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c:. J, F. GRIFFITH; A €0. FREE THAI HALL, HIGH ST.EET, RHYL f THE LARGEST, BEST, AXD CHEAPEST MEN'S & BOY'S CLO-'i'HING Is at the above EstiiblisP1611^- Also TAILOR NG -in.illitsEranclies. An nmense Stock of SILK AND FFLT HATS. —Ml—LiW" IIBI—W ■! IIIMH II I Barclay & Peikins' Stout IS ITERS ALL X ADAI-TTED to be SUPER- IOR TO ALL OTHERS. WM. P. JONES, WHOLESALE ND RETAIL WINE, SPIRIT, ALE &PORTER MERCHANT, 10, Sussex-street (Cornet of Water-street., Rhyl,) Having been appointed SOLE AGENT for the above can now supply them as follows Porter 23s. 18-gals. casks.l2s. 9-gal. casks* B Stout 2Ss. .14s. B.B Stout .17s. H Imperial or in- 19, valid Stout 38s. Agent for the BURTON BREWERY COM- PANY'S celebrated Burton Mild and Bitter Ales, BASS'S Ales: and Sole Agent for Messrs. BAR- CLAY, PERKINS k Co's London Stout. East luJlia Pale Ale 3s. 6d. per doz. pints Extra Dublin Stout 3s. Od. ditt Wines and Spirits of First Class Brands ONLY. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. LARGE PURCHASES OF TEA!! SPECIAL! SPECIAL £ SPECIAL! E. P. JONES Has just returned from the London Tea Sales, and is now offering an excellent TEA for Is. 6d. per lb. It is a fine pure choice TEA, aHd will make a splendid cnp. The 2s. 6d., as usual, is the best that money can buy, as is used by the peers and nobility of the land. mHOMAS w ILLIAMS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHER, 3, WATER STREET, T RHYL. A constant supply of Meat always on hand including Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pork sc. Q "J OBBINS, & SECOND-HAND .FURNITURE SI ORES 3, MA.RKET STREET RHYL. BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES CHILDREN'S JOTS, PERAMBULATORS, BATHS, &c., &o., jent out on HIRE. gent for the Guardian Eire & Lift Assurance Co. JgDWARD QWENS, BUTCHER, WATER STREET, RHYL {OPPOSWE SUSSEX STREET) Families supplied with the Best Quality of Beef Mutton, Lamb. Veal, and Pork. Orders Promptly Attended To. Fine Flavoured Pork Sausages. A. JOINER AND BUILDER, legs to inform the inhabitants of Rhyl and district hat he has re-commenced business, and is now ady to do any repairs or alterations, and to give -.timates for worl. i); the several brunches of the Trade. NIRKSHOP AND YARD: WEST KINMEL STREET Euquiries may also be made at the Queen's Din- ing ooms, 11, Queen Street, Rhyl. A RIDE TO KHIVA. BY CAPTAIN FRED. BARNABY, ROYAL HOBBE GUABDS. Page 13 says-" Two pairs of boots lined with ur were also taken and for physic—with which it is as well to be supplied when travelling in out-of e-way places-some quinine and Cockle's Pills, he latter a most invaluable medicine, and one which I have used on the natives of Central Africa with the greatest possible success. In fact, the marvellous effects produced upon the mind and body of an Arab Sheik, who was impervious to all native medicines, when I administered to him five COCKLE'S PILLS will never fade from my memory and a friend of mine who passed through the same distriot many months afterwards, informed me that my fame as « uiedicine man' had not died out, but that the aarvellous cure was even then a theme of con- versation in the bazaai." COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, TUBB PROX KIBAMIT. I COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, t THlI OLDEST PATENT MEDICISM. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, < THE SAFEST PATENT XBDICUTB. I-IOCKLF,98 ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, THIS BEST FAMILY APERIENT XRDICINE. {LE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOB LTTEB. KLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOB BILK. (LE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOB INDIGESTION. F, 8 ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOB HBABTBUBV. .LE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOR SICK HBADAOHE. