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MID-WALES RAILWAY. EXCURSION TO LOKDOK! LONDON SMITHFIELD CATTLE -i.J SHOW, 1866, which will be held at the Agri- cultural Hall, Islington, close to the Highbury Station, on the North London Line. This Train will stop at the Camden Station in going to set down passengers. Trains run to and from Camden, Highbury, and Islington, every 15 minutes, which are the nearest stations to the Agricultural Hall. ———— ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 10TH, 1866, Passengers may book from BRECON and the Stations named below to LONDON (Euston Square), via the CENTRAL WALES RAILWAY, at the following Times and Fares:— Fai-esfor the Double Journey. Leave CoVi Carriages. First Class. BBECON M5 I TALYLLYN 7.25 TLTEFEINON 7.30 ( TALGARTH 7.40 F 12S. 2IS. THKEE COCKS.7.45 I BOUGHROOD 7.54 ] EEWOOD 8.6 J TALYLLYN 7.25 TLTEFEINON 7.30 ( TALGARTH 7.40 F 12s. 2IS. THKEE COCKS.7.45 I BOUGHROOD 7.54 ] EEWOOD .8.6 J BUILTH KOAD.8.30 -I LLANDBINDOD .8.43 J J-LS. Z2.FO. PENYBONT 8.50 ) 8-59 10s. 20S. JLLANGUNLLO 9.12 8-59 10s. 20S. LLANGUNLLO 9.12 Returning from Euston Square Station, London, on FBIDAY, DECEMBER 15th, at 9.0 a.m. Children under 12 years of age half-price. Tickets y 11 not transferable. Luggage under 601bs. free at owner's risk. The Company cannot in any way be responsible for detention on the line, at the same time every exertion will be made to ensure punctuality. F. BROUGHTON, General Manager. Brecon, December 4th, 1866. [256 Pursuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, 1llade in the cause David Morgan and Others against William, Price and Others, HPHE CREDITORS OF WILLIAM I POWELLJ late of CWMPOVEBETH, in the parish OF Ll^nigop, jn the county of Brecon, farmer, who died in or about the month of January, 1864, are, on or before the 14th day of DECEMBER, 1866, to send by post, prepaid, to Mr, GEORGE GAMES, of HAY, in the county of Brecon, the Solicitor of the defendant, Mary Ann Price, the administratrix of the estate of the said intestate, their Christian and Surnames, Ad- dresses and Descriptions, the full particulars of their Claims, a Statement of their Accounts, and the nature of the Securities (if any) held by them; or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said Decree. Every Creditor holding any security is to produce the same before Vice- Chancellor Sir JOHN STUART, at his Chambers, situated at No. 12, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex, on THURSDAY, the 20th day of DECEMBEB, 1S66, at Twelve o'clock at noon, B ing the time appointed for ADIUQIEATI^G on the £ %IMS. Dated this 17th day of November, 1866. ROBERT W. PEAKE, 4.g] 0?Uof OlvrTC. HOUSE WANTED^A SMALL House wanted in B, eooii,-Appiy (by letter) siting number of Rooms and Rent, to A. B., at the Office of this Paper. [218 a ,,[- -• PARTMENTS Wanted for a Gentle- APARTMENTS Wanted for a Gen tie- man—Sitting-room and Bed-room,-—in or near the town ot Brecon.—Address, H. J., County Times Brecon. F.218 b FOR SA1E, a Second-Hand HARMO- NIUM, by Alexandre, in good repair; suitable for a small church or chapel cost ten guiueas; price, £6 10s. Apply to D. GRANT, Church-street, Hay. [252 WANTED immediately, a strong active LAD, willing to make himself generally use- ful. Apply to P. JAMES and Co., Grocers and Drapers, Clydach, near AbergaveDny. [99q WANTED, a sharp LAD, of 13 to 15 V Y years of age. Apply at the Office of this Paper. SLACK'S ELECTRO PLATE is a STRONG Coating; of Silver over Nickel, Manufactured Sol-ely by B. and J. SLACK. The fact of 20 years' wear is ample proof of its durability. Every Article for the Table as in Silver. Old goodsreplateci equal to new. SLACK'S TABLE CUTLERY. Messrs. Slack have been celebrated 50 yeHs for the superior make of their Table Cutlery. SLACK'S PATENT piSH^COyEES, Raised in one piece. SLACK'S ITENPliR "WAREHOUSE contains 200 patterns of the most elegant designs. Catalogues, with 350 Drawings and Prices, may be had Gratis or Post Free. Orders above £ 2 Carriage Free, per rail. No charge for Packing! RICHARD and JOHN SLACK, Ironmongers to Her Majesty, 336, Strand, opposite Somerset House. BELLMAN and IVEY. GENERAL AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERERS. Manufacturers of Scagliola Marble, N.B.