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TO THE INDEPENDENT ELECTORS OF THE BOROUGH OF BRECON AND TOWN OF LLYWEL. GENTLEMEN,—A Vacanov having un- expecte. ly occurred in the r, preseit, a,ioti vf your Borough, thlougb the much lamented decease of the late Marques Camden and the consequent elevation of your Representative to the House (,f Peers, I beg to announce myself as a Candidate for your Suffrages My political principles having been recently laid before vou it i* unnecessary for me now to enter into them at any length, but with reference to the impor- tant question of Parliamentary Re orm, I t-hail be prepared to vote for a £6 rating Borough Franchise. As I stated on a former occasion I am desirous of meeting the conscientious objections of those who differ from the Established Church by th adoption of any measure which may relieve thtm from the pay- ment of Church Rates. I place full reliance on the Ministry of Lord Derby as capable of conduc'ing the affairs of this great Country with honor and success, a. d in the event of my being elected your R preventative, you may rely on my he tend. avourll to p-oioote the well-being and prosperity of your ancient Borough. I have the h nor to remain, Getil I- men, Yuur Fai'hful S'rvant. HOWEL GWYN. Bream, August 15th, 1866. [135. BRECKNOCKSHIRE. NOTICE is hereby given that the ADJOURNED QUARTER SESSIONS ot the P, act' tor ihe Co"iity of B"Ci«nock witl le held at the Shire Hall, in the town of Brecknock, on TUESDAY, the TWENTY-EIGHTH day ot AI'OUBT ins'ant, at welve o'clock at uo.-n. Datt d this 8th day of August, 1866. EDWARD WILLIAMS, 125J Clerk of the Peace. NORTH AND SOUTH WALES COAL and LIME COMPANY LI Mil ED, Beg to infcm'heir friends andthepuMc generally tht on and after the 1st Sept mber next the t. lk'wi«g will be toe Price of Coal., at the S,atiousnained:- PltlCEs PKR TON. First Class House Cu.il. Second Quality. For Ready For For Ready For Stations MOJ1v. Credit. Monev. Cn d t. Brecon 14s Od 15s Od 13s Od 14s Od Brynmawr Wharf 14s Od 15s Od TaTyl/yn^ 14s 01 158 0d 18s0d 14s 0d Talgarth 14s 6d 15s 6d 13s 6d 14s 6d GlasburyCltS 158 0d 16s0d 14s0d 15s 0d Hay Whitney SSy 14aM I5a6d Moorhampton..A Credenhill ..) New Bridge 17s 6d 18s 6d 16s 6d 17s 6d Builth ..17s Od 18s Od 16s Od I7s0d Erwood ..16s Od 17s Od 15s Od 16s1 d Boughrood ..15s Od 16s Od 14s Od 15s Od Talybont ..13s 6d 14s Od 12s Od 13s Od Dolygaer ..10s 6d lis 6d Ss 6d 9s 6d By Order, J. A. JEBB, Manager. High-street, Brecon, Aug. 15, 1866. [137 THE SOUTH WALES COAL COM- PANY LIMITED, Beg to inform thir friends and the public generally that on and after the 1st September n. xt the following will be the Pjices ot Coals at the Stations named:- PRICES PER TON. First Class House Coals. Second Quality. For Ready For For Ready For Station? Money. Credit. Money. Credit. Brecon Wharf —— 14s Od 15s Od Hay -v Whitney 1 linnersley f15s 6d 16s 6d 14s 6d 15s 6d Moorhainpton V Credenhill j By order, W. POOLE, Manager, Hereford, Aug. 15, 1866. [138 THE BRECONSHTKE COAL and LIME COMPANY LIMITED, Beg to inform their Friends and the Public generally that n and after the 1st Sept. mber next the following will be tne Prict-s of Coal" at the Stations named:— PRICES PER TON. First Class House Coals. Second Quality. For Ready For For Ready For Stations Money. Credit. Money. Credit. Brecon Station .14s Od 15s Od 13s Od 14s Od | 14s Od 15s Od 13s Od 14s Od Talgarth 148 Od 15s 6d 13s 6d 14s 6d Glharsbu?yCkS }15S°d 168 °d 14s°d 15s°d Hay .15s 6d 16s 6d 14s 6d 15s fid Newbridge .17s 6d 1ks 6d 16s 6d 17s 6d Builth ..17s Od 18s Od 16s Od 17s Od Erwood 16s Od 17s Od 15s Od 16s Od Boughrood ..15s Od 16s Od 14s Od 15s Od Talyliont ..13s Od 14s Od 12s Od 13s Od •dolygaer los 6d lis 6d 8s 6d 9s 6d ]3re By order, E A. WRIGHT, Marager. UgUt 15, 1866. [139 X ^fc^fau80-0' F°Ur Sbares' 0r £ 7° liai way ComDs,P TV.P)' in ,he Brecon and Merth>r each, iu the Br^coi !e Debenture Bo»ds, £ 100 bearing int,.rest t 5 d Merthyr Rail ay C .tnpany, Wellington Hotel Q„^r cen,~Fiv<J Shares in the paid. T^n Shares iu th^t/ (Limited) £ 8 per share Company (Limited), £ 6 Der600^'1''8 90a* Hnd kitne Share in the Bnnore. Trainroad?art! Paid-^ *100 of Insurance for £ 500 in a first CL!S ^nP Policv the life of a gentleman now injiis 77 !ld"n Office <«n to Mr. T. C. PERKS, Estate t Jear.