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SEVERAL HUNDRED ACRES FREEHOLD BUDDING LAND In Sites to suit all requirements. Residences, &c., to be Let or Sold. Shootings tu be Let for co:Tiing e.ui1. FURBISHED HOUSES. A Complete List w:!l be sem at Terms ranging !rom /,2 2: per week to 660 per wek, tccor>¡¡:;g to requitumcutj. .sHOPS and OFFICES in Central Position to Let. t aa '?<!??%?p?'F% ? tt?? .????F J.M. PORTER &E?CK, Architects and Surveyors, Land and Estate Agents and Valuers, THE ESTATE OFEtCE. coLV/v/v SA Y. Telegra-ma: "Plans, Colwyn Say." Telephone No. 53. Cotwyn Bay. jr"](AIELLOR & ALLEM, Land and House Agents and Valuers (Tel. No. 131), COLWYN BAY. Wanted Good Mortgage Security for £250 at 4 per cent. COLWYN BAY. OSB'ORNE HOUSE. aear Station. Spienc,* 'd bea V.c.v, Garden, tnd front, several large Kooms to let. hatm paid by Owner. Every facility fuf Cooking. house dry aad well-Built. COLWYN BAY and DISTRICT. — A targe Cuniber of Unfurnished and Furnished Ileuses to Lee and fcr t'xtte, of vm'iOLts sz,3 and Rental; desirabte Building I.,tr-d for 6itic; aL,.) a List of carefuiiy-seiectcd Apartment and Boarding- houses COLWYN BAY.—For S.de. We.,t End. de- tached Residence, about '4 acre of Lund, thr{:e Entertaintng, Dressing, 6ve Bedrooms. Cardou in rpur, Law:t, etc., m fn-nt, Mutf'r Pcu;sel- 6WlDy aspect..—Mct)uf and Aiten. For further nartit-Air-, app'y as above. 21523p R. ARTHUR JO,NE3, Land, Huuse and Estate Agent, THE ESTATE üF FLCE \r. Towlllbll), C Ü N \V t\ x, 'f) EGISTRR ot Huuscs a.nd Pr??rty for Sale J?L a?d. to Let in Conway, Deganv?y, Lian- dudro J'uçtl<)Q, Contvay Vaiioy, }'LlJIII¡WCH1J.¿wr, a.r.d surroundtn,; -e FORSAUS. COX\ A y, Chartriing Country Cottagp. by C WHH-knuwn a.rcnitect, tn courKO ere<.tiou, in select quitter uf town, two Reception-rooms, four HtdrooHM), Btttbrouin, etc. i-'rn.e i<550. TL?RE?tiOLD Detached Kcaidencc, atand.ng LQ Jt' a?re o'f gfound in be&t p?i't. of Deg?n?y, tnd L.a.vwg unique ncws of Conway Ri'.fr aud 116¡¿hbvunng ålQuuta.¡¡U;; two :Htlng-Io,mB, four BtXiroolDl>, BaLn.ruum (hot and coici). good Kitcben Office.>, TW<>-ÐtaJl L'U:iil- hou.:oe \YAiied-iti Garden a.nd Gfe€unou.:u. l'fll.. jE:1250 ?iK.'ICE Buuding Ptote in Ccnwa.y, Deganwy. TO LET FU&l;S.H1<:V. A); DOOME Derowhcd i\enxic!:c<j, withm 'M ei&Sy rea.ch Cvll way tStitnu'u, cxceHent YlWó; taree bi-x Bc'u.ruc-nM, Ba.t.!ii'<vUl kLic4 c<Jld), and Utóual Qä¡oo.>, i:>ta.hl !Htd Coacu or Moco'r ilo w- gellier with good. Tcnjiis La.wn. i.6 bs per week. 'Ur.;NlVLA.KL\lA W K-\V ell:furrmÜlCd Vet.chetl J. iiuue in &cre of wetl iaid-out grouudb, thiee ittlD¡;-rooD.l.'), tive Bcdrouraj. Six ouinefta per week. ?lHA?ULY-SITUATED, never Let before. ?J? in Dega.nwy two g<?od i?ccptloa, 6ve Hed- toomit, uauft-i Kllchn <juicoa LLr guiveai K) <Mx guineai a-ccorditig to t.iin€ ot ye.ir. l'h;)lAJ MA W It.Hk StattLQ and B,LL:h; A. twu Keoopuon-roolll, ti\e &Ul"{>OollllS. i;5 fit.. Y LANFA1RFECHAN. Semi-detached, cioae L tu Sea.; two Reception-room;>, hve Ded- rooms, BathrouHi, and usual Kitchen Ofncea. On Golf Linkô. B::thing from Hou:e. Vacant after 14th of Septentber. :b4 lOa. per Mef.k. l:'Ù pa.rucuia.rs other prcpernea tor Saie, HOUSl- to Let FUIh and LinturnJbhtXi, to 00 tMni upua application nt THE ESTATE OFFICE, CON WAY. iei 29 Depository for "Pioneer" advertisements. MISCELLANEOUS. ?OUK Di.BT? purchttaed?oF Cadh?dowQ.