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bhttSts. | JR. C. FEARSLEY' ACCOUNTANT & ESTATE AGENT, Secretary of the Wrexham Di#trirt*Tr»*i wars Co., Secretary of the Wrexbam District Permanent L'uifdiiig Sijci,-ty, Agent for the North Brilish and Mermztile In- surance Compajy. OFFICER: 3, THE ARCADE, WRHX.HAM. lolo JP U B E AERATED WATERS ELLIS'S RUTHIN (f A I E R S CRYSTAL SPRINGS Soda Potass, Seltzer, Lemonade. Ullairt, and for GOUT. Lithia an-i Potass. CORKS BRANDED M R ELLIS & SON RUTHIN, A,.ad ivory labei bears their trade mark Sold e-ryw here and Wholesale of R. ELLIS & SON RUTHIN, NORTH WALES. 1070 c OCKLE'S AN'FIPILIOUS PILLS In nw pmonjrst all Clawe# of Society SEVE STY-SIX YEARS. May be had throughout the United Kingdom, In boxes at Is 1-Jd. 2s 9d. AeA M. and I Is. 1, NEW ORMOND-STKEET, LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1835. WHELP TON'S VEGETABLE PURIFYING PILLS ARE warranted not to contain a single particle of mercury or any other mineral sub- stance, br- consist entirely of medicinal matters yurely vegetable. For tort? years they have proved their value in thousand* of 'instances in diseases of the head, chest, towels, liver, and kidneys and in all skin complaints are one of the best medicines known. Sold in boxep, price 7 d, Is ljd, and 2s 9d each, by 0. WHBLPT and Sox, 3, Crane-court, Fleet-srreet, London and ru.iv be had of all che/nists and medicine tenders.' Sent free on receipt of 8. 14, or 33 stamps. 20 ¥1) Y W Y s o (i A. E T H (THE PRINCIPALITY). Published ertry Friday, Price One Penny: A GENET?AT. WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PRINTET IN THE WELSH LANGUAGE. AND ADVOCAT- ING CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES, Y D) ,GAl'.T.H has » very extpnglvt- circulation, being sold by .-i.g*nir> in almost EVERY TOWN and i.vMLET u North and Soath Wales; also. in London, Liverpool, Manchester, Jnestor, &c.. Stc. Y HTWTSOGASTH is not a LOCAL but NATIONAL NEWSPAPER, with a wides-i i- -irculation. T I.>TWTB0GA3T«—Advertisers maj feelassur -ii the boat, if not the only medium whereby their announce Bonts can be SIMULTANEOUSLY perased in every c>uniy THROUGHOUT THE WHO! t- OJo aXEe. All Orders, Ac., to the paM -h¡\r, J. Morrit, Y JIVWTS V'AFTN-: Office. Rhyl. Flintshire. OCKL^S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. These Pills consisr of a careful and peculiar Rd- mixture of the best and mildest vegetable aperients "With the pnre extract of the flowers of the camomile. They will be found a most efficacious remedy for deranle- ment. of the digestive organs, and for torpid action of the Iver and bowels, which produce indigestion and the se/eral varieties of bilious and I:ver complaints. They speedly reti ove the irritatien asd feverish state of the stomach, allay spasms, correct the morbid condition of The liver and organs subservient to digestion, promote a jue and healthv secretion of bile. and relieve the sonstitution of all gcuty mat'er. und other impurities, which, by circulating in the blood, must itijunously affect the seti,?n of the kidneys; thus, by r-nnovin^ the au,es productive of so much discomfort, they restore the odergies both ot body and mind. To these who indulge im the luxuries of the table, these pills will prove hitrhly eaeful occasioning no p&in in thpjr action unless they meet with an unusual quantity of acrid bile and acid matter is the stomach and bo,, els. T., Euro' eans on flieir arrival in Iwlia or