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, c IN UBE AMONGST ALL CLASSES. C: KLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, IN USE EISHTYTHKEB TBABS. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, M USE EVEBYWHBBB. /COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, i May be had throughout the United Kingdom, in Boxis, at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lie., and 22al J'EW ORMOND STREET, LONDON "VT /'iVOUS & PHYSICAL DEBILITY.—A L\. „ :«ntlemaa having tried in T*to evt.y *uvertised en ° j bw dwoovered a simnto sellreure. He V !s ve."»ppyu> forward the gnaw" ■> any sufferer on ,81V °l 8 ■t £ MX yfr-vdope^Mr J. T Bieek Till* Ms—Wmn. w *ob WJ I JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON .TONES & SON JONES SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON (JJEAUTIFUL JJOUSEHOLD BREAD, 9LBS. f, IS IPFRE, WHOLE- SOME, and NUT- iRITIOUS. Made of nothing but Pure Flour and Yeast. 13.11 bs. Loa f 1 s. 6 d. DIh" Is. Od. 2 Os.6d. ONCE TRIED ALWAYS Tried Baked daily; deli- vered bj t ir own '-ansat a. hours of the day. ABBEY ST. & CRESCENT RD. RHYL. JONES & SO JONES & SON JONES & SON: I JONES & SON JONES & SON ;JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON ►JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES &SON !JONES & SON liONE3 SON J C NES SON 1- B. RODEnTs GENERAL DRAPER, MILLINER, &c., TOWN HALL DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT, QUEEN STREET, RHYL. All Orders will be promptly attended to. THE BEST STOCK IN RHYL OF BOOTS, SHOES, & SLIPPERS IS AT JOHN AMOSS, JgOOT 4 gUOE jyj ANUFACTUKER 8, Sussex Street, Rhyl (Opposite the George Hotel). J.A. begs to inform the inhabitants an visitors of Rhyl and the surrounding district that he has just received his Summer Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, which have been purchased from the best firms in England. A VERY LARGE STOCK OF STRONG NAILED ROOTS Which are Sold at Reasonable Price*. inspection invited. ( Repairs Executed. Bespoke Orders receive prompt attention. Note the Address- J. AMOS, 8a, Sussex-street, Rhyl. MILLINERY! MILLINERY MILLINERY T. EDWARDS, COMPTON HOUSE, 32, HIGH ST., RHYL. JOHN EDWARDS, gUILDER AND c ONTRACTOR, D u 26, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL, Every doxcription of JOINERY WORK undertaken. All Kinds or ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS, &c., PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ESTIMATES GIVEN ON APPLICATION. IMPORTANT NOTICE. XT Jo B RO'WN'SE STABLISHMENT Photographs are taken so quickly by the instantanious process on plates prepared upon his own premises that he will guarantee Cartes and Cabinets taken in dull and rainy weather quite equal to any taken on fine clear day. Cartes in any one position, including Vignettes, 5s. 6d. per dozen in two positions, 6s. 6d. per dozen. Cabinets, in any position, Vignettes included, first one, 3s 6d; after copies, Is. each. N.B.-3, KINMEL STREET, RHYL, first door from the bridge, and nearly opposite the Alexandra Hotel. AW IMPORTANT FACT! fy 1 AND upwards carefully invented in dUlU Optiens and on Stocks and SharesJJis the safest and most popular way of rapidly making money on the Stock Exchange by the non-liability system. Explanatory Book (new edition) giving full details, gratis (illd JIost free. Address,IGEORGE BVANS & CO., Sworn Brokers, Gresham House, London, E.C. .1 ',BREAD IS THE STAFF OF LIFE." FOR PURE, CLEAN, UNADULTERATED BREAD GO TO W. DANIELS, GROCER, BAKER, & PROVISION DEALER, ABBEY STREET, RHYL, Who has recently had fitted up two of the most APPROVED OVENS. rpO have pure, wholesome Bread care and atten- 1 tion should be paid to the surroundings of the Bakeiy. W.D. has1 erected of Mr JENNISON'A DECKER OVENS, which consumes its own smoke, and thereby renders it practically impossible for obnoxious gases to exist in the bakehduse, and therefore cannot be absorbed by the dough in the process of fermentation. This added to e the fact that nothing but the best flour is used in this estab- lishment is a guarantee for the purity and excel- lence of the Bread. Hot Rolls, Milk Rolls, Whole-Meal Bread, Buns, Scones, &c., daily. 