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THE WREXIIAM NATIONAL EISTEDDVOD. THE CONCLUDING PROCEEDINGS. The proceedings of the fourth concert, were not con- cluded when WI1 went to press last week. It is only necessary here to notice one or two of the chief featuI es of the evening. b-L Mills' choius, "Y VVybren Dlis,' sung by the iiistetidvod choir, uuder tLe composer's leadership, was rapturously applauded. Madame fatey's singieg was, throughout, 01 the highest order, aud each SQug was eucoied. Madame Wynne, Miss Marian Williams, and Ma.uame Patey deligntcd the audience with a splendid rendering of the triO, My lady, the C.untt::8," aud weie honoured wit& an encore. Mynyddog was most happy ia his serio-comic songs, and, as usual, brought down the house. On one occasion be cheated his admirers by reserving the last verse of his song to be givon as aa encore. Mr Brinley Richards played a pianoforte solo with great brilliancy, and never I te better advantage. In answer to a re-call he bowed his aaknowledgment, but the audience insisted upon their encore being responded to, and the popular composer and pianist was compelled to give another piece. Madame Wynne had the honour of being re-called alter giving "Bid me discourse," and siae then sang her labourite song, Ihu beils of Aberdovey." On this evening the rule of the committee that no encore should be allowed was, by some mistake, broken through. It is due to some of the vocalists jWho -appeared on previous Bights that we should state that this rule debarred them from responding to most emphatic re-calls. Tne concert closed with the Mationai Anthem by the Eis- teddvod choir, which had done such good service at all the meetings. At is to be hoped that so efficient a choir f will not be allowed to dissolve, but that their excellent efforts will be utilised on many future occasions. Mr Mills is deserving of thanks uf all interested in the ¡ Eisteddvod for the care and attention he bestowed on the singers. Mynyddog, when the concert was concluded, rcse to propose a hearty vote ot thanks, jto chairman ot the committee (Dr. Williams), and to the committee -for the excellent arrangements made (applause). Hesaid he had never-atteuaed an iiisteddvoa so magniiiuently got up and so well arranged (eheeia). The Rev-D. Howell (Vicai of Wrexbam) said he did not rise asst.member of the committee, as they had been excluded from the privilege 01 ohering thanks to their Cbairmaa, but he knew he should be expressing-the leelings of all present when he said that the committee were deeply.indebted to Ih Williams lor the services that he had rendered, not only that eveniug, but for many months past (applause). At the close of that .most successful gathering they could not be too thankful for the great favours they had received. Their thanks-were due tirot, and with all reverence, to Divine Providence for the beautiful weather of the wtek; next to the ladies and "geutlemen for the cheerful, he might say courageous, support they had accorded to theci.: for although they, in common with the committee,.might feel a lutle exhausted, he was cotindent they would have no objection after all to commencing another EistedfiLvod about the beginning of next week (laughter, and uppiause). But all the anxiety and labour w.hich had been incurred would have been without any good or beneficial result bad it not been for the kind and con- stant support of the public .generally (hear, .bear). Il was not etiquette to return thanks lor professional assist- ance, but they would aJJ agree with him that the services rendered by all concerned in the superintendence of the general arrangements, and the carrying act of the programme to a successful issue were of the most enthusi- astic character, from Sir Julms Benedict to the youngest member of the Kisteddvod .choir (applause). Tneir thanks were especially due to their friend and neighbour who had so ably occupied the chair that evening-thear. hear)—for they, had no conception of the auiouct of willing cheerful labour wh:cu.had been undertaken by their worthy chairman and indefatigable secretary- (cheers)—during the past letv weeks; and from the moment .Dr Williams had delivered to there his very pleasing address that evening, they had every reason to be thankful for the part he had tuken to bn11,g the .Elslouvod.to a satisfactory close (applause). Mr Charles Hughes, in seconding the vote of thanks proposed by Mynyddog, saiu that Dr Williams' urbanity and kindness of disposition had often settled some of I the questions in committee, ijuon which the members had liequentiy