China, they are recommended as a preservative against the fatal disorders peculiar to fcopical climates. Their occasional u?e, if combined with lLe strictest at-ention to diet, will be frequently found to pmove at once, by their influence over the secretions, I&at contzestiv, and unhealthy condition of tne liver wnicn II so often tbe earliest antecedeut of severe febrile and tanstitutional disturbance. It must be understood that these pills are not recom- mended as containing any new or daugeronsly active in- gredient- on the contrary, thev are characterised hy a immatkable simplicity of combination, and whatever merit ftev may be found to poshes" depends as much upon the election of pure drugs, and the unusual labour and at- tention bestowed upoa their subsequent preparation, M apon the acknowledged peculiarity of their composi- fou. rhey are not recommended as a panacea, Bor are they adopted to all complaints; but as a mild and efficacious aperient and tonic in the varions forma of indigestion it will not, perhaps, be an exaggeration to state that they lave been resorted to nnder all system!' of diet. changes of climate, or atmospheric alternations, with an extra- ordinary degree of success for upwards of 76 years. This celebrated family aperient may be had throughout the Waited Kingdom in boxes at Is lid. 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and lis, as well aA In India, China, New Zealand, and the Australian Colonies. OCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, c THL OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE, In Boxes at la lid, 2e trJ, 4s 6d, and lis. OCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, c In use the last 76 "PIUII for INDIGESTION. In Boxes at la lid. 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and lis. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, 18 use the last 76 years for BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. I. Boxes at Is 1H 2s tll, 48 6d, and Us. ^CKLS ANTIBILIOUS PILLS c In use the last 76 vears for LIVER COMPLAINTS. In Boxes at Is lid, 2s 94, 4a 6d, and lIs. 947h PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC "1 "OURIFIES and enriches I JL the blood, strengthens the nerves and muscular system, pro- motes appetite, improves digestion, animates tbe spirits and mental I faculties, excellent in scrofula, wastiag diseases, neuralgia, sciatica, indigestion, flatulence, weakness of 'l the chest and respiratory organs, v.6^ne, fever fall kinds. Thoroughly I recruits and re-establishe-1 the gene- ral bodily health.-Sold by chemists everywhere, in capsuled bortles, 4s 6d next size, Ils and in stone I jars, 22s each. The name, address, and trade mark of the proprietor, jolix PBPPBR, 237, Tottenham urt-road, London, is on the label. Any chemut will procure it to J order. DELLAR'S CORN AND BUNION PLASTERS. Boxes, Is lf:l and 2s 9i each. Tlie Corn Piasters are a certain cure for hard or soft serns the Bunion Plasters a proved remedy for bunions md enlarged toe joint*. Sold by all chemists. IRACROFT',I ARECA NUT TOOTH PASTE. By using this delicious Aromatic Den trifice the enamel of the teeth becomes white, sound and like ivory. it is exceedingly fragrant aad Socially n->eful for removing incrustations of tartar on ■ejected teeth. Sold by all Chemists. Pots, Is aad » 6d each. (Get Craeroft's.) DEAFNESS, NOISES IN THE EARS, &c. DEuLAR S ESSENCE for DBAFNESS a" provea an extraordinary remeoy. It always relieves, generally