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ENGLAND AND RUSSIA. AGREEMENT TO ARBITRATE. BOUNDARY TO BE SETTLED. In the House of Lords on Monday Lord Gran- ville, at the instance of Lord Salisbury, made a statement relative to the arrangement with the Russian Government on the subject of the Afghan frontier, corresponding with that of the Prinifi Minister in the Commons. He added that the terms of reference had not yet been absolutely deter- mined on, and under the circumstances he thought it undesirable to enter into details. In the Commons Mr. Gladstone stated, with refer- ence to the correspondence with Russia, that the im- pediments which had presented themselves to the prosecution of a friendly correspondence appeared to have been removed. The two Governments had agreed together to provide the means that might be necessary for the settlement of the differences a i,jn between them out of the engagement at Ak Tepe; the British Government agreeing with the Russian that they did not desire to see gallant officers on either side put on their trial. For this pilI pose they were willing to refer to the Sovereign of a friendly State any differences that might have been found to exist between the two Governments as to the interpretation of the Agreement of the 16th of March, with a view to the settlement of the matter in a mode consistent with the honour of botli ides, ard they trusted that no difficulty was likely to arise. The two Governments were prepared, under these circumstances, to resume at once their communications in London on the main points of the line of delimitation of the Afghan frontier; and the details of that line would be examined and traced on the spot by the commis- sion appointed for that purpose in conformity with the conditions agreed upon. These negotiations would be very much facilitated, as regarded her Majesty's Government, by the more full and exact knowledge which, since the meeting at Rawul Pindi, they possessed of the views of the Ameer on the fron- tier. The Russian Government had also expressed their willingness to consider the question of the re- moval of the Russian outposts when the Commis- sioners met, which, he hoped, would be on an early day. RECALL OF SIR PETER LUMSDEN. In th House of Commons, on Tuesday, Mr. Glad- stone arnii unced that, consequent on the decision to carry on in London the negotiations for the de1 imi- tation of the Afghan frontier, General Sir Peter Lumsden had been informed that it was desirable that both he and Colonel Stewart should come home fortl IW ith. Eiwl Granville, replying to Earl De la Warr, in the House of Lords, said the circumstances attending the reference of the Afghan difficulty to the judgment of the head of a friendly state were honourable to both Ru«si;i and England. It was well that a regrettable and disagreeable incident, on which counter state- ments and counter contentions were made, should be so referred. WHO IS TO ARBITRATE? As to a report that the King of Denmark would be named arbitrator, a Vienna correspondent tele- graphs I regret to have to report that the idea has already been abandoned. I am assured on high authority that King Christian on being sounded in reference to the project expressed his reluctance to accf-pt the rOle of mediator in so delicate a matter. The proposal, according to the Daily News' corre- spondent, meets with general approval in Berlin. It is pointed, out that his Majesty, being in equally friendly relations with both sides, is particularly fitted for mediation in this case, and that both Eng- land and Russia may accept his decision without risk of humiliation. RUSSIAN MOVEMENTS IN AFGHANISTAN. In a despatch from Tirpul, dated April 28, the special correspondent of the Standard says Further moveme\ts on the part of the Russians are reported here They are said to have occupied Kila Maur, on the Ku-hk River, with a body of Tekke horsemen, and th y are busily engaged in making a road to Tiit- correspondent of the Telegraph, in a message despatched from Tirpul a day later, says General Komaroff and Colonel Alikhanoff have gone from Saivkh? to Zu-fikar Pass. Their supposed object is to o t the Afghans, and to ad vance the Russian outposts to th* foot of the Paropamisus lange. Prince Dnudoukoff-Korsakoff's rumoured tour to Ask bad ;¡\;<1 Sarakhs has been postponed. Another correspondent with Sir Peter Lumsden telegraphs: "The Russians have now collected a large quantity of supplies at Ak-rabat, which is about 40 miles due east of Zulfikar, and about 30 south of Pul-i-Kliisti, their object being, of course, to facilitate the march on Herat, when it is deemed ad- visable to undertake that step." AFGHAN FEELING AGAINST ENGLAND. Th last named correspondent adds "One result of the Pen j deh incident has already made itself felt, our neglect to support the Afghans after the unprovoked attack upon them by the Russians having almost comp djy destroyed their confidenoe in us. The Sarikts and