differed, and, ls., questions upon which they nad agreed to differ (hear, ilear). The Kisteddvod, which was so near its close, had, he was glad to say, resulted in.a grand haivest, axid Jie was equally pleased 10 find that the fneuds coming to the Blsteudvod ,had also given an equally "good harvest" to the .Art treasures Exhibition over the .way (applause). On the pievious day there were no less tnau 6,5U0 visitors to the exhibition—(cheers)—and this was mainlv due to the managers woo had lindly allowed excur- slunists to eater the exhibition building at ball-price, ou production of the return halves" of their excursion tickets. Of these excursionists* upwards of 5,000 had visited the exhibition in this manner with their railway ucaets—(renewed applause)—and during the daysot the Eistuddvod there had been he was sure-and he was within the mark—between and 30,000 people within the confines of tbeil" town. It would also redound to the.credit of Wales that the utmost temper- ance" had been exhibited by the Welsh people during the past four dMJs of their visit to Wrexham (applause)., in couclusionL, lie could only say thai the National Ijiisteddvod and Art '.treasures Exhibition of 18/tj would live m their memoues for many years to come and ho had once great pleasure in seconding the vote of thanks (cheers). The resolution having been put to the meeting and carried by acclamation, Dr Williams, in leturning thanks, said the services they bad rendered had been a "labour of love," but it was, nevertheleis, delightful to receive the reward which those present had given them throughout. Tne com- mittee had asked for success, aad it had been kindly grauud them, aud it. had been his pleasure to hear from the mouths of old people who were constantly in the habit ot aiteading Ifiisieddvodau, that they had never beloie seen an Jhisteddvod at which the a'nangements had been so compete (applause), adding that the com- mittee had appeared througnout to have auticipited the wishes of ull present ^app.aune). As their worthy had observed, they had ludeed cause to be thaukful for the exceedingly propitiaus weather with which they had been blessed during the week, for it would indeed have been a sad thing had it been otherwise, 11.1; the pavilion was but a temporary builj,ng but thanks to the genius I of their able architect (Mr Howei Davies), they had been provided with a gtonous structure-and oue in all respects suitable to tne purposes for which it was re quired (applause). It would be simply impossible to accord to all the meed of praise to wnich thry were so justly entitled, but they must certainly not forget one who had contributed in so Aarge a degree to their presen. success, and he knew they would all anticipate him when he announced the came of Yt Estyn"' (Ioua applause). The next bnsiaess which the committee would have in hand would also be a matter of much importance—viz., the "settling up." Thanks to those who had so kindly accorded tneir support, he hoped they should be able to settle without much difficulty, and that they would have the pleasure, when they came to sink- a balance, of finding that they had a very large sum to hand o?«r to the Aberystwitn College (loud cheers). Before they had a baiauce at all, they had been twitted wuhthe remark that they weie ''counting their chickens before they were hatched." Thanks, however, to those ladies who had been and were then present, the com- mittee would have at the close a most satisfactory and substantial balance, which would be appropriated as was previously intended (applause) Kstyn then stepped on toe platform and said—1 have now stood for so many years, upon an Eisteddvod pla'- f irm, before my fellow-countrymen, and have been so accustomed to receive fiom them the greatest kindness, that I really begin to thiuk myself eutitled to it! (hear, hear, and laughter), and I am afraid that I shall pre'- sentlv be like the old man, who, for many rears, used to receive efery morning a piut of milk at the Rectoi's house, and when lie died—good old man that he was— he left the "pint of milk" in his will to his brother for life (renewed laughter and applause). Mynyddog then proposed Cheers ail round," first complimenting the secretaries and officers (and amidst much laughter he added -'myself") for the good srrange- ments. He stated that he had received a verv satisfac- tory communication from Deputy-chief "Constable Bradshaw, to the effect that during the week, notwith- standing the many thousands of persons who had visited Wrexham, not a single case had occurred either inside or outside the pavilion in whIch. it had