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T-$GRIFFITHS & CO. O. FREE TRADE HALL, iGH STREET, RHYL. WING to the Disastrous Fire that occurred on J December 10th, 1884, the Salvage and the wliole of the Immense Stock will be offered at such Prices as will secure a SPEEDY CLEARANCE. 5ADT-MADES, HATS, SHIRTS, DRESSES, DOLMANS, ULSTERS, ALL MILLINERY, FLOWERS, CORSETS, at about Quarter the "UNNELS, BLANKETS, QUILTS, SHEETS, TABLE LINEN, TABLE COVERS. CALI- COES, HOLLANDS, DRESS STUFFS, 1 STOCKINGS, all at nearly Half Price. i ii Barclay & Perkins' Stout pus IUN-TERALL X ADMITTED to be SUPER- IOR TO ALL OTHERS. n —— ? WM. P. JONES. WHOLESALE AND RETAU WINE, SPIRIT, ALE & PORTER MERCHANT, 10, Sussex-street CCorner of Water-street, Rhyl,) leaving been appointed SOLE AGENT for the above can now supply them as follows:- rj^er.«—23s. 18-gals. casks—12s. 9-gal. B Stout——.28s. P B Stout.32a. „ -l"8- „ imperial or in- .198. j £ «$id Stout 38s. Agent for the BURTON BREWERY COM- PANY'S celebrated Burton Mild and Bitter Ales, ASS'S Ales; and Sol" Ag: nt for Messrs. BAR- CLAY, PERKINS & Co's London Stout. East India Pale Ale 3s. 6d. per doz. pints Extra Dublin Stout 3s. Od. ditto Vines and Spirits of First Clots Brands OBIT. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. rnv, DRINK OP PLEASURE AND OF HEALTH. follo, <e a bt.• t „ r ,ially tlv /ainly a ni-| fONES'S T>URE rTEAS Emitted tr j JL tothtothe IMJ«11Y nun 4BS TCT rtl" ^7 fr<- L jt Value ever offered the Public. i to PBICE from 1/4. w ,i:j; THE 2/- AND 2/6 y> ARE stmT TO ALL PARTF 1 OF THE KING- OQ.M, AND ARE WORTHY OF A TRIAL N('Y ALL WHO APPRECIATE FINE TEAS. Ah j V -G P JR 0 N E S, U l.'EA SALESMAN. f H O M A S W I L L I A M 8, WHOLESALE A7ffD RETArt, BUTCHUR, S. WATER STREET, R H Y :L A constant supply of Meat always on hand it.i,Cling Beef, Mutton, Lara b, Veal, Pork Ac. G. H ). CJ I B BIN B, NT; # FT SECOND-HAND FTH INITUR* S10 RES 3, MARKET STREET RHXL. «. P»>LDREN'S CHAIRS, COTS & MATTRESSES, "PERAMBULATORS & BAl 'HS for HIRE. ^•snt for the Guardian Fire &Life Assurance Co. h — JJDWARD QWBN8, BUTCH13R, WATER STRBIET, RHXL (OPPOSITE SUSSE r STRJBET) ismilies supplied with the ESest Quality of Beef Mutton, Lamb. Veal,, and 'Pork. Orders Promptly Attended To. E ine Flavoured Pc» V Saus' Ages. J ONES' JOINER A.ND BUTiTjDER, to inform the inhabitant* of Rhyl And district that he has re-commenced J jusiness, and is now redy to do any repairs or at terations, and to give for work in gh* sewm t gAs Trade. W oMMHeyAJfo YAM: WE* T KINMEL STREET $- '^iriM maj also be mp de at the Queen's Dilt itb Room*, 11 t Qaeeft Stra t, RhyL J u — — rrr • fro KHrvA n CAPTAIN JRK D. BARNABY, Royu, Host B GUABDS. K g«18says—««T*'0 pa ira pf boots lmedwith »Were also taken, a »d >r physio-with whiohit is Vwell tobesupplie d wl hen traTellmgin o places—some qiiu une and Cockle s > he latter a most in% 'alnt ble memcme, and one jpraich I have used on t he n. atives of Central Afnoa wit)) the greatest pos; »ble success. In. fact, -he pjATTellous effeots proi luce d upon the mm body of an Arab Sheik, wh< > was imperious to all madioines, when' I ad ministered to him five COCKL1 PS 1-.1LLS -wil I uever f &do from my memo. ly and a friend of iiuhe who passed throug ;h the district many r<' th« afterwardB, info rmedme .that, my 'a™e, t man had n ot died om »,bufc m"1-" cure was evi m then & vtheme of oon- iii the bazaar.- ANTIBI LJ .OUS PILJI^, 7"' FREE FRO. Y. J aXf3 ANTIBIL: IOUS PILLS, T. TBB OliDKST PATENT HBD."CDm. V IOCKLE'S ANTI-5U IOUS PILLS, TM SAFEST PATENT HEDIOIN. ^COKLE'S AJNTIBr LIOUS PILLS, eSil fttB BB8T FAMILY APERIENT MEDICINE. V'CJKLE'S JLNTIB? LLIOUS PILLS, J FOB LIVEB. IOCKLE' S ANTIB ILIOUS PILLS, FOB BILE. 10 JKI XB ANTIB ILIOUS PILLS, ) FOB INDIGESTION. ^CI jXER ANTIB. CI IOUS Pills, J RJ FOB HEABTBITBN. '1C,0KTJE'S ANTIBI LIOUS PILLS, ) FOB SICX: HEADACHE. j-'OKLE-S AlV'TIBIL CMM.: COCKLE'S AN TIBILR 1US PILLS' _A_. IN V U6E EIQHTTTHBEE TBABS. .n:LE'S AN TIBILIO US PILLS, *>*■» IN USE BVEBTWHBBB. CKLE'S AN TIBILIOUS r^fjLiS' v. ,m May be had t hroughout the United Kingdom r xes, at is. Ii, 1., 2s. 9d., 4S. 6d.■ 116., and 228 NEW ORI IOND STREET, LONDON "'FVOUS A PHYSICAL Dr.Bi^^TY.