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(6tatral. ) The Archbishop of Syra left this country last week. Patrick Jennings, who was lately convicted at the Stafford assizes of the murder of his wife. has had his sentence respited. A new president of the Republic of Hayti, (ion. Sageni, was installed on the 20th ult. for a term of four years. According to last week's mortality returns the deaths at Nottingham the previous week were 16 per 1,000, and at Man- chester, 29. General Grey, the Queen's Pri .-ate Secretary, died last week. He was Equerry-in-Ordinary to the Queen at the time of her marriage, and escorted Prince Albert to this country. A movement has been set on foot to erect a memorial of the late Lord Brougham, in the shape of a central hall and free library, in London. An elderly man named M'Carthy has been committed for trial at Kanturk, near Cork, for murdering his son-in-law by stabbing him during a public-house brawl. The Dublin Express mentions a rumour that Mrs Howard intends shortly to bring an action of ejectment against one of the tenants on the Wicklow estate, in order to bring her claims before a common law court in Ireland. At the funeral of the late Sir William Williams, Bart., of Tre- gullow, at Gwennap, the procession consisted of at least 5,000 persons, including all the leading inhabitants of the district, and about 700 miners followed in the rear. Thomas Greenwood, a shoemuker at Southport, was sent for trial last week, on a charge of having killed his wife by kicking her. The woman was a drunkard, and the husband ap- pears to have become exasperated at her misconduct. A vote of censure was passed in the Spanish Cortes, on Satur- day, upon the Minister of Public Instruction for proposing to suppress religious education in schools. The votes were—78 for and 75 against the motion. A very sact affair occurred at Devizes last week. A young woman, who had been disappointed in love," committed suicide by drowning herself; and her mother, in trying to rescue her, was also drowned. Six ladies studying at the Edinburgh University have for- warded a memorial to Earl de Grey, Lord President of the Council, praying that he will, in the new Bill respecting medical education, have regard to the claims and interests of women who desire to study medicine. "The Russian Government," says the Eastern Budget, "has decided to admit women to the lectures in the medical depar- ment of the University of St. Petersburg. They are also to be allowed to practise as physicians; but not to be admitted to degrees." In the Nottingham Journal we find the following:—"At Grantham borough police court, on Monday, Samuel Codling was fined £2, including costs, for having sold one pound of what purported to be green tea, but which, on analysis, was found to consist of only a quarter of a pound of green tea, the rest being other foreign leaves, coloured with Prussian blue." At the weekly meeting of the Halifax Infirmary Board, on last week, the Ven. Archdeacon Musgrave, D.D., read a letter from Sir F. Crossley, Bart., M.P., offering the sum of £ 10,000 towards the erection of a new infirmary, on condition that the present building be retained as a convalescent ward, and that the new building be erected upon some appropriate site. A long and animated debate in the Hungarian Parliament, extending over two days, has terminated in the House voting, by a large majority, in favour of a proposition for the establish- ment of a professorship of homoeopathy in the University of Pesth, and of another for the foundation of a homoeopathic hos- pital in connection therewith. Mr Bristowe, Q.C., has been returned for Newark by a mar jority of 175 over Serjeant Sleigh, the numbers having been 826 and 651 respectively. Sir George Grey, after having polled fifty- one votes, retired at eleven o'clock. There are about 1,850 voters on the registrar. Newark is the borough which first sent Mr Gladstone to Parliament at the general election which succeeded the passing of the Reform Act of 1832. We (Observer) understand that the report of the intention of Mr Bright to resign his office at the Board of Trade, and to retire from the Government, is premature, if not altogether un- founded. It is gratifying to learn that the health of the right honourable gentleman is rapidly improving, and his friends look forward with confidence to his being able to resume his duties in Parliament after the Whitsuntide recess. A serious tire occurred early on Sunday morning at Notting- ham in the extensive premises of Messrs Adams and Co., St. Mary's Gate, Messrs Carter and Co., Messrs J. and G. Trueman, and Mr J. H. Clarke, all lace manufacturers, and having their warehouses adjoining each other. The damage done is immense, the lowest estimate being £ 30,000. The origin of the fire is en- veloped in mystery, as the whole of the above-named firms close at two o'clock p.m. on Saturdays. A man named Hulme has been convicted of bribery at Nor- wich, but a point which was raised in his favour is reserved for discussion. On Saturday the prosecution of Mr Edward Stracey on a charge of bribery was brought to a conclusion, when the jury returned a verdict of acquittal. M. de Fonvielle is a candidate for the third circumscription of the Rhone, and has issued an address- More than ever," he says, I belong unreservedly to the democracy, radical, republi- can, socialist, and implacable. These words explain all. There is no need, it seems to me, of any other profession of principles. Between the empire and me there stands an impassable abvss." One or two candidates have already retired, and although others are in the field, it seems to be thought that they have no chance of success against M. de Fonvielle. The most smgular trial that has yet arisen out of alleged cor- rupt practices at elections took place at the Leeds assizes. The plaintiff, Mrs Eliza Banks, voted at the last Nottingham muni- cipal election, and a local tory paper, which took note of the fact, added incorrectly that Mrs Banks accepted a bribe of 10s. for her vote. The judge summed up for the plaintiff, whose sole dower, said his lordship, was probably the liberal opinions which it appeared she held. The jury awarded £ 40 damages. The revenue returns for the year, as well as for the quarter ending March 31, were issued last week. The receipts amount to .