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HAY. SELECT ARTICLES PREPARED and SOLD by JOHN L. DAVIES. PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST. THE BANKS OF THr-, WYE BOUQUET, A delightful and lasting Perfump, and au elegant Souvenir of Wales, in Bottles at Is. 6d., 2s. 6d., and upwards. DAVIES'S SUPERIOR LAVENDER WATER, possessing the fragrant and refreshing odour so much admired in the flowers. GENUINE EAU DE COLOGNE, and a choice selection of Perfumes, Fancy Soaps, and Toilet Prepa- rations of the most celebrated manufacturers. SUPERIOR LONDON MADE TOOTH AND NAIL BRUSHES. A Large Assortment of HAIR BRUSHES and CLOTH BRUSHES. Fine TURKEY and HONEYCOMB SPONGE, WATERPROOF SPONGE BAGS. GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES. EI.ASTIC STOCKINGS, TRUSSES, &C. PBESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY DISPENSED. AGENT for SCHWEPPE'S SODA, POTASS, SELTZER, and other Mineral Waters. [71 BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. To HER MAJESTY, To the PRINCE OF WALES, By Special Warrant, By Special Warrant. Dated December 27,1865 Dated February 10, 1866. DAY, SON, & HEWITT, Original and Sole Proprietors of the STOCK-BREEDERS' MEDICINE CHEST, for DISORDERS in HORSES, CATTLE, CALVES, SHEEP, and LAMBS. Patronised by upwards of Seventy Thousand of the principal Stock Breeders, Horse Proprietors, and Agriculturists of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. The only True and Original "DAY'S CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS" are prepared expressly by us. The Chest contains the following matchless preparations Half-a-Dozen CHEMICAL EXTRACT, at 30s. per doz. One Dozen GASEOUS FLUID, at 20s. per doz. A One Dozen RED DRENCHES, at 13s. per doz. One Dozen RED PASTE BALLS, at 7s. 6d. per doz. Adapted for all ailments among Stock during the pre- sent Season. Price of Chpst complete, with Shilling Book on Farriery, £ 2 16s. 6d., carriage paid. Either Dreparation may be had separately in boxes. TESTIMONIALS. The LamUag Season.—The Chemical Extract is unequalled for bad cases in drawing Lambs, and to stop heaving1 and straining. Mr. Woods, in his Lecture on the Breeding- and Management of Sheep, says: My shepherd declares it to be worth a. guinea a bottle. The Gaseous Fluid is famous for debility and exhaustion m Ewes after Lambing, for diarrhoea in calves and sheep, and for colic and gripes in horses and cattle. Mr. Bowick, in his Prize Essay on the Rearing of Calves, says: The Gaseous Fluid is sufficient for all the ills that calfhood is liable to. I have reared r 26 calves this year, and by the use of the Gaseous Fluid I have not lost one.—Mr. Thomas lligby (Cheshire), in his Lecture on Summer Grazing of Sheep, says Day, Son, and Hewitt's Gaseous Fluid is the best corrective of the scour in sheep I have ever tried. I can strongly recommend their Medicine Chest as a most valuable auxiliary to stock-keepers of all kinds, but especially to shepherds. With the Medicines they give plain directions for use, which any man may understand. Orders sent by post will be promptly attended to if address'd—DAY, SON. & HEWITT, Animal Medicine Factory, 21, Dorset-street, Baker-street, London, W., or Wantage, Berks. Woods on Sheep," five stamps Bowick on Calves," three stamps, both free by post. AGENTS. BRECON Gibson, Charles, Wine Merchant. TALOARTH. Powell, T. W., Chemist. f339 K AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. This invaluable Medicine, which has beer, known throughout the UNITED KINGDOM fop nearly half a century, and recognised by all who have tried it to be the BEST PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD, admirably adapted to supply a great want—that of a remedy always at hand, easy of application, and cer- tain In its results. Its timely aid prevents, and its assistance cures, all Diseases, however caused; and where these Pills are persevered with DOCTORS' BILLS ARE TTNKNOWN. Being a purely vegetable prepar ition, they may be taken at any time by either sex f it'jout fear of danger. Acting upon the bowels mildly, yet effectually, by their fine tonic, aromatic, and atjei-ieiil properties, they re- move-all oppressive accumulations, regulate the secre- tions of the liver and bowels, strengthen the stomach, and purify the blood. Prepared solely by JOHN KAYE, Esq of Prospect Hall, Woodford, Essex. Sold by all Chemists and other Dealers in Patent Medicines, at Is. lid" 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d. Wholesale Depot, 