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XMAS FOR 1/3 CABBIAGE PAID! (Brw.) WA Happy Thought has just Struck Us" that ire should like to make the readers of this Paper a special Parcel of Christmas Oar da, so We WiU Do It." Simply plainly "*ite nothing else but your name and address on the top of a Wece of paper and the following words:- Beautiful-Automatic & Mechanical Parcel," Jp^poet it any day before 'Xmaa with Postal Order 1/8 or 16 ■tamps, and you will receive a parcel per return post paid on Approval. Kotice'we send the parcel on approval; if you like gt_kegp it; if you don't, return it. and we will return your liS.Jo^^K^rFiTowevwTyou'sEiouIanot delay in ordering, as *e are only making up a limited number, and the first applying JSpeive them. All cards have choice and seasonable wishes. Ahe first four cards are worth more than the money charged for S*he whole pareelj so, AB a Matter of Fact," all the others are yen in. Every parcel contains all the following (sufficient post to friends and to decorate mantelpieoee, making the Rome bright for 'Xmas)A Lovely Automatic Keyless Life- JJke Flying Owl, a marvellous piece of mechanism. When stood its large brown eyes open and shut, and its wings work up j&d down; without any winding with a key it works itself, j-his card alone is worth Gd., the price it will sail at if displayed 5J a shop window in the ordinary way. A Good Mechanical Pending Card—four Little boys have made a snow man, repre- senting a polioeman, with helmet on head, belt and lantern fwjpd waist, &c.; from the top of a wall the boys are snow- PMling a real policeman, who is about to ascend a ladder (which «adouble one, and polls out for the card to stand up). The Policeman is not pleased with his snow effigy, so is after the rpys; value, Id. Next comes the Companion Card, another "fonderful mechanical card, representing a pair of steps at the 2?e. -which open to stand up, and then is seen Father Frog" jjtting at the foot, smoking a pipe, and two young frogs are fanning up a*d down the steps; at the side is the large bird, eful stork, watching the frogs' antics; 4d. A Prettily- Floral Folding Card, with beautiful sparkling jewelled" S?*ers, and also the Wish is jewelled in pretty Bparkling •jades; 6d. A Pretty Art-tinted Crimson Card, with silver golden "spider-web," pretty lilies, ferns in gilt, and butterfly; ftd. A Pretty Silver-edged Card, beautiful ffjute flowers and ferns: 6d. "Dear Old Father Christmas" folding Card—Father 'Xmas is standing beside a donkey with presents for the ohildren, in the background (which ^Presents the sky) are seen a number of bright stars, one being brilliant throws its rays across the whole scene; 3d. A "U' of pretty Snow-scene Cards, with open-wurk gilt borders, Jaø Xmas and one New Tear's Wishes; in the centres are SJJWTy scenes\ 4d. each. A Laughable Card of Four Dogs jjPHding on their hind legs, holding music and singing carols; Jr; A Pretty Fancy-edged Autograph Card in gilt, pretty .Srjjnable flowers, all sparkling with jewels; 8u. A Very Folding Card, with country view on front; 3d. Bead** Jr'the above are given six more 'XmaH Cards, value Id. to 8d. •T^h. Each year our designs beat those of previous ones. A j°Pecial Olfor given with e vory parcel; no blanks, no deciding s *°ttery or competition whatever, but we guarantee this til DeeW Offer to considerably benefit every receiver: Should <5,:? demand be greater than the number we have of any parta- novelty oilered above, others of equal value will be sent, jvp'e to-day. liemeraber all parcels are sent on approval. jtJ^blisiied 