-A Medai w&s awarded Messrs. B. aiia r. for the beauty 0 th it works exhibited at the International Exhibition, 1862. SHOW ROOMS: 14, BUCKINGHAM STREET, PORTLAND ROAD, W. FUNERAL ECONOMY. The NECROPOLIS 1 COMPANY UNDERTAKE the whole duties relating to INTERMENTS at fixed and moderate scales of charge.—Offices, 2, Lancaster-place, Strand; Westminster-road; 5, Kennington- green; 20, Newcastle-street, Strand; and 60, Sloane-street, S.W. Of Great and General Importance to the Public Health. By Royal Letters Patent. •THE New AIR-TIGHT METALLIC COFFINS, °?iVrred with superfine black cloth, and upholstered with fine .me. hmngs and mattress, in the best style, are not more ex- r i aT., cv,? c,offins, and, in a sanitary view, equal to Shell, ife mat of a ;vD,d tre not one-fifth the weight. These Collins costosuitpart^lb°dy' of and\re prepared at a jred of the most pmot,ar? Clrcumstanees. Upwards of five hun- lonial inthfir m,edtc;l1 gentlemen have siened a testi- TevvLz IHXTEFAMRGHOUT THF they are ised by the nobility and gentry, men' an are ge y -r a LONDON DOMETT, Manager. 501, New Oxford-street, and 17, Farringdon-street IMPERIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY No. 1, OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON ^v a INSTITUTED 1820. -k-0, The distinguishirg feature of this Company ia perfect cecurif v Ihe amount insured from the commencement exceeds £ 71 soo (fo'a The amount of Claims and returns paid £ 2,300.000 The Proprietors' Capital is £ 750,000 The Fund accumulated from Premiums exceeds 10 years of the Premium Income, and 31 per cent. on the Insurances in force. DIRKCTOUS (1865).. Martin Tucker Smith, Esq., M.P., Chairman, rp, Charles Marryatt, Esq., Deputy Chairman. T Barclay, Esq. Samuel Hibbert, Esq. rwis Ac" Bell> Esq. Thomas Newman Hunt, Esij. Fd James G. Murdoch, Esq. Kenrv S7viHhai,man» Es1- Frederick Pattison, Esq. Geor-Vfc WritEsl- G. J. Graystone Reid, Esq. Geoige William R. Robinson, Esq. ° 9 James tecott, J h HAt 1 Á1!DITORS. JOHN H. Aslell, Brand, Esq. Paul Butler, Esq. SAMUEL INGALL, Actuary. IMPORTANT. IF you want to J30HROW yj> ;]-;y at f. cheap rate, go to Mr. V7. WILLIAMS, 10 Dock street, Newport, Men., and Insure your Life, 'and ht. guarantee that, with approved personal security, you can have ANY sum from £ 50 to £ 2,000, for 1, 2 4, OR 5 yeais, repayable by fixed hdf-veailv' or quarterymstalmentg. Office hours: 10 to 5. [174 ;o- NEATH AND BRECON RAILWAY. OPENING OF THE LINE BETWEEN NEATH AND BRECON, FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF MERCHANDISE AND MINERAL TRAFFIC. THE Public is repectfully informed that on and after THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1866, this Rail way will be open for the Conveyance of Merchandise and Mineral Traffic between Neath and Brecon and Intermediate Stations. Rates of Charges, and any other information, may be obtained from the undersigned. THOMAS MORLEY, Traffic Manager. Neath, August 28th; 1866. [184 DAVIES'S CONDITION POWDERS S for HORSES, the best medicine that can be given during the spring and fall. Sold in packets at Is. and 2s. each. DAVIES'S COLIC DRINKS, ls.4d. each, or 6 for 7s. DAVIES'S AROMATIC PHYSIC BALLS. DAVIES'S IMPROVED DIURETIC BALLS. DAVIES'S CORDIAL DIURETIC BALLS. DAVIES'S COUGH BALLS. DAVIES'S MIXTURE for SHEEP, or SHEPHERD'S FRIEND, a safe and efficacious remedy for Scour or Looseness, Red Water, Colic, &c., in Bottles Is. 4d. and 2s. each, or six 2. Bottles for 10s. 6d. DAVIES'S Compound THRIVING POWDERS for Pigs, in packets Is. each. RECTIFIED WOOD NAPTHA. Every kind of Horse and Cattle Medicine of the best quality, whilst the prices charged are, in all cases, as moderate as the purity of the articles will admit. JOHN L. DAVIES, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, FlAY. [71 MILITARY and OFFICIAL COLLEGE, for the IU EARLY TRAINING of the YOUNGER SONS of the Nobility and Gentry, under the superintendence of a well-known and long-tried Tutor, assisted by experienced English and Foreign University men. High-bred Students, between the ages of Seven and Fifteen, are here thoroughly grounded, pro- portionately to their individual talents, in all the subjects, obligatory and voluntary, which are appointed as tests at the public Civil and Military Examinations. Letters addressed to Principal, 42, Jermyii-sireet, W. WOOLWICH COMMON. ATILITARY EDUCATION.