52—283 The Dudley Aims Hotel Restraunt, open for the season. Dinners, Teas, Chops or Steaks at a few minutes' notice. Wines and Spirits of the highest biands Ind, Coope and Co.'s Bitter and Mild Ales Guinness's Stout ana Heieford Oide 011 draught or in bottles.-Adyt.-5/26. SULPHOLIME LOTION.An external means o CURING SKIN DISEASES. There is scarcely any eruption but will yield t." Sulpholine in few days, and commence to fade away, even if it seems past cure. Ordinary pimples, redness, blot- ches, scurf, roughness, vanish as if by toagic whilst old, enduring skin disorders, that have plagued the sufferers for years, however deeply rooted they may be, lhoUne will auoeufally attack them. Branches: Y.I.T;E ROAD, RIIYL, 1 ltlirDDLAX, DENBIGH RUTHIN, Pf.NSAEN, AtfcipEr.E. i W. WILLIAMS ( CO., (LATE LITTLER K WILLIAMS) GROCERS. pROVISION JJEALERS, AND MILLERS, PLAIN FANOY BREAD BAKERS, 2, QUEEN STREET, RHYL. W. W. & Co., while .hanking their Costumers for past favomv, beg to intimate that they have now removed to their NEW PREMISES, where all orders shall have their prompt attention. SPECIAL TERMS TO HOTEL KEEPERS, SCHOOLS, &c. W. L. WILLIAMS. MANAGER. STEUI FLOUR lILLs-ABERGELE. Branches: COLWYN BAY. COLWYN, I CONWAY, •LLAWDUDXO, I j [LLANRWST. i Business Cards. DRAPERS. DANIE, EVANS. General DRAPER, SILK MERCER, GLOVER, &e., &c. MILLINERY, DRESS, & MANTLE MAKING by experien Juinds. 25, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL. T'" F. GRIFFITHS & CO., FREE TRADE HALL RITYT~ Drapers, Milliners, Dress and Mantle Makers, Outfitters, Tailors, Boot and Shoe Dealer*, General and Fancy Warehousemen, < £ rc. STATIONER AND NEWSAGENT. TREHEARN, Wholesale and Retail Stationer, Bookseller, Bookbinder, Nevrsasrent & Dealer in Fancy Goods. Library Depot. Stationer's Hall, 165 & 100, Wellington road, & BouMarche, 8, High st.,Rhyl BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. JOHN AMOS. 8, SUSSEX STREET, RHYL (Opposite the George Hotel). A large and varied stock of Boots, Shoes, Slippers, &e., of the best makes, and at very low prices. A trial is solicited. stock of Boots, Shoes, Slippers, &c., of the best makes, and at very low prices. A trial is solicited. OTED BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, WELLINGTON CHAMBERS, Wellington-road, Rhyl. Large and well-assorted Stock of Boots and Shoes to select from. PRINTERS. 1 MOS BROTHERS, Commercial and General Steam Printers, Publishers, Ao. All work neatly /V. antl quickly turned out, and at very moderate prices. UNDERTAKER. ALFRED SHEPHERD, IS, KINMEL STREET, RHYL. Funerals completely Furnished, and'eon- ducted with respectability & at moderate charges. Mortuary cards, Wreaths, &c., of choice designs. MONUMENTAL & ECCLESIASTICAL SCULPTURE WORKS. JOHN LUNT, BRIGHTON ROAD, Rhyl, Modeller and Engraver. Monuments, Columns, Pedes- tals, Figures, Pulpits, Fonts, Reredoses, &c., artistically executed. Designs furnished on application. PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. WILLIAM REYNOLDS, Plumber, Decorator, Gilder, and Picture Frame Dealer, High Street, Rhyl. | OHN WHEELER, Painter, Paper-hanger, Plumber, Glazier, &c., 7, GRONANT S'fREET (late • J of 4, Bedford Street), RHYL. All orders receive prompt and personal attention. W~ ILLIAM VAUGHAN & SON, Decorators, Gilders, Pap.- rhangers, and Glaziers, Stanley House, 26, QUEEN STREET, RHYL. All orders promptly attended to. Estimates given.[26—267 HOTELS. GLADSTONE TEMPERANCE BOARDING HOTEL, Bodfor-street, RHYL (close to the Rail, way Station.) Hot Dinners daily. Tea and Coffee always ret:dy. Special Terms for Pleasure Parties aDd School Tripe on application.