—Apuly House, Brecon. &c" B«^ark August 14th, 1866. CARPETS, CURTAINS. &c. THE GENERAL FURNISHING- Attn ■ UPHOLSTERY COMPANY Are now exhibiting all the most approved Novelties of the cleason jn CARPETS, Chihtzes, Muslin Curtains, and every variety <,1 textile fabric for Upholstery purposes, constituting tUe most recherche selection in the traae. Special attention is solicited to a Lot of first-class French (*ast year's), reduced to one-half their original price. THE GENERAL FURNISHING AND UPHOLSTERY x. r COMPANY, Limited, ACRES, Manager, 24 and 25, BAKER-STREET, "W". J MAPLE and CO.'S OAK FURNITUIIEIot Dmlttg-room and Library. J. MAPLE and CO. for CARPETS; choice new Patterns. J. MAPLE and CO., for first-class FURNITURE. MAPLE and CO.'S CHIINEY -GLASSES, in best Fren of Pricef-re plateS and d0Utlle giit' The Allowing is a list 40 hv qn Outside Measui e of Frame. PH™. 40 bv ■ncJles — 50 inches wide by 39 inches high £ 2 12 '0 50 bv an inches 50 inches high by 45 inches wide 3 15 « bv sn *nckes ••• c3 inrhes high by 52 inches wide 415 0 Larp-oi-111'0 inches Mgh by 66 inches wide 8 8 0 Pairs, 7 «■ T p™P°rti?n; among which are several handsome l4s- *1. each; girandoles, from tottenta^ ^ustr^ted Catal°Sue p°st free. Entrance, 145. BENJAMIN THE GROCER, JD BRECON, Ha" Fnf. QUALIT-R TEA5*, MOCHA and PLANTATION COFFRES, FRENCH CHOCOLATE, Par's COCOAS, CHOCOLATE, and ROCK COCOA; EPPS' HOM(XPATHIC COCOA, COCOA NUTS and MKS SADLERS' COLMANS' anrl AlEtMISTEADS' g,-ntiin- MUSTARDS; an endless rariety of BRUSHES; BENJAMIN'S NEW -PERM CANDLE, MJPFR-edintr Par^tifn a.id W«x all ki.,ds of IT ALl A (IO >DS; (OPORTO, CADIZ, HUNGARIAN, FRENCH, a'l'¡ RHENISH WIN ES. Dealer in FOREIGN CIGARS. Agent for DROITWICH AGRICULTURAL and TABLE SALT. [1 RN .GRIFFITHS AND SON, JL • TIMBER AND SLATE MERCHANT 8, BUILDERS, SURVEYORS and GENERAL CONTRACTORS. BUILDING AIWDFIRV, BRICKS, OVEV SQUARES, RID^E CREST, MALT KILN SQUARES, DRAINING AND SOCKET PIPES, CHl VINEY TOPS, PAVING STONE AND SILLS. NAVY AND MERCHANT SHIP TIMBER AND PLANK. MAHOOANT, OAK, ELM. BEECH. and ASH PLANK, BOARDA, AND SCANTLIN T; OAK STAVES, OAK aud DEAL LATH, OAK GATES, SEASONED OAK QUARTER-BOARDS, CEMENT, PLASTER or PARIS, ETC., ETC. T. G. & SON have Boats pivitig weekly bftwppn Brecon and Newport, to and from the Tredegar Wharf, Newport. The Boats are for the conveyance of all Kinds of Goods. [14 BRISTOL PACKET COMPANY. D JOHN PROTHERO Respectfully informs the inhabitantll of the town of Brecon and neighbourhood that. he has just taken to the old-fstabljshed and well-c<«nducted CARRYING BUSINESS of cht- late Mr. W. THOMAS, and that all good. intended for convfyancj by his Boats, which will arrive in B econ from Newport every other day, will revive his prompt, attention. All goods to be conveyed by PBOTHBBO'S BOATS—from London, per Great We-tern and South Wales Railway, Npwport,fr- m Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, and the- N-rth of Ensland, per London and North Western Railwav" to Newport,—thence "p..r PBOTHERO'S BOATS "-and all goods from Bristol, per Burton'* Br stnl Packet." GOODS CARRIED and DELIVERED WITR CARE and at MODERATE CHARGES. No mon- complaints of delay in dnlivering jioo<!s!— PBOTHERO S BOATS will await the arrival of the Packets at N"po.t, and be d-spatch, d with promptness to Brecon three times a week. Brecon, 1st Oct., 1863. [17 # TT J. AND D. NICHOLLS' I! # OVERCOATS FOR ALL SEASONS. W ATE H PROOF TWEED COATS, A T 21s. 114 to 120, Regent Street; 22, Cornhill; and 10, Saint Ann's Square, Manchester. AGE'IT for BRECON-MR. D. MORGAN. [104 HAY. CELLING OFF SUMMER STOCK 0 AT AN IMMENSE REDUCTION. A Lot of WHITE CALICOES at 71d. per Yard, worth 9td. For Ready Mom y. OLIVER PRITCHARD, 1 & 2, The Square. [18 CROWN SHOP, HAY. MHOMAS (G R U A R) PRITCHARD, DRAPIiR. SILK MERCER, HOSIER, LACEMAN, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S OFTFirTER, Is now SHOWING a large assortment of NEW and FASHIONABLE GOODS. MILLINERY and MANTLE ROOMS Tfpletp with LONDON a d PARI-IAV NOVELTIES. Ladies' made-up Under- Linen of superior Iiiality and style. First-class Milliners and Dressmakers employed on the premises. Mourning and other orders executed with the utmost despatch FUNERALS FURNISHED. [42 W. D A V I E S WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND OPTICIAN, HIGH-STREET, HAY. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, GOLD CHAINS, EAR-RINGS, PINS, RINGS, LOCKETS, &c. Also a large assortment of Electro-Plated Goods, omorisinir Cruet and Spirit Frames, Te4 and Coffee Services, Cake Biskets, Salvers, Sheffield Cutl-ry, B<r'meters, &c. REPAIRS EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. [50 HIGH TOWN, HAY. FURNISHING IRONMONGERY, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT, 4- SEED WAREHOUSE. J. E A S T HOPE Respectfully solicits an inspection of his STOCK, which will be found replete with a large and well selected assortment of Lon-and Bra- Bedsteads, Children's Cot*; Hair, Flook. and Wool Mattresses; Straw Pallias-.es &c; Kitchen Rmiges, D!-a«in> Piniiif, and Bed room Grates, Enamelle t SI-te, and Marble Chimney Pieces, Fendnr8 and Fire Irons, Bronzed Hitt and Umbrella Stands, Pauier Macheand Japanned IVa Trays and Waiters, best Sheffield Table Cutlery, Pucket Knives and Sci-s rs Elect?, (i.p late Spoons, Forks, Cruet and Liquor Frames, Tea and Coffee Services, SUllar Baskets, &c.; BrilaliniL Metal Teap ots, Bl jck Tin and Metal Di-b Covers; Toilet Sets, Coal Vase" and Boxes, Japtnned T n and Leather Travelling Box-A and Cases, Hat and Bonnet Boxes. Lamps and Baths in grpd.t vari ty. Lawn Mowing Machines, Garden Rolls and Tools, Steel Digging and Hay Forks, Spades 811d hovels, Galvati,se i WITH Hare anti Rabhii Proof Ne'tinu. Pa'ent Wash- ing, Wrin,,iiig, ati-i Mangling Machines; Gu .s, Pistols, Powder, Shot, Caps, ..or! Wads; B* Hoop, and Shnet Iron; Files, Rasps, Steel, &c.; Carpenters'and Juiriers' Tools; Pifcori, Tar, Reddle, O L, Paints aud Cutlours Agent for all kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. [70 T) A V I E S S FLY POWDER, FOR SHEEP AND LAMBS. Extensively uClpn during the last Fourteen Years, and acknowledged to be the Cheapest and most Effectual Preventive of the Fly striking Sheep, at the same time improving their appearance. Sold in pound packets (Mxpeuce Each), sufficient to dress from ten to fifteen sheep, or twenty Iambs. Orders to the value of 20s., and upwards, carriage paid per rail to any station within 20 miles. JOHN L. DAVIES, PHARMACEUTICAL CHBMIST, HAY. Agent, by appointment, for Bigg's Dipping Composition, and Cooler's Dipping Powder. jA Dipping Machine Lent to Purchasers Free of Charge. [71 HAY, BRECONSHIRE. GM HOPE, ROSE AND CROWN FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL. WHOIVALK AND RETAIL WINE AND >PI RL I' MERCHANT, Agent for Samuel Allsopp 6f Sons, Guinness's Extra Stout, and Lea Carpenter 6f Co's. Family Ales. GENERAL PARCEL AND COACH OI-FICE. G. M. H. begs resp, ctfully to ai-nounce to Visitors, wh se comfort and convenience will to him be an object, f solicitude, that in the nny hb..ui h-od fthe H -tel th y will be enabled to ewj-iv SEVEN MILKS OF EXCELLENT AND STRICTLY-PRESERVED FISHING in the Wn:, t gather with several miles of BROOK FISHING- Th Hotel is si uared, toO, witnin 30 minutes' r de. by rail, of the famous and extensive LLANGORSE LAKE, which abounds with PERCH and PIKE. TERMS EXCEEDINGLY MODERATE. [23 rpiiK BKKCOiNSHIRfci COAL and Ll.VIt; COMPANY LIMITED. This Company having Agents at all vStations on the Brecon and Merthyr, Mid-Wales, and Hereford, Hay and Brecon Railways, is prepared to su»>ply COALS, LIME, DRAINING and >EWERAGE PIPES. BRICKS, SLATES, TITFS ABERTHAW LIME, ai do'h»r BUILDING MATERIALS; GOVERNMENT PERUVIAN UOANO, and Messrs. Gr'flin, \1 r-is and Griffin's celebrated ARTIFICIAL MANUHBS. Messrs. li. ,vl. & G's. mixture warranted to contaiu OIle. half Genuine Government Peruvian Guano, and one-half Bone Superphosphate Lime, cannot fail to grow abundant sound crops, aud in every case must be a much more economical manure than guano only. Price £ 10 10-. per ton. in > t ? Furtherparticulars and prices may be obtained from the Company s Agents at the various Stations, or from the MANAGER, High-street, Brecon. Brecon, May 1,1866. [28 ~MILLS'S EXCHANGE HOTEL AND DINING ROOMS, 1YL BROAD STREET, HEREFORD, Will be found the most comfortable and economical to Commercial Gentlemen, Tradesmen, and Viii tors to the City. [55 SHIP STREET, BRECON. I Bl!'RLL,V WOOL and FANCY RESPOSITORY. TY/TRS. E. POWELL begs to tender her -i-JL. grat' ful thanks to the L*dies of Brecon and its y,cinity for the kind support she has received from them during the short tim. she has been in business, anri especially calls their attention to the asboitment of B-rlin lvt-ol Work and Fancv Goods genially, which sh) is now SELLING OFF AT A GUEAT REDUCTION, it being h, r intemiou to dispose of ti e h )11' f h. r Stock as soon as possible, in consequede, of iili-hi alth August 15th, 1866. [134. CHRISTS COLLEGE, BRECKNOCK. founded 1541. rnHE COURSE of EDUCATION pur- | sued is th it of the Public Sthooii of E> inland, nibracini.' C as>ic.