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Srabtmnwu's$l>b«ssts. WEEiHASr DISTRICT PERMANENT! IBEXEFIT bcildiko SOCIETY. I:a..t.. under the Building Societies Act, 1S74. Shares &v4i, Entrance Fee, Is per Share part »f a Sixire. THIS Society is now prepared to make Ad-vanoes, repay- aole in a certai* natsber of year*, <rn Mortgages. A is held the first Monday is each m»uth, f«r reserving subscriptions and enrolment of members. the Secretary, Tot turtle* ]>ftrtk*tew, *» SHIRLEY. Ji Si *■ m No. 13, Tem^le-t'Oir, Vfpcxhsza. | j. B. G0UGH' AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, 6 & 7, HIGH.STREET, RHYL. Every description of Sales and Valuations conducted upon the most economical principles. ADVANCED UPON GoODS FOR POSITIVE DISPOSAL. Prompt Settlements Guaranteed at the closc of I eaeh Sale. All Business conducted with Integrity, Punctuality, and Despatch. ESTABLISHED IN RHYL 1855. bl75 IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK. SOUTH JOHN-STREE1 LIVERPOOL. MONEY TO LEND.-IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. WITHOUT ANY KIND OF SURETIES. THE STRICTEST PRIVACY, GUARANTEED. jCIt to -EX.MO. READY to be advanced at a few hours'notice, in sums to suit, Gentlemen or Ladies (householders). *ny kind of sureties, and with the utmost secrecy, repayable easy inlitalments. "■KiS'jSKt <»*»*«, o-prng-jj. Shonkoepers, and cthers- £ 10to £ can be obtained, without any delay upon their efi^ yuni to suit them, which c.-vn be repaid monthly. quarterly, or other terms, as may be agreed upon, to e?aWe 1f increase their stocks, and render them every kind of tempor- ary accommodation. EXECUTIONS OF EVERT KIND PAID OPT. DISTANCE NO OBJECT. EVERY INFORMATION WILLINGLY AFFORDED The Eank havinp a large capital in hand, no good application will be refused. AppJy personally, or if by letter state amount required. C. BENSON, Manager. Deposits received. 8680 _r- ABIDE TO KHIYA A BY CAPTAIN FRED BURNABY. Boyal Horse GIIMCS. Page 13 says :— Two pairs of boots lined with fur were also taken: ana for physic—with which it is as well to be supplied when travelling in out-of-the-way places-some qui- nine and Cookie's pm. the latter a most mvalnab.e medicine, and one which I have used on the M-iys of Central Africa with the greates- possible succetv.^In fact the marvellous effects produced upon the Mian and body of an Arab Sheik, who was impervious to all native medicines, when admistered to him five COCKLE'S PILLS w;r BPVfT fadf from my memory; and « frienrl of mire, who passed through the same district many months afterwards, informed nie that my tame a» a 1 medicine man had not died out. but that the marvel- lous cure was even then a theme of conversation in t;},e hazAA, F. BURNABY'P RIDE TO KHIVA, Page 13. A GOOD FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST A with a prudent use. has saved many a life; and yet we think the idea might be improved upon, and reduced to a more simple form. Take some good compound, meb as COCKLES ANTIEILIOCS PILLS, and we find that the desired end may be obtained without wales and weight*, or little mysterious conTpartmente or m- chanted bottles, with crystal stoppers. Others might he used, *nt COCKLE'S PILLS tested by many thousands of persons, and feond to answer he-ir so Well, may be set down as the nest.-Observer. a RIDE TO KHIVA A BT CAPTAIN REID BURNABY, CAPTAIN REID BURNABY, Royal Horse Guarde. Page 13 j-ays :— Two pairs of boots lined with fur were also taken and far phyic-with which is as well to be supplied wileD travelling in out-of-the-way plaees-some qm- iriBP and Cockle's Pills, the latter a most invaluable medicine and one which I have used on the natives of Central Africa with the greatest possible sneeess. In foot the marvellous effects produced upon the mind and body of an Arab Sheik, who waB impervious to all native medicines, when I administered to him five COCKLE'S TILLS will never fade from my memory; and a friend of mine who passed through the same district many months afterwards, informed me that my fame as a 1 medicine man had died out, but that the marvel- lous cure was even thena tbemeof conversationm the Bazaar SEE BVRNABY'S RIDE TO KHIYA, Page >3. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS THE OLPEST PATENT MEDICINE. In Boxes at Is Jld, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and lis. C 0 C K L E S ANTIBILIOUS P I L L8 In use amoagst all classes of society SEVENTY-SEVEN YEARS. May be had throughout the United Kingdom, In boxes at Is l-Jd, 2s 9d, 4s 6<1, and Us. >6, New Ormond Street, London. WCb For the Blood is the ife."—See Deuteronomy chap, xii, verse 23. CLARKE'S WORLD FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE for Cleansing and Clearing tbe Blood bore All Impurities, cannot Be too highly recem wended Cares Old Sores Cures Ulcerated Sores ia the Neck Caret Ulcerated Soifc Gores Blackhead;, or Fin.p-.eb on Face Geres Scurvy Sores Ceres Cancerous Ulcers Cures Blood and Skin Diseases Cures Glandular Swellings Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter, whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from mercury—which all pills and most medicine* sold for the above diseases contain—the Proprietor solicit* sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TBSTIMONIALS FROM ALL PAKT8. Sold n Bottles 2s. 6d. each, and in Cases containing bottles, lis. each, sufficient to effect a permanent cure is long-standing cases, by all Chemists and Patent Mediein* VeIldors; or gent to any address on receipt of 30 or J33 stamps, by F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, High-street, LINCOLN WHOLESALE AGENTS:— Barclay & Sons, London, and all the Wholesale Houses 3397 ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS j is warranted to care all mscharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex, acquired or constitutional, Gravel, and pains in the back. Sold in boxes, 4s tid each, by all chemists and patent medicine vendors; or sent to any address for 60 stamps by the maker. F. J. Clarke, con- suiting chemist, High-street, Liacoln. Wholesale Agents, Barclaytind Sous, London, and all tbe Wholesale HoofHfs. 1303 | Yd Y w y S O G A E T h • jL (THE PRINCIPALITY). j Pub!itlted every Friday, Price One Penny j A GENERAL WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PRINTED IN THE WELSH LANGUAGE, AND ADVOCAT- ING CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES. Y DYWYBOGAETH has a very extensive circulation, being sold by Agents iB almost EVERY TOWN and HAMLET in North and Soath Wales; also, in London. Liverpool, Manchester, Chester, &c., 4c» I E>?WREO<U^TH is not a LECAI HUT NATIONAL NEWSPAPER, with a widespread circulation. Y DI^TSOGAETK—Advertisers may faol assure- is the f if net the only medium whereby their announce WEI>i6 CAN BO SIMTLTA-VBC ESLY perused M every county XHROTW-HOCI THE WBOI K OJ WAI.KF. All r:, &e.. tl4 the pKblisber. J. V(}n/'î, Y DrwroMAffns Ofi* ftty*, Hintshtrt. • i rtS$t$. THE AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT DEPOT. jptxsi Prize of Iter. First Trizt) of r .8ipPire AND FMatehire Affricultural Society awarded to K Fint PRIZE 0" "■FCIGHTHIRE aad FUNTHIRE Agricultural Society awarded to J. E. POWELL 1872. PRIZE MED' > BEEFCIJ^GHIRE AAD Flintshire Agriooitural Society awarded to J. E. POWBLL 1S7S. A of Art EXHIBITION J. Begs to the ATTENTION of Agriculturists and FARMERS to KU we and well selected stock ef KOYAL SO C lET y PRIZE IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINES For the ensniaz season, MOWING AND REAPING MACHINES, HAYMAKERS, BORSB RAKES, AMERICAN HAY COLLECTORS, BEVERLEY AND BRISTOL CARTS WITH HARVEST GEARING SINGLE AND DOUBLE ROW TURNIP DRILLS, CHEESE PRESSES, CHEESE STOOLS, CHEESE MAKERS, CURD MILLS, EASTWOOD'S DOUBLE-ACTION CHURNS, ASH RAKES, C.S. PIKELS, &c., &C. Pktise Yoü the Addrtss J.E.POWELL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IRONMONGER AND IRON MERCHANT, e TOWN HILL, & 7, ABBOTT STREET, WREXHAM. MOWING ANB REAFING MACHINES THOROUGHLY REPAIRED. 