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WHEELER AND WILSON'S PRIZE MEDAL LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. WHEELER AND WILSON'S. LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, Prize Medal, International Exhibition, London, 1862. WHEELER AND WILSON'S TT LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Prizes at all the Fairs in United States, America. WHEELER AND WILSON'S <Y LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Medals and Rewards at all the Shovs in England. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Gold Medal, Paris, 1861. WHEELER AND WILSON'S 'V LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Prize Medal at Dublin Exhibition, 1865. WHEELER AND WILSON'S tY LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Are Simple in Construction. "tXT H EEL ERA N D W I L SON ¡ S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, f Elegant in Design. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Axe Strong and Durable. HEELER AND WILSON'S YV LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, Ornamental in the Drawing-room. WH-EELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Cannot get out of Order. WHEELER AND WILSON'S VV LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Make 500 to 1,000 Stitches per Minute. WHEELER AND WILSON'S U LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Will Stitch Perfectly. WHEELER AND WILSON'S TV LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Fell Rapidly. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Gather Quickly. WHEELER AND WILSON'S r1 LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Will Quilt without Marking HEELE.R AND WILBON'IS I LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. The Work will not Ravel. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Stitch alike on Both Sides of the Fabric. WHEELER AND WILSON'S w LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Will Bind with Precision. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Cord Strongly. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Work Superior to all Hand-sewing. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Over 220,500 sold. HEELER AND WILSON'S w LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Instruction Gratis to Purchasers. WHEELER A,ND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Proficiency Easily Acquired. REELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, Noted for Strength and Durability of Seam. W. HEELER AND WILSON'S » LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Prospectum Post Free. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, On the New Patent Spring Castors. WHEELER AND WILSON'S. LOCK-dTlTCH SEWING MACHINES, With Bi aider, Hemmer, and Corder. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, Used by all Classes. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Dressmakers cannot do Without. HEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, Used, in the Manufacture ol— Shirts and Collars, Hats and Caps, Umbrellas, ¡1 Linen Goods, Corsets, Straw Bonnets, &c., And Every Description of Work which can be done by Hand or Machine Sewing. WHEELER AND WILSON'S UNRIVALLED PRIZE MEDAL LOCK-STITCH SEWING, MACHINES. INSTBUCTION GRATIS. AGENT—C. E. NOTT, BRECON. [64 NORWICH UNION FIRE OFFICE. — The full benefit of the reduction of iurf » is. M. pat eent. is given to the insurers effecting policies in this Company. By this reduction and the BONUS SYSTEM of the NORWICH UNION, the cost of insurance is reduced to a minitrnm amosut. EXAMPLES OF PREMIUMS REDUCED BY BONUS. Annual Reduced Prens. No. of Policy. Sum Insured. Premium. now payable. I, I, a. d. A a. d. 441,411 92,540 232 4 4 120 19 t 450,158 12,000 63 0 0 MO* 484,173 6,800 35 14.0 19 is 8 506,975 1 5,000 1 7 10 0 1 4 6 4 The rates of premium are in no case higher than those ekargti by the other principal offices giving no bonus to their innrwo. The duty paid to Government for tke year 1863 was £ 34,1JS lis. 9d.; the amount insured on farming stack Was 610,303,273. For prospectuses apply to the Society's offices, 29, Fleet-street, E.C.; and Surrey-street, Norwich. MAPS, CHARTS, PLANS, INSURANCE -L'J- ALMANACKS, RAILWAY ADVERTISEMENTS, SHOW CARDS, &c., Mounted in ANY STYLB and QUANTITY and AT THE LOWEST TERMS. Tracing and Drawing Paper for Architects, Surveyors, and Engineers carefully mounted. Every description of Mounting. Estimates giro MESSRS. THORB URN, PLEYDELL STREET, FLEET STREET, E.O. LIB R A R Y BOOKBINDING. QLOTH BOOKBINDING. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BOOKBINDING, Books Bound or Repaired in the Antique style to any ancien pattern or device. Libraries Repaired and Furbished on the premises if desited. MESSRS. THORBURN, PLEYDELL STREET, FLEET STREET, E.C. CRICKET! CRICKET! CRICKET! J D. BARTLETT and CO., Inventors and Sole Manufacturers of the REPERCUBSIVE CANE-HANDLE BAT, acknowledged by the best Cricket players to be THE BEST DRIVING BAT ever used. The Heavy Scores obtained with this Bat in 1865 sufficiently prove its superior Driving power. WARRANTED NOIL to JAR the HAND nor BREAK at the HANDLE. Double and Treble Cane-handle Bats, Match Bate. superior finished Wickets, Leg Guards of superior make and finish, Tubular India-rubber Gloves, Se-ring Books and Paper, and every article used in the game of Cricket. List of Prices free on application. J. D. BARTLETT and CO., Manufacturers and Exporters, 71, WATERLOO ROAD, LONDON. I _————————————————— TEE T H WITHOUT P A I N.- JL EQUAL TO NATURE. A Single Tooth from 5s. Complete Sets from 4 Guineas. These Teeth are supplied on the principle of capillary attrac- tion and suction, thus dispensing entirely with springs, and are sup-plied at moderate charges. 