<, Mathematics, Modern Laugja^t s, and Englisit Studies. The Sohoolhonse, opened in 1S64, aft: rds accommo- dation fo: FOlly Boarders. For riosl)t-etus,-s apply to Mr. F. W tkins, Hegis- irar of the C.llt-ge. 97. j J. D. WILLIAMS, M.A., Head Master, THURSTON and CO.'S SLATE BILLIARD TAB I ES, solid or otherwise, to suit all climates. Esta- blished Fifty Years. By appointment, Billiard Table Manufao- t., "ra to her Majesty the Queen aud H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Exhibitors of the celebrated Historical Table in Class XXX., illustrating the Wars of the Roses, now erected at Warwick Castle. LAMP MAKERS AND GAS FITTERS, 14, Catherine-street, Srrand, London and at Salisbury Wharf, Adelphi, W.C.- Patentees of the Vulcanised Caoutchouc Cushions, which retain their plasticity in the coldest temperature. Inventors and Manufacturers of the Central Revolving Lamp being the best Light ever constructed for Billiard Tables. EVANS'S PRIZE MEDAL KITCHENER. This MATCHLESS KITCHENER obtained the PRIZE MEDAL at the International Exhibition of 1862. It is made of all sizes, from 24 15s. to E30 and upwards. MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES in great variety. STOVE GRATES for Drawing and Dining Rooms, ke., FENDERS and FIRE FURNITURE, en suite. GAS, OIL, PARAFFIN, and CANDLE LAMPS, and CHAN. DELIERS in every variety, and adapted to any climate. BATHS of every description, Toilette Sets, &c. Cutlery, Tea Urns, Tea Trays, Dish Covers, Electro-Plated Wares of all kind*, Brassfoundry, and every article of GENERAL and FURNISHING IRONMONGERY. EVANS, SON and COMPANY, (FACING THE MONUMENT) LONDON BRIDGE. All Orders received through London Merchants will hare best attention, and from the high reputation the above Firm has en- joyed for many years, the STERLING QUALITY OF AT.T. ARTICLES CAN BE RELIED ON. EVANS'S CATALOGUE with nearly a Thousand Illustrations is published in the English, French, and Spanish languages, and may be obtained through any London Merchant, or of M. Henri Legrand, No. 11, Place de la Bourse, Paria SPARKLING SWISS CHAMPAGNE (Bouvier, Freres, Neuchatel) .-Prixe Medal, 1862, 42s. per dozen quarts; pints, 24s. Baron Rieasoli's Brolio, 18s. per dozen. Hennessey's 1857 Pale Brandy, 66s. per dozen case as imported; Port, Sherries, Clarets, Hocks, Moselles, &c. Price Lists seat on application. Terms cash. J. and R. McCRACKEN, 38, Queen-street, X.O. application. Term cash. J. and R. McCRACKEN, 38, Queen-street, X.O. A LEXANDER OLAH'8 Hungarian, French, German, and Spanish Wine Depot.—Importer of Havanntth Cigars of the finest brand. 17, Charlotte-street, Fitzroy- equare, W. Sample Bottles may be had. PDGINGTON'S GARDEN NETTING, the cheapest and most duiauie, I Xd. per square yard, or in buantitiell of 250, 500, or 1,000 yards, carriage tree. Ei GINGTON'S RICK CLOTHS for Sixty-one Teart have maintained their celebrity as the best. feDOf vQTON'S MARQUEES and GABXHKT TEXTS are the prettiest. EV'fKINGTON'S MARQUEES, for Hire, are the most hand- some ani capacious. HAWTHORN'S and BRITTAIN'S NETTING. Sample of material fiee on application. Be partieular FREDERICK EDGIWGTOW and CO., Thomas-street, Old Kent-road. London, S.E. A liberal Di count to the Trade. International Exhibition, 1862, Class XIX., Honourable Mention. A LLSOPP'S PALE or BITTER ALE.— Messrs. SAMUEL ALLSOPP and SONS beg to Inform the TRADE that they are now Registering Orders for their StSASON-BREWED PALE ALE, in Casks of 18 Gallons and upwards, at the BREWERY, BURTON-ON-TRENT, and at the ttndermentioned Branch Establishments :— LONDON At tH, King William-street, JLa. BRIGHTON Marine-parade. LTVERPOOL .vCoom-estreet. MANCHESTER 9 St. Ann's.squMt. LEEDS „ New Post-offloe* BIRMINGHAM „ 35, New-street. DERBY The London-i oa4, LEICESTER 62. Granby-sheet, WOLVERHAMPTON Exchange-street, SHEPFIE, D Exchange-buildingh NOTTINGHAM Long-row. PETERBOROUGH „ Long-causeway. CHESTERFIELD The Low Pavement. STOKE-UPON-TRENT Wharf-street. DUDuEY „ Burnt-tree. WORCESTER The Cross. BArH 5. Edgar-buildinga. CHELTENHAM 388, Hieh-street. SOUTHAMPTON „ 170, High-street. EXETER so Queen-street. SOUTH WALES: CARDIFF Post-offlce Chambers. SWANSEA Adelaide Chamben. MERTHYR „ High street. BRISTOL 13, King-street. DUB LIN Crampton-quay. CORK „ Cook-street. EDINBURGH { FI; STS-'iane. GLASGOW St. Vincent-street. PARIS 279. Rue St. lionoril Messrs. ALLSOPP and SONS take the opportunity of an* nouncing to PRIVATE FAMILIES that their ALES, so strongly recommended by the Medical profession, may be pro- cured in CASKS and BOTTLES and on DRAUGHT, GENUINE, from all the most RES PEC i'ABLE w NK and BEER MER- CHANTS and LICENSED VI%'FUALLERS, on" ALLS iFfIl PALE ALE being specially asked for. TTENRY HERING, 137, Regent-street.