1S89. Our trade motto: A Bis Trade, not a Big S?ht." Address letters—MES3BS. PAIN BROTHERS, jjfolesale "Art Traders" I The Great 'Xvtas Card JfeopU), ^ggTlNOS. —— IliilDnOTfiMT Valuable and never telling remeoies III"iln I U jv I for all irregulariti^Jnd obstructions, ». however obstinate or long stan<Ung. Trt and never fail to bring about tho desired re I M suit. "These really wonderful medicines aw ■ without parallel in medical science ;taeypre I APH{"0 serve health, and have saved thousand! V#f|J|t.U> trouble, illness, and expense; heaps of un solicited testimonials. Send at once Btampec jVelopg for most invaluable particulars. (The only elfectua. ^edy on earth.) ^■DASMAIL, WALIHAMSTOW. Est. 18C1. Wiim B«by toi nft, we mW)ed to VmOLIA. When she was a Child, she cried for VINOLIA- yhea ghe became Miss, she clung to vINOLIA WIMB atw dw ga<« Uura linUluA k"Rs 711& Tfg; rinona Porter, V-A*; Premier V. SaapM MMMMBNDED BY MEDICAL MEN. EM ?1R3RB Qg !:tI Steel in /tonAJ Sk ft&8 Effective li/.ht. EQuailr^H S h) 08^ joS* oomfortabl a xn an erect *9 at reclining Vol I¡:) Er^w^iU^n^DfliwlirtiveClrcu- ■"Baa..t KJ; WW l»r. Price List, 4c., free. 7S3 J OTHITi' & CO., l.d.,London. ^SS. Twouiorx from Kaymsrkft. ^■^ggwn- ourMtanff lti.il] xeftid. Femalt Attendant. PIIRPRIHJFCO^SS.1/9 SSSFGS <i«Mi I'OiN^LOYss at London Trires. 8««P.K,AW W.WDS, Sd. per Too*; other Blinds eqniJtT icd *vitisi«c*ion ^n«r«n»^ed Outside Shop Ititnda TJ* WILSTLA-LE, li7-0, GHHAT VOLLKSX HYKBVT, LONDON, N.W« ^.q**» «otw» tuyere uy »w it uw, mnd friet Lwi, puif L4^XES'AILMENTS, IRREGULARITIES, »eitig??STS'XrCTIONS, &c—A Lady having tried every Ad- Remodv in vain has discovered a Simple M eann of Self- articulars will be sent Free of Charge. Write privately, stamped envelope, to MRS. ST. CLAIIi, 46, SOUTH- Buu.rnvfu; LOWIDON, W.C. JI7.t101¿ Taper. The matrimonial HEyio FASHION ABLE MABBIAOB GAZETTK. aMSSrCa;j of the World's GreatM ^fifil^^eee^sfui by nobllitv t>rofe»^ional, and commercial classes 5*iV?h°ut the B^tKii anmrc. ItB roayniflccnt clientele by private recoiiimendationa from assoc^a^ J5- advantageousiy marriad. Charges Jl? y >5" Strict Bccrocy. In plain, sealed envelove, 5d. ^^Stfor. 40. T. irr^b'a Conduit Btreet^London.JiV.L; TITTXfli THB_BAj?X8T x 1 s MEDICINE prepared I \k without mercury. SICOTT'S T>ILLS OTTBE SICK Heabachm. h h JL CUPE GIDDINBSS. ■I .VCOTT'S "DILLS CUBE WDiaKSTioir. CURE COSTIVENKflS. gCOTT'S piLLS OVKK ^cnV^n. »COTT'S piLLS NIBVdepkeBsio*. SICOTT'S TOLLS JL PBOMOTK DlGESTIg*. |J\SOOTT'S BILIOUS & LlVEK PILLS, 'l»i bS2 Mserupuloua persons may try to persuade yow on K?0 prepai-ation of their own. Do not do so, DUI tijjpert Dr. Bcott's Bilious and Liver Pills, which are ? green paokage, bearing the name oi w W. T.amTibbj. 173. 8eymom*pi«^»i T.ondon. w- rll C0 ,THE SYTAZIU COMPANY'S OINTMENT gives speedj S, IL r seldom fails to render'-an operation 1'inneoeesary. Pote 115,19, & 3/6, Chemists ana fr? e. 64, QTTEXN'S ROAD, BAYSWATER, LONCOS, W. ANTED AT once TS EVERY^TOWN^ f Pills.—The §troayc»t obtainable, in boxes at 7d* A — £ £ g»irom J. Skgwgs.CbemUt, Upper ^t.,Ialington. London.N PAIR OP ANY KIND. nLj' Corns BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE, MM^FSSSSM^COUGHS, COLDS, ill mtssss^^r^m^ ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, a z !DrUB.A.LGlA, -Ä few dosei quite effectual.— Caution.