beon necessary to call iuto requisition the services of the police (great applause). Mynyddog next called for three cheers for the police, aud Mr Mills an.i his choir, which were heartily accorded. Vociferous cheers at the call of the Vicar were then given for Mvnyddog. and the proceedings of the Great National Eisteddvod of 1876 were brought to a close. MR BRINLEY RICHARDS ON WELSH HARPS. W II were unable last week from want of space to in- sert in full, Mr Brinley Richard's remarks in adjudica- ting (for Lady Cuuliffe) on the Welsh harp. He said:— Harps in Wales, like those in Ireland and Scotland, were of various sizes, indeed, the Irish ftrmerlv had four distinct kind of harps, to which they give different names. The best model of the Welsh harp is the one made by Basset Joues, of Cardiff, under the superin- tendence of the late Rev. J Pnce, of Cwmdu (Carnuhan- ac), who was decidedly the best authority m Wales. Muny of the finest harps were formerly made by Daniel Morris, of Llanrwst, and Dafydd Cadwaladr. Carnu. hanauc's harp was lent by Lady Llanover to he Duke of Edinburgh for his collection of musical ips rumnts, and was afterwards presented by her ladyship to the South Kensington Museum, where it is still tob- seen. Another of Carnuhanauc's harps is now played upoi by ( the famous old harper, Gruffydd, at Llanover, and is of especial interest, as it waa formerly in the lossessi03 of (iruffvdd's master. Lady Llanover, to whom the sub- ject has always been cne of grtmt interest, ba kindly sent Jme a drawing of Carnuh inauc's harp. The front. pillar is six feet three inches in height, and the body about four feer. These properties are, -singularly enough, similar to the Egyptian harp, mentioned bv a Bruce, but there is one great distinction between the c Celtic or Webh hrp and the Egyptian, The latter had s no front, pillar, and notwi:hH»anding what historians t relate about tho music, it is difficult to imagine that h harps without a front pillar could produce much tone. The pr ze now offered is especially appropriate at an Eisteddvod-that is, if we consider, as I do, that the (î harp is the Rational instrument of the Cymry, and has i a pedigree eld enough even to satisfy Sir Watkin. The f word "national" applied to an instrument is a wide t term, if it be supposed to imply that the instrument is c indigenous, or to one particular country; and if so, I T question if any instrument in Europe can be called J. national because an instruments came from the East. Bu' considering how closely the harp has been associ- ated with Welsh history, for at least seventeen centuries 1 I think we may, with great propriety, claim it as the I national instrument of this country. Irish historians, I however, dispute QlUr claims and assert both instru- ments and music came to Wales from Ireland. The fallacy of such statements I endeavoured lone since t<i point out in a lecture before the Society of Fine Arts. It 'is, however, perfectly true that as regards antiquity ( Wail-es must yiel £ in one respect to Ireland, where there is -still to be seea, in Trinity College, Dublin, the most ] ancient harp in Hurope, if not in the world. The harp 1 to which I allude is slid to have belonged to King Brian ] Borumb, in the tenth century. This, however, is not Qsite correct. It most probably belonged to the O Neils, an illustrious femily of the fourteenth century, so that 1 instrument is at least 500 years old, and eveniscw is ] for its elaborate workmanship. One strong reason lor rejecting the theory that Wales is indebted i to Ireland, is the different mode of playing. The Irish harper3 played thr strings made of wire, with their locg finger nails, the Welsh have always pulled" tb3 strings, made of hair and gat, ae'they do in the present day. It was the custom iu Scctltnd and 11 Ireland, when a harper, m:1ionducted nimself, to punish •: him by cutting down his ttcger nails, without which he was unable to play. The custom of playing the harp > with the Bails was not (limited to Ireland, at is men- tioned in the poem of The Horn-Child," the son of a King 0114 i, of Sweden, in the time -cf tho first crusade:— And M!;Jluy on the barr., I With his w1s Sharp. I With the exception of the Irish harp at Tricky College, tublin, tLere is probably now no model >3f greater interest tc antiquarians and Welshmen than the one which Lt.dy Llanover has presented to the South Keo- sington Museum. As :fQr the claims of Ireland and Wales to the invention of the harp, theyere bcth equally incorrect. All stringed instruments are of Easten origin. The original -inventor was the warrior; and