—MISSES GRIFFITHS. HUDDLAN.—NEW INN, P. Edwards, Proprietor. Family and Commercial Hotel. Wines and Spirits of the Finest Quality, Bass' Burton Ales, Guinness' Dublin Stout. Cars lor Hire. ST. ASAPH.-MOSTYN ARMS, T. Chadwick, Proprietor. Family and Commercial Hotel. S Excellent Stable accommodation, Posting, etc. JOHN H. ELLIS, (Formerly with Mr W. Wynne), WHOLESALE DEALER IN Wines, Spirits, Ale, and Porter, 12, WATER STREET, RHYL. Good Pale Sherry-24s, 30s, 33s, Ac., Best Old London Gin—13a 6d per Gallon. per doz. Pure Malt Irish Whisky—18s and 20s per Good Sound Port—24s, 30s, 36s, Ac., per Gallon. Good Dinner Claret—12s, 15s, 18s, Fine*^2^^er GaUo doz. ^er on" Genuine Champagne—36s, 42s, 641, perj Old Cognac Brandy —24s and'"27s per doz. Gallon. Single Bottles may be had at same rates. Agent for Max Greger's Hungarian Wines. Also for Truman, Hanbury. Bastes. and Co's London Stout. Cantrell and Cochrane"s and Royal Ginger Ale. BASS & COS., PALE ALE, GUINNESS A CO'S EXTRA STOUT. DEVONSHIRE 'AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, always in the finest condition. ) ELLIS'S SODA SELTZER AND OTHER WATERS. Full Price List at all other Wines, Spirits, &c., on application to JOHN H. ELLIS, 12, WATBB STBEBT. TAMES JJAVIKH, Registrar of Marriages, GWYNFA VILLA, RHYL, HOUSE & ESTATE AGENT, Collector of Rents, &c. Agent for the, ALLIANCE,' 'PROVINCIAL,' QUEEN'S,' Fire and Life Assurance Com- panies. _1 MORTGAGES CAN BE PROCURED. THE HOME-MADE BREAD SHOP." J. T. JONES, jpAMILTQROCER A rpEA J^EaLIB BAKSB, PBOVISIOK DEALBB, AND TALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN, ALED HOUSE, 27, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL "The best of Everything." To CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS AND PROPERTY OWNERS. E. GROUOUTT Begs to call the attention of the above to hi. samples of superior SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE CHEQUERED AND PLAIN PAVING BRICKS, And all kind of BLUE BRICKS FOR BUILDING PURPOSES, For which there is now a great demand.1, Size-chequered or plain:- 12 X 6 X 2. do., 10 X 5 X 2. do 9 X 4* X 2. CROSSING PAVING BEICKS, STABLE DO., &c., &c. WAMPLE ROOMS & OFFICES: 11, BODFOR STREET, RHYL. I ——^m—m VISITORS TO RHYL. TURKISH AMj OTHER BATHS can be^hadfat the HYDROPATHIC E STABLISHMENT. I Jl For Ladies on Tuesday and Friday mornings from 8 to 1 Wednesday from 2 to 5 o'clock. For Gentlemen at all other times from 7 a.s. to 7 p.m. No Batht on Sunday 1. NEW SHOP. 21, HIGH STREET (OPPOBITB ITIUI POIT OFFICE), RHYL. -,1,t\t.1- WILLIAM JONES Having taken the above premises (lately carried on by Mrs TnoJUS HUGHES in the Drapery business; begs to intimate to the inhabitants and visitors of Rhyl and neighbourhood that the establishment will henceforth be condacted in the GROCERY JJUSINESS Groceries and Provisions of the finest qualities will be sold at the lowest pouible prices. Note the Address: — 21, HIGH STREET ~C32OSS$0E). 02—279 AINSWORTH AND CO., AUCTIONEERS, v ALUERS CCOUNTANTS St. George s nail, Sussex Street, RHYL House, Estate, insurance, and Genera Ageata. Remts and Debts collected. Mortgages negotiated Valuations made for Probate, Legacy, and Succession Duties. Rooms for the Storage of Furpiture, Ac. Every Description of Paper BAGS iBrown and Cap Papers Kept in Stock at the ".Advertiser" Office. -4 0 BERT pIlI C b (Lote rilTCT Ttoanrrs), F A r T L Y G P. (I C E R AND PROVISION ^JER CHANT 39, HIGH SlftEET, RHYL. R.P. begs to call special attention to his nev season Teas and invites a trial of the same with th, confidence that they will give every satisfaction. TEA! TEA!! TEA!! I Goo(I Tea 1/4 per lb Mixed Congou 1/8 I Full flavoured 2/- 11 Excellent quality 2/6 Strictly highly flavoured 3/-per 11 Finest China & I India imported 3/4 Herbert and Co.'s French Coffee. Says and Co.'s Mixture in tins at 9id. and Is. per 111. t I Genuine Cumberland, Wiltshire