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H. A. STEER & Co., (LATE W. WYNNE) .WHOLESALE DEALERS IN "YY INES, SPIRITS, A LE AND p ORTER, 73, HIGH STREET, RHYL. Liood Pale Sherry-21s., 24s., 30s., &c., per doz. ood Sound Port-21a., 2413., 30s., &c., per doz. .xood Dinner Claret-12s., 15s., 18a., &c., per doz. Genuine Champagne—28s., 42s., 54s., &c, j per doz. Best London Gin-13s. 6d. per Gallon. Old Irish and Scotch Whiskeys-16s., 18s., & 20s. per Gallon. Fine Old Rum—16s., 18s., & 20s. per Gal- lon. Old French Brandy-24s., 27s., & 30s. per gal. Single Bottles may be had at same rates. BASS' AND ALLSOI'P'S TALE ALES AND GUINNESS' DUBLIN ISTOUT In casks and bottles, always in the finest condition. ELLIS'S SODA, SELTZER, AND OTHER WATERS. Sole Agents jor Max Greger's Hungarian Wines and the Wine Flagon Systems. ALSO FOR RAGGETT'S LONDON INVALID NOURISHING STOUT. FuU Price List of all other Wines, Spirits, &c., on application to H. A. STEER & CO., 73, HIGH STHEET, RUrL. AINSWORTH & WEDGWOOD, Liverpool, London and Gbbe Fire & Life Assur- ance Company. j Scottish Amicable Life lurance. mperial Union Acci- dE tt Assurance Company. live Stock Insurance Company of Great Britain and Ireland. AUCTION, LAND, AND ESTATE AGENCY OFFICES. Dry Rooms for the Storage of Furniture. ) A monthly circular is issued of Lands and Pro- perties for Sale, &c. Free on application. No charge is made for the insertion unless a Sale is effected. 5, BODFOR STREET, RHYL. OVER 2000 CHRIsrfMAS PRESENTS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS, AT TOTTENHAM BUILDINGS, FROM ONE PENNY TO ztlo, Direct from PARIS, VIENNA, BERLIN, and HAMBURG, as well as from the best ENGLISH MANUFACTURERS. HENRY PARRY TS THIS DAY showing the largest collection of FANCY & USEFUL ARTICLES suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, CHRISTMAS TREES, and NEW YEAR'S GIFTS, t ever were ihowen in J^l&YL. 1-^ayont: SPO our presant magnificent display of BALL and EVENING DRESSES O PERA CLOAKS, WREATHS, EVENING FLOWERS, GLOVES, &C. AN EARLY INSPECTION IS INVITED. HENRY PARRY, Proprietor. JAMES DAVIES, GWYNFA VILLA, RHYL, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, Collector of Rents, &c. Agent also for the "PROVINCIAL," I QUEEN'S," and ALLIANCE," Fire and Life Insurance Companies. J-. BROWN, ARTIST p HOTOGRAPHEB,! 3, KlNMEL STREET, RHYL, (Near the Railway Bridge, and nearly opposite the Alexandra Hotel.) N.B.—CARTES and Glass Pictures copied for Brooches ATID LOCKET8 also enlarged up to life-size and artis- tically finished. JO HN AMos, BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTURER 8a, Sp A Street, (OPPOF i'HE GEORGE HOTEL,) ¡ "RHYL. J A. in RETURNING thanks to the Inhabitants of the TOTAI and distTjCt for their kind patronage extended to him for nialy years, begs to announce that lie has just recevied a large and Taried assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, Suitable for the present Season, in all the latest M&K3S, and at Otch Prices that will meet with the APproval of ALL (mrchnaers. Hen's and B03,s Strong Boots in Great V-' Dress Boots, Felt u.;rl other House Boot- a, SlipP('I'8, X kc., dec,, &c. -———————— ATnTIo 'OKE OBD^^S jtBCEIVJE I'KO.UJ'X -——— JTED. EPAIRS NEATLY EXEC1 m(keAMna!T;,mYL SUSSB-; STRE.FEO,^ (Opposi the r -—— x? ° deemed a favour. A call t'ub j RHYL WINT ER G ARDENS, WELLINGTON ROAD. OPEN DAILY FROM 10 A.M. TO 9.30 P.M. SKATING WITH PLIMPTON'S SKATES ON THE LARGEST RINK IN THE KINGDOM. Musical Performances Twice Daily from 2.30 to 5, and from 7 to 9.30. ADMISSION During the Winter Months and until further Notice Grounds and Rink, 3d. each person hire of Skates, 6d. Children under 12, Families of 3 or more, and Schools, 2d. each person hire of Skates, 