—Just JLJL published, a new and complete CATALOGUE, comprising photographs from original oil-paintings, and from rare proofs of celebrated engravings after ancient and modern masters, card portraits of eminent persons, musicians, Sec. Dyce's frescoes, views in India and China, portraits of celebrities engaged during the mutiny in India, and in the wars in China, Ac, Free on re- ceipt of one postage stamp. T ONDON.—WHEN YOU ARE IN LONDON visit MACDOUGALL and CO.'s (of Inverness) ROYAL SCOTCH EMPORII) VI, 42, Suckville-stieet (3 doors off), Picca- dilly, W.—Celebrated at home and abroad for every description of Scotch Fabrics for Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear, Clan Tar- tans in Wool, Poplins, Silks, Ladies' Clan Tartan Plaids, really Scotch, Ladies' Fashionable Promenade Jackets and Waterproof Tweed Cloaks, Linsey Wolseys in new colours for travelling and sea-side dresses. Patterns post free. Goods forwarded daily to all parts of the Continent. Patronised by the Queen and the Prince and Princess of Wales. PURNITURE, CAKPETS, BEDDING, and FLOORCLOTH, CARRIAGE FREE to any house in the kingdom, regardless of amount or distance. First-class goods at second-class prices. Terms peculiarly liberal to Clergymen. An immense stock to select from, displayed in Show-rooms occupying an acre of ground. Every article warranted. CLERGYMEN ABOUT TO FURNISH are respectfully in- formed that Meshrs. Cobbett and Co. are publishing an entirely New Idition of their unequalled HOUSE FURNISHING GUIDE, illustrated by 410 admirable engravings of every de- scription of Furniture and Bedsteads, with prices attached. A copy sent gratis and post free on application. This costly Work also contains complete estuaates for furnishing on the following revised scale £ s. 4. A Six-roomed Parsonage 74 S 0 An Eight-roomed ditto. JS8 1 0 A Ten-roomed ditto 259 166 A Twelve-roomed ditto. 394 11 0 Together with a Prioe List of purified Bedding, and a mass of valuable infoi mation to all requiring Household Furniture, ar- pets, or Bedding. References kindly permitted to Clergymen and gentlemen in or near Great Malvern, Southampton, Chichester, Burv, Ely, Preston, Grimsby, Ryde, Plymouth, Wrlli, Oxford, Urishtoti, Gainsborough, Margate. Kidderminster, Wellington, Croydon, Cambridge, Staines, Dorking, St. Alban's, Worcester, Ipswich, Peterboro igh, St. David's, Wrexham, and above 50C other places in all parts of Great Britain. COBBETT and CO., General House Furnishers, Deptford bridge, London, S.E. MAPS, CHARTS, PLANS, INSURANCE ll- ALMANACKS, RAILWAY ADVERTISEMENTS, SHOW CARDS, &c., Mounted in ANY STYLE and QUANTITY and A'> THE LOWEST Titans. Tracing and Drawing Paper for Architects, Surveyors, "d Engineers carefully mounted. Every description of Mounting. Estimates give MESSRS. THORBdRN, PLEYDELL STREET, FLEET STREET, E.O. LIB R A R Y BOOKBINDING. QLOTH BOOKBINDING. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BOOKBINDING Books Bound or Repaired in the Antique style to any ancien pattern or device. Libraries Repaired and Furbished on the premises if desired. MESSRS. THORBURN, PLEYDELL STREET, FLEET STREET, B.C. CRICKET! CRICKET! CRICKET! T D, BARTLETT and CO., Inventors and Sole U Manufacturers of the REPETICUSSIVE CANE-HANDLE BAT, aclrnow, edged by the best t'ricket players to be THE BEST DRIVING BA j, ever used. The Heavy cores obtained with this Bat in 1865 sufficiently prove its superior Driving power. WARRANTED NOT to JAR the HAND nor iiREAK at the B.A NDLE. Double and Treble Care-handle Bats, Match Bats, rnperior finished Wickets. Leg Guards of Puperior make and finish, Tubular India-rubber Gloves, 3c ring Books and Paper, and every article used in the game of Cricket. List of Prices fr' e on application. J. D. BARTLETT and CO., )Ian ufaetumrs and ExportooM 71, WATERLOO I.iOAD, LONDON, WHEELER AND WILSON'S PRIZE MEDAL LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Prize Medal, International Exhibition. London, 1862. WHEELER AND WILSON'S YT LOLK-STITCEE SEWING MACHINES. Prisps at all the Fairs in United Stares. Ampyica. wHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINE 1. Medals and Rewards at all the Shovs in Eugland. WHEELER W I L 8 0 N Tt LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Gold Medal, Paris, 1861. WHEELER AND WILSON'S 'Y LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Prize Medal at Dublin Exhibition, 1865. HEELER AND WILSON'S LOOK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Are Simple in Construction. WHEELER AND WILSON S LOLK-SIIXCH SEWING MACHINES, Elegant in Design. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Ate Strong and Durabie. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MAUHINKS, Ornamental in the Dianing-rooin. HEELER AND W I L S ON S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Cannot get out of Orucr. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-SUTCH SEWING MACHINES Make 50" to 1,000 ftitchea per Minute. HEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Will Stitch Perfectly. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STIXCH SEWING MACHiNE8 Fell lial,idlv. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Gather Quitkly. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Will Quilt without Marking HEELER AND WI L SON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MA; HINM. The Work will not Ravel. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Stitch alike on Both Sides of the f.bric. WHEELER AND WILSON,s LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES WiLl Bind with P> ecisicn. WHEELER AND WII,SUN'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Cord Strongly. HEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Work Superior to ali Hand-srw.ng. WHEELER AN!) WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Over 2^0, "00 suld. WHEELER. AND WILSON'S »* LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Ingtrnct on Gratis to Purchasers. WHEELER AND WILSON'S, LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Proflcifpgy Easily Acquiied. REELER AND WILSON'O LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, Noted for Strength and -burabiii y of Scam. IVIIEELER AND WlLt3uN,s LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Prospectuses Post Free. WHEELER AND WILSONB LOCK-STITCH SliWiNG MA< HINES, On the New Patent Spring Castors. HEELER AND W I L S 0 N'S LOCK-sTlTCH SEWING MACHINES, With Biaiaer, Hemmer, and Corder. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, Used by all Classes. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STIT' H SEWING MACHINE* Dressmakers cannot do Without. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, Used in the Manufacture oi— Shirts and Collars, Hats and Caps, Umbrellas, Linen Goods, Corsets, Straw Boniets, fce., And Every Description of Work which oan be done by Band or Machine 8ewing. WHEELER AND WILSON'S UNRIVALLED PRIZE MEDAL LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. INSTRUCTION GaATis. AGENT—C. E. NOTT, BRECON. „ [ TH* WESTMINSTER PALACE HOTEL, Vietorla-street, London, S.W., opposite Westminster Abbey, adjoining the India Office, close to tne Houses of Parlia- ment, the parks, and theatres. Bed-roomt from 3m.; dinaers in coffee-room and ladies' coffee-room from 2s. Od. and as per daily bill of fare. Attendance charged in the bill. There it an ascend- ing-room and a telegraph office in the building.-WILLI" CO WELL, Manager. Q.RAND HOTEL, Brighton. It Contains Library, ladies' ooffee-room, ladies' reading-room, ladies' drawii g- room, gentlemen's cotfee-room, billiard-room, and smoking- room, for the use ef visitors, besides upwards of 200 bed-rooms and private sitting-rooms. Care has been taken to render, the cuisine perfect in every department and about 150 sorts of choice wines are kept in ttock in the cellars. A oomp lete establishment of salt-water baths communicate* with the hotel. An omnibus meets the principal trains. First-claw stabling. Btronc room for valuables.—J. MARKWELL, Manager. WOOD'S FAMILY HOTEL, 102, JERMYN-STKEET, St. James's London. Families and Gentlemen visiting London will find excellent accommodation in the above Hotel, whieb is new and elegantly f rnished, at greatly reduced prices, from this date until May 1, 1865. Beds from 3w. Hot and Cold Baths. On parle Frangais. Be habla Espanol. Cuisine Franjaise, "DEDFORD HOTEL, 21, Percy-street, Bedford- square.