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D. TREHEARN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IDDDELLI, ITITIM, t bviiur. rim IONER music mum DEM IN rANCY GOODS, AITIST COLQUnm, &c. CIRCULATING LIBRARY, ( STATIONERS' HALL, 165 & 766, Wellington Road, fitlyl. |~x nn BEGS respectfully to inform his numerous Customers and the Public generally, that increase I f J_ # of BUSINESS has necessitated his removing to the above more extensive Premises, and that has added the'following New Departments:- CIRCULATING LIBRARY, FANCY GLASS AND CHINA, AND MUSIC DEPARTMENT In Charge of an EXPERIENCED ASSISTANT and PIANIST. ( ALARGE STOCK OF NEW VOCAL & INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC; ALSO, CHEAP MUSIC. PIANOFORTE AND HARMONIUM LESSONS. TERMS MODERATE. BARCLAY & PERKINS7 STOUT ( IS UNIVERSALLY ADMITTED TO BE SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. WM. P. JONES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I WINE, SPIRIT, ALE, AND PORTER MERCHANT, 10, Sussex-street (Corner of Water-street) Rhyl, Having been appointed SOLE AGENT for the above can now supply them as follows :— Porte1" 23s. 18-gal. casks.12s. 9-gal. casks. B Stout 28s. 14s. B.B Stout 33s. „ 17s. ImperialorInvalidStoutSSs. .lUs. Sol* agent for Messrs. Mann, Crossman, and Paulin's celebrated BURTON ALES AND LONDON STOUTS, supplied in casks of all sizes, in splendid condition, and at Brewery Prices. East India Pale Ale 3s. 6d. per dozen pints. Extra Dublin Stout 3s. Od. dtito. Wines and Spirits of First Class Brands ONLY. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. The Noted Shop for the Finest Provisions And Home-made Bread. PIt I C 1: & JP O B E R T S, r 4- Tea Dealers, Italian Warehousemen BAKERS, & PROVISION MERCHANTS; Cumberland House, 60, Wellington Road, RHYL. A good supply of Fresh Butter in pounds; also in small Tubs, from the Denbigh market weekly I to select from. "THE HOMEMADE BREAD SHOP." J. T. JONES, JUMILY £ JR0CER & FJLEA J^EALER, BAXER, PROVISION DEALER, AND ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN, ALED HOUSE, 27, WELLINGTON ROAE, RHYL. The Best of Everything." COO L E' SAN T I B I L IOU S PILLS t) THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE, In Boxes at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and lis. A RIDE TO KHIVA, BY CAPTAIN FRED BURNABY, iloyal Horse Guards Page 13 says—"Two pairs of boots lined with fur were also taken and for physic—with which it is as well to be supplied when travelling in out-of-the-way places-some quinine and Cockle's Pills, the latter a most invaluable medicine, and one which I have used on the natives of Central Africa with the greatest possible success. In fact, the marvellous effects pro- duced upon the mind and body of an Arab Sheik, who 7as impervious to all native medicines, when I admi. nistered to him five COCKLE'S PILLS will never fade from my memory; and a friend of mine who passed through the same district many months afterwards, informed me that my nameas a' medicine man' had not died out, but that the m vellous cure was even then a theme of conversation in the bazaar —See Burnabys's Ride to Kniva, Page 13. i HIDE TO KHIVA .A bt CAPTAIN FRED BURNABY, Royal Horse Guards i. Page 13 says—"Two pairs of boots lined with fur were also taken and for physic-with which it is as well to be supplied when travelling in out-of-the-way places-some quinine and Cockle's pills, the latter a < most invaluable medicine, and one which I have used on the natives of Central Africa with the greatesl possible success. In fact, the marvellous