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s -Au*rcss*s. .-r-' g pATIES AND gON, W00LL3X DXAPBRS, MILITARY TAIbOKfe, AND OTJTFITTKK-S, 58, HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM. SPECIALITIES in Gauze, Zeypiïyr, and Oxford SHIRT- INGS. A largp- T&riety ef patterns. SPECIALITIES in the latest d,iH in Straw. Fen, anli Silk HATS. -m_ gPECIALITIES in Chcvrrette, Dogskin and Kid GLOVES. b gPECIALITIES ia Silk, Lisle, and Thread HOSIER SPFCIALITIES in TIES of every description for the j.. co H >011. j SPECIALITIES in Silk, Alpaca, and Cloth I7JI3RELLAS. -OOPvTMAtfTEAUS and TRAVELLING nAGS. A A PRIZE MEDAL was awarded to S. DAViE. an SON by the Wrexham Industrial Art Exhibition, for suponor ■quality and workmanship in these goods. r~, vvrES and SON have now for inspection a large Variety of all kinds of WOOLLEN GOODS. TB.OL- SEKING3, and FANCY COATINGS thoroughly shrunk. This d-'nartment being under the management of n first class CUtte,- from Mr J. Read's, L,rd-street, Liverpool, behave srery confidence of giving general satisfaction. ¡800 GUNS! E-stnblished K E R R I SOS'S. [ G C N AND PISTOL M A K E 1t S 1G, CHARLES-STREET, WIVEXIIAM, to their Ïor the "t'conied to the firm since th.'Y h'lve ùpel1 in hu":¡n(" & iB^etho attcnHon ,tocit ward? Evon'ngun warranted, and shooting guaranteed. Cash prices of Eley's Cartridge Ca-^ • per thousand, 40s; blue, Sfe; browa. <■«^'Utr^ W gauae, 5 drachms. Lurtu, cloth Wad*. SKSSSr^sXSS. SITS, ™«, E "brown, 9s. GUNPOWDER, SHOT, CAPS. WADDING, frc., at equally low prices. CHILLED SHOT KEPT IN STOCX. JgL LTS'S RUTH IN AV AT kRS. PUh8 AERATED WATERS. E—LLIS'r RUTHIN WATERS—Crystal Springs. Soda, Potass, Seltzer, Lemonade Lithia, and for Gout, Lithia and. lo.FTSS, Corks Branded "R. El'is and r/J, Ru. in' and every Label bears their Trade Mark. Sold everywhere, find wholesale ot R. ELLIS AND SON, lluthin, North. Wales. 4440 L E N FIELD THE QUEEN'S LAUNDRESS JAYS THIS STARCH IS THE BEST SHE ETER USED. STARCH. gCHWEPPE'S Prepared ~jy^AL\ ERN Caution." Every bottle protected SELTZER, by a label vriih name and and tra.de ma.rk-o. fountain Scfcwew's Mineral Waters have always had the patronage «E Royalty, and continue to be sH;d to Her Majesty the <|»een. b PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, LONDON, 18G2; PAP-IS, 1867; PHILADELPHIA, 187<?. 4ET If yon want a GOOD WATCH, warranted to keep CORRECT TIME, send a post office order to J. S"1"' WATCH MANUFACTURER, 61 SOUTH CASTLE-STREET, LIVERPOOL, and 30, CORNHILL, ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON, And you will receive by return of post, securely packed, a first-class LEVER WATCH, "Warranted to keep correct time. and suitable for a Lady or Gentleman. ■SEWILL'S Silver Lever To Wind and Set Hands from the back. In all sizes, suitable for Ladies, W A TCrIES. Gentlemen, Youths, and Mechanics. £2 2s. £3 3s. The same in Hunting Cases, je2 10s. £3 3s. £3 10s. SEWILL' English Silver Patent Detached Lever Cappei1. Jewelled, and Warrant. All the latest improvements, in Sizes, for WATCHES jLadies, Gentlemen, Youths and .l OJ ES Mechanics. £4 4. £5 5s. The same in Hnntuig £5 5s. £6 6. £7 7s. SEWILi/S Gold Lever To Wind and Set Hands from the back. TnTTC,Q Iu \aU sizes, suitable for WAiOLicM-« Gentlemen and Youths. £5 5s. £ (> 6s. £7 7s. SEWILL'S JSngtish Patent Detached 18 C"-r 't Fine Gold L-r-ver Capped, Jewelled and Warranted. All the latest improvements, in sizes, for WATCHES. Ladies and Gentlemen, v .£8 8s. £10 10s. .