—Bed and Breakfast, 2s. 6d. Private Sitting Room with Bedroom, 3s. 6d. and 4e. Od. per day. QTACEY'S CLERICAL HOTEL, 2A, Berners- street. Oxford-street.—Established 12 years. Clergymen visiting London will find every accommodation at the above HoteL Terms, Bed and Breakfast 4s. per Night, or 25s. rar W eek, including attemuuioe. THE GUITAR and CONCERTINA for -A INDIA. MADAME R. SIDNEY PRATTEN, Teacher of these ele- gant and portable Instruments to, and in. the Families of the Duchesses of Sutherland, Wellington, Hamilton, Somerset, Newcastle, the late Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of Bombay, &c., begs to inform Ladies and Gentlemen wishing to learn the GUITAR, as an accompaniment to the Voice, or as a Solo Instrument, that she has published the largest collection of Modern Guitar Music in Europe, and that by her system teaching, rapid progress is made in a short time. S8, Welbeck-street, Cavendish-square, W., London. BEN RHYDDING AND BOLTON ABBEY.— This is one of the most healthful and most beautiful dis- tricts in England, and celebrated as a residence for persons returning from India or the Colonies in ill-health. For a full description of the place and district, see Tomlinson's "Illustrated Handy Guide of Ben Rhydding, Bolton Abbey, and the Neigh- bourhood." Price Is. London: R. Hardwick, PisftdillN-, and to be had by inclosing 13 stamp of J. Tomlinsoi. Bookseller. Ilkley, Otley. PROVIDENCE-ROW NIGHT REFUGE for L HOMELESS WOMEN and CHILDREN, 14a, Providence Row, Finsbury, F.C.—Sixiy thousand nights' lodging, with sup- pers and breakfasts, hare been given in this Institution t« t&e destitute, who otherwise would have had to pass the nights in the bleak streets or under railway arches. At present nearly 00 nights' lodgings, with suppers and breakfasts, are given gra- tuitously every week. The poor from all parts are admitted, the only condition being that they are homeless and starving. The manager, &c., receives no remuneration whatever. Notwith standing the provision made by the poor houses, each night numbers of young women, children, and orphans are, for want of accommodation, refused admittance, and have to spend niglt after night in the cold, wet, or sleet. SUBSCRIPTIONS are earnestly requested, and will be grate fully received by the Rev. D. Gilbert, D.D., 22, Fiasburyrtnrewb E.C* TOWN OF HAY, RRECONSHIRE. Valuable FREEHOLD P- OPEBTY for SALE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY 1\/I"R. DAVID JONES, by the direction of the Rpprpspntatirp nf tbe lftt" Mr. John Hhilj»otts, at the ROIB AJCD Citoww HOTEL, in the T wn of HAT, On Monday, the 20th day of .AIIIIM. 1868, Between the hours of Tnree and Five o'Cl-ck in the afieraoon, in Two Lot* (subj- ct to such conditions of sale as shall be then produced). Lot 1. All that FREEHOLD DWELL'NG HOUSE. SHOP, and PREMISES, called -6 Tax SuPt," situate in High Town, C'»njpri»>ngr spacious chop, wi'h counting-house, show, store, sitting, and suirl able h»-d rooms, good underer* ound kitcb-n. cellar, ai d offices. This property adjoins the Town Hall, and has frontage* and entrance i- High Town. Ge-,rge-s,reot, and Opposite the Market House; and in well situated for continuing 'he Drapery and Grocery business- for many yea's extensively and auccescfully carried on, upon the premises, by the Proprietors, the late Mr. John Philpotts, and his Represe"'atires. Lot 2. All those Seven FREEHOLD st,-no-built COTTAUES GARDENS, and PREMISES, c* led "HARLEY PLACE" si ua e near the Swan Hotel, in the town of Hay, respectably tenanted by Mr. James Davies apd othem. If nut s. Id in 0"6 lot, thi-, property will be offered for sale in two or more l^ts, as may be a creed ODOR at the tune of sale. For furthpr particulars apoly to Mr. G C. GITTIRS, the AUCTIONEER, or to Mr. GEORGE GAMES, Solicitor, Hay. [120 BRECON. TO BE SOLD bv PUBLIC AUCTION, JL pursuant to an Order i-f ,he High Court of Chancery, made in a cause of "Vaughaii v.Vauiihan," »ith the approhafon of the V.ce-Cbanotllor Ki«.ne7s- Jc'y, by Mr. DAVID JONE-1, the person apjioimed by the said Judge, at the. WBLLINOTOK HOTEL, at the bulwark, at Brecon, in the county of Brecon, On Wednesday, the &A dt&t of September, 1866, At T*o of the Cluck in t'e Afternoon, in one 101, cer- tain FREEHOLD PREMISES. known as « THE BELL." situate in Ship Street, in Brecon, aforesaid, consisting of a capital stone built Shop and Premises, comprising front shop, with handsome plate-glass windows sitting-room, kitchen, five bedrooms, yard with prÎtare entrance, aud supply of water laid on Let to a respectable tenanr carrying on the huairles, of a tailor and mercer, at the very low rent of Eeh- tee. n Pounds per annum. Prin ed particulars and cnnditions of "ale may be bad gratis of Mr. Albprt Dixon. solicitor, No 10, Bedford Row, L -ndon, and of Mr. David Jones, Bue. tioueer, Hay, Breconshire, and at the place of sale. Dated this 8th day of August, 1866. 