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CHURCHES. WREXHAM. Parish Church.—Sundays. Morning Service at 11 a.m. Jveninsr Service at 6 :;0 p.m. Welah Bible Class at 9 p.m.; Weltih Service at 3 p.m. Holy Communion first Suuday in the month at U a.m.; second Sunday iu Welsh) at 8 o0 a.m.; ti1ird Sunday at 8 yo a.m.; awl on the principal Festivals of the Church nt 83J a.m. and 11 a.m.—Week Days. Morning j Service ou Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 a.m. Evening Service with a Sermon every Wednesday Evening at 7 p.m. Shoitened Evening Service with Bible Classen for Children every Friday Evening at 7 p.m. The Sacrament of Baptism is administered at thi* Church at 4 p.m. every Sunday; at the "Wednesday and Friday Morning Services, aud at other times ef required. The seats are all free and unappropriated. All the offertory collections ire made from the whoie con- I'regatioll, und "are devoted to the repair aud expenses of the Church, and the poor Rev. David Howell, vicar; Mr E. B. Sinims, organist ami choirmaster; Mr E. Lovatt, parish clerk. St. Murk s Church.—Sundays. Morning Service and Sermon at 11 a.IlI.; Evening Services at C ;;0 p.m. Holy Communion flrst Sunday in every mouth at S 30 a.m.; second Sunday at 11 a nr.; third Sunday at 10 a.m.; other Sundays at 8 30 a.m. and on the principal Festivals of the Church at 8 30 a.m. and 11 a in B bie Classes, for lell and Women, are held at the Church at 2 30 p.m. every Sun iay; and a Public Catechising •f the Sunda> s-chools at 3 p.m. on the first Sunday in every Hiomh —Week Days. Morning Service on all Holy Days at 11 n m The seats are all free and unappropriated. The offer- tories are devoted to the expenses tj the services, the repair •f the Church, and the poor. Organist and choirmaster, Mr II. Bennett. St. James's Church, Rhosddu.—Sunday*. Morning Service at 11 a.m.; Evening Service at 630 v.m. Holy Communion an the last Sunday in every month at 11 a.m. Sunday School at '2 :1') p.m. Bersham School Church.—Sundays. Morning Service at 10 30 a.m.; Evening Service at < 30 p.m. Holy Communion four limes a year. Sunday School at 2 30 p.m. Rhosnessuey School Church.—Sundays. Afternoon Service at 3 p.m. Sunday Schools.—A meeting of the Sunday School Teacher* it 1I,.ld at the Free School on the first Monday Evening in tverv month at 7 30 p.m.; and a Special Celebration of the Holy Communion once a quarter at the Parish Church. Visiting A-sociatton.—A meeting of the District Visiting Association is held at the Savings Bank on the second Monday Evening BANGOR ISYCOED. Parish Church.—Sundays. Morning Service at 11; After- noon Service at 3. The Holy Communion is administered on the last Sunday in each month, and on the great Festivals, after Ill" Morning Service. Sunday Schools at 10 a-m. and Z p in Rector, ltev. G. H. McGill; harmonium, the Mioses KcGill Eyton School Chapel.—Evening Servloa on Sunday at 6 30 alternate with the Rector of Marchwiel). BALA. Lhinvcil.—Welsh Service and Sermon at 10 30 a.m. Christ Church.—English Service and Sermon at In 30 a.m.; Sunday School at 2 p m.; English Service and Sermon at 3 15 p.m. Welsh Service and Sermon at 6 15 p.m. English Service on Saints Days; Singing Class on Mondays at 7 p.m.; Service and Sermon on nesdays at 7 p.m.; Bible Class on Fridays at 7 p.m. Administration of the Holy Communion on the first and third Sundays in each month. BRYMBO. St. Mary's Church.—Sunday. Morning Service (in English) at 10 30. Afternoon service (in Welsh) at 3 15. Evening Service (in English) at 6 30. Celebration of the Holy Comrnun on on the first anil third Sundays in the month, and on Hoi v Days. Sunday Schools at 9 a.m. and ? p.m. Singing Class on Tuesdays at 7 30 p.m. Service ou Wednesdays at 7 3o p.m. Kev. W. JOI.i-S, vicar; Rev. W. P. James, curate Mr J. ilattiias, organist; Messrs. J. E. Barker and J. Smith, ehurehwurdpus; Messrs O. May, John Powell, Richard Jones, and Azariali J ones, sidesmen. Bwleligwyn School church.