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frafrtunttn's bbrtssts. JOHN H. KIBD ft CO., Mamtfaetttrers of RAILWAY WAGGON COTIB JLW KICK AND TEICT OLOTB8, CART COVERS, LIME 3BMBTS, All sixes kept in stock. BRATTICE CLOTH, AIR-TUBIN6 BOBSB CLOTHS, WATERPROOF RUGS, INDIA-RUBBER OOODB Reofing Dry Stair, cmd Boiler Felt, SACKS, COTTON WASTE, LAMP WICKS. OFFICES PUBLIC HALL, WREXHAM. 6991 VIENNA BREAD, As acquired by Viennese Workmen. J. gTETENS, COOK AND CONFECTIONER, TAHCT BBBAD BAKEB, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. Every description of parties furnished with the most elaborate Hire, tc. Also, a competent Staff of Cooks and WaiteiB. Novelties fer thi. Season—Pink Dominoes, ø. 267b j CHURCH STREET. J. B QRAMEI1 AND QO., LIVERPOOL, As the originators of the Three-year Hire Purchase System rtf Pianofortes, beg respectfully to call the attrition of Stendin* Bayers to their now considerably reduced terms, whereby a really good Instrument of th.ir own make, and tfcerefore guaranteed of the very best manufacture, may be obtained at the following prices :— CRAMER'S 25 Guinea P I A 5 E,T TE, | £ 2 7 6 in Ash. Case, 7-octave, check action, 3 > pQr Quarter, miaon treble ) CRAMER'S 26 Guinea PIANETTE, ) j6210 0 in Black Walnut Case, 7-octave, cnecK r Per Quarter, action, 3 unison treble CRAMER'S 28 Guinea P I A NET T E,) X2 16 0 in handsome Walnut Case, Panel per Quarter. Front, check action CRAMER'8 Si Guinea PIANETTE £ 3 fi very handsome Walnut Case, Panel > pgr Quarter. Front, Gold-lined, check action J er Q r. Other Instruments, s*ch as Grands, Semi-Grands, &«., br all the eminent makers, and in every variety of case and mounting, may also be hired on the same system. Every Instrument is warranted of the VERY BEST JLDfUF ACTU RE. QUARTET-LY PAYMENTS IS ADVANCE. Loan of Paeking-ecuje free. J. B. CRAMER & CO., II, fJIIUltCH STREET, LIVERPOOL; and REGENT StBEET, W., and MOORGATE STBEET, E.C., LONDON. 2ij ALLEY AND MACLELLAN, GLASGOW Manufacturers Valves or Water 8aa, ewage. ILttJSTRATED CATALOGUE may be JL obtained at the office 1.t:£. W. GAMBLE. 1S. Queen Street, Wrexham. 221e For the Blood is the ife.»—See Deuteronomy chap. xii, verse 23. CLAKKE'S WORLD FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE for Cleansing and Clearing the Blood from All Impurities, cannot be too highly recommended Cures Old Sores Cures Ulcerated Sores in the N ack Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs Cures Blackheads, or Fimpies on Face Cures Scurvy Sores Cures Cancerous Ulcers Cures Blood and Skin Diseases Cures Glandular Swellings Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter, from -whatever cause arising. a q thic mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted freTfrotn mercury-which all pills andI most medicine, 3d for the above diseases contain-the Proprietor solvit. sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM ALL PARTS. Sold n Bottles 2s. 6d. each, and in Cases containing Sea lis each, sufficient to effect a permanent cure in SSSUtog cui, by all Chemists and Wlbta Clors: or sent to any address on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps, by F. J. QLARKE, Chemist, High-street, LINCOLN WHOLESALE AGENTS!