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rabts J )i)()rt$Sts. mBr, c 1 — .A«ttiiw4. Slwwj I I Society is now glare «r jpirt of it A able m a certain I A Meeting- is' -■» j vmg- !■ t% make Adyq* repay- | MBMieir of years, on Mortgagee. I J*\& M thft first Monday in each montii, for ,-Vtlptiots an4. lment of membeN. ■r furt A* ^atticuiarsj, fcpply te tke Secretary, J. B. SHIRLEY. 110.. lij hmple-row, Wrexkma, 96S« -8IWo- J. B. GOUGH, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, 6 7, HIGH-STREET, RHYL. 1ivery description of Sales and Valuations conducted upon the most economical principles. SASSF ADVANCED UPON GOODS FOR POSITIVE DISPOSAL; ■Prempt Settlements Guaranteed at the close of each Sale. kX Baainess conducted with Integrity, Punctuality, and Despatch. IN KHYL 1855. bl75 IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK, SOUTH JOHN-STREET LIVERPOOL. MONEY TO LEND.-IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. WITHOUT ANY KIND OF SURETIES. THE SFUCTEST PEIYACT GUARANTEED. Rio to £ 2,«0. T>EADY to be advanced at a few honrs' notice, in K to suit Gentlemen or Ladiee (householders), without any kind of sureties, and wfth the utmost secrecy, repayable by easy instalments.. „ Most important to Farmers, Owkeepers, Car Proprietors Shopkeepers, and othem-410 to £ 2;400 can be obtained, without sxy delay npon their effects without removal m sums to suit them, which can be repaid monthly, quarter or other terms, as may be agreed upon, to enable them to increase Their stocks, and render them every kind of tempor- ary aoc€E>modation. EXECUTIONS OF BVERT KIMD PAID OUT. DISTANCE NO OBJECT. EVERY INFORMATION WILLINGLY AFFORDED Tfee Bank baring a large capital in hand, DO good C% application will be refused. Apply personally, or if by letter state amount required. C-BENSON, Manager. Deposits received. 889c ABIDE TO KHIVA A BT CAPTAIN FRED BURNABY. Royal Horse Guards. Page 13 says Two pairs of boots Hned with fur were also taken; and for phvrc-with which it is w well to hs supplied when travcTrine in out-of-the-wty places—some qui- nine, and Ooekle's Fill*, the latter a most invaluable medicine, and one which T have used on the natives of Central Africa with the greatest possible s&,ce-s. In fact the marvellous effects produced upon the Rlinrl and body if. an Arab Sheik, who was impervious to all native mefiicines, when admistered to him iR6 COCKLE'S PILLS will never fndp from rrry memory; and «• friend of mine, who passed through the same district many months afterwards, informed me that my fame as a I medicimc-man'had not (iied out. but that fbernarvel- lous cure was even then a theme of conversation in tVip baza/sr." «TV. CURNAKV'S RIDE TO KHffA. Page 13. AG O <5 D FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST with a prudent use, has saved many a Iffe; and yet we tftink the idea might be improved upon, and reduced to a more simple form. Take some good compound, such as COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOCS PILLS, and we find that the desired end may be obtained without scales and weights. or little mysterious compartments or en- chanted botCies, with crystal stoppers. Others might be used, KUT COCKLE'S PILLS tested toy many thousands of persons, and found to answer heir purpose so well, may be set down as the vest—Observer. A RIDE TO KHIVA KT CAPTAIN REID BUKNABY, Royal Horse Guards. Page 13 says Tws pairs of boets lined