—The extra<:)l'(linryme<1ic"l I'Cport8 OD the elfieacy of ("hloro lynerendei ee that the pablie should obtain the Genuine, a. Sorernmeut stamp,bearingthe WOJVW "Pr-.T. Colli OrodY-ie." JeedecWon Vice.ChaDc,"llopifuW. Pa.gE vS^Oly 1C, 1864. Testimonial?from eminent Phy9ician« Beld in Bottles, 171 >, 2/9, & 4, 6, by j»U Chemists VICTORIA HOTEL « aad facing the Pier. Kxoelleni onlaiiie und of j-r^^phio Address, Victoria.1' T7n<ier the ma.nage- %if|tT'rpr^Jw'r LAKTIAP, late of Limm^r's Hotel, London. G^I^PORT,-PALACE HOTEL, Eirkdale Hlannii»S 'Winter resort in own grounds. Llectrio ^Tafr15" hafhs. Cirkdale Paiace Statioti conti-r.tous. —-iSiiggments in perfect order.—E. A. I'lCK, Ivlaiia^-er. RABBITS, POITLTRT, and MEAT fcii* 1/06 8ent to BROOKE BROS.. 2JD6, 308, Central luh i Sh itsale. G^od prices. Cash wijh Sales daily. ^nk\ Gil RHRF'n ia the most obsti- NSUICALGIA powrasi' by •-SSfQM 1s> or post free, 1 1: ^ainps). "VV1L1.1S. Chemist, ■fcv s—J*?ts. "Vvhoin.saie A;invs: JjiiWAIHis A:tux,Lor: inn. 1to/ CHAMPAGNE-Louis Valerie's ^8er>< 'iae'fl 1(^' suitable all purposes, 34 KAISER ^K.iv°llr. iS-; Cach. dliirered. Samples P.O.- D 11 ~—~n'son' Devonshire Chambers, Loudon. E.C. "IIpHERS. SUET SUPPLIED in any nurnjT.ities. ni)trai luc^t Market, London, WELSHPOOL SAVINGS BANK (SEVERN STREET.) BANK HOURS. Mondays From 11 to 1 o'clock Saturday Morning From 11 to 12 o'clock Saturday Evening (for receiving deposits only From 6 to 7 o'clock MONTGOMERY BRANCH (At the Town Hall, Montgomery). First Thursday in every month, From 1 to 2 o'clock Interest allowed £2 10s. per cent per annum. Depositors may now deposit from one shilling to £50 in one year. Depositors are requested to produce their Books for examination once a year as required by tll Savings Banks Act Amendment Act, 1863, and the Rules of the Bank. JOHN EVANS, SECRETARY. ESTABLISHED 1851. 113IRKBECK BANK Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. TWO and A HALF per CENT. INTEREST al- lowed on DEPOSITS, repayable on demand. TWO per CENT. on CURRENT ACCOUNTS on minimum monthly balance, when not drawn below £100. STOCK, SHARES and ANNUITIES purchased and sold. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. For the encouragement of Thrift the Bank reo ceives small sums on deposit, and allows Interest Monthly on each completed Ll. BIRKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY. HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH. BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY. HOW TO PURCHASE A PLOT OF LfuD FOR FIVE SHILLING PER MONTH. The BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with full parti- culars, can be obtained post free on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCOFT, Manager. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. ESTABLISHED 1869. CASH IMMEDIATELY ADVANCED, FROM X5 AND UPWARDS. To Farmers, Gardeners, Carriers, Cowkeepers, Shopkeepers, Dairymen, Tradesmen, Clerks, Clergy- men, Lodging-house Keepers, Private Householders and others, without Bondsmen, ON THEIR OWN SECURITY, On Note of Hand alone, repayable by easy instal- ments, or arranged to suit Borrower's own con- venience. All communications are received and kept in strict confidence. No genuine application ever refused, and honourable and straightforward transactions guaranteed. NO ENQUIRY FEE. Intended Borrowers are invited, before applying elsewhere, to apply to the actual Lender, J. A. RENNIE, 24, CHESTER STREET, SHREWSBURY. WEDNESDAYS—AT 1, KING STREET, OSWESTRY. N.B.