if we desire to seek the most ancient kind <9f herp, we find it in the warrior's bow, and it is very probable that the sound eacitted when he pulled the strig, tit suggested j the idea, cf a "stringed instrument." if we are to be guided by what certain historians informns, it is (J: te evident that warriors were not the only .persons v?ho were accustomed to fall a long bow," THE VACJM'T BARDIC CEAIXI It is uarely that any incident happens in connection with the eisteddvod so-thrilling in its effect upon the Welsh pecple every whereas that witnessed last week at the Wrexhaac National Eisteddvod upon the discovery being made that he who.wa6<declared the winner of the Welsh blue ribteeu was dead. lit is neceesary, bsfore on. can thoroughly enter into the feeling of the audience on that occasion, tobe acqainfced with the inner Hfe of the Welsh people. Winning the. chair (y Gadair) is the chief object of a Welsh bard's ambition for the moment he carries dL this symbol. excellence he k enrolled by commoa-consent of ttMpeople, from Hcivhaad to Cardiff, among tite chiefs of the-smpire of letters. The 'Welsh literati in every hamlet.Ed on every motnatain side, to the remotest nooks in the valleys of every county in the Principality, watch as«a«3ily for the tidings as to ,who has won the diair" at the National £ ktcddvod as the people oL'Sngland anticipate the name of the winner of ihe Derby. It is not te be wondered at therefore that the vast audience was oIcply moved when they;Ie £ rnt that Taliecin o Eifion was ao more; for they must have felt. in addition to the sytKpathy they themselves felt, the electric influence of the national heart. Madame I Edith Wynne and Mr John Thomas, than whom ncne understood the positioti bsHtW, an 1 entered more fully into the spirit of the incitiest, gave expree&ion to the national seaument bv rendering the plaintive melody of Davydd *y Gerreg Wen;" v/htch, by the way, is one of the many ancient Welsh meAcxlies snatched from the gulf of obVivion by the ileuas Ddn, Pont-jpridd, aud publishedtfey him in the -Cambrian Minatsel" Ac- cording to leuan Ddu, the dying harpist, whose name this plaintive and beautiful melody bears, called far it on his death-bed. The word. which, it is presumed, Madame Edith Wynae sung .vere translated by far. tDdu,.aad are as follows:— Harpist, that strain Awaken aain- To sorrow give utterance For Dafydd y üarreg Wea. Yea, in the tone That soothed his last moan, Confess how thou mournest For him that is gone- AB turned his hel1d 0pon his death feed To hear thee—so listens The spirit 'tis ficd; While through the gloom 1'hat circles his tomb. 'Neath sorrow's warm tear dropø Each flow'ret doth bloom. )Tow he's above, Where nothing but love, Like that of his music Each spirit doth move. 0, may the mirth j Tat hallow'd his hearth j 'Mongst spiritu celetitial j Be equal in worth. O'e. his last rest Frill realms of blest. O list how i" echoed The strain that he loved best! List, list again, Through forest aud g1en Still echo to echo Cries Dafydd y Carreg Wen. The incident to which the above lines refer gave birth the following lines from the pen of Sir Walter Scott, who mikes the bard say :— Djnas Emlyn lament; for the moment is nigh, When mute in the woodlands thine echo shall die; No more by sweet Teivi Cadwallan shall rave, And mix his wild notes with the wild dashing wave. In epring and in autemn thy glories of shade Uwhonoured shall flourish, uuhonoured Rhall fade. For soon shall be lifeless the eye and the tongue Thai viewed them with rapture, with rapture that sung. Thy sons. Dinas Emlyc, mzy march in their pride. And chase the proud Saxon from Prestatyn's side; But where is the harp Khali frive life to their fame'; And where is the bard shall give heroes their fame Then adieu, silver eivi I quit thy loved scene, To join the dIm choir of bards who have been; With J.ywarch. and 1Ieilor. aud Merlin the old. And sage Taliesin high harping to hold. And adieu, Dinas Emlyn ctill green be thy shades, Unconquered thy warriors wrd matchless thy maida And thou, whose faint warbl'ngs my weakness can tell. Farewell, say lov'd harp my lost treasure farewell he assembled bards at Wrexham displayed 60 much brotherly feeling while testifying their re-pect for the memory of the dead poet that we are lei to believe that I the diys of petty jealousies ate numbered. The only blunder they made while "chairing the spirit that had Bed was that they donned black instead of white—white was the old bardic symbol of immortality.