effects pro. duced upon the mind and body of an Arab Sheik, whe was impervious to all native medicines, when I "4-nii1 nistered to him five COCKLE'S PILLS will never fade from my memory; and a friend of mm who passed throughout the same districtmany months afterwards, informed me that my fame as a I medicin( man' had not died out, but that the marvellous curc was even then a theme of conversation in the bazaar.' -See Burnaby's Ride to Khiva, Page 13. f A GOOD FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST,will r\ a prudent use, has saved many a life and ye' we think the idea might be improved upon, an< reduced to a more simple form. Take some goo< compound, such as COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, and we find that the desired end may be obtaine< without scales and weights, or little mysterious com partments, oi enchanted bottles with crystal stopperl Others might be used, but COCKLE'S PILLS, tated by many thousands of Persons, and found t eswer their purpose so well, may be set down as th —Observer. DUDLEY ARMS QOMMERCIAL & FllfILY JJOTEL, (Conrmietit if) the liciltrtnt ÓI,tttuu). RIINIS OLD ESTABLISHED HOTEL having I recently undergone an entire renovation, Com- mercial Gentlemen, Visitors, and Family Parties will find all necessary accommodation and comfort strictly moderate charges. POST HORSES AND CARRIAGES FOR HIRE with guaranteed steady drivers. PRO.-A. J. SPINKS. An Ordinary every day at 1 o'clock. Wedding Breakfast, Dinners, and Ball Suppers provided. I-t HYL yiSITOES Should purchase the new illustrated work of RICE DAVIES, ESQ., "TALES, SCENES. AND LEGENDS OF WALES." Agent—Mr. TREHEAENE, Stationer's Hall, Rhyl. 11 A volume carried to completion with such con- scientious care, merits a generous appreciation and wide Sale."—Hereford Times. AND ON SALE at DEGANWY, COLWYN BAY, and RHYL. Eligible sites for marine residences. Also several choice sites in Cheshire.— Apply to OWEN EDWARDS Architect,, Wellington Chambers, Rhyl, and 134, Deansgate, Manchester. EDWARD EVANS, Plumber, Glazier, and Tin- plate Worker, SUSSEX LANE, SUSSEX STREET, ij (A few doors below the Adrertiser Office.) Paraffin Oil Lamps, Patent Knife Cleaners, &c., re- paired on the premises. Kitchen Ranges, Boilers &c., fixed up on the shortest notice. All repairs punctually attended to. DEBILITY AND NEIiVOUSNESS. Re-Issue of THE WARNING VOICE," DR, SMITH'S Celebrated Work, of which 500,000 Copies were Sold. Revised Edition. Now Ready, 152 pages, by the post to all parts of the World, in Envelope, two stamps, THE WARNING VOICE. This is a Special Medical Book addressed to Youth and Manhood on the Cause, Symptoms, Consequence and Treatment of Debilitating Diseases. By HENRY SMITH, Doctor of Medicine of the University, of J«na, by Diploma, 1860. THIS IS A NEW MEDICAL WORK on the Nature, Treat- ment and Cure of Nervous, Mental, and Physical Debility, Lowness of Spirits, Indigestion, Dimness of Slight, Want of Energy, Deafness, Epilepsy, Piles, Prematura Decay, Head. ache, resulting from Loss of Nerve Power,the results of Intem- perance,Late Hours,Worrry, J?rain Toil, &c.,which if neglected, will end in Confirmed Debility & Premature Decline Gives the ADVISE and INSTRUCTIONS, the result of THIRTY YEABS practice, by which Thousands have been restored to health 1Illustrated by Cases and Testimonials srym grateful Patients with means of Cure used in each case. I DR. HENRY SMITH, 8, Burton Crescent, London NEW LABEL. In consequence of the continued use of IMITA- TIONS of SCHWEPPE & CO.'s Red Label, used over the cork of their SODA WATER, they have been compelled to adopt a New Lable, which is affix ed on the side of the bottle, in addition to the ne over the cork. Schweppe's Ginger Ale. SCHWEPPE'S MINERAL WATEKS revived the HIGHEST AWARD at the PAIUSII EXHIBITION, IHi8. 