£75,434,252, or nearly two millions sterling in excess of the budget estimate. Compared with the previous financial year, excise shows an increase of £ 1,301,000; taxes, P,1,000,000 in- come-tax, £ 1,426,000; while customs have fallen off to the extent of £ 895,000. The revenue for the quarter is nearly five millions in excess of the income in the corresponding period of last year, a fact which is largely attributable to the new mode of collecting the taxes. The Bill to provide a court of appeal for capital offences has been issued. It provides that any person convicted of a capital offence shall be entitled to appeal if the judge signifies that any new facts bearing on a case have been discovered. The Home Secretary is to have power to summon the court, which shall be nominated yearly, to consist of six judges of the superior courts and six members of the Judicial Committee of Privy Council; six to be a quorum. They will be empowered to hear counsel on both sides, and to hold their sitting within four days of being summoned. A criminal information against Mr Shimmin, the proprietor of the Porcupine, for a libel on Mr James Fernie, managing director of the Merchants' Trading Company, was tried at the Liverpool assizes before Mr Justice Brett and a special jury. The case, which excited much interest in commercial circles, arose out of the foundering of the steamship Golden Fleece, it being imputed, as alleged by the prosecution, that the vessel's loss was not accidental, and that a fraud on the underwriters was intended. The defendant denied that the alleged libel had reference to the loss of the Golden Fleece, but the jury thought otherwise, and, almost without hesitation, returned a verdict of guilty. Sentence will be passed by the Court of Queen's Bench. The Irish Roman Catholic Bishops have agreed to something like a collective note" with regard to the Land Bill. They are not satisfied with the adequacy of the measure to the attainment of the objects contemplated by it; and they make various suggestions with a view to its improvement. These suggestions resolve themselves virtually into a declaration in favour of fixity of tenure, and of the extension to the whole country of the Ulster tenant-right custom. To show how far asunder some of their notions are from those generally entertained in this country, it may be mentioned that one of the suggested im- provements is that tenants shall have the right to subdivide their farms" in favour of their relatives. President Grant makes the adoption of the 15th amendment, by which 4,000,000 of negroes are admitted to the suffrage, the text for an appeal to Congress to take measures to extend popu- lar education. He only tells the ncwly-enfrancliised race that they ought to strive to make themselves worthy of their new privilege; and he urges the people generally to see that an op- portunity is given to all possessing political rights to acquire knowledge. President Grant believes with the framers of the Constitution, that the stability of the Republican fonn of Government in the United States must depend upon education and intelligence being diffused among the people. A letter from a correspondent in Rome gives an account of the expulsion from that city of three English ladies, under circum- stances which are said to have excited a good deal of indigna- tion against the Papal Government. On tne 24th ult. the ladies in question received a visit from three gendarmes and a police agent in private clothes, who made a thorough search of their lodgings. Two days afterwards they received orders to quit Rome in twenty-four hours. Mr Odo Russell and our Consul, Mr Severn, exerted themselves in the matter, and Cardinal Antonelli was communicated with. The Pope himself was ap- pealed to, but all in vain. At the expiration of forty-eight hours, a respite of twenty-four hours having been obtained, two of the ladies left Rome and went to Naples. The other has resolved not to leave until actually compelled. A rumour that the ladies had been engaged in distributing unauthorized Italian Bibles is emphatically contradicted. No reason whatever for the expul- sion appears to have been given. It is thought that the order proceeded from the Pope himself. A later account says that the order to leave the city was withdrawn. A shocking case of suicide occurred at Maghull, a few miles from Liverpool, last week. Mary Elizabeth Giindley, a lady forty-two years of age, who formerly lived with her husband, Mr Richard Grindley, in Prince's-park, Liverpool, and was in good circumstances, poisoned herself through grief. Her husband died on Monday week, after an illness, and his loss was such a shock to Mrs Grindley that her grief became uncontrollable. She was in great trouble and agony of mind until Tuesday at noon, when she took from a cupboard a bottle containing laudanum, and drank a quantity of the contents. She was only prevented drinking the whole by a servant named Alice White, who took the bottle from her mistress's hand. Mrs Grindley went to the room where her husband's body was laid out, and she lay down on the bed beside it. The servant, greatly alarmed, ran for Dr Taylor, who soon came and tried to ad- minister an emetic, but she refused to have it, and his efforts to persuade her were of no avail. She persisted in lying by the side of her deceased husband. She lingered until half-past nine on Tuesday night, when she expired in the presence of the doctor.



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