7210 J. J] D W A R D S, (LATE J. CLARK & SON), WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, 89, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM, BOTTLER OF BASS AND CO'S BURTON ALES. LONDON AND DUBLIN STOUT. WINES. Port « ISs to 36s per dozen. | Burgundies 24s to MS per dozen. Choice Do 42S to 78s I Hock 30s to 00s Sherry 208 to 72S | Moselle 48s to 60s Claret 14s to 100s „ j Marsala 21S to 30s „ Champagues 36s to 78s „ | Madeira 48S to 72S „ SPIRITS. Brandy—Cognac, 24s, 28s, C2s, and 36s per gallon. I Rum-Fine Old Jamaica, 16s and 18s per gallon. 4s to 7s per bottle. Whkkey-Fineat Old Irish, 208 per gallon, 3s 6Q „ Patent, 13s to 186 per gallon. per bottle. ,,28 3d to 3s Gel per bottle Whisky—Blended Irish, IDs per gallon- Gin—Best London, full strength, 14S per gallon, I Very Old Scotch, 20E per gallon. 2s Cd per bottle. LIQUEURS, CORDIALS, &c.. &c. AGENT FOR E. ELLIS AND SON'S CRATED WATERS. f WREXHAM AND BURTON ALES, 18s to 3-38 per 18 gallen casks. LONDON AND DUBLIN STOUT. INVALID STOUT, &c. A CHOICE SELECTION OF HOPS ALWAYS IN STOCK. 7790 —————————————————————————————————————————— JgDWARD R 0 G E R SAN D g ON, (ESTABLISHED 1764], WOOLLEN DRAPERS AND HATTERS, FASHIONABLE AND MILITARY TAILORS. LIVERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. GENTLEKBN'S SCARVES, HOSIERY, AND UMBRELLAS ALWAYS IN STOCK. ALL ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. 6, CHARLES-STREET, WREXHAM, AND 1098d SCOTLAND-STREET, ELLESMEBE. A C A R D. THO}IAS RICHARDS No. 3, YORKE-STREET W-REXHAM. PRACTICAL TAILOR AND WOOLLEN DRAPER. Gentlemen's first-class DRESS MATERIALS in an extensive variety, at the most economical prices. A PERFECT FIT Guaranteed. A Large and Superior Stcck of Gentlemen's HOSIERY, Hats, &c. 115o REVOLTING SHUTTERS IN WOOD, IRON, AND STEEL; ALSO, WINDOW BLINDS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. THE WINDOW BLIND OF THE PERIOD, OR PATENT METALLIC VENETIAN. JJODKINSON AND CLARKE, CANADA WORKS, HERBERT ROAD, SMALL HEATH, BIRMINGHAM, AND 2. CHISWELL STREET, FINSBFRY, LONDON. j 1 .J_- CAUTION! BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS OF JJECKITT'S pARIS BLUE. marked superiority of this LAUNDRY BLWE over all others, and the quick appreciation of its JL morlts by the puklic, has beea attended by the usual result, via., a flood of imitations- the merit ot the latter mainly consists in the ingenuity exerted, not simply in imitating the square shape but making the general appearance of ttte wrapper, resemble that the genuine article. The Manufacturers beg therefore, to caution all buyers to see ttockitt'S Paris Blue ou each packet. Sold in Penny Squaresbv all respectable Grocers, Oilmen, and Druggists. 1 Y ¥SED BY THE LAUNDRESSES OF THE PRINCESS OF WALES AND THE DUCHESS OP EDINBURGH. U* W- THE "WREXHAM GUARDIAN" g T t A M PRIXTING WORS, HOPE STREET WREXHAM. The Proprietors beg to intimate that they are prepared te execute GENERAL PRINTING. PLAIN OR COLOURED, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, AT 1 HE ^SHORTEST NOTICE, AND UPON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. Placards and Posting Bills Rand Bills, Show Cards, Pamphlets, Catalogue?, Friendly Societies's Rules, Balance Sheets, Accounts, Memorandums, Invoices, Programmes, Circulars, Business Cards, &c. Kxam-Bav.cn Papers or Schools, Colliery Pay Sheets, Cheque and Receipt Bocks Taae Bankruptcy Forms, Articles of Association, Conditions ef Sale, &c., &c. ESTIMATES GIVEN UPON APPLICATION AT THE "GUARDIAN" OFFICE, 2G, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. • WREXHAM. J E. POWELL, General F uruishing Ironmonger, Iron Merchant, Agricultural Imple- « ment Depot 6 Town Hrll, and 6 Abbot Street. 