with fur were also taken and for phyie-with-which is as well to be supplied when travelling in out-of-the-way plac-som qui- nine and Cockle's Pills, the latter a most invaluable medicine, and one which I have used on the natives of Centrr.i Africa with the greatest possible success. In fact the marvellous effects produced upon the mind and body of an Arab Sheik, who was impervious to all native medicines, when I administered to him five COOKLE'S FILLS will never fade from mv memory; and a friend of mine, -.Vho passed through the same district many months afterwards, informed me that my fame as a 'medicineman' had died out, but that the marvel- lous care was even then a theme of conversation in the Bazaar SEE RIDE TO KHIVA, Page 13. 0 C K L E' S ANTIBILIOUS PILL 6 c THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE. In Boxes at Is 14d, 2s 9d. 4s 6d, and Its. c OCKTE'S ANTIBILIOUS PI L LS -In use amongst all classes of weiety SEVENTY-SEVEN YEARS. May 'be had throughout the United Kingdom, In boxes at Is 1d, 2s M, 4s 6d, and Us. K, New Ormond Street, Lemdon. 296b For the Blood is the ife,See Deuterenomy chap. xii, verse 23. CLARKE'S "WORLD FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE for Cleansiag and Clearing the Blood from All Imparities, cannot fee too highly recem nended Cures d Sores Cures Ulcerated Sores in the Neck Cures Ulcerated -we Le", Cures Blackheads, or Pimpies on Face Cures Scurvy SoI-eb Cures Cancerous Ulcers Cures Bleed and Skin Diseases Cures Cftandular Swellings Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter, Iro, whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to lie taste, and wuurantea free from mercury-which all ptiis and most medicines tOld for the above diseases contain-the Proprietor solicit* sufferers to give it a trial te test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FBOM ALL FAEF8, Odd n Bottles 2s. fid. each, and im eases containing bottles, 11b. each, sufficient to effect a permanent oare in long-standing cases, by all Chemists and Patent Meaicina Vendors; or sent to any address on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps, by F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, High-street, LINCOLN WHOLESALE AGENTS :— Barclay & Sons, London, and all the Wholesale Houses 3097 ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 11 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex, acquired or constitutional, Gravel, and pains in the back. Sold in boxes, 4s 6d each, by tU chemists and patent medicine vendors; or sent to any address for 60 stamps by the maker. F. J. Clarke, con- salting chemist, High-street, Lincoln. Wholesale Agents, Barclay and Sons, London, and all the Wholesale Houses. ( lo03 YDYWYSOGAETH, IL (THE PRINCIPALITY). Published every Frtday, Price One Penny: A GENERAL WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PRINTED IN THE WELSH LANGUAGE, AND ADVOCAT- ING CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES. Y DYWY SOGAETH has a very extensive j circulation, beisg sold by Agents ia almost EVERY TOWN and HAMLET in North and South Wales; also, in London, Liverpool, Manchester, Chester, &c.. &C. I Y BTWTSOGAETH is not A LOCAL tut NATIONAL NEWSPAPER, with a widespread circulation. Y DYWYSOGAETH—Advertisers may feel assure —is the beat if not the only medium whereby their announce ments can be SIMUI/PANTSCOSIY perasei? in every county THROUGHOUT THE WHO! E CF WALE;. AH Orders, &c.. t* the publisher, J. Morris, Y DlwrsWAETK Gifict- Rhyl, t Urd>lnre. § • frabtsmm'S R^BI«0«T8. J. E D A R D s • (LATE J., tJLARK & SON1. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, 59, HOPE. STREET, WFEXHAM, BOTTLER OF BASS AND CO'S BURTON ALES. „ LONDON AND DUBLIN STOUT. w I N E S. Port, 188 to 368 per dozen. Choice Do. 429 to 78s „ Port 18s to 38s per dozen. Choice Do. 429 to 78s „ Sherry 20s to 72s „ Claret 14s to 100s Champagnes 36s to 78s „ Burgundies 24s to 50s per dozen. Hock 30s to 00s „ Moselle 48s to «0s Marsala 2is to 30s „ Madeira 48s to 72s „ SPIRITS. J Branny—Cognac, 24s, 28s, 32s, and 36s per gallon. „ 4s to 7s per bottle, „ Patent, 13s to 18s per gallon. ,,25 30. to 38 Cd per bottle Gin-Best London, full strength, 14s per gallon, 28 6d per bottle. Rum—Fine Old Jamaica, 165 and 188 per gallon. Whiskey—Finest Old Irish, 20s per gallon, 3s 64 per bettle. Wbbky-IUended Irish, 16s per gallon- Very Old Scotch, ztl8 per gallon. 'I LIQUEURS, CORDIALS, &c., &c. AGENT FOR R. ELLIS AND SON'S JSRATED WATERS. WREXHAM AND BURTON ALES, 188 to 88s per 18 gffllon casks. LONDON AND DUBLIN STOUT. INVALID STOUT, &c. A CHOICE SELECTION OF HOPS ALWAYS IN STOCK. 7790 D W A R D ROGERS AND SON, (ESTABLISHED 1764), J S WOOLLEN DRAPERS AND HATTERS, FASHIONABLE AND MILITARY TAILORS. I LIVERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. <JENTLEMEN'S SCARVES, HOSIERY, AND UMBRELLAS ALWAYS IN STOCK. ALL ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. i i 6, CHARLES-STREET, WREXHAM, AND 1098d SCOTLAND-STREET, ELL E SHE BE. 9, VALE-STREET, DENBIGH. I lw ILLIA m'Ao NOTT, .1 BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, AND NEWS AGENT, Desires to inform the clergy, gentry, and inhabitants of Denbigh and the surrounding district that he has just received a large and well selected NEW STOCK OF NOTE PAPERS AND ENVELOPES Of every description, which are being offered on most advantageous terms. Cream Note, 2s, 3s, 4s, and 5s per ream. I Blue Note, 3s, 4s, and 5s per ream. Patent Straw Paper, 2s per ream. Cream Note, 2s, 3s, 4s, and 5s per ream. Blue Note, 3s, 4s, and 5s per ream. Patent Straw Paper, 2s per ream. Black-Bordered Note, five quires for Is fid. Sermon Paper, 4s per ream, Copybooks, Superfine Paper, 2s per dozen. Foolscap Paper, 68 (id per ream. Sermon Paper, 4s per ream, Foolscap Paper, 6s (<d per ream. Copybooks, Superfine Paper, 2s per dozen. Ciphering Books, 8s Cd per dozen. School Stationery of all kinds. Cream Envelopes, 3s 6d, 4s 6d, and 6d per 1,000. Blue Envelopes, 3s 6d, -is Gd, 5s 6d, and 66 6d per 1,000. Cheap Envelopes for Circulars, 3s 9d per 1,000. Black-Bordered Envelopes, Is per 100. Tinted Lined Note, for home or foreign correspon. dence, five colours, fve quires for Is 6d. 11040 A CARD. T H 0 M A 8 pt I C H A R D 8 No.3, YORKE-STREET WREXHAM, PRACTICAL TAILOR AND WOOLLEN DRAPER. I Gentlemen's first-class DRESS MATERIALS ia an extensive variety, at the most economical prices. A PERFECT FIT Guaranteed. J A Large and Superior Stock of Gentlemen's HOSIERY, Hats, &c. 1150 CHURCH CUSHIONS, SEAT MATS, HASSOCKS, CARPETS, PEDE MATS, CLUNY AND OTHER DAMASKS. Gosded and Damask Silks, Orphreys, Laces, Fringes, &c. Alter Cloths. Banners. Embroideries in Tapestry and Cross-over stitch. Altar Linen marked for working. Communion Mats in Berlin Wool. CHORISTERS' CASSOCKS AND SURPLICES. T H 0 M A 8 JJROWN A.ND g O