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CARDIGANSHIRE QUARTER SESSIONS. These sessions were oomnteBoed on'Teesd^y at the Town Hall, Aberayron, when thwe were present:-C. X. Griffith, Esq., vice-chairwam (in the chair), Captan "Vaughan, Bryaog, J. M_ Dawies, Esq., Antarean, Jokn Griffith, Esq., Tiefeigar, T. A. Brenehley, Esq., Jokn Vaughan, Esq., Ilamg oedmore, Or Llewellin, Lampekw, T. Davies, Esq., Banik House, Cardigan, (Colonel .Lewies, Xlanlear, J. B. Harford, Esq., Falecndal-e, Gapt. Hawdll, IBlaendvffryn, J. B<writbee, iEsq., Plasgwernant, .Lewis lugh Pugh, Esq., Aberystwyth, .J, E. ftogeps, JEsf. A-bermeurig, Captain Jones Parry, Tyllwyd, R Esq.. Glaspant, T. J. Hughes, EiAq., GasteO-du, Captain Jordan, Pigeonsford, C. E..Longeroft, -■Eaq., "H-sy'aert ;E vans, Esq. Highmaixd, and the':ilev. R-hyc,Jones ]Um,-d. The Court wae upened shortly .after .eleven, but oving o a rule of court the differant notices could not be heard until one o'olock. The Co-art was accordingly adjourned mntiloneeclock. -On-its re-assembling- the -first-notice on Ahe agenda was taken, which was as Jcllows:— .CARDIGAN BHU1GE. Applicaiton he madie for a sum not exceeding krbo, to be applied in conjunction with the ceunty.-ef.Petabnake in altering and widening Cardigan. bridge." The CRAIRMAbf thought It desirable that die presert- ment made by the gsand jury at the last.Q uader Sesskms should be read. After the presentment had been bv tie Clerk.Qf the Peace, Mr T. DAVIES (Cardigan,) proposed that .the work tie ,done at a cost not exceeding the sum stated. Capt. J ONES PABRY seconded the propositi ML Capt. VAUGFAX opposed. There were a good many "bridges ia the .county quite as bad as Cardigan, and "be loped that before the Court granted tiiis mooey ther would consider where it was to ootie from, -:Be :begge(Uti: propose that the sum of .f2tü be net allowed. Mr HCGHES (Castell-du), Mconded-tbe proposition. Mr LEWIS PClI thought it Was a questien whether 'the bridge wetld net have to be re-built, and before widen- ing the bridge he should like to s<*e & report from some competent person ihe subject. Captain VAUGHAN said that he btlitixd Mr Saluoaper, he county surveyor, would bear him cut in the -recom- jnendatioa thait no money be expecded upon this boidg-e. Mr SziXiLPEii said he believed that three years ago he Tecommended that no money be expended upon the briige; by the proposed alterations it was not intended to do any- thing under the bridge, but over the bridge; this week --would not make the bridge ltst one single day longer than jit would at present. Mr T, DAVIES said that accidents were -continually 700ccurring on this bridge. Aft r s)me farther discussion, both raotions were put, --when Mr Davies's was carried by eleven -to and a committee was appointed. IT RESARG N LSCK-UP HOUSE. The second application was" for a. sum, not exceeding £ 15 for slating the walls of Tregaron Lock-up House." Colonel LEWIS said he considered that the slating off the louse waa absolutely necessary as the walla were :at present so da:op that it was impossible for a persoa to live there. He thought it de«irabie that the matter should stand over until the spring of the year, which was /the best time for doing the work. After somt" further remarks, the subject was dropped. THE C3CXTY LUNATIC ASYLUM. Application was made for the sum of 21,080 towards completing the joint lunatic asylum at Carmarthen. Mr HARFORD said the 21,080 was required to complete wo wings of the asylum in accordance with plans ap- proved of by the Court. The committee met and found that the proposed wings would not be sufficient to meet the -wants of the county. There were at present 231 inmates 3n the asylum—nineteen more than the asylum was built to accommodate. The plans of the proposed alterations »"Would be produced for those who wished to inspect them. The CHAIRMAN stated that a report had been sent in ishowing that a very much larger sum of money would ."be required for the enlargement of the building. Mr JORDAN stated that the long and the short of the bnatter was £ 1,755 instead of 21,080 was required when he contemplite, I alterations were made, the asylum would ;accotnmodate 104 more inmates than at present. In answer to Mr Harford, it was stated that there was not a single patient at present in the asylum that could be Aept at a smaller expense out of the asylum. Mr HARFORD moved that the plans now before the 'Court be approved of, and thit the sum of 21,755, instead V)f 21,080, be applied towards the improvement of the -County Lunatic Asylum. From opinions expressed by different persons, he believed that if the alteration was carried out according to the old plans, it would be neces- sary very