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alts hu MURIUM. SUsssrs. Baugb, Jones, & Co. Sale of Cattle, Horses, Hay, Straw, Implements of Husbandry Gears, &c., at 6MITHFIELD FARM, HOLT. -m RAUGH JONES, & CO., hare been instructed M!y MrPanT to Sell by Auction, on Tufi^.y. the lsl dav of January, 1878, on the above premises, the whole of the abSveLWe and Dead FARMING STOCIv, comprising ten vounxdairy cows, ei-lu pronvMnc two-year-old heifers t-wc yearling heifers, ditto bull, very pcAverfu*, rey hor.^e, six. year> aid 16 hands hifrh • ditto brown horse, seven years old, 16j hands hish- broad-wheel cart with harvest gearing set ol three wood harrows', iron wheel plough by Edwards, Llany- IwTl «e^ also Tbout fifty tons of well harvested hay in three stacks] twelve f;na of oat straw the hay and fctraw will Be sold in lots to suit purchasers. The Auctioneers beg to call attention to the above Rale. Tto cows are mostly to calve early, the young stock are: very IH-omisinpr, the horses of a very superior class and suitable for dray or any heavy work, and the hay is of excellent quality. Sale at Twelve for One o'clock prompt. 262 SMITHFIELD, WREXHAM, MFASTIS TiATTGH, JONES & CO., will hold their next SALE of STOCK in the above Smitlifield, on Thurs- day, January 3, 1878. Stock already entered, viz.— A lot of prime fat Beasts, A lot of useful Dairy Cows, Several fresh Barrens, tti) (I fat Calves, A nice lot of Sheep, Lambs, and Pigs. Sale at Ten o'clock. h TOWN HALL, WREXHAM. IMPORTANT HARNESS AND SADDLERY SALE. Messes baugh, jones. and co„ win wii by auction on Thursday and Friday, JauuaiT £ d and 4th, l^TB, a lirt-e n.nd well assorted stock ot SADDLfcRY GOODS, comprising 20 seta of silver and brass mounted gig harner.s, 7 seta of neat pony-size harness, 4 sets of stout, well-made cab harness, 12 full-sire ridipg saddles, 6 p-my-size riding sad-lies, lady's side-saddle, large quantity of head collars, iiiusrle and double t<*in riding bridles (bits complete), riding atid driving silver-mounted and malaccfi cane and other whips silver-plated hunting spurs, round and flat stout driving raina hunting martingales and breastplates, whip ^ckets, kersey and othor knea caps, dandy, water spoke and body brashes; curry combs, sweat scrapers, stout horse ru, stlit. complete with body rollers, ladies' bags, portmanteaus, splendid lot of full mounted silver carriage Inmps, braces, garters, girths, and useful stable utensils of every description. Sale to commence each day at half-past one o'clock and haif-piut five in the evening. 289d Sale of FAT and STORE STOCK at the ROSSETT AUCTION MART. MESSRS BAUGH. JONES & CO., will hold their next SALE of KAT and STORE STOCK at the Golden Lica, Roasett, on Monday, January 7th, 1878 Stock already entered A lot of prime Fat Bullocks and Heifers A lot of Ripe Wether Sheep Several Fat Calves Fat and Store Piss **•_ A valuable Greyhound—pedigree produeed at time of sale. „ T The property of A. Balfour, Thq., F. Potts, Esq., J. Boy- ded, Esq., General Tow-nshend, E. Swetenham. Esq., B. S. Itoberts, Esq., Mr J. Edwards, Mr Jones Mr Woolnch Mr TP Williams, Mr Daviea, Mr Pritcha-d, Mi- Lewig, Mrs Wool- siah, Mr E. Woolrich, Mr E. B. Samuel, Mr Bayne, Messrs Baaruley, Mr Hinchcliffe, Mr Dudleston, and others. Farther entries respectfully solicited. Sale at Two o'clock Prompt. 