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< BALA. I MONSTER CABBAGES.-A fine lot of cabbages have been i raised in the Calvinistic Methodist College garden. The kind are called the Infield Market." The seeds were had from Sergeant Owen, BAla, sown in March last by Robert Davies, gardener, ftnd transplanted in June, and < the plants cut in the beginning of December One cab- bage weighed 391bs., to! another 291bs., both solid and without stalk. BRITISH SCHOOI. ^An entertemme^ was given at the British School on Friday, Dec. 17th H. Robertson, Esq., high sheriff of Mtrionethshire,, in the chair. The follow- ing took "part in the entertainment :-Gwrtheryn and tjartv Mr D O. Edwards, Mr E. Davies and party, Mr o' ¥>. Williams, Mr, Mrs, and Miss Seatoti, Master O. )_ R. Hughes, Mr E. Evans, Mr Maurice, Mr T. Jones, § BrnaftftW Mr Thomas and party, Mr Evan Jones, and Lewis.-At the close, the Ghainnan begged to V express h;is great pleasure in bemg present, and asked the meetintto live a cordial voteofthanks to the ladies and gentlemen who had contribuWflNto the entertainment. It was impossible fully to appreciate how much such meet- ings conduced to the advantages the community m 'different ways, by bringing forward those who were pos- sessed of gifts and talents; cultevating a taste for literature, music, and goad reading; and leading people to meet for one common and worthy object, and on perfect equality y your presence, said the Chairman, I am reminded of the pecuniary object which has brought us together-to I support the Bala British School-ana 1 Heartily co-operate with you in its encouragement m every way, and in en- » deavouring by every effort to-, aim at getting the utmost power of teachmgand improving the school. I am espeoi&Hy glad to assist in engaging ajnd stimulating the hardworking schoolmasters, who, as a class, are the most deserving and worst paid in the country, fortunately there is a rivalry <m supporting the cause of education.. I expect that at the irext session of Parliament the subject of education wfflfcave special attention, and be P^Ged on a more general and a firmer basis. The Government may finditnecesssEryto introduce a measure for compulsory education it is a duty which the Government owes to the community to see that every child is educated, and if it be coepulsory I trust we shall be able to bear therewith for tbfefmbiic weal. I am in favour of the freest educa- tion. (Cheers.) In this matter we ought to be perfectly free. Religious opinions ought not to debar any boy or girl from the advantages of education. Education ought to be flfee, from the primary elementary school upto the highest Universities in the kingdom. (Cheers.) The uni- vcrsiiieguud colleges need no tests, but should have full and frete-religious equality—the natural effect of civil and religious liberty. (Cheers ) It was m the district of WrexhWn where I had to do with some colliery works that I begau'to see the value of nonconformity, especially in refeVetkfce to educational efforts, and ever since I have highly appreciated the labour of Nonconformists, and shallot all times be glad to co-operate with those around me'tfc-night in every way I can. (Cheers.)—A vote of thaWks was carried to the performers with acclamation.— T. Jones, Esq., Vrondderw, proposed a vote of thanks to their worthy chairman, and said he had five good reasons for doing so. The high sheriff had this evening presented five sovereigns to the funds of the British School. (Great cheers.)-Dr. Edwards seconded the vote of thanks, and it was carried nem. con.—The meeting concluded by singing the National Anthem.











;;am Tipyn o Bob Petti.


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