cares, and is strongly recommended by thou- ntads who have derived benefit. It is quite harmless. "d m bottler, Is lid and 2s 9d each, by all Chenaistn. TOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RE- jLt STORER will completely restore grey hair to its original colour without iujwy. it effects its object latij-factorilv, producing a peifectly natural colour; lberoug h I,r"c lean sea the bead from scurf, and caases the «wth of new hair. Sold everywhere by Chemists and Sair-dressers in large bottles at Is 6d. ^^EPPEK^^WHITE COUGH MIXTURE; JL the most reliable, speedy, and agreeable core for langhis, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, and tA diseases of the lungs lId air passages. It is soothing and comforting in its act-ion, and quito different from 1 su, cough remedies. Bottloa Is lid and 2J 1 each. g^i kj aH Gfa 1159 Wrabtzmm's ^bbnsscs. FIRST-CLASS NEW 1WATERPBOOF TBNTS AND MARQUEES ON HIRE, With all the necessary Fitting-, Lights, &c., adrtpted for FLOWER and oàer SHOWS. Weddings, Pic nics and all kinds of Parties, with suitable Decorations, and Boarded Floors, if required, on reasonable terms. Apply to R. H. MEDLICOTT) REFRESHMENT CONTRACTOR, (°urveyor to the Wrexham Art Treasures Exhibition), OBEYHOUND STORES SHREWSBURY TENT WAREHOUSE-32, MARDOL, SHREWSBURY. H.B.—Tbo above Tents can be lighted with gas irrespeative lace of erection. 22o OBSERVE! OBSERVE!! OBSERVE!! A GREAT CLEARANCE OF SURPLUS SUMMER STOCK AT MUCH REDUCED PRICBS, T 41, Ig I L L I A M S 34, HIGH-STREET, DENBIGH, Respectfully informs his nnmerons friends and connection that he is offering kit SURPLUS SUMMER STOCK, At considerably reduced prices, in order to make room for Antuma goods, and will favour his customers with some special bargains in Costumes, Fichues, Jackets, Silks, Dresses. Prints, Woollens, Gentle- men's Outfitting, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Straw Hats, Carpets, Oilcloths, Mattings, Wall Papers, &c &c. The above comprise the latest novelties in the most charming designs. Tne favour of an early call is respectfully solicited. OOOo I I MESSRS. WILLIAMS & EVANS, GENERAL HOUSE, FIRST-CLASS PASSENGER STEAM SHIP AND OFFICE FURNISHERS. HOUSE FURNISHING a foremost branch of APPLIED DECORATIVE ART. ENGLISH COMFORT and sterling value in nfdion with CONTINENTAL ELEGANCE and Colonial and general cottly Woods, c. Cnarget in harmony with a fair reasonable profit. Personal Supervision qf all Orders. Beg respectfully to call the attention of their patrons and the general public to the im- portant fact that House Furnishing is now becoming, more and more, a recognised el branch of APPLIED DECORATIVE ART. Foreseeing that it must, eventually, occupy a foremost place in this direction, Messrs. W. ct E. aim at practically combining the com- fort, solidity, and sterling value of what is purely ENGLISH in Style, with all that is Artistic in Design. or valued for Beauty of Material, in whatever is FOREIGN, whether found in Continental, Colonial, or other loreign marts. <3T Their prices will continue to be ap- I | portioned, with a strict moderation, to the nature and extent of the commands with which they may have the honour to be entrusted in the future. Messrs. W. go E. offer this expression oj their most grateful thanks for the very kind patronage they have so long received, and their Patrons may rely upon ALL OImERB receiving their own PERSONAL SUPERVISION. 66 & 68, Argyle-street, Birkenhead. 