— Barclay & Sons, London, and all the Wholesale H<rase» ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discbarges from the Urinary Oreans, in either sex, acquired or constitutional, Gravel, and pains in the back. Sold in boxes, 4s 6d each, by all chemists and patent medicine vendors or sent to any address for 60 stamps by the maker. F. J. Clarke, con- suiting chemist, High-street Lmcoln WJoesae Agents Barclay and Sons, London, and all the Wholesale Houses] 1303 YDYWYSOGAETH, (THE PRINCIPALITY). Published every Friday, Price One Penny: a OFVERAL WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PRINTED IN THE WELSH LANGUAGE, AND ADVOCAT- ING CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES. Y DYWYSOGAETH has a very extensive circulation, being sold by Agentll ia almost EVERY TOWN and HAMLET in North and South Wales; also, in London, Liverpool, Manchester, Chester, &c„ &c. Y BTWTSO«AETE is not a LOCAL hut NATIONAL NEWSPAPER, with a widespread circulation.. Y DTWYSOGAKTH— Advertisers may feel assured—is the beat if no t the only medium whereby their announce ments can be SMCLTAKECUSLY perused in every county THROUGHOUT THE WHOIE OF WALKS. All Orders, &c.. to the publisher, J. Morns, Y LHFWTFLOGAETH Office. Rhyl, Flintshire. g~C A L E OF QHASeES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. Auctions, Books, Trades, Amusements, and Charities. Seven lines and under 28. 6d. Pec additional line. Os. Misctllaneous-Public Companies, Legal Koikes, Contracts, Five lines, and under 28* 6d. Per additional line Oe. id. Prospectuses of New Companies, Parliamentary Notices, find Election Advertisements. ixines, and under Ce. Od. per additional line .— 08. 9d. Displayed Advertisements. 2s per inch. Trade, »c. Public Notices, &c 4e perinea. If set across two columns, double. Tradesmen's Advertisements for a Series taken by Special Contract. Cheap Scale for Prepaid Advertisements, Admitting under it the following classes or headings only.— Situations Wanted Articles Wanted Situations Vacant Wants Houses Wanted Artictes for Sale by Houses to Let Pnva.e Contract Lodgings, &c., Wanted Articles Loet »f Lodgings, &c., to Let iound One Three Six Words. Insertion. Insertions. Insertions. 8. d. 8. d. 8. d. mn 1 e 2 6 | jS 1 6 4 o 6 « $2 I « » « « Births, Deaths, and Marriages. One Shilling for three lines. No Credit Advertisement is charged less than ts, 6d. Remittances not exceeding 6s may be made In halfpenny postage stamps. Post-office Orders, and Cheques be made.payaW# tcW .Oamtt-Joaea frajfttsmm'g gJEfrrtssis. H ABSOLUTELY PURE:' 9M Atttytts :-«ent Pot rBree «a /kjpUeatios. •BTSTAl »RINffS. "ELLIS'S Soda., Potass, Seltzer, j Lemonade, also Water m TT TT HIT without Alkali. For IT I H I J\ «OUT, Lithia Water, and v iiteia and Pota« Water. Waters. attirw BRAWDBD If B. EMs and Son, Rathin," aad erory ItAel beazs ikeis Ttade liaxk. SOItD BVERT WHERE, AND WHOLES ALB OF R. ELLIS AND SON, RUTHIN, NORTII WALES. W'. RAMBLE, COLLIERY AGENT, METAL BROKER, MACHINERY AND GENERAL MERCHANT. SALBS OP COLLIERIES, MINES, IRON WORKS, PLANT, AND MACHINERY CONDUCTS) BY PUBLIC AUCTION OR BY PRIVATE TREATY. OFFICES-la, QUEEN STREET, WREXHAM. Quotations on application for COAL, SLACK, COKE, AND BREEZB. PIG, PUDDLED AND BAR IRON. PLATES, SHEETS, ANGLES. ► TEES, HOOPS, NAIL BODS. RAILS, New and Second-hand, all Seotions. HORSE SHOF.ING IRON AND NAILS. Bolts and Nuts, Spikes, Rivets. NAILS AND CffAll(LI. PIPES AND CASTINGS, (Brass and Iron) of every description. BIRMINGHAM AND SHEFFIELD WARES. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. LOCOMOTIVE, FIXED k PORTABLE ENGINES Of all kinds. New and Second-hand Boders of every description. STEAM PUMPS AND HAND PUMPS. ETEAM HAMMERS. HADFIELD'S PATENT STEEL WHEELS & AXLES Rock Drills, Lathes, Drilling and Planing Machines. R EMERY WIIBIALB. PATENT "MULTIPLE" ACTION STONE BREAKERS. AIR COMPRESSORS. "ROTARY" PRESSURE BLOWEB3. CRANES, WEIGHING MACHINES. PATENT HYDRAULIC LIFTING JACKEL SAW BENCHES. Pulley Stocks, Mortar Mills, Crashers & Disintegrators, WOOD WORKING MACHINES. PAPER AND BRICK MAKING MACHINERY. TANGYE'S PATENT MANUFACTURES. ENGBLBERT'S LUBRICATING OIL. NBW AND SECOND-HAND RAILWAY WAOONS For Cash or oa deferred Payment. GALVANISED, CORRUGATED, AND OTHER IRON