J,C:ST & GU IF FIT LIS FEES T li A D E 11 A L li, HIGH STREET RIIYL, BEG to eall the attention of the public to then' enormous Stock of MEN'S & BOYS' SUITS, Which are now offered at such Low Prices as will secure a speecly clearance. AX EARLY CALL IS SOLICITED. —————————ruanWH—i tm—. Barclay & Perkins' Stout 0 UNIVERSALLY ADMITTED to be RFPER. IOR TO ALL OTHERS. WM. P. JONES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE, SPIRIT, ALE & PORTER MERCHANT iO, Sussex-street (Corner of Water-street, Rhyl.) avii3g been appointed SOLE AGENT for the above can now supply them as follows — Porter 23s. lS-gals. casks.12s. 9-gal. casks fl Stout 28s. .14s. .R Stout.32s. .17s. imperial or in- f), valid Stout 38s. Sole agent for Messrs Mann, Crossman, and 'aulin's celebi'ated BURTON" ALES & LON- DON STOUTS, supplied in casks of all sizes, u splendid condition, and at Brewery prices. East India Pale Ale 3s. 6d. per doz. pints Extra Dublin Stout 3s. Od. ditto Wines and Spirits of First Class Brands ONLY. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. TEA, TEA, TEA, TEA, TEA TEA, TEA, TEA, TEA TEA, TEA, TEA, TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA "A r T E. P. JONES, WATER STREET, "Sells the Best 2s. 6d. TEA in the World NES Sells Excellent TEA at 2s. per pound. v it and compare it with what is generally sold at 2s. 8d. COEFEE, NCH C0FFEE( COFFEE IN TINS. P. JONES Sells Excellent MIXTURE in TINS at Ojd. per lb. 2 HERBERT'S FRENCH COFFEE Is. 2Ad. per lb. tOFFEE in the Berry from Is. per lb. COCOAS and CHOCOLATES. E. P. JONES Sells EPPS'S COCOA at Is. Ud. per lb. ^1. P. JONES Sells Is. Gd. Tins COCOATINA at 1 2 each. P. JONES [Sells 3s. Tins COCOATINA at 2s. 4d. each. JAMS JAMS JAMS NEW SEASON JAMS RASPBERRY JAMS. STRAWBERRY JAMS. VOLCICMAN'S JAMS The Best in the Kingdom At 7. WATER STREET. MARMALADE MARMALADE MARMALADE. rCEILLER'S MARMALADE from 1 lb. to 7 lb. Glt Jars. — ROOTKo £ EE?TAISPROTISIONS GROCERY and PROVISIONS. For GROCERY and PROVISIONS GO TO E. P. J0NES' 7, WATER STREET, RHYL. /Public opinion settles the question, that he has \EST and CHEAPEST GOODS. ,f HO M i. s -W i- L L I A M-s.- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHER, 3, WATER STREET, RHYL. -A constant supply SECWD-HINP FITKNITUBESTORES •?, MARKET STREET RHYL. JEDSTBADS, MATTRESSES CHILDREN'S -COTS, PERAMBULATORS, BATHS, 'C., tc., c out on HIRE. 1 c for the Guardia^F^& Life Assurance Co- 0 N E S A. JONES JOINER AND BUILDER, to inform the of Rhyl and district t he has re-coiimmwl bUE-ioess, and is now ;1y to do any repairs or alterations, and to,l,;() mates for work in the hrandws of tlte \r KINMEL STREET )BKSHOP and YARD EST Ki*Din. inquiries may also be made at th H Rooms, 11, Queen Street, Rhyl. J^IDE T 0 H IV A CAPTAIN FRED. BARNABY, i% m l,ed with ur were also taken; and for physic-with which it s as well to be supplied when travelling in out. of- latter a most invaluable medicine and one nich I have used on the natives of Central Africa •rith the greatest possible success. In tact, tne marvellous effects produced upon the mmd and body of an Arab Sheik, who was impervious to all native medicines, when I administered to him five COCKLE'S PILLS nil never fade from my memory; and a friend of •.tVnine who passed through the same district many ntnonths afterwards, informed me that my fame as medicine man'had not died out, but that the arvellous cure was even then a theme of con- xalftrsation in the bazaai COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FREE FROM MERCURY. JCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE. ''KLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, THE SAFEST PATENT MEDICINE. O</« £ LE'S AFEEIEUT MEDICINE. 8^KLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, OI"LLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, yeans ■JT.'LE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, AT FOR INDIGESTION* 36 Cx* <8,t V S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, L-Ei & F0E HEARTBUBN. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOB SICK HEADACHE. CO' :LE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, IN USE AMONGST ALL CLASSES. CCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, ,v; IN X7SE EIGHTYTWO YEAES. