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DENBIGH. The Denbigh Office of the NORTH WALES GUARDIAN is now at Albert Terrace, Vale-street (nearly opposite the Station-road). All communications addressed either to "The Reporter," or Mr. COTTOM by name will receive immediate attention. The paper is on sale at the shops of Messrs. J. DAVIES and W. A. NOTT, and at the Bookstall at the Station. HARVEST FESTIVALS.—V, e understand that a Day Thank sgiving for the harvest is about to be arr-u.\<il in the parish, and that it will be of a gen<'i;'l character, one day bemg observed by both Nonjoi;r"ormis: s and Churchmen. L'ATLWAY NEws-Mr. Watkins, who for some time has been engaEd as booking clerk at the Etarioo, has been promoted to a better appointment at Lundudno. Mr. Cole, of the bookiog office, bar la ij also been promoted to Rhyl. DENBIGHSHIRE INFIRMARY.—Fortnight ending October 25,li, 1879:— IN-PATIENTS. OUT-PATIENTS. Admitted 9 Admitted 37 Discharged 3 Discharged. 20 Cured 3 Cured. 17 Relieved 0 Relieved 3 Dead 0 Dead 0 Irregularity 0 Irregularity 0 Made Out-patients 1 Made In-patients 0 Remain in the House 22 Admitted since Jan. 1. 884 Casualties 13 W. FRANCIS JONES, House Surgeon. ORDINATION SERVICE.—Sunday will be a d-y of more than ord i na. i y interest in ihe parish, the Lord Bishop of the Diccese having sriiugcd to admin- ister the rite ot ord'nation to th3 newly appointed curate for Denbigh parish, at St. Ma-y's Church. The morning service, commencing at 10.30, will consist of the Chd ration Service, including the Litany, and a sermon by the Bishop, af, er which Holy Commun'on will be administered. In order that this Eel vice may not be unnecessarily long, morning pravsrs will be said at a separate service to commence at nine o'clccb. SALE or PROPERTY.—On Wednesday afternoon Messrs. John Armor, offered by auction, at the Royal Obk Hd81, the property known as the Market Vaults," or Three Boars Heads," situate in Backrow. It has recently been much improved and enlarged by the owner Mr. William Edwards. Hand Brewery, Ruthin. There was a very large attendance of townspeople and persons from Ruthin. The bidding commenced at .£500 and was run up very spiritedly to £ 920; that price being offered by Mr. R. A. Davis, draper, Denbigh after a time Mr. R. G Joyce, Ruthin, offered < £ 930. The reserve price was then declared to be £ 950 but there being no further bids the property was withdrawn. WEDDING PRESENT TO A TEACHER.—The teach- ers of Thu Welsh Church Sunday School resolved to give Miss Jones, the Farmers' Inn, a present on her marriage., in recognition of her services in the school as a teacher for some time, and to show the kindly feeling that existed between them. Mr. Jones, Albert-terrace, was hon. sec., and the sub scriptions were spent in the purchase of an un- usually handsome and expensive illustrated Family Bible. The illustrations, maps, &c., were numerous and most perfect in every detail, whilst the binding was in the best possible style. It was supplied by Mr. W. A. Nott, Denbigh. The object of the pre- sentation was suitably set forth in a beautifully illuminated address in the Bible, artistically done by Mr. J. Lewis, Clwydian-terrace. This present will tend to remind Miss Jones of the esteem in which she was held by her fellow teachers, as well as be useful to her in her new home. BAD HARVESTS—No TI]ANKSGIVING.-P.C-Lehiug on Sunday evening, on the duty of thanksgiving, the Rev. T. W. Vaugban s-iid it had been said that as the harvest this year bad been so bad, no thanks- giving services should be held. He reminded his hearers that the sp'ritset fo-L, h by such a sentiment was that we were to be the judges of what I-jnds of blessings God should bestow opon us, and that we should only return thanks for those things that after the manner of men were counted blessings. He set forth the necessity of thanksgiving for all things, and even for the late harvest, for in the Vale of Clwyd it had on the whole been betier than in uoaiy other pars of the kingdom, and in other countries, the harvest had been abundant, so that they had need of thankfulness, because there was not likely to be any want. He expressed the opinion that the national vices and neglect of religioa may be taken as a reason fcr these judgments of God, such as bad harvests and depression of trade, for large wages had meant increased indulgence and drunkenness, and even in these times he asked his hearers to contemplate one of the awful, facts demonstrated at the Sanitary Conference a few days ago, namely, that 120,003 persons died in a year from the effects of alcoholic diinks. Self indulgence bad become a national vice, for men's great concern was what they should eat and drink, instead of how they should serve God, and render unto Him the thanks due to His holy name. ENTERTAINMENT AT THE ASYLUM.