—CANDIDATES for all branches of the Army are quickly and efficiently PREPARED for Examination by Mr. J. WIIITELY, 1, Woolwich Common, Kent.—Established 1846. (COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS.ZTCSDL- DATES are rapidly PBEPARED in classics, mathematics, History, English, philosophy, law, &c., by a professional gentle- man, who has passed many pupils for the army, civil scrvice, and universities. Highest testimonials.—X., 20, Burton-crescent, W.C. (ORIENTAL LANGUAGES.—CAPTAIN TCXR^KT/RTI, LA-TO IBFYN.1 ARMY, AND FORMERLY INTERPRETER TTUCL Quartermaster to his llegiment, after 3, VERY rigid examina- tion, TEACHES Arabic, Sanscrit, Persian, dnd Hindustani; and attends Pupils, or receives them at his own residence, No. 3, Wellingtcn^sq.uare. Xing' s-road. Chelsea. By Roval Letters Patent. 1101,T,AS ATKINS and SON'S, MOULDED Carbon water Filters, comprise the largest assortment of designs in Porcelain, Majolica, Terra Cotta, Glass, and Eariheti- ware for the drawing-room, hall, kitchen, &c. The Cistern Filter can be readily fixed to any cistern, and yields sufficient pure water for all purposes. The plan of filterinz through Solid Carbon is universally acknowledged as the most effective yet i introduced, All KINDS pf orn :raen^al fountains supplied and fitted. fountain jets, feidEc¡J¡¡ inspeated ànd estimates given. T. Atkins anil Soil, Engineer?, Show-rooms, 62, Fleet-street E.G. DURE WATEli versus CHOLEllA and other J- DISEASES. The LONDON and GENERAL WATER-PURIFYING COM- PANY (Limited) supply on HIRE or Sale in the metropolis and its suburbs, and on Sale in the country, thei PATE NT CISTE R N FILTER, which filters and purifies all the water used in t' A house, whether for culinary or drinking purposes, at the rate of halt-a-gallon to four gallons per miiiute; requiring no filling OR attention from servants. Water tested free of charge. Testing apparatus, easily used, Sold by the Company. FOR prises, SJND terms, apply to the Secretary, \5>, STRAND, W.C., v^here' testimo- nials froni DR. Letheby ANIL Qtkers, AND the 'filters in operation, SNAY bpsefeu." RAWLINGS, PURVEYOR OF MINERAL WATERS TO II.H.II, THE PRINCE OF WALES. MANUFACTORIES 2, 3, and 4, I?ASSAU-S'PREST and 8, CHARLES-STREET, MIDTRFJESEX HOSPITAL, W. Established IS 15. PCONOMY in FUEL.—FIRE GRATES and JLIA STO y-ES for domestic purposes and public buildings, and constructed on principles adapted to economise fuel, to increase comfort from warmth, and to prevent the nuisance of smokts, Manufactured by FREDERICK EDWA^US and SON, 49, Great ^ARIBOROIIGHSSTREETI Regent-strost, W. Prospectuses by post. BROAYN and GREEN'S KITCHEN RANGES. The Prize Medal, 1862. The New Patent (granted April, 18(5). A close range with an open chimney." Cures smoky chimneys. Avoids all close heat or smell. Prospectuses PWT- ree.~FREDERI.CK THOMAS, 72, Bishopsgate Within. A~TAIN ED GLASS WINDOWS V/ AND CHURCH DECORATIONS. HEATON, BUTLER, AN-P BAYNE, 4-RRICIJ STREET, COYESTT GARDEN, LONDO. Illustrated Catalogue, Sø. Gd., post free. JEREMIAH SMITH and CO., Manufacturing Stationers, 42, Rathbone-place, Oxford-street, London, W. Every description of STATIONERY of the Very Best Quality. Sole Manufacturers of the PATENT ADHESIVE ENVELOPE. fhe Most Secure, neatest, and best made that can BS obtained. No charge for Plain Stamping on the best AND medium Papers. ARMS, I S, &c., EKGUAVED. (Only first-class work turned ou'.) Jeremiah Smith and Co.'s Thirty Shilling and Two Guinea Boxes of Stationery (Carriage free on receipt of Post Office Order), vfill be found the most useful as well the best cases of Stationery that can be obtained. A Fifteen Shilling case of Indian Stationery in a IM box. J. Smith and Co.'s PATENT TRACING CLOTH. 42, Rathbone-place, Oxford-street, Lon- don, W BY APPOINTMENT. 'THOMAS ALDRED, Manufacturer of ARCHERY J- and FISHING TACKLE, Holder of the Great Exhibition, New York, and International Prize Medals. Wholesale, Retail, and for Exportation. Established 1813. 