Cliarteaks are very angry at our absten- tion from all interference, while the Jamsbedies and other A.Vdian tribesmen are both hostile and suepi- cu ii Il tL .1' attitude, accming us of deserting them as we: e deserted by Russia six or seven years ago. K:, zi Saaddin, who represents the Ameer on the Boundary Commission, also takes a strong view of the matter, and oppnly asserts that we had no right to urge the Afghan outposts t" stand firm if we did not intend to support them in the event of their being unjustly attacked. Alto- gether, the situation is one of much difficulty and gives rise to a general feeling of uneasiness. Another matter that has tended to add to the difficulties of the position in which the Commis- sion iinds itself is the admission of a portion of Badehis into the so-called debatable territory. Rus- sian intrigues in Persia are also causing some uneasiness, and it is feared that Muscovite leanings in Khorassan are becoming very general." FACTS ABOUT PENJDEH. From Tirpul the Standard's special correspondent telegraphs some facts which he thinks may prove useful as to the disputed ownership of Penjdeh. tie says Up to 60 years back Penjdeh was occu- pied liy the Jemsidis and Hazarahs, and the Herat Government always had representatives there. When th Arsari Turkomans settled there they always paid tiibute to Herat. These were aiterwards followed by the Salor and Sarik Turkomans, and these alw P d fributtJ. Indeed, Penjdeh has, since the days of Jsadi. Shah, always been acknowledged as fowning part of the Government of Herat, and 60 ye;trs ago Derwerk Khan was its Governor under the Governor of Herat. From 1881 to 1884 Osman Khan was Governor. In 1884 Jemsidi was chief Governor, and when he left Penjdeh for Khiva the tribute of Penjdeh to Herat was paid through the Hazara Chief Kilanan. Since 1881 Herat has kept at Penjdeh a body of 15 Afghan soldiers as an escort for the Governor. Todd s map of the Province if Herat, as governed by Yar Mahomed in 1840, in- iudes Penjdeh and Pul-i-khatun. In the face of hfse facts there can tie. no question whatever that t'eu jdeh j, and La beeu for a very long period, au integral part of the Afghan Province of Herat. HOW THE RUSSIANS HAVE ADVANCED." The Times' correspondent at Tirpul sends the follow- ing K /l Tapa is one, Urush Tashan 18, Aimak- oaii Sari Yazi 32, Hazrat Imam 43, and Yulatan M0 from Ak Tapa, or Penjdeh proper. The are the only cultivable places in the district between Penjdeh and Yulatan. They are all desert at present, but might be populated, if Russia gained them. Sati Ya/.i has always been admitted to be part of l'enjdeh, whose inhabitants graze their sheep there. In 1840 Lord Auckland, after full inquiry, decided that Penjdeh be- longed to Afghanistan and Afghan governors have resided there before and since 1874. In F, bruary, 1*84, Russia occupied Merv, and in •nh, Yulatan, Shortly afterwards a Russian, apparently M. Lessar, visited Penjdeh, but the Sariks refused to have anything to say to him, and appealed to Jluat for protection. The Russian Ofi'cial Uúuttc of July 1 admits that the Penjdeh Sariks did not submit to Russia. In May a cominis- M'ii was agreed upon but before the Ameer knew this, he had moved his troops into Penjdeh, which was patrolled as far as Hazrat Imam. In October Russia occupied Pul-i-Khatun, and in November ColoDol Alikhanoff tried to enter Penjdeh, but was refiis-d admission by the Afghan general, whom he grievously insulted. In January, after the winter, when tho Penjdeh sheep went to graze in Sari Yazi the Albans resumed their patrolling, and placed a post there. Oil February C, the Russians advanced from Hazrat Imam to Aimakchari,forcinl2' the Afghan por.fs. -V correspondence followed with the British oidie. TS, in which Colonel Allkhanoff took a very de- fin-, t tone. (11: the same day the Russians advanced to Xultil<ar. On February 20 Colonel Alikhanoff advanced against I.Vnjdeli, surrounded the Afghan post at l-V'ish Tashan, which surrendered, and in spite < a protest that he would be resisted ij Ak Tana, pushed on there with a consider- I," force, having previously incited the Sariks to Finding that they did not rise, and that the hau i ositioll was too strong, he retired, but not he had advanced to within 800 yards of the ).o tiot).a:idnre was about to be opened. Then he v for reinforcements. In the meantime, the -ians n gcliated. When some troops arrived, the I: ians attacked and took Penjdeh. Now they await f > :h< >• i-inf< reements. When these arrive—as they > -n :i \tingly give out in Turkestan—they intend to 111 Herat, gaining time to prepare by pretended us^ouatioiis. i ue uyn;g depositions have been taken at Derby of Sarah R iome, a youug domestic servant, who is alleged to have been ill-treated by her mistress. The eh !'s statement is to the effect that she was beaten pieces if wood, stair-rods, &c., and that she had been h; arved. • —

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