—Sunday. Morning Services— "Welsh ai 10; aud Enclish at 11 30. Evening Service (in Weish) at 6 30. Snuday Bible Class on W- dneBdHys at 7 p.m. Rev. J. W. Jones, M.A., ourate-in- tharge EKBISTOCK. Morning Prayer daily at 8, except on Sundays and Holy Day. when it is "t 11 Evening Prayer at 6, on Sunday at #30 Holt Communion on the first Sunday in the month j after Morning Service; the Third Sunday at 8 a.m. HOLYWELL. Parish Church.—English Services are held on Surdays at 11 a.m. and 0 ;)11 p.m.; Welsh Services at 9 45 a.m. aud 6 p.m. There i a Welsh Service on Mondays at 7 p.m., anti an English Service at 7 p m. on Wednesdays, ltev. R. O. Williams, M.A., vicar; Rev. E. O. Williams, curate. LLANGOLLEN. Parish Church.—Sunday. Mutins at 10 30 a.m.; Litany and Evensong at"; alld Sunday School at ¡! p.m. Holy Communion every Sunday; and on Saints Days at R a.m. and on the first an third undays iu ftlch after the Moi nini ->vicp. Dailv l'vavrs at" *0 a.m. ana i. p.m., excei i -y. Wednesdays, when Eveneoi.g will ]M at 6 p.m. gr. John's Church (Welsh).—Sunday. Morning Service at lfl 30; Evening Service at 6. Holy Commuui'.n on the first Sunday in each month after the Morning Service. Weekday Service on ThllrsdaYI:i at ¡p.m. M. Mary's. Eglwyspg (Welsh).—Sunday School at 10 30 a.m.; Afternoon Service at 2 30. Holy Communion on rhe last Suu- day in each month, when the Morning Service will Oe at 10 30, with Holy Communion; vunt!ay School at 8 30 p.m.; Prayer Meeting at 6 p.m. Weekday Service on the Friday next toetere the Holy Communion at 7 a Preparatory Keetin" St. David's, Fron.—Sunday. English Service at 11a.m.; Sunday Schoo at 2 p.m.; Litany and Children's Service at J-lf>p.m.; Holy Communion on the second Sunday n each mouth after the Morning Service. Berwyn Mission Room.—Sunday School at 2 p.m. The serving Ministers are—The Rev. E. Rhys James, B.D., Wear, st the Vicarage; the Rev. Henry D. Mongan, B.A.. at Mr Price's, chemist. Bridge-street; the Rev. Richllrd Bowcott, B.A., at Mr Edwards', confectioner, Castle-street; the Rev. William Davies, B.A., at Mr Broughton Jonas', plumber. Market-street. MALPAS. Parish Church.—Sundays. Morning Prayer at 10 3f1; Litany at 11 tUR. Cormnuvion ervice, ith Sermon and Celebration Of the Holy Communion alII 15 a.m. The above Services are aid ogether, aud i ommence at 10 30; the hours for the several Services are given as nearly as possible, for the con- venience of those who for any reason may be prevented from attending the whole of the Services, or wish to attend one or moic only. Litany, Baptism, and Sermon at 2 30 p.III.; Even- ing Prayer and Sermon at 0 so. Rectors, Rev. C. W. Cox, and the Hon. the Rev. W. Trevor Kenyon organist, Miss Danlly; ehoirllllister, Mr A. D Callcott. MARCHWIEL. Marchwiel Church.—Services for Summer naif-year. Srlll- days—Celebration of the Holy Communion on the first and ttoird Sundays in each month after the Morning Prayer; and 811 other Sundays at 8 n.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11 Litany at 5 45 p.III.; Evening Prayer and Sermon at G 30. All Holy Days—Morning Service and Sermon at 11. Week Days-EvetJing Prayer, Sermon, and Bible Class on Fridays at i. The Hytnn Book u8pd is Hymns Ancient and Modern." Jiev W. H. Bo-cawen. rector. Eyton School.—Evening Prayer and Sermon on Sund-.ys at C 30 (alternate with the Hector of Bangor). MOLD. St Mary's Church.—Sunday. Morning Service. VenUe, f> Pgalrri 00(2) ill '(S)i 52 (4i; T Deum, IS MS.; Benedictus. 