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ABERYSTWYTH. PETTY SESSIONS, WEDNESDAY.—Before the 'Mayor (J. Matthews, Fsq.) *ad J. Pavies, Esq. Donkeys Strdying in fie -Streek.-Owen Jimwg,"Merion- ethshire Arms, Nortbgate-etreet, and James Miles,*North- gate-street, were charged with blowing their donkeys to m at large in tthe streeteon 'the 12th instant.—Sergeant Evans started "that he -saw two donkeys in Northgate- street, ifeetween twelve and one >«»'clock, on lifee night of the 12th. The donkeys which were straying im the streets belonged to the defendants Jones and Miles.-Both -fle- fendants expressed great penitence, stating that the offence shovld not occur again.—ITbe case against Miles was dismissed, the defendant James being feed Is., and the costs. Obstructing the Street.—Jdhn Lewis, IAanikystdd, was charged with leaving a herse and fiart on the street, so as -to become ..an <ob £ tmctraD, on the 20th inrtant.—P.C. D. Davies.-saitl,he saw tSie defendant's cart «tanding in St.-James-square it-caused quite in obstruction and pre- vented other vehicles from passing. The cart -wasen the street dor about fealf-en-hanr. Defendant was the driver, "but not-.the owner, of the eart.—"Defendant staged that he had placed the cart in a lsl%ce where he thougkt it would not'.be an obstenetion.; he -ba;d occasion to leave It, and on returning .found that his cart had been removed from where he left it, and placed across the middle of the atzeet.-The Beach believed defendant's story, and dis- gmimed the caiw- Ghimney on Etm.—Wiliw*n Morris, shoemaker, Moor- street, was charged with allowing hie chimney to go on ifire on the 15th .instant.3?,C. James stated that he noticed defendants chimney .on fire oat the 15th, and he 3mocked at the doer, which was opened by the defendant's wife. Witness noticed a large quantity of soot on the hearth, -which appeared to he fallen from the chamney. -DeftmMnt's,wlfe;uppeared,:a.nd stated she could not tell how the .chimney goton fire.—SHie Bendli were of opinion that it was an accident, and ascordingly only fined the defendant Is. costs included. Amault.Ienkin Jenkins, Sigh-streefb, was charged wifth amauhaag Elizabeth Jenkins, of High-street,, on the 15th instant..—As the complainant did not appear, the -cammm,discharged. Application f&r a Trttmtfer of licence. Application was made for the transfer of the tkience of the Weston Traits, Thespian-street, from Join Jones to Richard Williams.—The Mayor: Thjs house is good /or nothing «only as a trap to make people drunk. the town is pestered with these disreputable houses. — Mr Williams said he woaM keep the house properly. —The transfer was granted. This terminated the business. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE IMPROVEMENT COMMISSIONERS, TUESDAY.—Pr-eseet: Mr John Matthews (Mayor) in the chair; Messrs S. J. Atwood, D. Williams., 3, F Jones, E. W. Jones, Philip Williams, C. Hackney, Hugh Hughes, T. H. Jones, J. Davies, T. Jones, J. Watkins, D. Jenkins, B. Hughes, W. Julian, J. Jones (Great Darkgate-street), Dr C. Rice Williams, Captain J. Paries; Mr Thooias, clerk; Mr D. Lloyd, assistant clerk. Mz J. W. plumper, C. B., was also present. The minutes of the last meeting having been read, the Mayor asked when were the samples of water taken. Mr JlyZKVEY said the samples had been sent. The MAYOR said the reasos he asked the question was because he saw his name down as one of the committee. The CLERK—Mr Haekney was one of the committee, and perhaps he will give a reason why they went without you. Mr HACKNEY—It was reprgsfinted to us that the Mayor vai pot at home. Mr ATWOOD said he believed the Mayor was not at home the day the committee went to take the samples. BILLS. The different bills for labour were then brought before the Board. Mr ATWOOD thought the Board were paying very high wages for work done in the town; the men seldom began work before eight a.m. and left at six p.m. The CLERK asked Mr J. P. Jones if the finance commit- tee had seen a bill which had been sent in by Mr Roderick Williams. Mr JONES said he had not seen any of the bills. Mr Jones said the bill from Mr Roderick Williams had better stand over for a fortnight. Mr ATWOOD-I must say that our finance system is rotten. Mr J. P. Jomm-You are one of the rotten ones, then, for you are on the finance committee. Mr ATWOOD-I did not say the committee; I said the system was rotten. SPECIAL BUSINESS. The MAYOR said he had very good news to ten them. For years the town had been anxious to remove the nuisance of the Mill Leet, in front of Lewis Terrace. There had been an attempt to get that land in the posses- sion of the town, and the Town Council had succeeded in eoming to terms with Sir Pryse Pryse, which were thought to be advantageous to the town, and by which the Mill Leet became the property of the Corporation. Mr Fryer, Oik iiiiMi'.lf wSi? x rysa Pryse. had stated that the proposal ^ras agreed to, and the only obstacle was getting, the con- sent of the trustees. This the Mayor stated had been obtained. With regard to the proposal which had been accepted by Sir Pryse Pryse, an exchange of land would have to be made and a little money paid. They would now be able to widen Lewis Terrace mwn Pontcorrie up to Chalybeate wall, and they woulcLalso be able to make a good approach to the Railway Station. A nice promenade could now be made by filling up the Leet, and this would wave as an additional attraction to visitors. The CLUIt asked what about the deeds of exohaage. The MAYOR said it was decided that the Corporation should nay for the deed of exchange, but in any title deed or anything else that might arise it was agreed that