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■ Barclay & Perkins' Stout IS TTHlTBBSALLi ADMITTED to be SUPER. IOR TO ALL OTHERS. I WM. P. JONES. WHOLESALE AND RETAII H WINE, SPIRIT, ALE & PORTER MERCHANT, 10, Sussex-street (Corner of Water-street, Rhvl,) leaving been appointed SOLE AGENT for the ■ tbore can now supply them as follows Porte? ..23s. 18-gals. casks. 12s. 9-gal. casks. I B Stout. 28s. „ -J4s..» ■ B.B Stout.32s. -17s> ■ Tmperial or in- .19s. valid Stout 38s. I Agent for thm BURTON BREWERY COM- I ANY'S celebrated Burton Mild and Bitter Ales, I BASS'S Ales and Sole Ag-ent for Messrs. BAR- I CLAY PERKINS & Co's London Stout. ■ East India Pale Ale 3s. 6d. per doz. pints ■ Extra Dublin Stout 3s. Od. ditto I Wines and Spirits of First Class Brands ONLY. I THE TRADE SUPPLIED. I CHRISTMAS I CHRISTMAS I CHRISTMAS I CHRISTMAS I FRUIT I IN ABUNDANCE. We are now etiering Very Fair CURRANTS at tyl0' PER *LB' Good PATRAS gD- •> Ex client Do. 4D. 70STIZZA 4D. & 5 D. 2 Valencia RAISINS 4 D. & 5 D. SULTANAS NEVER SO CHEAP, NEVER BETTER IN QUALITY, Excellent Fruit at 3d. per lb. E. P. JON E S, MAS WILLIAMS, t 'V ILL lAMS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCIIER, 3. WATER STREET, R II Y TJ A COllstant supply of Meat always on hand duding Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pork c. G7H."]^beins; .:T NEW & SECOND-HAND EURNITURESi ORES 3, MA RKET STREET RIIY L. CHILDREN'S CHAIRS,COTS & MATTRESSES, PERAMBULATORS & BATHS for HIRE. Agent for the Guardian Fire & Life Assurance Co. jjl D W A K D QWENS, butcher, i, WATER STREET, HHYL (OPPOSITE SUSSEX STREET) families supplied with the Best Quality of Beef Mutton, Lamb. Veal, and Pork. Orders Promptly Attended To. Fine Flavoured Pork Sausages. -¥- A Tr 0 N E 8 A. JONES JOINER AND BUILDER, Begs to inform the inhabitants of Rhyl and district hot he has re-commenced business, and is now ceady to do any repairs or alterations, and to give estimates for work in the.-evi-izl branches of the Trade. WORKSHOP AD YARD: WEST KINMEL STREET Enquiries may also be made at the Queen's Din- ing Rooms, 11, Queen Street, Rhyl. -« A PVIDB TO K H I V A BY CAPTAIN FRED. BARNABY, ROYAL HORSE GUARDS. Page 13 says—"Two pairs of boots lined with •ir were also taken and for physic-with which it is aa well to be supplied when travelling in out-of- j.e-waj places—some quinine and Cockle's Pills, he latter a most invaluable medicine, and one A'hich I have used on the natives of Central Africa with the greatest possible success. In fact, the marvellous effects produced upon the mind and body of an Arab Sheik, who was impervious to all native medicines, when I administered to him five COCKLE'S PILLS ri11 never fade frOUl my memory; and a friend of j mine who passed tlii-oiiglt i lie same district many months afterwards, informed me that my fame as 1.\ medicine man' had not died out, but that the marvellous cure was even then a theme of con- nersation in the bazaar. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FKEE FROM ME11CUKY. COCKLE'S ANTIDILIOUS PILLS, (J THE OLDEST PATJ-ST MEDICIKE. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, TIIE SAFEST PATENT MEDICINE. /^OCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, I I THIS BEST FAMILY APERIENT MEDICINE. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, 8 FOB LIVEH. /COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, t. For, BIL y-NOCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, I J Volt INDIGESTION. COCKLES AMIHIIIOUS PILLS, FOR HEARTBURN. lOCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, j roii SICK HEADACHE. ,OCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, v IN USE AJfCIsGt'T Al.Xi CXjASSE9. "-KLE'S ANTIB11 IOCS rILLS, IN USE EIULITY'L 1IREE YEARS. ) Á(LE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, b IN USE EVERYWHERE. 1 COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PI1LS, J May be had throughout the United Kingdom, Boxes, at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., II* and 223 18, NEW OEMOND STREE'J, LONDON FBVOUS & lllYdCAL ^oiitltman hu\iiij.' tiled in vain iVirv u-ed reined), Las discovered a .-imp.e HR-UUS i f t-i li ne. He will be Isavpy to '.irward the paniculate any sutterer oo lecupt oi a stamped and direcitd cnv» .ope.