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, IN USE EVERYWHERE. *>)CKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, A^fay be had throughout the United Kingdom, JJ Boxes, at Is. Ud., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis., and 22s lIe, 18, NEW ORMOND STREET, LONDON m — NJSRVOTTS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY.—A gentleman having tried iu vain every ddvortised remedy, has discovered a sickle means of self-cure. He will be happy to forward the paituularg to any sufferer on receipt of a etamped and directed envelop*).—Mr J. T. SSWELL, Brook Villa Hamos.omuiith. Loudon, W 1 JONES & SON JONES 8: SON TONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES k SON JONES & SON i 0 IN E s & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON T)EAUTTFUL 1> J | OUSEilOLD BREAD. QLBS.for IS ITRE, WHOLI. SOME, and NUT- RITIOUS. Made of nothing but Pure Flour and Yeast. I los, Lo af 1 s. 6 d. 9lbs 3s. Od. 4,Ubs Os. 6d. ONCE TRIED ALWAYS Tried Baked daily; deli- vered by our own vans at all hours of the day. ABBEY ST. & CRESCENT RD. RHYL. JONES & SON JONES & SON '.JONES & SON 'JONES & SON JONES & SON 10 & SON JONES & SON JONES SON 'JONES kSON JONES &- SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON JONES & SON r JONES & SON JONES & SON jJONES & SON JONES & SON jJONESkSON JONES & SON THE BEST STOCK IN RHYL OF BOOTS, SHOES, & SLIPPERS rlS AT JOHN AMOS'S, J j OOT Sc gH0E | ANUFACTUBEB, 8, Sussex Street, Rhyl, (1Opposite the George Iletel). J.A. begs to inform the inhabitants and visitors of Rhvl and the surrounding district that he has just received his Summer Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, which have been purchased from the best firms in England. TO THE VISITORS. This Establishment is noted for its superiority in SAND BOOTS AND SHOES, INDIA-RUBBER GOODS, &C, Which are Sold at Reasonable Prices. Inspection invited. Repairs Executed. Bespoke Orders receive prompt attention. Note the Address— J. AMOS, Sa, Sussex-street, Rhyl. i 37^ HIGH STREET, -RHY-iTi. BEDSTEADS and Bedding; Iron and Steel Fenders; Steel Stools and Hanging Dutch Ovens and Tinware of all kinds TEAPOTS of every description; Cutlery; Baths; Hotwater'Cans; Brushes and Mats in great variety. All Household Requirements. Lamps, Globes, W icks, kc. Best Non-explosive Petroleum Oil. Repairs Executed by Experienced Workmen. J'OHN E VINE, GENERAL DEALER, 37, HIGH-ST., RH1 L. MILLINERY! 37, HIGH-ST., PHYL. MILLINER* H MILLINERY j T. E D AV A R D S, COMPTON HOUSE, 32, HIGH ST., RHYL. IMPORTANT NOTICE. To the Inhabitants, Gentry, and Public m general. The Birmingham and North Wales WHOLESALE JEWELLERY MANUFACTURERS. EXPERIENCED WORKMEN are employed for the repairing of Watches, Clocks, and Jewel- |rv All kinds of jewellery re-silvored and re-gil- deil equal to new. Whitby Jet Jewellery made matched, and repaired. Pipes mounted in Gold and Silver repaired and cleaned on the shortest notice, at very low charges. Clocks wound by the year. Old Gold and Silver bought. Full value given. Electro.plating. Enamelling and Engraving done on the premises. Repairs done for the Trade. Watch Glasses fitted 3d. each. Wholesale Tobacconists, &c. ESTABLISHED 1855. SOLE AGENT—A. WOOD. Note the STREET, RHYL. JOHN EDWARDS, "OUILDER AND c ONTRACTOR, 26, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL, Every description of JOINERY WORK undertaken. All Kinds OF ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS, &c., PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. estimates GIVEN ON APPLICATION. RHYL TEA EXCHANGE. 53, HIGH STREET, (Opposite the New Inn). OWEN QWENS, Beo-s to inform the inhabitants and visitors of Rhyl and neighbourhood, that the above Establishment is now open with a large and well. selected stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &c., Of the finest quality, and will be sold at the lowest remunerative prices. A large stock of NEW SEASON TEAS Of the best quality, at Is. 8d., 2s. 4d, 2s. 6d., and 3s er lb. Selected Teas at 3s. IMPORTANT NOTICE. j jgROWN'S JgSTABLISHMENT Photographs are taken so quickly by the instantanious process on plates prepared upon his own premises that he will guarantee Cartes and Cabinets taken in dull and rainy weather quite equal to any taken on fine clear day. Cartes in any one position, including Vignettes, 5s. 6d. per dozen in two positions, 6s. 6d. per dozen. Cabinets, in