ROOFING. IRON BUILDINGS. WROUGHT IRON CISTERN AND TANKS. WATER BARRELS. Bowks or Kibbles, Buckets, Baskets and Air Pipes, IMPROVED PATENT WIRE FENCING. CONTINUOUS IRON FENCING. HURDLES, GATES, AND MISCELLANEOUS IRON MANUFACTURES. WIRE AND OTHER ROPES. Paints, Colours, Varnishes, Oils, Grease, TALLOW, &e. BLASTING POWDER, BLASTING CARTRIDGE, SAFETY FUSE. I COLLIERY, BRIDGE, AND TEE RAILS, the best and cheapest ia the market. THE" ODLING" MINERS' SAFETY LAMP. HART'S PATENT "RELIABLE" INJIECTOR. IMPROVED IRON SMITHS' HEARTHS. HUDSON'S PATENT STEEL CORVES. GUY'S "INVINCIBLE" MINING STEEL. THE ALPHA AIR GAS MAKING APPARATUS. ENQUIRIES AND ORDERS SOMCHTD. 167e WREXHAM. t, JF POWELL. General Furnishing Ironmonger, Iron Merchant, Agricultural Imple- # ment Depot 6 Town Hill, 6 Abbot Street. 6727 SFWTNCi MACHINES. Agent for the Singer, Howe, Wilcox and Gibb's Princess of EW1NU .^E^FB^'AND ag]]First.ciass Machines, S. SOTHERN, 21, Charles Street. 6408 ILLL&-M SNAPE, FAMILY WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANT, LION HOUSE, w ill(;H STREET. *08' URNISHINO Warehouse and Depot of tHe Patent Metallic Coffin Co., 31, Bridge Street Jp WILLIAM PIERCE, Proprietor. 61 MR MARTIN F. S MITIT, SURGEON DENTIST, HIGH STREET, (Corner of Crown-square) DENBIGH. Hony. Dentist to Denbighshire Police Force. HOURS-10 till 6. 112c JOSEPH F ENTON AND S OSS, Manufacturers of Crucible Cast Steel Castings, Patent Colliery Wheels, Axles and Pedestals, Colliery Cages. Cage Slides and Guides, Winding Pulliesand Frames, Rail Crossings, Points, &c., &c. SYKES WORKS, SHEFFIELD. Please address inquiries and orders MR W. GAMBLE, 13, Queen-street, Wrexham, and the same will haTe prompt attention. UoJ1 A RIDE TO KHIVAJ BY CAPTAIN FRED BURNABY. Royal Horse Guards. Page 13 says Two pairs of boots lined with fur were al?o taken; and for physic—with which it ia as well to be supplied when travelling in out-of-the-way places—some qui- nine, and Cockle's Pills, the latter a most invaluable medicine, aad one which I have used on the natives of Central Africa with the greatest possible success. In fact the marvellous effects produced upon the mind and body of an Arab Sheik, who was impervious to all native medicines, when admistered to him five COCKLE'S PILLS will never fade from my memory; and a friend of mine, who passed through the same district many months afterwards, informed me that my fame as a medicine man' had not died out, but thatthernaryel. lous cure was even then a theme of conversation in fcho bazaar." BE* BURNABY'S RIDE TO KHIVA, Page 13. A GOOD FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST ■with a prudent use, has saved many a life; and yet we think the idea might be improved upon, and reduced to a more simple form. Take some good compound, such as COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, and we find that the desired end may be obtained without scales and weights, or little mysterious compartments or en- chanted bottles, with crystal stoppers. Others might be used, but COCKLE'S PILLS as tested by many thousands of persons, and found to answer their purpose so well, may be set down as the best.-Observer. A BIDE TO KHIVA A by CAPTAIN FRED BURNABY, Royal Horse Guards. Page 13 says Two pairs of boots lined with fur were also taken and for pbysie-with which it is as well to be supplied when travelling in out-of-the-way places—some qui- nine, and Cockle's Pills, the latter a most invaluable medicine and one which I have used on the natives of Central Africa with the greatest possible success. In fact, the marvellous effects produced upon the mind and body of an Arab Sheik, who was impervious to all native medicines, when I administered to him five COCKLE'S PILLS will never fade from my memory; and a friend of mine, who passed through the same district many months afterwards, informed me that my fame as a medicine man' had not died out, but that the marvel- lous cure was even then a theme of conversation in the Bazaar," SEE BURNABY'S RIDE TO KHIVA, Page 13. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS c THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE. In Boxes at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s Gd, and Us. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS In use amongst all classes of society SEVENTY-EIGHT YEAHS. May be had throughout the United Kingdom, In boxes at Is lid, 2s 9d, it 6d. and lis. lg New Ormond Street, London. S6b WILLIAM PIERCE, GENERAL UNDERTAKER, BRIDGE-STREET, WREXHAM, AGENT to the Patent Metallic Air-tight J-jL Coffin Cempany, Limited. Works and Offices: 158, GREAT CHARLES-STREET, BIRMINGHAM. These Coffins are covered with white, black and crimson cloth or velvet, and every design of coloured nd nc-8tei crniinrei s need. Th?/ ui oily l~6u.th) weight of ead Coffins, ud. ara, mare durable. The expense is so small that they can be used for all funerals except those of the very poorest class. Various sizes kept in stock. ESTABLISHED 1817. I D YEING I D YEING I D YEING! First-class Prize Medal, | Certificate of Merit, Awarded 1874. | Awarded 1874 THE LARGEST DYE WORKS IN THE MIDLAND COUNTIES. IMPROVEMENTS IN THE ART OF DYBINO AM> FRENCH CLEANING, AT THE MIDLAND COUNTIES STEAM POWER DYE WORKS, LEICESTER, LICHFIELD, AND B L~ RTOX-ON-TRENT. JOHN SMITH, SOLE PROPRIETOR. AGENTS IN THIS DISTRICT;— WREXHAM: THE MISSES WHITING, FANCY REPOSITORY, 2, HIGH-STRBBT. OSWESTRY: MRS. E. REASON, FANCY REPOSITORY, CHURCH-ST. J Cir Goods sent to and received from the ao.ore Agents Weekly. AGENTS WANTED in Ruabon, and Unrepre- sented Districts. Cii7 The New Price and Colour List for 1878 to be had Gratis or Post Free. HEALTH FOR ALL I HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. This great Household Medicine ranks amongst the eading necessaries of life. „ THESE famous Pills purify the Blood, and act most powerfully, yet soothingly on the LITER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, and Bowels, giving tone, energy, and vigour to these great Main Springs of Life. They are confidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become mpaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious n all ailments incidental to Females of all ages; and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, are unsur- passed. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Its Searching and Healing Properties are known through- out the world. For the enre of Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, OLD WOUNDS, SOBES, AND ULCBRS, itris an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as salt into meat, it cures Sore Threat, Diphtheria, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and even r Asthma. For Glandular Swellings, Abscesses, Piles, Fistulas, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, • and every kind of Skin Disease, it has never been known to fan. Both Pills and Ointmen are Sold by 1 Medicine Vendors throughout the Civilised World. 300 bbrtSStS. RICHAIRD EVANS & COMPANY, WREXHAM. PURE AERATED MINERAL WATERS. SODA WATER, i LEMONADE, > SELTZER WATER, POTASS WATER, | GINGER ALE, | QUININE TONIC, AND LITHIA WATER. ROYAL WELSH SAUCE. PI Qti ANT, DELICIOUS, AND P\iRE.. ROYAL WELSH GAUGE. SUPERIOR TO SAUCES AT DOUBLE THE PRIeE. ROYAL ELSH SAUCE IT HAS NO EQUAL. ROYAL WELSH SAUCE. ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. ROYAL WELSH g A U C E. SOLD EVERYWHERE. O Y A L yy ELSH jgAUCE. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, RICHARD EVANS & COMPANY, WREXHAM. 