and Home-curec HAMSand BACON, also finest American I Hams and Bacon. A fresh Supply of BUTTER and EGGS dailr, als( weekly from the Denbigh Market. Agent for the Scottish Union aud National Insurant Company. Also Agent for MYER'S ROYAL CATTLE SPICE for Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Poultry and Game, in 1 cwt., 56 lbs., and 28 lbs. bags, al 34s. per cwt. or 4d. per lb. E D WAR D ROBERTS, (Late Trice and Roberts,) 160, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL, FAMILY GROCER, ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN AND BAKER Visitors at this Establishment will find quality combined with reasonable charges Home-cured Hams and Bacon. Finest Wilt. shire, Cumberland and Irish Bacon. REA.L WELSH AND OTHER BUTTER. NEW-LAID EGGS. STILTON, CHESHIBE. AND OTHER CHEESE. ESTABLISHED, 1866. CHARLES JJARDEMAN AND nON, PIANOFORTE, HARMONIUM AND GENERAL MUSIC; WAREHOUSE, 26, HIGH STREET, RHYL. Pianofortes and Harmoniums of the best make and selection, FOR SALE OR HIRE. New Music at half-marked price, post free. Schoola and Teachers supplied on advantageous terms. Single tunings er by yearly contract, promptly attended to in Town or Country, all kinds of Musical Instruments tuned and repaired. ORGAN, HARMONIUM AND PIANOFORTE Lessons on Moderate Terms. CONCERT AND ENTERTAINMENT AGENTS CURE FOR ALL! HOllOW A V'S OINTrifErT. IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. No More Suffering! The Discovery of this Ointment hAs proved an invaluab\« Boon to thousands of sufferers; when rubbed over or near the seat of suffering, its rare Balsamic properties are conveyed to eveiy part. Thus it heals inward wounds ar.d rs of the STü' EN, BOWKLS OR WOMB, strengthens the spinal marrow lnr nervtius weakness and depression, and all diseases ol tl.e THROAT, LUNGS, AND CHEST. NO invalid need DESPAIR 0! cure, whilst mis Ointment can be obtained. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, and Ulcerations of all kinds. The application, of this Ointment heals, in a ren-,arkablo man.it r, every kind of Ulceration, softens the s-iff orcmtracted tissue- causes "proud" flesh to disappear, tou) and loath- Aomt -charges to become converted into healthy healing surfa^i. and thase etiects are not temporary, buv »tre radicu IUIQ permanent. Piles, Fistulas, and Abscesses. These and all similar affections imust be carefully treated according to the plau recommended in the printed instructions. The Ointment must be applied directly to the parts affected, and Hollowav's Pills be simultaneously taken to purify the blood, and to relieve the internal congestions which are so fertile a ciiuse of this class of disease. Dropsical Enlargements, Swelled Legs, and Varicose Veins. In the reduction of all Glandular Swellings no remedy equais this incomparable Ointment; it prevents the formation of extra, neous growths, and is an invaluable reciedy for checking all Chronic Discharges; when diligently rubbed into the pans dfected. the worst case will yield iu a comparatively short lIIace of time. Scrofula and Old Skin Diseases. This Ointment is a certain remedy for aJ: disease* of the skiti^ whether Mmple or complicated. Scurvy, ringworm, blotches, pimples, and other cutaneous disorders, are at ODer eradicated by this invaluable Unguent. The Ointment and Pills are sold at Professor HOLLOWAY" Establishment, 533, Oxford Street, London also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the CiviHsed World, in Pets and Boxes, at iv ild., -s. "J 4s. od., iii. i2s. and 33s. each. Full printed directions are affixed to each Pot and Box, -uid I can be had in any lam. uRge. N.B.