29 Be Mr Birch. WREXHAM SMITHFIELD. Tka next mart sale will be held on Thursday, Jan. 3,1878. MR BIRCH begs to inform his numerous friends and customers that the following stock has been already entered for aale, comprising- Prime Fat Boasts. Prime Fat Sheep and Lambs. Fat and Store Figs. Calves, &c. The property of the supporters of this mart, including Siutoa Yorkt), Esq., A. Peel, Esq., J. Clark, Esq., G. Brassey J, Walker, Esq., T. Brassey, Esq., E. lewis, Esq., Messrs T. Milliga*. R. J. Roberta, T. Evison, T. Roberts, J. SandbWl,- Huxley, J. Piggott, J. Sandbaeh, jun., Lee, — Ctifle, &o. Sold to oomtueuce with fat cattle at ten o'clock Office Marehwiel, Wrexham. 8390 Mr. George Newman. IN LIQUIDATION.—RE J. E. ROBERTS. To Gentlemen, Seedsmen, Florists, and Others. DENBIGH, RED LANE NURSERIES, AND No. 6, VALE-STREET. MR GEORGE NEWMAN will 8ELL BY AUCTION, on the premises as above, cn Thursday, January 3rd, 1878 at Eleven o'olock to the minute, by order of the Trustee, the NURSERY STOCK, comprising about 300 COO Trees, Shrubs, and Plants, including 150,000 well-grown Larch; also a large number of oaks, firs, beech, fine standard and other named apples, pears, nectarines, apricots, cherries, red, white, and black currant.s, &c., choice named Lancashire gooseberries, standard dwarf and trained rose trees, orna- mental shrubs in every stage of growth, including laurels, eedrua deodora, arborirtce, box, Wellingtonia, digantia, thuya lobi, kc. 'I'he Greenhouse Plants include choice hybrid, rhododendrons laureetinus, geraniums, fuchsia., creepers, &o„ beds of rhubarb, strawberries, &c., and a variety of gTsusa and other seeds. together with the erection i greenhouse forcing pits, and useful sundries, garden ,ooIs, &c. May be viewed day prior to and morning of sale, and Atllologue8 on the promises, of Messrs St-ocken and Jupp, solicitors, 6, Lime-street Square, London, at the hotels in Benbigh and neighbourhood, and of the Auctioneer, 51, LcndonWall, London, E.C. 278c Sales hi) Jjrifcate Cxmirarf. ON SALS, a London built BROUGHAM good condition. —Apply. Coachman, Gladwyn, Wrexham. 29Jo 3JegaI nnh tthlic Sotes- WREXBAH. FREE SCHOOLS, HILL-STREET. THE PUBLIC- are respectfully informed that the usual CHRISTMAS TEA PARTY of the children, and also the Annual Meeting of the Subscribed, will take place, D.V., .n Friday next, 4th January, at four o'clock. 2929 By Order of the Committee. WREXHAM INFIRMARY AND DISPENSARY. HOSPITAL SUNDAY, JANUARY 6TH, 1878. THE Committee beg to announce that through the kind- new of the Ministers in the town and neighbourhood SBBMONS will be preached, and Collections made at the Morning and Evening Services, in the respective places of Warship on Hospital Sunday, January Gtil, 1878, in aid of the Funds of the Institution. More than 70.000 patients liave received the benefits ef the Institution since its fCaadftttCU. J. OSWELL BURY, Secretary. December 28th, 18J7. 300b tnhtrs. BOROUGH OF WREXIIAM. TO PAVIORS AND OTHERS. TBSDERS are required for the Channelling and Finishing of Albert, Bury, and Stanley-streets; also Green Bank alld Derby-road. Specifications may be seen and pirticulars obtained on application at the offioe of the Borough Surveyor, Guildhall, between the hours of ten and four. Sealed Tenders endorsed Tender for Channelling, to be gent to me on or before Tuesday, January 8th, 1878. The Council do not bind themselves to aeeept the lowest or anyother Tender. By Order. JOHN JAMES, Town Clerk. GniicthalL, Dec. 98th, 1877. 