any position, Vignettes included, first one, 3s 6d; al:ter copies, Is. each. K ]3._3t KINMEL STREET, RHYL, first door from the bridge, and nearly opposite the Alexandra Hotel. JAMES J) IPPON & gONS, 6, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL, (Near the Mostyn hotel), And 13, WOOLLEN STREET, SHEFFIELD, Have OPENED the shop with all kinds of Sheffield Manufacture, comprising Silver Plate, Cutlery, Table and Poeket Knives, Scissors, Spectacles, Razors, Saws. and Edge Tools of every description. The above articles repaired on the shortest notice by skilful workmen. ,S1L I 'EE-PL A TE HE-PL A TED. Orders by post immediately attended to, and goods brought for selection. Note the address—6, Wellington Road, Rhyl. 0 Business Cards. DRAPERS. -ir-y 4KTEL EVANS. General DRAPER, SILK MERCER, GLOVER, kc„ kc. MILLINER'S I )' 1)RESS, k MANTLE MAKING by experienced hands. 25, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL I UNT AND GRIFFITHS, FREE TRADE HALL, RHYL. Drapers, Milliners, Dress and Manil I J Makers, Outfitters, Tailors, Boot and Shoe Dealers, General and Fancy W rehousemen, &c. STATIONER AND NEWSAGENT. TREIIEARN, Wholesale and Retail Stationer, Bookseller, Bookbinder, Newsagent Dealer in Fane I Goods* Library Depot. Stationer's Helll, 165& 16G, Wellington rcid, « Bon Marchess, High st.,Rhj BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. TOHNAMOS S SUSSEX STREET, RHYL (Opposite the George Hotel). A large and vnrie j- stock of Boots, Shoes, Slippers, &c., of the best makes, and at very low prices. A trial is solicited TkTOTED BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, WELLINGTON CHAMBERS, Weliington-road Rhyl. Large and well-assorted Stock of Boots and Shoes to select from. PRINTERS. 4 MOS BROTHERS, Commercial and General Steam Printers, Publishers, &c. All work neatl; and quickly turned out, and at very moderate prices. UNDERTAKER. A LFRED SHEPHERD, 13, KINMEL STREET, RHYL. Funerals completely Furnished, aruVcon A ducted with respectability & at moderate charges. Mortuary cards, Wreaths^&< of choice designs MILLINER. MISS DA VIES. 3, WELLINGTON CHAMBERS, Wellington road, Rhyl. Millinery in all it branches. Feathers Dyed, Cleaned, and Curled, and all orders executed immediately. MONUMENTAL & ECCLESIASTICAL SCULPTURE WORKS. JOHN LUNT, BRIGHTON ROAD, Rhyl, Modeller and Engraver. Monuments, Columns, Pedes ) tals, Figures,' Pulpits, Fonts, Reredoses, &c., artistically executed. Designs furnished on application PAINTER AND DECORATOR. XITILLIAM REYNOLDS, Plumber, Decorator, Gilder, and Picture Frame Dealer, High Street W Rhyl. HOTELS. LORNE HOTEL, J. H. MORRISH, Proprietor. Sole Agent for North Wales for the "BOD i EGA" Company. Price list forwarded on application. YNNSTAY HOTEL, JAMES KILSHAW, Proprietor. Visitors and the public will fine ty every accommodation at this Hotel. G-EGRGE HOTL, RHYL. Proprietor, A. G. Stroyan. This Hotel is now under now manage- G merit, and affords excellent accomodation. Commercials and visitors, note. IIUDD LAN. NEW INN, P. Edwards, Proprietor. Family and Commercial Hotel. Wines auc R Spirits of the Finest Quality, Bass' Burton Ales, Guinness' Dublin Stout. Cars for Hire. -S-'i'ASAPIf.-IÜNMEL ARMS HOTEL, Wm. Humberston, Proprietor. Removed from the s Mostyn Arms Hotel, St. Asaph. Wines and Spirits of the best quality. Burton Ales. Excelleni accommodation. Posting, kc. ciT\~ASAFlJ.— MOSTYN ARMS, T. Cliadwick, Proprietor. Family and Connneicial Hotel o Excellent Stable accommodation, Posting, etc. To HN H. ELLIS, (For upwards of 11 ycarx icith Mr W. Wynne, and his sm-eessor, Mr II. A. Steer), WHOLESALE DEALER IN Wines, Spirits, Ale, and. Porter, 12, WATER STREET, RIIYL. Good Pale Sherry—21s, J 30s, 33s, etc. Best Old London Gin—13s Gd per Gallon. per doz. Pure Malt Irish. Whisky—18s and 20s per Good Sound Port—24s, 30s, obs, kc., per Gallen. doz. Good ]Dinner Claret—12H. 18s, per Finest Old Blended Scotch Whisky-IRs doz. and 20s per Gallon. Genuine Champagne—30s, 42s, .Vis, per Old Cognac Brandy — 24s and 27s per eloz. Gallon. Single Bottles may be had at same rates. BASS & COS., PALE ALE, GUINNESS & CO'S EXTRA STOUT. DEVONSHIRE, AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, always in the finest condition. Agent for Max Greger's Hungarian Wines. Also for Truman, Hanbury, xton and Co's London Stout. 