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R HYL- VI-OTjRS AT THK IhDROLUIIIR ESEABLtSHSIENT.— Mrs Sit'.lden, Rhyl; Mrs Bntlcr, Walsall Mr Cockle. Birmingham Mr Llewelyn, London Rev. Mr McCtirJy, Loughborough. PULICE C rax.— On Thursday, before W. Pryce Jones, Esq, aud Dr Girdlestone, Emm x lionet is, a married woman, lolging in Back Kinmel Street, was charged with prostitution. P. C. Taafh. proved the case, and the prisoner was sentenced to one month's imprisonment with hard labour. FIKE AI BHUXSWICK CHAPEL.—A p AIC AVOIDED.—On Sunday eveniug last, after the commencement of the service, a fire was discovered to have broken out underneath the flooring of one of the classrooms im- mediately adjoining the above place of woiship, near the spot where the heating apparatus is fixed. The was a good congre- gallon assembled, Mr R. Williams officiating. The service bad commenced, and Mr Williams was reading the lesson for the evening when the first signs of uneasiness were manifested by the congregation. Just as Mr Williams was concluding the lesson, a volume of sm .ke or steam was seen rising from the floor and the congregation rose en masse and made for the doors. Those in the gallery commenced to rush, but upon a word from one or two gentle- mor, in the body of the building, assuiingi them that there was no immediate da.rger, oroer was immediately restoied, and the con- gregatioa left quietly. It is not known how the lire originated; but that it had been burning for some time is quite evident from ithe marks letE upon one of the joists i underneath the flooring of the vestry. Water, of which there was a plentiful supply inside the building, was at once thrown in buclcetfuls over the burning portion, and the fire m the heating apparatus was ex- ioguihed; and in a short time further danger was averted. The flooring of the vestry was lifted, and the timber underneath carefully examined. It is feared that the, heating apparatus has been rendered useles" for farther use, it having cracked througn water being thrown over it whiio red hot. It is hardly necessary to sar that what might have proved a very serioni catastrophe, resulting in the destruction of valuable property, if not of life also, was very providentially averted. YOUXG W OJIEX'S CHRISTIAN" ASSOCIATION.— On 1 hursday evening, at the rootns of the association in Water-street, about 30 of the members sat down to partake of a most splen- did repast, consisting of tea, coffee, sand- wicaes, < £ c-,which bad been provided for them through the kindness of ladies and gentlemen well-wishers of the association. After tea, the company spent the remainder of the eve-' rang in singing, &c. Before separating, cakes, oranges, &c., were distributed to the members, together with some beautifully executed Scriptural text-cards, Contributed, for that purpose by lady patrons. The meet- ing was a most enjoyable and edifying one. We are pleased to learn that under the very able and kind management of Miss Crawford the association is progressing, and is doing a very good aud useful work Y.M.C.A. PAKLIAXENIARY SOCIETY.— Very few members put in au appearance at the re assembling of the House, on Thuisday even- | ing last, after the Christmas recess. The j business before the House was the adjourned debate on the motion for the abolition of the House of Lords, to which an amendment had been proposed in favour of altering the con- stitution of that House, by doing away with hereditary qualification, nnder certain condit- ions. The terms of the motion and the amendment have been given in full in these I columns at the time they were proposed. A lively debate took place, and some very good speeches were delivered on both sides. On the amendment being put, it was declared negatived. A division was then taken on the original motion, with the result that 11 voted for, arid 11 against. The speaker therefore declared that theresolutionhad fallen through. Only two members of the Government were in their places, and the leaders of the Oppos- ition were also absent. Several members occupied seats in the strangers' gallery" during the debate. In consequence of their not taking their proper places during the sitting, the Speaker very properly ruled that they could not take part in the division- After j arranging the business, as well as could be done under the circumstances, for the nexM meeting, tho Speaker left the chair, and the Ilonse rose. TEA AND MAGIC LANIEKK EXTEKTAIN'VLNI. —On Tmtrsiay afternoon last about 3J young j pople who attend the Sunday 'services, anc assist in the singing at the Yale Road Church of England mission school-room, were enter- tained to tea and cake, &c. The Rev Clement Davies, M.A., had charge of the arrange- ments, And he was kindly and ably assistec by Mha Lee, the Misses Bell, Mr Joseph Griffiths and others. In the evening a yory clever and interesting magic lantern enter- tainment, free of charge, was given by Master Atcherley, who received a very hearty rote of thanks for his great kindness. It should be stated also that all the provisions had been subscribed for by kind friends. THE REV. T. PRICIIARD, Curate, has during this week been on a lectuiing tour through parts of Merionethshire in connection with the Church of England Temperauoe Society. 