126, OXFORD-STREET; 54, 55, and 67, BURLINGTON ARCADE, LONDON. -OLD CHAINS and JEWELLERY™ -A. B. SAVOEY and SON'S PAMPHLET of PRICES, illustrated with engraving, may be had gratis and postage free ^NOS^YL^AND 18, Cornhill, London, (opposite the Bank of England. J-OHN BPOGDEN'S GOLD CHAINS, Sold only at the Original Gold Chain Manufactory, 16, Henrietta- street. Covent-gardcn. POR FIRST CLASS TROUSERS go to REDOUT'S, 9, Royal Opera Arcade, Pall Mall, S.W., and save 30 per cent.; perfect fit guaranteed, EVE^Y kind of cloth- at the most moderate price, and best quality. Good Black Dress suits from Y5S. TIIE "EXCELSIOR" PRIZE MEDAL. FAMILY SEWING and EMBROIDERING MACHINE is easy to operate, simple to learn, quiet in working, AI;D not liable to derangement. It will tuck, hem, I'?LTNER>,CORD. quilt, braid, and embroider; sews from two ordinal y reels,, requires no rewinding, and the seam, if cut at every inch, will not rip. Price frc?m £ 6 6s. Lists free. IVHI GHT A LND MANN, 143, HOLBORN BAnS, LONDON, E.C. I ALB, CAPS, and HELMETS.—Every descrip- -A"JL TL0» WORKS of J. ELL WOOD and SONS, OR-AT CHARLOTTE-STREET, S. LONDON. Pa- tentees of the celebrated Air Chamber Hat. Prize Medallists, International Exhibitions, London. 1862, Dublin, 1805. Con- tractari for Helmets to the London Police Force. Army Helmets and Caps with latert improvements. J. ELliWCOD and SONS' goods are kapt by all respectable traders and storekeepers. CAUTION.—No Air Caamber Hats or Helmets are genuine, UNLESS they bear on the lining ELLWOOD and SONS'" name, Orders THROUGH Mercantile Houses carefully shipped, THE TREASURER IN ACCOUNT WITH THE COUNTY OF BRECON, From Michaelmas Sessions, 1865, to Michaelmas Sessions, 1866. Diti Ca. October. To Balance due by the Treasurer as by last Annual Abstract & 1637 3 3 B^JxPense3 County Bridges .1198 6 5 Amount of County Rate then ia arrear. 52 5 10 — Payments on account of Bridge Loans 395 6 0 Dec. 16. Amount of County Rate at id. 821 5 9 Ditto County Gaol Extension Loan 350 4 4 1866. Ditto Joint Lunatic Asylum Loan 321 14 9 March 17 Ditto ditto at lid. 1231 18 6 County loads' Board 2169 8 8 2 W 90* S-ff0 aM^di 1231 18 6 Joint Counties'Lunatic Asylum 96 5 0 Sept. /9. Ditto ditto at ldi.s so 1 n o r( „ J "• ••• ••• 0^1 o y — Gaol Expenses 1072 5 11 4106 5 6 Shire-hall Ditto 128 0 10 Deduct in arrear, viz.:— s. D. County House ditto 74 6 5 Glasbury New Hamlet 4 2 11 Maintenance of Juvenile Offenders 13 1 2 Sr • 1,1,? -c— « 4 59 5 10 — Clerk of the Peace 200 0 0 4054 2 8 Registration of Voters 49 7 6 March 17 Amount of County Roads Rate, at 2|d. 2155 17 4 Weights and Measures 55 9 2 Amount of Fines received, less Clerk's commission 147 18 6 — Printing and Advertising OTIQ n From Her Majesty's Paymaster-General for the expenses of Criminal "ivriv 0«f in? -10 o Prosecutions and Removal of Convict,J, for one year ending 30th iviiiuia stores lUo i- 6 June, 1S66 (less £ 52 2s. 7d. disallowed by Treasury) 552 0 9 Removal of Convicts and Juvenile) 2 4 4 From dit'o for the Maintenance of Prisoners for the year ending Offenders ) 31st March, 1866 196 14 5 Maintenance of Lunatics 28 6 6 W. L. Banks, for use of Judge's Lodgings, temp. D. W. Lloyd, Criminal Prosecutions. 370 17 2 Jhsq., Sheriff 45 0 0 Treasurer of the County Court for Fuel 110 Conveyance of Prisoners 49 5 3 The County of Radnor for use of Hay and Builth Lock»up Houses, Police Stations 112 7 4 one year due 1st March, 1866 20 0 0 — Conveyance of Gaol Field. 13 3 6 Ihe County of Hereford for use of Hay Lock-up, one year due 1st Miscellaneous 27 li 8 March, I806 ### 10 0 0 Trustees of Gwenddwr Charity"towards repairs of Glasbury Bridge 11 8 6 — Treasurer 50 0 0 Ditto ditto ditto 135 18 1 —————— Governor of the Gaol for Mats made by Prisoners 37 0 3 7251 3 6 Ditto Oakum picked by ditto 29 16 2 By Bitlance 1835 9 3 Ditto Broken Stones sold 0 6 0 9086 12 9 £9086 12 9 1866, October 9tb,-Examined, and found correct, HUGH BOLD, V. M. H. P. PRICE, V. M. DEBTS DUE FROM THE COUNTY. o Representatives of the late J. PARRY DE WINTON, ESQUIRE, DECEASED. £ S. v. 1—Balance unpaid of XI,000 borrowed on 8th February, 1854, for County Bridges 142 17 2 2—Balance unpaid of £1,000 borrowed on 4th April, J854, for ditto 142 17 2 3-Balance unpaid of £1,000 borrowed on 3rd June, 1855, for ditto 214 5 8 Balance unpaid in respect of Bridges 500 0 0 Note-The above mentioned loans were obtained under the provisions of the 4th and 5th Vict., c.'49, repayable by 14 yearly instalments of B71 8s. 7d. WILLIAM HERBERT MULLENS, ESQUIEE, 3, LOMBARD STREET, LONDON. 