299b TO CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS. TENDERS are required far the construction of Filter Beds and a new Reservoir for the tfiuthin Water Works Com. '"plans and fweotflcationa can be seen nt the offices of the engineer, R. Lloyd Williams, Esq., at Denbigh, and at the ofioes of the Company at Ruthin, from the 1st to the 14th Sealed tenders most be Bent in to the undersigned not later than the 17th January next. The directors do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, DAVID JONTES, Secretary and Manager. Company'* Offioe, Well-street, ButhLn, WndDec., 1877. 0 dfctttaiirm. I TAVISTOCK. HOUSE, WREXHAM. 1 EBtablMuneat for the Board and Education of young Ladies, conducted by the j-H- ISSES SIMONS. 1 Special Classes are held weekly for Latin, Shorthand, and Scripture. French, Gemvui, Italian, and Spanish hy Professor Mnllilieu Melladow, 1:e Foreigu Mantorat I. tiio King School, Chester. y ,¡; laciies may attend for (Btiucafiaii. MISS E. II. L PREPARATORY SCHOOL for 1 YOUNG GENTLEMEN, 2, ST. MARK'S TERRACE, WREXHAM. School to re-open on January 22nd, 1875. f 2J7e npHE 0OLLEGL, LLAIFDOTERY Visitor. THE LORD BISHOP OF ST. DAVID'S. Warden. The ReT. ALFRED G. EDWARDS, M.A., Jesus College, Oxford. &cond Master. CHARLES E. WILLIAMS, Esq., M.A., Late Open Scholar, Queen'* College, Cambridge, and First Class in the Mathematical Tripos, 1874. Assistant Classical Master. The Rev. G. W. GINT. B.A., Late Open Scholar of University College, Oxford Second Class t lassical Moderation*. 1873, and First Class in Fiual Classical Honours, 1875 /'rczims Atx-cti-iit for the Stanhopi- Historical Prize, 1872, and Guld ittedalliat of the Royal Geographical Society. Jiatural Science Master. CHARLES A. BUCKMASTER, Esq., B.A.. Lincoln College, Oxford; First Class in Natural Science Honours. 1874, Certificated Teacher of the Art and Science Classes of the South Kensington Museum, and late of the Royal School of Mines, London, and Fellow ofthe Chemical Society. Master of the Junior ScJtool. CHARLES P. LEWIS, Esq., B.A., Late Exhibitioner of Jesus College, Oxford. Frenek. Mr WILLIAMS. Music and Singing, Mr THOJIAS TAYLOR. Drawing. 'Ii.. Mr D. S THOMAS. Certificated Teacher of the Art and Science Department, South Kensington. Drill. SERGEANT HOBAlf. An Examination will be held in the College Hall, on Friday morning, JanulLry 18. 1878, for the Golden Grove Scholarship," value X25 a year, and tenable at Llandovery School. At the same time an Examination will be held for Seven Foundation Scholarships, each of the annual value of £8 8a. Pupils and non-pupils of the School are eligible, lull particulars as to all tlio above may be obtained from the Rev. the Warden, to whom candidates must send in their names on or before January 15. The School was founded and endowed to give the ad- vantages of a public school education to Wales. Pupils are prepared for the Universities and the Professions. Arrange- ments are also made for those preparing for commercial life. Within the last, six months the School has gained numerous Scholarships and Exhibitions at Cambridge, Oxford, London, and elsewhere, and several minor honours. There are twenty Foundation Scholarships, two Exhibi- tions of L27 a year each, aud a Scholarship of X25 a year, attached to the School. To meet a rapid increase in the numbers of the Schools, the Trustees are now having large additions completed. Boarders are receive i at the College by the Warden, at Prospect House by Mr Williams, and at Forest House by Mr Gent. The School will RE-OPEN on THURSDAY, January 17, 1878. For particulars apply to the Rov. the Warden, the College, Llandovery. 