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-W.IC/ 'THE SECRET OF HEALTH." Written by a Diplomee of a London Hospital. A Copy of this Book will- be sent to each user of LIFEBUOY SOAP who sends his or her name ,and address and 12 LIFEBUOY SOAP Wrappers, postage filr carriage paid. to LEVER BROTHERS, Limited, Port Sunlight, near Birkenhead. CONTENTS.—THE MISSING BAG A Complete Story—INTRODUCTION TO TTiTr 'SFCrrtT OF HEALTH — GuIDE TO HOME NUKSTNG — GI IDK TO NIKSING IN INKKCTIOLS ILI.NKSSKS — OUK DUTY TO on: NEIGHBOUR— CHOLERA. How to Prevent it—SI-KCIAL CHACTEK—A WOITU OF WAKNING—SICK DIET, AND FEEDING THE SICK USEFUL HINTS FOR HEADS OF FAMILIES.. -=-=- -=- Books by LIFEBUOY SOAP is a Carbolic Disinfectant Soap for use in the Pre- | vention of Sickness and the Preservation of Health, and is guaranteed Popular Authors perfectly pure and free from any injurious chemicals. ftiyen with I All purchasers of this soap can exenanef tha Wrappers, at the Dealer's from whom r. they buy the. soao, for BOOKS. Lifebuoy S02;>. LEVER BROTH l.imitcd. Port Sunlight, near Birkenhead, have received the accompanying Report on LIFEBUOY ROYAL DISINFECTANT SOAP from Dr. Karl Enoch, Chemisch, Hygiecisches Institut, Hamburg. tivated germs or mi- The examination of gg g| MB! MlI llllv crobes ^Bacillus), in the sample of Lifebuoy H SSI j-OStffl BIM ftg each case a certain Royal Disinfectant WLjM B& ML. J|t exact time being al- Soap' furnished to me lowed for the operation; by Messrs. Lever I a"d th"S the caPKcity Brothers, Limited, of Bij KOYAb this soap for destroy- Port Sunlight, Eng. ing tile various live and land, gives the follow- pr^'d* germs was action as a disinfectant. X2J5 ^ESI,LT5 Royal Disinfectant y ||jf'The obstinate Ty- made Th- so^MonI jAMM phol^.crltes,~ vlthl were broiu: ht to bear on It FMF4 Aw ANTISEPTIC_& per cent. solution, were a variety of clean cui- I DISINFECTANT. dead within 2 hours. 2.—The operation of this soap on the Cholera Microbes was very remarkable, and showed this soap to be in the hi/iiast decree a disinfectant. Tbt-se fr.o.in persons who had died of Cholera in Hamburs:, nnd showed a result as follows: — witit tlij a per cent. mixture, Cholera Microbes were dead within 15 minutes. With the 5 per cent. same were d," within 5 minutes. 3.—The Diphtheria Ilicrobes were killed after a hours with the per cent. solution. 4.—The 5'per cent. solution was tried on fresh Carbuncle germs, and the result showed that the Microbe life was entirely extinct after 4 hours. From the foregoing experiments it will be seen that the Lif-ebu-oy Royal DisinfeCtant Soap is a powerful disinfectant and exterminator of the various germs and microbes of disease. (Signed) KARL ENOCH, Chem. Ilygiex. Inst. Hamburg. AG ITEREo-DF-BIG OR RE (Hautes Pyrenees) HOTEL I)E LONBKKS SI* D ANGLETEREE. -Fir.