N, MANUFACTURERS, li, ALBERT STREET, MANCHESTER, c Are paying special attention to the Furnishing -of Churches, and request applications for estimates and samples. .Thei: establishment, being situæted ill the middle of the manufacturing districts, offers advantages in prices and low rates of carriage. THE NEW BAPTISMAL GOWN. 1085. REVOLTING SHUTTERS IN WOOD, IRON, AND STEEL; ALSO, WINDOW BLINDS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. THE WINDOW BLIND OF THE PERIOD, OR PATENT METALLIC VENETIAN. JJODKINSON AND CLARKE, JL-AL CANADA WORKS, HERBERT ROAD, SMALL HEATH, BIRMINGHAM AND 2. CHISWELL STREET, FINS BURY, LONDON. 10200 CAUTION! BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS OF JJECKITPS pARIS JJLUE. A THE marked superiority of this LAUNDRY BLVE ever all others, and the quick appreciation of its JL merits by the public, has been attended by the usual result, viz.. a flood of imitations; the merit of the latter mainly consists in the ingenuity exerted, not simply in imitating the square shape but making t the genera- appewauce of the wrapper < resemble that, of the geuuine article. The Manufacturers bejr therefore, to caution all buyers to see lieckitt's Paris Slue on each packet. Sold in Penny Squares h* all respectable Grocers, Oilmen, and Druggists. n J ¥SED BY SHE LAUNDRESSES OF THE PRINCESS OF WALES AND THE DWhfik nu EDINBUBGH. Uir -8- THE "WREXHAM GUARDIAN" g T E A 3kl p K I K T I N G W 0 HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. The Proprietors beg to intimate that they are prepared to execute GENERAL PRINTING, PLAIN OR COLOURED, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, AT IHBiSHOBTEST NOTICE, AND UPON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. Placards and Posting Bills Hand Bills, Show Cards, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Friendly Societies's Rules. Balance Sheets, Accounts, Memorandums, la-roices, Programmes, Circulars, Business Cards, &c. Exaaunaticn Papers or Schools, Colliery Pay Sheets, Cheque and Receipt Books Time Bankruptcy Forms, Articles of Association, Conditions of Sale, &c., &a ESTIMATES GIVEN UPON APPLICATION AT THE GUARDIAN OFFICE, 26, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. WREXHAM. J E. POWELL, General Furnishing Ironmonger, Iron Merchant, Agricultural Imple- « ment Depot 6 Town Hill, and 6 Abbot Street. 6727 SEWING MACHINES. Agent for the Singer, Howe, Wilcox and Gibb's Priacess of o Wales, Peabody and a JIFirst-class Machines, S. SOTHERN, 21, Charles Street. 6408 ILLIAM SNAPE, FAMILY WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANT, LION HOUSE TV STREET. u08 B^URNISHING Warehouse and Depot of ttie Patent Metallic Coffin Co., 31, Bridge Street J? WILLIAM PIERCE, Proprietor. frabtsnun's. hbrtssts. ESTABLISHED v j RICHARD W. EVANS, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, CHESTER-STREET, WREXHAM. \t 4 ROES AND JAMESON'S WHISKIES IMPORTED DIRBCT. AGENT FOR MESSRS GUTRRON, PARRY, AND THOMPSONS' FAR FAMED WREXHAM ALES. 9930 JOHN BEIRNE. f ALBION CANDLE WORKS, 67 9 TOWN HILL. WREXHAM I u. I S. W ILLIAMS (LATE WILLIAMS & EVANS), oJ GENERAL HOUSE, FIRST-CLASS PASSENGER STEAM SHIP AND OFFICE FURNISHER. HOUSE FURNISHING Begs respectfully to call the attention of a foremost patrons and the general public to the im- brcmck portant fact that House Furnishing is new ^APPLIED becoming, more and mere, a recognised ^RT branch of APPLIED DECORATIVE AET. ENGLISH