soon again to enlarge the building, as the in- crease was 47 in three years the alterations, according to /the new plans, would stand for a number of years. The Very Rev. Dr LLEWELLIX seconded the proposition. Colonel LEWIS said he wished to correct a statement he lad laid before the Court at the last quarter sessions with reference to the boroughs of Carmarthen and Haverford- west. Some correspondence had taken place, and it had "been clearly shown to his satisfaction that the remarks le made with reference to the boroughs were incorrect. He had been inadvertently led wrong by some statistics -which had been issued. He thought the proposed altera- -tion was greatly needed, and the only question which mow arose was whether they could agree as to the 91,755, or whether the matter should be adjourned. Mr JORDAN proposed that the question be adjourned -until the next quarter sessions. Mr JOHN GRIFFITHS seconded the proposition. Both motions were then put to the Court, and Mr Jordan's amendment was carried. ALTERATION- OF THE HOUR OF COMMENCING BUSINESS. Captain VAUGHAN stated that the present hour of meeting for the transaction of county business was very inconvenient, and he proposed that in future the hour of meeting be twelve instead of one as heretofore. This was seconded by Mr JOHN VAUGHAN and carried mem, con. MAGISTRATES' CLERKS. The fifth notice on the agenda was To appoint a com- mittee to consider a report upon the advisability of paying -the clerks of special and petty sessions by salary instead of fees. Mr LEWIS PeGH, who brought the matter forward, thought it would be more beneficial both to magis- "trates' clerks and the magistrates themselves. The com- mittee, in fixing upon the salary, would be guided by the fees paid to magistrates' clerks for the last three years. The plan had been adopted in Surrey, and they found it to answer most satisfactorily. If magistrates' clerks were paid by salaries instead of fees the last motion on the Jiotice paper would be unnecessary. If any gentleman -would second his proposition That magistrates' clerks be -paid by salaries instead of fees," he should be most happy to take the sense of the Court on the matter. Mr Pugh's proposition was seconded by the Dean of t. David's. The motion was then put and carried unananimously. THP SALARY OF THE JUNIOR SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE. The notice on the paper with reference to this question -was as follows: "The salary of the Junior Superintendent of police do remain at 2118 12s. 6d., besides his allowance for horse and that a sum of 210 be paid to the Inspector of Weights and Measures for the Lower Division of the County, as a salary for the execution of such duties." It was unanimously agreed that this question be further adjourned. INSPECTOR OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. It was proposed by Colonel LEWIS and seconded by Mr JOHN GRIFFITHS, and unanimously agreed to-" That in consideration of the duty of inspecting weights and mea- sures imposed upon the Junior Superintendent of Police by an order of the last Midsummer quarter sessions the increase of salary granted him by the same order be paid out of the county rate." PETTY SESSIONS AT LLANDYSSIL. Captain HOWELL stated that Mr Fitzwilliams was to- day absent. At the last sessions he had brought forward the question of a proper place for the holding the monthly petty sessions at Llandyssil. He (Captain Howell), in the absence of Mr Fitzwilliams, proposed "That a fit and proper place be procured or hired at the Cilgwyn Arms in the town and parish of Llandyssil, for holding the monthly petty sessions, within the petty sessional division of Llandyssil." There was no other magistrate from the division present and the motion was ultimately withdrawn. CLERKS' FEES IN CASES OF CONVICTIONs FOR VAGRANCY The next notice was to consider whether the magistrates, clerks' fees, in cases of conviction for vagrancy, malicious injury to property, &c., should be paid by the police, and reimbursed out of the county rate.)) The CHAIRMAN said that an application was made at the last quarter sessions for fees due from the police for vagrancy convictions. If the police were liable for the fines incurred by such convictions, then the Court could make an order He referred to the Act of Parliament 2 and 3 Vic., chap. 93, under which the application was made at the last sessions, and from which it appeared that if the expenses were necessarily incurred then the magis- trates' clerks could sue the police for the fees With reference to fees incurred by malicious injury to property le did not think the police were liable, but the person injured. He thought it desirable that the committee