— Advice can be obtained, free of charge, by applying at the above address, daily, betweea the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. MANCHESTER Concentrated I A CORPORATION I Manure, IUD. HOK HCTtAN KOUim Blood, Bones, JPislx, clio. AlALTUSFff iBOQT fper UK. 9t OR«AlJl€ MATTlIlt MtiMac) M AIIMOAIA* r St POTASH. SALTS- } Mlrarad is Bap tt all" Kailwikjr 8oo within iyi uila of X". rfl—t— ia aot 1M Nun Tmir Ton Lota, ud withu 9u milM ia not ISM mrna be Ton Lota, mi I. £ a por Toil. jnu-1* mid b, jltufyZit if uritlcCT appUcatian b, mad4 HY. WHILEY, SUPERINTENDENT j Kwlfll Oqwrtmeat. Town "si I. Mu ;la>T11 3r to T. "WOOD, Mill Farm, Pentre,;LlanrLaiadr { | 57—511/26 j ♦ >; }{AKRY V FDD, FiSH, GAME. ,I: POULTRY UEALEH, ENGLISH 1ORLIGN MUITESER. 1 8, BODFOR STREET, (JZear tfu Railway Station). — A Daily Supply of all kind of FISH in Season delivered to order. í" A large selection of SARDINES and other Tincd J FisL of the Best Brand. SAUCES, PICKLES, CAPERS, frc. Fresh Butter Daily. F.M. invites inspection of his large and varied 3 supplies of Fi,b, Poultry. Fruit, Vegetables, &c., as he feels confident the prices and quality cannot be surpassed. II. i. S TEE B. (Late W. WYXXE) j WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL W INE A- GPIEIT "YRERCHAXT, 73, HIGH STREET, (Next to the Parade.) R H Y L Agent for MAX GREGER'S HUNGARIAN WINES. BASS, ALLSOPP'S &■ WOETHINGTON'S ALES. GUINESS'S EXTRA DUBLIN STOUT, i > RAGGETT'S London Invalid NOURISHING i STOUT. I DEVONSHIRE CIDER it Cask and in Bottle. ELLIS'S Ruthin Soda Water, Lemonade, &c. CANTRELL & COCHRXNE'S Ginger Ale Cigars and Cigarettes of the Choices Brands. Families and the Trade supplied. •52—2G1 I HEJSKETH ARMS I JjlAMILY AND COMMERCIAL IFOTEL, ABERGELE, HUGH ROBERTS, Proprietor. POSTING CARS AND HORSES FOR HIRE CHOICEST WINES, SPIRITS, & CIGARS. The only Carriages in Abergele privileged to drve through the beautiful and romantic Grounds of ¡ Gwrych Castle, are those of this Hotel. ¡ J. &. A. M. JONES, LOXDON HOUSE, HIGH STREET, RHYL, Beg respectfully to announce that their stock of DRAPERY, MILLINERY, &c., &c. IS REPLETE. Very Special Bargains are offered in all the Depart, ments. J. & A. M. JONES, LONDON HOUSE, 23, HIGH STREET, RHYL PLOUGH HOTEL, ST. ASAPH. JAS. AXDEKSO*, PEOPBIETQB. POSTING CARS AND HORSES FOR HIRE. Choicest Wines, Spirits and Cigars. The only Carriages in St. Asaph privileged to drive through the beautiful and romantic grounds of Gwiych Castle, are those of this Hotel. SAMrEL POWELL, STEAM JOINERY WORKS, ST. ASAPH, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER, BRICK AND COAL MERCHANT, Measurer, Valuer, Arbitrator, and Appraiser o the Trade. All orders receive S.P.'s personal attenion. Every description of joinery work done. 62—261 A FACT WORTH KNOWING. BEECHAM'S PILLS Have now been before the Public Thirty Years, and the rapid sale from the commencement, and the still increasing demand by the Public, is one of the beet glIaranten to the Nervous and Debilitated. Thonsande, in every sphere of life with one voice pronounced them the best, the safest and the surcst for eradicating all those complaints of which flesh is heir to. They stand xithout a parallel and have the largest sale of any Pater t Medicine in th world. BBECHAM'S PILLS ARK admitted by thougaiidp '<o be worth above a Guinea for Bilious and Nervons iJiborders, ench as wiijd and pain in the Stomach, sick Headat be. Giddiness, Fulnfibs,and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appei ite,, shortrioas of Breath Coati, eness,Scurvy and Blotches oi t lie skin,Disturbed Sleep Frigntful Dreams, and all Nervous Trembling Sensations, Ac. The first dose will give relief in rwtntyminutes. This is no fiction. for they have done it '1', Thousands of cases. The Proprietor of these Pills having obtained (at great expense) a Patciitfor themhe challenges the whole world to produced a medicine to equal them for removing the above- named complaint s, and restoring the patient to sound and lasting health. Eviry sufferer is earnestly invited to try ontBox of these Pil's, and tber will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For