22, Bread-street, Lon. don [245 THE CHAMPION JL LIVER AND STOMACH PILLS. These Pills are compounded from the recipe of one of .the most eminent physicians of the present day (who, from purely philanthropic ir>otives-knowin| the* excellent propert.esfrom experieuc e has been induced to gne the benefit of them to the public at large). They are prepared by an able and experienced chemist, and are acknowledged, by the faculty, to be the most valuable medicine for all disorders of the stomach arid derangements of the liver ever prepared. It is a well-known fact that most of the diseases incident to the human race arise from a disordered stomach, and an irregular state of the bowels, and for want of a suitable remedy, taken in time, thousands of (ftt ftrst) simple maladies become serious illnesses. To guard against this great evil, and to preserve the bles. ings of health, these pills are confidently and earnestly 'ecommended. They act generally on the constitution, cleanse the lood of all impurities; regulate the secretions, and give tone to the stomach; correct the morbid condition ithe liver, regulate the bowels, and, by removing all frame1™ S' restore elasticity and vigour to the whole Sold in boxes (with direc-tions for use) la.lid.and Tid. (. saving by taking the l^er Jise). Sold Wholesale by Messrs. Barclay and T ™r1nn and Retail b, all Medici^ v™|,rs: AGENT FOR BRECON: MR. MORRIS, CHEMIST. WILLIAM LLOYD, f V APPRAISER, LAND and ESTATE AGENT, Hay' Valuations for Administrations. Timber Measurer) and Valued. ("48 PARSONS, FLETCHER, and CO.'S INDIAN RICE STA.RCH. (TRADE MARK, AN EliEVHANX.) •_ This exc llent. STARCH, introduced by PARSONS, ,-f'ETcBE^, and Cp has met with a succe s unpatal- ihe Starch Trade, and is known as *he Elephant Starch ^t7^leSJK,0Kldvin.sUl on their Laundresses using this Starch, bij,h, being manufactured by an improved process, isi much VUrt.r, and consequently more f*l>»s"y, requn es no boi ing, and is ENTIRELY FBEE FROM TIIE DESXKOYINO EFFECTS TO TIIE LINEN 8(J COMINON IU other Starches now in use. 22, BREAD STREET, LONDON. Sold in Packets of lb., i.b.: and llb and in 4lb by BENJAMIN THE GROCER AND BENJAMIN AND COM PAN Y, BRECON, And all respectable Grocers, [533 I OPENING OF THE NEATH AND BRECON RAILWAY. ry" H E "BRECON C 0 U N T Y T I M E S JL (In corsequence of the Opening of the abnve Line) will, on and after SATURDAY, JUNE 8,1867, contain MORE COPIOUS REPORTS of NEATH NEWS (by a Special Correspondent) than any other Paper has hitherto done, and will be obtainable soon after the arrival of the Last Train from Brecon on FRiDAY EVENINGS, from the Agent, Mr. JOHN HILL, Bookseller, Stationer, and Newsagent, Nea'h. N.B.—Persons who are desirous of securing copies regularly are requested to leave their Orders with Mr. HnL. Bi-econ County Tiines Offiec,, Brecon, June 4th, 1867. ENJAMIN T~HE~ GROOE if, HIGH STREET, BRECON, 4 A- J9. All; + V C; y Q TOWN OF TALGARTH. D. M 0 R G A N PLUMBER, GLAZIER, HOUSE AND SY-N PAINTER, IMITATOR OF WOODS AND MARBLES, &C., Has now in stock a large assortment of Shee' and Crown Glass, and Glass Slates—(the higher qualities of glass supplied to order). Sheet Lead and Zinc Lead Piping, Oils and Colours. Gilt and other Mouldings in various patterns. Picture Frames made to order. A large stock of Paper Hangings, in great variety, just received, consisting of upwards of 1,500 pieces and 18,000 yards, varying in price from 6d. to 4s. 6d. per piece of 12 yards. D. M. respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he has introduced,jin connection with the above business, the General STATIONERY TRADE, in which he will supply all goods at a fair remunera- ting profit. London and other Publications supplied weekly. Agent for the BRECON COUNTY TIMES. [152 Talgarth, February 27th, 1867. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN HP H E "ALTON COUR T » A L E S, JL now in splendid condition, are offered to the public by the undersigned, in casks of 9, 18, 36, and 54 gallons each, at Is. and Is. 2d. per gallon. SPECIAL CONTRACTS Made (with those Families who at present brew) for a stated quantity at reduced prices from those quoted—in fact at such that should tempt all to purchase with CH A ltLE S G I B SON, HIGH-STREET, BRECON, and HIGH-STREET, BUILTH. [269 M E SSSS KOBE RTS ~A N D W A T K~~K V >S Are prepared to show their NEW STOCK of DRAPERY, HABERDASHERY, MANTLES, a1¡d MILLINERY, which they can confidently r< commend for quality and price. A CALL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. High-street, Brecon. [364 