—iorien" in the Western Mail. MEETING OF THE EISTEDDVOD COMMITTEE. On Monday morning, an ordinary meeting of the Executive Committee of the Wrexham National Eisteddvod was held in the Conncil Chamber, at the Guildhall, Dr E. Williams presiding. There I were also present the Mayor (Dr T. Eyton-Jones), the Vicar of Wrexham (Rev D. Howell), Messrs: Hugh Davies, R. Lloyd (er-Mayor), T. H. Coleman, R. Roberts (Town-hill), Soberts (Bridge-street), Conran, Howel Davies, G. Bradley, W. Gari-att- Jones, Bradley-Jones, and R. Williams (secretary). The Chairman presented a petition from the ticket sellers, collectors, and other subordinate officers of the late Eisteddvod, asking the commit- ] tee to present the secretary and the captain of the ] ticket collectors with a medal each iu commemora- tion of their services, and suggesting that the 1 former should be a gold and the latter a silver one 1 (laughter). i The Mayor said he was going to propose that the i chairaian of the committee, the honorary secre- < taries, and the general secretary be presented ] with a medal each. The Chairman said that so far as he was concerned, 1 he was resolved to accept nothing. The success of t the Eisteddvod was the reward for the labours be- t stowed on the arrangements, and it was one in r which they could all participate (applause). t T..e Rev D. Howell expressed his disapproval of c any Eisteddvod medals being given for services j rendered, and he should oppose any expenditure t of the funds in that way (hear, hear). ( The members generally concurred in this view. I The Mayor stated that on Monday not a single c case came before the borough court, and none had I arisen at all, notwithstanding the large influx of a visitors during the previous week (hear. hear). I. The Town Clerk submitted an account amounting c to ±19 4s 6d, being the cost of special constables c em loyed during the Eisteddvod week. and it was ( referred to the Finance Committee for considera- f tion. v The Chairman said he was sure they all rejoiced, y on looking on the past week, that the Eisteddvod t had been such a glorious success (applause). They p had met time after time in anticipation of success, 8 and that which was realised had never before been s excelled. Like himself, the other members of the y committee had met those old bards who had been at meetings year after year. and they had remarked 11 that their, thanks were due to the committee for ) n the exce lent arrangements which had bees made, g 1 J,.J I' he beautiful pavilion which had been erected so well, f ind for everything which had been so well thought t f and studied in the preparations. He thought 1 such success was an ample reward for any labours c 0 which the committee had been subjected (hear, 1 aear). The receipts during the four days we^e: —Tuesday, £ 779 14s 2d; Wednesday, 6d I Thursday, 12 Id; Friday, including .£:!5 7s 3d for season tickets, £306 12s lOd, and with other f items the total amounted to £2 54U (is .1-d, inde- ( pendent of about .£90U for subscriptions. The Chairman said they would not have to make a call an the guarantors (laughterj, and he trusted they E would be able to hand over four figures to the Aberystwitn College (hear, hear, and applause). On the moiicn of Mr Garratt-Jones, seconded by Mr Roberts (Bridge-street), it was resolved that notice be given that all claims ageinst the com- mittee must be sent in by the 9th instant. Mr Hwgh Davies stated that the Vord Gron had sent .t:2 to Carnarvon as a prise at the next 1 Eisteddvod, for an ode on the empty chair at Wrexham. It was reported that a protest had been entered by the Liverpool Vocalists' Union against the adjudication in the con: est fer male voices, the numbers not to exceed 50. The award w&s that the prize of .£20 be divided fcetween the above- named union and the Carnarvon Glee Clufe, and a goM medal was given to eaofc conductor. It was shewn that the "Carnarvon 'Glee Club had 57 vocalists on the -stage, and 3at after singing one i piece with 50, seven who.hadscng were replaced by 7 who had not, th«r>efore it was considered that such manipulation was contrary tr the conditions of the ccntest, and it resolved that the prize of should be withheld from the Carnarvon Glee Club, and given to the Liverpool choir. I The Mayor then moveè that the committee desired to record their deep sense of rihe valuable and efficient services rendered by the chairman, ard his courteous end unweariei attention to the duties I of his office I(plause). In seconding the resolution, the E-ev D. Howell said they were indebted to others, and fairly so too, and were not-for the psssence of I he gentlemen connected with our local journak he should say .rcore, for he did not rnow how the Eisteddvod 'would havr been if it had 30t been for -the kind and courteous maimer in which dts matters were corr.tanly brocght before the public ;|hear, Leer). And to their secretary and others they were also indebted. (hear, hear). ,But at present they vrere only then-te record their deep sense of the services rendered by the chairman to the committee. He felt thatndhing could <r,xcel the cocrteousness, good judgment, and tact with-Thicbtheproceedingsct the committee had been conducted by him (applause). These meetings would be one of the most gratify- ing recollections of the past few months, and he should always think of the members with the most unfeigned-satisfaction. If the Eisteddvod had. done nothing than thus bringing them together, he should,in the future have beta taught to I?.now, respect., and esteem many gentle-Tjen whom he had met audsi:ight not have known during a residence of maiiy years. He. should liave to thanl: all of them very kindly, bat none more so than the chair- man (applause). The resolution was;unanimously carried. The Chairman said they had taken him quite by surprise, He hardly knew how to express his grati- tude to 'hem for their kindness. He should have been very powerless to have brought the matter to such an.iitsue if he had not been supported 'bp such business men. From the first they had thrown such energy mto the business that he could see nothing. b:n success before them. He had not had much experience in such matters until thwy thrust upon him the office of chairman, and it was, he was sure, mamly due to their kindness that he -was able to do his part, which--was a very small part in com- parison with theirs. Their labours had proved a great success, and it was to them the thanks were due. He begged to ithank every gentleman of the committee for the great kindness that had beeu shown to him (the chairman). He accepted their thanks most cordially and gratefully, and he must say that nothing had #iven mm greater pleasure than to sit, week after week, with the members of the committee, to bring the grand Eisteddvod to a successful issue (hear. hear). Tliey all had their reward in ..the great success of the Eisteddfod (hear, hear, and applause). Several,IBembers of the com mittee bore testimony to the admirable manner in which the railway authorities had conveyed passengers to and from Wrexham during the past week. SIR JULIUS BENEDICT'* IMPRESSIONS OF THE EISTEDDVOD. TO "THE EDITOR OF TE GCABDIAN SIR,—I have been desired to state my impressions on the Eisteddvod that has just taken place at Wrexham. I hardly feel equal to a task .that requires a duch more able pen than mine, hut I will endeavour, to the best of my abilities, to give my candid opinion of this national festival. On leaving JBayreuth on the 19;h instant, to be present at this great musical gathering, I had my doubts what the effect would be of the simple and homely music I expected to hear on the banks of the Dee, after the grand display of science a.nd of art of the musician of the future. If the combination of the highest talent in Germany, local and instrumental, made a failure almost impossible, what could we expect in a little provincial town, bere, with the exception of a few distinguished artistes from London, the whole burden of an entertainment of four days'and nights' duration was entrusted almost entirely to simple colliers quarrymen, and members of the working classes generally. My surprise was the greater on hearing, instead of easy part-songs, bold attempts at executing music of the highest character, by very important choruses by Handel, Beethoven, Haydn, the early English writers, and composers of our times; although in the place of 120 of the most celebrated instrumentalists, as at Bayrentb. there was merely a pianoforte by Broadwood, and a harmonium, wherewith to accompany the voices, both entrusted to local professors. Instead of the limited space for about 1,600 auditors and spec- tators in Wagner's theatre. I beheld an immense area containing over 7,000 people seated; and yet, far from being disturbed by interruptions alniost unavoidable in such a great assembly, tin1 silence was quite marked and imposing, enabling us to follow the course not only of the most intricate compositions, but to understand nearly every word that was spoken. In fact, the appreciation of this untutored multitude was such as to put to shame many of our fashionable audiences; and the final result must be a general and even more marked improvement in the progress of music throughout the Principality. There was certainly