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ffettcral At a fox hunt at Yarmouth, in the Isle of Wight, last week, seeerai persons followed the hounds on bicycles. Mr Martin Tupper wiU give readings in London from Ie ,Pro- verbial Philosophy" during the present season. Can he not get Mr Whalley to take the chair ? The Echo learns, on good authority," that the negotiations in reference to the settlement of the Alabama claims are at present at a standstill. The established" hands in Chatham Dockyard of 69 years of age and upwards are to be superannuated, the Admiralty having issued an order to that effect. Mr Bright has informed a deputation-that in the coarse of the coming session there would be an inquiry relative to the ex- cessive damages awarded by juries against railway companies. The gold-headed cane of Lord Lovat, which he gave to his cousin on the scaffold, came to the hammer In London the other day, and fetched £ 2410s. A man named Donald Stewart was fined £ 5 at the Edinburgh police court last week with the alternative of sixty days' im- prisonment, for having oil various occasions assaulted his daughter, aged eight years, by striking her with a walking stick. A case has just come obefoPe the Bankruptcy Court, in which an adjudication was made as far back as 1810. The bankrupt set the Court at defiance and died in prison. There are now between £3,000 and £4,000 to be distributed. A strike of cotton operatives, who are demanding an increase of ten per cent, in their wages, has taken place at Wigan. About 3,000 hands are out of employment in consequence of this movement. The funeral of the unfortunate persons who were killed at the Liverpool chapel oh Sunday week took place in the presence of an immense assemblage. The oiraciat* n priest stated that the accident was caused solely by the disturbance created by a drunken man who shouted Fire." The cashier, John King, who absconded from Manchester, after having plundered his employers of bills and cash, amount- ing to £ 3,866, has been arrested at Exeter. He had gone to Antwerp after leaving Manchester, but returned to this country, and after landing at Plymouth, made his way to Exeter. The landlord of the Museum Hotel, where he put up, recognised him by the police description, and had him arrested. He confessed his identity. The Court of Common Pleas have given judgment in the case of Dickons v. Haywood," in which the plaintiff, a farmer, had obtained £ 500 damages against a local game association for libel. The slander was contained in a letter written to the agent of the Duke of Portland, plaintiff's landlord, and through the letter having been written, Mr Dickons had been ejected from his farm. A rule nisi to set aside the verdict had been obtained, but the Court had decided that the decision of the jury must stand. In the French Chamber, on the 27th, M. Thiers made another Protectionist speech, in the course of which he alleged that the Treaties of Commerce were held in abhorrence by a large majority of the country. This statement elicited loud exclam- ations of Oh oh M. Thiers admitted that the commerceof France with England had greatly increased, but said the French shipping trade was thereby ruined. He maintained that the French cotton trade was also ruined, owing to the impossibility of competing with this oountry. Prince Arthur was, it appears, abusively attacked by several New York papers on his arrival in the States. The Tribune, in defending his Royal Highness, says he has behaved in a man- ner entirely becoming and modest, and deserves to be treated with courtesy and respect. If flunkeyism be out of place on the one hand, so are all meanness, vulgarity, and impertinence on the other." The Bishop of Rochester presided over a conference of clergy and laity in the chapter-room of that city on the 27th ult. Most of the speakers denounced the proposals of the Birmingham League as "fraught with danger" to the country, and one gen- tleman contended that the instruction of our youth ought to be retained in the hands of the Established Church, which was the sole depository of the truth." Another educational gather- inh was held the same day at Leicester, at which the Duke of Rutland, the Bishop of Peterborough, and Lord John Manners were amongst the speakers. The general opinion of those present was in favour of the present system. An extraordinary divorce case was heard by Lord Penzance on Saturday. The petitioner (wife of a Mr Braham, who was con- nected with a Liverpool music hall) some four years ago obtained a divorce from her husband on the grounds of cruelty and adultery. Subsequently she became reconciled to him, and they were again married, but the husband does not seem to have mended his ways, and his wife has once more applied for a divorce. The Court acceded to the application. A town's meeting, on'the subject of drunkenness, was held in St. George's Hall, Liverpool, on Friday week. The hall was crowded, and the orchestra was occupied by about a hundred of the local clergy of all denominations, and as many influential laymen. A resolution was passed expressing regret that the Bill devised by the Magistrates and Town Council in 1868 was not adopted, and the Government was called upon to introduce