—Mr J. T. 13YLluk Villa, Ham- mexeiuith, London W JONES & SON'S FLOUR Nibs, for I R. Is. Plbs, Is. lOlbs. Is. 121 bs. Is. INDIAN MEAL 15s. 3d. per 2401bs. -.6-' "THE HOME.MADE BREAD SHOP. J. T. JONES, PAMII.Y^-1 ROGER & RPEA J^EALEK| BARER, PROVISION DEALER, x TALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN ALED HOUSE, 27, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHIL The best of Everything." JOHN EDWARDS, jgUILDER AND qONTRAOTOE, 26, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL, Every description of JOINERY WORK undertaken. All Kinds OF ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS, &c., PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ESTIMATES GIVEN ON APPLICATION. J. BROWN, A RTIST & pHOTOGRAPHER, 3, KINMEL STREET, RHYL. ALL FirOTOGRAPIIS TAKEN BY THE IXSTANTAXEOUS PROCESS. nA HTEt> (anv position), -Is. (id. per doz. TWO ( j POSITIONS, 6s. 6d. per doz. CABINETS, 12s. (Jd. per doz. Enlargements finished in various styles. Note the Address—3, KINMEL ST., RHYL. (Nearly opposite the Alexandra Hotel). A GOOD PLAN. -S (\ AND upwards invested, under the| | non-liability system, in carefully selec- ted Stocks and Shares often returns handsome profits in a few days. Full details in Explanatory Bouk (fourth edition), j<ruit.v nudpof-t fire. Address. GEO. EVANS & CO., Stockbrokers, Graham House, Old Broad Street, London, E.G. Best and safest plan ever devised. -.J 'BREAD IS THE STAFF OF LIFE." FOR PUKE, OLBAN, UNADULTERATED B 11 E A D GO TO W. D AN I ) Ii S GROCEK, BAKEH. A-. PROVISION DEALER, ABBEY STREET, H1IYL, Who has reeeiitiv had fitted, up two of the most APPROVK!) OVENS. have pine, wholesome Bread care and atieu tion siiould be paid to the suiroundiugs of tin Bakeiv. W.D. lias ereettd one of illr IjECKER OVENS, which oonsurnes its own smoke, and thereby renders it practLaliy impossibh for < hnoxious prases to exist in the bakehouse, and therefore cannot be absorbed by the dough in the process of fermentati"ii. This added to the fact that nothing but the best flour is used in this estab- lishment is a guarantee for the purity and excel- lence of the Bread. Hot Rolls, Milk Rolls, Whole-Meal Bread, Buns, Scones, &)., daily. 52—283 I'KUJ'KSSIOXAI, 1 ATI MAT I ON BIRMINGHAM CHAMBERS, WELLINGTON ROAD, Hun" JULY 28TH, 1881. FJUHES AND GENTLEMEN,— I beg most lespectfully to inform you that, iu compliance with the repeated solicitath lis of nurmerous friends, I have taken out n license for the deupose of selling by Public Atictioi, and the conducting of Valuations of Property in general. My very successful experience, as aLflud and House Agent, induces me to appeal to you foi a share of the patronage usually bestowed upon members of the profession. It shall be my sole aim to conduct all sale entrusted to my carj with untiring attention suceeded by PROMPT CASH SETTLEMENTS. Owners of Property iu Rnyl and district, who place their properties iu my hands, may rely upon every attention being paid thereto; both in prompt collection of rent, economical managemeut, punctual settlements. References permitted to W. R. Williams, Esq., Solicitor, Rhyl; J. E. Ilawoith, Esq., Spriugside liouse, Kawtenstaii, Lancashire; &c. lours Obediently, F, J. SHRSONS. The under mentioned agencies are under my management -Norwicli l'uiuu Fire, Provident Life County Fire, Railway Passengers Accidental and the London and General Plate Glass Insurance Companies, Me/k\s R/ti/( Apartments Directory. The Haworth Estate, & Central Land & House A gcncy Offices. "SULPIIOLINK Loi,to.N Ali external means of CURING SKIN DISEASES. There is searceh any eruption but win yield t(- "in few days, and cinnueucc to fade away, even if it C- Ordinary pimples, redness, blot- ches, sem i, roughness, vanish as if bv i^agic whilst old, enduring skin disorders, that have plagued tin sufferers for years, however deeply rooted they in 13 be, "Sulpholine" will sueessfullv attack them. A DILIOIITI'UL FLAVOUR, CIIACROT'X'S ARKCAMAN I.ooill I AMFC. I>y using this delicious Aromath Uentifnte, te^ enamel of the teeth becomes whitt. M.nudum1, polished like ivory. It is exeeedinj!- tragi nut and s]>e.