1 hey have always had tho Patronage of Royalty, and k continue to be supplied to THE QUEEN. Every bottle of the Genuine is Protected by Labels i with Name and Trade Mark—A FOUNTAIN. Retail of all Chemists, Wine Merchants, and Grocecr THE FAVORITE SUMMER BEVERAGE. 1 mO BE LET A GOOD FRONT ROOM, Suitable I for office or other purposes.—Apply at the office 3" of this papei. ][tH-i L.-TO BE LET, close to the town, about o 8 acres of GRAZING LAND, from the 1st 01 tI November next; also 13 acres from the 1st February | next.—Apply D. D., Freelands, Movley-road. MISS ROBERTS,, (Late of the Belvoir Hotel,) PRIVATE BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT, BODFOR STREET, RHYL, Within a minute's walk of the Station. LUNCHEON BAR AND GRILL ROOM. Terms during the Season, 7s. 6d. per day; including bed and attendance. BATHS, BILLIARDS, & NIGHT PORTER. JOHN SMITH, f A UCTIONEER. AND VALUE LAND AND ESTATE AGENT. Agent to the Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Mortgages negotiated on good Freehold or Lease- hold Property, from Three and a Half to Five Per. Cent. A dry and convenient room for Warehouseing Furniture, Pictures, &c., i Office:-88, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL. JAMES JAAVIES, GWYNFA VILLA, RHYL, HOUSE & ESTATE AGENT, Collector of Rents, &c. Agent also for the YORKSHIRE & LONDON PLATE GLASS INSUR- ANCE," 'PROVINCIAL,' 'QUEEN'S,' and "ALLIANCE," Fire and Life In- surance Companies; also" LANCA- SHIRE & YORKSHIRE AGAINST RAILWAY ACCIDENTS of all kinds. I ROBBINS & FESSEY, FURNITURE STORES: 3 Market Street Rhvl, Have a large Stock of useful New and Second hand FURNITURE. Five per cent Discount allowed for Cash. All kinds of Furniture, Bedsteads, Cots, Mattresses, Baths, and Perambulators let. out*, on hire. Age ts for the Guardian Fire and Life Assurance Co. f Jg E J, V~0 I R O T E J~ (OX THE I'AKAUK 1MM tSDIATEJJY I'ACINI, Till; TIER.) A FIRST CLASS FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Under efficient management, and offering superior accommodation to visitors, at moderate charges. AN OMNIBUS MEETS EVERY TRAIN. Special arrangements for winter residents. Tariff may be had on application to MR. H. B. LAWRENCE, MANAGES. Wedding Breakfasts, Dinners, and Ball Suppers provided. Families supplied with Wines, Spirits, Ale, and Porter at family trade prices. PIANOS. New and Second Hand. SPLENDID INSTRUMENTS will be Sold AT HALF THE USUAL PRICE AT J. B GoU G II'S. Every Instrument warranted, and money returned if not approved of. FBIEIfD OF ALL! HOLLOWAfS PILLS. Purity of Blood Essential to Lifc. Health and Strength. These Pills surpass all other known Medicines for Thurifying the Bl.oou being safe and yet effective, they are available for all as a Domestic and Household remedy. In congestions and obstructions of the LUNGS and Linn" they quickly remove the cause oftije disease, and in constipation and disordered condition of the ISOWELS, they act as a cleansing aperient, removing irritant matter from the intestinal canal, and rclievaiy spasms, cramps, and painful gripings. Bilious Headaches, Nausea and Foul Stomach, Loss of Appetite, and Lowness of Spirits. The cleansing properties "f these Pills soon produce II wonderful change in the constitution, removing all excess of bile, headache, palpitation, pains after eating, and giddiness. ] hey resture tile