a prevalence of the native element in the programmes; but, far from complain- ing of this. I may say that it keeps up the highest aspirations of good-will towards one another and of companionship between the nobleman and the common labourer. But this is not all; apart from music, from poetry, from the old and solemn ceremonial, there are manifestations of a feeling of gratitude to the promoters of these institutions and to the bene- factors of the country which you could not match elsewhere. Need I name the nobleman who with his lady are considered the guardian angels of North Wales, the parents of the fatherless and destitute, foremost in every proposal for improvement, mental as well as i physical, and doing all the good they can in the 1 most simple and touching manner? i I have witnessed many demonstrations of public ] favor but none to compare with that which f awaited Sir Watkin and Lady Wynn on their arrival at the outskirts of Wrexham, on Thursday ( last, and on their subsequent appearance before the i largest gathering of the week; the whole assembly i rising and greeting the farourites of the people. This old patriarchal feeling of kinship and cus i torn of mixing and associating with the middle and working classes is carried to its fullest extent in „ Wales, and applies to the members of Parliament £ for the borough and the county, as well as to the t mayor and residents, and all concerned in the Eisteddvod. To revert once more to the performance. There was no repression of justly-earned applause, and; though the scenic effects and the most elaborate ] theatrical combinations, such as we witnessedat Bay- reuth, were shown by their absence. I confess that the execution of The Snow-capp'd Towers;" the chorus, "Ye Nations." from Elijilh; the Hallelu- jah chorus, from Beethoven's Mount of Olives the final chorus from Haydn's "Creation;" Gounoà's Ave Verum," and some complicated madricals of English authors, gave me and my E colleagues the most favourable and gratifying im- f pressions, for the choruses were executed with an imount of strength, decision, and delicacy, which left very little to be desired by the most exacting critic. Add to this that hundreds, nay, thousands, 7 came from the most remote parts of South Wales, v Cumberland, and more distant counties, to contend i for the honour, and that though, of course, many were disappointed in not obtaining prizes, there was no demonstration of antagonistic feeling among E the 2,700 competitors; and, speaking from a musical | point of view, I believe that, after the highly g satisfactory result of the week's doings, the future succcess of the Eisteddvod ia secured for many pears to come. 1 The only suggestions I have to make are that I a Less should be undert&ken in one day, so that the o most important objects of the meeting may not roller. The boors should, I think, be limited to: t t ,< '■ from ten to one in the day. and from six to nine in the evening, and thereby secure the comfort of both the audience and the performers. It seems desirable also, that when once the adjudicators have been chosen the conductors should advise with them as to the selection of the pieces to be performed. May I request you to be the interpreter of my feelings of gratitude for the kind reception ac- corded to me on all occasions by every one con- nected with the direction, by the performers, and by the public at large.—I am, Fir, your obedient servant, JULIUS BENEDICT. 2, Manchester-square, 28th August, 1876. UNIVERSITY EDUCATION. TO THE EDITOR OF THE GUARDIAN. SIR,- The question of additional University accommodation is one of grave importance, and worthy of the fullest and most calm discussion. Whether it can advantageously be handled in a popular assembly, or whether it treoches upon a rule which forbids the introduction of politics at an eisteddvod are points on which I give nc opinion. I -only address yon to make a few remarks on the proceedings of last I'Wsday. Throughout the whole of the speeches one lead- ing fallacy seems tomn. viz, that in the matterof University Education, Wales was unjustly treated. Tnis pervades the whole addrese-of the Right Rev President, aad culminates in the language he used respecting the Lord Chancellor. After a well- merited eulogy on the noble Lord, the Bishop says (if your report is correct) Heis an Irishman, sind be enjoyed advantages denied to us in the Prir^ci- palitv." Passing over the unworthy allusioc to Ireland, which is most lamentable coming from such a quarter, a more incorrect or misleading assertion could net be made. Of Lord Cairns'tirth and University