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H LLANKWST R ^AN DISTRICT COUNCIL. ^HR DELAY OVER A FIRE CALL. AUCTIONEER'S CLAIM. ly t[| ^ughes, J.P. presided over the inonth- Ha[| above Council at the Town *1^' 011 ^ncia.V- The following members were Uey *V(/SCIlt ^r' (vice-chairman), liat^ Cvrnvyd Williams, Messrs W. J. Wil- 4. \Y I?-' E- J.1' T. Rogers Jones, H. Hugh Cg' J1>' D J- Williams, Albert *vith J}' ^rt^ur i'arry, and W. Davies, together H *brk) (■ ^wcn (cl-erk), T. Hughes (deputy Collect (surveyor), E. M. Jone* (rate Brig)t^ and -'• It. Jones (captain of tho Fire H Th ESTIMATE EXCEEDED. ■ h SUtveyor rcPortod that the cost of repair- y ubout/x" r?a^s had excee.dcd the contract c°rnp|et loi, which would be required to H- aut'av w- WO) k UP to March 31st. Tiie extra "tIG.en1[)¡i1.:i due to breaking up the stones by the H 0r lnateiid of by machinery. The re- H1 *°^thp, Co^le iDow oft tho roads had also added Tft'&rt of MU"'iies But .you aniicipate receiving j! money required between now and H 1'iie Sin. on' tlie County Council? ./{'ho Cit>rl'y0^' ^'lat 's iM- H rat0 of i' b county authority allow us at ■ 16 per mile to keep the main roads ■ of t<)tal amount being £ 382 16s 3d, ■ *-335 5s lias already been expended, ■ a bll&n,e of £ 49 2s available, or a deficit 11. 11 .20.. 9totieg aef3 Jones: Ilavo you paid for all the and theam roller? 0. The Clerk: es ■' t.riL Jburveyor: There is about £ 18 due for *K«. r> £ 19 for rolling, and £ 17 for cart- ■ \y T aboVt, "dliams: There is about £ 50 or ■ contract then? H r^fn th-« i-°,Vor Tfopi 80 tons of stones procured rHouse is not included. altnrr ii i'l'ams: There must be about ■ It Was ",eth7- I should think. ■ ^pletp to grant the sum reouired to ■ lhe work up to Ma-rch 31st. S'l' I Mr ARY'S CHURCH-ROAD PATH. Is PatK*]*S _drew attention to the bud state M e U'J Mary's Church-road. ■ th0 Counci}WaS re^c, re^ to the special meeting I Mr I- p PUBLIC LIGHTING. I tbg had t Jones rcPorted that the public light- H 0f fL en unsatisfactory during "the beat H a i r"onth" owing to lack of pressure ■ Uou. I leakdovvn at the gasworks. Thia H °wever, been improved. I Mr 2 A LLANGERNIEW FIRE. I 4*" abou/V Jones reported that he received a I' a fir °c'ac'i "n Thursday night to at- I v.al. tlio Stag Hotel Granary, Llan- ■ 45 t-.vo i, "IcFarlane was disinclined to allow I t^led n °IS?S lo ^raw the "steamer" which I *Lr'ved on a y 20 minutes. The brigade I I e Abertrp' r-Lene °f conflagration at 11.30, ■ j*ter. P 1' ire Brigade arriving ten minutes I- .B'8 ^niidin he i?re gained a firm hold of ■ •T^^sfuil, i. &. brigades exerted themselves I tjj^ested y to ^'mit the fire to the Granary. He I b 'J°'e of a placed at the end of ■ ar to en.i i e st<?anjei-, and also a new swinging I elabi. th,I, to attach three horses when I 1'lVer boh j ruen turned up promptly and I L e de|tt,.avJ; fcetter in case of emergency. I' er;tirely due to the horses not ■ Xl- IW ° T111S at °nCe- I to tanC r+ onei>: Why not fix up the pole so I if c.aliable of attaching two additional I vvi'i <i?U,rc^ Perhaps next time four ■ 1 required. We may as well com- I Mr ^t now. I horse, ''hams If it is difficult to secure I r m Mr will bo twice as hard -to secure four. to Fe "one3: Mr McFarlane was reluct- t be en