3 Messrs. GABRIEL have for mac^years practised the r Speciality, with unvarying success, and have the satisfection to state that they have permission to refer to most of their patients. MESSRS. GABRIEL, THE OLD ESTABLISHED DENTISTS, LONDON—27, HARLET STREET, CAVENDISH Square, W. CITY ESTABLISHMENT:— 64 (late 36), LUDGATE HILL. 134, DUKE STREET, LIVERPOOL. 65, NEW STREET, BIRMINGHAM. Neurs. Gabriel guarantee every case they undertake. Only ONE VISIT REQUIRED FROM COUNTRY PATIENTS. Gabriel's Pamphlet on the Teeth gratis. Sold by Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., price 7d., in cloth Is. Id., a New Work on the Teeth, entitled 13VRE DENTISTRY, and WHAT IT DOES i FOR US. By A. ESKELL Surgeon Dentist, Grosvenor- street, W. "This little treatise on Pure Dentistry" is at once practical, philosophical, and simple. The author is thoroughly master of his subject, and knowing exactly what he has to say, or ought to sav, he gets through his task with great facility, and is perfectly intelligible to the most oIdinary understanding."—Court Circu- lar, Sept. 2nd, 1865. John C. Clements, Little Pulteney-street. "TV-TR. HOWARD, Surgeon-Dentist, 52, Fleet- street, has introduced an entirely new description of ARTIFICIAL TEETH, fixed without springs, vires, or liga- tures. They so perfectly resemble the natural teeth, as not to be distinguished from the originals by the closest observer—they will never change colour or decay, and will be found superior to anv teeth ever before used —this method does not require the ex- traction of roots, or any painful operation, and will support and preserve teeth that are loose, and is guaranteed to restore arti- culation and mastication. Decayed teeth stopped and rendered sound and useful in mastisatiea.—52, fleet-street. At home from tea till flye. t TITARWICK AND SON, Engravers to the Royal" » Family, Jewellers, and Silversmiths, 124, Regent-street, beg respectfully to acquaint the Nobility, Gentry, and their friends that they intend making a reduction of 15 per Cent, on all JEWELLERY and PLATED GOODS, purchased for cash during this and the following month, in order to make room for a new stock for the a. OPERA AND RACE GLASSES, by NEGRETTI and ZAMBRA, 21s. and 42s., in leather case, with rock crystal lenses; or in aluminium, 5 guineas and upwards. To be had only at their four establish- ments, 1, Hatton-garden; 59, Comhill: 122, Regent-street, and 153, Fleet-street. TINTED SPECTACLES, Direct from the Maker AL a!so every other kind adapted for weak or near sight Elastic Steel Spectacles, 3a. 6d. Tinted ditto, 5s. 6d.; with tea Pebbles, 10s. 6d. fitting the face accurately by the new process of measurement.—WHITEHOUSE, Practical Optician, S. Co- ventry sireet, Haymarket (opposite thAlate Thos. Rubergal's). OND'S PERMANENT MARKINGS INK.— The Original Invention, without preparation, is by far the est for marking CRESTS, NAMES, and INITIALS upon House- hold Linen, Wearing Apparel, &c., securing it from loss or mis- taka Price, Is.. per bottle. Sold by E. R. Bond, 10, Bishopsgate street Within, London, E.C., and by all respectable Chemists, Stationers, &c., in the Kingdom. N.B.—Purchasers should be careful to observe the address, "10, Bishopsgate-street Within, E,C. is on the label, without which he Ink is not genuine HAVE YOU SEEN THE WANZER NEW LOCK-STITCH SEWING » MACHINE, with all the recent improvements? The simplest and best for Families, Dressmakers, Tailors, and Manu- facturers. Price from E9. Prospectuses post free. WANZER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY (Limited), 4, Cheapside, London QSBORNE'S ANALYSED PROVISIONS, 30, LUDGATE-HILL, LONDON. CHOCOLATE MENIER. CHOCOLATE.-MENIER'S FRENCH. a QHOCOLATE MENIER, for Breakfast. QHOCOLATE MENIER, for Eating. CHOCOLATE MENIER Consumption exceeds 5,000,000 lbs. (CHOCOLATE MENIER is pure, wholesome, and 2^ delicious. MENIER'S FRENCH CHOCOLATE Warehouse, MX 23. HhNKIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN. Everywhere. SPARKLING SWISS CHAMPAGNE (Bouvier, Frdres, Neuchatel).-Prize Medal, 1862, 42s. per dozen quarts; pints, 24s. Baron Rieasoli's Brolio, 18s. per dozen. Hennessey's 1857 Pale Brandy, 66s. per dozen case as imported; Port, Sherries, Clarets, Hocks, Moselles, &c. Price Lists sent on application. Terms cash. J. and R. McCRACKEN, 38, -Queen-street, E.O. A LEXANDER OLAH'S Hungarian, French, German, and Spanish Wine Depot.—Importer of Havannah Cigars of the finest brand. 17, Charlotte-street, Fitzroy- aquare, W. Sample Bottles may be had. -piDGINGTON'S GARDEN NETTING, the XJ cheapest and most duTaole, 1 %d. per square yard, or in Iraantities of 250, 500, or 1,000 yards, carriage free. EDGINGTON'S RICK CLOTHS for Sixty-one Years have maintained their celebrity as the best. EDGINGTON'S MARQUEES and GARDEN TENTS are the prettiest. EDGINGTON'S MARQUEES, for Hire, are the most hand- some and capacious. HAYTHORN'S and BRITTAIN'S NETTING. Sample of material flee on application. Be particular FREDERICK EDGINGTON and CO., Thomas-street, Old Kent-road, London. S.E. A liberal Discount to the Trade. International Exhibition, 1862, Class XIX., Honourable Mention. THE NATIONAL COAL COMPANT J- LIMITED. CAPITAL £ 50,000, IN 1,000 SHARES OF 250. 2 10s. per Share on Application and 42 10s. on Allotment. FIRST ISSUE, 500 SHARES; DIRECTORS. Samuel Plimsoll, Esq., Chairman. The Right Hon. the Lord Teynham, Deputy-Chairman. J. Wilson Beaumont, Esq., M.D. I John Till, Esq. W. F. Portlock Dadson, Esq. I Thos. G. Williams, Esq. Joseph A. Horner, Esq. I BANKERS. The National Bank, Charing-cross Branch, London. The Midland Bank, Sheffield, and Branches. This Company has secured mest eligible business premises known as the Royal Mint street Coal Depots, possessing every facility for the rapid development of an extensive trade. The amount paid for fixtures. &c., is one-third in cash and two-thirds in Shares. The dividends realised by Coal Companies have ranged from 10 to 20 per cent, Applications for the remainder of the First Issue of Shares should be Sent in on or betore the 1st of March, 186S. B. FAWCETT GLOVER, Secretary. Offices, 49, Bedford-row, London, W.C. NATIONAL COLONIAL EMIGRATION- SOCIETY. OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY. 1. To disseminate information on tte subject of Emigration. 