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--------------FARMERS5 UNION…


FARMERS5 UNION PROPAGANOM, Good Meeting at Sennybridge. 1,^ propaganda meeting was held at tbe H J', S ~nr ybri3ge, en Monday nig^t, «h.^ aaspfscc of the leia! branch of the **r*ecu and Riduor Farmers' Union, and was aUended. Tbe chair was occupied by Me j-Jf Pci->- N-yrh"rj »ho *9? snj.porfcpd by 5'J It Baobe. of Knighton, Alderman Mervyc j of Ta'aatth, Ms Dt Tbomaa (asricul- organiser). Mr W S Miller, Foresr. Lodge, R t Proper. B S» Brecon, aud Mr Wr ^!liipd3i Bryooelyn (iocal baoret-iry and 0r83fiijer). Chairman said be tboaght farmers were ullve to Uitir tPsponaioi'Jt'ss. Is behoved •hern to otg&uise &r.d welcome new ideas with teg&1 production. They *ate cow recognised as the obief industry ia 'be 'T: ;.udl they woold be if quired to "aake a greater effort i the matter of food P'odaction, as it was essential to tbe well being U:c tfc&* nior« food should be prodnepd. To meet the situation a strongly Drg'lu¡'_d b:-4,¡, was necessary acd tben thtl St&te would study their int^res's. (Applause). AH. Mervyr Davies 83id that prior to the !\r ^gricril'-n-r it; this cccnt.ry WRFI r secondary but now ws bad been brought "aoe to f..cc. with the importance d food ProducLioL, aud a uDiou W;tB uecessaiy for the Prottctiou oi iLose wbo were engaged ic it ^ork. H"' was there to arge them to join -3 •Wtncs' Uci -S, wbi^H hf, udrai'ted was vif o perfect as it ought so b., That was not due anything :be memi.-trs or organisers of tbe Movement.- bid or had not done, but was due to farmer" themselves. To-r3ay there ^as ao induH::v that was more controlled than *8fic uiuire, auu their uujtjou Wats tu bttud LU- Sether, not for a policy of aggressioc, but to pot forward their own welfare aud interest. *heir organisation should consist of practical ^En, and be assured them that the Govern.. *^ent itself would welcome such a body. The ^oion had recently adopted a great scheme of it end from all accounts be heard at Would Boon K'ow numerically into a very f°Whrfai forte aud would be able to embark ou *ery eff'cnve policy. Dealing with tbe .torse, M? Davies rcpn^ted •he idea stt foitb in ca« quarter of the county it meant tbe exclusion of the smallholder, also poicted out Ihe icflaenoe which tbe Organised Labour Party bad upon the Govern. an^ saifl hz cou d net ete sny reason wby aa farmers could net be united to Fuob an Bxtent that their voic? would be heard upon *Qy agricaltueal question. (Applause). i)ij. Thomas addrtseed ibe gathering in j*8leb, and pointed out that of about 5,000 fr'tcars in Bteconsbire and Radnorshire not ^)00o bad joined the Uoion. But while he nrged them to join the Union, the direct 5>668age Mr Baohb and himself had for them evening was the importanoe of a higher PeC(:ntagA of cultivation in view of the grave jJisi.3 which the oounlry was paBsiDg through. b (¡tl.. ♦N" ••f' f.- -a s thF, aoroage nOR" lJw? in tbe county had been reduced by one t}je The policy of tbe. Government was not QfJ "hcald altogether return to the cultivation 'Otty years ago, bat onltivate enough to tide Ver the present crisis. (Applause). He also JtUprnssed up >n farmers to purchase manures In tittie and ljs leave it actil the last moment, MR MILLER APPROVES THE UNION. Mr W. S. Miller said that was tbe first farmers' Udigu meeting he bad ever been able lo attend. Aid Davies bad put an exceedingly good case ana he was thoroughly convinced that there was justice in all be bad said, He «»d not want to oppress or override anybody that everybody should have their rights, 11 the objeoi of the Farmers' Union was to J'Oteot lb* ?ur,e(eBf;H of working farmers, tbey >ld join it. (Applause). Ab to tbe future Arming, eome thought they would go on for tb 6r ploughing the high hill sides, but he tboy would not. He believed tbey otit. plough less in a few years than they bad Mr MiMer went on to express bis con- ation that a ieague of nations was necessary »? permanent peace, -nd said he thought Allies and ail tbe neutrals and eveu a large „ .w fz btiLt. as. were prepared for suoh a course. With such a !6*gue in existence, if any country was not will- to subroK' of,«e to a properly constituted of ijtbitration, then tbe whole world Woul,3 oo fs ")! lifco a lot of poHeemnn at a rWhits, aili put it In its piace. To him kafc meaoc we were likely to enter into much Qre friendly relationship with all countries were producing than we ever did. With menace ot iuh sea uuue away witu we ^Quld have more importation and exportation ever. Referring to the objeciB of tbe ''artntrs' Unior,the speaker said be bad been easing Mr Daviea and some of tbe other ^st^bera about the uodtfiuiitLesa M tbe Union's piopucials, but be must say tbat after Whai be hud be&'tJfiOua Mi Davies iLair policy a@ a very i'c!t(->i>>jaole au\} excetsiiiiigly useful ^Oe and oosibi*i ccold do no harm to anybody. {Applsosir) Mr Rrgpr Prosser spoke as to tbe quota Which .».S Y, cct&a from Brecombire by the Board of i •"ii!■ nre tor cal-'ivatsoD. Tbey ^xpf-f<tc! "o cultivate 19,000 acres, but hitherto only 11.500 acres had been promised. He vra4 ji irc uiau and he almost felt Shamed of hiu>9tlf inasmuch as Radnorshire bad aCl, 13 000 uut of 14 000 asreas promised for coltivitiof He would like to see Brccon Sbire ccuie o top and not bs beaten by ita ^ighbonr. Many peopie were waiting in tbe OP., thlJ.t tbey would be forgotten so fl.lf as their extrft quota of plougbino was concerned, bot we i. beeu too late with a good many thinca in lue pre&tEfc war ati 1 he appealed to larmc-rs noi to be too I-ALL, with their pioneer*" tq bokrJ!y the brave men ^hc; wero fighting our btleR in the trenches. (Apoiiuse) Mr Bache made a stirring patriotic appeal to rB to olougb more land. They sboald lOk open u j matter from a common sense Poiut rf aud not go about grnmblina as flatly of t\1MvJ (1;.1. They wnnld bave to plough the 19(000 aeren or tbereabouts. Ic fairne to tbe to conatifs be had done bis share in IP-ic-ndiug the i. rmers in his reports and told the higher antoorities that they bad placed too high a percentage on Breconshire and Radnor- bire AUU VU.J u '-u..i& u UtiUCk (¡lrJ.t;£:! 4hat couid weil bfford to plough a greater area. Mt Bachu also apuKe of the scheme aboot to be adopted for niiliqing prisoners of war to assist farmers to plout!b and do fasm work generally, deferring to the Farmers' Union he was

------__--!I IMOB LAW IN CEFN…




Hon. R. C. Devereux Indisposed.

Penoyre Red Cross Hospital.


! Hai oRSAfi CSt!*CiL.








--------------FARMERS5 UNION…