appetite, clear the C'alT \CXI0i1, and improve the general health. The Mother's Friend. Females' Specifics. TCvcry Mother of a Family should know the value of these Piiis in removing all accuni'ilaii.xis and restoring suspended of perverted secretions at varioas critical periods of female life tLey ;-1'<; useful beyond measure thuy can be taken safely by females of all ages, and arc invalualie in all children's coaijlaints. Sciatica, Lumbago, and Obstructions of the Kidneys. If there Pills be taken every ni'j'it. in «trict :v.,< ordancc wilh the printed <V.r the most obstinate cases soou yield, the secretion i" m the Laineys will become e'ear and limpid; no function of the unly ÓOlilJ be more carefully v.atcherl most serious coiisci|i.^i.a ei:sue from neglect in this tespect. Debilitated Constitutions, Trem. blings, and Loss of Nervous Energy- These Pills are unsurpassed as Nervine Tonics: they corrcct all irregularities and weaklier :.es. They act so kindly, yet :o lle1'tlc:\lIy 011 the functions of digestion, that the whole body IS reaved, the blood is purified, and the mucles become tirmer and stronger; therefore sufferers from Nervous Weakness in every form should give them a fair and honest trial. The Pills and Ointment are sold at Professor HOM.OWAv"* Establishment, 533, Oxford Street, London, also by near'y every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised World, in Boxes and Pots, at is. iid., 2s. yd., 4s. 6d., us., 22s., and 33s. each. Full printed directions are alti>:ej 'o each Bo: t,,¡ Put, and can be had in any language. N.B.—Advice can he obtained, free of charge, by applying at the above address, daily, between Qs koin of 11 Md 4, or by leW». m R. W. R. WILLIAMS Surgeon Dentist, 32, KINMEL STREET, RHYL. Attendance from 10 a.m. io 6 p.m. j^ERLIN & "pANCY ^J^EPOSITOR^ (STAMP OFJ-ICE), 3, BODFOR STREET, RHYL. MRS. LITCHFIELD, While thanking her numerous customers for their kind suppoit and patronage, begs to intimate that she has received her new stock for the season, com- prising a very choice selection of Cabinet tnd General Fancy Goods, Needlework of the newest styles, Berlin, Fleecy, Fingering, Shetland, Ice, and Crewelle Wools. A.x EARLY INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY INVITED. Lessons given in Artistic, Leather Work, and all kinds of Fancy Work. TERMS MODERATE. Agent for G. WEIGHT & SONS, the well-known Dyers and Cleaners. J. BROWN, ARTIST pHOTOGRAPHER, 3, KINMEL STREET, RHYL, (Near the Railway Bridge, and nearly opposite the Alexandra Hotel.) N .B.-Cartesand GlEs Pictures copied for Brooches and Lockets also enlarged up to life-size and artis- tically finished. -+- NOTICE OF REMOVAL. T H 0 M A S W ILLIAMS, BUTCHER, 3, WATER STREET, (LATE OF BEDFORD STREET), R HYL. A constiiut supply of Meat always k on hand including Beef, Mutfon, Lamb, Y'al, Pork &e., .YO TICE OF REMOVAL. OWEN O W ENS, QLOTHIER & ^J ENERAL QUTFITTER, HAS REMOVED FEOM CRESCENT ROAD, (to more commodious premisses) 12, SUSSEX STREET, Which position will be much more convenient to the generality of his Customers, and which has facilties for a larger Stock of Materials than he could have kept before. The Bespoke Department being under his nwi per- sonal superintendence, geiitJemen may rely upon sec- uring well-iivted garments in the Litest and most ap- proved styles. LASS, QHI^A, & J^ARTHESTWARE ESTABLISHMENT, 4, BODFOR STREET, RHYL. M. WEDGWOOD, Dealer in all kinds of Useful and Fancy Articles, including British, Bohemian, and other Glass; Dres- den, Coburg, and other China; Earthenware, Majolica, &c., of WEDGWOOD, and