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COLWYN BAY AND THE NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD. EUTHUSIASTIC MEETING. AN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE SELECTED. A most enthusiastic meeting of those interes- tcd in fit,, visit of the National Eisteddfod to Colwvn Bay in 1910 was held in the Council Chajiitx>rs an Thursday evening. Mr L) O. Wil- liams, chairman oi the Council, presiding. The icom wn., packed to too door, tiae a tt-nctt rice ll- cluding nearly aJl the members of the Council and medical men, the clergy. and leading trades- people, of the district. Amongst them were Canon II. Roberts. Rev3. llees Morris, • £ T. Da vies, Old Coiwyn; Thomas Roberts, Lla.nelii'.n; Thomas Parry, John bdwards. John Griffiths, Old Oolvvyn; E. J. Evans, Lkndrilio; H. R. Williams, and T. M. Jones; Councillors D. 0. Williams (chairman), W,m. Davies, John Jones, Hugh Hughes,Georgo Bevan. D. Gamble. E. AU-n, Joseph Dickcn, John Jones, Drs. A. Lord, T. Cadv<i,n J.mes, A. Rvie; Messrs Wm. Jones, I\. and IS. W Bank; W Jones, N. P. Bank; Win. Jones (surveyor). S- Rush, P. Cuxrie, C A. Pnillips. Thorr is Roberts,E. Brad- ^urn. Walter Paxrv, T Mas m, E. Bithell, LI. Davies. F. Gurney b-arnett, E. Roberts (Old Coi- wyn), Oswald Jones, D. Treheairn, T. hitley, J n i)a.vies, b. Uewis (Old Codwyn). D. LWIS IHafr va), J. Hughes (Rhos View). Doughty Da- vies, T Roberts (Penrhrn View), S. Kyffin Wil- i'iani;i, T. Roberts, D-inosbury S. Glynne Jones, T. Roberts, T. J. Jones, Gwesyn Price, T. Jones (Harland House). T R. Lewis (1 irad; ord House), F. J Holmes, J. Hughes (Apollo). T. R. Davio^, R. J. Roberts (Tea Exchange). T. Desmond, Tiowlund E. Wiili-MELs, J. Je.n-o.i (Freahfield); Frvcc Williams, E. Owen (Brynhyfryd), R. W. Williims (Old Colwyn), A. Evans-Hughes, W. Greenthid, D. D. Pa.rn- (Llanrwst), J. R. Jones (I/ineastor House), T llarry, Stanley Wood, Wm Evans, junr. (01<i Oolwyn), J. E. Mills, A. N. Cross, Morris FJlis, T. Owen, E. Davies, E. D Janes, H. R Will 'ains (Ilolbarn House). D. C. Lewis J. D. Gartmoll, and Rowland Jonos, 'Mi1f Kirkpatrick, with tihe oo-secretaries, Mr James Amphlett and the Rw. Wm. Hughes, At the outset Mr Amphlett reported that t.io local oonunitfcee's d-epubation Irad attended the Gorsedd at Llangollen, and it had been unani- mously decided to grant application of Col- wy.n Bc,y for the Eisteddfod of 1910 (hear, hear)_. Along* with his oo-secretary he had lost no time in calling that meeting, as there was a lot of work to do. Of course thoro were two years before them, but the programme would have to be placed before the National Eistedd- fod committee in London next year, for their ac- ceptance. He next outlined the prooed ire adopted at Carnarvon in the matter cf cliosing the executive. There, ho said, they had ap- pointed an executive of 30 to 40 in num.ber, wish power to add, a.nd that he thought was the bet- ter course for them to follow that night. If they were to elect a full committee that even- ing thoy might possibly leave out the names of several gentlemen who would prove invaluable to the committee. Then came tho question .whether those who had signod the bond would 'delegate to those thirty the power to appoint a secretary, a chairman, and the various oom- mittees. They did not want CWwyn Bay to run second to anyone in the matter of having a Buooessml Eisteddfod—(applause)—and if success- ful it would be one of the beet things Colwyn 'Rav had ever entered upon, but if unsuccessful it would give the town a very bad reputation. Tt:o Rev. Wm. Hughes said that in his opin- ion it wai the duty of that meeting to appoint their chairman and vioe-c-bairman, r.nd also sec- retary and treasurer. Of course, if they oouid not appoint the latter that evening tiiey could giv-i |iower to 'he executive. Ho suggested that all who had signed the bond should be on the .t'cecu'.ive. Ttce Chairman said there were two opinions before them w:th regard to the executive, and of these he thought the idea of the Rev. Wm. iCighvs tilie bettor. Cancn Roberts said a. great deal depended upon the Committee, and nothing shouLd be done rashly. It was impossible to do the ques- tion