1120 I I BUY RECKITT'S PARIS BLUE, IN SQUARES, As supplied to the Laundress of the PRINCESS OF WALES IT is used by the RICHEST On accouut of its BEAUTY, And bv the POOREST, Because of its CllEAPNESS t PRICE ONE PENNY THE SQUARE, To be had of all respectable Grocers, Oilmen, and Druggists. Beware of Injurious Imitations. Letter from the Duchess of Edinburgh's Laundress- Shepherd's Bush, October 28th, 1874. Messrs Reckitt and Sons. "GBKTLKMK! lam very much pleased with your SQUARE BLUE. I h*ve now used for some time, and boi h for BEAUTY of COLOCR and ECONQ.MY it far SURPASSES any other I have hitherto used.—Yours respectfully, SARAH GARDNER, &lie Laundress to H.R.H. the Duchess of Edinburgh W & A GILBEY'S NATURAL LIGHT WINES FROM FRANCE, GERMANY AND HUNGARY Owing to the favorable recommendation of the Medical Profession, the increase in the consumption of Natural Light Wines has during the past few years been altogether unprecedented. The under- mentioned List contains some of the leading varieties of each class of Natural Light Wines, and while offering an agreeable variety of choice to consumers the Wines will be found of remarkable quality and value at the prices charged. The moderate prices of these W ines are accounted for to a great extent by the fact of their coming to this country at the lowest rate of duty. D*. DRUITT'S report on Sparkling Saumur Wines, which appeared in the Medical Times, vil ba forwarded oa application. AGENTS— A. & T. ASHFORD, Grocers, High Street DENBIGH J 0- BUY RECKITT'S PARIS BLUE, IN SQUARES, As supplied to the Laundress of the PRINCESS OF WALES IT is used by the RICHEST On accouut of its BEAUTY, And bv the POOREST, Because of its CHEAPNESS 1 PRICE ONE PENNY THE SQUARE, To be had of all respectable Grocers, Oilmen, and Druggists. Beware of Injurious Imitations. Letter from the Duchess of Edinburgh's Laundress ■— Shepherd's Bush, October 28th, 1874. Messrs Reckitt and Sons. "GBKTLKMK! lam very much pleased with your SQUARE BLUE. I h*ve now used for some time, and boi h for BEAUTY of COLOCR and ECONQ.MY it far SURPASSES any other I have hitherto used.—Yours respectfully, SARAH GARDNER, Laundress to H.R.H. the Duchess of Edinburgh W & A GILBEY'S NATURAL LIGHT WINES FROM FRANCE, GERMANY AND HUNGARY Owing to the favorable recommendation of the Medical Profession, the increase in the consumption of Natural Light Wines has during the past few years been altogether unprecedented. The under- mentioned List contains some of the leading varieties of each class of Natural Light Wines, and while offering an agreeable variety of choice to consumers the Wines will be found of remarkable quality and value at the prices charged. The moderate prices of these W ines are accounted for to a great extent by the fact of their coming to this country at the lowest rate of duty. D*. DRUITT'S report on Sparkling Saumur Wines, which appeared in the Medical Times, vil ba forwarded oa application. AGENTS— A 4 T. ASHPORD, Grocers, High Street DENBIGH J NATURAL RED WINES NATURAL WHITE WINE9 (ottk Dozen Bottle DMM CwSe A CUBET /TW^CW^I/ 12/ Caale A WHITE BURCtJHOY 1/6 18/ Castle B CLARET j quality aui valnc, jl/3 15/ | Castle B WHITE BUBCUHDY ■» 2/ 24/ Castle C CLARET i and whelcaome as 11/8 18/ Castle A. SAUTERNE •• •• 1/3 15/ f the choicest Cla- I Castle D CLARET \retsproduced )2/ 24/ Castie B SAUTERNE •• -,2/ 24J Castle 1 BED BURCUNDY •* 1/3 15/ Castle A. WHITE HUNGARIAN -*1/6 18/ Carte 2 RED BURGUNDY •• 1/6 18/ Castle