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TT LLANRWST URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. THE Pia MARKET CONTROVERSY. HATE REMAINS UNCHANGED. • lI. J. W. Watling, J.P., presided over I{. "Kmthly meeting of the above Council 011 if ? evening. Tncre were also present: CS.-1I-3 T Rogers Jones (vice-chairman), I). J. «. A. Hughes, John Williams, W. Jones, Vj,Hughes, J.p., W. J. Williams J.P., E. Mills, ■> j," A. Parry, l)r. Huw Williams, with Messrs U- Owen (clerk), G- Wynne (surveyor), E. of nes (ool'eetor), and T. R. Jones (captain the Brigade). Tt _WORKMEN'S DWELLINGS. j ,le Surveyor reported that Dr. Travis had 4 ^.>e°ied tiie workmen's dwellings in the district, 1Tt'or;i(uer)ckd that a statutory notice be rv^d upon the owners to repair the houses '"i a specified time. The medical officer of -,eauhs report fully endorsed the action of the in the matter. Jrf i mot*°n of Mr W. Hughes, seconded by « 1 J. Wiliiams, it. was decided that the owners o'ven until June 30th to comply witfo the Notices. T EXPLANATION ACCEPTED. &t f Surveyor reported that Mr Berts, c>f ■hT^d, had mad5 certain alterations to his t> front without having 6rst submitted plans- "If Berts, however, explained that lie was not that a plan for a new window was fceasary, and it- was decided to accept this cx- V'anation. FINANCE. • J• Williams reported that Uie bills pre- •iirTn, for payment amounted to £67 6J lid, a that the balance to the Council's credit on the gt'nerat account was £492 Ste 6d. It was re- POrted that the collections during April Counted to JS6 5s 3d. LIGHTING. Mr T. H. Jont-,1 reported that the lamps in ti|9*i!rCet k'14' ^ecn 'e^ one and Ca ^t'd complained to the manager of the ttf ,R'0r'cs« who had taken steins to ensure that futur"*16 vrere not to be overlooked in It was decided to request the Gas Company to all the gas pillars le-fj unpainted last Yal'. HACKNEY CARRIAGES. On the motion of Mr D. J. Williams, second- by Mr J. Williams, all the hackney carriage "^fteea were renewed. v. SIGN POSTS. sj. A. Hughes drew attention to tiio neces- y of providing notice boards denoting places "Ueresfc in the locality, and the distance to thought they should cater more for U «ors than they had been doing in the past. ^ased^'f'06^ ^iat suc^ not'te boards be pur- ta. Cieri. suggested that the hackney carriage ptr ahollld be included, and the notice board <J°d a(. entrance gate to the station, in V ^'u=^,ee' having included the suggestion Jo fr,otion, it was seconded by Mr Rogers tbnes. and adopted. A committee composed of I Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Messrs W. ahes, J, Williams, and A. Hughes, was ap- Inted to consider the details. NO TRIENNIAL ELECTIONS. Alhl accordance with his notice of motion, Mr 6te ^ghes moved: "That the necessary of ''s, taken for the simultaneous retirement r at:j the members of the Council, so that the • 'n future shall take place triennialiy s,ead of annually." His object in moving the ^solution was economy, for the new system i,°u^d result in a saving of £ 20 to the town in "ireo years. Moreover, it was not fair that only members of the Council should face the oc-tors at once, and bear the brunt, of tho tight. Sections had worked well elsewhere, thaf should succeed Llanrwst. He suggested the new order came into force next April, ail the members would seek re-election- MiUs ocxitended that there would be a if n that unexperienced men would be returned tlJe motion was adopted. A. Hughes: The Clerk's advice would be Mailable. p0V,r ^uw Wiliiams remarked that it was im- *ir» new niefubers should enjoy the r exPerience of older members, which in the • ble^ of the change wouid possibly not be anÙJ- Mr D, J. Williams seconded the motion. TV. I' '•'moved a direct amendment, which •.Huw Williarris seconded. « lx voted for the amendment, and three for 'notion, which was declared lost. T RATE UNCHANGED. yea fler^ submitted the estimates for the ■*M7QO W-'I°H providetl for exjienses amounting to and receipts totalling £ 545, leaving a bal- va?° to be provided for. The rateable j,Ug 9' the property assessable after the usual notion was £9238, which would produce wiih • of 2s 8d in the £ £ 1232. W< t.Wa? decided to levy a for this amount, War" 't?av<'6 the rate unchanged for another n MAIN ROADS. tile motion of Mr Mills, seconded by Mr r. fughes. it was decided to accept the County unci! s offer of J3550 toward.* the maintenance tho main roads for the easuing year. LLANRWBT BRUXiE. .A letter was read from the Clerk to the Den- County Council intimating that the Coun- oil were in communication with the Carnarvon MMinty Council with the object of prevailing the latter to reconsider their decision not raise the wall of the Old Bridge, and to join a,,an* l« the expense of providing railings as re- fwst 'v the Urbaa District Council of Llan- A PETITION- 1 WtiWon, signed by inhabitants and *td« 1^ V tlj? Jlouse3 situated on the Tanlan *nt railway bridge for a proper drainage wa3 referred to the Sanitarv Committee. T STREET WATERING. ,j r!& tender* for street waU^ing subjnitted b.v 1« V*1 th, of 5, Conway-terrace, at 8s, 4s, and "vj^peotively, was aoooj>ted. r.