4d. Adults—"Weekly Tickets, Is. each person; hire of Skates, 2s. Children, &c., ditto, 8d. each; Hire of Skates, Is. 4d. Adults—Monthly Tickets, 2s. 6d. each person hire of Skates, ;;8. Children—Monthly Tickets, Is. 8d. each person hire of Skates, 3s. <d. Refreshments may be had at the Rink. BY ORDER. JOEN SMITH, AUCTIONEER. AND yALfTEH LAND AND ESTATE AGENT. Agent to the Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Mortgages negotiated on good Freehold or Lease. hold Property, from Three and a Half to Fire Per' Cent. r A 3ry and convenient room for Warehouseing Furniture, Pictures, &c., Office :-88, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL. THOMAS T ARGE, JL PLUMBjGLAZIER, PAINTER, PAPK^VNGER, &C., 1, Boston Place, Iriott Road, T. L EHYL- Khyi !n £ l'0,n t'oc Gen' .lrrl ,'tants of Dership *■* I™ B»S'neSS on h; °Vah' and and all work account in the abov<V brl*6 attention and -i? ln '1,s hands will Mave e a 1 and will give entire satisfaction. Orders left at 61, Vale Road, will rocwir^ attent I MESSRS. HEATHER & CO Y^UCTIONEERS^^L VALUERS, ft AND j| ESTATE AGENTS, jj Money advanced on all kinds I Y of Goods for absolute V Sale. /§ ;It Offices-. B0DF0R STREET, RHYL. IV T H. & CO. beg to inform the Inhabitant" JLTJL of Rhyl and neighbourhood that all busing entrusted to their hands will be conducted in such a. manner as shall give universal satisfaction. Owners of property will do well to call at our office for a scale, of charges for collection of rents, auditing accounts, and the great facilities we have for adver- tising houses or land to be let or sold. N.B.—We also contract for removal of Furniture in town or country, taking all risk. Excellent dry rooms for the storing of Furniture for Sale, or for the convenience of persons desirous of leaving same for any length of time. ————— -is Agents for the London Phconix Fire Office. JJERLIN & inANCY J^EPOSITORY, (STAMP OFFICE), 3, BODFOR STREET, RHYL." MRS. LIe H FIE L D., BKGS to thank the inhabitants of Rhyl and sur- rounding neighbourhood for their kind support since taking the above business, and she hopes for a further continuance of their patronage, which shall at all times have most careful attention. Cabinet and general Fancy Goods Needlework, Berlin, Fleecy, Fingering, Shetlaiifl., Crewelle Wools, &c. AN INSPECTION OF THE ABOVE IS RESPECTFULLY REQUESTED. LexatiM given in Arfietic Leathrr Work. Samples of Work to be seen. TERMS MODEEATE. Agent for G. "WRIGHT & SONS, the well-known Dyers and Cleaners. A BEL JONES, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, GROS VENOR HOUSE, h EAST PARADE, RHYL. Every diecription of Joinery Work and Buixan. •* undertaken. ESTIMATES GIVEN NOTICE OF BEMOVAL. OWEN OWENS, CLOTHIER & QENERAL QUTFITTER, HAS REMOVED FROM CRESCENT ROAD, (to more commodious premises) 12, SUSSEX STREET, Which position will be much more convenient to the generality of his Customers, and which has facilties for a larger Stock of Materials than he could have kept before. The Bespoke Department being under his own per- sonal superintendence, gentlemen may relv upon sec- uring well-fitted garments in the latest and most ap- proved styles. A RIDE JIYTO KHIYA JtL HY CAPTAIN FRED BURNABY, Royal Horse Guards. Page 13 says—"Two pairs of boots lined with fur were also taken and for physic—with which it is as well to be supplied when travelling in out-of-the-way places—some quinine and Cockle's pills, the latter "a most invaluable medic.no, and one which I have used on the natives of Central Africa with the greatest possible success. In fact, the marvellous effects pro- duced upon the mind and body of an Arab Sheik, who was impervious to all native medicines, when I admi nistered to him five COCKLE'S PILLS will never fade