B WHITE HUNGARIAN 1/9 21/ Castle 1 KARL0W1TZ HUNGARIAN 1/6 18/ Castle A HOCK (sauj 1/8 18f Caotie 2 KABL0W1TZ HUKCARIAtt 1/9 21/ Castle B HOCK (StM) 2/ 24/ Tbe above Wises (an b* supplied in Pint Bottles at half the prices auatloMd, "with 6d. per doaen Pints added. SPARKLING CHAMPAGNE—Attention is directed to the Jeduction in price of the foD owing Champagnes, namely, 3/ per dozen each Castle 1 & 2 are pure wholesome Wines for ordinary use; OMtle 3 & 3A are Champagnes Hsually sold in this country under special braads and at high prices; Castle 4 & 4A are high-claso Wines of extra quality; and Castle 5 & 5^ highest classed Champagnes produced in France irrespective of price. Cotfe 1 etUMPACHEf | c"tk 4 F"^ OUHPMWEf ^—4/6 54/ 2 S S3 c-d. 4AXV, CHMMWKl- a/5 29/ Cafe 2 M, etlMMUWEj ?** ?{? CMle 3 Mr CHAMPACME ( o— 3/6 42/ c,5tle 5 Dr> 80/ Castle 3A Dry GHAMPACMEl ft-e 1/11 23/ 1 Castle 5A VeryZh^mfM3Ki{^ 2/11 35/ SPARKLING SAUMUR WINES.—These dry Sparkling Champagnes firooa Saastsr of w>st wwrlWit quality, and are highly recomwi ended by the Medical Profesoioo. 9 XaatkfSAHHUR Stiver F^a {^"1^ | Castle SAOMUR Gold FkM [ yjf Vsc particulars of moore than 200 varieties of W ines 6c Spirit* see W & A €HTbey*s Book of Prices WREXHAM. JACKSON and SOUS, NORTH WAIFS CARRIAGE WORKS, HOLT STREET. Landaus, Sociables, Brou^V ;'ms, Victorias, Ac., Ac., to order. 7586e E. POWELL, Genera Furnishinif ir<nroonp:er, Iron Merchant, Agricultural Impla- ri.pntl>ei«t f! vn H 11. and 6 Abbot Street. 6727 0 Castle 1 BED BURCUNDY 1/3 15/ castle A WHITE HUNCARIAN 1/6 18/ Carte 2 RED BURGUNDY •• 1/6 18/ Castle B WHITE HUNGARIAN 1/9 21/ Castle 1 KARL0W1TZ HUNGARIAN 1/6 18/ Castle A HOCK (sauj 1/8 18f Caotie 2 KABL0W1TZ HUKCARIAtt 1/9 21/ Castle B HOCK (StM) 2/ 24/ Tbe above Wises (an b* supplied in Pint Bottles at half the prices auatloMd, "with 6d. per doaen Pints added. SPARKLING CHAMPAGNE—Attention is directed to the Jeduction in price of the foD owing Champagnes, namely, 3/ per dozen each Castle 1 & 2 are pure wholesome Wines for ordinary use; OMtle 3 & 3A are Champagnes Hsually sold in this country under special braads and at high prices; Castle 4 & 4A are high-claso Wines of extra quality; and Castle 5 & 5^ highest classed Champagnes produced in France irrespective of price. Cotfe 1 etUMPACHEf | c"tk 4 F"^ OUHPMWEf ^—4/6 54/ 2 S S3 c-d. 4AXV, CHMMWKl- a/5 29/ Cafe 2 M, etlMMUWEj ?** ?{? CMle 3 Mr CHAMPACME ( o— 3/6 42/ c,5tle 5 Dr> 80/ Castle 3A Dry GHAMPACMEl ft-e 1/11 23/ 1 Castle 5A VeryZh^mfM3Ki{^ 2/11 35/ SPARKLING SAUMUR WINES.—These dry Sparkling Champagnes firooa Saastsr of w>st wwrlWit quality, and are highly recomwi ended by the Medical Profesoioo. 9 XaatkfSAHHUR Stiver F^a {^"1^ | Castle SAOMUR Gold FkM [ yjf Vsc particulars of moore than 200 varieties of W ines 6c Spirit* see W & A €HTbey*s Book of Prices WREXHAM. JACKSON and SOUS, NORTH WAIFS CARRIAGE WORKS, HOLT STREET. Landaus, Sociables, Brou^V ;'ms, Victorias, Ac., Ac., to order. 7586e E. POWELL, Genera Furnishinif ir<nroonp:er, Iron Merchant, Agricultural Impla- ri.pntl>ei«t f! vn H 11. and 6 Abbot Street. 6727 ri.pntl>ei«t f; vn H 11. and 6 Abbot Street. 6727 SEWING MACHINES. Agent for the Singer, Howe, Wilcox and Gibb's Princess of el s Wales, Peabody and a First-class Machines, S. SOTHERN, 21, Charles Street. 5408 ILLIAM SNAPETFAMILY WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANT, LION HOUSE, bbi-H STREET. t#Ob (tT frabesmen's Ibbrtssts. D. D. pIBRCE, HEISBLAS STREET, TfREXHAM, Begs to call attention to his well-selected stock of TV AOAttiSS. Silver Genevas, XI to X3 3s. Eaglish levers, .