2. To afford Advice to intending Emigrants. 8. To facilitate arrangements for the passage of Emigrants to the Colonies. 4. To make Advances to Emigrants, by loan or otherwise, to. wards their outfit and passage. For further informatiow read the "Society's Pamphlet," price td., per post 5d., and the" Emigration Commissioners'Circular," price 6d., per post 7d., which, witn other cheap publications and maps, treating upon inux'vidual Colonies, may be had on receipt of postage stamps to cover price and postage. N.B.—All inqairits and letters must contain a postage stamp for reply, or they cot be attended to. Address Mr. J. BATE, Secretary, National Colonial Emigration Society, :44, Chariog Cross, London, S.W CLERGY SUSTENTATION FUND.—Provision for the WORKING CLERGY of the United Church of Great Britain and Ireland, through the medium of Periodical Subscriptions and Life Donations, raised by the Members of their respective Congregations, may now be made under the auspices of a responsible Executive. For Prospectuses apply, by letter only, prepaid, to JAMES C. CANE, Secretary pro. tem. 60, King William-street, i-ondon-bridge, E.C. By Royal Letters Patent. nnHOMAS ATKINS and SON'S, MOULDED -*• Carbon Water Filters, comprise the largest assortment of designs in Porcelain, Majolica, Terra Cotta, Glass, and Earthen- ware for the drawing-room, hall, kitchen, &c. The Cistern Filter can be readily fixed to any cistern, and yields sufficient pure water for all purposes. The plan of filterine through Solid Carbon is universally acknowledged as the most effective yet introduced, All kinds of ornamental fountains supplied and fitted. Fountain jets. Residences inspected and estimates given. T. Atkins and Son, Engineers, Show-rooms, 62, Fleet-street E.C. PURE WATER versus CHOLERA and other JL DISEASES. The LONDON and GENERAL WATER-PURIFYING COM- PANY (Limited* supply on HIRE or Sale in the metropolis and its suburbs, andon Salem the country, thei PATENT CISTERN FILTER, which filters and purifies all the water used in tl e house, whether for culinary or drinking purposes, at the rate of halr-a-gallon to four gallons per minute; requiring no filling or attention from servants. Water tested free of charge. Testing apparatus, easily used. Sold by the Company.. For prices and terms, apply to the Secretary, 15, Strand, W.C., where testimo- nials from Dr. Letheby and others, and the filters in .operation, may be seen. RAWLINGS, PURVEYOR OF MINERAL WATERS TO H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. MANUFACTORIES 2, 3, and 4, NASSAU-STREET, and 8, CHARLES-STREET, MIDDLESEX HOSPITAL, W. Established 1815. TOONOMY in FUEL.—FIRE GRATES and JCJ STOVES for domestic purposes and public buildings, and constructed on principles adapted to economise fuel, to increase comfort from warmth, and to prevent the nuisance of smoke. Manufactured by FREDERICK EDWARDS and SON, 49, Great Marlborough-street, Regent-street, W. Prospectuses by post. ROWN and GREEN'S KITCHEN RANGES. The Prize Medal, 1862. The New Patent (granted April, 1865). A close range with an open chimney." Cures smoky chimneys. Avoids all close heat or smell. Prospectuses pist- tee.-FREDERICK THOMAS, 72, Bishopsgate Within. OTAINED GLASS WINDOWS O AND CHURCH DECORATIONS. HEATON, BUTLER, AND BAYNE, ARRICK STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON. Illustrated Catalogue, SI. 6d.. post free. n_OOD EDUCATION for YOUNG LADIES, in a school conducted by the wife and daughters of a clergy- man. assisted by resident English and foreign governesses and visiting professors. The comforts of home combined with school discipline. Address the Lady Principal, 35, Clapham-rise, London, S. TpDUCATION.—At Miss De LASPEE'S ESTA- BLISHMENT, 34, Brompton-square, Brompton, YOUNG LADIES will be thoroughly EDUCATED, on Pestalozzian prin- ciples, the general English course, including French, Music, Drawing, Calisthenics, &c., at JE1 Is. pey month. Boarders will be received. For particulars and Prospectus apply as above. Private Classes for German, Singing, Calisthenics, &c. EDUCATION,There are VACANCIES in a good School, where Ladies receive superior Educational advantages. Eminent Professors attend. Terms 45 Guineas. Parlour Boarders 52 Guineas per annum. Address the Principal, Baynard Castle, near Gravesend. -U,DUCATION. Blackheath (Park House, Bel- JLA mont, Lee).—ESTABLISHMENT for YOUNG LADIES, conducted by the Miss WEIRS, assisted by eminent professorsi Prospectuses forwarded on application. SOUTH HAMPSTEAD COLLEGE for LADIES, 18, Haverstock Hill—EASTER TERM wilL COMMENCE April 24. Professors in attendance :—French, 3*. De Lolme; German, Herr Koch; Italian, Signor Maggioni; music and singing, Henry Baumer, Esq., Prof, and Assoc. R.A.M., and Seymour Smith, Esq.; drawing, E. W. Oldfield, Esq.; arithmetic E. O. Aspinwall, Esq.; dancing, Miss Marshall; lecturer, G. D. Wood, Esq. CYDENHAM COLLEGE, SYDENHAM, KENT. PRINCIPAL REV. W. TAYLOR JONE M.A., Queer's College, Cambridge, Fellow and Examiner of the College tf Pre- ceptors, asbis ed by a Staff of C nipetcnt R,esi(i, nt Masu rs. Master of the Junior Depa tment-Rev, W. Taylor Jones, Jun., B.A., L.C.P., Queen's College, Cambridge. German—W. Finkch, Esq. Frerch—M. Boulland, LL.D., M.C.P Oriental Languages-Rev. George Small .M A. Drawing-T. C. Dibdin, Esq., M.C P., Exam ner in Art, Col- lege of Preceptors. Pianoforte and SinLing-W. J. Westbrook, Esq., M.C.P. Dancing and Calisthenics—J. B. Tennifel, Esq. Fencing and Drilling Mr. Heading, late Colour Sergeant Grenadier Gurds, Fees for a thorough gentlemanly Education, including instruction in the various departments of English Literature and Science, the Classic, French, and German Languages, Mathematics, Drawing, Vocal Music, and Drilling, with admission to the Crystal Palace and Grounds Per Term. Per Annum. Boarders 20 Guineas 60 Guineas. ,> under 12 years of age J8 54: „ Dally I oarders 11 „ 33 „ S. "under 12 yrs, of age 10 „ 30 „ The Academical Year is divid- d into three Terms, viz. Spring Term from January 24 to April 30. SummerTerm. from May 1 to July 31. Christmas Term. from September 18 to Christmas. Prospectuses forwarded on application to the Rev. W. TAYLOR JOI', ES, M.A., SYDENHAM COIMEQLI, S.E. "DUtiBY and other PUBLIC SCHOOLS.