each party should pay their own expences. The Board would issue an order if they liked to have the Leet filled up and leveled at once. Mr AXWOOD suggested that a committee should be ap- pointed to see that the leet was filled up; he thought it would be well to ornament that part with a row of trees. Mr J. DAVIES agreed with this suggestion. The MAYOR stated that from observations made by Mr Taylor, when he was down some time ago, he stated that they could obtain money to improve the town, and fifty years would be allowed for the repayment. Money would be required to make the proposed improvements, the widening of Lewis-terrace, and the new street, promenade, Ac. The Corporation did not intend to make anything by the exchange, as they would hand the land over to the Commissioners, when they expected to borrow lie money required for making the improvements. A great deal of money would be required to carry out the whole of the improvements, and the promenade would be one of the best in the town. Mr ATWOOD proposed that a committee be appointed to make a report as to the cost of property, leveling, and lay- ing out Lewis-terrace from Pontcorrie to Plascraig Walk. Mr PELL thought a commitee ought to be appointed to enquire into the whole of the cost. Mr ATWOOD said what he propose4 was with a view of doing away with that which was at present unsightly. The work of leveling might be done in a fortnight, and would not exceed 2.5. Mr T. JONES did not think that the work mentioned by Mr Atwood would cost more than 30s. Mr PHILIP WILLIAMS thought it was work that ought to be done at once. The MAYOR thought it would be well to add that no rubbish must be taken to the Mill Leet after it was leveled. Mr ATWOOD said it was now town property, and any persons throwing rubbish there would be summoned. Mr PHILIP WILLIAMS said a similar order was issued seme time ago, but persons carried rubbish there while Mr Vaughan, the surveyor, was absents Mr PELL stated that what he wished the Board to do in the first instance was what they woutd have to do at last, namely, get a statement of the cost and borrow the money. Mr PELL eventually withdrew his saggestion, and Mr Atwood's proposition was seconded and agreed to. A BETTER WATER SUPTLY. The MAYOR said the next point for the Board to con- sider was ,the question of a better water supply, pending the contemplated permanent public works. He then called upon those gentlemen who had any proposition to make on the subject. Mr T. JONES said he believed that Jesse Morgan had a scheme to lay before the Board. Mr Jones believed that the supply-would be required for something like two years, and he thought Jesse Morgan was quite competent to advise them as to the temporary supply. Mr ATWOOD said he did not suppose that any commis- sioner would gainsay him when he said that the matter before them was absolutely necessary, and that they could not put it off. JESSE ^MORGAN, in a few remarks, said the scheme he had m view was the purchase of a steam engine to pump water from the Flats in order to enlarge the supply until the permanent supply was obtained. The MAYOR—If I understand you aright, what you pro- pose is, for the Board to get an engine of their own i stead of employing that of other persons? t JESSE MORGAN—Yes. The CLERK—Would you buy an engine or hire one? tj. Mr T. JONES thought the purchase of a second-hand Pr«Me would be much cheaper than hiring one. The CLERK thought it might turn out that the Board ♦onld have no further use for the engine after two or tluee -r Mr T. Joins said an engine would cost from gloo to JOSDl Mr PELL said he had given this matter a little consider- ation. He thought that whatever scheme was' decided upon by Mr Arnold Taylor, it would necessitate the con- struction of a larger reservoir than the one at present in use. If they were going to construct a reservoir, where would they put it? Having regard to the existing supply, and the quantity of water which at this time of the year is running waste, ne did not think a better place could be found for the construction of a reservoir than the dingle above the present existing reservoir. Would it not be desirable to ascertain from Mr Richards, of Penglais, and Mr Hughes, on what terms, if any, they would sell the Board the piece of land above the reservoir for the purpose of building another reservoir. The largest quantity of water used in the town was obtained from the dingle if the water was good, as he believed it was, then why not build the reservoir; but at the same time await Mr Arnold Taylor's report. Mr Pell proposed that a committee be fonbed for making enquiries as to the purchase of the land above the present reservoir, and also as to the cost of an engme-. Ac. This was seconded by Mr ATWOOD. Mr T. JONES said he was not aware that there would he sufficient time to build another reservoir. Mr PELL said the reservoir could be constructed in three otoliths. After some conversation, MAYOR said he thought there would be ipl-ty of time to enquire about a steam engine after Mr Taylor's. report was received. J ESSE MORGAN said the engine "woctRI be required in March. Mr D. WILLIAMS said he happened to be present at the last meeting, and there were gentlemen there who were also present to-day, but whose tone was quite differ- ent. The Commissioners present at the last meeting were told that someting must be done at once to provide an ad- ditional supply for the next two years. Mr Pell, with all due deference to him, had gone far from the point he argued at the ia#t meeting. He (Mr Williams) was of opinion that, in .talking of the construction of a reservoir, the Board were going from the