SPECULATION. Investors wlio prefer to put their cash in ventures where large profits and small risk are prdctical certainties should look into the merits of the above enterprise. The Monarch Syndicate is in the hands of one of the most powerful groups in the City, and though only a short time at work has acquired assets to the extent of < £ 50,000 in the shape of mar- ketable shares in two first-class West Australian gold mines, the Cripple Creek Exploitation Syndi- cate and the Dunderberg Gold Mines, an under- taking of great value. The directors have also secured two very valuable Westralian gold proper- ties which will be put on the market forthwith They are now preparing to float the Lucky Gus Gold Mine, one of the best producers on the Cripple Creek Goldfield. All this, of course, means very large dividends for the shareholders witiiii, two ol three months. The enterprise is in the hands of a very strong group, and as there are no founders' shares, all the shareholders will have their interests thoroughly safeguarded, and will equally participate in th<- profits. The shares are changing Jiands in numbers at slightly over par, but the next co'.ipie of months should see them at over < £ 2 each. They cannot be otllCrwise regarded thau as a high- class and profitable investment. [A'lvt. REMARKABLE DISCOVERIES OF GOLD IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Dill the last year reefs have been discovered contafhing goidi.'i quantities which bids fair to startle the civilised world. To & large extent the statements made h&ve been based on ri'-h assays of gold, but the time appears now; to have arrived win n crushings in bulk will prove tnis British Colony likely to become the premier gold producing field in the world. WhSn it is remembered that the average yield of the South. Afriofth Mines is only a^little oyer Joz. to the ton, and that already gold to the value of 8 millions per annum is being produced, the possibilities of the West Australian G-old Fields will' be apparent. The first considerable producer, the Great Boukl^r Mine, commenced crushing a few months sinoe, and AM yielded £100,000 value of gold from 4000 tons, an average ft over ij07.. to the ton. Another remarkably nCt. mine in the same district is the Easter Gift. A parcel of ore from this ii.iae showing gold assaying several hundreds of ounces <Sf gold to the ton has recently been exhibited in Loiidon.fP'e- sumably the Easter Gift-will be floated in London, and IT the c;i['italis kept at anything like a reasonable figure there is likely to be a rash for the shares. [Advfc. The polling nt Brixton on Thursday resulted in fL<■ lvliirn of Mr Hubbard.Unionist.. by 4.493 vote", as against. Mr. Nun:i, liadical, who obtained 2,131 vo. es. THROAT IRRITATION AND COUG.H.—Soreness and dryness, tickling and irritation, inducing cough and affecting the voice. For those symptoms use Epps's H! vceritie Jujubes. In contact with the glands at th" moment they are excited by the act of sucking Glycerine in these agreeable confections becomes ac-livelv healing. Sold only in boxes, 7gd., tins lB. I jd.. labelled JAMKS Epps & CO., Ltd., Homoeopathic Chemists, London." Dr. Mor»% in his work on "Nose .nd Threat Diseases," says:The Glycerine Jujubes nr' uared by James Epps and Co., are of undoubted vice as a curative or palliative agent," while Dr. (;fi,)(),, Holmes, Senior Physician to the Municipal Throat and Ear Infirmary, writes: "After an exten- ded trial, I have found your Glycerine Jujubes of .•••on»iilerable benefit in almost all forms of throat disease." We regret to announce Oto death, on Wednesday, >•< 22nd inRi., of Rev. Edward Vaughati Owen, at ii late residence, ttiPldris Villa; Towyn, in the h of Lis age. Deceased was a native of '.unfair Careinion, and was educated for the ministry at St. Aidan's College, Birkenhead. He ivcs ordained a deacon in the vear 1858 and a "Ilowiiii-, yeiii-. He acted as curate of Cor wen from 1859 to 1867. In the 1 tter year he accepted the living of Liv* ydiarth, Montgomery- shire, which he resigned in 1892 owin!(" to failing health. After his resigualic.n lie resided at Tan- rallt, Aberdovey, but subsequently removed to Townv. The fune'v.! took place ;s t St Cad van's i., is a ii :!iiiccii <>n Satui-uay. whrv s. Tie us lewis and l. ,V. cies i:, 1. i t funera! W" private, the chief e, e. Air S. Ke re iinds, r\iae.c!ies!i cr Nvts the tin(](,rtakei, iiel tlitchargeri his duties in a very satisfactory ;na tiuer. THE ONLY KKLIABLE DISINFEfrriNG POWDER o J..Jj- I J J" \q Ii.') v t Lj.La¡ is (I A 1, Y E P- T'S, Guaranteed to contain 15 per cent. Calvert's No. 5 Carbolic, the strongest Disinfectant known. In 6d., 1/ & 1/6 Tins; at Chemists, &c., or 1/- Tin post free for vaiue. Cheaper in use titan other Powders- at lower rates much less being needed. Will not clog drains or pipes. Avoid worthless imitations made with Tar Oils F. C. CALVERT & Co., MANCHESTER.