Females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, a few doses of them carry off all gross humours, and open as that ili required. -No female should be without tnem. The;. is no medicine to be found to equal BEECHAM'S PI 1,Ls t. jr removinc any obstruction or irregularity of the system, taken acccriirg to the directions given with each box, they will soon restors fernals of all ages to sound and robust health. For a weak stomaoh, impaired digestion, aiid all disorders on the liver, they t like MAC Ie, and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs ir. thehuman machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system,restore the long lost fc:j;pleiion.bring back tUe keen edge of appetite, and arouse :t action with the rose bua of health, the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are fat1 is admitted by thousands,embracing ail clauses edge of appetite, and arouse L: action with the rose bua of health, the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are fans admitted by thousands,embracing ail clauses of society, and one of tne best guarantees to the nervous and debilitated is that Bvecham's Pills have the largest sale of any patent medicine in rhe world BEECHAM'b MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a Remedy for Coughs II general. Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, shortness of Ur-^uL. Xigi.Laess and Oppression of tlfe Chest, \Y heezirir. Ac,these Pills stand unrivalled; and any one labouring under any of tbe abr ve complaints, need oaly to try oil box to prove that th ey are the BBST SVSI OFMMD T THB ITBLIC lor Asthp Itic and Consumptive Lougns, a. Oppression of the I'he' They speedily remove that sense c JpprcM^oa all-, of Breathing, which nightly deprive the patient < Tbey give almost ID. stant relief and comfort to t aliiic„ed wiUi the above iistressmg, and, when ncc -I, dangerous -ompiaintg. Let any person troubled y of the above complaints ?ive BEECH Aid's COUGH FILL, a trial. C A1 1 ha public ai e reciuested tu notice that the words Beo<am e Pills, t. iielens,' are on tne Government Stamp iHixiid to tacb Box, f the Pills if not or tuea, arez forgery. Prepared only and told wholesale ana retail by toO" Pro." prietor. I. BKECIIAM, Chemist, it, Helens, Lancashire, IA sexes at Is lid, and 2s yd each, bent by post free far 15 )r 36 stamps, told by all 1 :uiriiita and Patent Medicine Dealers in the Cnited JCmgdom. i F H E E TR A DEfT A i. HIGH = T P, 5 I T, i K'fV! T. RIFFITHS k /~{0. <* & vJ O • r^Y shoeing a Choice and Millinery and Straws Of N F WEST DESIGNS. MATLES. DOLM AN- JACET rs, and ready-made COSTUMES. Also a lartre Sto"k of Dresf ii.- -1: ■ < Itlt-e:-t s!1tiae. ■3WICTH1 m ST ^SAr11 ^CPOOL. THE NEW SCHOOL BTILDINGS. The school re-opeues Jan. 22nd. 18-4. A CLASS has already been formed for r, bridge Local Examination in r)et,e, Piipil, are also prepared for Matriculation lid the other University Examinations: for the Preliminary Law and Medical Examinations, for tho-e of the Civil Service, and for the Preliminary Examination of the Poval Pharmaceutical Society* Terms, Arc on application. W. EASTERBY, B.A., LL.D.. Head Master E. SMABT, M.A., Archdeacon of St. A-p p Cliairman of the Governing Body. jgT. THOMAS'S COLLLíE RHYL. Founded by the late Ven. Archdeacon M '■ conducted on the lines laid down by Lim. (REST DE-NCE-PLA.STIRI O.N- TERRACL;, i PRINCIPAL j THE REV. E. WEBSTER. < FIRST RESIDENT MASTEE • [ J. NICHOLSON, ESQ., M.A., L.L.B., Class Honours) Trinity College, Iiu'Vt, SECOND RESIPEXT Mijiiza: W. H. GILMORE, ESQ., Trinity College, Dublin. With six non-resident Masters and Professors. LOCAL TESTIMONIALS FOT. THE FBESEXT PELN ~IFAL. From the Rev. Thomas Eichard&on. i"yr of RhylJ The deep interest which we feel in the Tiros- pei'ity of the school as conducted by vou. With every kind wish for the success of the school." From Stephen Roose, Esq., Senior