—A X^l gentleman h aving tried in vain ever^ ♦isea remedy, has d itoovered a simple means ..rt He will be 1 iaypy to forward the P^^f1 O any eufierer OD I -eoeipt of a stamped ivelope.—Mr J. V. SEWBLL Brook V lUa» 11 a,m crsmith, London "W„ THE HOME-MADE BREAD SHOr, J. T. JONES, -.I" "YG ROCER& TEA JQEALIB F BAKEB, PROVISION DEALBB, N TALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN ALED HOUSE, 27, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL "The best of Everything." f r. '}. ..).i J THE S. P. Q. R. STORES ARE NOW OPEN. FwIRST CLASS GOODS Sold at Wholesale Prices. J. W. LT°°SERW™. ;!j. J 7, QUEEN STREET, RHYL. ,i. 'í }. i 'f i- • d j '.t i j c í J. PIERCE LEWIS, ACCOUNTANT, > HOUSE, ESTATE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, AURON VILLAS, RHYL. JOHN EDWARDS, gUILDER AND c ONTRACTOR, 26, WELLINGTON ROAD, RRYL, Every description of JOINERY WORK undertaken. AU Kinds OP ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS, kc., PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ESTIMATES GIVEN ON APPLICATION. J. BROWN, ARTIST & pHOTOGRAPHER, 8, KINMEL STREET, RHYL. ALL PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN BY THE INSTANTANEOUS PROCESS. CARTES (any position), 5s. 6d. per doz. TWO POSITIONS, 6s. 6d. per doz.; CABINETS, 12s. 6d. per doz. Enlargements finished in various styles. Note the Address—3, KINMEL ST., RHYL. (Nearly opposite the Alexandra Hutel). A COOD PLAN. I AND upwards invested, under the j- | non-liability system, in carefully selec- ted Stocks and Shares often returns handsome profits in a few days. Full details in Explanatory Book (fifth edition), gratis and post free. Address, GEO. EVANS & CO., Stockbrokers, Gresham House, Old Broad Street, London, E.C. Best and safest plan ever devised. "BREAD IS THE STAFF OF LIFE." FOR PURE, CLEAN, UNADULTERATED BREAD N 00 TO T W. DANIELS, GROCER BAKER, & PROVISION DEALER, ABBEY STREET, RHYL, Who has recentl-y had fitted up two of the most APPROVED OVENS. TO have pure, wholesome Bread care and atten- tion should be paid to the surroundings of the Bakery. W D. has erected one of Mr JENNISON 8 DECKER OVENS, which oonsumes its own smoke, and thereby renders it practically impossible for obnoxious gases to exist in the bakehouse, and therefore cannot be absorbed by the dough in the process of fermentation. This added to the fact that nothing but I he best flour is used in this estab- lishment is a guarantee for the purity and excel- lence of the Bread. Hot Rolls. Milk Rolls, Whole-Meal Bread, Buns, Scones, Ac., daily. 62-283 QUEENSLAND. THIS yoHng and promising COLCF Y °FFE" Special Advantaged to all classes, and the Q U JbkNS- LAND ROYAL MAIL LINE convey passengers BY STEAMER FOR £ 7. Mail or othe. Steamers will be dispatched from LONDON or PLYMOUTH fortnightly by which ASSISTED PASSAGES will be granted to eligible Persons, such as Engineers, Farmers, Fitters, En- gine Drivers, Railway Carnage Builders, Black. smiths, Bricklayers, Stonemasons, Sawyers, Carpenters, Wheelwrights, Shoemakers, Tailors, Shipwrights, Farm Labourers, Domestic Servants, Gardeners, Vine Dressers, Road Makers, Quarry- men, Navvies, at the following rates:— ECOND CABIN.. £ 21. 10s. I THIRD CLASS £7 Children under 12 years half price. Infants under 12 months free. Persons not eligible for assisted passages will be taken at the following ratesI Second Cabin, L31. 10s. Third Class, L17. For further particulars regarding Passages, Land Laws, and Resources of the Colony, apply to Gellatly, Hankey, Sewell and Co., 109, Leadenhall Street, London, and 12, Renfield Street G asgow. [26ml PROFESSIONAL INTIMATION BIRMINGHAM CHAMBEBS, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL, JULY 28TH, 1884. CIADTES AND GENTLEMEN,— I beg most lespeotfully to inform you that, iu compliance with the repeated solicitations of numerous friends, I have taken out a license for the doupose of selling by Public Auction, and the conducting of Valuations of Property in general. My very successful experience, as flLand and House Agent, induces me to appeal to you for share of the patronage usually bestowed upon members of the profession. It shall be my sole aim to conduct all 1 entrusted to my care with untiring attention 6 hv PBOMPT CASH SETTLEMENTS. sucee Qwners of Property in Rnyl and district, thpir properties in my hands, may rely bring pafd thereto; both