1 ELLIS'S SODA SELTZER AND OTHER WATERS. Full Price List at all other Wines, Spirits, &c., on application to JOHN H. ELLIS, ] 2, WATER RET. LAMPS! LAMPS!! LAMPS! IJAAIPSIII A SPLENDID assortment of the noted EXTINGUISHER, DUPLEX, ANUCAPNIC, ECLIPSE, and other 2v burner LAMPS, suitable for Table; Hall and suspending back, hand and spirit Lamps. Police, Hand, Hurricane anel Horn LANTERNS. Rippingales patent, COOKING and HEATING STOVES. Large variety of LAMP GLOBES, CHIMNEYS, and all kinds of fittings for repairs. An experienced Tinman and Brazier. Repairs and Now Work Promptly Executed. Coal Vases in polished wood and Japanned Drawing mom, Dining- room and Parlour Fenelers. Fire Brasses, Fire Irons, Rests, Hat and I mbrella Stands, Tea Trays, Dish Covers, Kitchen Uten- sils, French and half-testerlron and Brass Bedsteads, Straw Palliasses, Spring, Ilair, and Flock Mattresses, Feather Beds, Wool and Cotton Flocks, close and open Fire Kitchen Ranges, American Cooking Stoves, Registered Stoves, Euamelled Chimney Pieces, Mantel Registers, Sham ditto, Shop Stoves, Boilers, Furnaces, Skylights, Felt. RAIN WATER FITTINGS. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Agent for the Celebrated London Porth/rl Cement Sportim Am inanition and Hecn'si/cn ROYAL DBYLIGHT PETROLEUM. 8d. PEE GALLON. t,. Best Stettin Colza Oil for Moderator and Solar Lamps. Oallipoli, Machinery, and Lubricating Oils. Boiled and Raw Linseed Oils, Turpentine, etc. PAINTS, COLORS, and VARNISHES. Agent for Jones and Wards" Arm, Platform, and Stichwell SEWING MACHINES. AT THE NEW IRONMONGERY ESTABLISHMENT 36, HIGH STEEET, RHYL. EDWARD HUGHES, Proprietor, I JAMES J)AVIKS, Registrar of Marriages, GWYNFA VILLA, RHYL, HOUSE & ESTATE AGENT, Collector of Rents, &c. Agent for the ALLIANCE; ,PROVINCIAL,) 'QUEEN'S,' j Fire and Life Assurance Com- II panies. MORTGAGES [CAN BE PROCURED. "THE HOME-MADE BREAD SHor." J. T. "JONES, j^AMILY ROCER & rpEA jQEALFE; BAKER, PROVISION DEALER, AND TALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN, ALED HOUSE, 27, WELLINGTON ROAD, RIIIL.1 The best of Everything." NO FEES UNLESS CASH IS ADVANCED. pRIVATE CASH A DVANCES On Farm and Trade Stocks, Furniture, &c., in town or country, without removal, and with or without sureties. All communications from intending borrowers; treated with strict confidence. Apply personally or write for prospectus to GEORGE PAYNE, Chartered Accountant, 7, ST. JOHN STREET, CHESTER. Established 1870. 1 D W ATE D 0W E N S, I BUTCHER, 8, WATER STREET, RHYL (OPPOSITE SUSSEX STREE7) j Families supplied with the Best Quality of Baef: Mutton, Lamb. Veal, and Pork. ] Orders Promptly Attended To. Fine Flavoured Pork Sausages. LICENSED DEALER IN GAME. jf ^i RATIS, a MEDICAL WORK, showing suft'-i erers how they may be cureel. and recover; health and vitality without the aid Qu«cks, withj £ recipes for purifying the booe, and removing skin II affections also 'chapters on Happy Marriages When and Whom to Marry The Temperaments J; Stammering Vital Force How wasted and How y Preserveel Galvanic Appliances and the Wonders of the Microscopc in Detecting Various Complaints. g Post free for Two Stamps. e Address, Secretary, Institute of_Aiiatomy,"Bii,- N mingham. VISITORS T0 RHYL. | TURKISH AND OTHER BATHS I can be had at the I JJ-YDROPATHIC JGSTABLISHMENT. For Ladies on Tuesday and Fridav inoriiin°'.s ( from 8 to 1 Wednesday from 2 to '> o'clock" For Gentlemen at all other times from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. I No Baths on Sundays. I No Baths on Sundays. I GRATIS.—Sent by post to all parts of the World on roceipt of Two Stamps to prepay postage. INVALIDS' GUIDE BOOK OF POSITIVE REMEDIES FOR THE CURE OF ALL DISEASES. THE BOOK OF POSITIVE REMEDIES gives ja full list of the names in English, of all the Positive 'Medicines used by a retired Physician in his practice for over Thirty Years. The Name, Nature and Dose 'given; also a list of Diseases for which the Positive Botanic Medicines are a certain Cure. EVERY HOUSEHOLD, every Man and Woman (should possess a Copy of this invaluable book. IT IS WRITTEN and PUBLISHED to enable Invalids to form a correct knowledge of the disease that they may be suffering from, and to select a Remedy and Cure themselves without consulting a Medical Man, either personally or by