—The Rev. G. F. WRIGHT, M.A., late Fellow of Corp. Cbr. Coll. Cambridge, and Senior Assistant-Master of Wellington College, and formerly Assistant-Master at Shrewsbury, RE- CEIVES BOYS of Nine Years of Age and upwards to be Prepared for Admission to the Public Schools, and Competition for Open Scholarships. Address, Overslade, near Rugby. ■ MILITARY SCHOOL, 3, 4, 5, Clarence-place, Woolwich-common; noted for 20 years for its success in passing candidates for Woolwich, Sandhurst, and the line. Mathe- matics by C. R. Rippin, M.A., Wrangler, St. John's College, Cambridge, and W. W. Crofton, B.A., First Gold Medallist, Trinity College, Dublin, and Mathematical Master of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich; classics by A. Gill, B.A., Trinity College, Cambridge, first class, classical Tripos. French, drawing, &c., by able masters. 25 pupils passed with distinction during the last 18 months. Reference is desired to the authorities of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. All communications to C. R. Rippin, M.A., Woolwich. BRIGHTON. MILITARY and NAVAL EXAMINATIONS.— A High Classman of Oxford and King's College, London, whose pupils have lately passed well for Woolwich, Sandhurst, Direct Commissions, the Commissariat, and the Navy, RE- CEIVES TEN GENTLEMEN preparing for the above Examina- tions. Reference to the most distinguished families and to Pro- fessors at Oxford, London, Woolwich, and Sandhurst. Nine Pupils passed last year (1864) for the different Examinations with great success. Mr. JACKSON. B.A.. F.G.S., 72, Lansdowne-plaee, Brighton MILITARY and OFFICIAL COLLEGE, for the EARLY TRAINING of the YOUNGER SONS of the Nobility and Gentry, under the superintendence of a well-known and long-tried Tutor, assisted by experienced English and Foreign University men. High-bred Students, between the ages of Seven and Fifteen, are here thoroughly grounded, pro- portionately to their individual talents, in all the subjects, obligatory and voluntary, which are appointed as tests at the public Civil and Military Examinations. Letters addressed to Principal, 42, Jermyn-street, W. WOOLWICH COMMON. MILITARY EDUCATION.-CANDIDATES for all branches of the Army are quickly and efficiently PREPARED for Examination by Mr. J. WHITELY, 1, Woolwich Common, Kent.-Established 1846. COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS. CANDI- v-' DATES are rapidly PREPARED in classics, mathematics, history, English, philosophy, law, &c., by a professional gentle- man, who has passed many pupils for the army, civil service, and universities. Highest testimonials.—X., 20, Burton-crescent, W.C. ORIENTAL LANGUAGES.—CAPTAIN TORCKLER, late Bengal Army, and formerly Interpreter and Quartermaster to his Regiment, after a very rigid examina- tion, TEACHES Arabie, Sanscrit, Persian, <ind Hindustani; and attends Pupils, or receives them at his own residence, No. 3, Wellington-square, King's-road. Chelsea. MILITARY and CIVIL SERVICE EXAMI- A* L NATIONS.—A Military Engineer of great experience in the Scientific Branch of the War Department, also an author, and an M.A., T.C.D., PREPARE for all the above, and, with special success, for the India Civil Service, the Staff, Woolwich, and Sandhurst. Address, C. E., 6, St. Peter's-terrace, Bays- water, W. WOOLWICH, SANDHURST, DIRECT COM- 'V MISSIONS, INDIA CIVIL SERVICE, &c., EXAMI- NATIONS.—CANDIDATES for the above are PREPARED by A. D. SPRANGE, M.A., 12, Princes-square, Bayswater, assisted by Masters of eminence in the highest Mathematics and Classics; French, Italian, and German History, Language, and Literature Sanskrit, Arabic, and the Oriental Languages; Geometrical Drawing, Natural and Experimental Sciences, Mental and Moral Philosophy, &c. Last year there passed from this Establishment Eleven Candidates for Direct Commissions, Two for Woolwich, Two for Sandhurst, and Four for the India Civil Service. TNDIA CIVIL SERVICE and ARMY EXAMI- I NATIONS.—A Cambridge Graduate (senr. opt.) has TWO VACANCIES, 40 pupils have passed, taking 3rd and 8th places for I.C.S.; 1st, 17th, &c., for line: six have obtained commissions at Sandhurst, and three have passed for Woolwich. Address, B. A., 25, Wellington-road, St. John's-wood, N.W. MILITARY EXAMINATIONS —6, Bentinck- -1terrace, Regent's-park, N.W.—Rev. H. SARGENT, B.A., Trin. Coll. Cam., RECEIVES SIX PUPILS to prepare for Woolwich, Sondhurst, or direct commissions. During the past year 14 candidates prepared here have been successful at the different examinations. A small number of pupils being taken, each receives special and individual care. References to officers of distinction and families of rank. ARMY & CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS. -L-111 A retired Military Officer, the Principal of an Establish- ment, who has had many years' experience, and is well qualified and competent to prepare Gentlemen for the Army and Civil Service Competitive Examinations, has a few VACANCIES. Unexceptionable references. Address, Captain Torckler, late of the Bengal Army, 3, Wellington-square, King's-road, Chelsea. RI C H M 0 N D, S.W. — Mr. McLAUGHLIN RECEIVES a limited number of Gentlemen to be PRE- PARED for the Military, Civil Service, and other Competitive Examinations. Testimonials from successful candidates. Address, 11, Friston-villas, Richmond, S.W. THE HERMITAGE, RICHMOND, S.W. AN OXFORD GRADUATE, assisted by emi- nentiy-qualified Teachers, carefully and rapidly PRE- PARES a small number of GENTLEMEN'S SONS for the Universities, Woolwich, Sandhurst, Direct Commissions, and the Civil Service. The Junior Department has a few Vacancies. REV. W. WEBSTER, M.A., late. Fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge, RECEIVES PUPILS, for Public Schools, 2120 a-year; for the Universities and Competitive Examinations, JE150 a-year. 3, Park Villas West, Richmond, S.W. -VDUCATION.