justice that evening, As they wanted the neighbouring t<,v. ns to be represented on the general committee. There wore plenty oif lite- rary and musicoi men in Llanrwst, Conway, rAbergde. and the distriot wfoo should be put on, ani it was alrrost impossible to think of these *11 at once. He proposed that 30 gentlemen be chosen to suggest names, and that a meeting be called when those names would submitted to #13 eneral committee for confirmation. called when those names would be submitted to eneral committee for confirmation. Mr Amphlett: My idoo. is that. wo should ap- point an executive committee, and appoint thirty on that committee. I propose that an executi-.e be chosen. Mr Trchearne suggested that the number be fifty. It waa not the duty oi that meeting to elect musical, literary, and other committees. Rev. Will. Hughes: Do not make a limit. London have 90 on. We may find very good men to add, and this will be impossible if you leave it at 50. Air Ampiiiett: I accept that. ivlr D Davies seconded the aimendmojit. Trie Rev John Ed Aards said he was in favour Wf Canon Roberts' point that 3Q gentlemen should be appointed to suggest names to that committee rathar than appoint them as the exe- cutive. He did not mind how many were p- pointed ^on the executive; there was nothing in numbers. This committee should also appoint the sub-committees. Tney had two years before them, so that there was no causo for unnxcs- sary hurry The chief thing would be to keep enthusiasm up. He did not like the idea of ap pointing trie officials that night. Rev. Wm Hughes: Allow me to correct Mr Edwards. We have only nine months to get our bar, rcaay. Mr Glyrne Jones: I find there are 90 members on the London executive, and tiiiat they chose all members of their committees from the exe- cutive Rev. Wm. Hughes: I think the London pian :s tjie best in this direction O'D Mr G. Bevan: Do you propose to limit these to (!llJ.rantor.3; Mr Ampihlett: The executive, committee must be <7u r.mtors, with power to add. I think the? ought to stick to g'uadaptors, and if any musical genus, etc., from outside be found, ho be al- lowed to si.n.. ,.n. On being put to the meeting Mr Amphlett,'3 motion that an executive of 30 be chosen, with power to add, was carried. THE CHOSEN THIRTY. In reply to a question the Qhairman aaid that tfue canvassing for the bond had. been d-one bv Messrs J. O. Davies c.nd Llev/elyn Davios, and it wa.s signed with 223 names. The3' were read out, after which the execu- tive was appointed. Fifty-seven names were proposed in all, but as the meeting hod decided upon h,i-,t.v the first thirty were elected, the sug- gestion being thrown out tibat at their first meeting the executive add the remaining1 27 names. The chosen thirty were:—Councillor E. Alien, Mr Jl;m'3 Amphlett, Rev. Wm. Hughes, Rotw. W. E. Jones ("Penil-n"), Gunon II. Roberts, Mr D. Trdhearne, Mr S. Glvnne Jones, M.A. CoicnciJIor D. 0. Williams, Mr D. Lewis (rbf. ryn), Rev Thomas Parry, Mr J. M Porter, C C, Coancillor D Gamble, Rev. John Grif- fiths 'vicar of Old Coiwyn), Rev. Mcredit-ii J. Hughes (vicar of Brynymaen), Mr Parry ("Bwlchydd Mon7'), Mr R. W. Williams (Em- porium Old Coiwyn), Councillor Joseph Dickon, Air J. 0 Davies, llev. John Edwards, Mr Stan- ley Wood, Councillor G. Bevan, Dr. Cad van Jones, Mr H. Doughty Davies, Mr Prycc Wil- Lam. Rev. Thomas Roberts (LlaneliJJI). Mr Rowland Jones, Councillor John Jones, Mr Wrn. Jones (surveyor), Rev. Lewis Williaims (Old Col- wvn), and Rev. Robert Roberts (Oolwyn Bay) Rev Thomas Parry: Might I suggest 'that 6 ce we have a very representative meeting of guarantors here, (feis meeting decide the time wlhen tlie Eisteddfod be held. Canon Roberts promised fmo weathei* (la ugh tor). Septem- ber as a rule is very full, whilst June is very slack, and we have every prosrlOOt: of fine woatiicr then. I believe that this mooting oiMtf to ciec.'de tae time. 0 CFAIRMAN OF GENERAL COMMITTEE Mr Amphlett: There is no doubt that Jun« is trie best nonth. I also think that this mcetV should nopoint tue chairman of general OOrn- mittee On an unanimous vote Sir J. Herbert Ro- berts. M.P.. was elected dhairman of the gene-a! commi!