212i rabtsmtnt ^bbressjes. FOR CLEANING PLATE. J- F. EDISBUIIY,S IMPROVED WHITE PLATE POWDER. For cleaning Gold, Silver, and Plated Goods. Since its introduction as a substitute for the ordi- nary Rouge, a quarter of a century ago, the sale has amazingly increased both at tiomeind abroad. A trial is only needed topTove its superiority over other plate powder in use. Sold in boxes at 6d, Is. and 28. NORTH WALES PHARMACY, 3, HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM. I Sold by Grocers, Chemists, and Ironmongers everywhere. 180o A CARD. JpOWELL JgROTHERS & ^yHITAIvKR, ENGINEERS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, CAMBRIAN IRON WORKS, (Adjoining Great Western Railway StatioaJ, WREXHAM. l*93f EVENING FASHIONS. j Q-EORGE JJENEY LEE AND COMPANY, I5A3NETT STREET, LIVERPOOL, Beg to call attention to their splendid collection cf NOVELTIES FOR EVENING WEAR, Comprising every requisite for the drawing-room aad the ball-room. BALL DRESSES. G. H. L. & Co. have made arrangements for the delivery weekly of all new goods as produced, and their extensive accommodation enables them to pre- serve the dresses in all their original freshness. BALL AND EVENING DRESSES In Tarlata7)e, Nt, Tillie. Silk and Net Silk, and Tar- latane Silk, and Tulle Striped Grenadine and Silk, in beautiful shades of pale piuk, sky blue, ivory, cream, white, coral, black, eau de nile, glace du nord, &c. The prices will be-Tarlatanes, any colour, from 21g te 55s; The Not Dresses, any colour, 396 6d to six guineas; The Tulle Dresses, any colour, 8i to 8 guineas. For customers at a distance, G. H. L. 4 Co. have providt,d Pencil Sketches of a great varioty of Ball i>res»3S. FLOWERS AND FEATHERS. G. H. L. & Co. beg to call special attention to this department, which is replete with all the novelties for tire season, including GOLD & SILVER FLOWERS, Flower Necklots in great variety, Hair and Bodice Bouquets from 4s 9d the set, Garnitures for Ball Dres&es from 15s 94 to 42s, Very Rich Garnitures from two guineas to six guineas, and, among the newest styles, G. H. L. &Co. would particularly mention the new Trellis Garniture as being one of the most effec- tive, and now so much worn in Paria. Special Orders executed by an efficient staff of Flower Mounters. G. H. LEE & Co, have alao an elegant Assortment Qi. MARABOUT FEATHERS, in all the Newest Shiadett for Evening Wear. ARTICLES DE BIJOUTERIE. Fans, the New Feather Fan, Fan Girdles, Scent Bottles, &e. Ribbons, Laces, Rich Lace Sets, Ties, Gloves, fee. MATERIALS FOR EVENING DRESSES. Beautiful new Shades in Silks, Alpacaa and other Materials (new tints), TaJtlatannea, Tulles, Nets, Sec. Q. K O EGE HENRY LEE AND COMPANY, BASNETI-STSEET, LIVERPOOL, 2260 j bhrt$st$. C. A. BR0WN-' HOSIER, ETC., Late OF 23, HOPE-STREET. HAS pleasnre in announcing that sho has now REMOVED her business to No. 5?, HOPE ST RE E T, Where she trusts she will continue to receive the share of support which her many patrons have hitherto so generously accorded her. Note Address: No. 52, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM, Next Door to C. Bayley & Co., Stationer?, Caxton Buildings. 60b VIENNA BREAD, As acquired by Viennese Workmen. J. STEVENS, COOK AND CONFECTIONER, FANCY BREAD BAKES, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. Every description of parties furnished with the most elaborate Hire, Ac. Also, a competent Staff of Cooks and Waiters. Novelties for this Season-Pink Dominoes, &c. 267b THE TEA TRADE. 14, HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM. THE present Season's arrivals of FINE TEAS JL from China are again exceedingly large, while the excellent quality of former years is fully main- tained. The most delicate taste of connoiisseurs will be gratified by the superior character of some of the INDIAN TEAS which hare arrived, resembling the old Choice Kaisow—so highly appreciated by the con. sumers of the finer classes of Tea. The unparalleled Fuccess which has marked the progress of our business from year to year is the result of our practical knowledge of Tea, and of the exercise of proper care in the selection of Stock, which enables us to sell TEAS and COFFEES of superior quality at moderate prices. We tender our sincere thanks to our numerous customers for their constantly increasing support and extensive recommendation and they may rest assured that all orders entrusted to us will continue to have our prompt attention. The following qualities are well worth special notice:— s. d. Strong Kaisow Congou, refreshing, pungent. 1 8 Fine Kaisow Congou, a choice mixture 2 t Delicious Breakfast Congou. This is a perfect Tea of great strength 2 4 Choice Moning Congou. This is a Tea of ster- ling quality 2 8 Finest Moning Congou. We especially recom- mend this high-class Tea 2 10 Finest Lapsang Souchonp, unsurpassed at the price 3 < Finest Kaisow Congou, a family mixture of fine Teas, choicely blended, rich in flavour 3 4 The Finest Mixture of Teas that can be pro- duced. This ia the Prince of Teas 3 6 I A CHOICE AND SELECT STOCK OF FRENCH ITALIAN, AND COLONIAL GOODS. DELIVERY OF GOODS. C. X. B. & Co. deliver all Orders Free of Charge by their own vans or by carrier, or carriage paid to the nearest railway station. ORDERS per post, carrier, or messenger, will have immediate attention. HOURS OF BUSINESS. C. K. B. and Co's Stores are opened at 8 a.m., closed at 7 p.m.; on Thursdays at 8.30 p.m.; and en Saturdays at 10.30 p.m. N.B.—They will-be entirely closed on the four days set apart as Bauk lloJida) B. C. K. BENSON AND QO., FAMILY GROCERS, 14, HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM. 671* FANCY ARTICLES SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. ATCHELS, Purses, and Fancy Goods. Cuffs, Collars, S Laoes, Gloves, Ribbons, Corsets, Hosiery, Umbrellas, Stationery, and Jewellery. Berlin Wools, Fleecy and Knitting Yarns, German and Scotch Fingerings. Ladies' and Children's Underclothing. M E S P A E E T' FANCY REPOSITORY, 15A, TOWN HILL. WREXHAM. Agent for L. Ellis and Co., Dyers and Bleaehers. Muslin, Leno, and Nottingham. Lace Curtains Cleaned and Bleached at Is per pair. 3770 ADDRESS. •yy I L L I A M pARRY. Adctionekr, VALUBB, ACCOUNTANT, AND ESTATE AGENf. Consignment of Goods of every description received for Positive Sale. Sales conducted in Town and Country upon strictly equitable terms. FROMTT SBTTLBKBST OF ACCOUNTS. Agency for the Transfer of-Businesses. Stocks Bought and Sold. Orricz 1, CHURCH STREET, WREXHAM. 