letter. EVERYTHING THE INVALID should know on self-treatment, how to secure health, a long life and to avoiel the doctor is given in this work. IT IS INDEED, and IN TRUTH, the Invalid's Hand-book and sure guide to the cure of all diseases iby the Positive Botanic Medicines. OVER SIXTY THOUSAND INVALIDS have Ibeen cured by the Positive Botanic Remedies. THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED Tes. timonials given in favour of these Medicines. SEND FOR THIS INVALUABLE BOOK, and read it before taking Medicine—before giving your case into the hands of a Medical Man. NO WRITTEN STATEMENT OF CASE. NO CONSULTATION FEES. NO PERSONAL VISITS REQUIRED. SELF-TREATMENT IS EASY, SAFE AND EFFECTUAL by following the rules given in this Book. GRATIS. -NOTICLI. The Guide Book to the treat. ment of all diseases by the new system of Positive Botanic Remedies may be had direct from the Publishers on receipt of Two Stamps to prepay the postage. -Address- H. SMITH & Co., POSITIVE REMEDY LABORATORY, 26, Southampton Row, London, W.C. MONEY LENT WITHOUT S U RETIE S BV the CHAR1NG-CROSS DEPOSIT BANK 28, Bedford! street, Strand, London. Est. 1870.—301, to 30001. daily, in town or country, male or female, on personal tecur'ity mortjraK6 of furniture, trade and farm stcck, plant, crop's, &c,, without removal. Also on deeds, policies, and rever- sions at 5 per cent. from one month to 1-1 years. Distance no object. Easy repayments. 250,0eXU. for investment. No ijood application refused. strictly private. Call or write to A. WILLIAMS, Manager. Intending borrowers in London or Country may rest as. sure if they cannot obtain an advance at this old-establish- ed,bona-fide Advanco Bank, they cannot obtaia one any- where. We use our customers well; they aiways come back and recommend us; having a large connection we do bus- nes s cheaper than others. f JTO FOOTBALL PLA YERS & OTHERS. y !e THE BEST MAKE OF g II T N G t A R I) S y 1 FOR FOOTBALL PLAYERS TO BE HAD AT i AMOS'S BOOT AND SliOE DEPOT, 8a, SUSSEX STREET, RHYL. )'1 I. BEST QUALITY AT LOWEST rmPES. JJDWARI) O B E R T S. j (late Trice and Tioberts,) 100, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL, FAMILY GROCER,\ ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN AND BAKER Visitors at this Establishment will find quality combined with reasonable charge?. .————— Home-cured Haivs and Bacon. Finest, 11* shire, Cumberland and Irish Bacon. I REAL WELSH AND OTHER BUTTER. t Nrw-LAIN EGGs. STILTOX, CHESHIRE, AXD OTHER j CHIŒSE. ESTABLISHED, J SGG. I /HARLRS TTAI!],E5IAN AXD QON, PIANFFORTE, ( If A U M ONIi: M AND UEXKUAL ) music W A RETT O I" SE, 26, HIGH STREET, RHYL. Pianofortes and Harmoniums of the best make and selection, FOR SALE OR HIRE. New Music at half-marked price, post free. Schools and Teachers supplied on advantageous terms. Single tunings or by yearly contract, promptly attended to in Town or Country, all kinds of Musical Instruments tuned and repaired. ORGAN, HARMONIUM AND PIANOFORTE Lessons on Moderate Terms. CONCERT AND ENTERTAINMENT AGENTS JOHN D EVINE, AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER, HOUSE AXD ESTATB 4GENT. AUCTION ROOMS AXD OFFICE:- 37, HIGH STREET. HOUSE BRIGHTON ROAD, RHYL. Public Auctions at stated periods, which will be duly advertised. Furniture, &c ,may be sent to the Rooms for 3ale at any time. Excellent, dry rooms for storage. II E S K E T H AII M S JPAMTLY ANT) QOMMERCTAL J_JOTEL, ABERGELE, HUGH ROr,ERTS< Proprietor. POSTING CARS AND HORSES FOR HIRE CHOICEST WINES, SPIRITS, & CIGARS. The only Carriages in Abergele privileged to drve through the beautiful and romantic Grounds of Gvvrych Castle, are those of this Hotel. CURE FOR ALL! HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT. IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. No More Suffering The Discovery of this Ointment has proved an invaluable boon to thousands of sufferers; when rubbed over or near the seat of suffering, its rare Balsamic properties are conveyed to every part. Thus it heals inward wounds and ulcers of the STOMACH, BOWELS oR WOMB, strengthens the spinal marrow in cases of nervous weakness and depression, and ail diseases of the THROAT, LUNGS> AND CHEST. NO invalid need despair of cure, whilst this Ointment can be obtained. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, and Ulcerations of all kinds. The application of this Ointment heals, in a remaAaWa manner, every kind of Ulceration, softens the stiff or cuutractcd tissues, causes "proud" flesh to disappear, and foul and loath- some discharges to become converted into healthy healing surfaces; and these cffects are not temporary, but are radical and permanent. Piles, Fistulas, and Abscesses. 'These and all simibr affections must be carefully treated 1 according to the plan recommended in the printed instructions. I ] he Ointment must be applied directly to the parts affected, and Holloway's Pills be simultaneously Liken to purify the blood, I and to relieve the intent:J1 congestions which are so fertile a i cause of this class of disease. Dropsical Enlargements, Swelled Legs, and Varicose Veins. ] In the reduction of all Glandular Swellings 110 remedy this incomparable Ointment; it prevents the fonnati >11 of extra. i.eous growths, and is an invaluable remedy for checking ail Chronic Discharges; when diligently rubbed into the parti affected, the worst case will yield in a comparatively short 1 W"cc of time. Scrofula and Old Skin Diseases. ] This Ointment is a certain remedy for ah diseases of the ski1\, I whether simple or complicated._ Scurvy, nng worm r blotches, ( pimples, and other cutaneous disorders, arc at one eradicated by this invaluable X." nguent. The Ointment and Pills are sold at Professor HOLLOW AY'S t Establishment, 51, Oxford Street, London also by nearly i every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised 1 World, in Pots and Boxes, at is. i!d., 2s. cjil., 4s. 6d., 11s. ^2S. t and 33s. each. 1 Full printed directions are affixed to each Pot and Box, and an be had in any language. ( Advice can be obtained, free of charge, by < applying at the above address, daily, between the t Vours of 11 and 4, or by letter. l No. 78, Oxford St. (late 533; Oxford rd. < London j: jyjANCHESTER A RMS JJOTEL, ] VORYD, RHYL. J ( J. BASTER (hto of the Lion Hotel, Warriugton) i Proprietor. ( ] /THHIS is the pL'tee -where the pleasure Boats ean f X |JI> engaged. Breakfasts, Luncheons, Dinners, t Teas, kc., uu the Shortest Notiee. General Re- freslnnents ahvays ready. WINES and SPIRITS of guaranteed quality. Draught and Bottle ALES, ] STOUT, &0. CIGARS of the best brands. j APARTMENTS. BEDS. EVERY ACCOM- ■ 5 JIODATIOjS. i IJakry" 1|-UDD,: ISli, GAilK -('I, T PKALER. ENGLISH FOREIGN 11? UlTEIiER, Il8, BOD FOE STEEET, ;i (Iu <-t th- £ fnl,vay SiuHort), I j BANK BUILDINGS, SUSSEX STHEET. A Daily Supply of all kind of FISH, in Season delivered to order. A largo selo"iion of SARDINES and other Thied Fish of the Best Brand. SAUCES, PICKLES, CAPERS, kc. Fresh Butter Daily. H.M. invites inspection of hi^ largo and varied | supplies of Fish, Poultry, Fruii, Yegetrhlos, as he feels confident the prices and quality eannot be | surpassed. MISSES GRIFFITHS, THE GLADSTONE BUILDINGS, -yEMPERANCE |^OARl>IXu 11 OTEL BODFOR STREET, RHYL. Hot. Dinners daily. Tea and Coffee ahvays ready Special Tern's for Pleasure Parties awl School Trips on application. N.B.— One minute s walk from the station. FIRST HALF-YEARLY SALE J. &. A. M. JONES, LONDON HOUSE, II701T STREET, RHYL I Beg respectfully to announce that their J IT A L F- YEA H L Y S ALE oil SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1SS2, FOR 21 DAYS ONLY. Yery Special Bargains are offered in all the Depart- ments. J. A. M. JOXES, LONDON HOUSE, HIGH STREET, RHYL PLOUGH HOTEL, ST. AAPII •JA«. ANOI:I:SO-V, Pj:orRTiiTOK. POSTING CARS AND HORSES FOR HIRE Chui<vst Wines, Spirit* and Cigars. Th< only Carriages iu St. Asaph privileged to drivi through th.' beautiful and ]'LI:I1'1<" jjrounds cr G\viy«.'li Castle, are those ef ties liot/■. J A M E S .M i T !1 BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURER. 72, HIGH STREET, RHYL. Gent's Boots and Shoes at remarkably low prices. Ladies' Elastic Bo«ts from Is. ll.d. Children'? Boots from (Hd. 'rid iii grca,i variety. Li.,t at j\fen s nail < Water-tia'ht Boots. 