-t-el: !uuil>* Hnai. i'ij.i- situation. Large Park. 4 £ loritV-ie. IVu'ect Muiilaii&p V«ii»ion nt moderate terms. Olitucli in the town. -rtesident < 'iiaplain in Hotel. %>Klis}i Service every Sunday. JEAN ISKNT, Prop. Wmor BsSf Ssafl vattb, we robbea !n VTYOLIA. When she was a Child, she cried for VINOLlA. When she became Miss, she clung to VINOLIA. When she had children, she gave them VINOLIA. •T l;Jf., m, 1(9: Vinotia Powtrr, I/ 1/9; Premier V. Soap/A Y RECOXMBNDFD BY KEN- w1 moc-MAIN ¡ ,f- S r,Xo Sua i* ^L. £ J? ecmlcr?^hle xn »» GJ 0 G" os rsiiilaiae P<*saioa\W Sa ii ^^red^ith^A- 3 r ^ibenrour^anip. *MurtAu BUWD3, o«i. per £ 4. WJKS'J'J.AKK, 147-9. Gkcat fo«.tKoii t,„! AOTMI of jowtt* wiure u.v >■"» "e1^> a,t^ 'ru ¥-•—• )- ADTES' AH.AlIIENTS, IP,REGUL\RITIE; wd 03STH.TJCTI0NS. &C.-A irarilo jVcav-s oif Mf- Keniedv in vara has Write privately, Particulars wiU be sent liee ^LAIK. <0, SOUTH- stamped envelope, Me/aiun Paper. RriTT.nTNOg. LOKDO". f The matrimonial herald BfrX88». Keeorninended byjhe^ler. Brilluiul •. S?^uuecPSy'S £ oi^ i^o^nonid,uiAoomvnprcla] clashes fttn°uE:llout the British Empire. Its magmiflos«t clientele fiSJy acrjaented by private veooir.i*Lcr.d.aUona n-om assoeiatea «ad advantageously married. Charges merely BliTrwrRQ SIJET surpLniD Dll Wt\ THE SYTAZIAL COIWANY'S OINTMENT gives speedj • II t XL'relief and seld<5m fails to render'an operation WLtOi u"sa £ Potsl,lkl/9, & 3^ C«sand A^8,or i)OSt tl'ec- 54. QUEEN S E,OAX>,Baisw > rrnWN" 'KSRNTSt' VANTED AT ONCE IN JEV/-rtYJTOVV^ |fSMAOnPiilS.-Tbe strongest obtainable in bose» at 7d.*l/l frpc.from ,T. Skewos.Ohemist, a.Upper St., Nn/gnJ^ond^ t)R. cjgott'S pn.LS!MI™?N|Ara|Tirrf 1\, >■ without mercury. | i^COTT'S TJILLS CTJ"ri-: .-jici: i!KA«Acn*s. Vv O JT CURS I all. CICOTT'S T>ILLS;CX7R2I I^MGESTJON. j3 j CURS COSTIVE vess. Aft. CCOTT'S piLLS o™ STOMAC^B. Aft. CCOTT'S piLLS g™ J)u. CCOTT'S TOLLS m AroSi™. JL PEOMOTB r>lGB.STIOS^_ JiKTSCOTT^ BILIOUS & LIVEii PILLS. :Q v Some unscrupulous persona may try to persuade you 'wjiy some preparation of their own. Co not do so, DUI yS?1 on having Dr. Scott's Bilious and Liver Pills, whieh are hJPfed in a sauare green package, bcarinj: the name of tha ^Prietor. W. LAMBEHT. 173. 3e.yiaoar-pl»oe. London. W. St'. JOSEPH'S Commercial College, Duminps- ><)» Prospectus*e»d Postcard to Uroth»r .Jam^, Colleire. Imv,.fn x. A fcERDEEN GRANITE MOHUIdENTu, kr-fm„ jn.K .rr'aw paid. Inscriptions aceurate and Ix-au- from J. w. l.K-.T, Sculptor, Aberdeen. from J. w. l.K-.T, Sculptor, Aberdeen. S A i'iu "r"9 —HO T E L^B E ATT SIT E &JT1 Sa bCi and HOTEL BE I/ESTEBEL. soS^ly-repiited first-clr.sr- lamily Hotels, recommended for ^i?e comfort and unequalled position, facing sea and Esterels; few^ivepark ijrounds; finest lawii twuuscourt "n contwent; JO sanitary arrangements; tenas moderate. NKAB/ESX S ClitJS. O. GOUGOLT/. JVop. (J&EENSIIiLS' MONA BOUQUET*;ftl!