258c THE WYNNSTAY ARMS HOTEL, OSWESTRY. CHARL Es D R B W. PROPRIETOR. The Proprietor begs to inform the residents of Oswestry and the surrounding districts that he has become the tenant of the above Hotel, and trusts he may continue to reoeive the support so liberally accorded to his predecessors. FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION for Families, Commercial Gentlemen, and Tourists. THE BOWLING GREEN AND PLEASURE GROUNDS are acknowledged to be unsurpassed in the neighbourhood. A SPACIOUS BILLIARD SALOON. WINES, SPRITS, AND CIGARS ¡ of the choicest description. Good STABLING and Lock-up COACH-HOUSES. Careful attention given to the POSTING DEPARTMENT. J 1161d &rab*smtn'« glbbnssis. THE STORES, 14, HIGH STREET, W B E X R A M. ESTABLISHED TO SUPPLY THE PUBLIC AT MERCHANTS' PRICES. C. K. BEN SON & CO., I TEA DEALERS, FAMILY GROCERS, FOREIGN & COLONIAL WAREHOUSEMEN, Beg respectfully to call the attention of their patrons and the public generally to their choice and well-selected stock of PATRAS, VOSTIZZA, & CEPHALONIA CURRANTS, MUSCATELS, VALENCIA, AND SULTANA RAISINS, FRENCH PLUMS, ELEME FIGS, JORDAN, VALENCIA, AND BITTER ALMONDS, I CANDED LEMON, ORANGE AND CITRON PEEL, CRYSTALIZED & GLACE FRUITS. I PRESERVED PINE APPLES, PEACHES, TOMATOES, APRICOTS, PEAS, MUSHROOMS AND GINGER. I PATH DE POIE GRAS, I CURRIED FOWL AND RABBIT, TRUFFLES, POTTED MEATS, AND SOUPS. I PIC-NIC AND DRIED- OX TONGUES, SALAD CREAM, LUCCA OIL, TABLE JELLIES, FRUITS IN BOTTLE FOR DESERT, INDIAN CHUTNEY CURRIES, ANCHOVY, BLOATER, AND MULLIGATAWNY PASTE, PICKLES, SAUCES. JAMS, JELLIES, &c., &c., A CHOICB ASSORTMENT OF ) CHRISTMAS CAKES, PLAIN tc FANCY BISCUITS. BON BONS, COSAQUES, Jse., fce., tc. PARMASAX, GRUYERE, STILTON, AND CHESHIRE CHEESE, FOREIGN WINES, SPIRITS, AND LIQUERS. g E N S O N AND CO'S FAMILY GROCERY, FOREIGN & COLONIAL STORES, H, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. 193o NEURALGIA, TIC-DOLOREUX, PAINS IN FACE AND HEAD REMOVED BY RUTHERFORD'S TIC PILLS. ,£11¡\.] j An invaluable remedy for those painful WHTTO'? affections, and guaranteed to reheve^(g) V 1 6 the most obstinate cases. INDIAN LIVER PILLS. V 1" In Boxes, Is lAd and 2s 9d each. fj These Pills will be found highly beneficial in all disorders arising from a deranged, sluggish. or inactive state of the Liver, Stomach, or Bowels. THE 1 R E X H A M JU ANURE C 0 Iff P A N Y "i AGENTS TO THE • PHOSPHO GUANO COMPANY (LIMITED), j THE above Companies supply genuine Artificial Manures, free on rails from „ niira^ bel°W' WM0h (Wlth refereno° 40 Guaranteed analyses) are much lower than those usually charged for GUARANTEED ANALYSES. PRICKS. No,v,Sle "Fariner's Friend," a compound suitable,! 3 6 per cent. Ammonia like Farmyard Manure aud Guano, for any crop, if I on in.. five or six cwts be applied per acre to Grass. Corn, or f 18 per cent, Bone Phosphate less 5 Inrnips, and a larger proportion tor Jrfanijolds i percent, or Potatoes for cash. No. 1. Phospho Guano (special) 25 per cent. Sol. 8-5 per cent. £ I0 103 per ton 1 -• v°'r ditt?»l!0rdia?ry) 36 per cent. „ ^Tda^do. £ 9 10s No. 4. Pacific Guano Phosphate 30 per cent. £ G 5s 2T No. 5.— Superphosphate of Lime a 30 per cent 7? k i £ no.«.-Ditto ditto :r »&rr £ £ £ £ tz No. 7. Bone Supers 27 per cent. „ it j J § All in Bags bearing Trade Marks, and holding 1* ewt. each. ° WorksHAFODYWERN FARM, and RAILWAY WHARF, Crispin Lane, near B-idlvmy Station, Wrexham Works of the Phospho Guano CompanySEACOMBE, Cheshire. i Apply to Lt.-CoL JOSES. WREXHAM. 