—Town or Country; distance HO object. Letters immediately attended to. THE IMPROVED MODEL /«. SELF-INKING PRINTING PRESSES v ARE THE BEST AND CHEAPEST O. — w Thousands in Use. 0 Splendid Testi-onialq 0 TYPES Send for Price List. 01;>" ANB RINTING !;t: 'o MATERIALS 0 F EVERY DESCRIPTION 4 Supplied in Smallest Quantities at Lowest Prices. SEND FOR PRICE LIST. New Edition of HOW to PRINT," 8d. post free. (Reporter since 1866), 154. FLEET STREET. ioNDojp^ NO MORE SHORTHAND^AHiUii^Z Janes's Shorthand (A. Janes, Parliamentary Reporter) th« easiest and most efficient system. The result of 23 years' experi- ment and research. Written by the author. No ''learner's style and nothing to unlearn. Recognised by the Education Dent 4th Edition; Complete Corresponding Style, One Shilling A. JA-VES. 5. Crofton Road, Camberwell, London. S.E. rr*HE BOOK LOVER. A Guide to the Best -L Reading. By James Baldwin. Xew and Enlarged I?<lition I6mo, half cloth, 2/8. A NATURAL Method of Physical Training. XA-Xew and Enlarged Edition. Making Muscle and Ueducins Flesh without Dieting or Apparatus. By Edwin (Jheekltv With Illustrations. 12mo, cloth, 2 a. A. P. PUTNAM'9 30NS, 24, Bedford Street, Strand. I.ondon and New Ynrlr. T^ISH. FISH, PISH, 'Tarr^P^. Iiloaters. Try a box. The trade supplied also at a "cheap rate JAMES FRENCH, Fish Merchant, 127, KING STREET, YARMOUTH'. TNCANDESCENT GAS—No more-broke-n JL Mantles. Duncan's Patent Detachable Mantle Gua.rd prevents breakage of Mantle, while removing and replacing Chimney, and only one is required for any. number of lights. Vrioe 1 each, from all Incandescent Gas Agents, or post free. f 3 from W- DUNCAN, IK. EASTER ROAD, LEITH. rilHE HUMAN FLOWER—Physiology of I Birth and Sex, for youthful instruction. Enlarged Edition, 1/1 Dost free from MES. W. EI;MY, Button House. Congleton. CANfJES—HOTEL CONTINENTAL FIRST-CLASS FAMILY HOTEL. r 4«rw TWKIS Perfcct Sanitary Arranpamenta. i.ulonf^res. Tfwwpst System. Elecuic Light, 7V,«,« moderotr. Newestaytiu; FANCONI, Proprietor. •^7-RSICO SUDORIFIC is the name of the V „nst famous Blister for Horses in the World, No Blemish! f?a%V'fcVo Best Needted! Hundreds unaslred-for Testi- NO XT-i>tkGt SPLINT, SPAVIN, RING-EOXE, SIDE-BONE, HOCK AND ELBOW, CURB, WIN OGAM,, TUMOURS, and P Jrei^VGTHENING the LEGS OF HORSES. Price 2/6 and marriedladies" Health and Happinefs"nn"d ret keen their Families within the limits of their means, should Read Nurse Forbes" Book, entitled:— SSSVBNTION BETTER THAN 0URE. Po"tfree 7d.,from MRS. FORBES, 144, Sackville Road,Brighton, ■if R —Simnle reliable, sate, and cheap. Most ilatteiing Testimonials received daily. SMOKE GILBERT'S PIORAI. SOTOXING MIXTURE. flavour Delightful fragrance. Everybody Ukes it Sple.uad Savom- Tfolf-poni^l packet, post free, 18 stamps, with BRIAR PIPE gratis. Sample packet, OMCtrieiSmofes AIXi, yoa will smoke no other. ThSv nrinted invahiablw recipes tree to eveiy purchaser ^?.RF^2A. GREAT EPAy(:lS_ST^Bnon^HAM, First.-class Family Hotel. Fwe ftuation. Large Park. CuloriPle. P,.l'fect mnit:<tion. nt terms. English Chinch in the to.in. ive..iuu Prop. Englisli Service evej'y 6unaav. JEA^xi^x, LY, it-If* Oqp,.Cojz. WATSOWS -RIM I ;1i, A- D RP, j FOr 150 Wrappers the splendid Picture," Ths Cliarge of the [10 good gilt frame, will be sent carriage paid. Fail particulars on each Wrapper. | THE GREAT American prescription. YEAR'S RESEARCH has brought to light a guaranteed Remedy for Q. ,°US DEBILITY, the Errors of Youth, Lost Manhood, Weakness, Dimness of Q Sigafc, Bladder, Gravel, Kidney, Liver complaints, and all Diseases of the Urinary gans. This Prescription is in the hands of a Minister, who will befriend any on* suffering from these enervating diseases. It has w CURED THOUSANDS. erely s«ND self-addressed stamped envelope to the Rev. DAVID JONES, Ray Villa, Lewes* ■w uen the Prescription will be sent FREE OF CHARGE. Name this Paper.