183.] J. A. BUCKLEY. Chief Clerk. TOWN OF BRECON. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY ME. JAMES HALL, at the WELLING- TON HOTEL, in the town of Brecon, On Wednesday, the 22nd August, 1866, At Four o'clock in the Afternoon, subject to such coudifons as shall be then produced, all that *erT desirable Brick-huilt HOUSE, i ewly fronted Shop, Buildings. Yard, and Pr. mi-es, situate in Ship Street 'n' eiT of Bl7c°n> n<>w in he occupation of Mr! iinv* i. Evans, draper and tailor. A large sum has been expended on the above pre- mises in putting the same into comp ete repair u a dwelling-house and shop, wi-h all modem requ irements. For further particulars apply to the APCTIOW*E«' Mr. J. R. COBB, or to Mr. JOII. WIULUMS, Solicitors Brecon. Biecon, 7th August, 1866. {128 BOROUGH OF BRECON. SALE OF MODFRN AND USEFUL HOTTRW HOLD FUR ITU HE dp OTHER EFFECTS! WITHOUT RESERVE: W4CTS, ME JAMES HAI L has received instruc- tions to SELL by AUCTION, On Thursday, August 23rd, 1866, At the residence of Mr. Rhys Thomas Evans, Ship Street, the following HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Gas Fittings, Shop Fixtures, &c., Consisting of mahogany four-post, Arabian, French, and iron bedsteads, feather beds, straw, mill puff, and hhir mattresses, shee's, blankets, counterpanes, and quilts, mahogany wash-s ands with marble tops, painted and otner wash-stands, and dressing tables toilet glasses, mahogany hair-seated chairs, ditto'comh cane-s.ated, kuchen, and other chairs; handsome side-boa. d, what-not with spiral pillars, mahogany loo table with carved ptllar and claws, Pembroke, sofa, and kitchen tables; handsome pier irtass, maho- gany and paiuted chests of drawers, beveftl sets of chamber ware, window eiirtains, pole and rings, eight. day clock aud case, book case and shelves, » lot of books, time-piece, ornament- inj great variety, oil paintings anil engravings in gold frames, office desk, Brussels and K dderminster carpets, hearth rugs, china tea and coffee service, dinner service, tea urn brusti and other candlesticks, copper kettles, sauce- pans, and a variety of other household necessaries. Also, the whole of the gas fittings, shop fixtures, comprising 2 counters and drapers; a quantity of shelves, two long pier glasses, one Alexauder Look titch," and one of -1 W. F. Thomas & Co's, sewing machines; one of "Thomas Perry & Son's patent Iron Safe, &c., &c. The Sale to commence precisely at Two o'clock, p.m. Cae Prior, Brecon, August 14th, 1866. [130. FOR SA 'LE 'The Popular Encyclo- pedia, •' in 14 divisions, at 10s each; bound ia cloth; latest edition; quite new. Price, 4 Guineas. Apply to Mr. J. L. DAVIES Hay. [US HPO BE LET, on or before the 1st of ^DNTTMB"R next' a Ten-roomed HOUSE, with OAKDLIs, and with or without Land, situated in Dtvynock, Brecoushire, aid within half-a-mile of the New Junction on the Neath and Brecon Railway.- For particulars apply to Mr. JAMES, draper, Devv- DOck- [132. WANTED to Rent, from MichaelAias SS '^counties of Brecon or Monmouth, a smaii HOUSE, with about 20 acres of LAND Cow Hou-e, and Pigsty.-Afi dress, with particular's, to E. W., COUNTY TIMES Office, Brecon. [131. WANTED, by a Gentleman, APART- MEJ* 1S with BOARD, in or within a mile or two of the town of Brecon. If approved of, they will be taken permanently—Apply by letter, w;th terms, to X.Y.Z., BBECOW COUNTY TIMES OrricE, Brecon. [123 FOUND, at Llanthew, near Brecon, a grey yearling Colt PONY. The owner may have the same by describing it, and paying the expenses in- curred, by applying to WILLIAM WILLIAMS, at the Pound in the above village. If not claimed within 14 days, the pony will be sold to defray expens s. [126 (ASH ADVANCES immediately made un \y personal security, iu sums ot not h-ss t^au tl*K). App y to Mr. EVANS, OLD A1 ATONIC HALL, NEW. PT)RT, MON. [69 WILLIAM LLOYD, AUCTIONEER, v i • *^PPI ^tSEK, LAND and ESTATE AGENT, HAY* vidjuali'Dall fDr Adminifctrations. Timber Measured and Valued, Lts