BRECON. JOHN G P-. I F F I T H S (LATE T. GRIFFITHS AND SON), DEAL TIMBER AND SLATE MERCHANT, BUILDER, SURVEYOR, AND GOVERNMENT CONTRACTOR. Building and Fire Bricks, Ridge Crest, Malt Kiln Squares, Drainage and Socket Pipes, Garden Borders, Paving and Sills Navy and Merchant Ship Tim^r and Plank Mahogany, Oak, Elm, and Ash Plank Boards and Scat tlings. Oak Staves, Oak -.)nd D, al Lati'S, Oak Gates, I-Iiiy-eiles, &e. Cement, Plaster of Paris, Chimney Tops, &c.,&c.; Oak Sp..k(.s, Felloes, Wych Elm S ocks, Oak and Elm Coffin Boards, English Oak Quarter Boards Larch, Poplar, and other Boal d., ail descriptions of Building Scantling and prepared Floor Boards. J. G. begs to inform the public generally that he Contracti for all Descriptions of Builders', Carpenters', and Joiners' Work, and DeigJl and Estimates furnished. Shop Fronts Fitted up upon the most Modern and Improved Designs, &c. J. G has Boats for the conveyance of all kinds of Woods plying weekly between Brecon and Newport, to and from the Tredegar Wharf, Newport. [317 FELIX GOLDEN (From Professor Brown's, London), HAIR DRESSER AND PERFUMER, SHIP STREET, BRECON. Hair Brushed by Machinery, and Shampooing Apparatus. A choice Selection of Brushes, Combs, and other Toilette Articles too numerous to mention. Private Hair-Cutting Rooms. Parties waited upon at their own residences. [404 D A V I E S, WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND OPTICIAN, BIGH-STREET, RAY. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, GOLD CHAINS, EAR-IRIIIGS, PINS, RINGS, LOCKETS, &C. Also a large assortment of Electro-Plated Goods, comprising Cruet and Spirit Frames, Tea and Coffee Services, Citle Baskets, Salvers, Sheffield Cutlery, Barometers, &c. REPAIRS EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. [374 HAY. 0LIYE 11 P 11 ITCHAED, Respectfully invites an inspection of his Large Stock of New Goods suitable for the present Season, MANTLES AND JACKETS, IN CLOTH, SILK, AND VELVET, TRIMMED IN THE NEWEST STYLE STRAW BONNETS AND HATS; CAPS AND FLOWERS; THE NEW BEADED FRINGE, WHICH WILL BE MUCH WORN PLAIN AND FANCY DRESSES AND SKIRTING. FAMILY MOURNING.—FUNERALS FURNISHED. PRINTS, CALICOES, SHEETINGS, AND LINENS considerably R. duced. FELT CARPETS AND HEARTH RUGS. ¡ CURTAIN DAMASKS, BAIZES, OIL CLOTHS, &C., &c. ll8 I ~RIS T O L PACK E~T C O M~P ANY. JOHN PROTHERO l Respectfully informs the inhabitants of the town of Brecon and neighbourhood that he has just taken to the old-established and well-conducted CARRYING BUSINESS of the late Mr. W. THOMAS, and that all goods I intended for conveyance by his Boats, which will arrive in Brecon from Newport every other day, will receive his prompt attention. j' All goods to be conveyed by PROTHERO'S BOATs-from London, "per Great Western and South Wales i ^ewPort»"—fr"om Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, and the North of England, per London and North Western Railway to Newport,—thence per PROTHERO'S BOATS "—and all goods from Bristol, c' per Burton's Bristol Packet." GOODS CARRIED and DELIVERED WITH CARE and at MODERATE CHARGES. No more complaints of delay in delivering goOdS!-PROTIIERO'S BOATS will await the arrival of:' the Packets at Newport, and be despatched with promptness to Brecon three times a week. Brecon, lsf Oct., 1863. [17 SOUTH WALES-MERCANTILE-TOMPANYriiMITED^ (LATE NORTH AND SOUTH WALES COAL AND LIME COMPAN f.) HEAD OFFICES HIGH-STREET (OPPOSITE THE TOWN-HALL), BRECON. n ^cID.pf'"y beo respectfully to announce that they have been appoi nted Agents for the Sale of \vi M r^C1 ^nures at a" Stations on tlie Brecon and Merthyr, Hereford, Hay, and Brecon, Mid- Neatb and Brecon Railways Lawes' Celebrated Manures; the London Manure Company's ? e aPVre » the Herefordshire and South Wales Company's Excellent Manure. The Company are also Pe^.Jian^nann the following articles at any of the Stations on the Railway s named above .