other noted Makes. WEDGWOOD JASPER SERVICES in GLASS and CHINA, &c procured TO ORDER, with CRESTS and MONOGRAMS on each piece. Matchings obtainable of all goods bought at this establishment. Superior Brown Stone Ware always in Stock. Hotels and Charitable Institutions usdplied by contract. NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION t:TORES. EDMUND DENNEL. F AMILY GROCER, IJlEA JQEALER, PROVISION MERCHANT, AND ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN, CAMBRIAN HOUSE, 72, HIGH STREET, RHYL. E. D. begs most respectfully to inform the inhab- itants of Rhyl and its vicinity that he has opened his New Establishment at the above address, with a new and choice stock of Groceries, Provisions, Italian Goods, &c., all of which are guaranteed of the finest quality imported. ———— Finest Home Cured Hams and Bacon. Finest Wiltshire Smoked ditto. Prime Cheshire and other Cheese always in stock. All orders entrusted will receive his prompt attention N.B.—PLEASE NOTE THE ADDRESS. ONE TRIAL SOLICITED. ESTABLISHED, 1866. 0 HARLES GARDEMAST AND IANrDR TE, mtii AND < 1. -I.Ii GENERAL I music WARE- HOUSE, 25, High Street, RHYL. Pianofortes and Harmoniums of the best make and selection, FOR SALE OR HIRE. New Music at half-marked price, post free. Schools and Teachers supplied on advantageous terms. Single tunings or by yearly contract, promptly "attended to in Town or Country, all kinds of Musical Instruments tuned and repaired. ORGAN, HARMONIUM AND PIANOFORTE Lessons on Moderate Terms CONCERT AND ENTERTAINMENT AGENTS NEW pURNITURE ivAREHOUSE. JOHN SMITH DEALER IN NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE, 37 High Street, Rhyl. Choice Glass, Earthenware, and Fancy Goods of wary dtstription always en halld. j™ I North Wales HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT, (Limited,) I CLAREMONT, RHYL- HOME FEOM HOME," I This Establishment is NOW OPEN for Visitors, and provided with every comfort and all kinds of Baths. Terms mederate. I A prospectus will be forwarded on appli- I I j cation to the Manager. II Turkish Baths 2s. each, or 21a. per dozen. i All other Baths Is. each. I ii 1 BILLIARD TABLES now in excellent I order. E NGLI SH PRESBYTERIAN CHAPEL E BRIGHTON ROAD, RHYL. REV. J. OGWEN JONES, B.A., Resident Minister. Services, Morning at 10-30; Evening, at 13-:10. Colection at each Service. JPNGLISH -^TESLEYAN 0 HA PEL BRIGHTON IOAI), RHYL. REV. E. LLOYD JONES. Resident Minister. Services—Sunday, 10.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Wed- nesday, 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting on Fridays at 7 p.m XG L1 1I B A PT 1ST CHAPEL SUSSEX STREET. THE REV. DUNCAN MACGREGOR, MINISTER, Sunday Services, Morning at 11 Evening at C-30 Tuesday Evenings at 7. As the maintenance of Public Worship is entirely supported by EEEE OITEKIXGS, a collection is made at each Sunday's services. "jgNGLISH QONGREGATIONAL 0HURCH WATER. SRREJSKT. llv-v A. FRANCIS. Will Preach NEXT SUNDAY: Morning, at 11, Evening at 6.30. J. RHYDWEN JONES, CABINET MAKER, Upholsterer and General House Furnisher, Slww Rooms: 33 and 34, Queen Street, PiH L, WORKS: MORLEY ROAD. DRAWING ROOM FURNITURE. DINING ROOM FURNITURE. LIBRARY FURNITURE. HALL FURNITURE. BEDROOM FURNITURE. KITCHEN FURNITURE. J.R.J. begs to inform his friends and customers that his extensive SHOW ROOMS are now replete with a well selected stock of the latest designs in Furniture, and would solicit a visit from parties about furnishing, to inspect his stock. "GEORGE'S- INFANT POWDERS. INFANTS' POWDERS—Marvellous are the I effects of the "EUROPA LIFE PRESERVERS" upon the Infant System.