14 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. Every description of CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, Simple or Exhaustive. Estimates given for analysis of ARTIFICIAL MANURES, MINERALS, WATER, FOOD, &c., and for technical reports on MANUFACTURING PROCESSES and PRODUCTS. RICHARD JgVANS AND fJOMPANY, CHEMICAL LABORATORY, WREXHAM. BIRKENHEAD. ARGYLE-STEET. N, O C MR S. WILLIAMS J* RESPECTFULLY ANNOUN0B8 A CARPET-STOCK SAL E\ (ACCUMULATIONS BEFORE DISSOLUTION) OF ABOYE 200 PIECES N, BEST BRUSSELS Q.,d (Five Frames) at 3/11 only. <? X This is a genuine coacessiom to x his customers. ✓ # N.B.—Remnants, Oddments, y &c., in all Floor Cover- ings at Sellers' Loss. ARGYLE-STREET. BIRKENHEAD. OAUTION 1 BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS OF JJECKITT'S pARIS JJLUE. mHB-manoo superiority of this LAUNDRY BLUE over aH other?, and the quick appreciation of its X merits by the pnblic, hu been attended by the usual reeult, viz., a flood ef imitations; the merit of the latter mainly consists in the ingenuity exerted, not simply in imitating the square shape but makin" the general appearance of the wrappers resemble that «f the genuine article. The Manufacturers be<? therefore, to caution all buyers to see Reckitt's Paris BIlLa" on each packet. Sold in Penny Squares bv all respectable Grocers, Oilmen, and Druggists. VSBD BY THE LAUNDRESSES OF THE PRINCESS OF WALES AND THE DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH. &.i60 THE "WREXHAM GUARDIAN" STEAM pRINTING yy ORES, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. The Proprietors beg to intimate that they are prepared to execute GENERAL PRINTING, PLAIN OR COLOURED, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, AT 2HBISHQ&TEST NOTICE, AND UPON THE MOST REASONABLE TBRMS. Placards and Posting Bills Hand Bills, Show Cards, Pamphlet, Catalogues, Friendly Societies's Rules, Balance Sheets, Accounts, Memorandums, Iirroices, Programmes, Circulars, Business Cards, &c. Exuntitttica Papers or Schools, Colliery Pay Sheets, Cheque and Receipt Books Time Bankruptcy Forms, Articles of Association, Conditions ci Sale, &c. <&c, ESTIMATES GIVEN UPON APPLICATION AT TEE » GUARDIAN OFFICE, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. irahtsmtn' s UMBER, SLATES, BRICKS, TILES, CEMENTS, LATHS, SEWERAGE PIPES, And; all ^Building Materials AT E. MEEEDITH TIMBER YARD AND STEAM SAW MILL CHARLES-STREET, 1240 WREXHAM. WREXHAM .BUILDING SOCIETY. Inoorporated under tke Building Sooieties Acts, 1874. Shues. £liQ h. Entranca Fee, Is per Share or part of a Share. TSKSfciety ia now prepared to make Advances rcrar. able m a certain number of years, on Mortgages A Meeting is held on the first Monday in each month W receiving subscriptions and enrolment of memlW For further particulars, apply to the Seoretary," „ ,o J- B. SHIRLEY. Ne. 13, Temple-row, Wrexham. t? sz*. to the Prince of Wales andEmiZ, /« special appointment Street. „d (a^u. Chronometers. Keyless, Levers Pres^'finV, c graphs* S°"UE"' FESSRSS BE ARTISTIC ENGLISH CLOCKS, decorated style of architecture or furnitnre • also V* presents. Made solely by Benson. From £ 5 59 lfeS r -DENSONS P AMP HLETS on TURRET CLOCKs" Easm'. new w„k, ■■ SSSSl »"• ——————————————- 101e PES2&uSdNE A-™IK0S TONIC endches the blood. strengtbeJ11 r the nerTes and mweulu.r systt:m. promo appetite and improves digestion. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC animat -L the spirits and mental faculties. °NIC Mumatw PEPPEU'S QUININE AND IRON TO'YTP ,• PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC thorougbJ;J recruits the general bodily health, and induces a prOl'er healthy condition of the nervous and physical force!, is øold by chemists eTerywhere in cllpuled bottles, contailól.iDg IrS doses, O!S 6d; next !lize, lIs. The name (¡f J. PEPPER is 011 the label in red ink. TARAXACUM AND PODOPHYLLIN,-A 11uid combina- tion for derangement of the liver, particularly wbOB a.rising from slight cOögøstion. By gently stimulating actiou of the liver II.nd liKlltly mOTing tbe bowel8, the heavy. dro""iY sen,ations of fulness, of tea lJeadache, pain beneath tfie moutll, and other indications of d.rspepia are removed.. Taraxacum and PodophyUin is safer thaKomtl orMue^ t bilo.-Prepared in the labour?of J PEPPlS? and 4s 6d.W Sold by Si chemists? °B 1*be1, Bot,,le £ i' SUd^^I^eLmosi°^VT^ateX^tinatemedyt f0r ekhI "nder16'kJS irritable skins, or affected by the SlIn, rough winds, &c., ami benefit and comfort by usiJs. inLii^ r will derive greaa powerful conserving aifd "S S L°tl0n: which of constant perspiration, and maintain* 3 tUe c'a^ct healthy condition. a usinK this delicious aromatic dentifrice, the enamel of the teeth become.s white, SOUUq, and polished like fine ivory. It is exceeùingly fragrant, and pecially uaeful for removinl[r tartar on neglected teeth. Sold by all chemists. Pots, Is aDd 2s 6d each. (Get Cracroft's). ~TiEAF''NESS, NOISES IN THE tars t t extraordinary alwayf "roll »v^ P"veU cures. Sold in botUeslt ia Hd a&, by^YcbeS^' T OCZTLS'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER—Fob restoring the colour of the hair. U"K L° gfJEhai,S EESTORER will darken natural colour.' The effect is suoerlo/fn^ti^ completely the instantaneous dye, and the SuJDliur RProduced by an the skin.—Sold iu lar-o b ttl f M T'i do!s not hairdcessers. ° Dottles, ls 6d each> by cheriiifcts LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORFR keeping the hair its proper colour, is useful lor removing Krow'th ol ^w iuVi- bttlUg neuessary 10 encourage thf 1153 RUPTURES-BY llEii MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. WHITES MOC-MAIN PATENT LEVER TRUSS requiring no steel spring round the KS ™ei?dted ffor u.li: followin? peculiarities and adv-/ntege™-M facility of application; 2nd. perfect freedom from ility to* ciiafe or excoriate 3rd, it muy be worn with tuual comfort m any position of the body by night or day, every kind of exercise, without the slightest inconrcnience to the wearer, and is perfectly concealed from observation We do not hesitate to give to this invention our no. qualified approbation; and" e strenuously advise the use ot it to all those who stand in need of that protection, which thev cannot so tully, nor wi;b the same comfort, obtain from anw other apparatus or truss as from that which we have th« StlteaGazette^U011 thUS reCommendi"if- Church "4 State Gazette," Recommended by the following eminent surgeons—Si* WUiiarn Ferguson, Bart., F.R.S., Surgeon and Professor? Surgery in King's College Hospital; C. G. Guthrie Surgeon of the Iioy^l_\V estmiuster Ophthalmic Hospital" w' Bowman, Esq., F.R.S., Assistant-surgeon to Kin-'s Coil^a Hospital; T Uallaway, Esq., Seniof AssistantVrgeon fo Guy s Hospital; W Coulson, Esq., Surgeon to the Magdalen Hospital; I. Blizard Curling, Esq., F.R.S Sur^een totha London Hospital; W. J. Fisher, Esq.,Surgeon-in-°Chief toth» Metropolitan Police Force; As'hton Key,' C™ Su Jeon late Prmce Albert; Robert Liston Esq., F.R.S JamS Unka Esq., Surgeon to the London Truss Society; Erasmus Wilson Esq., F.R.S., and many othors. A deseriptive1 circular may be had by post; and the trnm (which cannot fail to lit) can be lorwarded by post, by send- uCui'Smrir 010W *«'- ™" "5 MR WHITE, 228, PICCADILLY. A Single Truss 1 fc, 2ls, 26s Cd, and 31s Gd; postage free A Double Truss, 31s Gd, 42s, and 52s «d; postage free An Umbihcal Truss, 42s, and 52s 6d; postage free Post-Officc; Orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE. Post-office Piccadilly. »«"*»» NEW PATENT. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE CAPS, &<• rhm material oi which these are made is recommended h? cne Faculty as being pecuharly eliistic and compressible and the best inyention tor giving efficient and permanent sunoort in all cases of weakness and swelling of the legs vancoM veins, sprains, &c. It is porous, ight in texturl and inex- pensive, and is drawn un like an ordinary stocking Price, from 4s Gd, 7s to IG8 each postage free. JOHN WIIITE, Manufacturer, 228, PICCADILLY. LONDOW Specimens may be seen at the Crystal Palace. 736 THE RIGHT THING IN THE RIGHT PL A CJ5 A time for everything! a place for everything! and everv. thing in its place I is one of the golden maxims but seldom carried out. But;in all places, and under all circunviunwf where the Right Ihing 13 to be found in the right place SS applied at the right time, whether in the mansion tage or the woi-Kshop, such i! place will beam w.th' hei\i £ hght of Health, Happiness, and Contentment! And as healthis one oft he greatestt emporal blessices hat one man can bestow upon ahother, and as the crest oi health is to be found in 8 it-iorer BEECHAM'S PILLS < it is no wonder that the great human family with one roiM should pronounce them THE RIGHT THING IN THE RIGHT PLACE. TJEECHAM'S PILT _D are admitted by thousands to be worth above a Gainea a Box for Bilious and iServous Disorders such W IM .Jf!? Pain at the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, FuUne"'s tSd Swelling after meals, Dizziaeas aud Drowsiness Cold ( hin» Fiuslnngs of Heat, Loss of Aopetite, Shortness of Brpath Costiveness, Scurvy, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleen tions &c l^eams, and all Nervous and Trembling SeiJ*' For female's of all ages these Pilla are invaluable No female should be without them. There Ls no medicine tn h» found equal to Beecham's Pill, for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system If taken according to tlie dire™ tions given with each box they will soon restore females ot all ages to sound and robust health. fx For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disosden of the Liver, they acl like "Magic," and a few doses will b. found to work wonders upon the most important organs tn the human machine. They strengthen the whole nrisTulS system, restore the long-lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action, with the rosebud of health, the whole physical energy of the human fr^me— These are Facts admitted by thousands, embracing, "afl classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the Ner- vous and Debilitated-is that aqeecham?s Pills have thelareeS sale of any patent medicine in the world. DEECHAM-S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for coughs in general, asthma, difficulty of breathing, shortness in breath, tightness and opprestitn Of the chest, wheezing, &cr„ these Pills stand unrivalled. PILLS have HOW been before the nubNc bo. tween Twenty and Thirty years. Thousands in every sphere of life with one voice pronounce them the best for eradicating all those complaints to which flesh is heir to. They »tan3 without a parallel; and have the large tsale of any rateitf medicine in the world. CACTKN- —The public are requested to notice that words, "Beecaam's Pills, st. Helen's," are on the flnvo* fSrgery.tamP MXed t0 UiXch box o £ pills •if en th^y are a ri'C[iared only and sold wholesale and retail bv the Vrn. pneto,; T. Beecham, Dispensing Chemirt, St. Helen' shire, i». boxes ai Is I j<i and 2s 9d each. Sent po?t free fcr ieale-s. imi>3' b°ld by aU dl'u«Si3ta ail,i patent mcdioipt iea¡e.s. N.B.—Full directions aro iven with each box.