—On Friday evening, in response to numerous invitations, there was a very ia-we gathering of the members of the Committee of Management of this institution, also of the !ad ,e3 and gentlemen of the town and dislrict and the leading tradesmen, assembled in the enter- tairment room of the Asylum to witness a capital entertainment, got up principally for the amuse- ment of the patients, many of whom, with the at- tendants, were present. The stage and scenery was capitally arranged. The entertainment took the form of an amateur christy minstrel company, Dr. Ll. Jones being the musical director; Mr. P. P. Pratt, acting manager; and Dr. W. Francis Jones, stage manager. Miss C. A. Jones presided at the piano in a most brilliant and able manner, whilst the various musical instruments were phyed most perfectly as follows:—Violin, Mr. Robert Jones; cornet, Mr. Richard Evans; flute and banjo, Mr. Llewelyn R Jones; interlocutor and 1st guitar, Mr. W. Francis Jones; 2nd guitar, Mr. Frank Jones harmonium and piccolo banjo, Mr. Thomas Jones; violoncello, Mr. Wm. Edwards; tambourine, Mr. H. R. Williotrs; bones, Mr. P. P. Pratt. The opening chorus by the troupe was original and well done. Mr. W. Edwards sang excellently Call me not back." The Hen convention," comic, created roars of laughter, Messrs. Pratt and H. R. Williams taking the parts first class. The ballad, "Sweet love forget me not," by Mr. T. Jones, was well received. The comic song, Little brown jug," by Mr. H. R. WilliAms, brought down the house." and had to be repeated. The ballad, Mabel Ray," the accompaniments to which bad been arlaned by Mr. W. J. Jones, son of Mr. J. Jones, Denbigh, and the words by Mr. Pratt, was rendered most feelingly and sweetly by Dr. Ll. R. Jones, and encored. The next song, comic, "Baby's got a tooth," was given in Mr. Pratt's best style, and, as a matter of course, rapturously encored. Dr. W. Francis Jones was well received in When you and I were young, Maggie," and the next comic song, by Mr. H. R. Williams, "The nigger that knew nothing at all," was rendered with genuine wit and humour, and loudly re demanded. Mr. Frank Jones having well sung," I loved but once," the comic song, St. Patrick's Day Parade," with concluding dance by Messrp. H. R. Williams and P. P. Pratt, created immense amusement and applanse. During the interval the brass band of the institution, played a capital selection of music, after which Mr. Pratt, the senior bones," addressed his constituents on everything in general and nothing in particular. Then came an original Ethiopian interlude, en- titled "Oh! Aint it Pe-cu-li-ar," written for the occasion by Mr. P. P. Pratt. The characters were Barry Sullivan, Mr. W. Francis Jones; Signor Bellosi, Mr. P. P. Pratt. The acting of the rival professors was perfect, while the duet produced great applause—alluding as it did to the local drainage, the Council and election, Mr. Robin- son's testimonial, the cricket club and ground, and the finding of Miss Edwards. A portion of the song had to be repeated in response to a most de- monstrative encore. The other pieces were Soen.68 from plantation life j ^3^ two songs by MPSSITH R Williams and W. Francis Jones, capitally done. The duet "The Gendarmes" (by desire) by Messrs. Llew. R. Jones and W. Francis was much applauded. Italian" song by The great prima donna, Madamme Adelma Patti, a splendid representation by Mr. Pratt, loudly encored. Negro sketch, entitled co George, I m in de wrong house," by Messrs P. P. Pratt and R. H. Williams, was most laughable. The whole concluded with the laughable farce entitled Squibbleums." Ephraim Jim, Mr. P. P. Pratt; Ball room Pro- prietor, Mr. R. H. Williams; and other characters by the company. The acting was really first class, the concluding scene and dance being highly amusing. The whole of the performers were throughout the programme in excellent form, whilst the acting of Messrs Pratt and Williams will lono- be remembered for the pleasure and mirth afforded. The company certainly well deserved the hearty vote of thanks accorded at the close, on the motion of Mr Thomas Hughes, chairman of the institution, who spoke in the highest terms. The hope was generally expressed that the company would wive the performance in the town for the benefit of some charitable institution, and we would snggest to them that they would be doing a good work if they would give it, say for the reading room, or the joint benefits that institution and the j Infirmary.