4le CHRISTMAS 1877. A REDUCTION OF 10 PER CENT. OFF ALL GOODS FOR ONE MONTH ONLY, FOR CASH. | D. D. pIE R C E, | WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, < Has much pleasure in offering the above REDUCTION to his customers and to the public generally. ALL 800D8 1CAHKBD IN P1>IK FI6DSES. Every description of WATCHES in Gold and Silver, [from 15s to £20. ) CLOCKS j For Bedroom, Kitchen, Hall, and Parlour, from lis to Zlo I Os. The Austrian Regulator Clock, Prize "i Medal at the Wrexham Exhibition, 1876, from X3 (108 to ISO. D. D. P. begs to draw special attention to his fine and well-selected Stock of Ladies' Gold Dress and Ensmge RINGS, set with Diamonds, Emeralds, Ruby, Torquoise, Pearl, and other stones, from J So 6d to L20. j GUINEA GOLD WEDDING RINGS. A PRESENT of Half-a-dozen best Niekle Silver Tea SPOONS is given with every Wedding Ring, ■. j in addition to the REDUCTION. j AN INSPECTION WILL GREATLY OBLIGE, j D. D. PIERCE, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, | 281c HENBLAS STREET, WREXHAM. j ■ r —— i QUININE PILLS. For Tie, Face Ache, Toothache, fto. In Boxes, 7¡do and is lid. CHLORODYNE AND HOREHOUND BALSAM. For Coughs. Colds, Hooping Cough, Shortness of Breath. In Bottles, 51d, Is lid, and 2s 9d. BILIOUS AND LITER PILLS. For Indigestion, Heartburn, Say. fa Bottles Gd and 1& AMERICAN HAIR RESTORERS. A safe and certain remedy. ra Botttai, Is M, QUININE AND SARSAPARILLA. The beet Blood Purifier. Ia Bottles, 2s fd aad ti CkI. The above preparations to be obtained only front J. F. E DISBURY, M.P.S., PHABMACIEN, 3, HIGH-STREET, WE EX II AM. i-.1> DECEMBER, 1877. o WG to the prolonged and serious | depression in the manufacturing districts of England and France, and the extremely low quotations for raw material, we have been enabled from time to time to purchase for Cash, several lots of most desirable Goods j at a very great CONCESSION IN PRICE. i The advantage of these transactions we are giving and will continue to give to our customers as long as we are able. The Goods comprised in this great reduction arc Calicoes, Linens, Flannels, Blankets, Dress Goods, Silks, and odd lots. WM. & JNO. pRITCHAKD, GENERAL D&ATK3S, 11, HIGK-STBJBET, WL-AMEAN. Õ J I frabtstiuji's bbrtSSts. IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE 1 1 DENBIGH, RHYL, RUTH IK, 41ID MOL D. R. A. DAVIS, DR A r Ea. HIGH STREET, j DENBIGH. LUNT & G-RIFFITHS, DRAPERS, FREE TRADE HALL, HIGH-STREET, RHYL. LUNT & COMPANY, DRAPERS, MARKET PLACE, RUTHIN. LUNT & DAVIS, DRAPERS, GLASGOW HOUSE, HIGH-STREET, MOLD. GREAT ARRIVALS 8F NEW WINTER GOODS. The Proprietors ef these noted E-stablisaments have very great satisfaction indeed at thus early being able to announce the completion of their orders for the present seaeou in the principal markets of the Kingdom for net cash. An early inspection of the new Drapery Goods is respect- fully solicited. A visit to their several well-stocked places of business will at once convince the public that the proprietors are in a better position to serve their customers than probably at any previous Ume; because, owing to the excessively great depression in trade in the various markets, their wholesale purchases of the best goods therein have been more advan. tageously made, and are much more extensive than they have ever bee* Wore. N.B.-This is the very groundwork of successful trade, viz., to buy for ready-money in the best markets, so as to be able to sell at a fair price, and STILL LEAD THE LOCAL MARKETS iN QUALITY AXD CHEAP P, A R G A I N S IN ALL DEPARTMENTS, Ø" rLEASE NOTE THE ADDE ESSES ,— LUNT & DAVIS, GLASGOW HOUSE, HIGH-STREET, MOLD. LUNT & COMPANY, MARKET PLACE, EC THIN. LUNT ft GRIFFITHS, 1PBBE TRADE HALL, HIGH-STREET, RHYlte R. A. DAVIS, HIGH-STREET, DENBIGH. Octolier,1677. ilia