—They are not only the very best and safest Medicine mothers can give their little ones during the anxious period of Teething, but they act as a certain Specific for Fits, Inflammation, Bronchitis, Diarrhoea, Small-pox, Scarlatina, Measles, tc., &c. Sold by most Chemists, in packets, at Is. lid. and 2s. 9d., or from the Proprietor, B. A. GEOBGE, Pentre, Pontypridd. NOTE.-lteacl the important and interesting testi monials around each packet. rjnHE LATEST MARVEL. THE Latest Marvel, The Latest Mar" EORGE'S COUGH BALSAM. GEORGE'S COUGH BALSAM. George's Cough Balsam. George's Cough Balsam. A WONDERFUL EXPECTORANT, ANTI- spasmodic, and Demulcent. A WONDERFUL EXPECTORANT, ANTI- spasmodic, and Demulcent. A WONDERFUL EXPECTORANT, ANTI. 1- spasmodic, and Demulcent. TCURES W2EN OTHER REMEDIES FAIL- I TCUBI:L IVIIE,N' OTHER REMEDIES FAIL I TCURES WHEN OTIib REMEDIES FAIL E011GE'S COUGIT BALSAM. G George's Cough Balsam. George's Cough Balsam. The best specific for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron- chitis, Influenza. Hoarseness, Spitting of Blood, Con- sumption, Hooping Cough, and all disorders of the Chest, Throat, and Lungs. NOTE.-One dose relieves, a few doses cure. IMPORTANT.—Read the valuable and interesting imonials around each bottle. I-TION.-The public are particularly requested to í1 i ve that the words "George's Cough Balsam" are stamped on every bottle, none genuine without. Sold in Bottles at Is. Ild. and 2s. 9d., by most Chemists, and patent medicine vendors in the world or from the Proprietor, B. A. GEOUGF, Family Chemist pgnt-to Pontypridd. TO POULTERERS, GAME DEALERS FRUITERERS, FISHMONGERS, AffP OTHERS. rjrj TO be disposed of, in consequence of the owner retiring, the most extensive and profitable BUSINESS in North (Wales (established over 23 years). Together with the FREEHOLD sno DWELLING HOUSE, and rPREMISES, which are well situated, and in every way adapted. for the business. The business can.be worked upon a small capital. For particulars, apply to AINSWOETH & JOJTES, Auctioneers, Rhyl. ■■■■•. AINSWORTH & JON E x APPRAISERS HOUSE, LAND, AND ESTATE AGENTS, TO BE SOLD. TO BE SOLD, 10 SHARES J. P. and E. WEST- HEAD and Co., Limited. "T) HYL.—Four Freehold Cottages in close pro- G|) ximity to the Winter Gardens. Price, £ 565. HYL.—Three Fr-eehcSd and will-built dwelling Houses in a respectable locality. Price, £ 950. m O BE SOLD.—RHYL.—BUILDING LAND. 1 • (H.82. TO LET—-RtlYL—A handsome modem built semi-detached VILLA residence, pleasantly situated* •, J j 0" HYL.—On the Parade, very elegible Freehold Building Land, having « frontage of 60 yards. This is an excellent site. 1 TO BE SOLD.—St. Asaph;—A valuable BUILD- ING SITE, about 1200'yards': heing well situated for the erection of a dwelling. t:: (G.8I" 9 HYL.-About 290 yards of Freehold Building JLIL Land on the south-side of the town, suitable or building cottages. Road made. Price, 3s. per yard. EHYL.—An excellent investment, situated .in tho principle thoroughfare, and in a commanding position, consisting of Four SHOPS, well let, and will always command respectable tenants. [81 I}) HYL.—To Be Let A Family and Commercial Hotel (a Free House) having on ground floor, Three Smoke' Rooms, Bar, Vaults, Store Room, Private Room, and excellent Coffee Room and Sitting Rootos. There are 12 Bedrooms and the Sitting Room. There is stable accommodation for 16 horses, an excellent Coacti-house, Harness Room, and Grariaty a good yard, a capital Kitchen Garden, and nearly an acre of land. Rent only £ 55 "per annum, out of which is let a Cottage for £ 7. The anionut required for Stock and Futnifcure about £800. For particulars apply to AINSWOETH & JONES, ATTTIONEERS and Accountants, 5, Bodfor street, Rhyl. flpO LET, with Immediate possession, Shop and I Dwelling House, corner of Russel road, and Ciwyd street. In excellent position. Rent 246. Fixtures by arrangement.