^Vynne was appointed t^ supervise street ^r»iig during the season. A. Hughes oomplained that the roads were ^«n in ':a terribly dusty state" on Sundays, ♦fee?" *T!06t l'19 "'habitants were traversing- If Chairman remarked that the streets A* b cieaned late on Saturday nights. till-1 Williajna criticised tike practice of ow.ng papers and other refuse on the stroests. TiHK Pro MARKET CONTROVERSEY. Clerk submitted the following terms for a Mr th« weekly sales of pigra: Mr Allard, in to the in Parry,street (ootiiprssing iol2 «q«ar» yarsds and a leaae of 83 years from "?2), £ 500; Mr Charlton (341 square yards), sale ic.e. £290 or Jet on lease at ;1;;16 per annum; '1.11; Robert Evans (900 square vards, behind 8trHthy!, £150.. motion of Mr Rogers Jones, seconded «h"n 1 Wiliiama, it was resolved that a com- °{ w^o^ Counoil should inspect the Cijairmaa read correepondenoe between U* CWk and Mr icgoed Joi^as aiwi Messrs R. j- JOttes and Davies {golicitors to Mr Iago«d onea) with reference to the t'ouaoiTa action in R?rfftitiing tha UM of the highway in front of {.. Isgoed residence (Plasyivdre) a pig £ rket from which it apt>eaiW that the cleric ^"pkiWc) that a oertain statement made in one 't^f reflected ii|K>n his conduct as an official undr the Council. reply to the Chairman, Mr-Wynne said tho Jk had never made a suggestion to him that should induce Mr Isgoed Jones to stay legal prOOeeding, and promising that a stop would bo Put, to the practice of using the thoroughfare in qtAe.tjon for the purjx»e in question- lie said "hs-t a,s fair day was r^ar at hand he did not the repetition of tlie aoene recently wit- ifi Station-road, and that he had spoken Issoed Jon*es, who was acoompaxiietl by David Jones.- Elwy House. After seeing the elork he went again to Mr Lsgoed Jones, J^o 6aid Mr R- R- Owen had not replied to his ^tter, and that. Mr R- O. Da vies must have niis- Understood him. fhe Chairman sakl the clerk was rtat una.1 iy ag- ff*'iov(y.l at. the tone of the letters. There was much of the (>ersonaJ eJement in the letters through. The cierk r^ireeenbed the Council, acted on their behall. The Clerk said he had given Mr Jones every Qp¡lOrtlHtitv to withdraw his 8iateiiH>-nt, but he j^d not availed himself of it- It was most un- that he shouJd be held personally resi>on$i- *»l« because he had been simply acting under the C011lt(.'il's instructions. Dr. How Williams said he old Mr Jones that the (\un(' would look into the matter. A. Hughes: We ought to pass a vote of eotirK(,0iioc in the clerk- I move we do so, I end approve of all Iffli actions in the matter. Hugh William" seconded the motion, which j passed. Ihe C^l-erk tendered his thanks, and said he ha-d n^vcr done such a thing as he was accused of, 811(} he nevor would lIe had been oon- with the Council for 30 yeai-s, and <luring that period nothing had been said against him- In accordanoe with notice. Mr D. J- Willi.ims r,H'ri moved "That the resolution passe- by the S°Ut*cit on the 12th Jtt'y. 1907, fixing the siio for kj of pigs opposite Plasyndre be re»scinded, and that, such sales in future be held on the jf'o'iiul gjte iu Penisa'rdre. between Commerce '"Use and Bodunig, but on ■dift'ercru |)-ortions •s& h on alternate, weeks." 1\1 r A Hughes seconded. + Arthur Parry moved an arri^ndment "that 'eft as they are." 1\1;- W, Hughes seconded- « !0 Ci^airma.n, referring to tlt-e motion, a^ke^l l(* surveyor whether there was «uflk-i»-jit spaoe /j"" the (iiupo^e of a market between Commerce •viiis^ a ttd Bodunig- t, 1 t»e Su rvevor repi'ed that it depended upon j TV1!ni<r,'ber of carts- *««> Chairman: I also gave n notice of motion £ Uiovo to different places in the- town in order ^c> -soy which was most suitable, but uiKier (Ik* .J-* cum stance^ I su|»j>o«e I had better withdraw t /,r. Huw Williams: Have we a legal right to -e in front of Pi«*yndre against. ^v«h_o/ the owner of (he property? Have ,K>. ''ight to ignore th-"> wishes of tho f>eoj>'e this ■y wo like? The question is 3^.|c- *a worth our whi« to. c^oitfeefid with. Mr »«!>* Let Mr Jones apf>J.v for an >1w,*4r': The clerk has- had counsel's Ur ?,• wtic4 i« favourable- to the Council- J William^; j have euqaieRVJ, and tftfomied on good autboriijr thiat titeM exists no law under which we can use a high- way as pig market against the wishes of the residents. The Glork: We had better not discuss the legal aspect of the question- ))1" lluw WiHiama: Mr Isgoed Jones is not- the only resident who objects to tba pigs being allowed to stand in Station-road. Other residents also object, but they ha\e been quiot over- the matter. Who own.* the Mr A. Parry: The ratepayer.* maintain it. The Clerk: The soil of the road belongs to the adjoining owner, but not the road itlf. Dr. IIuw Williams: Since the road belongs to the adjoining owners they are perfectly justified in treating a* trespass what is not legitimate traffic. Mr A. Hughes: Mr Jotiea not claim the road as his property- He complains of the nui- sanee cau-sod by the pigs only. Tho following voted for tho amendment: Messrs W. Hughes, A. Parry, W. J Williams and E. Miiilij- 0 for the motion: Mjassrti IX J. Wit- liams. Albfirt Iluiher;, John Williams, W. Jones and Dr. IIuw Wrlliams, the motion h0ing: de- clared carried-







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