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FINANCIAL. NO PRELIMINARY FEES. MONEY LENT PRIVATELY in Large or Small Su.ms (not leee than ;lü), ON BORROWER'S OWN PRO- MISSORY NOTE. ESTABLISHED NEARLY FORTY YEARS and now lending UPWARDS of £ 70.000 ANNUALLY. For Prospectus and Terms, apply to GEORGE PAYNE & t>0flS, 3, CRESCENT ROAD, HHYL. Established 1870. 11628 ADVANCES.— £ 10 to £50uO, lllUIJOOlaldy, on Notts of Hand aioiiu. Any U^i-anw, for any purpose, to all ClofcbOS, strici pi-ivacy, low interest, upon the fouowiiig easy repay men Lt3; itio Loan from g/veek)y. X50 Loan from 151-w-ekly iü ijoan ironi 0/-wtjekiy. £ 1U0 ITJUU lyvin iu,-wrcxiy Monthly or (Quarterly kaytileIrLb ariaiigea. Caen by post.—Appiy to tile Old EdLauiu ui-eU anu honourable Firm, SamueJa and Co., iel.,vii Cha-mbers, 5, John Dalton eureet, Mancn^sier. THE NATIONAL LOAN bOLlfc.1V IS expreotUv Efctabiiaiiod ajid Regisiered pur suant io Act ot Parhainent, to iiiate fri- Vate Advances without Loan Ollice lonuaiinee, to all Classes (Male ot Female), FROM £ 10 TO tl.OOO. ON SIMPLE WRiiTEN kiw-u.&c" TO REPAY, for any immediate need or private use: to Start all LSusinests, to Furnish youx House, to liuy feioek wiien the Market ig Low, to ray Rem or Kates. Cash sent by poet, if desired. You can get Money privately#here, as interviews are un- Ueoes»ary and ielereuces are not requirea Genuine Api)iicatictib never reiuted. 'Ine ad. Vance caai ue paid back by nionmiy, quarterly, Or nali-yeaily uifcialaienis; or, if desired, the advance can remain out up to live years by pay- ing interest only. Distance no object. Interest and Repayments lowett tn Etigtand and Wales, fctrict privacy and straignttorvvard deaiiitgs guaranteed. ii<jnowans paying extortionate in terest elsewhere are requested to apply to us, wtieti existing loans oan be paid yli, and larger auvanees Ulall at muuii lower rates oi iiiteaost. It will cost nothing to inquire, but may save you Pounds, by applying in 6trict confidence, in Eng- lish or Wekb, tor our free prospectus, to lilt, NATIONAL LOAN bULiiil'Y, 41, CORPORATION STRLivi, MANCHKoiisu; Estab. 1887; iSat. 'ielephoiRj, libUxO; or to our North Wales District Offices: 10, DK.A i\-s r, liANGORi and 19, ueen'.¡¡treet, Wrexham. j AAtoH ACCOMMODATION. \j £ 10 to £ 1000 on these Terms. £ s. 0. £ s. d. 10 Repay 11 5 0 400 Repay 450 0 0 15 „ 16 7 6 500 „ 10 0 20 22 10 0 600 „ bid 0 0 au 33 15 0. 1uO „ 785 10 0 50 II 56 5 0 800 „ 9UU 0 0 100 „ 112 10 0 900 „ 1012 10 0 200 „ 225 U 0 1000 „ 1125 0 0 200 „ 337 10 0 NO BONDSMEN OR SURETIES REQUIRED. Existing Loans paid off. Prospectus sent free '<sr return of poet. Apply to Manager, 24, JiANLrOli SI RKhi, GAK<\ AitYON. Wb05p MONEY LENT PRIVATELY, £ 3 TO JElOOO. Loan L5 repay £ 3 7s 6d.Loan £ 20 repay J622 10s. 9I £5" £5 12s bd. „ £ 30 £03 15s. A;10 £11 5s Od. „ £ 50 „ £56 5s. FULL Particulars given on application. — W. Jackson, "Mona View," WO. 1, Rowland- strcet, St. David's-road, Carnarvon. Established 20 years 218 .561) PROMPT ADVANCES to all classes on NOTE OF HAND. No securities re- PRJVATE quired. £ 10 P.N. 12 monthly payments of 16s 8s LOANS £ 15 „ 12 „ „ ;C I 53 JB20 „ 12 „ -Cl 138 4d BY L50 12 „ „ JE2 105 This quotation includes interest. DIS- POST. tance no object. Information FREE. AVply in confidence to J. H. ELTON, 88. OH[JRCH-8T.. LIVERPOOL. Eyesight Specialists. Charnley Sons, 17, PENRHYN ROAD, COL W Y N B A'Y. Consulting Hours-9-30 to 1 2-30 to 7. Wednesdays, 9-30 to 1. -1? -4 IT I -.w Fred Roberts & Co. HOUSE FURNISHERS AND REMOVERS. GET OUR ESTIMATE FOR Your Removal, Renovating Suites, Blinds, &c. Upholstering Goods, AND Bedding made up by us. Terms:-Cash or Easy Payments. PEN-Y-BRYN, OLD COLWYN, BUY ONLY -1 PRYCE WILLIAMS & Co. s BREAD AND CONFECTIONERY. PURITY GUARANTEED. Note Address- West End Stores, AND Ceylon Stores, COLWYN BAY, .&M Blue Bell Stores, RHOS=ON=SEA AND Devon Stores, OLD COLWYN. Bano ERFÈCT MEDíCIN or ll.diij gestion, Anzmia, Liver ClIP12,nl: 5" JOHNSON'S CHINESIE Pl,?S I. P" bo x, are the best. For 13food Poison, infllmm2tion, Varicose vcins B pela?, Bad 14 Tysi Legs, JOHN SON's x x oil S. 1/11. 213, is a -suro cu?e. Advicefree. )OHNSON Bros. 'IN Dfseases SPecialistsWvine Jiijj,CTewc.