<ee. o. the pMj,osit:on of tih. Rev. Willia.m Hug-hcs, seconded by Councillor E. Allen, Coun- cillor D. 0. Wdiiams, chairman of the Council, was elected vice-chairman The Rev. T. M Jones asked iif the committee had power to elect cooptaAivo members from the district, th» Chairman replying in the alEt- mafive. It. was decided to leave the appointments of other committees to the executive. CHOICE OF DATE. jpjle ,TK'"ti jn of thf> time of "holding t.he Eis- teddfod was ag-ain reverted to, and the Rev. T. Parry moved that the third or fourth week in June be chosen Councillor Joseph Dicken seconded. Rev. Wm. Hugtfies moved as an amendment that September be tihe chosen month. Mr Mason seconded- Mr Amphlett asked that the resolution be put subject- to alteration. They might be of a different opinion two years ix-ncc. They were deciding a point that nig'ht w.hioh was not ne- cessary. They had to present their programme by nr\t June, and would have ample time to decide- when to hold the festival. Councillor W n). Davies pointed out that from June to Aug- ust t.hev h:td hardly anything to do. Rev. Join Griffiths: I think Mr Amphlett's advice is y"r"" sound. and he givea it us for no- thing for cnop (laughter). Rev. Tnorna3 Parry: When Ir Arnphlctt gives it us for nothing I accept it (renowc-d 'or z lausrhtcr). Tt was decided to adjourn the question for future consideration NO SECOND HAND GOODS. The Secrstairios reported that the Llangollen cci-nmince had written offering to sell g'0ods used bv them for decorative purpose?, and the Rev. Wm Hughes proposed, and Mr Hughes (A;>olk>) seconded, that two gentlemen be deputed to In- spect the goods with a view to purchase. Cmmciller E. Allen proposed, as D.n amend- ment, that they did not, purci!i:v,se second hand things, and remarked that the designs might «Uter in the meantime 'h Mr Amphlett seconded on tihe ground that they would be thus usurping the duties of the executive. Councillor Allen proposed eLa.t the matter be delegated to tlie executive committee to deal with. Ilev. Win Hup'hes: [ accept that, but in my opinion you will get a bargain. A SECRETARY WANTED. Rv. T. Roberts proposed, a.nd Mr Amphlett seconded, that instructions be given the execu- tive o advertfor a secretary. The motion was carried. Ou the motion of the Rev. Thomas Roberts, seconded by the Chairman, a hearty vote of thanks was accorded the delegation who had at- tended the Gorsedd at Llangollen. THE COMMITTEES. A meeting of the Executive Committee was held on Monday evening, the Rev. Wm. Hugdicu presiding. Tho business was of a routine character. The following were t;„ oom- mittees elected, with power to add to their numbers in each instance:- Literary Committee: Canon Roberts, Revs. R. Roberts, Meredith J. Hug-hes, John Ed- wards, J. Griffiths (Old Coiwyn), W. Evans Jones t" Ponllyn"), Messrs Glynn Jones, B.A., J. 0. Davies, and H. Parry ("Bwlchydd Mon"). Music Committee: Messrs Jas. Amphlett, R. W. Williams (Emporium), J. O. Da\ies, D. Trehearne, S. Glynn Jones, B.A., D. D. Parry (Llanrwst), Dr. Cadvan Science and Art: Messrs J. Dicken, S. Clynn Jone§, Rowland Jones (Old Colwyn), J. O. Davies, Wm. Jones, C.E., D. Gamble, Stanley L Wood, D. Lewis (Eithynog). Finance Committee; Geo. Bovan, D. O. Wil- liams, Price Williams, Edward Allen, J. Jones, David Lewis, D. Gamhle, Rev. Wm. Hughes Mr J. M. Porter. Gorsedd Committee: "Fenllyn," Revs. R. Roberts, Meredith J. Hughes, Canon Roberts, John Edwards, John Griffiths, Lewis Williams, Thomas Parry, Messrs Doughty Davies, H. Parry (''Bwlchydd Mon"). General Purposes Commit.ee: Rev. Thomas Parry, Doughty Davies, J. Jones, D. 0. Wil- liams, D. Gamble, Jos. Dicken, J. M. Porter, Edward Allen, D. Lewis, Wm. Jones, C.. The appointmeut of a ladies' committee was deferred. Mr Wm. Jones, of the N.P. Bank, was ap- pointed treasurer, but the appointment cf a paid secretary was left over until within twelve montlis of The festival, the committee being of opinion that the two hon. secretaries (Mr Jas. A Amphlett and Rev. Wm. Hughes), with the secretaries of the sub-commit tees, wouJd be able to cope with the work in the meantime.



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