in prompt collection of rent, economical management, Punctual permitted to W. R. Williams, „ o i- :tnr Rhyl; J. E. Haworth, Esq., F. J. SARSONS. THE SEFIS: Th? Haworth Estate, & Central, Land & House [ Agency Offices. ARVFJY 9s SAUCE FOR FISH," qame, each BOTTLE OF THIS STEAKS, CELEBRATED SAUCE V PREPARED FROM THE &c. X ORIGINAL RECIPE BEARS THE ^ELL-KNOWN LABEL SIGNED This label is protected by perpetual injunction in Chancery of the 9th July 1858 and without it none can be genuine. PREPARED ONLY BY E. LAZENBY & SON, LONDON, And sold Retail by Grocers, Oilmen, Italian Warehousemen, c. throughout the Kingdom. '1 '.I.. ;¡ JOHN H. ELLIS, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANT, ALE & PORTER DEALER & BOTTLER, ;n: :»i. r r' 12, WATER STREET, RHYL. J AGENT FOR MAX GIREGER'S HUNGARIAN WINES, 4, S S & CO.'S AND ALLSOPP & SON'S ALES, JACOB'S PILSENER LAGER BEER, GUINNESS'S EXTRA DUBLIN STOUT, J. t)t In Casks and Bottles. ■ • *ifoi;fw xi-Jiati-. ELLIS'S CELEBRATED MINERAL WATERS h eJ. CANTRELL & COCHRANE'S AND ROSS'S BELFAST GINGER ALE. :')" -IT;u p 1 Full Price List of all Wines, Spirits, &c., on application to JOHN H. ELLIS, 12, WATER STBEET, RHYL. Business Cards. STATIONER AND NEWSAGENT. TREHEARN, Wholesale and Retail Stationer, Bookseller, Bookbinder, Newmgent & Dealer in Fancy JL Goods. Library Depot. Stationer's Hall, 165 & 166, Wellington road, & Bon Marche, 8, High st.,Rhyl BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. JOHN AMOS 8, SUSSEX STREET, RHYL (Opposite the George Hotel). A laige and varied stock ol Boots Shoes, Slippe.:s, &c., of the best makes, and at very low prices. A trial is solicited. OTED BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, WELLINGTON CHAMBERS, Wellington-road, Rhyl. Large and well-assorted Stock of Boots and Shoes to select from. PRINTERS. AMOS BROTHERS, Commercial and General Steam Printers, Publishers, &c. All work neatly and quickly turned out, and at very moderate prices. PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. "TOHN WHEELER, Painter,"Paper-hanger, Plumber, Glazier, &c., CRESCENT ROAD, (late ii 7, Gronant Street), RHYL. All orders receive prompt and personal attention. HOTELS. LADSTONE TEMPERANCE BOABDING HOTEL, Budfor-street, RHYL, (close to the Kail- T way Station.) Hot Dinners daily. Tea and Coffee always ready. Special Terms for Pleasure Parties and School Trips on application.—MISSES GRIFFITHS. HUDDLAN.—iiEW INN, P. Edwards, Proprietor. Family and Commercial Hotel. Wines and Spirits of the Finest Quality, Bass' Burton Ales, Guinness' Dublin Stout. Cars for Hire. JAMES J)AVIKS, Registrar of Marriages, GWYNFA VILLA, RHYL, HOUSE & ESTATE AGENT, Collector of Rents, &c. Agent for the ALLIANCE,' «PROVINCIAL,' < QUEEN'S,' Fire and Life Assurance Com- panies MORTGAGES CAN BE PROCURED. a M 1. VISITORS TO RHYL. TURKISH AND OTHER BATHS can be had at the 11 YDROPATBIC E STABLISBMENI For Ladies on Tuesday and Friday mornings from 8 to 1 Wednesday from 2 to 6 o'clock. For Gentlemen at all other times from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. No Baths on Sunders. No more Misfitting Dresses. The Art of Dress-cutting Taught in a few Easy Lessons by the SCIENTIFIC SYSTEM OF DRESS-CUTTING. O little progress has been made in Xi the Art of Dressmaking in this v7j country, that we naturally ask our* selves what is the cause of tnis deplorable failure, especially since those engaged in it are compelled each year to acknowledge that the English ladies give their patronage more and more to foreign modistes. In cases where this is the exception, it is among those ladies whose means will not permit this luxurious indulgence, therefore they accept the ser- vices of the English Dressmaker in con- sequence of this inability, while their pre- ference is strongly in favour of the foreign to e. It is the duty of the English Dress- makers to learn the cause of this evil which robs them of their most lucrative patronage, and there seems to be no more effectual method in overcoming it than to learn to compete with these foreign rivals. In most branches of science and industry England has always maintained a leading position. Why, then, in a point so vital to her, and where so much capital is ex- pended, will she permit a foreign rival to bear the