proposed by Mr Lewis Pugh should take the matter into consideration. Col. LEWIS stated that with reference to the application made at the last sessions, the magistrates' clerk who made the application did so more to test the legality of the proceedings than to obtain the fees. 0 Mr LEWIS PUGH stated that the question would come under the notice of the committee appointed by a former I resolution. OFFICE OF HIGH CONSTABLE. The CHAIRMAN stated that the Clerk of the Peace had called his attention to an Act of Parliament which had been recently passed with reference to the abolition of the office of high constable. It was moved by Col. LEWIS, and seconded by Captain -t^BRY, that m the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of High Constable, the same be not filled up. ORDERS OF THE DAY. The CHAIRMAN stated that the only communication he had received was one with reference to the Habitual Criminals Act. He had made mention of it to the grand jury at the last sessions, and would now read the letter he had rcei ved o- r ji <■ t, o Whitehall, 8th Nov., 1869. Sir,—I am directed by Mr Secretary Brace to transmit to vou < copy of the Habitual Criminals Act, passed in the last session of Parliament, and to call attention to those of its provisions Which affect the Dolice and governors of Drisona. The Act has been framed with a view to the protection of the police from the depredations of detected oflenders, and restrain- ing them from relapsing into their old habits of crime. For this purpose greatly increased powers have been entrusted to the police, and Mr Bruce is sure that you will feel the importance Of impressing upon all members of the police force of your jurisdiction the necessity which exists for the utmost vigilance and discretio n in the exercise of those powers. While the first object of the Act is undoubtedly the speedy apprehension and punishment of relapsed criminals, Mr Bruce wishes it to be ever borne in mind that its powers can and should be so exer- f cised as not only not to interfere with but as far as possible to assist the efforts of those who evince a desire to retllm,to an honest life by earning an honest livelihood. The term chief of pofic* applies to any chiel-constable, head-constable, or other chief officer of any county, borough, and place maintaining a separate police force oflits own, and in counties it appliesa.s well to the superintendentsrhaving charge of divisions. The fodcwing points apjear to Mr Brece to demand special attention, vh:, "That the apprehension.witbout warrant of a licetH-aikolder (section.8) who is suspected ef getting a livelihood by dishonest rapaoks:; the apprehension of a person subject to the supervision of tbe.pdlice (section 8) upon a similar suspicion; and the entry without search warrant (section 11) into any premises in search of steicn goods, can only be.raade by a constable orother police officer, .under the written, authority of the chief officer Of police, as defined above; and a freeh authority must be given in each case v.'hh& may arise. For the better supervision of criminals, a register of all persons convicted of crime in Great Britain, will be keptiia London, and Mr Brace has, under the provisions of the 5thoetion of the Act, appointed Col. Henderson, the com- missioner of the police of tbe metropolis, to superintend this register. The returns required under the 6th section"from the gotetmor-of the prisons aud fclee chief officer of police--of your jarisdiisfion, must be addressed to Col. Henderson, 4, ,Whitehall. place, Lcadon, and must be made out on the forms which will be suptuied by the officer. Tlje holder of a licence is no longer reqaired (section 4) to repot t himself personally to the police once a month."—I am, sir, your obt. seryt, E. H. KNATCHBULL-HUGF-SSEN- The CHAIRMAN said, it should be borne in mind, that with reference to a person .convicted a second time, such person was liable to imprisonment for seven yeass. A idersonorre under the. supervision of the nolie-e, wasJiable. n on its baiEg shewn that he was not getting his livelihood by honest means, to be brought before two justices of the peace, and sentenced to one year's imprisonment, with or without hard labour. It was also desirable that the police should knsw that they could not make such arrests ( in- less by a written order from the chief officer of the police. It was important that proper attention should be pàie. to this matter, as if it were properly carried out it would no doubt be the means of putting a stop to persons gaiftiug their livelihood dishonestly, an4 prevent them from carry- ing on depredations with impunity. THE GADLERtS; REPORT. The Gaoler's report was here read. The CHAIRMAN—How