£12 12s. Same as those for which Prize Medals of In<erndional Inhibitions, London, 18, and Paris, 187 were swarded. All the above ma.y be had keyless, 'hat ia to wind ni aod set banrls from the pendant- without a kev at an extra cost of .£2 2s. in Silver and iJS 103, in Gold. SEWILL'S Presentation In great variety combining beauty of WATCHES, design with perfection of worWbinr.ship. FROM 2s. TO 100 GUINEAS. SEWILL'S Marble, Bronze, rind Gilt 1ft our Show Rooms are to bi found the finest Stock in the kinydom Mutable tor CLOCKS Hall, Library, Boudoir, Drawing, and Dining Room. Estimates given for Clocks for Churches, Turrets and Public Buildings. IIA.BG EST STOCK IN ENGLAND TO SELECT FROM. e- CHRONOMETER MAKER TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF THE ADMIRALTY, HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL NAVY, &E., &c. iff- Money Orders to be made payabtejto J. SEWILL, SOUTlUCASTLE STREET ^WVBBPOOFC ,8a 30, CORNRILL. BOYAL EXCHANGE LO*DOS Hlastrated Catalogues post free on application* 799g I hnssts. I WATCBES, CLOCKS, & JEWELLERY. PIERCE'S English Silver PATENT LRVEP. WATCHES, JL full jewelled, at £4 10s. Warranted for four years. PIERCE'S English Silver PATENT LEVER WATCHES, heavy cases, and. best iinished movement, £ 5 5s. War- ranted for fire years. PIERCE'S Silver PATENT LEVER WATCHES, jewelled in ten holes, chronometer balance, crystal glass, and very strong cases, with gold points and highly finished move- ments, £ 4 4s. Warranted fer five years. PIERCE'S Silver GENEVA WATCHES, jewelled in eight JL holes, strong eases, and very best 15s. Equal to any Lever Watches. Warranted for three years. PIERCE'S Silver GENEVA WATCHES, large and small JT sizes, at £118, £1 10s, £115s, M Zs, £25s, and £210s. All warranted from one to three years. PIERCE'S AUSTRIAN REGULATORS. Prize Medal at JL the Wrexham Art Treasures Exhibition, only varying a quarter of a minute in four mouths. Prices from £31Os to PIERCE'S KITCHEN CLOCKS, eight day, spring and striking, from 21s and upwards. IJIERCE'S HALL or STUDY CLOCKS, Barometer and Thermometer combined, £3, £3 10s, £110s, and £5 5s. — BEDROOM CLOCKS. Timepieces from Cs; X Alarums, 7s Gd; Bronze Eight-day Timepieces, 10s, 12s 6d, and 15s. PIERCE'S Silver English, Centre Second, Stop, MARINE CHRONOGRAPH WATCH. Warranted not to vary over one minute in twelve months. Price £10 10s. T)IERCE'S FANCY and ENGAGE RINGS, set with _L Diamonds, Emeralds, Pearls, and other precious stones, from 15s to £ 20. from 15s to £20, PIERCE'S GUINEA GOLD WEDDING RINGS and KEEPERS, sold by weight. Half a dozen Nickle Silver Tea Spoons given with every Wedding Ring. I Note the address :— D. D. pIE R C K WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER. HENHLAS-STREET. 7. WREXHAM. JOHN H. KIDD & CO., Manufaeturers of RAILWAY WAGGON COVEH RICK AND TENT CLOTHS, VART COVERS, LIJIE SHEETS, AH sizes kept in stock. BRATTICE CLOTH, AIR-TUBING HORSE CLOTHS, WATERPROOF RUGS, INDIA-RUBBER GOODS Roofing Dry Hait., and Boiler Felt, SACKS. COTTON WASTE, LAMP WICKS, OFFICES PUBLIC HALL. WREXHAM. 6991 WILLIAM PIERCE, GENE RAT i UNDERTAKER, BRIDGE-STREET, WREXHAM, a GENT to the Patent Metallic Air-tight JlL. Coffin Company, Limited. Works and Offices: 158, GREAT CHARLES-STREET, BIRMINGHAM. These Coffins are covered with white, black and crimsen cloth or velvet, and every design of coloured nd IrtAl t-rniitirei n uwd. r; 6Ñ: osly I-iii t ti 'I weight of 8M GCSHS, and ara more dorabla. The expense is so small that they Colû be med for all 1 funerals except those of the very poorest class. Various sizes kept ill tock. MR. EDWARD W. KEATINGE, SURGEON DENTIST. OYVAL VILLAS KINMEL-STREET, RHYL. Nine years with Mr Jair.es