-—Best Si Bricks TUM "nr!i P 6 IralJ0!;ters), Agricultural Salt, Coals of all descriptions, well burnt Lime, Offioe' mth stree?' ^rain,,lS Plpe». Building Materials, <&c., &c. Orders sent to the Manager, at the Head Sedto^ScuM."0"' 0r ,0 ,he Agem,„f th. Cc .mpany, will be promptly Mr. Jolitte, Agent tor Talyllyn and District. Mr. Webb, Agent for Trefeinon and District. Mr. David Jones, Agent for Talgarth and District. Mr. Brace, Agent for Boughrood, Three Cocks, and District. Mr. Samuel, Agent for E,rwood and District. Mr, Joseph, Agent for Builth and District. Mr Willi .m Smith, Agfnt for Ganh and District. Mr. Powell, Au-ellt tor Newbridge a"d t 'ibtricf. Mr. Wonhing,°Agent for Doldowloti and District. Mr. Jones (Harp Ion), Agent for Rhayader and District. ° Mr. George Lewis,, Agent • for Glasbury and District. Mr, John Probert, Agent f -or Hay and District. Mr. Roberts, Agent for V Aiitney and District. Mr. Watkins, Agent for 7 Jardisley and District. Mr. Blissett, Agent for Kinnersley, Moorhampton and District. Mr. Mi llonie, Agent for Talybont and District. Mr, John 1 honuas, Hea< I Office, High-street, Brecon, Agent, for Brecon d Disr.i inr Conjpai"y0rmaliOU as to llrices'^c may obta,ned from, the Agents, -or at the Head Office of the Hwh a ™ Order, JEBB, Managing Director. Ht^h-S'reet, Brecon. Feb. 11th, 1867. [375 J. B. LAIVES' IVIANURES FOR THE YE, iR i867. MEROANriLE COMPANY. LIMITED, have been appointed u MN ro 1 th.e sale pf the above ceh hrated Manures nt ail Staiioi is on the Hereford, Hay, and Brecon, Aiid-Wales, ai.d Br econ and Merthyr Railways. Ihey have succee(-e'l Mr. ,1J0 ,es ol Glasburv, in the igency for the district of Hay and Glasbury. Orders for Lawes' Manures for this y( »ar should be given to the Authorised Agents of the Somh Wales Mercantile Company named in the foregoing advertisement, and to no one else. 0 Orders for Brecon and District should be given to Mr. THOMAS, at the Company'siH. ad Office, High-street, Brecon, where samples and full particulars may obtoined. A large quantity of the Superphosphate aud Turnip M»wutes havS just, been rece ivedat Brecon, in excellent condition, and can be jaorwardeu to any Railway Station at Short Notice. BRECON STOUES—BLUYISBAWR WHARF. IMgh-ajtreet, Brecon, April, 1867, ORDEK. SWAN HOTEL, HAY, BRECONSHIRE. POSTPONEMENT OF SALE. rilHIS SALE will take place on MONDAY, 1 TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, TIII'RSBAY, and FRIDAY, JUNE 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21st, 1867. inst-arl of on the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th June as previously announced. Catalogues may be had at the places mentioned in first Advert'sement. [434 SWAN HOTEL, HAY, BRECONSHIRE. TO HOTEL KEEPERS, POSTMASTERS, &c. IMPORTANT SALE of all the valuable APPOINT- MENTS belonging to this well-arranged Establish- ment, comprising Harness Horses, well built singie- horse Omnibus, a pleasure Break. 1 Brougham, hooded and other Phtetons, Dog Cart, &c., sets of single and double Harness, Saddlery, &c., Milcii Cow, Pigs and Sheep, Agricultural Implements, Growing Crops, Potatoes, Brewing and Dairy Utensils, Empty Ca,k; &c., several dozen old Port, Sherry, and other Wines, Spirits, Lemonade, and Soda Water, the appropriate FURNITURE (chi. fly in solid Spanish mahogany), in the Com- mercial, Coffee, and Smoking Rooms, Private Reception and Ball Rooms, and 15 B< d-chambers, including bedsteads, prime feather beds, hair and wool mattresses, a quantity of excellent iinen, good Brussels, Felt, and other carpets, chimney glassf s, engravings, books, silver and electro-plated goods, metal wares, china, breakfast, dinner, dessert, and tea services, cut glass, fixtures and fittings, kitchen and culinary requisites, and a multiplicity of effects useful to Hotel-keepers and private families. MB. W. LLOYD will SELL bv AUCTION, on the Premises, On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Pnday, June 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21st, 1867, (And following Days if necessary.) Sale to commence each day at Twelve o'clock punctually. Full particulars in Catalogues ready one week prior to Sale, which may be obtained at the Swan Hotel, Hay Mr. Horden's, Printer, Hay Hay Railway Station; the Green Dragon Hotpl, Herpford; Castle Hotel, Brecon; Lion Hotel, Builth; and at the Auctioneer's office, Hay. [431 IMPORTANT SALE OF GRASS. TREGUNTER, Within one mile of Talgarth Railway S1#tion. MR. JOHN PRO BERT has been favoured with instructions to offer for SALE by AUCTION, on the Premises, as above, On Wednesday, the 19tlt of June, 1867, The GROWING CROPS of about 100 ACRES of MEADOW LAND, which Crops may, if required, be carried away. The Aftermath to be Grazed up to the 8th of March, 1868. Lot I.-The whole of the GRASS in the Park, on the right-hand side of the carriage-drive, and con- taing 38a. 3r. 25p. Lot 2.—Ditta ditto, on the left-hand side of the carriage-drive, and containing about 21a. 3r. 35p. Lot 3.