palm of victory ? Elegance ana refinement in dress have become so much a study by ladies in these days that al that art and gracecan do for them is called into requisition. It is in these points therefore, we know we are rivalled abroad Else ivhy are foreign modistes patronisec in preference to our own Dressmakers ? Al ladies know when the Dress array their fiure to the best advantage, and the m I Dressmaker knows that the first and most important step is to learn to cut the boihet correctly. To do this one must study pro- portions. For many years Dressmakers nave used nothing better than charts or models for cutting, each one of which is utterly imperfect in principle, as a little careful reasoning would convince them. In the first place, charts cut the same shape for every figure, measuring the same size bust. The fallacy of this idea is apparent when you consider that per- sons measuring the same size bust are rarely, if ever, shaped alike. Conseq uen t ly, garments cut on these principles do not fit the figure for which they are intended, and a great amount of valuable time is consumed in pinning and retacking, which are convincing proofs of the inutility ol i the methods usually employed. Yet, when you also perceive that by taking up a seam here, and letting one out in another place, you have thrown the seams out of all pro- portion, and utterly destroyed any grace the dress might have possessed; you ought then to be assured of the necessity of a true and correct method of cutting, which would save you this wasted time and miserable results. All good cutters know that a badly cut garment can never be made to fit well. By this system of Cutting, which is based upon mathema i- cal principles, and will enable one to fit ,ct every figure perfectly without alteration, you can arrive at every point that consti- -i tutes an accurate fit with certainty. I Ladies with irregular forms can be fitted with the same ease and certainty as^those P«r va^af10ns in'form footing with the Continental modistes in the Art of Dress Cutting. Ladies are discovering that thete h science in Cutting a Dress. The time has passed when the Dressmaker must ry the garment to see if it Jits jor with this system of calculation there can be no failure. Testimonial from a few English Ladies who have tested the Scientific System of Dress Cutting. \V- the undersigned ladies, having learned the Scientific System of Dress Cutting, take great pleasure in i- Vu- trf th<» ladies of our country, as we have proved its practicability and accuracy by many tests» a mending th < obtain a perfect fit when the instructions are followed, which are so simple that a chd^ ca ha^ never yet failed to obtam a^per^lect^t wne^r^ wU, neve et the invest" and tit by them ravine of matwial alone upon a few garments will more than pay for the System, besu ment she ha. made, as the saving « ma^ai a o p g|rment._Mrs. Phillipson, 3, Colville Square T=r^ e Assurance and ^(ac^c°Xm ^Carlton Hill, St. John's Wood, N.W. Mrs. Smythe, 37 Blenheirn Cres £ cl>ing R-iyswater, W., R Rpcehnro'Street Pimlico, S.W.; Miss Lang, 121, EdgwareRoad, W. Mrs. Dunlop, 16, w' Ro^'d^aS^rM^sslySr O^Bea^rRo^, Islington, N. f Miss Field, Stratford House, Wimbledon. S.W.; MrsT Baker, I, Bedford Terrace, High Street, Streatham. To whom we refer. TKCSTTUICTIONS given from 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Owing to the demand for evening instructions by those employe .^SAaavpuDils may now be instructed at their own Residence for the same charge.. F;«.-class Pratticll lad.es wanted to take charge of Branch Offices. Situations furnished to pupils, if desired, in Firs. Houses, where tbey can command the highest salaries as dress cutters. 