COMFORT Foreseeing that it must, eventually, occupy and sterling a. foremost place in this direction, S. Williams value of aims at practically combining the comfort, camb™ion solidity, and sterling value of what is CONTINENTAL ENGLISH in Style, with all that is ELEGANCE Artistic in Design, or valued for beauty flf and Colonial Material, in. whatever is FOREIGN, whether and general I fownd in Continental, Colonial, or other Foreign costly "mb- 43° Prices will contmue to be appov- Charges in harmony tioned, with a strict moderation, to the with a fair nature and extent of the commands with reasonable which he may have the honour to be entrusted profit- in the future. S. Williams offers this expression of Personal his most grateful thanks for the very krad supervision patronage so long received, and Patrons may et att Orders. rely upon ALL OEDEBS receiving PERSONAL STTPEBVISIOW. r.. 66 & 68, Argylc-street, Birkenhead. 677o I » RICHARD EVANS & COMP^NY, W LI K X II A M I PURE AERATED MINERAL WATERS. SODA WATER, LEMONADE, SELTZER WATER, POTASS WATER, GINGER ALE, QUININE TONIC, AND LITHIA WATER. These Aerated Beverages are prepared from WATER supplied from our DEEP ARTESIAN WELL Yielding an inexhaustable supply of THE PUREST WATER. FORWARDED, CARRIAGE PAID, TO ANY RAILWAY STATION IN THE KINGDOM. AERATED WATEBS IN FRENCH SYPHONS. I ORDERS PER P0S' OR TELEGRAM gPROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. "GINER CHAMPAGNE," NON-ALCOHOLIC, Suitable for WEDDINGS, IC-NICS, EVENING PARTIES, and for DINNER USF. LIME JUICE CORDIAL In hock bottlee. One or two tables0nfuls in a wu tumbler of water, forming a delicious beverage in hot weather, and at the sa» tame an excellent PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD FIUIT SYRUPS, ¡ R ASP B ERR Y, LEMON, ORANGE, &c., Ofce or two tablespoonfuls of which it tumbler nf wot BEVERAGES. The, „u« £ »"f" BEALTHY oeuseawith ooda Water, and aho form excellent avoi^gs for Confe ctionery, Ices &c. I RICHAD E IYANS & CO., C H E M I C A L L AJ O A T 0 R Y, W B E X H A M | 14 1 ^RAHSNTM'E HBBNSSTS. TIMBER, SLATES, BRICKS, TILES, CBMENTS, LATHS, SEWERAGE PIPES And all ether JBuilding Material? AT E. 31EREDITn JOXES | TIMBER YARD AND STEAM SAW MILL CHARLES-STREET, 1240 WREXHAM. AINSWORTH AND ^yEDGTVOOD, 5, EODFOR-STREET, RHYL, _I AUCTIONEERS AND APPRAISERS. House, Land, Estate, and Commission Agents. Sales conducted in Town and Country with e-concmv r JlnA^lSpatCi1 and settlements promptly made Cash Advanced on Goods consigned for positive sale. Convenient and dry Rooms for the Storage of Furniture. ° Special arrangements made for the Collection of Rents. Mortgages negotiated. OFFICES 5, BODFOR-STREET, RHYL. 251b PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRoFTONIC~nnri*fS ,n* ennches the blood. punfit s antf J- the nerves and muscular system. TONIC reDgtheD8 the nerves and muscular !!yst¡.m. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRolTTONI^r^^ -L appetite and improves digestion. 