—Ditto ditto, in the South Park, and con- taining about 40a. The Auctioneer begs to direct the attention of Butchers, Graziers, and his Friends the Public gene- rait), to the great Fert-lity of the above valuable j,ots, which will be Let without reserve. Luncheon on the table at half-past one o'clock Sale to commence at half past two precisely. To view, apply to John Cuddigan, at Tregunter Lodg-e, and further particulars may be had of the Auctioneer, Watton, Brecon. [445 COLLIERY. —For SALE, a STEAM COAL COLLIERY, in the Dulais Valley, clo-e to the Neath and Brecon Railway, and within a short distance of Neath.—For particulars, apply to Air. JAMES GUNTER, Consulate Chambers, Cardiff. [442 npO be LET, from the 25th June, a 1 Commodious STABLE, situate in Lion-yard, Brecon.—For particulars, apply to HENRY DAVIES, Bristol Packet Wharf. [452 CASTLE OF BRECON HOTEL FISHERY. MOTICE is hereby given that no person, unless provided with a Ticket issued by the Diiectors und,"r the t;pal of the Company, will be allowed to angle in the waters of the CASTLE OF BRECON HOTEL COMPANY, Limited, which extend from the Island Gate over all lands belonging to Lord Tredegar above the town, Mr. Dickson's land, The Pennoyre, Penisha'r Peutre, Gaer, Aberyscir, Pontar- fran, and Cusop lands. On the USK the Fishery extends from the Island Gate to Aberbran Bridge on the north side, and on the west side over all lands between Brecon Bridge and Aberbran Bridge, excepting Newton and Aber- bran, Cil-gove and The '-Swan" field; on the Y sem to Pontfaen on the BRAN to the top1 of Cusop on the TARALL to Poyitestiii and below the Town along Glunusk Farm, the property of William de Wihton, Esq. All persons found Trespassing by Fishing will be Prosecuted as the Law dirtc's. J. BATES, Manager. Cdstie Hotel, Brecon, 1st Feb., 1867. [358 £30 MAHOGANY WARDROBE FOR 6D. EUILTH ART UNION PRIZE DRAWING (in aid of the IToreb Chapel Build- ing Fund), will take place on THURSDAY, JULY the 4th, 1867. FIRST PRIZE, A LADY'S SUPERB MAHOGANY WARDROBE, VALUE X30. Thirteen other Prizes ranging in value from X20 to 30s., together with upwards of a Hundred other useful and ornamental articles. Tickets, Sixpence each, or a book containing twelve for 5s., may be had at the Brecon County Times Office, High-street, Brecon. [428 TO HOUSE PAINTERS & DECORATORS. -TITANTED Immediately, Six Good j T Hands in the above line.—Apply to JOHN WOOD, Painter, House Decorator, and Contractor, Lion-street, Brecon. None but good workmen need apply. [4^3 THE CELEBRATED GINGER CHAMPAGNE (Registered) UNFERMEN- TED WINE, not intoxicating. Sole Bottlers- WITHY AND COMPANY, Orange Grove, Bath, and Wilder Street, Bristol; in Champagne Quarts and Pints. Families can be supplied direct from the Works if there exists any difficulty in obtaining it from Wine Merchants and others in their own neigh- bourhood. A sample Hamper, containing 1 Dozen Quarts and 2 Dozen Pints, sent to any address, car- riage paid so far as a through rate can be obtained, on receipt of Post-Office Order for 30s. Agents Wanted. JUST PUBLISHED,—PRICE Is. THE WAY TO HEALTH and LONG JL LIFE A POPULAR TREATISE ON IN- DIGESTION, by J. EVANS SMITH, Surgeon, &e. Hereford, J. HEAD, Hay, G. HORDEN Brecon, — WILLIAMS Londun, SIMPKIN and MARSHALL and all Booksellers. 1435 IMPORTANT. IF you want to BORROW MONEY at a cheap rate, go to Mr. W. WILLIAMS, 16, Dock- sLi-ee!, Newport, -vlon., and Insure your Lite, aud he will guarantee that, with approved personal security, you can have any sum from £50 to £ 2,000, for 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years, repayable by fixed h-ilf-yearly or quarterly instalments. Office hours: 10 to 5. [174 -J MID-WALES RAILWAY. PASSENGERS from Brecon, Talyllyn Taigar LI, or Three Cocks, wishing to travel by London and North-Western N, (change at Llech- rLyd, a mile north of Builth). or ljv CUMBRIAN Radwavs (C anze at L'ani(ll()P.), to SHREWSBURY, LIVER- POOL, MANCHESTER. or other ph(es 10 which these routes afford the most conveivent access, are r< questi d to insist upon being suppled with Mid- Wales Ticke's at the reduced fares lately published. The routn by Llechrhyd is nearer than any other to Craven Arms, Salop, Manchester, Leeds, Bradford, Liverpool, Ireland, and Scotland. F. BROUGHTON. Brecon, 30th January, 1867. [311 IMPORT AN r NOTICE HALF-HOLIDAY AT BRECON. THE Public are respectfully informed that the DRAPERS, MILLINERS, and TAILORS, of Brecon, have unanimously AGREED t > CLOSE their respective Establishments EVERY WEDNESDAY at Four p.m., on and after tin- 5th of JUNE, 1867. [436 L MANOR OF HAY, BRECONSHIRE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the BOUNDARY of this MANOR