-Stnart House, Lee Green, Lee.- JU Mrs. CHAS. CLARK RECEIVES a limited number of PUPILS, who enjoy the advantages of a superior education, em- bracing a moral and religious training, assisted by a resident Protestant Parisienne, and other professors of eminent standing. Terms, varying from 30 to 40 guineas per annum. References to parents of pupils. Terms inclusive if desired. A RMY EXAMINATIONS.—India Civil Service. —An Oxford Graduate, who has recently passed pupils, 28th and 59th (India Civil Service), 4th and 2(ith (Woolwich) 3rd and 7th (Sandhurst), 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 11th (Direct Commis- sions), has TWO VACANCIES. Distinguished references. Terms moderate and inclusive. Address, H. Coleman, Esq., Harley College, 5, Harley-road, St. John's-wood. CLASSICAL EDUCATION, at 29, Haverstock v hill, by Mr. CHINNOCK, B.A.—A limited number of BOARDERS RECEIVED. The house is airy and well situate. Referees—William Smith, Esq., LL.D., Classical Examiner of the University of London; and other gentlemen. THE Rev. C. SHAKSPEARE RECEIVES a few GENTLEMEN'S SONS, as Daily or Resident Pupils, for Education and Preparation for Public Schools. References— Rev. H. Brooks, St. Stephen's, Paddington; Rev. J. C. Vaughan, D.D., Vicar of Doncaster. Address, 17, Westmoreland-road, Bayswater, W. RAMSGATK PRIVATE TUITION.- A Married Clergyman, J- Graduate in Math. Hon., Cambridge, RECEIVES a few PUPILS, Sons of Gentlemen only, to be prepared for the Public Schools, &c. Address, Rev. A. J. MANSON, 20, Royal-crescent, Ramsgate. QUEEN'S COLLEGE INSTITUTION for LADIES, Tufnell-park, Camden-road, London. Fee for residents in finishing school, 60 guineas per annum. Fee for residents in middle-school, 40 guineas per annum. Fee for residents in elementary school, 30 guineas per annum. Tayment reckoned from entrance. Governess Students received. Certificates granted. For Prospectuses, with list of rev. patrons and lady-patronesses, address Mrs. MOREL, Lady-Principal, at the College. HANDEL-HOUSE, Upper Park-road, Haver- JL- stock Hill, N.W.-The DAUGHTERS of GENTLEMEN are RECEIVED by Mrs. C. TOPHAM, who undertakes the svpervision of tneir education in all its details, carefully com- bining the comforts of home with strict attention. References exchanged. THE INTERN AT I 0 N A L COLLEGE, HANWELL, NEAR LONDON. PRESIDENT-THE REV. DR. EMERTON. Prospectuses and Particulars on application. ST. JOHN'S WOOD COLLEGIATE AND PREPARATORY SCHOOL, WINCHESTER HOUSE, WINCHESTER ROAD, Adelaide Road, St. John's Wood, N. HEAD MASTER. FREDERIC BERRIDGE, F.R.S.L., F.C.L., M.C.P. SECOND MASTER. WILLIAM MACDONALD, M.A. THIRD MASTER. WILLIAM ALLEN, B.A. ASSISTANT MASTERS. A. W. KINCAID, Esq., and B. C. PLATT, Esq. A large staff of Special Professors is attached to the which comprises- I. A Collegiate Department. II. A Public School Department. III. A Civil Service, Military, and Naval Department. IV. A Commercial Department. A Prospectus, Report of the Examiners, and Examination Papers for 1865, will be forwarded on. applicatioll to the Head Master. IMPERIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. I, OLD BRO iD STREET, LONDON, E.C. INSTITUTED 1S20. he distinguishing feature of this Company is perfect security. Theam( uiit insured from the commencement exceeds £ 7 l.SOOJ'OO < Tf e amount of Claims and returns paid £ 2.300.000 The Proprietors' Capital is £ 750,00.0 The Fund accumulated f om Premiums fxceeds 10 years of the Premium Income, and 34 per rent, on the Insurances in force. DIRECTORS (1865). ( Martin Tucker Smit", Esq., M.P., Chairman. Charles Marryatt, Esq., Deputy Chairman. I Thomas Geo. Barclay, Lsq. I Samuel Hihbtrt, Esq. J,.ivu s i C. Beil, Esq. Thomas Newman Hunt, Esq. ( buries Cave, Eq James G. Murdoch, Esq. I Eri. Henry Chapman, Esq. Fit derick Pattis»n, Esq. HenryDavidson, Esq. G. J. Gray stone Reid, Esq. George Field, Eaq. William R. Robinson, Esq. Geoi'ge Hibbert, Esq. James Scott, Esq. AUDITORS. John H. Astell, Esq., M-P. James Brand, Esq. Paul Butler, Esq. SAMUEL INGALL, Actuary. LUTON MEDICAL AND~GENERAL LIFE i ASSOCIATION. J .Chief Offices-429, TRAND LONDON, W.C. TRUSTEES. George Barlow, 1VLD, R. Partridge, Esq., F.R.S. Sir J Duke, Bart., Ald., M.P. John Propert, Esq. Sir Chas. Hastings, M.D., W. Tyler Smith, M.D. D.C.L. Francis Webb, Esq. DIRECTORS. Chairman of the Board-George H. Barlow, M.D. IDeputy-Chairman-Frandis Webb, Esq. By the peculiarly equitable manner of dividing the profits, the Policies issued by this Association become payable during the lifetime of the person assured without extra premium. After having been in force a period of five years, all policies are absolutely indefeasible and indisputable. Declined and deceased Lives as-urcd at equitable rates. Capital Stock, E200,000 Annual Income, L130,00L,. < Large and increasing Bonuses. i Qualified medical -attendants who are named by proposers to this Association are consulted as the medical advisers of the Directors, by whom all medical fees are discharged. E, cry description of Life Assurance transacted terms for < which, with detailed prospectuses and every information, may be had on application to JOHN MESSENT, Actuary and Secretary. THE BANE of HINDUSTAN, CHINA, and JAPAN (Limited). Head Office, 1, Bank-buildings, Lothbury, London. Capital B4.1 00,090. I Subscribed Capital 3,696,100. Paid uf Capital 924025. Reserve Fnnd 120,500. DIRECTORS. CHAIRWAN—JAMES NUGENT DANIELL, Esq. DEPUTY-CHAIRMAN—RICHARD SPOONER, Esq. Wm. Frederitk Barirg, Esq. I Jas. Levick, Esq. Thos. Cotterell, Esq. Sassoon David Sassoon, Esq. Philip Shore Fletcher, Esq. J. Mackrill Smith, Esq. Lieut.