6727 SEWING MACHINES. Agent for the Singer, Howe, Wilcox and Gibb's Princess of o Wales, Peabody and a JJFu-st-ctass Machines, S. SOTHERNI, Charles Street. 6408 woo ILLIAM-SNAti FAMILY WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANT, LION HOUSE, TV rilGH STREET. ) 1 BURNISHING Warehouse and Depot of tbe Patent Metallic Coffin Co., 31, Bridge Street r WililAM PUEUCE, proprietor. y j f fra^smm'g glhJtt«sses. ESTABLISHED 1760. RICHARD W. EVANS, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, CHESTER-STREET, WREXHAM. ROBS AND JAMESOJF'S WHISKIES IMPORTED DIRECT. AGENT FOB. MESSRS GUIBRON, PARRY, AND THOMPSONS' FAR FA)(Bj) WREXHAM ALES. 9930 f —————-———-— JOHN BEIRNE, I ALBION CANDLE WORKS, 67 9 TOWN HILL. WEEXEAM I I 8. W I L L I A M S (LATE WILLIAMS & EVANS), GENERAL HOUSE, FIRST-CLASS PASSENGER STEAM 1 SHIP AND OFFICE FURNISHER. J HOUSE | FURNISHING 1Jegs respectfully to call the attention ef | a foremost patrons and the general puiUc to the im | branch portant fact that House Furnishing is new ^Applied^ becoming, more and more, a recognised ^RT branch APPLIED DECOKATIVE ART. ENGLISH COMFORT Foreseeing that it must, eventually, oceupy end sterling a foremost place in this direction, S. Williams value of owns at practically combining the comfort, combmation solidity, and sterling value of what is 'unth CONTINENTAL purely ENGLISH in Style, with all that is ELEGANCE Artistic in Design, or valued for beauty and Colonial Material, in whatever is FOREIGN, whether end general f^imd in Continental, Colonial, or other Foreign costly *c. mart'- Ø" Prices wiU continue to ie appor- Charges in hwrrnmi Honed, with a strict moderation, to the with a fair nature and extent of the commands with reasonable. which he may have the honour to he entrusted proiit. future. 6 S. Williams offers this expression of Personal his most grateful thanks for the very kind supervision patronage so received, and Pairs'/is may flU ()rdÆrs, rely upon ALL ORDERS recevc.ng PERSONAL STPERTISION. 66 & 68, Argyle-street, Birkenhead. (}770 I RICHARD EVANS & COMPANY, WREXHAM.. PURE AERATED MINERAL WATERS. SODA WATER, LEMONADE, SELTZER WATER, I POTASS WATER, GINGER ALE, QUININE TONIC, AND LITHIA WATER. These Aerated Beverages are prepared from WATER supplied from enr DEEP ARTESIAN WELL Yielding an iaexhaustable supply of I THE PUREST WATER. FORWARDED, CARRIAGE PAID, TO ANY RAILWAY STATION IN THE KINGDOM. AERATED WATERS IN FRENCH SYPHONS. ORDERS PER POST OR TELEGRAM IPROMPTLY ATTENDED To. v GINGER CHAMPAGNE," NON-ALCOHOLIC,' Suitable for WEDDINGS, PIC-NICS, EVENING PARTIES, and for DINNER USE. LIME JUICE CORDIAL In hock bottles. One or two tabfespoonfuls in a tumbler of water, forming a delicious beverage in hot weather, and at the same time an excellent PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD FRUIT SYRUPS, RASPBERRY, LEMON, ORANGE, & c., One or two tablespoonfuls of which in a tumbler of water make most REFRESHING and HEALTHY BEVERAGES. They may be used with Soda Water, and ajso form excellent naTOurings for Confectionery, Ices &c. ¿ RICHARD EVANS & CO., C H,E M I CA L L A BO R A TO R Y, WREXHAIT 14 J frabwnteit's bhrtss£s. TIMBER, SLATES, j; BRICKS, TILES, CEMENTS, LATHS, SEWERAGE PIPES, And all ether JBiwlding Materials, Mr E. MEEEDITH j°-N'Es' TIMBER YAR6 AND STEAM SAW MILL CHARLES-STREET, 1240 WREXHAM. AINSWORTH AND WEDGWOOD, yy 5, BODFOR-STREET, RHYL. AUCTIONEERS AND APPRAISERS, House, Land. Estate, and Commission Agents. Sales conducted in Town and Country with econom* and dispatch and settlements promptly made Cash Advanced on Goods consigned for pSidve Convenient and dry Rooms for the Storage of Furniture. Special arrangements made for the Collection êf Rents. Mortgages negotiated. OFFICES :-5. BODFOR-STREET, RHYL. 251b AND IRON TONIC purities and enriche the blood. TONIC ftrengtbens tùe nerves and mus<Ju1a.r system. promoteS appetite and improves dig6Stw>U. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC animates the spirits aud meutal faculties. P1 KPFER'S ^QuTnINE AND IBO^ TONIC, in scrofula wasting diaea«es, neuralgia, gciatioa, indigestion flatu- KII,I'NE.A f-D IEOS TONIC thoroujrblv VT„TH I £ eneral bodily health, and induces a vroner health} condition of the nervous and physical foroes is sold rfLfl i11^ everywhere in capsuled bottles., contaiLing S3 j — the label in red ink. I TARAXACUM AND pO»Ot'HYLLIN -A fluid combina- X tiou lor derangeineut of the liver, particularly irheH arising from slight congestion. By gently stimuliitio^ action of the liver and slightly moving the bowels, tbe heavv ZZrtrJT* °/ 0fttm ueadache> Pa-i" beneath the suouiaer.>, at the chest alter eating, unpleasant taste in the mouth, and other indication of°dysp%,iaLerefflov^ A,araxacum a»d Podophylhn is safer than calomel or blue Dili j for removing bile.—Prepared in the laboratory of J PEPPER j whose name must be on the labeL Bottle^ 2s 9d' and 4a (id. Sold by all chemists. M, ClULPHOLINE LOTION.—An external remedy for akia O dLseases. lhe most inveterate obstinate erurio-s and pimples are subdued by Sulpboliue, and a clear healthy ski. developed. 1 hose complaining ot teador, reddened and irritable tki*s, or affected by the sun, rough winds &.c and eveusuiferers tromcoiiititutionalxkin diseases will df rivelrrpS beneht and comfort by using SulpboCe L^'tTon XTh^ poweiiul conserving ami salutary action, removes the effect of constant perepiration, and maintains the cuticle in a free healthy coudition. Bottles. 2s 9d. sold by aU chc^Z /"IRACROFT'S ARECA NUT TOOTH PASTE —Bv t^A (Jeh^.ous aromatic dentifrice, tbe eiiumel ct polished like tine ivory. It Is exctedingly tragraut, aud specially useful for removiM tartar on neglected teeth. Sold by all chemists. Pots, lg aaf 2s 6d each. (Get Cracroft's). a** DEAFNESS, NOISES IN THH v.aks DELLAR'S ESSENCE or deafness has proved an extraordinary remedy. It always relieves Pgene,a«? cure- !» bottles at Is lid and 2s 9d, by all ekemists T OCKYEU'3 SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER?—For JU reatoring the colour ot the hair. X OCKYER;S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER will darken hair, and in a few days restore cimnletelv the natural colour. The effect ia superior to that produced bv an instantaneous dye, and the Sulphur Restorer doe^nor I 111 I T OCJv YES'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER whOe | f k'-epihg the hair ite proper colour, is useful for removine seurf no other application being necessary to encourage SI growth of new hair. TlJJ ^RUPTURES—BT HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. MOC-MAIN PATENT LEVER TRUSS v T requiring no steel spring round the bodv is mended for the following: £ >ecu7iariUe« and advsmWes^S^' facility of application; 2nd. perfect freedom from habihtvS! chafe or excoriate 3rd, it may be worn with equal comi £ t in any position of the body by night or day; 4th, it a<[mitK«f every kind of exercise, without the slightest inconvenient tX the wearer, aud is perfectly concealed irom observation We do nut hesitate to give to this invention our nn. qualified approbation; aud we strenuously advise the u £ «7T- to all those who stand iu need of that protection, which tw cannot so fully, nor wi.b the same comfort, obtain from other apparatus or truss iw from that whicn we have thJ State6 GMHtea" °U m recommendiiig," Church and by t(ie following eminent snreeong Sir William Ferguson, Bart., F.R.S., Surgeon and ProfeLr^ Surgery in Kong's College Hosnital r r A ,Xl J i Hospital; T. Blizard Curling, At, London Hospital; W. J. iisher, Esq., Surgeon-in-Chief totho Metropolitan Police Force-, AshtoS Keyf Esq!? sSn to '?te l"uce Albwrt>' Rebert Lis ton Eeq., i\ R.S Janes Luke ^u^ou to tlle London Trues Society; Erasmus Wileon lvsq., P.R.S., ana many others. n A descriptive circular may be had by poit, and tbe tra« (which caunot fail to ht) can be lorwa/dtd by posx, bv mSt- WwsstJsr '"e bo< MR WHITE, 228, PICCADILLY. A Single Truss, lto, 21s, 26s 6d, and 31a fid- A Double Tni^. a^ 6d, 42s, and 62s od, jijoSSf -D Tr,W3' aad S2e (ki; postage free i "• *"d' ww«» NEW PATENT. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE CAPS, &c Tb* material of which these are made is reoommeuded bv uae Faculty a3 being pecuharly elasUc and compresaible aS2 I the best invention for giving effiaient and permanent m all cases of weakness aud swelling of the legs, veau, sprains, &c. It a porous, ight in textuil and pensive, and is drawn on like an ordinary stocking Pritse, from 4s 6d. 7s 6d, 10s, to 16a each Doetnc* JOHN WHITE, Manufacturer, 228, PICCADI f^S^LONDOW Specimens may be seen at the Crystal Palace 7^ j THE RIGHT THING IN THE RIGHT PLACS tiprefor everything a place for everything' und thing m its place: one of the golden miwf 'b^t ivSK earned out. But in all places, and undeTSl where the Right Thing if to be founds applied at the right time, whether in tage, or the workshop, such a place will tea^w th light of Health, Happiness, and Contentment; And aa healthU one 9ft he greatest* euiporal blesuitim ht* one mau can bestow upon another, and as the sre&^tJzt ol health u to be found in restorer BEE CHAM'S PILLS it ie no wonder that the great human familv witt should pronounce them 7 w u cne | THE RIGHT THING IN THE SIGHT PLACE BE E C S A M S PTr -r are admitted by thousands to be worth a Box for BUious and Nervous Disorders «ctt w T1 Pain at the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddinese, JsweUing after meals. Dizziness and Drowein^ cttw Flashings of Heat, Loes of Appetite, of Coetivenees, Scurvy. Blotches on the Skin, Dimirbe^K?1^ 5oMht £ > ^eam9' 'iIlci Nervous Md\ranb £ j IS* For feimlei ot ait ages these Pills are invaluable XL« lemale should be without them. There is no me(ii^n»'<«\? found equal to Beecham's Pills for removing soy oiSfrt or irregularity of the system. If taken according to tions given with each box they wiR soon restart all ages to sound aad robust health. re ffcUiaje3 «* For a weak stomacb, impaired digestion anrt of the Liver, they act like "Magic," and a few dc^^flS found to work wonders upon the most imtortZU the human machine. Tiiey rtreugthen the • system, restore the long-lost complexion brinl wj. edge of appetite, aad arouse into action health, the whole physical energy of th2 rotebud of These are Facts" admitted by thoU^akUm&? ''raale-~ classes of society, ani one of the beet vousaud Debilitated is tliatajeecham^s StC>- sale of any patent medicine in the world 1"<" ,ar80«t BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. b)-«ah1n^€™hortue'00^^1 genera^ ^thma, difficulty ot ot Lfe, with oae voice 3ronounce them the best tor erads^S?! all those complaints to vv uieh flesh is heir to. Tb^v wtAnS without a parallel; au<l have the largest tale of aiv mttmH medicme m the world. y CAUTION^—The public are requested to notice that tk.. words Beeclium's riile, St. Helen's," are on ment Stamp affixed to each box of Pills: if not on t>.a forgery. UIJ lney ar«g Prepared only aad sold wholesale aud ref^il > „ prioton T. Beeoham, Dispensing Chemirt, St shire, 11, boxes at Is ijdand 2a 9d each Swi rl^ V 16 or 36 stamps. Sold by ail drugeisfe a™ lealers. R<i Pa:eot "iedieteo N.B,-Full du ecU^ are griven with each box. mru JBecJeitfs Paris Wne, —The murkaA • r. Laundry Blue over all others, and the itsmerita by the Public, has been result, viz.- a of Y nuunljr consists in tA>a inff>»nuitv*e*^rf^ + tlwlw* 6t^iag the square Shape bat makin^t^ JSiriT a eiwemwew tAatoftte IfonvfactwperB.beg tfcesrefM* t* *• WTW8 *•