will be PER- AMBULATED on TUESDAY, the 18th diy of JUNE, 1867, commencing at ten o'clock ia the Morning, at a point near the Upppr Fence of thelL nault Common, then proceeding alon the boundary line separating this manor from the manor of Lianigon to the Riv r Wye, then crossing the River Wye and taking the boundary delineated on the parish map of Hay, THEN fallowing the River Wye the midstream of which is the boundary to the River Dulas, then following the midstream of the River Dulas to the foot of 'he Black Mountain, to a point near Harley'S Lime K In, then prccpeding along the boundary line between this manor and the manor ot Crasswall to Tr«ynllech, thence along,the boundary hne dividing this manor from the manor of Glynbwch otherwise Lianigon, to the cummencempnt of this Perambulation. Sir J. R. BAILEY, Bart., M.P., Lord of the Manor. JOHN PRATT, Steward. Penydre, Crsekhowel), June 1st, 1867. [450 BOROUGH OF NEATH. CATTLE MARKET. NOTICE is hereby given that the Lords of Her Majesty's Privy Council having been plpas, to grant a License for THE hnhun > oF a MARKET at NEATH on EVERY WEDNESDAY, for the SALE of ANIMALS otherwise t an for imme- diate Slaughter, the NEATH CAI" 1LE MARKET will be OPENED for the Sale of All Descriptions of Cattle, on Every Wednesday af er the d;ite hereof until further Notice, subject nevertheless to the Regu- lations as to Licenses and Passes, and otherwise con- tained iu the Cattle Plague Ordel's now iu force. By O der. ALFRED CURTIS, Town Clerk. Town Clerk's Office, Yeath, 11th June, IS67. [451 MIDSUMMER QUARTER, 1867. LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE JLJ INSURANCE COMPANY. I IVERPOOI, & LONDON & GLOBE JLj INSURANCE CO. Fire risks of every description undertaken. LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE JLj INSURANCE CO. Farming Stock insured at moderate rates. LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLODE JLj INSURANCE CO Persons about to insure their lives as a family pro- vision SHOULD consult table 2 in the Company's annual prospectus. LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE JLj INSURANCE CO. Persons desirous of providing confort in old age will find satisfactory in'ormation in tables No. 6 and 7 in the Company's annual prospectus. LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE JLj INSURANCE CO. Parent* may make provisions for their children on arriving at the ages of 14, 18, or 21 years, by con- sulting table No. 13 in the Company's annual pro- spectus. LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE CO. Any person, wishing to create a present annuity OIl advantageous terms should refer to table No. 11 in the Company's annual prospectus. LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE JLj INSURANCE CO. The Company's' Annual for 1867 supplies every information on the subject of Insurance in all its branches, and may be had, gratis, OIl application to the undersigned, -V EVAN JONES, BANK, 439] BRECON. DIIITON MEDICAL AND GENERAL LIFE ASSOCIATION. Chief Officcs-1:2a, sTBAND LONDON-, V*.C. I TBUSTEES. George Barlrw, M.D. RL Partridge, F.It.8. Sir J. Duke, Bart., Aid., M.P. John Propert, Esq. Sir Chas, Hastings, M.D., W. Tyler Smith, il.D. D.C.L. Francis Webb, Esa. DIRECTORS. Chairman of the Board—George II. Barlow, M.D. De ,)Uty-c," Webb, Ecl. By the peculiarly equitable manner of dividing the profits, the Policies issued by this Association become payable llmJlg the lifetime of the person asc-Lircl without extra premiumAlter having been in force a period of five years, all policies are absolutely mLlcfcDSlNe and indisputable. Declined and deceased Lives assured at equitable rates. Capital Stock, £ 200,000 Annual Income, £130,00". Large and increasing Bonuses. Qualified medical attendants who are named by proposers to this Association are consulted as the medical advisers of the Directors, by whom all medical fees are discharged. Every descrirtion of Life Assurance transicted; terms for Vliich, with detailed prospectuses and every information, may be tad on application to JOHN MESSENT, Actuary and Secretary. rPHE LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE PIPE and LIPE INSURANCE COMPANY. Offices-I, Daic-street, Liverpool; 20 and 21, Poultry, 7, Corn- hill, and London. PItOGBESS OF THE COMPANY SINCE 1850. Year. Fire Premiums. Life Premiums Invested Funds. 