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OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. I • PESTS OF THE TURF. We are requested by a gentleman employed in educa- tion to notice that our great schools are inundated with 4droulars tempting the pupils to engage in betting specu- lations. He forwards to us one, upon which he has laid his hands, in which the usual delusive promises are held out; the investor of £10, it is assured, will certainly re- ceive a remittance of zC70 at the expiration of a week from the date of his investment, and so punctilious does the swindler who forwards the circular profess to be, that he apologises in advance for any delay that'may occur in making his payments, which, he says, will sometimes occur, in consequence of his absence from home at race meetings. The promises made by the class of thieves who issue these circulars, and who apparently make a living out of their dupes, are so transparent that it might be supposed that none but absolute idiots could' be misled by them. Yet, from their number, it seems pretty clear that the trick succeeds, and that there are more fools than rogues in the world, inasmuch as it must take a good many fools to keep one rogue as rogues like to be kept.-Pall-mall Gazette- CHURCH RATES. To those of the clergy who hold "strong" opinions In favour of church rates, we may commend an address lately delivered to his congregation by the vicar of Leamington, the Rev. Mr. Craig. This gentleman- yfiser than many of his brethern—recognises the fact that the Church of England is in a state of transition," and justly believes that the time is fast approaching when the compulsory collection of church rates must come to an end. He therefore advises his people to pre- pare themselves for the exercise of the liberality and self-sacrifice which characterise Nonconformist bodies in reference to the maintenance of religious worship. It Is time, Mr. Craig thinks, that Churchmen "should educate themselves in the principle of giving, so as to be prepared to sustain those burdens which must inevi- tably fall upon them." It could be wished that others of the speaker's co-religionists—both clergy and laity- were impressed with this wise foresight, and animated by the same spirit of justice. Having got rid of church rates in Birmingham, and there being no chance whatever of their re-imposition, we are not directly interested in this question; but, for the sake of the Church at large, for the peace of the country, and on the ground of justice to Nonconformists, we cannot cease to hope that next Session may witness the abolition of an irritating and obnoxious impost which is a constant source of weakness and danger to the Church itself.—Birmingham, Post. BROADHEAD'S ADMIRERS. The extraordinary perversion of Sheffield sentiment has doubtless some cause, as has every other morbid manifestation of human corruption. It may have been originally due, in some degree, to a belief that they were unjustly regarded by the law but it would be prepos- terous to assert that trades' unions are now so hampered that they can only support themselves by assassination. If so, the inference would hardly be in favour of trades' unions. We are glad, indeed, to see that some of them are recognising the duty of excommunicating these Sheffield patriots, who consider their crimes to be a kind of mechanical reaction from the state of the law, and in no sense due to their own depravity. But the most surprising thing is that the admirers of Broad- head seem to find considerable sympathy beyond their own society. Broadhead, we are told, on retiring from the meeting which had passed the congratulatory resolu- tions, and repudiated with disgust the insulting notion that they could ever have expelled their leading assassin, met a deputation from non-union sawgrinders. These persons seem to have been struck with admiration for his exploits-something, we suppose, like that which some idolaters are said to feel for any destructive and mischievous agency. They were anxious to emulate the glories that have encircled the men within the sacred pale of the society. They proposed to found a society of their own, and, hoping apparently that Broadhead had been expelled by men who were not worthy of him, begged him to come and assist their inexperi- ence. He would, doubtless have been delighted to guide the feeble footsteps of these youthful aspirants. Unluckily for them, the original sawgrinders had refused to listen to the cowardly suggestion of deserting their leader. But it is evident that, below or outside the choice circle which receives the immediate inspiration of the prophet, there is another ready to welcome any one whose teaching may prove a little too strong for Stomachs of such digestive power. There is a fertile soil ready to accept any seeds of doctrine that may be dispersed from the Sawgrinders' Union-a class which will thankfully pick up any crumbs that may fall from their table. We may well believe that Sheffield is unique in the possession of so many persons ready to risk life and liberty, and environed by exoteric admirers. But, though we may hope in a very diluted form, the virus must probably exist elsewhere. -Saturday Review. THE GRAND JURY SYSTEM. We simply record the fact, as another indication of opinion, that the grand jury at the Central Criminal Court put in a presentment showing how their time had been wasted and the public service injured. They point out also what is of equal moment, that a great number of constables had been withdrawn from duty to appear before the grand jury. Endorsing the presentment, we can only repeat what has been so often said before, that, with stipendiary magistrates, grand juries in the metro- polis have become obsolete, and ought to be abolished.— Telegraph. T NEW DOMINION OF CANADA IN DANGER. Apparently the new dominion of Canada is a good deal like the hero of Tom Hood's nautical ballad-its death is going to happen in its birth. The scheme never had much show of stability, and it is rapidly losing what little force it at first possessed. Lower Canada is jealous of Upper Canada, and the maritime provinces are warmly hostile to both. The chiefs are quarrelling over the spoils the people are dissatisfied with the nominations. By the cable we learn to-day that large bodies of troops are to be sent to Canada from England to repel a threatened Fenian invasion. This pretext is, of course, all bosh. The real mission of the military will doubtless be to suppress the internal disorders which are expected to arise after the coming election, and to bolster up as far as possible the do- minion scheme. It is a hopeless case. Popular dis- affection is so great that, despite aU the efforts of the old country, the present election will probably be the last as well as the first, and when it is comfortably over the people will be ready for annexation, naturalisation, or any other "ation," rather than the perpetuation of the new dominion.-New York Herald.


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