-i:iliy useful for removing iueru* nations of tartar on neglte.ted teeth. Sold b, JlChemists. P''ts, b. and Is utl. caiL (u è (Vacroft's). The Dandelion Extract contained in Dr. Kill" Pills, by its well-known action on the Liver (tin most important gland in the whole f cause the bodily serrations to now in a regu'ar manner and conjointly with the Tonic ingredients, gre tl. i^yjtes, so maiutaming the gl ea r pt)ii^iis of he I systc-.n in the fit; eondi.ion .,>-vure good he It J Any Chemist selts them boxes 1: 1 Id. and 2s. 6 each LIvEn 1\1 EI ICIE TARAXACUM AND rODODIYLL- This fluid combination, extracted fiom medicm; roots, is becoming very poouiar, and is now use. instead of blue pill and calomel for the cure u; dyspepsia, biliousness, and ali symptoms of conges tiou of the liver, which are general,y pain beneatl ti.e sbonldei's, headache drowsiness no appetite, furred tongue, di.>greeab;e m the monrng, gkldine s, oi the .1 •uiaoli and feeiing oi < licia: d -i.-iessi. it se t> t'.e sluggish li v,;r iniuol- n.veij s t, t y acts tipuii the bo a eis, giving a sens hllt 1.;1 end eomfoL't vviuiiu -1 lio'.irs. 1 is tne safe, icedijine. Tarax-f.uu'iand i'tiopiiyiliuis a iium .»,«!. (mil by J. l'l.t'i-OJi, Bedford Laboratory, Loneunt whose nanle is on eveiy label It is important to notice this. Bottles Ij. yd. Sold by all Chemists WW H HFSf Wfi? 43 M W/flTI FOR FISH, GAME, EA('H ST 0 iiOl'TLE OF TUIS STEAKS,/ /L 'E¡'];il!LlT]:1I SALCE FIIEFAIIEI) FRQM THE OS (3. sfy AS KEfiP; BEARS YY THE WKLL-KXOWX LABEL SIGNED (i /'c ci,^ <7 This label is protected by perpetual injunction in Chancery of the 9th July 1858 and without it none can be genuine. PREPARED ONLY BY E. LAZENBY K S0>\ LONDON.. And sold Retail by Oroccl's, Oilmen, Italian ll'arcltfjutcnicn, SfC. tliroucjlwiil the Kingdom. JOHN H. ELLIS, WHOLESALE and FAMILY WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANT, ALE & PORTER DEALER & BOTTLER, 121, WATER STIREET, RHYL. AGENT FOR M A X G¡R B G E R' S HUNGARIAN WINES. 13 AS S & 0 U S AND ALLSOP1' & SON'S ALES ptJ4S^'A,1^-ENKR LA6ER BEER •' G L I N N L h S >S EXTRA D tT 13 L I N STOUT, 1 In Casks and Bottles. IELLIS'S'CELEBRATED MINERAL WATERS* — T CANTRELL & COOHRANE'S AND ROSS'S BELFAST!GINGER*ALE. Full Price^List of'all Wines, Spirits, &c., on application to JOHN H. ELLIS, 12, WATER STREET, RUYL. No more Misfitting Dresses. The Art of Dress-cutting Taught in a few Easy Lessons by the SCIENTIFIC SYSTEM OF DRESS-CUTTIIO. f~y O little progress has been made in the Art of; Dressmaking in this V; J country, that v, e naturally ask our- Pelves what is the cause of this deplorable failure, especially since those engaged in it are compciled each year to acknowledge that the English ladies pive their patronage more and more to foreign modistes. In case where this is the exception, it is among those ladies v. hose mean swill not permit this luxurious indulgence, therefore they accept the ser- vices of the English Dressmaker in con- sequence of this inability, while their pre- ference is strongly in favour of the foreign robe. It is the dutyof the English Dress- makers to learn the cause of this evil which robs them of their most lucrative patronage, and there seems to be no more effectual method in overcoming it than to learn to compete with these foreign rivals. In most branches of science and industry England has always maintained a leading position. Why, then, in a point so vital to her, and where so much capital is ex- pended, will she permit a foreign, rival to bear the palm of victory ? Elegance and refinement in dress have become so much a study by ladies in these days that ali that art and grace can do for them is called into requisition. It is in these points therefore, we know we are rivalled abroad Else why are foreign modistes patronised in preference to our own Dressmakers r All ladies know when the Dress arran their figure to the best advantage, and the Dressmaker knows that the first a::ri trost important step is to learn to cut the bo:a: conccily. To do this one must 5\ :ùy pro- portions. For InJ.i1. years Dressmakers have used nothing better than charts er models for cutting, each one of which is utterly impcrfect in principled as a little car(:Í11 reasoning \01.11:1 convince them. In the first place, charts cut the same shape for every figure, measuring the same size bust. The fallacy of this id; a is apparent when you consider that-per- sons measuring the same size bust ate rarely, if ever, shaped alike. Consequently, garments cut on these principles do not fit the figure for which they are intended, and a great amount of valuable time is consumed in pinning and retacking. which are convincing proofs of the inutility of the methods usually employed. Yet, when you also percciye that by taking up a scam here, and letting one out in siiother place, I you have thrown the scaiiis oLt, rif