4-Balance unpaid of zEC),000 borrowed on 3rd April, 1849, towards the Joint Lunatic Asylum 2600 0 0 5—Balance unpaid of £5,000 borrowed on 28th April, 1857, towards enlargement of the County Gaol 35(0 0 0 ZE6600 0 0 Isote, 1 he first loan from Mr. Mullens was obtained under the 8th and 9th Vict., c. 126, repayable by 30 instalments of C200 each; and the second under the 4th Geo. IV, cap. 63, and 5th and 6th Vict., c. 98, repayable by 30 instalments of £166 13s. 4d. each. 255J HENRY MAYBERY, TREASURER. BENJAMIN THE GIIOCER, JLt BRECON, Has FIN* QUALITY TEAS, MOCHA and PLANTATION COFFEES, FRENCH CHOCOLATE, FRY'S CO-COAS, CHOCOLATE, and ROCK COCOA EPPS' HOM(EPATHIC COCOA, COCOA NUTS and NIBS; SADLERS' COLMANS' and AKMISTEADS' genuine MUSTARDS; an endless variety of BRUSHES; BENJAMIN'S NEW SPERM CANDLE, superseding Paraffin and Wax all kinds of ITALIAN GOODS; OPORTO, CADTZ, HUNGARIAN, FRENCH, and RHENISH WINES. Dealer in FOREIGN CIGARS. Agent for DROITWICH AGRICULTURAL and TAHLE SALT. [1 puis T O L PACKET COMPANY. JOHN PROTHERO Respectfully informs the inhabitants of the town of Brecon and neighbourhood that he has just taken to the old-established and well-conducted CARRYING BUSINESS of the late Mr. W. THOMAS, and that all goods intended for conveyance by his Boats, which will arrive in Brecon from Newport every other day, will receive his prompt attention. All goods to be conveyed by PROTIIERO'S BOATs-from London, "per Great Western and South Wales Railway, Newport,from Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, and the North of England, per London and North Western Railway to Newport,—thence per PIIOTIIERo's BOATS "-and all goods from Bristol, "per Burton's Bristol Packet." GOODS CARRIED and DELIVERED WITB CARE and at MODERATE CHARGES. No wýre complaints of delay in delivering goods!—PROTIIERO'S BOATS will await the arrival of the Packets at Newport, and be despatched with promptness to Brecon three times a weelc. Brecon, 1st Oct., 1863. [17 HAY. A L I V E R P~R I T C II A R D \J INVITES AN INSPECTION OF HIS LARGE STOCK of NEW GOODS for the PRESENT SEASON. Winseys from 4d. per yard. Wide Aberdeen ditto, Is. to 2s. 6d. Plain and Fancy Dresses in the Newest Shades. Coloured Flannels, Is. 3d. to 2s. 9d. Blankets, Linens, &c. Wove and Hand-knit Stockings in great variety. A SPECIAL LOT OF WHITE CALICOES AT 6:\d. Ladies' Jackets and Mantles in the latest shape and style, or made to order. Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, &c. 1 & 2, The Square. Millinery and Dressmaking in all its branches. [18 CROWN SHOP, HAY. THOMAS ( G R U T~B ) PRITCHARD, DRAPER, SILK MERCER, HOSIER, LACEMAN, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S OUTFITTER, Is now SHOWING a large assortment of NEW and FASHIONABLE GOODS. MILLINERY and MANTLE ROOMS replete with LONDON and PARISIAN NOVELTIES. Ladies' made-up Under-Linen of superior quality and style. First-class Milliners and Dressmakers employed on the premises. Mourning and other orders executed with the utmost despatch FUNERALS FURNISHED. [42 TOWN OF TALGARTII. D. M 0 R G A N PLUMBER, GLAZIER, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, IMITATOR OF WOODS AND MARBLES, &C., Has now in stock a large assortment of Sheet and Crown Glass, and Glass Slates-(the higher qualities of glass supplied to order). Sheet Lead and Zinc, Lead Piping, Oils and Colours. A large assortment of Paper Hangings, of the newest designs, in great variety, at moderate prices. Gilt and other Mouldings in various patterns. Picture Frames made to order. D. M. respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he has introduced, in connection with the above business, the General STATIONERY TRADE, in which he will supply all goods at a fair remunera- ting profit. London and other Publications supplied weekly. Agent for the BRECON