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WEAK SIGHT. Renry Laurance's JMPROVED GPECTACLES 44, Hatton Garden, London. J. B. GOUGH, JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN, 6 AND 7, HIGH STREET, RHYL, BEGS to inform those troubled with Defective Vision that he has been appointed SOLE AGENT FOR RHYL FOB HENRYLAURANCE'S IMPROVED SPECTACLES These Spectacles are Clear and Cool, never tire the Eye, and whilst subduing all Inflammatory Symp- toms, Assist, Strengthen, and Preserve the Sight. Hundreds of T^&MONIALS have been received testi- fying to the efficacy of these Spectacles, which have proved in many cases beneficial when all others have tailed;— SIR JULIUS BENEDICT, 2, Manchester Square London, W writes: "I have tried the principal Opticians in London without success, but your spectacles suit me admir- ably, both for reading and walking. The clearness of your glasses as compared with others is really supns- mg. I shall at all times recommend them." C. B. RADCLIFFE, Esq., M.D., Cavendish Square, London, W., Consulting Physician to the Westmin- ster Hospital, writes "Your 8pectao\es are highly appreciated by me, and are a great improvement on my old ones, and suite my sight better." JOHN DEATH, Esq., J.P., Cambridge, late Mayor of Cambridge, writes: "I have much pleasure in bearing testimony to the excellence of your spectacles. I shall strongly recommend them to my friends who may require the use of glasses." A further lenghtened list of testimonials gratis on opplication to the Sole Agentfor Rhyl, J. B. GOUGH, Jeweller and Optician, 6 and 7, High Street. All spectacles stamped H. L. SCIENCE CLASSES, s IN CONNECTION WITH THE SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT. Local Committee: Ms. S. PERKS, Chairman. MR. WYNNE, Treasurer. REV. D. MACGREGOR, Secretary. Mr E. Powell Jones, j Mr J. Rhydwen Jones, Mr Ainsworth, Rev. E. Lloyd Jones, Major Penn, Mr Mostyn Williams, Dr. Wolstenholme, Together with the Teachers of the various Classes. The Local Committee have much pleasure in an- nouncing the following arrangements for the season 1879-80:- Tuesday-Inorganic Chemistry, by W. BAESTOW CAESTAIRS, M.B. and C.M.. member of the Council, Edinburgh University, at 7 o'clock.—Elementary Botany, 8, by MR. OWEX THOMAS. Thi.- by ME. NOKBUEY, 7—8. —Physiology by MK. E. LLOYD ILLIAMS, 8. Friday—Advanced Botany, by REV. J. OGWEN JONES, B.A., at 6 p.m. — Geology at 7-1-5. Music by Mr DAVIES, Teacher at National School, S-15. lees, 2s. Gd., paid in advance. It is expeeoteothn popular Lectures will be giv<n during the session, to which .students will be admitted tree. Intending students are requested to give in their names to the Teachers as early as possible. The Committee are prepared to open other classes if a sufficient Tiun!),t i- of sudents present themselves. Any further iuformatioll will be given by Mr WYNNE, Treasurer, Bath-street: or BY the Secretary REV. D. MACGUKGOE. A BAZAAR AND CitRISTMAS TREE, Will be held in the LECTURE HALL, SUSSEX STREET, on behalf of the FUNDS OF THE ENGLISH BA PTIST CHAPEL RHYL, ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18th, 187!). Contributions of inoir y or goods will be received for the Ladies Committee by the Pastor, Rev. DUNCAN MACGEEGOE, Douglas House, Rhyl. ECONOMY IN GAS. USE BICKERDIKE'S PATENT GAS REGULATOR, (Suitable for Wet Vr Dry Gas Meters), and save from 20 to 50 per sent. o-1 the amount of your Gas bills, and roducing a steady light, free from smoke or noise. Sole Agent for and- So nth Wales— JOHN DEVINE, 2, Brighton Road, Rhv 1. F. p- Y c E LE W I S TAILOR & OUTFITTER, 26, BODFOR STREET, RHYL. Mr F. P. LEWIS has much pleasure in informing hi numerous customers, that having given up the whole- sale, he has added to the Tailoring business a FIRST CLASS HOSIERY AND GLOVE DEPARTMENT, which will be under his personal superintendance The designs will be found equal to those shewn by the WEST END LONDON HOUSES. Lincoln and Bennett's and Christy's, Silk and Felt Hats. Dent's and best Paris Kid Gloves. Select designs in Ties, Shirts, Collars, Scarves, & Dressing Gowns. Travelling Rugs, icc., &c. LATE SHEARD & Co. E D W A R D QWEKS, BUTCHER, 8 WAT E PI STREET, RHYL (OPPOSITE SUSSEX STREET) Families supplied with the Best Quality of Bee Glutton, Lamb, Veal, and Pork. Ul Orders Promptly Attended To. Fine Flavoured Pork Sausages. Mil. R. ll. TONES] AUCTIONEER, j^iLLPOSTKii & V DVERTISING ^GENT 1, X OUT 11 TERRACE, RHYL. K. II. J. BEYS to iuform his friends and the public irev.enitiy that he has placed posting stations in the 1,ip1,1 p.vsin.'vrn in the town and neighbouring PK*;CS, and is prepared to undertake every discrip- rioii of B' posting and Delivering in Town and Coun. try. All ORDERS receive promp attention. Office: 4, Russell Road, FRED. WILLIAMS, Manager. 