1 On« Scientific Svstem, with general instruction at the office as long as desire vJ G NERAL { One System in full, with special printed instructions,enabling anyone to t oroug y PB.CE LIST, r undersTand it, will be sent by post to any part of the United Kingdom for £ 1 < > Oar Patent Double Tracing Wheel, tracing \w0 Beams all the same width, enabling a young girl to do g and labour. The above wheel will Invaluable to ladies if they have much sewing to do, a. it saves a great aeai 01 pQST FR £ E> M L°°don',o "• UmA- private houses Unexceptionable references required. Agents wanted in every AOVVU ^"R'C; ^'ST' A C I N O "7 EEL Address all Communications to TIFIC DRESS-CUTTING Local Agent for Rhyl Wanted. SPECIAL NOTICE. SPRING SALE. NEW LACE CURTAINS, in White, Cream, and Cardinal. LINEN AND COTTON SHEETINGS of all kinds. CLOTH AND WITNEY BLANKETS. COUNTERPANES, QUILTS, c and all kinds of General HOUSEHOLD DRAPERY, W, J. K E N T Has made large purchases of the best kinds of NEW GOODS-to meet the. requirements of the Spring, and the usual preparatians for the Season. NEW GOODS are cheaper and better value than ever, and economy and good quality can be found in New Stock that cannot be obtained in old or out of condition goods at Sales. Several special lines in TOWELSt much under the usual prices. R E A L INDIA liq A T S In all Sizes, from ONE SHILLING each. COMPARISON REQUESTED. W. J. KENT, 70, HIGH STREET, (Near the Parade), v. RHYL. 'j ESTABLISHED, 1866. /HARLES ARE EM AN AND g°N, PIANOFORTE, < HARMONIUM AND "I I 1) 1, GENERAL MUSIC WAREHOUSE, 26, HIGH STREET, RHYL. Pianofortes and Harmoniums of the best make and selection, FOR SALE OR HIRE. New Music at half-marked price, post free. Schools and Teachers supplied on advantageous terms. Single tunings or by yearly contract, promptly attended to in Town or Country, all kinds of Musical Instruments tuned and repaired. ORGAN, HARMONIUM AND PIANOFORTE Lessons on Moderate Terms. CONCERT AND ENTERTAINMENT AGENTS "THE OLD TOWN HALL STORES," r HIGH STREET RHYL, (Established 1850), pOULKES & CO., WINF & SPIRIT MERCHANTS, IMPOR- TERS & BONDERS. MAX GREGER'S HUNGARIAN WINE. SAINT RAPAEL TANNIN WINES 30/ per die. This wine is strengthening and digestive. It is an Invigorating Tonic, and more efficacious for con- valescents and debilitated persons than Iron oi Quinine. It is a sovereign remedy in cases of Gastric Debility and Anemia. BASS,ALLSOPPS, & WORTHINGTON'S ALES, GUINNESS'S, BARCLAY, & PERKIN'6 STOUT in Bottle and on Draught, DEVONSHIRE CIDER IN BOTTLES, And ELLIS & SONS' celebrated Mineral, Soda Potass Lithia, and other Waters. 21, HIGH STREET (OPPOSITE THE POST I OFFICE), RHYL. WILLIAM JONEb having taken the above premises (lately carried on iy Mrs THOMAS HUGHES in the Drapery business] 8 to intimate to the inhabitants and visitors of iyl and neighbourhood that the establislmvat /il henceferth be conducted in the G R 0 C E Ry B U S I N 1; t3 S Groceries and Provisions of the finest qualitie wil be sold the lowest possible prices. Note the Address:— 21, HIGH STREET (orrosma THE POST OFFICE) 62—279 RHYL. CURE FOR ALL! HOLLOWAYS OINTMENT. IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. No More Suffering! The Discovery of this Ointment has proved an invaluable boon to thousands ef sufferers: when rubbed over or near the seat of suffering, its rare Balsamic properties are conveyed to every part. Thus it heals inward wounds and ulcers of the STOMACH, BOWELS OR WOMB, strengthens the spinal marrow in cases of nervous weakness and depression, and all diseases of the THROAT, LUNGS, AXD CHEST. No invalid need despair of cure, whilst this Ointment can be obtained. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, and Ulcerations of all kinds. The application of this Ointment heals, in a remarlcablo manner, every kind of Ulceration, softens the stiff or contracted tissues, causes" proud" fiesh to disappear, and foul and loath- some discharges to become converted into healthy healing surfaces; and these effects are not temporary, bul radical and permanent. Piles, Fistulas, and Abscesses. These and all similar affections must be carefully treated "ccordng to the plan recommended in the printed instructions. The Ointment must be applied directly to the parts affected, and Holloway's Pills be simultaneously Lken to purify the blood, and to relieve the internal congestions which are so fertile a cause of this class of disease. Dropsical Enlargements, Swelled Legs, and Varicose Veins. In the reduction of all Glandular Swellings 110 remedyequa" tills incomparable Ointment: it prevents the formation of extra- neous growths, and is an invaluable remedy for checking all Chronic Discharges; when diligently rubbed into the parts fleeted, the worst case will yield m a comparatively short 5pace of time. Scrofula and Old Skin Diseases. This Ointment is a certain remedy for all diseases of the skitv whether simple or complicated. Scurvy, ringworm, blotches, pimples, and other cutaneous disorders, are at once eradicated y this invaluable Unguent. The Ointment and Pills are sold at Professor HOLLOWAY^I Establishment, 5^, Oxford Street, London also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised World, in Pots and Boxes, at is. lid., 2s. gd., 4s. 6d., us. 22s. and 33s. each. Full printed directions are affixed to each Pot and Box. and can be had in any language. N.B.