Worses as he thought they would n.Mr to dras the steamer. de'ay -ln° right to stato that *^Ue t° tho horses not being brought k'H' ar„ JJIcParlane went to Mr T. R. Jonea no mor ^or a'out **iVe minutes, i, Mr -j pe- ?hat the'1MB "• 1 informed Mr McFarlane J? a ,c°uveyancp°^ .iconveyed to Llangerniew 9 Worses were nH' n?t,ori the steamer. When i«e.y Pr°ceeded nlnn"11^ y sent frof» the ike snaiJ.g "-oino- f Fire Brigade Station Mr ,>ho motionVjSr ADerH Cdnf '^°S3rs Jonp, ur A• Hughes, seconded by li; a to nmo, Mas decided to allow the ?l attach rv> fe .a cornplcte outfit to enable B;rrIr WaUin,/ 01'6 h?rse« when necessary. etalS!n" a nftfP lirBe<l the advLsability of &ub- ^er whpn orscs to be used to pull the fc arlan0 .vril ?JGSSm ry- ^T° one else except Mr Par Such a allow their horses to be used « re to SGnd^P rP°se, and very few indeed would u °c*aii(jr. „ -r an|mal3 to Llangerniew on such laJ5 ^'1'ieh m'Sht have entailed a serious wje. «ou,d have to be borne bv Mr McFar- I Mr \y T L .°r 20 minni ^ams The steamer was helpless I fi Ver- tes owing to the absence of locomotive r £ tr>en fr, erroneously blamed the d 0 C|e u ^e'ay- ?Ur'ntf If an outbreak occurred in the town fvt a voi-„e a9sence of the fire engine it would aH; Ser-10U3 rnatter. The Parish Councils b Pay tow°'I!jn'? P^ishes should be called upon I Pav tu 't3 uP'cp,eP- The insurance com- i/'?ade onf et cos': att-ached to the work of tho to d ° but they are not legally tv, °,lt- In the property was not alft, -would have to defray the ex- 'ri^ fnilp,011" ^'re probably took place a *he f'L • away. "rr ,I alvay.We can call upon the person e CierL- rpi e expenses, surely? f This person gave no guarantee. Lfan r,r'^J,°"es '• According to the new Act tl, he CUa Dto a.^re wlthout being called. l'h"ban distfw WaS OUtside the ar«a of C°fn^iUeGUer was roferred to the Fire Brigade tee. I Ai' SH0I*T NOTICE. f 'i*'1 been1 „Hug.hes reminded the Council that ««vi^ l»remen'jpt»nted t,° 1D8Pect the time-sheets u u a Practice was held at e fact unf-i c ,«ld.nofc rGoe,v« an intimation T. R i ^-30 the same evening. thii- 7i«n<?s exPlained that he had not «enV .V'en K 7 Hughes had been appointed "ifn a »> 1- on observing it he immediately jg. "It- notice. u8nes: Could not the clerk call a '>'? thl^rt0 would not know the best ttl>' H.j„h Purl508e' tttarit' ^^airrnTJ.^?nfaptain c'ol''c' inform him. !utl There is too much red-tapism it, «vi!| Z°riUr The captain in f"° time btedly serve you with notices V] ELECTION. K»'(:n thaf-ftP°r^ed that be had received in- tf"°ndav a e..annual election^ would be held fra3 de n pr 5th- •tea,it5> tL,d t&. as^ the County Council's con- e«d. •« the election hdd on a Saturday in- Wri,<1 cierI. notice BOARDS. ''lil1- rc'c',ivV,t|0^Ort:ed ^'at two notice boards had $V1V<r siowl-.M10ri? the Automobile Club with Cfo*. c-ub (jf, Printed thereon Ln large type. O^ew-road t0 0 ^eni P^aced on the fcoa!5 of Dr. Owen, seconded by Mr Cxod €yor was instructed to have the UP as requested. ^The fo]| NEw WATER MAIN. -^1°'' ten dues for the extension of the $4] ^rs Hno-^ sa Cottages were examined: 'tilvl2s; Mes> wan Rowlands, Colwvn liay, 15.-S en and E. Williams, Tre- 0n's' i'55 Messrs Richard Jones and W. t> th juols tlf°vn ?f Mr M'l,s. seconded by Mr ones, the loweQttender was accepted. iettr. LLANRWST BRIDGE. 