an equally restrictive measure. There was a strong feeling in favour of closing public houses altogether on the Sunday, and a resolution favourable to that course was carried with acclamation. A passenger by the Bristol and Exeter Railay, on arriving at Yatton Station, dispensed with the step in alighting, fell between the carriages and the platform, and was severely i jured. He -sued the company at the assizes, and obtained A:1,500 damages. There was, however, no doubt that he was well acquainted with the station, and although the train had not been pulled up at the usual spot, the company contended that the plaintiff knew how the platform was constructed, and that if he had used the step in all probability the accident would not have happened. This view has been taken by the Court of Exchequer, which directed a nonsuit or a new triaJ, as the railway company might elect. Through the Atlantic cable we get a brief account of the mournful ceremony of handing over the remains of the late Mr Peabody to the guardianship of the Governor of Maine. Captain Commerell, of the Monarch, made a brief but manly speech, and expressed sentiments which all will reciprocate, when he said that the suffering artizan, widow, and orphan, on both sides of the Atlantic, would henceforth bless the name of Peabody Mr Chamberlain, Governor of Maine, in his replv said "the Monarch had achieved a greater victory than her guns could ever win." The body was afterwards laid in state at the Citv Hall, Portland. y The "party by the name of Johnson," who came forward at the meeting of the National Emigration League, in London, on the 26th, received a prompt and. tolerably convincing proof that it is dangerous to flaunt the red flag of Republicanism in the faces of Englishmen. His resolution, which he had the effrontery to thrust before the meeting, declared that the only panacea for destitution was the government of the people by the people, and it called upon the Queen, Lords, and Commons to resign. At first the audience were disposed to receive these extraordinary statements good-humouredly, and to treat the fellow as a harmless fanatic; but, when they found him deter- mined to proceed, the laughter and hisses changed to shouts of Turn him out," and the speaker was summarily cried down. This is how people who insult the Lord Mayor" are treated. -At an emigration meeting a Mr Owen referred to the an. nouncement of the preliminary subscription-list as "a mere chairman's dodge." The remark was followed by loud shouting and hissing, and demands that a person who had insulted the Lord Mayor to his face should be ejected. During the uproar Mr Owen said he recalled the remark, and would apologize for it; but in the confusion this was unheard, and the meetmg passed a resolution not to hear him. Mr Owen, however, proceeded to explain that he had apologised, when a tall gentleman hurried to the platform from the body of the meeting, collared him hurried him across the room, and, being joined by two or three others, thrust him outside. On sun lpv afternoon an accident of an appalling character occurred at Rishton Reservoir, about two miles from Blackburn. The crowd of skaters and others on the reservoir was enormous, and although the ice was rough, hundreds ventured upon it. During the afternoon one or two men on skates, dragging after them a number of women, forming a chain of nine or ten per- sons, ventured on the centre the ice oscillated, gave way, and the whole number were thrown into the water. A rush was at once made to the place by two or three hundred persons, but they did not approach. A number of men threw off their jackets, and by this means formed a rope, which they east out to the unfortunate persons. Six persons were safely brought out of the water, but although every effort was made the others perished. A deputation from the Exeter Total Abstinence Society, waited on the Bishop of Exeter last week, and presented to him an address welcoming his lordship to the city and diocese, and expressing an earnest desire for his valuable support and co- operation in their work. The Bishop, in reply, expressed his sympathy with the temperance cause, and his strong convictions of the great evils resulting from intemperance. Although he did not approve of all the measures proposed, nor of the manner in which some persons had advocated them, yet he quite agreed with the objects of the society, and believed that nothing but the pledge would save the drunkard. His lordship addedIn heart I am with you. I scarcely know yet what I can do, being strange as yet to the work of the diocese; but you may rest 'assured that I shall do what I can to further your cause, both in thts diocese and in the Legislature." It has been announced by telegraph that the Viceroy of Egypt has forwarded to the Porte a little bill for £ 800,000 on account of the ironclad vessels he has just surrendered to his chief. The Viceroy's hesitation, however, in delivering up these vessels has afforded the Sultan time for reflection, and he has decided if we may believe the Levant Herald, that he is quite .t entitled to confiscate the Viceroy's breechloaders and ironclads, since, in the first instance, their purchase was illegal and uncon- stitutional. It