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NOTES OF THE WEEK. SIR W. W. WYNN entertained, yesterday, at Wynnstay, to a most sumptuous dinner, all the tenants on his estates, who found it convenient to accept the kind invitation sent to them. Over 700 responded to the call; some travelling from the remote corners of the counties of Montgomery Merioneth, and Denbigh, to participate in Sir Watkin's liberality. The gathering was in all respects—if we except the dulness of the day-a most happy one, and such as is seldom witnessed in Wales. The tenants, comprising almost every grade of society, felt glad to muster under the shadows of Wynnstay, to bid adieu to their esteemed landlord prior to his cruise in the Medi- terranean. They know Sir Watkin has their interests at heart, and that in assembling at Wynnstay they would meet with a most cordial welcome—an anticipation which was fully realised. They highly esteem the hon. baronet, and his most bitter opponent, in politics or creed, will confess that there is not a better landlord in the Princi- pality. Not only do the tenants valub him for his liberality and generous treatment, but for the kind consideration he and Lady Williams Wynn show for the welfare of their families. There could have been no single person present yesterday who did not wish Sir Watkin a pleasant cruise, and his return in robust health. It is a happy feature in social life in this country to see landlord and tenants on friendly terms, but it is still more gratifying to find that the relationship is something more thau a mercantile one, and that there is a most profound regard felt for the landlord. Such are the cir- cumstances as regards the Baronet of Wynnstay. MR JAMES, he Town Clerk of Wrexham, drew attention last week to the course he had adopted in fixing yesterday week as the last day for receiving nominations, in order to allow" seven clear days, exclusive of Sunday prior to the 1st of November. The Town Clerk of Bodmin fell into the blunder of fixing Saturday as the nomina- tion day. Eight candidates were accordingly nominated, and (JU Monday the Mayor sat in the Guildhall to receive objections, and those of one party having objected to the nominations of their opponents on the ground that they were not nominated within the legal time, the others at once entered cross-objections on the same ground, and his worship decided that none of the candidates had been iegaliy nennnated- The consequence is there will be no flection, and the four retirine Cuuncilmen will remain in office three years longer. How these our gentlemen must bless the blunder- ing Town lerk. THE Liberals experience great difficulty in creating even a sound of the existence of them- selves as a party in the State. The extra- parliamentary utterances fall flat on the ears of the public, and are soon forgotten. Every exertion has been made to create some political capital out of the fugitive slave circular, but without any lasting effect. Positive evidence of the dormancy of the cause" is furnished in South-West Lancashire, where Colonel Ireland Blackburn is likely to succeed the late respected member without under- going the process of fighting the Liberals, who have evidently a due appreciation of their own strength and the popularity of their faith. Colonel Blackburn is not a mealy-mouthed politician. His address is very outspoken, and not drafted to catch doubtful electors. He pledges himself to give MR Disraeli a cordial support, believing that the isting Government are performing their difficult and responsible duties in such a manner as to deserve the confidence of the country." He pronouhces himself a determined supporter of Church and State, and holds that in legislating for the education of the country the greatest care should be taken that the voluntary principle is supplemented, and not destroyed, as by its means children are secured' a sound religious education, combined with their secular instruction, and at the least cost to the ratepayers. Colonel BlackLurn throws down the gauntlet to the Liberal party, but without any response. Their passive silence is proof of the decay of their party. VE1:Y little excitement has this year been created in this district in the Municipal Elections. The amendment of" the Municipal Corporation Acts has proved a deterrent to those who were in the habit of nominating candidates for the amuse- ment of election-mongers. The old system often placed respectable persons in a very unenviable position, but the new Act gives those nominated the opportunity of deciding for themselves whether they will go to the poll or not. This, coupled with the fact that candidates must be supported by eight burgesses, has done much to make the contests genuine. When we went to press last week it was thought that the four vacancies at Wrexham would be filled without a contest. At the eleventh hour, however, Mr S. T. Baugh was nominated, and thus the town has to suffer the turmoil and expense of a poll. We cannot quit Mr Baush from the odium of this imposition, for he had time to consider what his friends had done for him. There were strong grounds for avoiding a contest on Monday next, and allowing the old members to be re-elected without their incurring expenditure. Next year all the members must retire under the Ward system, and it would have been a graceful act to hare allowed councillors who have for the last three years served the town to the best of their ability— whatever their short-comings may have been— another twelve months' sitting. As to Dr Eyton. Jones, be was solicited by a large proportion of the councillors, and his candidature is in deference to the wishes of a large number of his townsmen. We have indicated the four whom we believe are deserving of support. If Mr Baugh had appeared under different circumstances we might have put forth his claim in another light. But the fact of his causing a contest will prove that he is heavily handicapped for the election. Yesterday itwas re- ported that Mr Baugh intended to retire from the contest in-favour of Dr. Eyton-Jones. It is much to be regretted that this step had not been on Saturday so as to have avoided the expense already incurred by the town and the other can- didates. SOME correspondence appeared last week in our columns impugning the judgment of the Ruthin Guardians in respect to tenders recently submitted for the supply of bread to the workhouse. It would appear that tenders were invited in the cus- tomary way, and that Messrs Jones and Son, a respectable firm of that town, proffered to supply it at a figure Is 6d under the quotation of another firm. Their terms, however, were not accepted, and subsequently a communication, sent by them to the board expressing their astonishment that their tender had been ignored, was treated with silent contempt." Very probably the guardians had some good reasons for their conduct in the matter, but we must do them the justice of statiug that their knowledge is not shared by the rates j payers. Messrs Jones and Son state that two 1 prominent members of the board examined a part of their sample, and expressed themselves satisfied with it, remarking that it was as good, if not better, than the bread they used at home. It would be quite as well if the guardians would satisfy the public in general, and Messrs Jones and Son in particular, of the reasons which induced them to ignore the lower tender. It is certainly not the usual mode of treating tenders. Perhaps there are special grounds for so doing. The Joneses invite an Explanation, and if the guardians refuse to furnish it, we should also be inclined to think that" all is not fair and above board," even at Ruthin.

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