business at present before them. Mr HACKNEY agreed with Mr Pell's proposition. Mr -B. HUGHES said he did not think Mr Arnold Taylor s report would be received before another engineer had been sent down. The Boand, by, a -resolution passed some time ago, had bound themselves to abide by Mr Taylor's decision,-and they were now going to adopt an- other^cheme. Mr PFLL-. Oh.no, we are not. Mr B. HUGHES-I beg your pardon; Mr Taylor told us to make provision-lorte. next two summers, but not be- fore receiving his. report, and I think we ought to request -our clerk to write to Mr Taylor pressing him for his report. The majority, of the Commissioners wereof opinion that a scheme from the Flats could be carried out for a very small cost. This was considered by some to be a tempor- ary scheme, but* he called it a permanent scheme. He (Mr Hughes) proposed that an engine be.obtained, costing say £100 or £150, pipes be laid down, the well covered, and the whole completed by next summer. The supply to be.-obtained then would last them thirty years. With re- gard to enlarging the reservoir, he did not think they need go out of the present boundary, as there was plenty of room to enlarge the present reservoir. Mar PELL—There is not sufficient head room. Mr B. HUGHES said tkey need not enlarge the reservoir at all if an engine like the one described by Mr Durie was obtained. Mr PELL—Is not this the scheme that was laid before Mr Tayaor as a permanent scheme ? Mr B. HUGHES—It is. Mr PUL-Mr Taylor has the evidence before him. Mr E. EXLIS seconded Mr B. Hughes'R proposition. Mr T. JONES thought they were rather prematirffe in. going into this scheme before receiving Mr Taylor's report. The MAYOR thought they ought now to throw over- board the idea of a permanent scheme and take steps for providing a. temporary supply. He did not suppose that forming a larger reservoir above the present one would favour one scheme any more than another. He thought they ought to keep in view the object of doing-something that would be permanently useful, and thus not prejudice or favour one scheme or another in any way. No doubt they had all their different schemes, and -would like to see them carried out; but if they thought by constructing a larger reservoir it would answer the purposes at present required, then they should look at it in that light, and not try to keep the proposal down because they thought it would favour someone else's scheme more than their own. (Hear, hear.) Mr T. JONEB said he wished each member would take the same view of the matter as the Mayor. No doubt a little jealousy existed between them. Mr PHILIP WILLIAMS thought that the suggestion of Mr Pell was a very wise one; he (Mr Williams) had for some years past thought of a similar plan. The bottom of the intended reservoir-would be at least fifty feet higher than the present reservoir, which would be of great advantage to the town in cases of fire. Mr T. JONES said the only objection he had was that a reservoir could not be'constructed in time, MrB. HUGHES said he did not oppose the scheme through being in favour of one scheme or another, but on account of the expense which would be incurred. He said he would withdraw his proposition, provided the clerk be re- quested to write to Mr Taylor asking him to send his report. The CLERK said he could not do so, as Mr Taylor had very strong objections to be hurried. Mr JULIAN supported Mr Pell's proposition. After some further discussion, Mr Hughes's proposition was put as an amendment and negatived, only two hands being held up in favour; Mr Pell's proposition was then put to the meeting, and carried. The following gentlemen were appointed on the com- mittee-The Mayor, Messrs T. Jones, W. Julian, J. Pell, and B. Hughes. FLAGGING OF THE STREETS. The next business was the flagging of the streets in ac- cordance with the plans laid before the Board at their last meeting. Mr T. JONES proposed that estimates for flags two inches in thickness be advertised for. He thougbt jSthtt- llefenni flags were the b6st for the purpose. Some time agV he was requested by the Board to obtain flags for the Wfcv^t ing of North-parade, more as an experiment than anything" else. He visited a number of the quarries in North W and fixed upon a stone which was recommended to hintat one of the quarries as the very best that could possibly be obtained. Those stones were laid down, and could now be seen in North-parade, and all he had to say was that he was connected with those stones. Mr PELL seconded Mr Jones's proposition; he also recommended the Aberllefenni flags. The CLERK stated that the object of this being brought before the meeting to-day was to decide whether they should flag the streets in accordance with Mr Vaughan's plans; if so, to petition the Secretary of State for power to borrow money for carrying out the work. Mr ATWOOD complained that he had been misrepre- sented by the Observer in the remarks he made at the rast meeting. From the report it would appear that he had spoken disparagingly of the Aberllefenni stone, whereas he had done no such thing; he merely wished to convey to the meeting that the stone had a tendency to be slippery in damp weather. From what he could learn the Aber- llefenni was the most durable stone that could be obtained. After some further discussion it was agreed that the clerk draw up a memorial petitioning the Secretary of State for power to borrow £ 1,500 for the purpose of re- flagging the town. The CLERK stated that the time to advertise was after they had obtained power to borrow money. This terminated the business, and the Board rose.



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