is said to be the opinion at Constantinople that if the Turkish Government were ndw to take this materiel off the Viceroy's hands at cost price a very bad precedent would be set, which might be used to the serious disadvantage of the Parte on other occasions. In fact, the Viceroy might thus con- trive to enrich himself by enormous commissions on worthless goods. However this may be, it seems to be tolerably clear that this Eastern difficulty has not yet been adjusted. It remains to be seen whether withont the price paid down in hard cash the Viceroy will surrender either guns or vessels. In addressing his constituents, Sir J. Coleridge, after review- ing the past session, spoke in favour of a comprehensive system of education, to raise our workmen to the level of those in other countries. Regarding the religious difficulty, no education was, he said, complete, in an intellectual sense, without in- struction as to the relations of man to God ahd to his fellows; but if they could not get all they wished they should accept what they could get, if it waa not radically wrong. He hoped the liberals would unite to support the Government measure. The House of Lords had lost the chance of passing a moderate measure of University reform, and the Government would pass a more comprehensive and sweeping one than any private individual could have taken up with a hope of success. The ballot would pass ere long by a large majority. The Irish land question would, in his opinion, be settled with a view to giving the tenant a secure holding of what he put into the land. The Government Bill would only give the tenant what he was fairly and equitably entitled to. Mr Stansfeld, M.P., received a deputation from the Halifax Licence Amendment League, last week, on the subject of the licensing system. After a conference of considerable length, the hon. gentleman said the Bill of the Government was in draft, but it had not, so far as he knew as yet, received final correction, and therefore, even if he were at liberty to speak upon it, he could not speak of it as a measure finally adopted by her Majesty's Government. Without going into details as to his own views, the hon. gentleman reminded the deputation that he had already expressed an opinion that the granting of licenses le to individuals was a judicial or a quasi-judicial function, which ought not to be entrusted either to the ratepayers themselves or to any representative body. At the same time he admitted that, on the other hand, there was a field, subject to the restrictions of general legislation, within which a local power of law-making might, in his opinion, be accepted; and he was not without hope that in some way or other that principle would find expression in the Government Bill which was about to be laid on the table of the House. At the meeting of the Juridical Society on Wednesday week, under the presidency of Sir Roundell Palmer, who delivered a short but valuable address, it very clearly appeared that he did not assent to the Bill of last session respecting the rights and liabilities of married women. Regret was expressed that the Commons' Committee had bestowed so little or rather no atten- tion on the wife's protective remedies in France and in other European countries which have adopted the rule of the Code Napoleon enabling parties about to marry to declare beforehand whether they mean that their union shall be under the regime de c immunaute or under the regime dotal the former corresponding with the Roman and Scotch law as to communio bonorum; while the latter-the dotal system—has for its object to protect the wife, and peradventure the husband himself, from the conse- quences of nis improvidence, misfortune, or misconduct. The dot or dowiy coming from the wife is appropriated to the sup- port of the family, and cannot be alienated. The wife's other property is kept back for her, and her earnings are safe. This system works well; and the adoption of it, or something like it, in England would be a far less violent alteration than that pro- posed by Mr Russell Gurney's Bill, which enacts that married women shall hold their property precisely its if they were sole, without any provision for the sustenance of the family. Accord- ing to this American scheme, a wife may keep her money accu- mulating at compound interest, while her unprosperous imsband and family are without bread or she'may elope, and bestow all on her paramour. That the English law calls for legislative interference all agree; but, as Sir Roundell Palmer observed, the principle of making wives absolutely independent of their husbands is one for which the people of this countryarIdly yet prepared. 