£4, lOa to JB10. Gold Genevas, E3 51 to JS 10s. told English Levers, X7 109 to X25. The Reaowned Wattham Mass Lever Watches, C4 10s to xs 108. Goneva Levers, jewelled in too holes, from X2 2s to AS 10.. UWU.&6. Bedreom, 6a to 30s. Kitchen Eight Days' (Strike) 19s to 60s. Brass Case Horizontal, 15s to 25s. Cnckoo, 50s and upwards. Invalid Lamp Clock at £ 2 10s. Bronze Alarums, 308 and up. wards. Cupid Swinging Timepiece, Z2 28 to X5 10s. JKWELLKK*. Plated Lockets from Is N to rA. Gold'Lockets (bright), 7s id to 35s. Plated Earrings, Is 6d to 5s. Gold Earrings (bright), 3s M to 25s. Stu's and Sleeve Links, Is and upwards. Sleeve Links, Collar, and Front Studs (complete), 38 6d to S3 10s. ladies- Fancy Rings from 5s 6d to X5. Gentlemen's Signet Rings from 7s ■ d to £ 19. The Renowned Austrian REGULATORS from a 10s to £35. CLOCK, BAROMETER, AND THERMOMETER COMBINED AT ALL PRICES. Every Watch and Clock Warranted from one to five years, and exchanged it one month, if not approved. Bvsry description of WATCHES and CLOCKS skilfully REPAIRED upon the premises. SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS AT ALL PKICES. GEORGE HOTEL, QUEEN-STREET, RHYL. ranj visitors require Bass & Co's Prime Bottled Ale, or Messss Arthur Guinness, Son, JL A Co's Extra Stout, apply to Mr HBALING, George Hotel. Queen-street, and there will be fonnd the genuine and well-matured article also Winoe and Spirits of the finest quality. All orders promptly attended to, and sent out according to appointment. N.B.—Constantly on Hire, at the George, a stock of COTTAGE PIANOFORTES, is rosewood, walnut, and mahogany cases. Apply as noted above. 67o GREAT BRITAIN MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, FOUNDED IS 44. Empowered by Bpecial Act of Parliament 25 and 26 Vic., chap. 74. CHIEF OFFICE 101 CHEAPSIDE, LONDON E.C. THE Abstract of Valuation Balance Sheet to 31st December, 1873, prepaied hy Mr W. M. Makeham, Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries, and Mr Peter Grey, Hon, Member of the Institute of Actuaries, shows the Ic s. d. Total Assets 1,090,060 3 11 Total Liabilities 927,034 11 3 Reserve £ 163,025 12 8 From the Insurance Review Index of One Hundred British Life Assurance Offices, it appears that the Great Britain is one of a very few which has kept up a continuous yearly increase since the passing of the Life Assurance Act in 1870, as follows:— 1871 £ 255,809 1872 306.465 1873 364,467 1874 374,302 1875 426,675 COMMITTBS OF REFERKNCE FOR NORTH WALKS Capta;n R. LLOYD WILLIAMS, J.P., Denbigh, JOHN R. HUGHES Esq., M.D., Denbigh. JOHN PRYSE LEWIS, E-q., Solicitor, Park-street, Denbigh. DISTRICT MANAGER Mr JAMES A. YORKE, Branch Office, Vale-street, Denbigh THE GREAT BRITAIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. CHIKF OFFICE: 101, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON Subscribed Capital, £ 100.000; Premium Income for 1875 above £ 30,009. DISTRICT MANAGER: Mr JAMES A. YORKE. BRANCH OFFICE: VALE-STREET, DENBIGH. N.B.—Agents Wanted. Respectable men are invited to apply to the Sistriet Manager. 