— Advice can be obtained, free of charge, by applying at the above address, daily, between iht i fcours of 11 and 4, or by letter, H. A. STEEP, .i! i Wholesale and Family •■■■■• ,Y.' W INE & SPIRIT jyjERCHANT, ALE & PORTER DEALER & BOTTLER, 73, HIGH STREET, RHYL. MINERAL WATER DEPOT. STRATHERN & CO., "BIG BOOK." 26, HIGH STREET. BOOKS, ■ T.'r e:rr. STATIONERY, 'TJ.J. • JUNCY QOOBS ,'¡:, -AND rpOYS, i-.ii- t CIRCULATING LIBRARY ONLY 6D. A WEEK -< — AGENTS for W. BROWN & SONR. Steam Dye- ing and Laundry Works, Whitehaven. Every description oj work executed with despatch and on reasonable terms. WHITE CURTAINS CLEANED from Is. PER PAIR. NOTICE BY ESSRS. 0 LOUGH A QO., AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, "•ii j DENBIGH and RHYL OWING to their Offices in Bodfor Street having to be re-erected, their business will be temporari y carried on at GWYNFA VILLA, Where instructions for Sales and Valuations will be recei ved and promptly attended to by I;<- ME J" J)AVREB' N.D.-From the 1st of May next the business will carried on at the Offices No. 51, Kinmel Street. D ATT,O+ + £ > SURE AND JtvOWaLt S for one of R 0 W A T T'S ■q I i LAMPS Jl Si v em and have co other. ,'J' LAMPS Their Patent SPLIT-WICK ANUCAPNIO and LORNE Lamps are the most Economic Light Pro- ducers from Paraffin or Petroleum Oil. They re- quire no Chimney, and keep the Flame full up till be last diop of Oil is consumed. NONE GENU- INE but these STAMPED ROWATT'S PATENT. Retail from Ironmongers and Lamp-Dealers. Wholesale only ROWATT A SONS, Edinburgh, London, and Dublin WHISKY. VERY SUPERIOR OLD HIGHLAND SCOTCH WHISKY, 16a to 18s. per gallon. Gives utmost satisfaction everywhere. BEN. N, POOL, Wine and Spirit Merchant, ANNAN N.B. A FACT WORTH KNOWING. BEECHAM'S PILLS Have now been before the PIblic Thirty Years, and the rapid sale from the commencement, and the still increasing demand by the Public, is one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated. Thousands, in every sphere of life with one voice pronounced them the best, the safest and the surest for eradicating all those comr-'VitB of which flesh is heir to. They stand without a pa^^iltl j and have the largest sale of any Patert Mee-eine in th world. BEECHAM'S PILLS ARE admitted by thousands to be worth above a Guinea for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as wind and pain in the Stomach, sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness,and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, shortness of Breath Costiv eness,Scurvy and Blotches of the skin,Disturbed Sleep Frigntfnl Dreams, and all Nervous Trembling Sensations, 4c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction. for they have done it In Thousands of cases. The Proprietor of these Pills having obtained (at great expense) a Patentfor them,be challenges the whole world to product-d a modicine to equal them for removing the above. named complaints, and restoring the patient to sound and lasting health. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try oneBox of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged tc be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For Females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, a few doses of them carry off all gross humours, and open af that is required. No female should be without them. Thert s no medicine tobe found to equal BEECtLAM'a PILLAfo« removir.c any obstruction or irregularity of the system, tasen according to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore femals of all ages to sound and robust healtti. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, arid all disorders on the liver, they -.ct like MACIC. and a few doses will br found to work wondert- upon the most importantorgans m thehumRn machine. They strengthen the whole muscular Kvgtem.rfcb tore the long lost complexion.bring bacK the teei, edge of appetite,and arouse into action with the rose bud of health, the whole physical energy of the numan frame. These are facts admitted by thousa:ids.embraceg all ci&ssee of society and one of the best guarantees to tne nervous and debilitated is that Beecham's Pills have the largest sale ol any patent medicine in the world BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a Remedy for Coughs m general., Asthma, Difficulty it Rr«athine. Shortness of Brsath, l ightness and Oppression f the Chest Wheezing.&c,these Pills stand unrivalled; and any one labouring under any of the aV ve complaints, need nialv to try 01TB BOX to prove that th <>y are the BUST EVBB PTFEBED T~ THE PEBLIO for Asihir >tic and Consumptive Cousins, a. -Oppression of the Che- They speedily remove that set'se t s Jppresbion and Di ahy of Breathing, which IlIghtly deprive the patient of rest They give almost in- stant relief and comiort to those afiiicved with the above distressing, and, when neglected, dangerous compiaints. Let any person troubled with any of the above complaints give BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLb a trial. Cir ^ios.-The public aje requested to notice that the words 'BeeL:.a.m's puis St. Helens,' are on the Government Stamp affixed to each B-x vi the Pills if not or they are a forgery. Prepared Mly and sold wholesale ana retail by tke Pro- prietor T CEECHAM Chemist, St. Helens, Lancashire, in boxer 11 lid and 2B lId each. Sent by post free for 16 °L3ae -Bgists and Patent Medicine Dealers in the United Kingdom. Every description of Printing Cheaply, Neatly^ and Promptly Executed. THE Alliance Imuranee Company having 8«ttl«I all our claims so generously and promply, w* are determined to give the full benefit to our numerous Customers. We are quite a ware that the above RetTaeUbns appear inorfrdTble. A term- spect the Go.-nd Priœ will very town convince ), the mofct .P1jl nl1 we that ibey will give aU. entire satisfaction. We also desire to tender our iineire-tbmtlm to all who h!ave spontaneously expressed their sympathy and rejidered vahiftfele aesistaaoe. The Stock beitjg heavy and the damage extoufva* we are umable to commence the Sale until Monday r after Christmas. Poors open at 10 o'clock. DECEMBER 29TH, 1884. o-T. F. G RIFFITHIS I& CO- FEEE TRADE SAXL, RHYL ST. TIlOmAs's COLL-EGET RHYL. 7, Founded by the late Ven. ABCHBSAOO* HOMIXR^ CM4 conducted on the lines laid dowra by him. RESIDENCE—PLASTIRION TERBACK. -JJi — f PBHTCXPAL + ,T REV. E. WEBSTER, Late Curate of Rhyl. SEKIOB TUTOB W. H. SIMPSON, ESQ., B.A., London University; Intermed.B.Mus.; Latin Prise* man of 17itiversity College, London. and PriMSUB for Musical Composition of Trinity College,Loodoa. "I PEOKBSSOE OF MODEKS LurauAon: L. EL. JCNOD, ESO. PfioraseoK or ADVAXCKD DEAWTITO E. A. NOBBUET, ESQ.. R.C.A. DRILL INSTBTTCTOB SERGEANT-MAJOR MOERISOK. LOCO; TESTI3T0NIA1S From the Rrr. THoJUS RICHABMOS, M.A., Titm Of -BA.Vi- "The deep interest" which ve fuel in theproa« perity af the School as conducted bjr yon^~With every kind wish for the success of the aobool." FrIl" Stefebk EoosE, ESQ., &-mwr Churthvardm St. Thttmai's Parish. I would earnestly wish to reafad pamtg el their obligation to the kindly ftht of ft* great man (the late Arohdeacon Itccgan), who founded and originated yonr College, for the par- pose of affording the great Huddle-Glass an oppor- tunity of educating their sons in sound religious and secular knowledge, at a medemte charge, et their own doors. And I rejoice that the responsi- bilities have fallen into such j udicious hands, a" heartily wish you all success. Tfeel oertaia that the wider your efforts are known, the greater will be your fietd ol iakour." Prospectuses, References, &e., from Rer. the Principal. sT- A8aph ^RAJCMAR SCHOOL THE NEW SCHOOL BUILDINGS. The school re-opened Jan. 20th, 1885. V CLASS has already been formed for the Can- bridge Local Examination n Dec., 1881, ,Pupilt, are also prepared for Matriculation and the other University Examinations; for the Preliminary Law and Medical Examinations, for those of the Civil Service, and for the Preliminary Examination of the P.