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.,sEflat and District.



ABERYSTWYTH. THE BRITISH SCHOOL. -A correspondent writes to back up the appeal of the children which recently appeared in our columns. He points to the disgraceful condition of the present building, and to the fact that a valuable site has been given for a new building, and a donation of 2300 promised (with a conditional addition of 2200 if the build- ing is 'approved of), and he appeals to his townsmen to see to it that the present discreditable state of affairs is altered. DRUNK AND RioTocs. -Charles Williams, late of the Blue Bell, in this town, was brought up in custody on Saturday, before John, Davies, Esq., charged with being drunk and disorderly on the previous night. P.C. Tames said that he was on duty the previous Friday night, about seven o'clock, when he heard that a drunken man had broken a window in Pier-street; he went to the shop, and Mrs Jones told him that the prisoner had broken the window. He proceeded towards Little Darkgate-street, and there he found the prisoner drunk, with a crowd of children around him. The window having been repaired at the expense of the prisoner, he was fined 5s., including costs, for being drunk. A VESSEL SUPPOSEDTO<BE IN DISTRESS.—On Monday morning last, about half-past eight o'clock, the attention of some of our watchful old mariners was drawn to a vessel, appearing to have struck on the Patches, as dimly seen through the breakers. It was naturally thought, that the vessel, after the extraordinary, heavy gale which continued to blow terrifically during the previous night, had struck and was disabled, therefore the brave crew of our life-boat were immediately summoned, and made off before the sweeping east wind for the Patches. However, to the surprise of the life-boat crew, there was no vessel on the Patches, and they were obliged to return, and they encountered a hard struggle in accomplishing their task, as it was blowing a terrific gale from the east. Subsequently it was found that the vessel seen was merely a river boat which had been driven. from, its moorings m the Aber- dovey harbour. THE READING ROOM AND LITERARY INSTITUTE. A meeting was held at the Institute on Monday evening last; present: The Rev. E, 0. Phillips, M.A., in the chair, Rev. A. Griffith, LL.B., Messrs J. A. Cross, J. P. Jones, Dr C. Rice Williams, H. Davies, J. Griffiths, J. W. RajvenhiII, J. W. Thomas, R. Webster, Captain Lewis, D. Jenkins, jun." and others. The CHAIRMAN read the balance sheet for the last year which showed that there would be small balance in the hands of the treasurer; after getting: inall the subscriptions that are not paid. Capt. LEWIS suggested that the names of those who had not paid their subscriptions should' be posted up in the room. This elicited some laughter; and the suggestion was not. approved of by the meeting as it was feared that it would keep a great many away. It was agreed, how- ever, that the librarian should call upon.the defaulters. Capt. Lewis-further stated that the. duties-of the Secretary were very onerous;, and urged that the committee should be considerably lessened from, twenty, in order that a smaller number might render the secretary all possible assistance. In answer to questions from Mr Ravenhill, the SECRE- TABY said there were only two persons who had not paid their subscriptions since the Institution was formed. After some further conversation, Capt. LEWIS proposed, and it was seconded by the Rev. A. G&IFFITH, that in lieu of the second rule of the institution* which is worded thus -That the affairs of the institution:shall be managed tyy a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and coqimitteeof twenty members, to be annually elected: the subscribing clergy and regularly appointed ministers of all denominations within the borough; of Aberystwyth be member* of the committee, ex officio; the following be adopted, "That the affairs of the' institution shall be managed by a president, secretary, treasurer, and a com- mittee of five members, to be annually elected, and three of them to form a quorum." Mr Cposa thought that when an. organic change in the rules was meditated a month's notice- should be given, so as to, allow the subscribers sufficient time to consider the question. He approved of Captain. Lewis's motion, but thought more time should be given,, and called their at- tention to rule 19 as bearing upon the point before the meeting. Captain LEWIS did not agree with Mr Cross that rule 19 required the calling of another- meeting. As that was a general meeting the subject might then be discussed. Mr G. B. O HALLOBAN said a month's notice was not required, as it was an annual meeting. Captain LEWIS repeated that the matter could be regu- larly entertained by them,, aad he was supported by Mr GRIFFITHS, schoolmaster. Mr CROSS asked whether it was a matter of policy to db such a thing without consulting the large body of sub- scribers belonging to the institution. In answer to a question from Mr Davies, Capt. LEWIS said that with such a large committee the responsibility was spread over a great number of shoulders; while if it was limited to a small number the work would be better done, and the secretary greatly relieved and assisted. Mr J. P. JONES asked whether it was not possible to issue a notice that night, when Capt. LEWIS said he should like to have his motion put to the meeting. Mr CROSS quoted as i- precedent a meeting at which it was proposed to alter the rules, and rule 19 was then strictly adhered to. Mr M. H. DAVIS proposed that the committee remain as before, twenty in number, which was seconded by Mr GRIFFITHS. Mr CROSS begged to propose that a meeting be called that day month to discuss the,proposal for reducing-the number of the comihittee, which was seconded by Mr J. P. JONES, and, upon being put to the meeting, was carried by a large majority.—Therefore the question under dis- cussion stands over for a month. Captain LEWIS proposed that a public meeting be held that day month to consider the necessity of altering some of the rules, and the motion was unanimously carried; and upon the suggestion of Mr CROSS the present committee are to remain in office until that time. Capt. LEWIS asked whether the penny papers were had for the institution at cost price. Mr G. B. O'HALLOBAN said they were not, because the late Mr Cox charged for carriage. Capt. LEWIS did not agree with that; he had his paper daily at the cost price. After some further remarks the matter dropped. Mr DAVID JENKINS, jun., proposed that the Western Mail and the Cambrian Daily Leader be taken in at the reading room in lieu of the Welshman b»t upon being informed that both papers would be too expensive he de- clared in favour of the Western Mail. A MEMBER said that would be a matter for discussion at their next meeting, and Mr JENKINS promised to bring the question forward at that meeting. Mr M. H. DAVIS said he thought that it would be desirable for one of the gentlemen forming the committee to accompany him in a house-to-house canvass in aid of the funds, and collect the sum of £10, to be devoted to the purchase of standard books. If, however, that sum could not be collected he should be most happy to sub* scribe the sum of 25 towards purchasing the same. (This statement was received with loud and prolonged cheers.) Mr DAVID JENKINS, junior, said that he received the t Spectator every Sunday morning, and should be very a willing to sell the same to the Institution on Monday t morning at half-price. (Cheers.)-It was agreed that r these proposals should be referred to a committee. ] Some conversation followed as to the loss of books ( from the library. Mr O'HALLORAN said that Sir T. D. Lloyd, M.P., intended giving two concerts at Aberystwyth last year in aid of the infirmary and reading room, and had written < to inform him that, the concerts not having been given, he (Sir Thomas) would give a donation instead. (Loud ~j cheers.) He (the secretary) had also received a letter I from G. T. Powell, Esq., stating that he intended to ( present the institution with more valuable books in a short time. (Loud cheers.) Captain LEWIS, in very eulogistic terms, proposed a ] vote of thanks to Mr O'Halloran, which was earned with acclamation, and suitably acknowledged; then the usual vote of thanks to the chairman clesed the proceedings.







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Family Notices

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