—Apply to AINSWORTH & JONES, Auctioneers, 5, Bodfor street, Rbyl. TJ HYL.—Four large Freehold excellently well-built 1 Dwelling Houses, in the most desirable part of j Rhyl, with Land sufficient to put up 4 more house* Rhyl, with Land sufficient to put up 4 more house, Price for the whole, 96,000. HYL.—TO LET.—That noble Shop and 8 ft) Dwelling-house in High-street, known aa TOTTENHAM BUILDING, and late in the occupa- tion of Mr Henry Slunrt. The shop has a command- ing aj £ pfcar«uce, having twolofty plate. glass windows, and Is weiifitted. The house deportment is exten- aucl mo •lerato.—For particulars apply to Mr HY. PAHEV, Draper, (r Messrs AIK: WOETH & JONES, Auctioneers. Rhyl. HYL.-A particularly well-built Marine Resi- Ht: dctice with stone (facings, having a 12 yard frontage, ;«itunted on the Parade, containing 5 recep- tion ruojE- 16 bedrooms, and domestic offices, complete and adequate. The house throughtout is furnished in a very superior manner :ald fitted with all modern requisites. There is a two-stall stable. large coach-house, and a cottage. Price, £ 2500. NPO LET. A CAPITAL HOTEL, ingoing about Jt 1800, rent dE35, possession at oiiee.-Apply to AINSWORTll & JONES, Rhyl. ( SHOPS TO LET near the Market. Apply AINSWOETH & JONES, Auctioneers, 5, Bodfor Street: p RHYL.—To filriiished, (pirt of June -,in I July), a detached Residence charmingly situated, containing Reception Rooms, o Bedrooms, (also 4 Attics partially furnished), Bath-rooms, w.c., and excellent domestic arrangements. The out offices comprise a 2-stall stable and coach hou.se.—Apply to AINSWORTH & JONES, Auctioneers, Rhyl. TO LET, Furnished, at Llanfairfechan, a plea- sentry'1 situated and well Furnished DE- TACHED HOUSE, containing three Entertaining Rooms, six Bedrooms, (8 Beds.) For particularlll and terms, apply AINSWOETH & JONES, Auctioneers RhyJ. OHOPS TO LET in Market Street, Rhyl.—Apply O to Ainsworth and Frank Jones, 5, Bodfor Steet Rhyl. A BERGELE.—To Let unfurnished, Two neat .A COTTAGES, with gardens, and having an extensive view, each house contains 2 Sitting Rooms, apital kitchens, 4 Bed Rooms.—Rent, £ 15. mo BE LET.-RHYL.—Capital STABLING JL Three FIELDS. [F.21 TO BE SOLD or LET.—RHYL.—A DWELLING HOUSE, well situated, with 3 Entertaining Rooms and 7 Bedrooms. Rent, £ 35. Price, £5S0. (J.83 HYL.—Near Winter Gardens, and commanding Ift an extensive view, a FREEHOLD CORNER PLOT OF LAND, with roads constructed. Seven Shilling per yard for building on this Plot. Excel- ent Bricks may be had at 22s per 1000. [85 RHYL.—An old Established full licensed house, known as the NORTH WALES HOTEL,very centrally situated in a principal thoroughfare. Op- posite the Market and Town Hall, is within two munites walk of the Railway Station and Beach. Area of site about 500 square yards, ^INSWORTH & JTONES^ HAVE FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET, FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS. UNFURNISHED HOUSES TO LET. MARINA HOUSE, WATER STREET AND CRESCENT ROAD (Facing the Promenade), RHYL, NOBTH WALES ) I G H c H 0 0 1 A B- I: H SOH 0 0 Jc OK h Comm&rical aru1 Middle Glass Education* I PRINCIPAL: | IR. F. GEORGE PRATT. COMFORTASLE WINTET APARTMENTS Terms moderate.—Apply A.T., offic* of this paper.