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OUR REPRESENTATIVES. AFTER a short vacation, which everyone will agree was well earned, our county and borough members have been very energetic in attending meetings and addressing their constituents. On Monday last, Lord RICHARD GROSVENOR delivered an important speech to the Liberals of Caevgwrle; and again on Tuesday he, with Mr. "TOliN ROBERTS, addres- sed a large meeting at Connah's Quay. Again, Wednesday saw them in our own town, not, however, principally for a political purpose, but taking part in a ceremony which must interest all those who have at heart the spread of religion and of good works. We propose to follow them in their peregrinations, and to set before our readers the most important points which they put before their hearers. In his speech at Caergwrle, Lord RICIIARIJ GROSVENOR at first facetiously alluded to the threatened Tory oppusition to him at the next election. With confidence be hoped that after the fight was over he would be able to say to his opponents, like the navvy to the wife who used to beat him, It amuses you and it dun't hurt me." He next confined his attention to the dis- charge of business in the House of Commons. Out of the G5 Government nights in the session 34 were taken up by Supply, thus leaving only 31 for the carrying out of those reforms to which the Government were pledged. The Opposition forced them to ppend 25 of these on discussing the Fran- chise Bill, and thus there were left 6 nights for all the other business, and the debates on foreign affairs. How unnecessary were those 25 for the Reform Bill is easily seen when we remember that only three or four were spent when on the second occasion it came up for consideration. However, the noble lord congratulated the country and his con- stituents on what had been done, and pre- dicted that very little else could be expected from the coming session but the passage of the Redistribution Bill. There were burning (jiiestions already to busy themselves with,and with one of these the remainder of his speech was occupied. "The great question," he said. whish was coming up again, and which the Tories were trying to bring before the people and to gain their votes thereby, was their good old friend Protection, that doll which the Tories dressed np in various disguises, and called by very different names but it was the same thing after all." Premising the great depression in trade, which now unfortunately exists in this country, the right honourable gentleman quoted statistics showing that iu France and America, in both of which country protec- tion was in force, trade was more depressed than in England. The total imports in this country for the last eleven months had been 357 millions, out of which 147 millions had been food. Fancy, if there had bo^jj any tax upon that. 131 millions had been for raw materials, few of which could be pro- duced in this country, at least not cheaply; and 30 millions were semi-raw materials, such as tobaccj, oils, sJeds, &c., many ot which were re-manufactured in fchk country which onlv left 49 millions that competing Loreigners hMrsucceeded in placing upon the markets of this country during the lr.8t eleven months and he did not think that tho most ardent Fair Trader could s iy that that was a very large amount. Though iheie raighi le a certain amount of depres- sion in this country at the present moment, it was tetter to leave its cure to natural causes than to go one step backward and make the fatal mistake of abolishing the creed they believed in-the creed of Free Trade. Again on Tuesday night Lord RICHARD GROSVENOR supplemented what he had said ftt Caergwrle by giving a finishing stroke 0 to the phantom known as Fair Trade. From the importance which our county member attached to the exposure of this fallacy we may fairly believe that being in want of a cry of any kind to go to the country with the Tories in their extremity have adopted tils one, and as soon as tho campaign begins we shall hear them in all parts oi the country endeavouring, with their plaus- ibilities, to catch the votes of the newly erifranchished county voters. On the principle that being forewarned is forearmed Lord RICHARD GROSVENOR in his two speeches has fairly stifled any attempt that may be made to palm off these exploded: doctrines on the electorate of Flintshire. The working man's wages are 40 per cent higher now than before we adopted the principles of Free Trade, 58 per cent higher than those in trance, and 12 per cent higher than in Germany, the two latter countries not having adopted freedom of commerce. Year by year the great increase in the' amounts deposited in the Post Office Saving's Bank showed that the artisan class was vastly increasing in prosperity and thrift. Wales ought certainly to be satisfied with what the Government had done for it, for at that moment it possessed three Univr-rgities, and now only an intermecusue education, set was wanted to form a complete system of education. Proceeding to another topic Lord G n c s v ii N o it said he was confi- dent that the new Parliament, when it was elected, would be able to d,i with the burning question of the disestablishment of the church in a manner f-r-l'sfaclory to the people of Vt ales." The land Jaw, would come before it for reform. Simpler ans of land transference and purchase, am! con iderabio alteration iu tho iaws of entail and primogeniture, would form part of its most important woik. That this new Parliament would be composed mostly of Liberals In had no doubt, and consequently he couh: predict fhat these questions would be settled j in a way to ensure thç welfare and ess of the country. LIE JOHN ROHEUTS then 'U'livere-l a Rhort i but Stirling speech in which Le uw^n all present to maintain th > pjsil uu v/'djl- j Flintshire had v> oil ns the p:onrer ccu.ty, devoted to Liberal principles. Cu Wednesday afternoon our IL, c r_ ,b r visited I a full account of a tot :> placo will be found in another part of O'u issue to-day. In -the eve nil g they to Alostyu and a-'Uircf-sed a lai^e uieit ng i the National Schoolroom. Lord EICAP.V Gritoavr.xon, although touching upon othe mportant subjects, again confined himseit sliicfly to the Fair Trade fallacy. He said that at the next election the Tories would put forward a bait by attempting to show that the depressed condition of trado in that fa t'cu'ar district wns owing to tho Govern- mcnt Lot putting a tax on lead imported into the country. We sincerely hope that the majority of the inhabitants of Mostyu were present to hear his lordship's remarks, for they would then understand how disastrous to themsolves and to their country fluch a tax would be. The reason why tho price of lead had diminished was not that foreign competition had so influenced the market,but that the uses to which lead had been applied hitherto had LOW been taken up by cheaper articles, and consequently the demand for it was not neariy so great as it use! to be. Lord Nor, then referred at some length to various pressing political questions and urged his hearers to give their votes in favour of what he believed to be the right principles, the principles of the Liberal party. On Thursday afternoon the two gentlemen addressed their constituents at Caerwys. The results of their tour must be gratifying to themselves, and be productive of great good to the Liberal party in Flintshire. To us who live and work and move in this county their energy is a wholesome example. Let us like them be up and doing, and when the general election comes let it find us ready for the fray, so that after it is over we may still hailjour county as worthy of its men of old, and as devoted as ever to the principles of Peace, Retrenchment and Reform.

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