Churchward-, n oj St. Thomas' Parish :— "I would earnestly wish to remind their obligation to the great man, (the iaie Arch- deacon Morgan), who founded, and originated vour College, for the purpose of affording the trreat middle-class, an opportunity of educating the;, sons in sound religious, and secular knowledge, at a moderate charge, at their own doors. And I ivicioe that the responsibilities have fallen into sue judicious hands, and heartily wish you all success I feel certain that the wider your efforts are known the greater will be your field" of labour." NEXT TERM WILL COMMENCE ON JA.N. 22ND, 18S4. An Examination for the 7th Entrance Scholarship will take place on Jan. 29th, and following-du vs. For Prospectuses and further information, appli- cation may be made to the Principal. BRYN-Y-MOR HOUS LL ANF/AIRFECH AN. t A thorough preparation for Business and the learned Professiont. Dl RING the past twelve months the Pupils JLf have been successful at the Examination- the Royal College of Surgeons, the Incorpjr:ire'd Law Society, Durham University, the Horn, Jh-il Service, the Pharmaceutical Society, and the S i noe Examinations of South Kensington. No Pu'^i ^a» failed in any Examination. Testimonials fj\m the Archbishop of York, Lords Fitzwilliam, Zetland Houghton, Feversham Wenlock, &c. Mr Robinson has had thirty four years' experienee in teach latr at some of the best schools in England. 2s>o FOR THE BEST AND CHEAPEST ) BOOTS & SHOE .> ,I, GO TO :1 AMOS'S, 7, WELLINGTON CHAMBKE» I WHLLKGTON ROAD, RIIYL. "THE OLD TOWN HALL ST0I.US r HIGH STREET RHYL, 0Established 1850), FOULKES & CO., WINF & SPIRIT MERCHANTS, IMPOf TERS & BONDERS. MAX GREGER'S HUNGARIAN WINES SAINT RAPAEL TANNIN WINES àcz; This wme is strengthening and digestive. It is an Invigorating Tonic, and more efficacious for con- valescents and debilitated persons than Iron or Quinine. It is a sovereign remedy in cases of Gastric Debility and Anemia. BASS, ALLSOPPS, & WORTHINGTON'S VL^ GUINNESS'S, BARCLAY, & PERKIX's"' STOUT in Bottle and on Draught, DEVONSHIRE CIDER IN BOTTLES And ELLIS & SONS' celebrated Mineral Soda Potass, Lithia, and other Waters. EATIS.—Sent bv post to all parts of the World on rocsin of Two Stamps to pr&p&y INVALIDS' GUIDE BOOK OF POSITIVE REMEDIES FOR THE CURE OF AT.T. DISEASES. THE BOOK OF POSITIVE REMEDIES give. a full list of the names in English, of all the Positive Medicines used by a retired Phvsician in his practice for over Thirty Years. The Name, Nature and Do- given: also a list of Diseases for which the Positive botanic Medicines are a certain Cure. EVERY HOUSEHOLD, every Man and Woman should possess a Copy of this invaluable book. IT IS WRITTEN and PUBLISHED to enable Invalids to form a correct knowledge of the disease that they may be suffering from. and to select Remedy and Cure themselves without consulting Medical Man, either personallv or bv letter. EVERYTHING THE INVALID bhouldknow on self-treatment, how to secure health, a long life and to avoid the doctor is given in this work. IT IS INDEED, and IN TRUTH, the Invali i's Hand-book and sure guide to the cure of all diseases by the Positive Botanic Medicines. OVER SIXTY THOUSAND INVALIDS have been cured bv the Positive Botanic Remedies. THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED T". timonials given in favour of these Medicines. SEND FOR THIS INVALUABLE BOOK, an read it before taking Medicine—before giving vou case luto the hands of a Medical Man. NO WRITTEN STATEMENT OF CASE NO CONSULTATION FEES. NO PERSONAL VISITS REQUIRED. SELF-TREATMENT IS EASY, SAFE Azsb EFFECTUAL by following the rules given in th Book. GRATIS.-Nmcz.- The Guide Book to the treat. ment of AU diseases by the new system; P(),;Liv Botanic Remedies may be had direct from the Publishers on receipt of Two Stamps to prepay post";e. -Adclreac,- H. SMITH & Co., POSITIVE REMEDY LABO1"" 26, se""MPWD Ifow, Lqi.