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------=-:.._----"ALE OF HAY…


-=- "ALE OF HAY & STRAW CROPS. h —— Eolations Explained to Farmers at Brecon. T J. Yorwerth, of the Soutli East e.s borage Department, Cardiff, spoke to a Oil ^arD3ers at the County Hall, Brecon, r^ay afternon, on the new regulations for an(^ (^sl)08a^ ^iaJ" an(l straw crops for S. Sliller, who presided, said Captain j would be willing to give information ,^>rs who applied to him as to what the «Heratioils were in regard to meeting any to ♦! ^'eiicy and difficulty which might arise as s<ile of straw and oats. I Yorwerth remarked that no class of Peo '\Ptain Yorwerth remarked that no class of tj)e e had been affected so much by the war as j a§riculturists. They were bound by so orders that perhaps they did not know I* J* "where they were from one week's end ""Dther and he felt that in meeting them (fo to face he was serving a good purpose. look'll', hear). The Army in the past had not iw to Breconshire for hay. It was a stock- county, and more good was done by 9 it alone, as far as the commandeering D0 "vas concerned, since it would have been ^lefit to the agriculturist or the community But circumstances had now arisen It ulade it to the best interests of the iftv r t: the Army should purchase seme 4j)' ?r stra\v in Breconshire. The ploughing j so much grass land would increase the 4^ of oat and wheat straw by a very large' and there would be an outlet for the H^^turists of this county for their straw j **the new scheme. This year private pur- \f) !¡g would be done away with the Army a:Jq d be the only purchasers for all the hay f0r Jraw in the Kingdom. They would buy la e civilian as well as the Army, so that L^the purchasing officer went to a farm and w! say, 50 tons of hay and 50 of straw, he frjj. J* first ask the farmer how much he wanted feeding of his own stock. Personally to, first ask the farmer how much he wanted feeding of his own stock. Personally a<3 not had the disagreeable task of V^itioning an ounce of hay from any farmer ((.. Wanted it for the feeding of Ms own if in any county and he hoped he never lit;, have the need to do it (Hear, hear). bre °llld not be worth his while to come into C°Iishire unless he could send the Army to> and unless he could buy enough hay lie dle. As far as wheat and oat straw went, ftv '*1 not think the Army would require any f0l. ,%econshire, but they would. purchasing (:1 'I' i,' t^^lviliaii purposes, and what he wanted to ask "'as whether it was possible for them to Hjj f üf the oat and wheat straw for their i¡, eeding purposes in order that they might Vof6 °f as much hay as they possibly could tl);.Uie Army. In his opinion the price of hay ^.i'ear would be very excellent." He was V 10Us to know the amount he might be able \^U|'c'hase in Breconshire and whether it rl be worth while io send balers t. Brecon- V for the purpose. If farmers sold their ^v to the Government they wo tiki' also fy' ^leir straw and bale it. The whole of the that a farmer had to sell, would be pur- (1^^ nnrl'graded. Under the old regulations ^vas a grievance in this respect, -but there be none this year. The hay would be and the dealer's profit would be limited }¡¡itJ considerably, because an allotment com- e Would be set up for the civilian hay and committee would be representatives ^Pinj ^miers, consumers and dealers. In his ()PC a rationing system would come into *0r tho feeding of the horses of this W Next to the Army it was absolutely ito^i'y iUut the coal pit. of South "Wfctett and ^^outhshire should be kept going. It was «f0,Jtely essential they should have every bit ^Ifi ^'V t^py could get for the Army and the and if a farmer had a stock of surplus to J°-dav it was his bounden duty to offer it ll t e Government.. The farmer must make use he could of the straw he had and prevent waste of any kind by his W* In conclusion Capt. Yorwerth said apart this he believed the regulations would be ^geuus (0 dio farmers of Breconflhire, i-1e asked for their loyal co-operation and -"(,,e the work. (Applause). "flying to questions Capt. Yorwerth said ."oveinijjO.it would haul all'the hay and fla\¡\' they purchased and deduct the amount of 11 so inucb l,er lu^e or the farmer ^have the option of doing his own hauling. 1t1¡c(hsed farmers to tie their straw and not 'L it loose. There would be a great :lld for oat straw in boltings because ¡¡al'i1,n consumers would have to take a great oal Mi-aw in place of hay. Chairman said there would be a great ty of oat straw for the market in Brecon- ^:is there were nearly a third more oats 'j)?ear than last. ear than last. e question of getting tiers attached to wad discussed und it was to bring the matter before the War .\U.ltural Executive Committee. .,I ts were also suggested for help- fill,, i orw erth to arrive at the approximate which, might Vie purchased in Brecon- and on the motion of the Chairman a thanks \v§s passed to him for coming to n and addressing the meeting.


----------------CALF SLAUGHTER.


-_.------- --------------------------------INETTING…






-------..----------.-, PENOYRE…