7s. Ud. r-,(, Boots, from 3s. 9d. Sand Boots and Shoes at 3s. Od. per pair. All kinds of Lawn Tennis, Beating and Cricket Boots and Shoes kept in stock. THE CHESTER I BOOT & SHOE "\YAHEHOVSE, 72, HIGH STREET, RHYL, And at Foregate-street and the High Cross, opposite Bridge-street. Chester. f H S T HUGHESV 21, HIGH STREET, lUlYL, IT ^IIILE tendering her warmest thanks for the W kind paU'onage bestowed upon her late Hus- band. begs to intimate that it is her intention to carry on the business,having engaged an experienced aiid'hiirhlv-qualified Cl'TTF.ll in the peivn el' Mr J!. IjAMfuV,of r.oiidon :n:d ^[ancln^t^r,who will, fur the |ireM)nt, have the Br-spoke i.'epai'tmeut. All commands entru^ieci lolu r shutl riM-i.-ive her prompt attention, and it will always be her ejidea- vour t«> give every possible satisfaction. Tailoring and Outfitting Establishment, 21, THE FRUIT, FLOWERS, All) y E G E TABLE g T ORES, 7 KINMEL STREET ;;s, (vUJ^EN STREET, RHYL. WREATHS ANT) BOUuVETS MADE TO OHDER. J'LAXTS LENT O HIRE. Poultry, Butter, new laid Eggs, kc. Game in Season. F. WILLIAMS, PROPRIETOR. A GOOD PLAN. OPTION dealing in Stock Exchange Securities often returns five to ten times the amount invested in as many days. C'10 to R,1,000 realises same ratio of pDnt. Explanatory Boohs sent free. Address, GEORGE EYANS A: Co., Stock-brokers J-resham House, Old Broad Street, London. A FACT WORTH KNOWING. BEE CHAM'S PILLS Have now been before the Public Thirty Years, and the mpld sale from the commencement, and the still increasing Jemand by the I ublic, is one of the best Riiarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated. Thousands, in everv sphere of life ivith one .voice pronounced them the best, the safest, ll?c? 8U.rt .for eradicating ail those comnlainta nf A'lnch flesh is heir to. They stand without a parallel and ivorld lar?efc>t sale of any Patert Medicine in the 13EECIIAIIIS PILLS A EE admitted by thousands to be worth above a Guinea XA. for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as wind and pain m the Stomach, sick Headache. Giddiness, Fnlness anQ pi v?-nl? ♦ ru ? T 1),ZZUJ.ess and Drowsiness, Cold Chills Flushmcs of Heau, Loss of Appetite, shortness of Breath -oneness,Scurvy and Blotches of the skin,Distnrlied Sleep rignttul Dreams, and all Nervous Trembling Sensations tc. 1 he first close wil, give relief in twenty minutes This' s no fiction, for they have done it In Thousands of cases The Proprietor of these Pills having obtained (at great expense) a Paten.tfor them,he challenges the whole world to pronnced a n-e(,iiciiie to equal them for removing the above iamed complaints, and restoring the patient to sound and asting health. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try meBox of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For Females of all ages these Pills are invaluable a ew doses of them carry off all gross humours, and opnl as .hat is required. No female should be without them. There s no medicine to be found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for • any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If ,aken accordtwg to the directions given with each box they ■vill soon restore femah; or all ages to sound and robust nealth. For a weak stomach,Impaired digestion, and all disorders in the liver, they ert like MAOIC, and a few doses will be oii,id to work wonders upon the most importantorgans in hehuman machine. They strengt hen the whole iiiuc jular ar ;y stem,restore the long lost complexion.bring back the keen idge of appetite, and arouse into action with the r^se bud of lealth, the whole physical energy of the human frame. rhese are facts admitted by thousands, embracin gall classes >f society, and one of the best guarantees to tho nervous ind debilitated is that Beecham's Pills have the larp-pit sale )f any patent medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a Remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Difficulty in 3reathing, Shortness of Brsath, Tightness and Oppression )f the Chest, Wheezing, &c,these Pills stand unrivalled; and my one labouring under any of the above complaints, 'need mly to try one Box to prove that they are the liEsT EVER >FFEEiiD T THE prBLic for Asthmatic and Consumptive Jousins, a. -Oppression of the Chest. They speedily remove ,hat sense (t Jppression and Difficulty of Breathing, which lightly deprive the patient of rest. They give almost in- stant relief and comfort to those afflicted with the above listressing, and, when neglected, dangerous compiaints. Let any person troubled with any of the above complaints nve JbiSKCHAM'S COCGti PILLS a trial. (li' "io>The