all pro- portion, and utterly destr^j -d any grace the (hc", might have possessed; you cught then to be assured of the necessity of a true "ncl correct method of cuttrq;\ which would saye 5-ou this wasted time and miserable results. All good cutters know that a badly cut garment can never be made to fit well. By this "vstem ef Cutting, which is based upon mathema'i- cal principles, and will enable one to lit every figure perfectly without alteration, you can arrive at every point that consti- tutes an lccurate fit with certainty. Ladics with irregular forms can be fitted with the same ease 211(1 certainty as those with perfect proportions. alid, this cannot be done by any other method of cutting. Its adaptability to ail changes of style, or variations lL [{)i.1 makes this system an enduring advantage to the Dressmaker, Clnd its comprehensive use will place her on an equal footing with the Continental modistes in the Art of Dress Cutting. Ladies are discovering that there is science in Cutting a Dress. The time has passed what the Dressmaker n:us! try on the garment to see if itfits for with this system of calculation there cait be no failure. Testimonial from a few English Ladies who have tested the Scientific System of Dress Cutting. the undersigned ladies, having learned the Scientific System of Dress Cutting, take great pleasure in reeom- nieiidiiig the same to the ladies of our country, as we have proved its practicability and accuracy by many tests, and have never yet failed to obtain a perfect tit when the instructions are followed, which are so simple that a child can cut and fit by them as well as an adult; and we are sure that any lady who may learn this system will never regret the invest* ment she has made, as the saving of material alone upon a few garments will more than pay for the System, beside the Assurance and Satisfaction of always having a perfect fitting garment.—Mrs. Phillipson, 3, Colville Square Terrace, TIV rs' "^a'c0'1T1> 4°I Carlton Hill, St. John's Wood, N.W.; Mrs. Smvthe, 37, Blenheim Cres., NoUing H'll, Mrs. Wmton, 67, Bessboro' Street, Pimlico, S.W.; Miss Lang, 121, EdgwareRoad, \V. Mrs. Dunlop. 16. So'011 New Koad, Clapham Miss Syer, 60 De Beauvoir Road, Islington, N.; Miss Field, Stratford House, Wimbledon.'S.W.; Mrs. baker, 1, Bedford Terrace, High Street, Streatham. To whom tec refer, a .INSTRUCTIONS given from g.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Owing to the demand for evening instructions by those employed during the day, pupils may now be instructed at their own Residence for the same charee Practical ladies wanted to take charge of Branch Offices. Situations furnished to pupils, if desired, in First-class Houses, where they can command the highest salaries as dress cutters. GENERAL ( £ ne Scientific System, with general instruction at the office as long as desired JOO O O DTJTPTP T TQT 1 One System in full, with special printed instructions, enabling anyone to thoroughly iiiOi, understand it, will be sent by post to any part of the United Kingdom for _C?1 f) O Our Patent Double Tracing Wheel, tracing two lines at a time, one to cut by, and the other to sew by, making the seams all the same width, enabling a young girl to do the tacking as well as an experienced Dressmaker, will be foimd invaluable to ladies if they have much sewing to do, as it saves a gieat deal of time and labour. The above wheel ill be tent to anv part of the United Kingdom on receipt of as. (Two Shillings.) POST FREE. Post Office Orders (crossed) to be made payable at General Post Office, London, to N. I-IANBURY, Limited, 272, Regent Street, Regept Circus, London, W. A few more I.adies of intelligence and good address W anted, to learn our System, as teachers to give instructions at private houses Unexceptionable references required. Agents wanted in every Town to sell our System. Scud for Agents' Special Pric; List. TRACING Address all Communications to the General Office of SCIENTIFIC DRESS-CUTTING ASSOCIATION, 272, Regent St., Regent Circus, Local Agent for Rhyl Wanted. Business Cards. STATION Ell AND NEWS AGE NT. | TRH1EARN, Wholesale ami Kets?iJ Stationer, Eookseller, Bookbinder, Newsajjent & Dealer in Fancy Good*. Library Depot. Stationer's Hall, 105 & 166, "Wellington road, & Bon Marc-he, 8, High st.,Ehyl i BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. JOHN AMOS, S, ST SSKX STKRET, KHYL (Opposite the Oeorpre Hotel). A large and varied slock of Boots?, Shoo, Slippers, iScc., of the best makes, and at very low prices. A trial is solicited, l^TOTKD BOOT AND Si 1 OK AYAREHOUSE, WELLINGTON CHAMBERS, Wellington-road, Rhyl- Large and well-assorted Si ock of Boots and Shoes to select from. }M?! xxKRS. A MOS BROTHERS, Commercial and General Steam Printers, Publishers, &c. All work neatly /• and quickly turned out, and at very moderate pri'.es. 