is it the gaoler is not here to-day? The WAIMVEK said-He is not -,well, and produced a cer- :tificate from the surgeon, Mr N ad, to the effect that Mr %6 r Evans was suffering from torpor-cf the functions of the forain. The medical officer also suggested a change of air. ,VISITING JUSTICIES' REPORT. ROBl.ERY BY THE GAOLER. The report ef the Visiting Justices was then read, aid was as folle-ws XIENTLEIIEJI,—We have the honour, to inform you that the new diet table, as sanctioned by the Court, and approved of by the Secretary of State, has been adopted for the use of the gaol. The prisoners at first refused to perform their hard labour on the newidiet, but have since behaved well. We regret that we can- not report favourably of the present management of the gaol. The governor has beccme totally unfit for his-eituation in conse- quents of his imbecility, which we believe to have been caused by intemperance; we therefore request that he be dismissed foLtL, wUh. The temporary matron being nn&t for the position she helds, we recouirnefid her to be discharged with a month's ^alwy. Second Warder Morris having resigned, we beg the Court will be pleased to appoint Joseph Morris, "r Aberystwyth, Lite of .the Coast Guard Service, to fill the vacancy at a salary of £29 18s. per annum and a suit of uniform. Appended to this report -we hand you a staiement of the meat supplied to the county gaol, and also what kas been actually consumed by the prisoners and officers, showing a difference of 400 pounds, which, avowing rare per cent for waste in salting, will leave 3i6 pounds cnaccounted for during the ien weekq since the Michaelmas Quarter Sessions, or an average of 1,870 pounds for the entire yetr. Assuming this statement to be correct, and if the Court he unable -to obtain any evidence to the contrary, we feel we should not be doing our duty to the county if we were to recom- mend that any pension should be given to the governor, whose business it ought to have been to have prevented the wholesale robbery which hac been going on, and of which he is unable to furnish us with any explanation. On examining the governor's accounts for oakum supplied and sold, and also stones, we find such great discrepancies therein, that we request that the Court will withhold all .payment of money to the governor until these accounts have been cleared to our satisfaction.—We have the honour to te J. B. JORDAN, JOHN VAUGHAN, J GRIFFITH, JOHN DAVIES, „, S. H J. PARRY, T. H. BRE:NCIILEY. Mr J. GRIFFITHS said that from the report of the Visiting Justices there was a very serious charge against "a the governor. He last week went to see the governor and asked him if he had anything to say to it. Mr Evans, the governor, said it was no good telling any falsehoods about the matter, the 360 pounds of meat had not been brought into the gaol. Mr LONGCROFT said it was a most glaring case of dis- honesty he proposed that the report be received and the gaoler be dismissed. Mr BOULTBEE seconded the proposition. On the suggestion of the Chairman, the Court adjourned to their private room to consider the matter, and on their return, The CHAIRMAN announced that the Court had decided, m consequence of the great irregularities in the manage- ment of the gaol accounts, that the governor, Mr Evans, be dismissed, and that he give up the appointment. The Court also ordered that the matron be discharged with a month's salary, and that George Williams be appointed acting governor at a salary of 21 per week that Joseph Morris be appointed second warder at a salary of E29 18.s. per annum, and also that a governor be advertised for. THE SURGEON'S REPORT. The Surgeon's report was to the effect that the gaol was at present in a healthy state, but during the last quarter some of the inmates had suffered from fever. NEW VISITING JUSTICES. The following gentlemen were appointed as visiting justices Colonel Pryse (the Lord Lieutenant), C. M. Griffiths, Esq., Dr Llewellin, Captain Parry, and Captain Vaughan. REPORT OF THE COUNTY SURVEYOR. The report of Mr J. W. Szlumper, county surveyor, was received and read. TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS. The Treasurer's accounts for the last quarter were ex- amined and passed. ROAD OVER ABERAYRON BRIDGE. Colonel LEWIS cal'ed attention to the state of the road over Aberayron Bridge. A short discussion took place on the subject, and the surveyor was ordered to report on the same to the next quarter sessions. This terminated the county business, and the Court adjourned to Wednesday at ten o'clock. On Wednesday the trial of prisoners took place, but there were no cases of special interest to our readers. 0


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