'f >,18EASE PREVENTED, EALTH RESTORED, By the use of laYE' Pl L L hich the experience of over 50 years proves to be the JGEST FAMILY MEDICINE. THEY PURIFY THE BLOOD. I CLEANSE THE SYSTEM. REMOVE OBSTRUCTIONS. | IMPROVE THE DIGESTION ESTABLISH THE HEALTH. QOLD everywhere at Is. 11-CL, 28. 3d., and 4s. 6d -=-'====- yww Knx, FOR T EA, COFFEE, pROVISIONS AND ITALIAN GOODS, GO TO E. P. JONES, FAMILY GROCER, TEA AND PROVISION DEALER, Plain and Fancy Bread Baker, ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN, BA.GILLT, FLINT, CONNAH'S QUAY, AND WATER STREET, RHYL. TEA!! TEA!! TEA!! OUR Stock of|Tea at Water Street, Rhyl, is one of, if not the largest, best, and cheapest in North Wales and we beg of those who have been in the habit of purchasing from the London and Liver- pool Houses, to give us a TRIAL, and COMPARE our QUALITY with theirs, feeling assured the result will be in our favour. We sell Good Tea Is 4d, per Pound. Good Congou Is 8d. Strong, Full-flavoured at 2s Excellent, at 2s Cd. Strictly Fine, at 3s Finest Imported, at 3s 4d. Our Stock consists of every article that is generally onnected with the Grocery and Provision trade. Fine home-cured HAMS and BACON. Stilton, Cheddar, Cheshire, and other CHEESE. Huntley, Palmer's, Peek, Frean, and Co's., and other BISCUITS. JAMS, JELLIES, &c., of the best quality. Special arrangements made with Institutions, Hotels, and Restaurants. Orders by Post or otherwise, kindly entrusted to us, shall be promptly attended to. p s.—Goods delivered by own Van to the sur- rounding districts once a week Town four times a day. E. P. JONES, Proprietor. J. W. ROSE, Manager. TO THE PUBLIC. BOOTS !_BOOTS JOIN AMOS, BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTURER 8a, Sussex Street, (OPPOSITE THE GEORGE HOTEL,) RHYL. A LARGE STOCK OF Winter Boots and Shoes, Of the Latest Patterns, from the leading firms in England, At Reasonable Prices. The Largest Stock in town to select from An inspection is invited. Men's and Boy's Strong Boots in Great Variety BESPOKE OIWERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. The Cheapest Shop in Town A FACT WORTH KNOWING BEECHAM'S PILLS Have now been before the Public Thirty Years, and the rapid sale from the commencement, and the still i creasing demand by the t'ublic. is o: e of the beet guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated. Thousands, in every sphere of life. with one voice pronouueed them the best, the safest and the sur st for L)ra-ii -atiriiz a Itnose complaints to which llesh is heir to. They stand wit '.out a paral el and have tLe largest sale of auy Patent iiedicine in the world. BEECHAM'S PILLS A KB admitted by thousands to be worth above a (guinea a for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as wind and pain in the Stomach, sick lfeada he. Giddiness, Fulness, and Swelling after Meals, D zzzi.ess and ss, Cold L hill" Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, shortness of Breath. Costh elless. Scurvy and Blotches of the skin, DifetniboJ Sle. p Krigutful Dreams, and all Nervous Trembling .•ensations. &c. <tc. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction. for they have done it In Thousands of cases. The l'ropri"t)\. of these l'ills having obtained (at great expense) a Patent for them, he challenges the whole world to produced a medicine to equal them for removing the above- r named complaints, and restoring tile patient to sound and lasting health. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills, aad they will be acknowledged to bo WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For Females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, its a few doses of them carry otf all srross humours, and open all that is requi: ed. No female should be without tl.em. There is no medicine to be fo,i d to equal BEEClil\M' PlLL-"> for removing any ohstrl1; tion or irregu aritv of the system. If taken aC(Ol di"g t,} the directions given with each box. they will soon restore femals of all ages to sound and robust he it I tl-i. For a weak stomaoli, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the liver, t',ey act like MAGIO. and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs in the human machine. They ftrenuthen the whr.it: innseilar system, restore the long lost complexion, brine buck th keen edge of appetite, and arouse into a tion with the r se bud of health, the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are facts admitted by thousands, embracing all classes of society, and one of the bi-st guarantees to the nervous and debilitated is that Beecham's Pills have the largest sale of any patent medicine n the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a Remedy for Coughs in general. Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, shortness of Breath, Tigl tness and Oppression of the Chest, Wheezing, &c., these Pills stand unrivalled; and any one labouring under any of the above complaints, need only to try ONE Box to prove that they are the BEST EVEE OPFEBED TO THE PUBLIC for Asthmatic ar.d Consumptive Coughs, and. Oppression of the Chest. They speedily remove that sense of oppi-es icn and Difficulty of Breathing, which nightly depriv the patient of rest. They give almost instant lelief and com- !j fort to those afflicted with the above distressing, and, when £ neglected, dangerous compiaints. Let any person troubled with any of the above complaints give BEECHAM'S COUGH p/OLH a trial. CAL'TJOif. The public are requested to notice that the words Beechi-,rnlg Pills. St. Helens" are on the Government Stamp affixed to each Box, f the Pills if not oil, they are a forgery Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by t'.e Pro- pri-tor. T. BKECKAII. Chemist, St. Helens,Lancashire, in boxes at Is lid, and is ijdeach. Sent by post free for 15 or 36 Stamps, Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers in the United Kingdom. N.B.—Full Directions given with ",cli Box. J. P. WILLIAMS 36, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL, Carrriage Builders, Wheel- wrights, & General Smiths. All repairs entrusted to J. & P. WILLIAMS will be neatly executed and promptly attended. ALSO GOOD SHOEING FORGE. JOliN MORRIS, GENERAL SBIITH, &c. All kind of Smith Work done on the shortest notice. H0RS5.W CAREFULLY SHOD AT MODERATE C R A 1. Sm,U,:iv— At the Coal Yard, Eussell-rd., Rhyl. [A OAitt'.] JOHN EDWARDS. Joiner, Build3r, Sc Cabinet; Maker, '26, WELLINGTON' ROAD, UtMYI ) Every description of Work undertaken. ESTIMATES GIVBN, AT 16, WATER STREET, RHY. To Householders, Parties Furnishing, and ahers. Sale of Genuine HOUSEHOLD FURNITUIE and Domestic Effects, Comprising Excellent Mshogany and other chairs Capital Sofas and Couches Dining and other Tables Pictures, Pier Glasses, Carpets, Fenders, Mahogony Cheffioniers, China an( Glass, &c. Bedroom Furniture, Beds and Carpts as also a pood and excellent variety of the usvftl culin- ary and domestic requirements. MESSRS AINSWORTH & JONES having re- ceived instructions from Mr LEWIS wil SELL BY AUCTION, on the premises as above, on 4ONDAT, the 1st of DECEMBER, 1879, a portion oftheFurniture of No. 16 and 17, Water-street. Sale to comnence at 1 o'clock. Further particulars from the Auctioneers, J, Bod for Street, Rhyl. MARINA HOUSE, WATER STREET AND CRESCENT ROAD (Facing the Promenade), RHYL, NORTH WALES A n^Hs0H001 OR Commerical an, 1 Middle Class Educttior— PRINCIPAL: MR. F. GEORGE PRATT. WANTED one or two (rood CAN\ASSEES for Siuger's Sewing Machines. G»od terms givt-n to energetic men.—Apply, 7, MARKEr STREET HHYL. WANTED a respectable well-educated YOUTH as au Apprentice to the Grocery and Pro- vision Trade. -Apply to E. P. JONES, 7,Wa;er-street, Rhyl. Orders, Advertisements, &c., to be addressed to the Publishers: and all cheques, P. O. Orders, &c. to be made payable to the Proprietors, Amos BBOTHEES, Advertiser Office, Rhyl. All communications to be addressed To THE EDITOR 'RHYL ADVERTISER,' SUSSEX STREET, RBYL.