1 ^tr (Siafles Darlufe'^OWtfcrly governor of Victoria, is dead. Lake Windermere ha» ween frozen over this year for the first 4ime since 1854. Aime since 1854. The Duke de 35r#glio, a well-known French statesman, and son-in-law of Madame de Stael, died last week in his eighty- fifth year. A According to the last returns, the death rate in the large towns varied from 19 per 1000 in Wolverhampton to 17 per 1000 in Bristol. Her Majesty has been obliged to give up her inberaies of open- ing Parliament in person, in consequence of her We indis- position. The Army and Navy Gazette says it is reported that half a squadron will be deducted from each cavalry regiment at home and abroad. It is probable that Lord Cairns will give the usmal leader's' dinner to Opposition peers on the evenmg before the opening of the session. A Dickens party" was recently given in Boston, at which each of the participants was dressed to represent one of Dickens's characters. A prosecution of Dr Manning, under the Ecclesiastical Titles Act, for assuming the title of Archbishop of Westminster, has failed, in consequence of the consent -of the Attorney-General not having been obtained for the proceeding. At St. Mary's Church, Dumfries, on Sunday week, there were two precentors, each of whom brought a choir. When the second psalm was given out the new (and rival) precentor started off with a tune of his own, but was speedily overpowered by his opponents. The Roman correspondent of the Freeman's Journal" states that the Pope has just issued a decree, in which it is expressly asserted that the society of Fenians was included amongst the secret societies against which censures of the Pontifical Bull of last October were directed. The latest advices from New Zealand—which come by way of Sydney, under date of 3rd January-represent that a more friendly feeling than has for some time existed is growing up between the colonists and the Maories. The latter are uniting with the colonial forces to put an end to the career of the arch- rebel Te Kooti. The Greenwich Hospital Commissioners are about to take pro- ceedings against the so-called Countess of Derwentwater, and all who have aided and abetted in the late demonstrations in her favour. "The claims of this woman," say the impolite Com- missioners, to any portion of the estates formerly belonging to the Earl of Derwentwater are perfectly frivolous, and without a shadow of foundation in law or equity." Dr Knaggs, of Kentish Town (says the "Medical Press"), speaks highly of the value of smearing the whole surface of the body of children with olive oil every six or four hours in cases of atrophy, bronchitis, convulsions, and diarrhoea; so that, after all, we are to have another trial of the old fashion of anointing the body of the sick. A young Irishman, named M'Carthy, boasted at a "wake" held at Valentia, county Kerry, the other night, that he could drink more whisky than any one else in the house. A large bottle of that spirit being handed to him, he drank off the con- tents and immediately lay down and expired. He was to have been married the following morning. Sir George Bowyer has written a letter in which he declares that, in his judgment, an Irish Parliament in Dublin" presents the only complete remedy for the evils from which Ireland is suffering. Until there is an Irish Parliament," he says, Ire- land will always be made a tool of by English party leaders in the House of Commons." Coal-picking," otherwise coal stealing, prevails largely in the Black Country during the winter months. The other day Dennis Eley, an Irishman, was charged with stealing a lump of coal from the cart of Mr Thomas Turley, of the Fullwood End Colliery. This was the prisoner's defence-" I wint to the wag- goner, yer honour, to beg a pipe o' bacca. and shure enough the lump o' coal tumbled clane from the cart, and fell into me very arms." Recent French medical statistics Have demonstrated two facts which the Medical Press and Circular thinks worthy the serious attention of the better half of mankind. The first is that since women have loosened their corsets the annual mortality has de- creased 18i per cent. The second is that since women have loaded their heads with enormous and hideous chignons, cerebral fevers have increased 72i per cent. Mr Elliot, one of the magistrates at the Lambeth police court, has given an opinion upon a question which had been submitted to him, whether a lunatic was entitled to a sick allow- ance as a member of a friendly society. He could find no decision of any court that incapacity to work caused by insanity was not a ground for sick relief, and intimated that he did not agree with the ruling of Mr Tidd Pratt, who steadily declined to certify the rules of any society which proposed to give a lunatic sick allowance. A charge, which we venture to say neither Mr Newdegate nor Mr Whalley ever dreamed of, has just been preferred against the Jesuits by a veracious correspondent of an equally veracious Boston newspaper. The substance of the story is that the Pope was once the hero of a love romance, and was, when a young man, actually engaged to be married to a Miss Foster, the daughter of an Irish bishop, and the sister of the Countess de Salis, famous at that period in Italian society. The young lady and her friends waited at the altar of the Church of St. Luigi de Francesi for Count Mastai-Ferretti to appear and complete his marriage vows, but the young Count never came. The explan- ation given to the lady before her death was that his Jesuit relations had forcibly abducted him and sent him abroad under oath of secrecy, which he never divulged till after he was Pope, and this he caused to be communicated to her to ease his own conscience and her broken heart.


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