úr<¡1 Pharmaceutical Society. Terms, &c., on applanation. W, EASTIEBY, B.A., LL.D., Head Master .-the Archdeacon of St. Aeaph, Chairman of the Governing Body. B BY N -Y-MOR H OU SB LLAMPAIRFECHAN. A thorough preparation for Business and the Imrm Professionr. DURING the past twelve months the Pupils have been successful at the Examinations)f the Royal College of Surgeons, the Incorporated Law Society, Durham University, the Home Civil Service, the Pharmaceutical Society, and the Scienoe Examinations of South Kensington. No Pnpil has failed in any Examination. Testimonials from the Archbishop of York, Lords Fitzwilliam, Zetland, Houghton, JKeversham Wenlock, &c. Mr Robinson has had thirty four yeare* experienee in tnenhinfl" at some of the best schools in England. -288 pRUDENTIAL 8SURANCE ^OMPAMT (LDaTED), HOLBORN BARS, E.C. EVKET DBSCBIPTION OF LIFE ASST7SAK0X Aim AMM BUSDHESS TRLNBACTED.-REVEPMONS PUBOEAMB. The amount of Claims paid exceeds Six Millions The Invested Assets exceed Four Millions. Whole World Licenses granted to Seamen and otherv permanently engaged on board ship at an extra pi emiujn of JEI per cent. Limited Licenses:)• voyages not exceeding bejofed 33 degrees north latitude, 10s. per cent. The last AKKTJAI Aim VALUATION Rkpoxts can he obtained on application to the Secretary. AGENTS WANPED-—Apply to the Superinten- deut for Flintshire and Denbigh, CHAS. BLACKMORE, 5/52 2, Edward Henry Street, RhyL RATIS.—Sent by post to all parts of the World on rsMint Of Two St&mps to pren&y nostAm. NERVOUS DEBILITY. INVALIDS' GUIDE BOOK OF POSlTlVg REMEDIES FOR THE CURE OF AT.T. DISEASES. THE BOOK OF POSITIVE REMEDIES give a full list of the names in English, of all the Poettir Medicines used by a retired Physician in his pmotioa for over Thirty Years. The Name, Nature and Dos* given; also a list of Diseases for which the Podtive Botanic Medicines are a oertain Cure. EVERY HOUSEHOLD, every Man and^Wooun should possess a Copy of this invaluable book. IT IS WRITTEN and PUBLISHED to etxahte Invalids to form a correct knowledge of the disease that they may be suffering from, and to saleet Remedy and Cure themselves without consulting Medical Man, either personally or by letter. EVERYTHING THE INVALID should know on self-treatment, how to secure health, a long life and to avoid the doctor is given in this work. IT IS INDEED, and IN TRUTH, the Invalid's Hand-book and sure guide to the cure of all flinnaaos by the Positive Botanic Medicines. OVER SIXTY THOUSAND INVALIDS have been cured by the Positive Botanic Remedies. THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED Too. timonials given in favour of ;heso Medicines. SEND FOR THIS INVALUABLE BOOK, aid read it before taking Medicine—before giving your case into the hands of a Medical Man. NO WRITTEN STATEMENT OF CASE. NO CONSULTATION FEES. NO PERSONAL VISITS REQUIRED. SELF-TREATMENT IS EASY, SAFE AND EFFECTUAL by following the rules given in this Book. GRATIS. -NoTiox. The Guide Book to the treat- ment of all diseases by the new gysten. 01 Positive Botanic Remedies may be had direct from the Publishers on receipt of Two Stamps to prepay the postage. —Address— ii. SMITH & Co., POSITIVE REMEDY LABORATORY, 26- Southampton Row L '1\ W C -yjEbSRS. Q VV ti.N & v N UNDE tTAKE SALES BY AU'lION and by PRIVATE TREATY of Freehold, Lea sehold, and Copyhold Properties, Residences, Farms, Building Land, Ground and Improved Rents, Equities of Re. demption, Reversions, Life Interests, Policies of Assurance, &c. Also, SALES BY AUCTION of Household Furni- ture and Effects, Horses, Carriages, Live and DeHd Farming Stock, Ships, Machinery, Timber Fixtures, Fittings, and Building Materials. And VALUATIONS of any of the above enumera- ted descriptions of Properties and Effects for the purpose of Probate, Mortgage, Compensatien, Enfranchisement, Division or Exchange. The LETTING of Furnished or Unfurnished Resi- dences, Farm", Shooting and Hunting Quarters and Building Land. INVENTORIES of Furniture,Fixtures andEfledi made and Checked. RENTS ( ollected and Estates Managed. MORTGAGES procured on Freehold, IAmmhok, and Copyhold Properties. SURVEYS made and PLANS prepared. Terms may be had on application to the AUCTION AND ESTATE AGENOtY OFFICES, BRIDGE STREET. OABNABTOX KAN"=-Ms. WK. HUGH. OWEN.