public are requested to notice that the words I3eei_ ism's Pills, St.Helens,' are on the Government Stamp ifiixeu to eacii Box of the Pills if not or they are a forgery. Prepared only and sold wholesale anci letai. b\ tke i'ro- Dvietor T BEECEAM, Chernlst, St. Helens, Lancasnire, in joxes at Is lid, and 2s gd each. Sent by post free fcr 15 )r 36 stamps, liold by all Drugists and Patent Medicine Dealeri in the United Kingdom. F R F T:. T R A D T •; A I F R l !J j 1 HIGH STREET, LiiiL LT' r ljru'Ix Are iiow ,how'Ig in MILLTNEIiY. DOUTAN s. JAQKUT* A CG^TrME.?. | 8,0M0 •■■■'•Ct from of the j ( "r) A, T-T,' l' P 8,0M0 •■■■'•Ct from of the j ( ias.iionaoie mnpts ::i unusually Low Prices. n R 0 B K H T p R I"C E" T1?ICL ROBERTS' FAMILY R o CB R :pROVI8IO:; "fEROlI A>-T of, iliOIT RHYL. L.r. begs to e.'Hl spoeial attention to lii< new sea^m .,o,s anu ii vno^ f: trial of the same 1hat every satisfacTicT- I T R; A T E A TEA I'jVorlh I Strictly highly iArjA J >' flavoured 3/. Finest China & h%'rl- .d'r ^dia imPorted 3/4 I s French Coffee. bay;- L to. s ^fixture in tins at íi.1;J. and Is. per lb. Genuine CuKihorh-n. V,IR HAMS and T' ';V~ n atjd Homc-c ■ > nnest Amenc; H.nis unci Baeon. A,v j! rGGSdaii,. TA Dj*rt>isrh Market. J\ at i0!h<d Tnsicr- ^&S>0TAL CATT ■- 1 J 1°1 I { V c; r>. -n ::v"^ per vrt. or id. i lo g' T S'" SAPIr Q.FiAMMAfl gCHOOT, -1 THE NEW feCITO^?L BHILTilNGS. The school re-opened Sept. IOtli, iss* °b.tS YS -been f01'med for the M ? °cal l-'X:|ininaLion in Decern' V nj.jJ.v are also prepared for other 1 ni versify Examiratioiis; for the PrV; Law ana Meuieul Examinations, for Uv,1 .service, and for U,e Preliminary u vf the P.) 'd Pharroaeeu{ical Society; Ter A on application. 1' TT Master E. SMABT M { w'bfc Ti' Chairman of the Gmx-nin^ BSiy St-^ 7 gT. (RLbIi)r,NCE PL ASTIR ION TERB 2 TIHYL. P RI NCI PAL E E V E. \rE13rr1,.I) -J -L. ASSISTANT ?.IAST;:ES jM*. F. WELSH, E.A. Mn ARTT3rF. r M.R.C.P. ME. I.. II. JI'NOL), I Professor of Lnnmiaiies. ? | Chester. f I r-,rir,q J!at,\r MU. E. A. Aoi;n;y, P.O. A. ■-I)IBCR. I (!•.V;: d ,"5 the lnv, 3 v of Yi ater-(.'ui- orPninr ors. T II < ',I' MR. j'. \YR f IVLLV. (' ".lIj/ln -p Fn. |. (, y v. ProfesMrof L.:A; Rhyl. = j, '\c/lil((l F. J. HAY], •5ERGEAXT JH OP];! SUV. 'i Next T- rin v.ill comme.. /•», T, .a t i| 1 ,u v-ay, Jan. 2";d. 1 Exaiiun" tion f r -,f.^ i?vi 10n °n Jan. GO. Prospectus Report of W T. "j ^n;;ei^par"cul:of r; | WANOF/)m;E7ANDTjOLIX. | M R Winter XU^AN' r„iani^ Rhyl Prize at the GrandAlA^V^T ?^The Violil< Ang. 11 rh, 1881, i? pvcI'^ innuDer of PUP]r,S i «V ^a VIOLIN -E A 1 tne FlANOEORTj. 'c5'n!- ;'rr-yat i ,T .} IT^feman's • fF-sie WAREHorsr. '• Fi-N STREKT, ii L -A ]) 1J-sy c ii o o IT Piiix.jj'iL: Jn. VnXTEIL Or.mbcr of Trinity (^lle^ London^ As.-is(cd by eflicieii! :i! Tethers and fpn<)ROU(JTI Education. Home Comfods. rr" House is pleasantly situated iu it« grounds, upon dry and he dtliv eminence P„, prepnivd for Local and oilier Examinations J Next Tern., Sept. Isrh. J.PKKLSON & YOX, COAL MERCHANTS. .WHOLESALE RETAIL. — P.est qm.lity. Lowest Prices. Special rates to w aggon loads at any station. Price list on application. Offices 41, HIGH STREET, (Next door to tl o Ga, office), and 72, WELLINGTON ROAD. "THE OLD TOWN HALL STOilLS,' HIGH STREET RHYL, (Established Ifs.jO), pOULKES & CO., WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS, IMliOF TERS k BOXDERs. :MAX GivEGER'S 1 JEN GAR I AN WINES. SAIXT RAPAEL TAXXIX WINES 30; per doz I'hi, wiiie is strengthening and digestive It is an Invigorating Touic,, and more efficacious for con- ('uts aud_ debilitated persons than Iron or Ga^tvi?ef> l r iS 'A sovereign remedy in cases of Gastric Hc-bihty and Anemia. BASS. ALLSOPPS. & WuRTHINGTON'S ALE^ GVKMJISS'S. BAIICLAV. I MUAX'S" SlUl I m B^aiu and on Branght, ^El°fSHIRE^ ClDiR IX BOTTLES, AL,l c,lc'ratcd Soda, 1 ota"s» Fitnia. and other Waters. "Bi« Book." :20, HIGH STREET, AND 1, RUSSELL IOAD, RHYL, Is the CHE APE,si iioust- in the Tratlo for ST ATI Gi\r E R Y, FANCY GOODS, TOYS, &c. SE1 THE GOODSj.EE THE PRICES., I' co, d'" 1.. L1. L; (Erom Birmingham), PEOPEIETOI:?. The Dudley Arms Hotel Restraunt, open f(,- .A season. Dinners, Teas, Chops or Steaks at nf" rnmutes' notice Wines and Spirits of thel^S brands. Iud, Coope and Co.'s Bitter and A Ales Guinness's Stout ana Hereford Cider in boil