1851 £ 51,305 £ 27,157 £ 502,824 1S53 202,279 72,7S1 821,031 18(;1 3G0.130 133,974 1,311,905 18G4 742,074 238,244 3,212,300 JOHN ATKINS, Resident Secretary, London. Life claims are payable in thirty days after they are admitted. TAXATIONAL! UNION LIFE ASSURANCE ±> COMPANY. Chief Office—>55, STRAND, LONDON. POLICIES PAYABLE DURING LIFETIME. This Company tr ansacts every description of Life Assurance and Annuity lousiness, and offers spci.ll advantages to Insurers, aiiiuiipt which may be mentiocel :— 1.—Policies at the or.iinary rates of Premium, after a term of ears become payable during the lifetime of the assured. 2.—Indisputability after three years. S.-lhe granting of greater facilities for the continuaiics and non-forfeiture of Policies. Prospectuses and every information may be had on application. HEVEY SUTTON, F.S.S., Secretary. No. 355, Stran.i, "W.C. Applications for Agencies are invited. '<&o- BRECONSHIRE SESSIONS. NOTICE is hereby given that the next GENERAL QUARTER. SESSIONS of the PEACE for the COUNTY of BRECON wilJ be held at the SIUKE-HAIX, in BRECON, in and for the said County, on TUESDAY, the SECOND day of JULY next, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon. At Twelve o'clock at noon the bu-iness relating to the assessment appli- cation or management of .the County Rate or Stock will commence. The Court will also order and make a Police Rate under 'the provisions of the 19th and 20th Victoria, c. 69, and the several Acts referred to therein. All Witnesses in any Appeal are to be ready in Court to answer to their names at twelve o'clock at noon on the ab .ve-mentioned day, when all Appellants and Respondents must also attend. Grand and Petty Jurors, Prosecutors, and Witnesses, must attend on Wednesday, the Third day of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. All Depositions must be forwarded to the Clerk of the Peace even clear days before the Sessions, and in all cases arising subsequently immediately upon being taken. And Notice is hereby given that all persons having Claims upon the County must attend with their Accounts before the Visiting Magistrates ib the Gaol, at the Shire-hall Brecon, on Tuesday, the Twenty- fifth day of June instant, at ten o'clock in-the forenoon, when such several accounts will be audited. And that all C"si; ot Prosecutions to be allowed by the Cotilizy must be taxed at the same Sessions previous to or during which they shall be incurred, or they will not afterwards be allowed. And further that all Appeals and Traverses for trial must be entered with the Clerk of the Peace before the sitting: of the Court, at eleven o'clock on rvesday. EDWARD WILLIAMS, Clerk of the Peace. Brecon, 3rd June, 1867. [440 ESTABLISHED IN 184S. GROCERY AND PROVISION BUSINESS, 3 & 4, CASiLE-STREEP, BRECON. -\1?-r r. THOMAS begs to inform the f V m inhabitants of Brecon and its vicirrty that he has added the BAKI NG TRADE to the above business, an 1 that Pure Home-made Bread can be had <la h. N. B, -Cukes of all kinds made upon the shortest notice. June 6, 1867. [448 PURE WATER. GEORGE SHAWS IMPROVED PURE CARBON WATER FILTERS are warranted superior t > 'any other invention tor effec- tual y re noving taste, colour, lead, and all organic nap rit:es fr«>m any kind of water. Prices and Drawings, -on application, from the Manufactory, Crown Filter W rks, Manchester. Agents Wanted. [446 YyTXDSOR, and 10 miles round.—Mr. MASON'S LIST of Furnished and Unfurnished RESIDENCES will be forwarded, 011 QPplic:1ÜOll. "Windsor Estate Agency Offices. Mil. SWAIN'S REGISTER OF TOWN I AND COUNTRY RESIDENCES, Furnished and Unfur- nished, Freehold and Ijeasehold Investments, &c., issued the First Day of Every Month, may bp kad, K,.tis on application, J or per post for one stamp. Particulars of Properties intended for L insertion, for which no charsre is made, should b6 forwarded not later than the 20th of the Mouth. Auction and Estate Offices, The Lodge, Not ting-hill, W. A PRINTED LIST of the HOUSES to be LET (Furnished and Unfurnished) in the neighbourhood of Hyae-parji, Bayswater, Notting-hill, and the Western districts, EAI^ -,?.„AD gratis on forwarding a stamp to Messrs. BAILEY 9I LI O YNE, Bays-water Auction and Estate Agency Offices, AREU er-street, "Westbourne-grove West, and 22, Inverness- road, opposite the Royal Oak. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. vV ILK I N SO NAN D KID D, *T SADDLERS 'L'O TIT-.T; MAJESTY AND H.R.II. THE PRINCE or WALES, IlEitlO VED their Estatlishment from the Comer of Park-street, Oxford-street, to 5, HANO YEE-SQUARE, W. (Adjoining the Queen's Concert Rooms). ESTABLISHED 1786. rjPHft WESTMINSTER. PALACE HOTEL, Victoria-street, London, S.W., opposite Westminster Abbey, adjoining the India Office, close to the Houses of Parlia- ment, the flarus, and theatres. Bed-room- from 3s.; dinners in 0 a, coffee-room and ladies'cotTve-room from 2s. 6d.; and as per daily bill of fare. Attendance charged in the bill. There is an ascend- in G-r.