'U PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. ( OliN WliEl'LEE, lYh.tu', IV^r-Laj^cr, Plumber, Glazier, &e.. CRESCENT KOaD, (late 'I i. Oroiiaul Ktm-t), PlO'L. Ail urdeij- rrcf.ivc prompt and personal attention. ;i.r-¡¡., HOTELS. LADSi'dNL TEMPERANCE .BOARDING HOTEL, Bodfcr-street7R-nYL_^l^lITtho Raii- VX -way Staticsi A Ilot Dinners daily. Tea and Coffee always ready. Special Terms for Pleasure1 Parties School Trips on -i- GRIFFITHS. RHTDDLAN.—NL\v INN, P. Edward?, Proprietor. laroily and Commercial Hotel. Wines and Spirifs «>f the rim sf Qualify, Buss' Bm-v>n Ale*, '■aimiess' 'Dublin Stout. Cars for Hire. :bl:;T'; T 1- I „ wnmnm.. ,1^. jwt.ji-1 i»ii» a, At a GREAT SAYING to the PURCHASER Lanies, send letter or post card, raid you \yi;i receive, POST m m FEEE> Sample Patterns, with Prices, of aii the LEADING I I HMBHS JOSL &0/O.TIES for the Autumn ami Winter Seasons. j^Sj^STV^LE^ AT PRIOE^S TQ^ &U^7~ ALL PURSES. BY (v7, (I @ 0 T 1I The Tii ( 1 y trading direct vnih the public, have CI II^ O ft III \i I rffoct< 1 es and Fabrics of Di'.rss Materials. This B Jk i_S Isl S"^ ,&J| S tj W [■ i= test ill i n x 'pinions. Carriage PaM to any part of the ™ v 0 m « Ignited1 in u"1 re1 ■> v fl. Tiie Centnrv Cashmeres, as exhibited Tj T3 A T| f\ "O TV at tho Health i,xml>mon. are in eve- incrc^ivz Be particular to «• *•> *v U RiJdress wiullt flwe write at (jnce, ana msntipu this Journal, YORKSHIRE • í EREY pHRISTMASi: Christmas Presents! Bazaar and Fancy Fair I Novelties for Christmas Trees! W. io KEIN T I 0, HIGH R. E E T, RHYL, j Has imported SIX CASES OF IANCY GOODS For Christmas Presents for Children, Young and Old. TOYS OF ALL KINDS from; Id. to 2s. each, Dolis, Babies, 0ipsies, Dre.-sed Dulls, Uoi>cs. Dcuke} s, Cats, Dogs, Elephants, Truiiis, Carts, Skittles, Guns, Pianos, Noah's Arks, Puzzles, Sham Figlits. Marching Soldiers, Moving Aui- mals, Talking Dolls, Singing Birds, Bricks, Cubes. Clowns, Monkeys, Hca-eqiains, Farm Yards, Villus, Butchers' Shops, Grocers'Shops, Ducks, Geese, Dolls, Furniture, Banjoes, -Ihc-se. Goods arc exprssdy for fit'1 Christmas '[rude, and the Prices for Cash ore- about One. half the usual mks. E'Y ALBUMS, JAPANESE GOODS. FRAMES, ) BAGS, JEWEL & WRITING CASES, &c., at Low Co-operative Prices. j THE pAXCY J^RAPERY gTOCK Is well asserted with Novelties in SILK & LAOE TIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, &c., aud inspection is invited without expectation of purchase. The Goods are conveniently laid out and everything is fresh and new. W. J. KENT, | CASH DRAPERY & FANCY WAREHOUSE, 70, HIGH STREET, BHYL. ESTABLISHED, I860. j QHARLES JJARDEMAN AND g°NT, P g a O 2 » 5 § « M R s » £ txj d § ° H S CI ° £ za p 26, HIGH STREET, RHYL. Pianofortes and Harmoniums of the best make and selection, FOR SALE OR HIRE. New Music at half-marked price, post free. Schools and Teachers supplied on advantageous terms. Single tuning's or by yearly contract, promptly attended to in Tow n or Country, all kinds of Musical Instruments tuned and repaired. OR,C-' iN., HARMONIUM AND PIANOFORTE Lessens on Moderate Terms. CONCERT AND ENTERTAINMENT AGENTS "THE" OLD TOWN HALL STOiiES," ) HIGH STREET RHYL> J (E itabdshed 1S50), POULKES & (jO., WIKF & SPIRIT MERCHANTS, IMPOR- TERS & BONDERS. MAX GREGER'S HUNGARIAN WINES. SAINT R A PA EL TANNIN WINES 3u/ ;er dev. Il:i«. wiiif is strengthening and digestive. It is aii ln\igoral;ng i i nie, udc! more ctiicacious for cui valesecms and debilitated rersoiis than T.ron m j Quinine. It is h sovereign rcnieely in oates < { GastricDcbiiit_vr and Alit-o.ia. NASS,ALLSOPPS, & WORTIII.\GTON'S ALES, BARCLAY, & PERKING STOUT in Bottle nud on Draught P>P:VGNRHIHE CIDER IN T30TTI.ES, And ELLIS & SONS' celebrated Mineral, Soda Potass Litliia, and other Waters. DEAFNESS, NOISES IN THE EAES, &C.