-Col. French. Hon. J. F. H. Stuart Wortley. Wm. Harrison, Esq. Benry Young, Esq. GENKRAI, MANAGER—John Ousely, Esq. SECRETARY—B. Swire Tomlin, Esq. BANKERS. The Bank of England. The National Bank; The Alliance Bank (Limited). EDINBURGH BRANCH. DIRECTORS. William Forbes, Esq., of Med wvn. Pat ick Arklev. Esq., ofDuninald. James Mackintosh, Esq., jun., of La Mancha, and late of Calcutta. .John A. Macrae, Esq., W.S., 39, Frederick-street, Agent. BRANCHES and AGENCIES. Henry Turner, Esq., Inspector. Bombay, Calcutta, Colombo, Kandy, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Yokohama, Singapore, Point de Galle, Manilla IFoo-Claow, Ninepo, Hankow, Nagasaki, Kiuluang, Melbourne, and 4vdnolv. THE GENERAL PROVIDENT ASSURAN^ J- COMPANY (Limited). CHIEF OFFICES370, STRAND, r,ODON,W.O. CAPITAL-HALF-A-MILLION. DIRECTORS. Thomas Hattersley, Esq Chairman. Job Caudwell, Esq., F.R.S L., Deputy-Chairman. Capt. Geo. Bayly. I W. Paul Clift, Esq. F. Brodigan, Esq., J P. | Joseph A. Horner, Esq. F.S.S. Alfred Bryant, Esq. Rev. Robert Maguire, M.A. Right Hon. Lord Teynham. PRINCIPAL FEATURES:- Every description of Life Assurance granted by this Company All Policies are Indisputable, except in cases of fraud. Paid-up Policies on equitable terms. Deposit Po icies in lieu of fixd sums paid down. Policies made payable during lifetime without extra premiums. Assurances effected for any sum at one-half of the Premium usually charged, without contracting any debt or interest, by tlio Company's new plan. Special Temperance Section. Special Homoeopathic Section. Special Working Man's Section. Advances made, or extension of time granted, on the Com. pany's Policies to enable Insurers to keep them in force. Immediate and Deferred Annuities or Pensions. Endowments-Adults and Children. All claims are valid within the days of grace, notwithstanding the non-payment of Premium. Prompt payment of claims. Ec nomy in management. Forms of Proposal, Prospectuses and all information may be obtained by post or otherwise on application. RUBERT G. GRIST, F.S.S. General Manager. THE QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY. LONDON OFFICES- QUEEN INSURANCE BUILDINGS, 60, GRACECHURCII-STREET, E.C. AND 13, REGENT STREET, WATERLOO PLACE, S.W. LIVERPOOL oFrICE- QUEEN INSURANCE BUILDINGS, DALE-STREET. The Company is represented by Branch Agencies thron ghout the United Kingdom, and in most of the Colonies and F )reign Countries. h Capital £ 2,000,00 Paid-uj) 187,672 Funds in hand, as per last Report 343,4 13 Fire and Life, Income over 125,CJG Dividend paid last year, 10 per cent. FIRE INSURANCES AT THE REDUCED GOVERN- MENT DUTY. RATES OF PREMIUM. Common Insurances Is. Cd. per cer t. Household Furniture .from Is. 6d. per cei t. Hazardous Insurances 2s. 6d. per cer t. Shops and Stocks therein .from Is. 6d. per cert. Doubly Hazardous Insurances 4s. 6d. per cent. And Special Insurances according to Risk. ALL RATES OF PREMIUM VERY MODERATE. HOME and FOREIGN FIRE and LIFE INSURANCES of every description. J. MONCRIEFF WILSON, Manager. JOHN E. LEYLAND, Secretary. Applications for Agencies at Home or Abroad to be addressed to either the Liverpool or London Offices. RTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE o INSURANCE COMPANY. The SIXTH SEPTENNIAL DIVISION of PROFITS took place on the 31st of December last. The Fund then to be divided consisted of the Profits which have accumulated since 1858.. ALL PARTICIPATING POLICIES OPENED BEFORE THAT DATE HAVB SHARED IN THE DIVISION, During the six years prior to the last Divi- sion the annual average of sums assured amounted to. £ 293,694 0 0 During the last six years—1859 to 1864 in- clusive—the annual average has amounted to £ 701,656 0 0 Being an Increase of 138 per cent. During the years 1863 and 1864 the Company has issued 2,311 NEW POLICIES, assuring very nearly TWO MILLIONS STERLING. In 1864 alone 1,240 Policies were issued, assuring. 11,034,578 0 0 NINETY PER CENT. of the Whole Profitr- divided among the assured. FIRE DEPARTMENT. PREMIUMS for 1864, less Re-insurances. 9219s23510 8 Being an INCREASE over those for 1863 of Y,54,043 25 INSURANCES granted at HOME and ABROAD on the most liberal terms. ACCUMULATED FTJND at Dec. 31, 1864, jE2,304,513 7 10 ANNUAL REVENUE from all sources 9565,458 16 2 This Company grants the public the full value of the REDUC- TION OF DUTY, and issues Policies free of any chaige for Stamp. Forms of Proposal, and full information, may be had at the Head Offices, or from any of the Agents throughout the kingdom, Colonies, &c. CHIEF LONDON-61, Threadneedle-street. WEST-END BRANCH (Secretary, A. J. Russell)—8, Waterloo place, Pall Mall. (By order) F. W. LANCE, Secretary. BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE COMPANY. 47 and 48, King William-street, London-bridge, B.C. Capital—A Quarter of a Million. Accumulated Fund— £ 85,000. DIRECTORS. George Thomas Dale, Esq., Bayswater. Edmund Dunn, Esq., Waddon. William Gover, Esq.. Lee, Kent. William Sutton Gover, Esq., 47, King William-street. John Middleton Hare, Esq., Forest Hill. Fountain John Hartley, Esq., Dalston. John Smither, Esq., Welleiose-square. Joseph Warmington, Esq., Lee-grove, Blackheath. MANAGING DIRECTOR* AND ACTUARY. William Sutton Gover, Esq., F.SJ8., &I.A. AUDITORS. Samuel Beddome", Esq., Mansion House. Charles Brown, Esq., Waddon.. ) William George Lemon, Esq., Blackheatiu BANKERS. The London and Westminster Bank (London-bridge). PHYSICIAN. illiam Munk, Esq., M.D., F.S.A. (Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London), 40, Finsbury-square. SURGEON. Thomas Carr Jackson, Esq. (Fellow of the Roval College of Surgeons, Surgeon to the Great Northern Hospital, King's- cross), 3, Weymouth-street, Portland-place. The Accumulated Fund is equal to about 50 per cent. of the entire premiums received on policies in force on the 31st of December last. Annual Income, upwards of £ 10,000. TRIENNIAL DIVISION OF PROFITS. Three Divisions of Profits, at the rate of lå per cent. per annum on the sums assured, have been declared, and the Fourth Division of Profits will take place on December 31st, 1866. The Profits may be applied to the reduction of Premiums or as an addition to the sum assured; OR (by THE EXTINCTI&N or THE ULTIMATE PREMIUMS) TO MAKE THE POLICY PAYABLE IN THE LIFETIME OF THE ASSURED. The Policies in force exceed— No. Amount. 