« ^erfume px^nt. Sold "by all Chemists." Hcfu^e imitations. A NEW WORK ON EVOLUTION. w Second Edition, Demy Svo, cloth (rilt, 6" i A LIEN AN 0 ELS. UiBition UPOR Iranian IBxistr-nce, an Ati-ompt to EI11(, » its Mysteries, especially tliosa of evil and sufferhi!?. JjB OF TIIEM. This vonuiif II RU imnort.int addition to ature of bvn'.ution, and ha:i been t!io su'.iject of much Mlejptn and diseussion by eminent thinkers aiid tiit )?rcss. ^Jst edition of one thoasand WEM sold in tlnee moiiths. O^°mlon: GAY ic BIRD, 5, Chandos Street, Strand. A^rAS GOOD CHEER—5yr. old Whiskeys h j O" ~>ITE WHISKE Y I'iest Irish | 38/- per do- case iyj ,f' RSI T WHISKEY faipst Scotch carnage paid N~j^iihoril<r. J .Borroush, Qale St. Distill cry,Chelsea. London Wanted WEEKLY.—Best Va'ne for 5ull>. to 70ib. Pigs, choice quality. V X XI'IAS ORDERS now in hand for Large 3»t J\is. '• ««> I'->wl8. Ducks and Gam", &c Beat days to send 18th to Win" «• for all ij:>od3. Import*rs aud Exporters of all kinds of sausage aail haycrs on Loramiss.on of all classes fri">h raent —W A -NJ"" x J,t., i(j for Eii *iiie-I: AC, for Engineers and others, 71 bs. for yTT VVAX,TER^ & WALT-EKS, Barleys Lane, Fulhair),R<»ndon. ADAM FRAI IR as 3PANOUS female MIXTURE. v,he MOST POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE on earth. S*lL0rtJje most obstinate oa-es. Will not injure the most deli- vK.Jft-ice 7= 6d lis. bottlei. l'ost free 6d. extra. PVnfjAL INSTITUTE,IK, Hackney iioafl (oppositeShoreditch London, N.E. Send at o^i^ btamr^d Directed Enve- Vn+L^r particulars anfl proofs. I ^lU Iorxeit £ 100'for every -oraal that is ngl^or.iiine. and they can be s^en at any time. 3I0XKY. MCKNTEY. MONEY. ESTABLISHED 1869. CASH IMMEDIATELY ADVANCED, FROM £ 5 AND UPWARDS. To Faimoip, C,ird(-,iiei,F,, Carriers, Cowkeepers, Shopkeepers, Dairymen, Tradesmen, Clerks, Clergy- HMI, Lodging-bouse Keepers, Private Householders and others, without Bondsmen, OX THEIR OWN SECUPtlTY, On Note oi Hand alone, repayable by easy instal- ments, oi arranged to suit Borrower's own con- ()we venience. All communications are received and kept in strict confidence. No genuine application ever refused, and honourable and straightforward transactions guaranteed. ° NO ENQUIRY FEE. Intended Borrowers are invited, before applying elsewhere, to apply to the actual Lender, ° J. A. KENNIE, 24, CHESTER STKEET, SHREWSBURY. 'F. DNESDAYS-AT 1, KING STREET, OSWESTRY. N.B.