—DJ-J.LAX' ESSKKCE FOB DEAFKESS should always be tried, asir numbers o cases, s einiDgly incurable, it has done wonders. Sight, Deafness, the Ears and the Incessant Humming Sounds so freepient with affected hearing are removed after two or three nights' application. FELLAH'S ESSENCI; can be taken of as sure to give some relief iu anv care of deafness without causing the slight est injury to the delicate organisms of the ear, and, however surpris- ing persons for years Deaf have heard sounds tfter a fair trial of Deiiar's Essence. Price Is I .a. GRATS BODILY STRENGTH. PEPPER'S QCIXIXE AXO [ROX TOXIC strengthens the nerves and muscular system, ilnpro^■es digestion, animates the spirits mcruits the health, rouses and develops the nervous Jeeigies, enriches the blood, promotes appetite dis- GEIS langour and depression, fortifies the digestive ar ans. It is a specific remedy for DeuraJgia iHde- 9 stion, fevers, chest affections, and in wa.-rin- diseases, scrofulous tendencies etc. The whole i frame is greatly invigorated by Pepper's Tonic, the; mental faculties brightened, the constitution gl.eitlv -C strengthened, and a return to robust health cortaiu Bottles, 32 doses, 4s. 6d. Sold by Chemists every- where. Ui ito of J. I>Li",i>Kii is on the lubol. THIEND OF ALL! HOLLOWArS PillS. Purity of Blood Essential to Lift. Health and Strength. ^iiccrni- :i!l u:l,> i. ii M;- ii. ,r ^\n\Ty]r,g l-i- 1.'c:«.s ouJ \'ji c-Jtctivi;. ihcy ;irc available i'ji a K'l u.stu If<^u.^chol'.l rot:,c<ly. In Conge tions and !-c .»rra :n C(¡11tipati()n and disordcreJ itijjj of Me n<_t as :i cleansing aperient, :A .w ;i i;i;caiial, Bilious Headaches, Nausea and Foul Stomach, Loss of Appetite, and Lor/ness of Spirits, ,v. Ji1 "-h.tn-e C-'I.aii excess of ink, he.'e'r.t.kc, pa]i.U:t;io:i. u:;tr e-.tin-, aivl ciUUiness. t:;e apja:;e, c;r t'i: c n; Vxiu: j ,:T The Mother's Friend, Females' Specifics. t.iki !i s:tfciv bv ■i'i-i ii-i's a=':s' :'nti are in ;i;l children's Sciatica, Lumbago, Obstructions cf the Kidneys. ,w .1 HT PTRXF V >r..Willi the •:t'l(; es m t:u .i^ w\ liecuHie C C,:r .Vn'u l'° 1,l,Vc!ioIi v'' 'l' ■-■■y ■'i-ii' e more caretu!ly \c< • Ili0st sei.o^s ceuc^Ject in this Debilitated Constitutions, Trem- bnngs, and Less c r c i: s Energy. t> u\" '• v c »rrect ically (.ii ;j 1; "j >!(.■ ]" ><1 v tne ai»..i :'nc -r,. -r.e f;rnu-.r a:;d >troii^cr theret'ore suiicrer> from Nerve! s Weakness ii, -very lona shovui <zWc them a fa r ri'l '■ 11c*: 'r 'i „ U: y ^'id s: .;t IV. v*s i.1 l'>L!' et. Ly j)t;a::y '• Aiaiho, at in i-.I *ya., .p. od., ii> 22s., .): (;;l(. fl. fuil printed directions are crYixrd *0 each lie:; and T, an(I ::a:l _'1::)" l.n:1'c-. N U.—Advice caa be obtained, free cf chaigc, by applying at the ab JVi; address, daily, betweea tht iours of 11 and 4, or by le. r, I H. A. STEEB, Wholesale and Family 117 INE & SPIRIT ^ERCHANT, ALE & PORTER DEALER & BOTTLER, 73, HIGH STREET, RHYL. MINERAL WATER DEPOT. HESKETH ARMS FAMILY AKD Q OMMERCIAL JJ OTEL, ABERGELE, HUGH ROBERTS, Proprietor. POSTING CARS AND HORSES FOR HIRE CHOICEST WINES, SPIRITS, & CIGARS. The only Carriages in Abergele privileged to drve through the beautiful and romantic Grounds of Gwrych CaMl", are tliose of this Hotel. J. RHYDWEN JONES, UPHOLSTERER, CABINET MANUFACTURER, AND CARPET FACTOR, 33 & 34, QUEEN STREET, RHYL. PURNITURE, B EDDING, JgEDSTEADS, CATSt" ir SEHOLD DRAPERY, I II :¡' > L ACE CURTAINS, &c., Best Value and Cheaper than any other house in the Trade. 1 INSPECTION INVITED, 31mjao Messrs:, CLOUGH & CO., (Of Denbigh,) AUCTIONEERS, LAND AGENTS, VALUERS, i AND SURVEYORS, i-ilr ——— Instructions for Sales and Valuation* received Any Time by -iLl R. JAMES DAYIES Estate Agent GWYNFA VILLA, RHYL, Ana on Tuesdays at their offices as above from 10 to 5. Land Agency Offices, Denbigh. J. &. A. M. JOKES, LONDON HOrSE, HIGH STBJ-XT, RHYL, Beg respectfully to announce that their stock r DRAPERY, MILLINERY, &c., &c., IS REPLETE. Very Special Bargains arc offered in all the Depart- ments. J. & A. M. JONES, LONDON HOUSE, 23, HIGH STREET, RHYL. s Allt-EL POWELL, STEAM JOINERY WORKS, ST. ASAPH, j CONTRACTOR & BUILDER, BRICK AND COAL MERCHANT, Measurer, Valuer, Arbitrator, and Appraiser o the Trade. All orders receive S.P.'s personal atteuion. Every; description of joinery work done. ",2— 26] A. FACT WORTH KNOWING. BEECHAM'S PILLS Have now been before the Public Tl-.irtv Years, and tbe rapid sale from the commencement, a, d the still iticreasine demand by the Public, is one of the best Guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated. Thousands, in every sphere of life with one voice pronounced them the best, the safest and the RTITCxor eradicating s. 11 those coniT'VTts of A hich tlesh is heir to. They stand without a and avf, lue largest sale of any Patert Mec^eine Is th >vorld. BEECHAM'S PILLS A admitted by thousaiidt to be ^'oi'th above a G-uinea -M'- for Bihous and >ervo:is Disorders, such as wicd and pain in the Stc^acli^ick Headaclie, Giddiness,Fulness,and bwel.ing after Meals. Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, shortness of Breath Costiv eness.Scurvy and Blotches of the skin.Dieturbed Sleep Fneritful Dreams, and all X'.rvous Trembling Sensations, &c. The tirbt dose relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it ID Thousands of cases The Proprietor of these Piiis having obtained (at great expense) a Patentfor them.he challenges the whole world to product d a rnedicme to equal them for removing the above- namert complaints, and restoring the patient to sound and lasting health. Every sufferer is earnestlv invited to try oneBox of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be VOHTH A GUINEA A BOX. For Females oi all ages these Pills ere invaluable, B few doses cf them carry elf all gross humours, and open ae tLllt is requi: ed. 0 female should be withoat trJem, Thert f, no medicine to be found to equal BEECHAM'S PJI.-L^fo; removir.f any obstruction or irreguiarity of the system. taken according to the directions piven with each box, they I will soon restore femals of aii ages to sound and robust l.ealth.. For a weal; stomach,impaired digestion,and all disorders > on tho liver, they pet like MAL L, and a few doses will be four.'l to work wonders upon the most important organs iu thehuman machitje. They strengthen the whoJe muscular »\ stem.res tore the long lost coiaplexion.bring back the keen oige of aj- ptiite,and arouse into action with the rr-se bud of health, the whole physical energy of the human frame, T hese are facts admitted by thousands,embracm g all classes of society, and one of the brst guarantees to the nervout- and debiiitated is that Bf>Icuam' Puis have thearget sale ofani oateiit- iIwdlClUE i:* the woild BE K'JHAAi'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a lduedy for Coughs *i- vreneral. Asthma, DiJIicnlty in Breathing, s-l oriness ot Braath, i'ltjtitness and Oppression of the Chest, neez.ii g.&c,these Pilib stand unrivalled; and any one labouring under any of the abi- ve comi'laiuts, need t(, try O¡¡ BOX to prc-ve ttlat tl- are the BEST EVER ■jFFEiiKi) 1" ins prune for Asthn jtTc and Consumptive Coug^-s,a. -Oppression 01 the-Che' They speedily remove that sense t Jppre8blon and Di at cf Breathitig, wÜÍëh nighiiy d^priv"} the of rest '.['Lev give almost ill- stunt J elief and comfort to those atflic.ea with the above .stressing, and, when neglected, dangerous compiaints. Let ai.y person troubled with ar.y of the above compiaints give BEKCBAil'a CUUGU PILLi a trial. public are l equested to notice that the words "Beet ,11:11'8 Pilis :ot. tli;n": art- on the Government Stamp aflixed to teach 13, x f the Pills If not or they are a foi fcery, Prepa) ed -J.;y and so; a v\ holesale ana re tux! tiyt.te .'ro- prietor T ttE-.UAii Liee.Lts, iu V;),.H 1 • -U b d each. tjtnt by post free for 15 or 3i ► U: u. > .c id fcJi. tgitti and Patent Medicine Dealers in the en 1 \,P<" 1C lTI;!nmn. IIVERY description of Printicg Cheaply, iNeaily, and Promptly Executed. 1 — T. J JJ A S E L 1) i: x, NORTH WALES PIANOFORTE & MUSIC SALOON 8. HIGH STREET, RETI. PIANOFORTES & HAR.MONTCMS for >A.L}5 or HIRE. Eveiy reyuisiS* is At ISr-sic*' Trade. j Pitujofoi'tcj and Ilarrnonitzius tLITIOU and rr,pn^ in town or country on liberal terms. io3-u». Bows, haired, &o\ 1111 Orders promptly attended to. Lemons upon the Violin, Viola, Violor.oclio, Doubje Lass and Piar.oforte. Entertainments provided with high-dass mufcie. sT Asaph GRAMMAR SCBOOL THE NEW SCHOOL BCiLDIXGS. The eehool re-openecl Sept. 18th, 1584.. A ^LASS has already been formed for the C'i^ bridge Local Examioation n Dec..oM JrupzL- rire aiso prepared for Murriculation and the other University Examinations; for the Preliminary Law and Medicnl Examinations, for those of tiic Civil Service, ana for the Preliminary Examinatic-n oi tIie 1;°}Pharmaceutical Society.' Terms, 6:c. on application. W. EAJSTEBEY, B.A., LL.D Alaster the Archdeacon of St. Asaph, Chairman of the ijtovemixg Body. ) BKYN-T-IOE HOUSE, LLANFAIRFECHAX. A thorough preparation for Business and the Uctmc