from my memory; and a friend of mine who passed throughout the same district many months afterwards, informed me that my fame as a medicine man' had not died out, but that the marvellous cure was even then a theme of conversation in the bazaar." —See Bnrnaby's Ride to Khiva, Page 13. GOOD FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST, with u. V a prudent use, has saved many a life and yet we think the idea might be improved upon, and reduced to a more simple form. Take some good compound, such as COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, and we find that the desired end may be obtained without scales and weights, or little mysterious com- partments, or enchanted bottles with crystal stoppers. Others might be used, but COCKLE'S PILLS, tested by many thousands of Persons, and found to answer thair purpose so well, may beset down as the best. Observt?r. ~I RTITE TO KHIV A, A my CAPTAIN FRED BURNABY, Royal Horse Guards Page 13 says—"Two pairs of boots lined with fur were also taken and for physic—with which it is as well to be supplied when travelling in out-of-the-way places—some quinine and Cockle's Pills, the latter a most invaluable medicine, and one which I have used on the natives of Central Africa with the greatest possible success. In fact, the marvellous effects pro- duced upon the mind and body of an ArabShcik, who was impervious to all native medicines, when I admi- nistered to him five COCKLE'S PILLS will never fade from my memory; and a friend of mine who passed through the same district many monthi afterwards, informed me that my name as a medicine man' had not died out, but that the marvellous eure was even then a theme of conversation in the bazaar. —See Bnrnaby's Ride to Khiva, Page 13. (TCKTL E'SANTIBILIOUSPI LTS THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE, In Boxes at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and lis. ,(-ioCKLE'S AINTIB ILIOUS PILLS. use amongst all classes of society SEVENTY- 6 5 X^ARS. May be had throughout the Uuited x ^V°S "S- '*S- AND MOND STREET, LONDON, «•/ QLASS, QHINA, & GARTHENWARE ESTABLISHMENT, 4, BODFOB STREET, RHYL. M. WEDGWOOD, DEALER IN CUT AND MOUNTED GLASS. Plain and Decorated China and Earthenware of Superior Quality. BROWN STOXE WARE ALWAYS KEPT TN STOCK. Hotels Supplied at Moderate Charges. Also an assortment of useful and FANCY GOODS, in GLASS, CHINA, and MAJOLICA, &c., suitable for pre. sents. Matchings obtained. Goods Let out on Hire JgDWARD Q WU N S, BUTCHER, 7, S U S S;E X S T R E ETR H Y L {OPPOSITE THE ENGLISH BAPTIST CHAPEL.> Families supplied with the Best Quality of Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, and Pork. All Orders Promptly Attended To. Fine Flavoured Pork Sausages. P ]\10STYN W I L LIAM;S, 4, ,WELLINGTON CHAMBERS, RHYL. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, HOUSE, ESTATE, MINING AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, SURVEYOR AND LICENSED VALUER. Agent for the Royal Exchange Fire Life and Marine Assurance Corporation, Provincial Assurance Com- pany, &c., &c. Secretary to the Holywell and District Water Works Company, Limited. Registered Office: 4, Wellington Chambers, Wellington Road, Rhyl. # vV. REYNOLDS, PAINTER, DECORATOR, &0., HIGH STREET & SHIPLEY STREET, RRYL. F. it. HARRISON & SON, A f ICWI •JFCRT 3 AND GENERAL AGENTS, Agents for the Scottish Widow's Fund Life As- surance Society, Established, 1815. Coal Yard-Sisson Street, Vale Road. OFFICE 1, Cobden Terrace, Brighton Road. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. A. W JJ EE EI DEW, (From Coventry), PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER & GOLDSMITH 21, BODFOR STREET, RHYL, BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT— OLD N. & S. W. BANK, ST. ASAPH, DESIRES to inform Residents and Visitors that he has removed (two doors) from his old premises to No. 21, in the same street as above. A. W. M. takes this opportunity to thank his numerous patron- and friends for the liberal support they have at all times extended to him for the last nine years, and respectfully solicits a visit to his NEW PREMISES. A large & well- selected Stock of Gold and Silver Guard & Albert Chains, Brooches LocketsEarrings Scarf Pins,signet and Gem Rings, Jetgoods in great Variety, &c., &O. 1$ It. I 1 1.0 3 ii Old Jewellery converted and re- gilt equal to new. SN.B.—Particular attention paid to the selection of articles for Pre- sentation. Agent for Bonehill's celebrated Guns. A select stock now offered at 25 per cent under usual prices. ALL Goods manufactured and repaired on the premises, under A. W. M.'s personal superintendence. 1'h Cheapest Hottsein North TFoifW, and the Largest and Bet Selection. A written guarantee given with every article pur- chased at this Establishment, if required. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. fjl H O M A S ILLIAMS, BUTCHER, 3, WATER STREET, (LATE OF BEDFORD STREET), R H Y L. A constant supply of Meat always on hand; including Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pork, &-c., &c. ESTABLISHED 184G. MR. J. SELVE-Y, -i U -R G E 0 E T I S g U R U E O X 1) 37, HIGH STREET, RHYL. Mr S. begs to inform the inhabitants of Rhyl and its vicinity, that he continues to supply ARTIFICIAL TEETH, upon the most improved principles and by his long experience in the profession, he can guaran- tee to his patients the four great requisites of Artific- ial Teeth, viz.; MASTICATION, ARTICULATION, PERSONAL APPEARANCE, and COMFORT. Teeth extracted without pain under the influence of NITROUS OXIDE GAS. Dee"yell' leetlt effectually stopped, rendering than ttxrfiil for minij i yr/trs. Attendance daily at H7, HIGH STREET. CONSULTATIONS FREE. MR. MARTIN F. SMITH, MECHANICAL AND SURGICAL DENTIST, 20, QUEEN STREET RHYL, ATTENDANCE EVERY WEDNESDAY, AT 11, CROWN SQUARE, DENBIGH. Artificial Teeth selected and arranged to suit all ages, and defying detection. WM. P. JONES, T I •. RJ-vR; ;S:FRVR"*<• ~Y-KET4^ c<F I.'i*, WINE, SPIRIT, ^ALE, AND PORTER; MERCH-AOT; • IJ 'f *'•' J/ 'f. 4- Sdle-ftgeAt 'foF Meskrk 6!WSfematf,r: and. Ptrafoft cci^brated '4W LOPTE/OR[ '3^Gl?XSj, iu -c&tikti of all sizts, in bplendid condition, and at Brewery-Prices;- Y" t r;- East India Pale Ale S per DO^EN Extra Dublin Stout 3s. Od. dtito., Wines and Spirits of First Class Brands ONLY. THE TRAJJE 'SUPPLIED. r: I 10, .Sussex'street' (Gol'ner' of: Water-street) h Rhyl- ¿ AI-N[OS BIIOTIIERS., Commercial & General Printers, "ADVERTISER' 'OFFICE, 13, SUSSEX STREET, lHYL. ¡ AMOS BROTHERS in returning thanks for the very kind support accorded them, beg to inform their' numerous Customers that they have EXTENDED their Premises and laid down ADDITIONAL N:W MACHINERY possessing all the LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, for rapid and clear PRINTING, &c., which they are enabled- to execute on the shortest notice, and at VERT LOW PRICES. Ariioc Brothers will be happy to give quotations for any of the following :— BOOK WORK, PRICE -I,ISTS,< • CIRC UTAH S," CARD BILT 5ADS, MEMORANDA, CHEQUE BOOKS, ADVISE NOTES, STATEMENTS, RECEIPT BOOKS, GUMMED LABELS, POSTERS (IN ANY SIZEJ( X WINDOW BILLS, /AI HANDBILLS, &C.} &C., &c. Orders received for-Bookinding and Lithography, gjyojj' jtT-N.-TTN es entrusted to AMOS BROTHERS will receive prompt attention. Important to Solicitors, Auctioneers, & Others. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE PRINTING OF MEMORANDUM OF AGREE MENTS, ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, AUCTIONEERS' CATALOGUES AND POSTERS, CONCERT PROGRAMMES, TICKETS, POSTERS, &c., &c. AMOS BROTHERS recognising the importance of being able to execute orders of this class a few hours after they are received have made very extensive purchases of Types, &c., which with other arrangements in the Machine department, place them in a position to promise the utmost despatch possible. Being practical and experienced Printers they can give correct time required for work of any magnitude. 10 ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR LARGE OR SMALL ORDERS. TO AUTHORS.—BOOKWORK. We pay special and careful attention to this Branch, and have several large founts of Type, from the best Foundries, which we keep exclusively for this description of work, thereby securing that clearness and destinctness of Printing so necessary in Bookwork. Our Machinery is NEW and surpass any in the town or neighbourhood. Translations from English to Welsh, or vice versa, undertaken, and estimates furnished. I. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDA Y PRICE ID", "THE RHYL ADVERTISER." Containing all the News of the week. An excellent ADVERTISING MEDIUM, PUBLISHERS—AMOS BROTHERS. Steam Printing Works, Sussex Street, RhyI. ESTABLISHED, 1866. Q HARLES jjARDEMAN AN D ^ON, PIANOFORTE, HARMONIUM and General Music Warehouse, 25, High Street, RHYL.! Pianofurte", and Harmoniums of the best make andj selection, FOR SALE OR HIRE. New Music at half-marked price, post free. Schools] and Teachers supplied on advantageous terms. Single tuning's or by yearly contract, promptly I attended to in Town or Country, all kinds of Musical j Instruments tuned nud repaired. ORGAN, HARMONIUM AND PIANOFORTE i Lessons on Moderate Terms CONCERT AND ENTERTAINMENT AGENTS. E. POVAH, pAINTER, pLUMBER, ^LAZIER, SIGN WRITER, AND DECORATOR, QUEEN STREET, RHYL. "WORKSHOPS.—WEST PARADE. E. POVAH has a large staff of competent work- men. having lately engaged the services of two ex- perienced decorators and writers. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED To. GEORGE'S ME INFANT POWDERS. INFANTS' POWDERS.—Marvellous iU.e the effects of the "EUROPA LIFE PRESERVERS" upon the Infant System.—They are not only the very best and safest Medicine mothers can giw rlieir little' ones during the anxious period of Teething, but they act as a certain Specific for Fits, Iiiflammatioiif Bronchitis, Diarrhoea, Small-pox, Scarlatinfc-C ifce.. etc. Sold by most. Chemists, in packets. and 2s. ltd., or from the Proprietor, v' 1'entrc, Pontypridd. G*°s NOTK.—Read the important.all" testi- monials around ench packet. THE LATEST MARVEL. i. THE Latest Marvel, The Latest Marvel. GEORGE'S COUGH BALSAM. George's Cough Balsam. George's Cough Balsam. A WONDERFUL EXPECTORANT, ANTI- spasmodic, and Demulcent. A WPNDER-FUL EXPECTORANT, ANTI. spasmodic, and Demulcent. 4 WONDERFUL EXPECTORANT, ANTI. spasmodic, and Demulcent. IT CURES WHEN OTHER REMEDIES FAIL. JT CURES WHEN OTHER REMEDIES FAIL IT CURES WHEN OTHER REMEDIES FAIL EORGE'S COUGH BALSA'-NJ. G Geoi-e's Cou,,h Bal Eiam, \3T George's Cough Balsam. The best specific for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Broil- chitis, Influenza. Hoarseness, Spitting of Blood, Con- sumption, Hooping Cough, and all disorders of the Chest, Throat, and Ltuigs. NOTE.-One dose relieves, a few iosea cure. TMPOKTAXT.—Read the valuable and interesting testimonials around each bottle. CAU'JlION.fhe public are particularly requested to observe that the words "George's Cough Balsam" are stamped on every bottle, noM genuine without. Sold in Bottles at ls.<J,id. ^s- 9dtJ by most Chemists, and patent vendors in. the world or from the Proprietor, KEOKRK, Family Chemist .),141 idd. Penti e, Pontypridd. ^'(^"i