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IDittyn JVoft dh.

Family Notices

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The Mont Cenis Railway has been biocked up by snovr- Bishop Trower writes to the Herald disclaiming the remotest idea of contending against the validity of hfAS orders conferred by the present Bishop of Exeter. II The British Medical Journal, in a note on the INelott Fasting Girl, says" It ought in justice to be made known that the medical gentlemen in London, who wers en rapport with the committee in Wales, kept writiflfS daily to the local surgeons to guard against any symptono of exhaustion in the fasting girl, and to administer nourishment nolens volens, should there be any appearaues of serious change in her condition." If the Globe is to be relied on, the alliance which existed between the late Earl of Derby and Mr Disraeli will b« continued in th# case of the present head of the house ot Stanley. Intelligence was received on Saturday at New YorK from Hayti that the revolutionists had surprised and captured Port-au-Prince, and that Salnave had takefl refuge at Fort Alexandre. The Emperor's speech on New Year's Day- containeu nothing remarkable. To the ambassadors he spoke coO* fidently of the continuance of peace during 1870. Address* ing the members of the Legislative Corps, he remarked that in sharing responsibilty with the Ministers of State he felt more confidence in overcoming the difficulties of the future. An omnibus driver named Codrington and his wife been to the Roman Catholic chapel in Birkenhead, to a service in celebration of the new year, and on their vra1 home quarreled. The poor woman was knocked doW11 and kicked so brutally that she died in a short time. was the mother of five children. Herruffianly husband & in custody. A Mr Robert Hamilton was drowned in Loch Grienalh near Rothsay, on Monday week. The ice gave way, and Mr Hamilton and two companions were immersed. The two others escaped, but Mr Hamilton, who managed to support himself for some time on paling stakes which wert thrown to him, sank while the people on shore were p paring a line by tying their cravats together. A Roman Catholic priest named Macdonald has bee1* fined £ 10 by a Scotch court for assaulting a Mrs Ross, attempting to obtain access to the deathbed of her husbaWj Captain Ross. Mrs Ross, who made a most gallant against the priest and two assistants, declares that CaptaiJJ Ross told her not to let the Roman Catholics approac" him. She was badly treated, but she afterwards used polcer about the priest's body. The assistants were alS» fined. At Pugwash, Canada, a few weeks ago, the house of family named Crowley having taken fire, all the inmate* except three small children had escaped but these sleeping upstairs, and the fire below made it to reach them. Finally, the mother's screams from witfr* out awakened the eldest, a daughter not twelve years who came to the window, and was urged by her mother to throw herself out; but she answered, "No; my broth and sister must be saved." She then returned through the heat and smoke twice, and after throwing the t young children from the window, she let herself drop to the ground, a distance of sixteen feet, and when she said, "I'm done, mother; but I have saved my brother and sister from being burned up." The little heroiuel terribly burned, shocked with the fall, and chilled writ" the exposure, died early the next morning. A ladies' association has been formed for the purpose °jj obtaining a repeal of the Contagious Diseases Acts 0 1866 and 1869. The association has issued a proteS" against the 4cts, based upon the following grounds That, involving as they do such a momentous change the legal safeguards hitherto enjoyed by women as well men, they have been passed without the knowledge of country or even of Parliament itself; and such legislate ought not to take place without the fullest (liscussiol" That by the Acts the reputation, freedom, and persons 0 women are placed absolutely in the power of the That it is unjust to apply the Acts to one sex only, ftD« that the punishments which they allow are degrading brutalising; that a revolting vice is legalised by the Act^t and the path of evil made easy; and that in continent** cities where similar measures have been taken the Pu health and morals are worse than at home. The protest19 signed by 128 ladies, among wh»m are Harriet Lydi. Becker, and Florence Nightingale. A FATHER ROBBED OF 2500 AT SHEFFIELD BY loo DAUGHTER. —At the Sheffield Town Hall, on the 31st a respectably-dressed young man, named Edward field, carrying on business as a fishmonger in Sheffield, v,iT. charged with having received, well knowing them to ba^. been stolen, certain sums of money, belonging to Shaper, tobacconist and eating-house keeper, West-ba" Sheffield. The facts of the case, which were of a extraordinaiy nature, were briefly as follow :—In 1865 daughter of Mr Shaper became acquainted with tj* prisoner, and in a short time they became engaged. father of the yaung lady was very much opposed to match, and, in order that he might remove his daugh out of her lover's way, he sent her to school in There she remained for two years, photographs being changed and a correspondence being kept up between and Stansfield. On her return in 1867 she at once ren ef. her acquaintance with the prisoner. The father, howe? maintained his opposition, and the courtship had t° carried on clandestinely. The prisoner, on the pjete that he was anxious to be settled in business and to married, prevailed on the young lady to rob her till. This system of robbery continued for six months prisoner being supplied every week with sums from £ 6 to £ 10. TCvati tTieai* la.rcrf* emma VinWftVeT, not sufficient to supply his wants, and he induced Shaper to get for him the key of her father's casti that he might obtain a duplicate of it. The false supplied her with enabled her to obtain free access cashbox whenever she pleased. Mr Shaper missed to from time to time from his cashbox, but was u?at?u3y, detect the thief, until his daughter, in a fit of 00 disclosed the system of robbery which had for so many months. Mr Shaper, on examining; h13 found that the deficit was fully £ 500. The pris011 at once arrested, and the above facts having been to by Misa Shaper, the Bench refused to allow^bau^ O&V Printed at the Caxton Steam Printing Works, O W«stry, by ASKEW ROBISTS, EDWARD WOODALX., »». Hint VBNABLBS, and Published at 12, Bridge-street wyth, bj PHIUP WILLI AH S. Saturday% January 8th, leJQ.

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