B. Lloyd, Rodney-street, Liverpool. Attendance every Wednesday, at Miss Jones's, Milliner, 11, High-street (corijer of Crown-square), Denbigh Teeth painlessly extracted ^ucder the influence of nitrous oxide gas ESTABLISHED IS:3-3. W II E L P T O N S VEGETABLE PURIFYING- PILLS ARE warranted not to contain a sinele particle of mercury or any other mineral substance, but to consist entirely of medicinal matters purely vegetable. For forty years they have proved their value in thousands of instances ill diseases of the head, chest, bowels, liver, and kidneys and in all skin complaints are one of the beat medicines known. Sold iu boxes, price 7jd, 1? IfU, and 2s 9d each, by G. Whelptoa and So*, Crane-court, Fleet-street, London; and may be had of all chemists aud medicine-vendors. Sent free on receipt of 8,14. or 33 stamps. 10210 HEALTH FOR ALL PILLS. This great Household Medicine ranks amongst the eading necessaries of life. fl^HESE famous Pills purify the Blood, JL and act most powerfully, yet soothingly on the LIVES, STOMACH, K.IDKETS,_ and Bowels, giving tone, energy, and vigour to these great Main Springs oi Life. They are confidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become mpaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to Females of all ages; and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, ture unsur- passed. HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT. Its Searching and Healing Properties are known through- out the world. For the cure of Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, OLD WOUXUS, SORES, AND ULCERS, It is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the aeck and chest, as salt "into R5C?.R. it cures Sore Throat, Diphtheria, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and even Asthma. For Glandular Swellings, Abscesses, Piles, Fistulas, GOUT, EHSUKATISW, jnd every kind of Skin D.ease, u has never been known to fàiL Both Pills and Ointmeu are by all Medicine Vendors throughout the Civilised World. 1064 gQALE OF QHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. Aioctkms, Books, Trades, Amusements, and Charities. Seven lines and under .oo. 2s. 6d. Per additional line Os.4d, Jliscettanetms—Public Companies, Legal Notices, Contractu, < £ c. Five lines, and under 2s. 6d. Per additional linn 0:3. 6d. Prospectuses of New Companies, Parliamentary Notices, and Median Advertisements. Six line#, and under 5s. Per additional line *s. Ski. Displayed Advertisements. Trade, &• 2s per in eh. Public Notices, &c 46 per inch. If set across two columns, double. Tradesmen's AdvertueineaU for a Series taken by Special Contract. Cheap Settle for Pr&jaid Advertisements, Admitting uuder it the following classes or headings only Situations Wanted I Articles Wanted Situations Vacant Miscellaneous Wants Houses Wanted Articles for Sale by Houses to Let Private Contract L#dgings,&c., Wanted Articles Lost or Lodgings, &c., t» Let j Found One Three Six Words. Insertion. Insertions. Insertions. s, d. 8, d. II, d. 58 1 « 2 6 4 6 at) 1 6 4 0 6 6 40 i 6 6 8 6 Births, Deaths, and Mmrriages, One Shilling for three Koes. Qredit Advertisement is charged lees than 2s. 6d. KcniUanees not exceeding 5s may be made in ha.tfp8ay postage stamps. t Pssk-ofllee Orders, and Cheques to be made payabfc to tr. eMratt-Joaeo \[rab-tmttt' a bbrtssts CHALLENGE TO THE WORLD. REAL versus PLATED GOLD JEWELLERY. SPECIAL NOTICE To the Subscribers ef the Guardian. M. ESSRS WARRINGTON & CO., 9, Adam-street, Straxd, London, W.C., have made arrangemeats t. present to all readers of the Guardian A HANDSOME GOLD LOCKET (WARRANTED). This Splendid Locket is of oval shape, and beautifully hand chased. It can be worn either by a gentlemam as a handsome appendage to his watch chain, or by a lady as an ornament for the neck; and is suitable either for photograph or for hair. It is very rich looking, and is pronounce by all competent judges to be a most beautiful piece of jewellery. Also, in consequence of numerous enquiries, Messrs I WARRINGTON & CO. have made arrangements to present to the readers of the Guardian A REAL GOLD RING (HALL MARKED), Artistically set with REAL GEMS, which they hare named the I UNIQUE GOLD RING, (HALL MARKED). And a geauine novelty in a "SET OF REAL GOLD STUDS" I (Guaranteed), FULL SUITE OF SIX PIECES, At less thus half the usual price for all "REAL GOL D,' the ordinary articles sold as Gold having oaly I plated Stems and Backs. "A REAL GOLD SIGNET RING," Is an article often enquired for, but seldom obtained; ours are Hall marked and warranted, and we can now supply them at the price affixed. Extract from The Court Journal, of June 23rd, 1877. All shams are abominations, but sham jewellery is the worst of all. 'Wear gold or nothing," should be the advice to all about to purchase rings, chains, studs, lockets, and similar articles-and fortunately the precious metal is so malleable that when the charge for fashion is brought within j moderate dimensions, real gold ornaments can be bought o cheaply that there is no excuse for the wearers of pinchbeck, Messrs Warrington and Co., of 0, Adam-street, Strand, have recently been advertising for sale, under special conditions, lockets, rings, and studs-all real gold, at prioes which would seem incredible had not the quality of the articles been vouched for by many who have satisfied themselves cf their genuineness by personal inspection. The jewellery sold by Messrs Warrington is all real gold, which for beauty of manufacture canaot be excelled." Extract from The Church Pecieui, of 23rd June, 1877. "Samples of the jewellery sent out by Messrs Warrington and Co., of 9, Adam-street, Adelphi, have been submitted to us for our inspection. In the interests of our readers, it is a pleasant duty to confirm the statements made by the Messrs Warrington, as to the genuineness of the gold, which is Hall marked, and the eflUieucy of the talent displayed in the workmanship. The locket. the rings, and the sets of studs are all well made and engraved, and it is no wonder that the Firm finds so large a demand for their varied specialites, which, in every respect, must give universal satisfaction, particularly to those who wish to make useful and ornamental presents." ¡ GUARDIAN COUPON. Available for artioles as under:— To HANDSOME GOLD MESSES. WARRINGTON AND CO., LOCKET," at 3s lid. From UNIQUE GOLD RING," M at 4s lld. SET OF REAL GOLD ) STUDS" (full suite of six j pieces), at 15s 8d. REAL GOLD SIGNET RING," at Ge. To Amount. 1 9, ADAM-STKEKT, STRAND. Please earefnlly note these Instructions. The above Coupon must mast be filled in for the various rticlee required and forwarded with remittance for the amount to W. and Co., either in Postage Stamps or Post Offioe Order payable at the Charing Cross Post Offioe, Londcn (the P.O.O. 18 mmeh preferred and the amount paid for it can be dedoated from the total amount eent), N.B.-No artielee can be svpptied without the Cospon and amount stated, and aa the applications are very numerous, readers are strongly advised to koe no time in forwarding at oaoe, all application: being taken in rotation. All other art at equally low prioe, of which penooal nflpeotioa li conMeotty krrtted. «