2D YOLU>~TEER BATTALION ROLU WELSH FCSILIERS.—" C iRhyl; Company's Orders.— The church parade will taice place on Sunday next, the 11th inst. Men to fall in at the Armoury at 9 45 a.m., in tunics and busbies Band to be in attendance.—The annual prized shooting oontest will take place at the new range (on the other side of the Yorya bridge, and near to the Ferry Inn, Yoryd), on Satur- day, the 17th inst., for the money prizes, and on Saturday, tM-th inst., for the prizes in kind. Jompetitors to be in nniforn, and subject to certain rules which may be seen upon appli- cation to Sergeant Instructor Morrison, either on or before the days appointed for the shoot- ing contests. Shooting will commence on both days at 11). a.m., and be continued until 4. p.m., after which time no man will be a1- lowed to lire. Those men who did not make themselves efficient last year are disqualified from competing—Any man desirous of 1":U- ing the above company is requested to com- municate with Sergeant Instructor Morrison as early as possible as the number of men to complete the full complement of the company is limited—By Older. Rhyl, Jan. 10, 1885, WE are sorry to learn that ilr R. E. Hugbes, architect, is still confined to the house, the result of an accident which befell him on the loth Nov. last; by which he severe- ly injured his left foot. AN entertainment, which promises to be of 6 highh-interesting character, is announced to be held at the English Wesleyan school- room, Morley Road, on Thursday e,enint. next. r THE lecture on tbc" Geology of the \e o' Clvvyd," by Mr Do Ranee, F.R.S., F.R.G.S. which had been announced to be given at the rooms of the Y.M.C.4., Oil Friday eveniug last, was postpon ?d uoder circnmstaii- ces of a seme what painful nature. The aud- lence was so small the Rev T. Prichard. j haviug consulted with other members of the- conimirtoe, thought it advisable to postpone the lecture to some future date, Mr De Ranee having very kindly consented to name a date shortly. The Rev. T. Prichard expressed his great regret that the audience was so very email, ani particularly that so few of the young men, members of the | association were present. As to the genera; public, it was perhaps an inconvenient time of [be year for them to attend lectures. He sin- 1 cere).7 trusted that the next time the lecture- was announced the members of the association would use their utmost endeavours to make it 1111 success. The holders of tickets would have their money returned, or could retain them for use on the next occasion, if they desired. I THE QCARTEE Sessions of the Pease Lr Flint- I-bire were held this week, at Mold. On Tues- day, before the usual cotinty business wa- :r ,1 Atr .a.dim Lyt m (Llauerehyia^i-), aiiu 1 I -lr T. LI. Murray B.o vue and Dr Griidlestr>c i VI Ebyl) took the necessary oaths anc qualified as county magistrates. The business ■ raiisacted did not comprise any matters of grea interest aud importaace- isotioe was given tUtt.t a motion for borrowing money to defray the cost ol ^erecting new police stations at Rhyl and Overton will be made at the next meeting. Mr Pennant suggested that the loan should extend • >ver a period of twenty years. but the Chairu.-n J. Scoott Bankes) aivocatd that the repayment should extend over thirty years. On Wednesday the trial of prisoners took place. FLAGS were displayed on Thursday in several parrs of the town in honour of the coming of atre of Prince Albert Victor Christian Edward, eldest son of the Prince of Wales. A series of temperance meetings have been ar- ranged for next week at Smith's dining rooms, Wellington'read, commencing on Suuday evening next, when a prayer meeting will be held. Ad- dresses will be delivered each evening during the week. and the meetings will also be otherwise ms ie as interesting as possible. A L'nited Temperance Mission has been iformed at Denbigh, and in con- nection with it also public meetins-s will be hell during' the whole of next week. At a conferenea on Tuesday, under the presidency of the Lord Bishop of St. Asaph, the Rev. T. Pritchard, Klrd, will read a paper OD "Temperanra Legislation. Ou Friday, the Rev. J. J. Williams, of Rhyl, w. 1 read a paper on "The claims Temperance on -8 Christians of the age. OWIXG to the heavy pressure on our space this week, a report of the alleged perjury case at St Asaph, a )tes on the meeting of the executive committee of the Liberal Association at Rilyl, correspondence, Ac., have to be held over for a week. ■»



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