COUNTY TIMES. [152 MillS'S EXCHANGE HOTEL AND DINING ROOMS, 11L BEOAD STREET, HEEEFOKD, Will be found the most comforta !e and economical to Commercial Gentlemen, Tradesmen, and Visitors to the City. [55 K AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. This invaluable Medicine, which has been known throughout the UNITED KINGDOM for nearly half a century, and recognised by all who have tried it to be the BEST PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD, is admirably adapted to supply a great want—that of a remedy always at hand, easy of application, and cer- tain in its results. Its timely aid prevents, and its assistance cures, all Diseases, however caused; and where these Pills are persevered with DOCTORS' BILLS ARE UNKNOWN. Being a purely vegetable preparation, they may be taken at any time by either sex without fear of danger. Acting upon the bowels mildly, yet effectually, by their fine tonic, aromatic, and aperient properties, tiey re- move all oppressive accumulations, regulate the secre- tious of the lives* and bowels, strengthen the stomach, and purify the blood. Pi eprt; e(I solely by JOlIN KATE, Esq, of Prospect Hall, Woodford, Essex. Sold by all Chemuis and other Dealers in Patent Medicines, at Is. l-|d., 2a. 9d., and 4s. 6d. Wholesale Depot, 22, Bread-street, Lon. don. [245. THE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE, HANWELL, NEAR LONDON. PEE SIDENT—THE REV. DR. EMERTON. Prospectuses aiid Particulars on application. QT. JOHN'S WOOD COLLEGIATE AND PREPARATORY SCHOOL, WINCHESTER HOUSE, WINCHESTER ROAD, Adelaide Road, St. John's Wood, N. HEAD !If ASTER. FREDERIC BERRIDGE, F.R.S.L., F.C.L., M.C.r. SECOND MASTER. WILLIAM MACDONALD, M.A. THIRD MASTER. WILLIAM ALLEN, B.A. ASSISTANT MASTERS. A. W. KINCAID, Esq., and B. C. PLATT, Esq. A large staff of Special Professors is attacked to the which cOlflprises- I. A Collegiate Department. II. A Public School Department. III. A Civil Service, Military, and Naval Department. IV. A Commercial Department. A Prospectus, Report of the Examiners, and Examination Papers for 1865. will 1)9 forwarded on application to the Head Master. I MAPS, CHAETS, PLANS, INSURANCE -LTA ALMANACKS, RAILWAY ADVERTISEMENTS, SHOW CARDS, &c., Mounted in ANY STYLE and QUANTITY and AT THE LOWEST TERMS. Tracing and Drawing Paper for Architects, Surveyors, and Engineers carefully mounted. Every description of Mounting. Estimates give MESSRS. THOEB (TEN, PLEYDELL STREET, FLEET STREET, E.O. L I B RARY BOOKBINDING. QLOTH BOOKBINDING. JJJYERY DESCRIPTION OF BOOKBINDING Books Bound or Repaired in the Antique style to any ancien pattern or device. Libraries Repaired and Furbished on the premises if desired. MESSRS. THORBURN, PLEYDELL STREET, FLEET STREET, E.O. CRICKET! CRICKET! CRICKET! T D. BARTLETT and CO., Inventors and Sole Manufacturers of the REPERCUSSIVE CANE-HANDLE BAT, acknowledged by the best Cricket players to be THE BEST DRIVING BAT ever used. The Heavy Scores obtained with this Bat in 1865 sufficiently prove its superior Driving power. WARRANTED NOT to JAR the HAND nor BREAK at the HANDLE. Double and Treble Cane-handle Bats, Match Bats, superior finished Wickets, Leg Guards of superior make and finish, Tubular India-rubber Gloves, Sc."ring Books and Paper, and every article used in the game of Cricket. List of Prices free on application. J. D. BARTLETT and CO., Manufacturers and Exporters, 71, WATERLOO ROAD, LONDON. TTOME FOR CHURCHMEN.—MILDMAY HOUSE, Stoke Newington-green, N., provides Board and Residenc» to Clerks, Students, and others engaged during the day combining a comfortable home with the society of feilow- Churchmen. Terms, 15s. a-week. The Home is specially re- commended to Parents sending their sons to London for edu-ai iona or other purposes. Reference to well-known Clergy and Laity Apply to JOSEPH GUNYON, at above address. M E T P, 0 P 0 L I T A N FREE HOSPITAL, Devonshire-square, City. Upwards of Sixteen Hundred Patients relieved weekly, without letters of recommendation. Supported entirely by Voluntary Contributions. Funds are urgently needed. GEO. CROXTON, Secretary. T) OYAL FREE HOSPITAL, Gray's-inn-road, in the immediate vicinity of the Great Northern Railway