4 Evening Service. Psu ms, and (4 (2), 65 ( •); Cantata, 18 Bmedietu-; Den- Ki rea itr, r-. 1(17, K 2; Byrnns, 320, 310, aud o-5. Rovanl Ellis, vicar; Mr 1.)"le. organist. OVERTON. Parish Church.—Sundays. Morning Service at 11; Evening Service at Ii. Celebration d the Holy Communion 011 the first Sunday in the month at the Morning Service. Litanv, Churchings, and Baptisms, at S pm., on the fi st Sum.ay in the month. Rector, Rev. H. Mackenzie; organist, Mrs Batterby OSWESTRY. Parish Church —Ttvre is set vice in this Chnrch on Sundays also service* held daily at S 3" a.m. and 5p-m.; and on Thurs- Modern is used.—Sunday. Morning Service at 11. Venite. Henley in E Psalms, Goss in F; Te Deum, Kelway and Croft, Jubilate. Cook in F. Hymns, 274, 266, and 277. Afternoon Service at a 30 (,pf>cial Service ued). Evening • ervice at 6 30 Glorias, Cooke i y; ^Magnificat, Buck in E flat; Nuac Rev W. Howell Evans, ticar; h G. Gaffe, organist. PONTBLYDDYN. Christ Church.—Sundays. Morning Service at 1030; After. noon Evenin.r Servico (in Welsh) at 6 al).- Wednesdays. Welsh Service at 7 p.m. Logwood National School.—Sundays. Evening Service (in Po itblyddyn National School.—Thursdays, Bible Class at RHYL. Trinity Church.—Sundays. Morning Service at 9 45; Evening Service at 6 3"; Bible Class at 2 30 p.m.—Thursday. Evening Service at 7. The above Services are in Wels.i. There in an English Service at 11 16 a.m., at which all the Iltting:8 lire free. St. Thomas's Church.-Sunday. Tho nymn Hook used at tllis C nrch is that published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. There IS a rehearsal of Church music every Sundry after the Evening Service. A11 the sitting* un- occupied after the commeucrtiuent of tho service are 1reo. Mr F. Wrigley, organist. Va'road Schoolrooms.—Sundays. Bible Class in the Aftcr- aOOll at F,. Wellington-road Schoolrooms.—Sundays: Bible in Class the Afternoon at 2 15. Clwyd-street Schoolrooms —Sunday*. Bible Class in the Iteming at 9 45, and in the Afternoon at 2 30. RUTHIN. St. Peter's Church.—Sunday. Hymns Aneiant and Modern are sung. Morning Service at 11. Responses, Rimbanit Tpnite, Barrow G.oria Patri Barrow Te Deum, Crotch and Hayes-, Ben-dictus, Briue; Creed, Cruse; Hymn before: OMnmunion Servi II, 80"; Kyrie and Doxoiogy. Edwards; Hvmn belore Sermon, S17. Evening Service at 7. XVDMI. fiimbAOlt; Gloria J>.Hrt. Ouseley; Nunc Dimit'is, Goldwln; Creed, Cruse; Hymn after Third Collect, 165: Hymn before Sermon. 801; Hymn after prmon, 11. Mi88 Edwards, organi8t j Mr Lloyd, chOlr- master. RUABON. Parish Church.—Sundays. Morning Service at 11; Evening Service at 6 30 Welsh Service at 3 30 pm. Baptisms at 4 30 p.m. Holy Communion nt the Morning Service, the first Sunday in the month, and on the great FesrivalS.—Week' Days. Evening Service and Sermon on Wednesdays at 7; and during Advent and Lent, Morning Prayer on Fridays at] 1. There is a rehearsal of the Church music for the following Sunday afu-r the Sunday Evening Service; a180, Ii f;ini",1!' practice after every Wednesday Evening Service. The Hymn Book used is Hymns Ancient and Modern." Sunday Schools at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Rev E. W. Edward', vicar; Rev. C. F. Jones, curate; Mr Sparrow, oiganist and choir- master Mr R. Lloyd, parish clerk. Penycae Schoolroom.—Sundays. Evensong at 6 30. Bryil Schoolroom.—Sundays. Matins at 10 a.m. WYNNSTAY. Wynnstay Chapel.-Sundays. Evensong at 3 30 and 5 30; Sunday School at 2 30 p.m. During Lent, Service and Address on Wedne-day Mornings at 11, and Evensong and Sermon en Fridays at 7. The Hev. Studholme Wilson, M.A., prhate chanl-in-. Mr Sparrow orsanist (and private organist to Sir WatlriH Williams Wynn. Bart.. M.P.)







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