4|JIJV6 to (hpa^ r^ad from the Countv Council re- filil, °biectin«. frap- Wa!ls of lhe °ld Bridge ° ° ris|ng thein by the means of ot thin?«,raA aPPointed to meet the dele- °n thft County Councils to discuss the l"e spot. r^-eal nHBW BYE T'AW$ ^Un6T byG-lawIer"^ent; I5oard wrote returning • K;OnCi' ^reTir^ — ffinal notes, which the Q. t rnnfi 0 examine. ^iam^ ^r' ^wen, seconded' by Mr n Hry Committee mattCr Was referred to tho I XANTUL REDUCTION IN THE Ma Travi. DfiATH-RATE. t "is reported that no births had taken 8 at the rate <J oc deatbs amounted to of 25.7 per 100.0. The death- rate for the year 1903 was 15.7, or a decrease of ten per 1000 oil the year 1898. A CLAIM. Mr W. C. Jones, auctioneer, of Farm Cottage, wrote stating that whiie he was crossing the Square on December 22nd last he fell over the manhole cover, which, through the neglect of the Council, projected 2i inches above the level of the road. In consequence of the injury he sustained he was confined to his bed for six days, and for weeks afterwards had suffered from "impeded locomotion." He had suffered con- siderable pecuniary loss through tho accident, having lost two sales. He approachcd the Coun- cil in a perfectly conciliatory way, and desired to know what they were prepared to pay for his injury and pecuniary loss. Rev Cynwyd Williams: There are two claims evidently, one for injury and the other for "im- peded locomotion." The Clerk: The Council are not re.jx>nsible. A case ha.3 just been settled in the Court of Appeal which proves beyond doubt that a Coun- cil is not responsible for the wear of the road causing such an alleged obstruction to arise as long as the obstruction itself is not at fault. In this case the cover is not at fault. It projected over the level of the road through the latter wear- ing away. The Surveyor, in reply to Mr Rogers Jones, said the manhole cover was level with the road until the loiter wore away round it. 1 On the motion cf Dr. Owen, seconded by Mr Parry, the clerk was instructed to write to Mr Jones and explain the Council's position. NO POWER TO DIFFERENTIATE. A letter was read from the secretary of the Tradesmen's Association expressing the members' ragre-t. tlr-it the Council had ceased to deal with the stallage question on the Square, and express- ing a hope that the subject would have their further attention. Mr E. Mills: We have already arrived at a decision relative to this matter. Why should it crop up again? I am informed that the Mold market has been spoiled by the restrictions im- posed by the local Council. Mr A. Hughes moved that the clerk replied that the-Council had no power to differentiate the tolls. Mr W. Davies seconded, and the resolution was adopted. FINANCIAL. Mr D. J. Williams reported that the bills pre- sented for payment amounted to L148 2s lOd, which would leave an available balanoo of L441 63 lOd. The collector had paid to the treasurer during the month a total of £ 99 2s 7d. WORKMEN'S DWELLINGS. The report of the medical officer of health, with reference to workmen's dwellings, was re- ferred to a special meeting of the Council to be held to-morrow evening.



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-_---___----THE LATE MR W.…