Terminus, King's-cross. The Committee earnestly solicit the ASSISTANCE of the bene- volent, as the premises of this Hospital are capable of containing several hundred more beds, had the Committee the requisite funds to maintain them. Contributions are received by the Treasurer, Edward Master- man, Esq., Nicholas-lane; and at the Hospital from 10 till 5. STANFORD S. SMITH, Secretary. GENERAL NURSING INSTITUTE, under Medical Direction, 5, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, W.C. Secretary—T. Hamilton, Esq. Lady Superintendent-Mrs. NIKEL. Nurses can be obtained from this Institute whenever required, for every emergency of sickness, accident, or mental disease. Medical, surgical, invalid, monthly, and wet nurses are always in readiness; and there is a separate department fo" attendance on fever cases. Families proceeding to India or the Colonies can also be sup- plied with qualified and trustworthy nurses. Cases in the country have immediate attention upon receipt 01 all particulars. T. HAMILTON, Secretary. THE QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY. LONDON OFFICES— QUEEN INSURANCE BUILDINGS, 60, GRACECIIURCH-STREET, E.G. AND 13, REGENT STREET, WATERLOO PLACE, S.W. LIVERPOOL OFFICE- QUEEN INSURANCE BUILDINGS, DALE-STREET. The Company is represented by Branch Agencies thron gliout the United Kingdom, and in most of the Colonies and F )reign Countries. Capital £ 2,000,00 Paid-up 13-7 £ 72 Funds in hand, as per last'Report 3-13'413 Fire and Life, Income over 125,C X- Dividend paid last year, 10 per cent. FIRE INSURANCES AT THE REDUCED GOVERN- MENT DUTY. RATES OF PREMIUM. Common Insurances I Cd. per cei t. Household Furniture from Is. 6d. per cei t. Hazardous Insurances 2s. Gd. per cer t. Shops and Stocks therein from Is. C.(I. per cert. Doubly Hazardous Insurances 4s. fid. per cent. And Special Insurances according to Risk. ALL RATES OF PREMIUM VERY MODERATE. HOME and FOREIGN FIRE and LIFE INSURANCES of every dcscripti on. J. MONCRIEFF WILSON, Manager. JOHN E. LEYLAND, Secretary. 0 Applications for Agencies at Homo or ABROAD to BE addressee to either the Liverpool or Loaaon Offices, BRECONSHIRE SESSIONS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the next GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the Peace for the County of Brecon will be held at the SHIRE HALL, in BRECON, in and for the said County, on TUESDAY, the FIRST DAY of JANUARY next, at ELEVEN o'clock in the forenoon. At Twelve o'Clock at noon, the business relating to the Assess- ment, Application, or Management, of the County Rate or Stock will commence. The Court will also order and make a Police Rate, under the provisions of the 19th and 20th Victoria, cap. 69, and of the several Acts referred to therein. All Witnesses in any Appeal are to be ready in Court to answer to their names at Twelve o'Clock at noon on the above mentioned day, when all Appellants and Respondents must also attend. Grand and Petty Jurors, Prosecutors, and Wit- nesses, must attend on WEDNESDAY, the SECOND day of JANUARY next, at Ten o'clock in the forenoon. Depositions must be forwarded to the CLERK, of the PEACE seven clear days before the Sessions, and in all- cases arising subsequently immediately upon being taken. Notice is hereby also given, that all persons having Claims upon the County must attend, with their Accounts, before the Visiting Magistrates to the Gaol, at the SHIRE HALL, Brecon, on WEDNESDAY, the TWENTY-SIXTH day of DECEMBER instant, at Ten o'clock in the forenoon, when such several accounts will be audited, And that all Costs of Prosecutions to be allowed by the County must be Taxed at the same Sessions pre- vious to or during which they shall be incurred, or they will not afterwards be allowed, And further, that all Appeals and Traverses for trial must be entered with the Clerk of the Peace before the sitting of the Court at Eleven o'clock on Tuesday. EDWARD WILLIAMS, Clerk of the Peace. Brecon, 3rd December, 1866. [254 BRECKNOCKSHIRE. NOTICE is hereby given that the AD- -.i- I JOURNED GENERAL QUARTER SES- SIONS of the Peace for the County of Brecknock will be held at the SHIRE HALL, in the Town of Brecknock, on TUESDAY, the ELEVENTH day of DECEMBER next, at Twelve o'clock at noon. Dated the 26th day of November, 1866. EDWARD WILLIAMS, 249] Clerk of the Peace. CHRISTS COLLEGE, BRECKNOCK. FOUNDED 1541. THE COURSE of EDUCATION pur- JL sued is that of the Public Schools of England, embracing Classics, Mathematics, Modern Languages, and English Studies. The Schoolhouse, opened in 1S64, affords accommo- dation for Forty Boarders. For Prospectuses apply to Mr. F. Watkins, Regis- trar of the College. 