1324o RICHARD EYANS & COMPANY, W R E X II A M. PURE AERATED MINERAL WATERS. SODA WATER, POTASS WATER, LEMONADE, GINGERADE, SELTZER WATER, QUININE TONIC, AND LITHIA WATER. These and other Aerated Beverages are prepared with the utmost tare by Practical Chemists. Our Vans deliver on regular days throughout the year at the following places:- WREXHAM, RUABON, CHIRK, GOBOWEN, MALPAS, ELLESMERE, OSWESTRY, HANMER, GRESFORD, PENLEY, TILSTON, BERSHAM, FARNDON, BANGOR ISYCOED, VRON, FFRITH, MOSS, ROSSETT, CAERGWRLE, RHOS, CEFN, RHOSYMEDRB, BRYMBO, MINERA, TRYDDYJT, PONTBLYDDYN. We also forward, CARRIAGE PAID, to any Railway Station in the Kingdom. or AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN IN NORTH WALBB. AERATED WATERS IN FRENCH SYPHONS. ORDERS PER POST OR TELEGRAM PROMPTLY ATTENDRD wro. RICHARD EVANS AND CO. Beg to call attention to their speciality of AROMATIC GINGER ALE Which is an AGREEABLE, STIMULATING, and HEALTHY BEVERAGA at the same time NOT INTOXICATING. it is equally a pleasant invigorating drink in hot as in cold weather, and is highly recommended, ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. CHEMICAL LABORATORY, WREXHAM: H THE PERTH DYE WORK. (ESTABLISHED 1814). P. AND P. CAMPBELL, GENERAL DYERS AND CLEANERS, PERTH. NORTH WALBS AGENTS AS UNDER WRBXHAH-Mis8 Ellis, Hosier, 45, Hope-street. RUABON—Mr Smith, Grocer and Draper Bridge-street. LLANGOLI.,F,N-Misaes J. and C. Hughes, Milliners, 9, Castle-street. OSWESTRY—Mr P. H. Jones, Hosier, Bailey-street. BALA—Messrs R. and E. Jones, Drapers. POITTM ADOC-Mrs Williams, Dressmaker, laG, High-street, CARNARVON—Mrs Roberts, 7. Hitjh-street. BANGOR-Mi88 C G. Hughes, Dressmaker, 33, Hotyhoad-road. LLANDUDNO—Mr Thomas Ellis, Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer, Church w. RHYL-Mr W. G. Howard, Upholsterer 48, Kinmel-street. DENBIGH—Mr Thomas Howard, 8, Hall square. 9tth JOHN BEIRNE, ALBION CANDLE WORKS, GIll TOWN HIJ£, iTBEXBiK i^rabtsmcit's Jlbbresscs. rjlHOMAS ILLIAMS, LAIB OVERTON & WILLIAMS, Wine Merchant, TOWN HALL, WREXHAM OLD WINE THE SICILIAN MADEIRA— Pnre, Soft. and free from Acidity. Much saserist to cheap Sherry. 21j perdos EXCELLENT DINNER CLARET— At 12s and 14-1 per doz. The Wine warranM perfectly pure, rich in body slid Savor,, and the best dinner wine at the price. ST. EMILION, 18s, ST. JULIAN, 21s, And other fine growths up to 84s per^dMt DINNER SHERRY- From 24s to 30s per doz. Much recommend" Finer Wine, rich or dry, up to 72" per doz. FINE OLD POHT- 30s, 36s, 42s, and 48 per doz. EXCEEDINGLY FINE MADEIRA— 42s per doz. Own impoi ting SPARKLING CHAMPAGNE— 30s, 36s, and 42s; tiaast qualities, COa anll7* per doz STILL AND SPARKLING HOCKS AND MOSELLES— In great varieties from 28s to GOs per dox. FINEST OLD IRISH AND SCOTCH MAUF WHISKlES- 11 and 21s per gallon. FINEST PALE OR BROWN COGNAC- 288, 30s, and 32s per gallon PALE BRANDY— Twice rectified and divested of all Fusel Oil, ls for gallon. Of undoubted purity, and better adapted to the use of invalids than any other Spirit. Samples can be seen in Offices, front of Ton Hall. ft JOHN H. KIDD & CO., Manufacturers of RAILWAY WAGGON COVEII -W XlCK AND TENT CLOTHS, uART CO VERS, LiME SHEETS, All sizes kept in stock. BRATTICE CLOTH, AIR-TU BIN8 HOBBB CLOTHS, WATBRPKOOP RUGs, INDIA-RUBBER GOODS Hoofing Dry Hair, and Boiler Felt, SACKS, COTTON WASJE, LAMP WICKS. OFFICES PUBLIC HALL, WREXHAM. 6991 ARTIFICIAL TEETH MR ALLIN, DENTIST, (174,TOBK-STREET, HULME, MANCHESTER*, Begs to aunounce that he will be in ATTENDANCE Every THURSDAY, Jbrom 10 to 7, at the APO HALL, 18, TOWN HILL, WREXHAM. Teeth fixed without extracting teeth or ttumps, and teeth filled, scaled, or cleaned without the least pain. Arrangements can be made to wait upoa patients at their own residences. Coiisultations Fj-e*. 