1 roaaotes PEPPEE'S QUININE AND IIiON TON IC anin,, t« -t- the spinw and mental faculties. T>EPPER'S QUININE AND lRÐ); TONIO ir, wasting diseaöes, l'IeUraJgill, cialica, indigestion, flatu- lenco, weakneS8 of tile chest aud resl'irator)' orga1!s, ague. fever of ail kinds. TONIC thorou,ghly recruit. the general bodily health, and induce" c. J'roer healthy cOlllliûOD of the nervous :.lnú phy.icai for, is I'old the label in red ink. J" ±Ll p±-& »« on 'l'AUAXACU.U AND PODOl'HYLLIS -A 1J.uid comt!na- iSpSSsSSfii mouth, and other indicattous of dy8pe„- z IvT CSKW1' ■' «I'« '»*» VVC SK aud-faud. Sold by all chemists. bottles, Us 9<J, OULPHOLIXE lAyri^ZT^T^rr— di^euse^. JIIQ moeit iuvoteratp nh«Hv-.ta pimples are subdued by SulphoUne aud t e'ear developed. Xlio^ complamii.K 01 tenlt reddened, and irritable ,;k.ins, or aff.cted by the .5UU, mugu wiuds, &c., anti ¡.ven;,ufferers from cons¡itutioU¡¡hkin (jise:e, will derive greú bene tit and cowfurt by using 8ulplllJline Lotion; which has powerful cO!l!;cn'j¡lg auù salutàrr action, relUove, the dJect ARECA NUT TOOTH PASTE -R» PJRACROKT'S A EEC A NUT TOOTH PASTE -R» \J usui^ iliis delicious aromatic dentifrice tlie er-imp' If the teeth b.-comes white, sound, aud polUhed like tin^vo/^ t,r,b .xc''<'ulI1iXiJr tiagraut, and ipeciaily useful for rtEVii^ tartar on neglected teeth. Sold by all chemi^ P0CS £ 2s 6d each. (Uet Cr;icroft's). 1"\EAFNESS, NOISES IN TllfcT FAIN I cur„. «, in WMT.1, ljd ana S.'SIJ, LY i'ciieS™ RESTORER.-For restoring the oo!our ot the hair. naiur.a colour. The effect id sUDerior toLOtnPieteiy the iustantaneou. dye, and the Sulphur R^t'" p^U';e,i &-v the skin.—Sold fi» lar-e oSttlesP u rrf T'uUOes not !B:>« hairdressers. ° 00tUes' ls od euch- ^y cheunsts und LOCKIER'S SULPHUR HAIR BESTO^Tpt^ keeping the lmir it? proper colour it u-efui for > ^,rr,W >euri, no other application being nece^arv t VIDg growth of new hair ° uece&'ar> encourage ihe growth of new li,,¡r..dii3 aoj KTOTUIUS-HT PATENT. W11I1ES AIOC-3IAIN PATENT LEVER T^T<so lequiring no steel spring round the bodv mended tor the following pecuiiaiities and adviuiVi facility oi application; I'ud. parfect freedom'ilaT? hfefS):~lst' d.aie or excoriate oru, it may be "om ZU Jaui' r ityf m any position of the body by night or day 1th k*„ ^f0rJ every kind of exercise, without the sliehte^fai-» of the wearer, and is perfectly coucealniTrom o&tion 40 "We do not hesitate to trive to thw qualified approbation aud we strenuously advi^'tti 0UT UB* to aH those who stand in need of tu p.-o ect ™ 2 Te °f « cannot so fully, nor w.i.h the same zh*T other apparatus or truss us from that whicn we highest satisfaction in thus recommendintr "PhuTi? S State Gazette." muemuug. — church axid Recommended by tlie followintf William l\-rguson, Bart FES ?,,r' L n furgeons.—Sir Surgery iu King's Colle'ie Profe^r. Surgeon of the lioyal Westminster a,' iVi i -rUthri('> Esq., Hospital; T. Uallaway, fen s^ni,,v i i. U;? Co"e#t» Guy's Hospital; W. Coulsoa, Esq Sur-eOT'^fl'^11^603 *° Hospital; T. Blizard Curliug, Ksa' i,- « "2 London Hospital; W. J. Eisner, Esq., s'ur'^nTnfT fl<> tlle Metropolitan Police Force; Ashton Key" v to tho late Prince Albert; Robert Listoii Esq FR s T"" seoa 10 Esq., Surgeon to the London Truss Society: Esq., F.E.S., aud many otbars. MasaiUs W.lson A descriptive circular may be had bv no-fc nnri ti „ (which canuot fail to fit; can be or warded by po- bv I'Za ing the circumference of the body, two inches'beW to the Manufacturer DeJt>^ j? Lip# ME WHITE, 228, PICCADILLY. A Single Truss, IGs, 21s, 26s 6d and •> i\A A Double Truss, 31s 6d ^Tiiid %„ ?>StRZc An Umbilical Truss Post-Oiiice Orders to be made oav ihil. H°sUi^e tree- Post-office Piccadilly. payable to JOHN WHITE, NEW PATENT. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE CAPS, &c Th«. material of which these are made is recommended* cne faculty as being peculiarly elastic aud coapS^^J the best invention tor giving effloient and permanent in all cases of weakness and swelling of tha u„„ veins, sprains, &c. it is porous, iKht in t.-vm™ ^>co»e pensive, and ia drawn on like an ordinary stockint ;a-z* Price, from 4s Cd. 7s 6d, 10s, to 16a ear'i JOHN WHITE, Manufacturer, 228, PICCADI1^ u^e' Specimens may be seen at the Crystal^Kia^ THE RIGHT THING IN THE RIGHT PLACE, carried out. But in all places, and uuder^Tiro where the Bight Thing isPto be fold i^ h right0^^ applied at the right time, whether iu the uSfSon tage, or the workshop, such a nlace ivill L? °°^ iight of Health, Uappinese, and Conteutmeut: W ac" Aud as health.3 one oft he greatostt emporal blessk,^ w one man can beatow upon another anri al +1, "lessings hat of health is to be found in d great restorer I' BEE CHAM'S PILLS it ia no wonder that the great human family with „ should pronounce them 0De V0'C0 THE EIGHT THING IN THE EIGHT PLACE BEECHAM'g PTT -r are admitted by thousands to oe worrh J". a Box for Bilious and ,ervous Disorder such as Wmd ud Pain at the Stomach, Sick Headache ?? Wind uad Swelling after meals,' D.zziae/sTnl DrominZ' Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite shnrf^5' r Ckilta,. Flushings of Heat, Costiveness, Scurvy, Notches on ihe'sidn mO? °k aad femafe Se found equal to Beecham's Piils for removing' or irregularity of the system. If taken accordin/to tlons given with each box they will soon reator^wLif j all ages to sound and robttst health. c4 For a weak stomach, impaireu digestion <ir,ri „n ,• of the Liver, they act like •' Magic and » found to work wonders upon the most imnnrti the human machine. They strengthen the wS orf ans in system, restore the long-lost complexion brin- ba!>kfwft edge of appetite, and arouse into action ,5 fi" kee* heSlth, the whole physical eue^f of th« i "l6 r°ft,ua U These are Facte''admitted bythl ,1,'1U"ia;1 frai°e.- olasses of society, and one of the best U 7 embracing aH vousand Debilitated is that aq eechain\ p;h" if** J.U 1 sale of any patent medicine in the world 6 BEECHAM-S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for COughs in.6eneral, asthma, difficulty fit brlJatlling, shortness In breath, tightuess and oppret!t!ÏQIl 01 the ChP8t, Wheezing, &c., these PiHs stand unrÍ\1i.Ued. BEECHAM'S PILLS have now becn before the fnNÏ(' be. of life, with one voice pronounce them the best for eradiS^I all those complaints to whieh flesh is heir to. TheF^i?5 without a parallel; and have the largest sale of anv iwufi medicine in the world. y Pat««l CACTION.—The public are requested to notiep the* ,w words, Beecham's Pilla, St. Helen's," are on tL 7? h* ment Stamp affixed to each box of Pills • if not L ™* forgery. not °n they nr« • Prepared o*ly and sold wholesale and retail k„ h priet^r T. Beecham, Dispensing Chemist u » Pr#- shire, i,. boxes at Is Inl and 2s 3d each LltS^ 15 or SC stamps. Sold by all druggists aiid r, t T lealers. 11(1 Patent medicine ^.B.~Full directions are given with each box. Beckitt's Paris Biu^e—The mart^ „ T~ Lauudrj Blue over all others, and tho r, itsmerits by the Public, has been a+f^ aPPreciation of result, viz, a flood of imiiation^ ~I tile nraal mainly consists in the ingenuity exerted*1. «; iatt?r seating the square shape • sm))lj 111 oitne wrbpjjert}-resemble that of Manufactusors betr therefore tn rt.cle The Seokitt's I'aris blue on each packet? urars tA