career I know nothing. It is liKely that the iirst was as humble as the latter w&s dis- tinguisbed To the self-derial of his parents he probably owed the last in the first instaace, his talents and industry did the rest. Now what is there tkat denies" to the v--ry humblest native of the Principality a similar success ? Wales is an integral part of England. atic enjoys every pr-ivilege of a Breton as cuch as York-shire or Middlesex. At the very moment that his tlordsbip was epeaking he bad- beeide him one Welshman who has attained high eminence in his profession and a seat in the House ofCotillmons without the advantages of a University Education. V. e have seen within the last few weeks how a lawyer's clerk can rise to the higher ranks of the Peerage and other honours unaided by a iTTniversity career. The present*. M.P. for orr important county, the son of a Welsh rector who never arrived riore than second-rate preferment, passed a most brilliant college residence, has attained to high rank in his profeesion, and now represents a county in which he had neitker position nor property, if indeed he now possesses a single aore in it. Nor is his a solitary instance; I could at this moment name half a doicexi men, sons of tradesmen in North Wales, who, by great sacrifices on the part of their parents, were sent to one of the Universities and there made a name for themselves, less distinguished it is tiue than the hon. member, and took scholarships ana fellowships, and in two cases the highest honours. I .-Lave no doubtithe list might be greatly lengthened. And I have known such men repay their parents the cost of their education. protest, therefore, very respectfully, against such a ground- less aspiration. I have no intention cf entering upon the ambitions question of an University for Wales. The same puestion is being mooted just now at Manchester and Bristol. If s. Government grant is claimed for the one it cannot be denied to the others, and the claims will multiply ad in finitum. The greatest want in Wales ia good Grammar Schools to feed the Universities, who can and will. as I believe, meet the requirements of England and Wales—Yours faithfully, August 31st, 1876. A. PLAGIARISM IN EN'GLYNION. TO THJI: EDITOR OF THE GUARDIAN, SIP.On Friday evening, at the close cf our Eistedd- vod, the boldest and most impudent instance ot plagiarism that i: has ever been mr share to witness, was allowed to pass "vn ngwyneb haul a llvgad goleuui It i> really astounding to think that a chaired bard like iiwfa Mon, and also a robed bard like Druisyn-wbo. I understand, was the arch-bard for the dav-could have permitted so palpable a trick, and all for the sum of oria sovereign. Hwfa must be well awure that the last Ienglvia of the three claimed by Druisvn is the property of the immortal B.irdd Nantglvn," being a portion of productions bent by that emiaent son of song to Wrexham Eisteddvod fiftv-six years ago, vide, "Powvs- ion," sef awdiau at enylynion a (infon-yd i Eisteddfod Gwrecsam, Aledi 13, 1820. I am told that the young man who was deemed worthy cf the second place bv the H wfli has indignantly refused to play second fiddle to Druisyn, ander the circumstances by refusing to accept the second priz?. and very properly so too. I herewith send vou a copy of Bardd Nantglyn," together with a transcript bv Druisyn, in order that your readers may once more be disgusted with the conduct of would-be adjudicators and bards. I SYR WATCYN WILLIAMS WYNN, BART., Noddwr a Llywydd yr Eisteddfod, Medi 13, 1820. Sai'r adffof am %r Water/n,—a'i haeledd Tra bo haul eo'euwyn, A mor—a ehrair yn M-rwyn,— A Wynnstay—a tianes dyn: R. D. (Bardd Nantglyn). I 8YR WATCYN WILLIAMS WYNN, BART. M.P., Noddwr a Llywydd yr Eisteddvod, Awst 24, 1ft76. Gwiw arwyddair ein fforTjd'lyn—yw Bweh Bvw" ucha' v Rerw-vn Yn H'imiistay, rakanpf, dvn, Sai'r ntffo' am ,9yr Watcyn. DRUISTS, The italics are mine. Yo y gwvnt bydd llinellao gan Druisyn yn drewi August 29, 1876. Cwm BityTHoiq. A REMARKABLE COINCIDENCE. TOTHB EDITOR OF THE GUARDIAN SIR.-It may interest, some of your readers to know that at the Wrexham Eisteddvod in 1820, the Eisteddvod was proclaimed to be held the following year at Carnarvon. Last week « similar announcement was made I do not suppose the former arrangement was thought of when next year's e therin? was arranged. At any-rate the facts give a striking instance of how thought of when next year's e,therinl, was arranged. At any-rate the facts give a striking instance of how history repeats itself. Yours, Ac., RESEARCH.






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