38o ^j_LENFiELD. GLENFIELDT THE QUEEN'S LAUNDRESS SAYS THIS STARCH IS THE BEST SHE EVEli USD. GLENFIELD. GLENFIELD OLD SWAN COMMERCIAL INK AND BREWER I, ABBOT-STREET, WREXHAM EDWARD LOVATT, PROPRIETOR AUCTIONEER AND VALUER. EQUAL TO HOME MADE. P. HARTLEY'S MARMALADES & PRESERVES ARE THE BEST. WILLIAM P. HARTLEY V invites attention to the superier quality of this season's Preserves, the fruit for which has been hand-picked and snuffed with the same cire as ie exercised in domestic preserving, pie- ducing an article equal to home-made. The quality of Mr Hartley's product is excellent." CONFECTIONERY WORKS: BOOTLE, UVERPOOI. HEALTH FUR ALL HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. This great Household Medicine ranks amongst the eading necessaries of life. fllHESE famous Pills purify the Blo, • and act most powerfully, yet soothingly on the LIVER, 8TOMACII, KIDNBTS, and Bowols, giving tone, energy, and vigour to these great Main Springs of They are confidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become mpaired or weakened. They are woudoifully efficacioso in all ailments incidental to Females of all ages; and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, are unsur- passed. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Its Searching and Healing Properties are known through- out the worid. For the cure of Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, OLD WOUNDS, SORES, AND ULCERS, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as salt into meat, it cures Sore Throet, Diphtheria, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and evem Asthma. For Glandular Swellings, Abscesses, Piles. Fistulas, GOOT, KHEU5IA.TISM, and every kind of Skiu Disea-e, it has never bJen know. to fail. Both Pills and Ointmou are Sold by all ivlejiciae Vendors throughout the Civilised World. 1259* For the Blood is the ife."—See Deuteronomy chap. xii, verse 23. CLARKE'S WORLD FAMED BLOOB XS MIXTURE for Cleansing and Clearing the Blood from All Impurities, cannot be too highly recom nendedj Cures Old Sores Cures Ulcerated Sores in the Neck Cures Ulcerated 1..<i: Cures Blackhead:, or Pimpiet on Face Cures Scurvy Sores Cnres Cancerous Ulcers Cures Blood and Skin Disease* Cures Glandular Swellings Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter, from whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted tree from mercury—which all pills and most medicines icld for the above diseases contain—the Proprieior solicite sufferers to give it a trial to test its value THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS ALL Soldi n Bottles 2s. 6d. each, and m Cases cont ainin'ir ottles, lie. each, sufficient to effect a permanent corf a, ong-standmg ca^es, by ail Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors; or sent to any address on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps, by F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, High-street, LINCOLN, wholesale AGK.VTS Barclay & Sons, London, and all the Wholesale Houses 3J97 PILlg is warranted to cure all discharges trom the U 111 km- Organs, in either sex, acouired or constitutional Gravft, asd pains in the baek. Sold in boxes, 4s 6d each, #r all chemists and patent medicine vendors; or se*t to'aft* address for «0 stamps by the maker. F. J. Clarke, o«aI. suiting ehomiat, H gh-street, Li'HCOIo. Who'lesiS Agents, Barclay and Sons, London, end all the WholeoSe Bovses. liflll