-iora ard a telegraph office in the building.—WILLIAM UWELL, Manager. ° i lUAND HOTEL, Brighton. It Contains Library, ladies' coffee-room, ladies' reading-room, ladies' drawing- room, gentlemen's coffee-room, billiard-room, and smoking- room, for the use of visitors, besides up wards of 200 bed-rooms private sitdng-rooms. Care has been taken to render, the cuisine perfect in every department: and about 150 sorts of choice wines are kept in T-tock in the cellars. A comp jete establishment of salt-water baths communicatee with the hotel. An omnibus meets the principal trains. First-clas« stabling. Strong room for valuables.—J. MARXWELL, Manager. WOOD'S FAMILY HOTEL, 102. JERMYN-STHEET, St. James's London. Families and Gentlemen visiting London will find excellent accommodation in the above Hotel, whicb is new and elegantly f urnished, at greatly reduced prices, from this date until May 1, 1805. Dedsf;omS. Hot and Cold Baths. On paile Francais. Se habla Espanol. Cuisine Frangaise, BEDFORD HOTEL, 21, Percy-street, Bedford- square.— Bed and Breakfast, 2s. 6d. Private Sitting Room with Bedroom, 3s. 6d. and 4s. 6d. per day. QTACEY'S CLERICAL HOTEL, 2A, Berners- street, Oxford-street.—Established 12 years. Clergymen visiting London will find every accommodation at the above Hotel. Terms, Bed and Breakfast 46. per Night, or 2,5s. '«r Week. including: ATTENDANCE. \KTARWICK AND SON, Engravers to the Royal Family, Jewellers, and Silversmiths, 124, Regent-street, beg respectfully to acquaint' the Nobility, Gentry, and their friends that they intend making a r3du.ction of 15 per Cent, on I all JEWELLERY, and PLATED GOODS, purchased for cash during this and the following month, in order to make room for a new stock for the autumn. OPERA AND RACE GLASSES, by NEGRETTI and ZAMBRA, 21s. and 42s., in leather case, with rock crystal lenses or in aluminium, 5 guineas and upwards. To be had only at their four establish- ments, 1, Hatton-garden 59, Cornhill; 122, Regent-street, akil 153, Fleet-street. INTED SPECTACLES, Direct from the Maker 'IMNTED SPECTACLES, Direct from the Maker a so every other kind adapted for weak or near sight Elastic Steel Spectacles, 3s. 6d. Tinted ditto, 5s. 6d.; with res Pebbles, 10s. 6d. fitting the face accurately by the new process of m'.af>nreinent.—WHITBHOUSE, Practical Optician, 8, Co- ventry street, Ilaymarket (opposite the late Thos. Itubergalls). BOND'S PERMANENT MARKING INK.— The Original Invention, without preparation, is by far the est for marking CRESTS, NAMES, and INITIALS upon House- hold Linen, Wearing Apparel, &C., securing it from loss or mis- take. Price, Is per bottle. Sold by E. R. Bond, 10, Bishopsgate street Witnin, London, E.O., and by all respectable Chemists, Stationers, &c., in the Kingdom. N.B.—Purchasers should be careful to observe the address," 10, B.chopsgale-strcet v* ithin, E.C. is on the label, without which h5 TNK is not genuine SYDENHAM COLLEGE, SYDENHAM, KENT. n PRlKCIPAI: REV. W. TAYLOR JONE, M.A., Queen's Coii'-ge, Cambridge, Fellow and Examiner of the College of Pre- ceptors, assisted, bv a Staff of Crjmpetent Resident Masters. Master of the Junior Depatment-Hcv. W. Taylor Jones, Jun., B.A., L.C.P., Queen's College, Cambridge. German—W. Finkch, Esq. Firerch-M. Boulland, LL.D., M.C.P Oriental Languages—Rev. George Small .M.A. Drawing—T. C. Dibdin, Esq., M.C.P., Examiner in Art, Col- lege of Preceptors. Pianoforte and Singing—W. J. Westbrook, Esq., M.C.P. Dancing and Calisthenics—J.-B. Tenniel, Esq. Fencing and Drilling — Mr. Heading, late Colour Sergeant Grenadier Guards. Fees for a thorough^gentlemanly Education, including instruction in che various uepartments of English Literature and Science, the Classic, French, and German Languages, Mathematics, Drawing, Vocal Music, and Drilling, with admission to the Crystal Palace and Gr-oxids;- Per Term. Per Annum. Boarders 20 Guineas 60 Guineas. under 12 years of age 18 51 „ Da:lyhoarders 11 „ 33 „ *». I, under 12 yrs. of age 10 „ 30 „ *ae Academical Year*is divid-d into three Terms, viz. Spring Term from January 24 to April 30. Summer Term from Ma y 1 to July 31. Christmas Term. from September IS to Christmas. Prospectuses forwarded on application to the Rev. W. TAYLOR JOSES, M.A., SYDENHAM COLLEGE, S.E.