7,860 # 9-11312,970 The Interest realised in 1864 exceeded 6 per cent. on the entire funds of the Company. The Tables of the Company are adapted to all classes of society. Industrial Assurances are granted, the payments for which may be made at periods oftener than yearly, 5 per cent. only being charged extra foi such payments. Advances made on Freehold and Leasehold Securities. Loans gsanted on the Company's Policies. AcUye and W1 TraTQlliug anil Local Agents wanted. NATIONAL MUTUAL ASSUIUNOB SOOIKT v Chief office, 269, Strand, London. Agents wanted in London and the Provinces. Assurances. Annuities granted for all ages Endowment from t: 10 to jElOO received at 14 or 21 vent's of age. Pick Benefits 5s., 7s. 6d., or 10s. per week, with medicine an 1ttendance, Sums at ealh, £2 and upwards. Members admitted from 8 we ks old to 70 yeais, and may be some 'ree to benefit on entrance. For terms apply tij letter to Messrs. Humphries and WiDters at the chief office us above. rF HE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. ESTABLISHED A.D. 1720. Head Office- No. 7, ROYAL EXCHANGE, CORNHILL, E.C. West-end Office- No., 7, PALL-MALL, S.W. REDUCTION IN FIRE INSURANCE DUTY. The Directors are now prepared to give the public full advan. iage of the Reduction in Duty upon all Insurances effected 01 renewed after the 27th April, 1865. No charge made for Policy, however small the amount insured. JOHN LAURENCE, Secretary. ACCIDENTS TO LIFE OR LIMB, IN THE FIELD, THE STRRPTS, OR AT HOME, Provided for by a Policy of the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE JLV COMPANY, 64, Cornhill, London, E.C. Compensation has been paid for 10,000 Claims. El,000 in case of Death, or £6 per Week while laid-up by Injury secured by an Annual nt ot from;CS to JE5 5s. For particulars apply to the Club at the Railway Stations, to ;he Local Agents, or at the office,. u" "ornhill, and 10, Regent- itreet. vrA>T ■f-m THE LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE A FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Dffices—1, Daie-street, Liverpool; 20 and 21, Poultry, 7, Corn- hill, and Charing-cross, London. PROGRESS OF THE COMPANY SINCE 1850. Year. FirePi-emiunis. Life Premiums Invested Funds. 1851 B54,305 £ 27,157 £ 502.824 1856 222,279 72,731 821,061 1861 360,130 135,974 1,311,305 1864 742,674 236,244 3,212,300 JOHN ATKINS, Resic,«nt Secretary, London. Life claims are payable in thirty days after they are admitted. KTATIONAl UNION LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. Chief Office-No. 355, S L'RAND, LONDON. POLICIES PAYABLE DUIUNG LIFETIME. This Company transacts every dtscription of Life Assurance and Annunv Business, and offers spedal advantages to Iiisureis, 1illong,t which mav be mentioned :— I.-P,)Ii(ties at the ordinary rates of Premium, after a term of ears become payable during the lifetime of the assured. 2.—Indisputability after three years. B.l he granting of greater f, cilities for the continuance and non-forfViture of Policie. Pro-pectus.es and every information may be had on application. HEVRY 8UT fON, F.S.S., Secretary. No. 355, Strfan i, W.C. Applications for Agencies are invited. rPHfl WESTMINSTER. PALACE HOTEL, J- Victoria-street, London, S.W., opposite Westminster Abbey, adjoining the India Office, close to the Houses of Parlia- ment, the parks, and theatres. Bed-room? from 3s.; dinners ia coffee-room and ladies' coffee-room from 2s. 6d.; and as per daily bill of fare. Attendance charged in the bill. There is an ascend- ing-room and a telegraph office in the building.—WILLIAM go WELL, Manager. GRAND HOTEL, Brighton. It Contains Library, ladies' coffee-room, ladies' reading-room, ladies' drawi, g- room, gentlemen's coffee-room, billiard-room, and smoking- room, for the use of visitors, besides upwards of 200 bed-rooms and private sitting-rooms. Care has been taken to render, the cuisine perfect in every department and about 150 sorts of choice, wines are kept in stock in the cellars. A complete establishment of salt-water baths communicatei with the hotel. An omnibus meets the principal trains. First-class stabling. Strong rooia for valuables.—J. MARKWELL, Manager. WOOD'S FAMILY HOTEL, 102, JERMYN-STKEET, St. James's London. Families and Gentlemen visiting London will find excellent accommodation in the above Hotel, whieb is new and elegantly furnished, at greatly reduced prices, from this date until May 1, 1865. Beds from 3s. Hot and Cold Baths. On parle Frangais. Se habli Espanol. Cuisine Frangaise, "OEDFORD HOTEL, 21, Percy-street, Bedford- -L' square.—Bed and Breakfast, 2s. 6d." Private Sitting Room with Bedroom, 3s. 6d. and 4s. 6d. per day. QTACEY'S CLERICAL HOTEL, 2A, Berners- street, Oxford-street.—Established 12 years. Clergymen visiting London will find every accommodation at the above HoteL Terms, Bed and Breakfast 4a. per N:ght, or 95s. Toer We?k. including attendance. LANGHAM HOTEL, PORTLAND PLACE. T^HIS commodious Hotel, "the largest in London" is NOW OPEN. It is situated on the most open and healthy site in the West-end, with all modern improvements, Suites of Apartments, Salle-a-manger, 100 by 40 feet, elegant Ladies' Room, a spacious Sitting and Writing Room for Gentlemen, &c. Within a short drive of all the railway termini. For terms to secure accommodation, address the Manager, C. SCHUMANN. GROSVENOR HOTEL.