—Town or Country distance no object. Letters immediately attended to. THE IMPROVED MODEL SV.LK-INKIM; PEI>n'TI^TG PRESSES N> A I! K T11K BEST AND CHEAPEST <v/ • y Thousands in Lse. j>y £ Splendid Testimonials o*/ TYPES W V/ Send for Price List./ AXn # PRINTING /<^ ^MATERIALS (X 4-O F EVERY DESCRIPTION Supplied in Smallest ? Quantitios at Lowest Prices. SEXD FOR PRICE LIST. Now Edition of IIO'W to PRINT," 8d. post free. JOHN LLOYD, TOWX-C RIER, 18, SKINNER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH BKGS to r.inumace that he has commenced th- BILLi'OSiING BUSINESS and hopes l»v strict attention to business to merit a share of your favours. OltftEBS ;:XKCL'TEI> IX TOW* AXD COUNTRY. X ADIES.—PROF. E. DUEOIS, JU FAMOUS .FEMALE P3LL3. The most obstufate cases of irregularities and oV.tructwn removed. Never known to fail, l li and 2/9, or posu iree lo and 35 stamps. London BRANCH: 144, FLEET E.C. SiMi RILBERFS Lo-nAL SSIOXISTG MIXTURE. <>W.id flavour. Delfcatfnl fragrance. Everybody likes it -inn Tobacco. Halr-noiiad packet, post h'ee, 18 stamps. 5ft? Some SMllinB BBIAK PIPE gratis Sample packlt Once ta-ied, Smokers ALL, you will smoke no other. nVirited invaluable recipes free to every pui-chaser. ^Lri T'T^L9!, "REAT FRANCIS ST., BIRMINGHAM- Imarried ladies pbwention better THAN CUBE. n;i from Mas. Foebes, 144, SackvilloEoad, Brighten. ^STO&UABLE, sale, and cheap Most liatterSLS :R.B.-S-imPl-, TOJT;TTI,„LIALS I-eceiyad daily. tr^CTrn CTTTYORIFIC is the name of tha 7TTESIC0 Horses in the World. Xo Blemish! t mostiaJa,Txs-,?',t deeded! Hundreds uiuisked-for Testi- No Cradle :4A° SPLINT. SPAVIN, RING-BONE. SIDE-BONE, moniais for ^LTKI ]!OW CUKB, "VVTNBGAUJ, TUMOITTIS, and CAPPEB HOCK AND l^BOW mf g P^o S/6 and pies. — — ^.TruTQTnirAS & NEW YEAE'S PRESENTS IM r DIRCEL POST TO all European \J per C0XT1>^N1-L ^Al^to c(),onks d abroad by countrir-I da»L>• ('^EIJIES NATIONTALE.S ILIMITEU), every iri.ul.. "London, E.O. WHEKis'to Waiter fREUDEt^ST ADT v V Black Forest Ho-el ist Class Hotel, in (Stnttfrai"t. OKentoE, i^^i "'60rooms. Water,Milk,Massage SKSIIK ."sssawss^ssis; ""o-r cloth Chamois Leather Pockets, Fur- X3f Kavy Blue Lea\ er V1, c uff:. of vut Jicaver, perfectly new. lined throughout, larc« ^We/tbourneGrovS,hondon,W. Newest System. Electnc ;0xi, PropriP* Newest System. Electnc ;0xi, PropriP* -7- THr,.s IREELY it, So FT, -OAP WATS D OA P %N Ni For 150 Wrappers the splendid Picture," The Charge of the Light Brigade, j in good gilt frame, will be sent carriage paid. Full particulars on each V iappei. | THE GREAT AMERICAN PRESCRIPTION. WENTY YEAR'S RESEARCH has brought to light a uaranteed Remedy for 1 NERVOUS DEBILITY", the Errors of Youth, Lost Manhood, Wea xjrinary Sight, Bladder. Gravel, Kidney, Liver complaints, and all 2 2 suflS Organs. Tliis Prescription is in the hands of a Minister, wlw> "Wil S from these enervating diseases, it has CURED THOUSANDS. Merely s»:-ml self-addressed stamped envelope to the Ee^ SNES' fl' We3> wiiea the PreacriptioQ will be sent FBSlfi OF CHARGE. Name this Paper.


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