97. J. D. WILLIAMS, M.A., Head Master. MR. J. R. GRIFFITHS, PHOTOGRAPHER, THE WATTON, BRECON. CARTES DE VISITE, Plain Vignette, or Tinted Diamond Cameo. Portraits, Old Paintings, or Photographs copied, enlarged, or re- duced; Glass Positives, Photographs on Silk, Ivory, Eburnium, or Metal. A VISIT IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED TO INSPECT THB SPECIMENS ON VIEW. [243 SEEDS or ALL SORTS FOR AUTUMN SOWING. QTUB3LE SWEDE, Devonshire Grev Stone, Chivas' Orange Jelly, &c.; Cabbage Seed, Rape, Mustard, Trifolium Incarnatum,Winter Vetches, Winter Oats and Beans, of fine qualities. Apply for catalogues and prices to TUCKER BROTHERS, SEED MER CHANTS, A BER GA VENNY. FEEDING STUFFS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. L IIS SEED CAKE of prime quality; piesent price for two-ton lots, delivered at any station, Xll per ton nett. Cotton Cakes, Indian Corn, Indian Meal, Barley Meal, Beans, Oats, &c., always on hand. Special prices for lots of two tons. Cargo of prime Indian Corn, now arrived and dis- charging in Newport. Special prices for large quan- tities. Apply- TUCKER BROTHERS, STEAJf MILLS, ABERGA VENNY. TO SPORTSMEN. BEST LONDON GREAVES, OAT- JLP MEAL, and prime DOG BISCUITS (packed in wood cases, price 10s. each, case included) always in stock. Apply- TUCKER BROTHERS, MERCHANTS, ABERGAVENNY [176 TH E CHAMPION LIVER AND STOMACH PILLS. These Pills are compounded from the recipe of one of the most eminent physicians of the present day (who, from purely philanthropic motives—knowing their excellent properties from experience—has been induced to give the benefit of them to the public at large). They are prepared by an able and experienced chemist, and are acknowledged, by the faculty, to be the most valuable medicine for all disorders of the stomach and derangements of the liver ever prepared. It is a well-known fact that most of the diseases incident to the human race arise from a disordered stomach, aud an irregular state of the bowels, and for want of a suitable remedy, taken in time, thousands of (at first) simple maladies become serious illnesses. To guard against this great evil, and to preserve the bles- sings of health, these pills are confidently and earnestly recommended. They act generally on the constitution, cleanse the blood of all impurities; regulate the secretions, and give tone to the stomach; correct the morbid condition of the liver, regulate the bowels, and, by removing all irnpi diments, restore elasticity and vigour to the whole frame. ———— Sold in boxes (with directions for use) ls.U2d, and nd. each (a saving by taking the larger size). Sold Wholesale by Messrs. Birclay and Son, London, and Retail by all Medicine Vendors. AGENT Fon BRECON: MR. MORRIS, CHEMIST. WILLIAM LLOYD, AUCTIO NEER, APFBAISEB, LAND and ESTATE AGEXT, HAY. Valuations for Administrations. Timber Measured and Valued. r 48 NORWICH UNION FIRE OFFICE. Th! full benefit of THE reduction of CUT? TO is. 63. per cant, is given to the insurers effecting ro'icies in this Company. TT^Y TKLS reduction and the I:O.N'US SYSTEM of the NORWICH UISIOX, the cost of insurance is reduced to a minimum amount. EXAMPLES OF PREMIUMS REDUCED BY BONeS. Annual Reduced Prem. No. of Policy. Sum Insured. Prenrum. now payable. d. B S. 4. 441,411 82,5'9 223 4 4 120 19 2 450.153 L'J.I,; 3 €3 0 0 35 0 0 484.173 6.6C0 35 li 0 19 1C 8 50:.i.975 5,000 7 JO 0 4 6 4 The 1'a'es of premium a,re in ro case irater than those ckarged by THE other principal oflices GIVING no buhus to their IBSNRETS. The duty paid to Government for tks year 18G3 WAS 185,15J lis. 93.; the amount insured on farming stock WAS £ t0,208,272. For prospectuses apply to the Society's OFFICES, 29, Fleet. street, E.C.; and SURREY-STREET, Nonricb.