—VICTORIA STATION, London, S.W.—This magnificent edifice, erected expressly to secure for its natrons all the conveniences and comorts afli st- class Hotel should supply, is advantageously situated, adjoining the Victoria Station, where the London. Chatham, and Dover, the Brighton, the Crystal Palace, and other railways have their Termini-near the Palace, the CluLs, Theatres, Parks. &c. The Coffee room is spacious, the Ladies' Coffee-room elesrant, the Reading-r om quiet, and the smoking-room commodious and comfortable. A Tariff of Prices displayed in all the rooms clearly irdioates the moder ite charges made for every article required and the services rendered Communications addressed to Frederic Smith, Manager, will receive his most careful attention. THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, LONDON J- BRIDGE RAILWAYS TERMINI. Travellers visiting London from the Continent are invited to try this Hotel, which combi' es all the recent improvements of the best West-end, Hotels, with very moderate charges. From its position, adjoining the London Bridge Railways Ter- mini, it possesses the advantages of direct communication with most of the seaports, is in close proximity to the City and the River Thames, and within sixmila-Lites of the Theatres and West- end London via Charing Cross Railway. Travellers from abroad should take their Tickets for London Bridge," and have their "luggage cleared" at "Dover" or Folkestone," otherwise it will be carried forward to their in- convenience. Suites of Apartments overlooking a garden, and Private Sitting and Bed Rooms may be secured by writing beforehand to the Manager, Mr. ALBERT GEARINGS. JOHN WOOD ALL and SON beg respectfully to inform their patrons and the public there is no foundation or the rumour that, I in consequence of their present premises oeing about to be pulled down, they are leaving Orchard-street." They hope, in the course of the present autumn, to occupy much larger and more convenient buildings within a few feet of the factory in which they have carried on their business for about 80 years, and trust to be honoured with even a larger amount of patronage tham has been so liberally accorded to them. COACH AND HARNESS MANUFACTORY, ORCHARD-STREET,1 PORTMAN-SQUARE, W. PROPERT'S WATERPROOF HARNESS —- BLACKING continues to receive the highest patronage, and is acknowledged to be the best leather preserver ever prepared, rendering it soft, pliable, and impervious to wet, and combines a permanent dye with a brilliant polish. PROPERT'S NON-MERCURIAL PLATE POWDER is unri- valled for its high polishir g properties and purity, quickly removing tarnish without wearing away the plate. PROPE T'S CLOTH BALL for DRY CLEANING all kinds of light-coloured and scarlet clothing, extracting grease stains without injury to the most delicate colour. PROPERTIS CELEBRATED BLACKING WITHOUT VITRIOL. PROPERT'S IMPROVED KID-REVIVER. Importer of French Varmsh. Manufactory, 22, South Audley-street, Grosvenor-sq rare, London, W. GADDLERY.—PHIPPS and Co., Saddlers and O Harness Manufacturers, 243, High Holborn, where the larg-est and best assortment of improved LADIES' SADDLES may be obtained for home and abroad; all manufactured on the premises. New and second-hand saddles, harness, and clothing jf every description, in great variety. T?OR FIRST -• CLASS TROUSERS go to RIDOUT'S, 9, Royal Opera Arcade, Pall Mall, S.W., and save 30 per cent. perfect fit guaranteed. Eve, y kind of cloth- ing at the most moderate price, and best quality. Good Black Dress suits from 75s. THE "EXCELSIOR" PRIZE MEDAL, FAMTL Y SEWING and EMBROIDERING J- MACHINE is easy to operate, simple to learn, quiet in working, and not liable to derangement. It will tuck, hem., fell, gather, cord, quilt, braid, and embroider; sews from two ordinary reels, requy es no rewinding, and the seam, if cut at every inch, will not rip. Price from £ 6 6s. Lists iree. WHIGHT AND MANN, 148, HOLBORN BARS, LONDON, E.C. HATS, CAPS, and HELMETS.—Every descrip- JLJL tion manufactured at th4 works of J. ELLWOOD and SONS, GRdAT CHARLOTTE-STREET, S., LONDON. Pa- tentees of the celebrated Air Chamber Hat. Prize Medallists, International Exhibitions, London, 1862, Dublin, 1865. Con- tractors for Helmets to the London Police Force. Army Helmets and Cans with latest improvements. „ J. ELLWOOD and SONS' goods are kept by all respectable traders and storekeepers. CAUTION.—tfo Air Chamber Hats or Helmets are genuine, u-nless they bear on the lining ELLWOUD and SONS'" name, Orders throug'h Mercantile Houses carefully shipped. "WINDSOR, and 10 miles round.—Mr. MASON'S "T LIST of Furnished and Unfurnished RESIDENCES will be forwarded on application. Windsor Estate Agency Oiiiees. 1WR. SWAIN'S REGISTER OF TOWN l't 1. AND COUNTRY RESIDENCES, Furnished and Unfur- nished, Freehold and Leasehold Investments, &c., issued the First Day of Every Month, may be had gratis on application, or per post for one stamp. Particulars of Properties intended for insertion, for which no charge is made, should be forwarded not later than the 26th of the Month. Auction and Estate Ohioes, The Lodge, Notting-hill, W. A PRINTED LIST of the HOUSES to be LET -L*- (Furnished and Unfurnished) in the neighbourhood of Hyde-park, 13ayswater, Notting-hill, and the Western districts, can be had gratis on forwarding a stamp to Messrs. BAILE X and BURGOYNE, Bayswater Auction and Estate Agency Offices, 21, Archer-street, Westbourne-grove West, and 22, Inverness- road, opposite the Royal Oak. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. WILKINSON AND KIDD, SADDLERS "To HUE MAJESTY AND B.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, Xi«.W> REMOVED their Establishment from tue Corner of Park-street, Oxford-street, to 5, HANOVER-SQUARE, W. (Adjoining the Queen's Concert Rooms), i ESTABLISHED 1760,