Professwnt. tiie Past twelve months the Pupi have been successful at the Examinations o tne Royal College of Surgeons, the Incorporated Law Society Durham Lniversity, the Home Civil Service, the Pharmaceutical Society, aDd the Science Examinations of South Kensington. No Puml 118S Aai tw\ aEJ ,E^am1inaTtl0c; Testimonials from the Archbishop of York, Lords Fitzwilliam, Zetland Houghton, 1 eversham Wenlock, &c. Mr Robinson acrnpnf th +°Ur,yefr°' exPerienee in teaching at some of the best Bchools in England. STEATHERIST & CO., BIG. BOOK," 26, HIGH STREET.. (B OOKS, r- STATIONERY, L FACY GOUDS AND TO OIRCULATiyO LIBRARY OXLY CD. a TOEK AGENTS for W. BROWK & S01\, Steam Bye. ing and Laundry Works, Whitehaven. Evei-y d&cription of ivorh executed u-iih despatch and on reasonable terms. WilITE CURTAINS CLEANED from Is. L::R PAIR. pRrDENTIAL it. SS"C'RAKCE COMP y L (LIXXTEIi;, IIOLBORN BARS. E.C. EVERY DESCEirxIOX OF LIFE ASSITiAKCE AXIl AK5VIT BUSIXUSi TEAXSACTED.—EEVEKSIOXS PT.TECHASED. Tjie amount of Claims paid exceeds Six Millions, Hie In%-est-ed Assets exceed Four Millions. W hole World Licenses granted to Seamen and others permanently engaged on board ship at an extra r piemium of £ 1 per cent. Limited Licenses: > • voyages not exceeding- beyond 33 degrees north latitude. 10s. per cent. The last ANNUAL A.VD" VALUATION REPORTS can be obtained on application to the Secretary. AGENTS WANTED-—Apply to the Saponnren. dent for t lintshire and Denbigh, CHAS. BLACKIORE, 2, Edward Henry Street, RLyI. BATIS. Seat by post to all parts of the World 0i. rooe ,-t of Two Si. mp, to prepay postage. NERVOtS DEBILITY. BOOK OF POSIT1 >■: DISEASEI ES i0R THE CURE 0F ALL fT^E<B?HK 0F P0SrTn^ REMEDIES e a full hst ox the names in English, of all the IWhu Medicines used by a retired Physician in hir. prse^fe for over Thirty Years. The Name, Nature and 3 Ise given: also a list of Diseases for which the vo se, Botanic Medicines are a certain Cure. EVERY HOUSEHOLD, everv Man and Woman sh'ldP°^f a Copy of this invaluable book. IT IS "TRITTES and PUBLISHED to ei ;.> le Invalids to form a correct knowledge of the disc: that they may be suffering from, and to seW- Remedy and Care themselves without oousultiup a Medical Man, either personally or bv letre- EVERYTHING THE INVAL^M kn,w "1' Oil sell-treatment, how to secure health, a Ion- and to a i-oid the doctor is driven in tl.is work IT IS INDEED, and IN TRUTH, ;he InvaV; i's Hand- book and sure guide to the cure of all disou t- by the Positive Botanic Medicines. ON LR SIXTY THOUSAND INVALIDS Live been cuied by the Positive Botanic Rern°d'<" THREE THOUSAND FIYE HUNDRED timonials given in favour of Modicines SEND FOR THIS INVALCAHLE BOOF., read it before taking Medicine—befor* givinir ••• -r case into the hands of a Medical Mnn NO WRITTEN STATEMENT OF 0 V a NO CONSULTATION FEES. NO PERSONAL VISTTC REQUIRED SELF-TRKAT.MENT IS EASY, SAFE {"Ft- ECTL AL by following the rules crive». i> ~7 V Bonk. t G?^TIr'TNoTIc;E-* ^t'GuicleBooktt,the t^-1 ment of ali diseases by the new svsteir o^ Botanic Remedies may he had 'direct frotn ^4e6-Addre»iPt °f Tw° Stam*8 to E. SMITH k C8.. POSITIVE REMEDY LABORATORY .W, SOllthamptou Row London. C CTTBL.II IN A FEW DAYS, CORNS, BU.TIOVS AVD USNA TOE JOINTS.—DELLAB'S CorfN ANO BY t LASTEES are the oliiv- i-eii remedv. They ditfer fr > i ail Plasters. Shields or Compositions ever in veutoi.' fU- instautlv Miftong the callous surroundinsr. tit: lur-i goes at once, the curu so .u foliowing Bunii enlarged toe joints require more time for pen- cure, but the action is certain and relief in iL" t i,, eous. Any boots may be worn with eou;f.»rt tto- '• hours alter applying Dellar's Piasters. or account be persuaded to buv any oth^r R Is Hd. each, are sold bv most Chemists." i\t 14 Stamps. Bedford Laboratory Bayley Kt.L-ri.i. INEXPENSIVE HAH: RESTOEEK. LOCKYER'> SR Pill ii 1 Lai"R t\.EST0B.EK will dai'ken ^rey hair in a f day* bringing bttolc the colour. The'ed'eot SIJ. !'i°r t° \i,M produced by a direct dye and does r' t injure the skin. is equai to pensive. IL IS IHC best for re^oi-isi* grev hair r., it, former colour. Produces a pejfect^ natural shade. Valuable for destrovmg scurf and encouraging growth of new hair. Suiphur being -higiilv prized tor its stimulant._ cleansing, healthful action on the hair glands, Lockyer's Restorer sstr^n^lv recom- mended. Large Bottles, is. Gd. Sold by ;~lf Chemist Hairdi oners every hete. _h