—W. .? Jackson, 20, Farrar-ro?d, Bangor. ?4o6o "I' A TRIMONIAL l:-OST.B:ltabliôhed- half -LT-t-century. 15,00? Marrtago arrang'ed. Larger than aU the Matrmiotuai A,,enutea m the ?o?id combined. Sealed Envelope od. wn,h c'rcular 9d. -Edltor, Rootu U. f. 14, Trai&iga.r lluüuU1g, Loudon, MANTS (Mjscellaneous). ¡IVISHING-ROD, good Second httud, Waated; F cheap, btate prtee. — U. Chronicie" OGice, B)t0gor. o ??"ANTED to purchMe Milk Round; large ?)r SftiaH; Co)wyn bay or Dtstrict.—Aduresa, L.A. "Pioneer" Ofncea, Cotwyn Hay. 21940p t?ANTED to Purchase. Ladies', Gents', and (Jhiidren'a Left-ofi Ciothing. of aii de.s- acriptions. Good prtcea given, and Customers waited upon on receipt of post-card. Jones. Wardrobe Dealer, Conwa.y. 21ul5p "?A?ANTED. February or March, 19C8, Puneta. Smte Breed or wb?t Crossed a.?d ioweat.— Price Dj.ies, Marine-road, Coiwyn Bay. 21998p FARMS WANTED. tM?ANTED &QMdi Holding with House tmd nv? <M' 6tx Aores o? La?d in Nort.u Wale& Kent cu- Purenase.P&rucular:p to iiaa- tajn, Lajtd Agent..HhyL p TO LET. C?TABLES to Let, in centra position, at Con- ?-? way.—Apply, F. Diamond, George and Dragon inn, Cun way. FURNttWED HOUSES WAMTCD. F. URN !SHED ESIDENCES Wanted for J- August and September; one with 13 Bed- roorna, and another with 18 to 20 Bedrooms; 30 gtuneas a week.—Appty, E. U. Owen and Son, Auct'oneer; Carnarvon. 3426t' OFFtCES, SWOPS, &c., TO LET, 'lF\OUBLE-FRONTEDToCKUP SHOP to D Let, oppwi tle G.P.O, Penrhyn-ruad, Col- wyn Bay. Rent L35.-Williarn3, Bon," Han- dudno, or Locai Agents. 21879p .-—- ADOPTION. ?t7'ANTED good Home for heaithy Baby Boy. References exchanged.—Apply, ''B.X., "Pioneer" OScea, Cotwyn Bay. 21920p BuStNESSES FOR SALE. TQL'SINESS for le. Temperance. Hotet and ReataurMt. Sphcdid situation in main etreet; cioae to Station and opposite Theatre; doine good trade.—Appty, 25, City road, Chester. 22024p TTTOR 'SALE, Old Estabfishcd Bathicg Machine JL Buine33.-Apply, Williamk Penaarn, Aber- 2l820p StTUATtOMa VAC&NT GOOo-AGE NT \V ated-An;)[lë-TÜi .4. S¡)&re time may se':LLre a good arld inde- pendent position. No r:sk or cutiay.—Address, ''Coie," care of 2l369p, "Pioneer" C)&ces,Coi- wynBay. L:TGIIER Wanted, for Pork and Beef; con- -BD slant .t'ork, good wages for a. good nmn; ¡¡¡c;it be steady and reHable.—Appty, Box 3613, "Chronicle'' Ojf,G_e,_J?:n;()_m BLTCHERS.-Wanled, young Man. one accus- -a-) tomc'd to Horses, and to make himself .cne.-atiy useful.-App!y, E. Owen acd Sons, Lijndudnu. 2187tp I ?_$LACKSMITH ?mprover or Apprentice), 16 -S-? to 18. Live in. — Apply, Hubert Junes, ;) nla.ck.mith, Abergcie. p -131':Y(YEEiMAID- required 'a fatit'ly (,f D du'ee, tan, 15 to 13; two other kept; spfak guO(f English. I?arkiwon, "BJ,j- c, Old Colwyn. d -1 g<OOK-CENEitALand Housemaid-W.iitrMs '-J Wanted end of August. Good references .:>enti&l. Must be wc!l trained.—App!y, ''C.G. ?Pio.;eer" OfEce, Co!v/yn Buy. p 9?AIRY?MAID Waited, at once?n Miik?otd? -L? tu assist in Kitchen; good wages.-Apply, (.Twei-ctas, Corwen. 21959? -E-'XPER1ENCED Cook-General; "malT fatrill,,r; t good references essentia); wages .E20—.622; 1 near Conway. Address, M.F. "Pioneer" Omces, Coi'.vyn Bay. 22041p G; OOLJ Gescrai, two in family, good references ?' —Caeriudd, Wynn avenue, Old Colwyn. 21326p_ ?' OOD Strung Generat, at once, private.—Mto ?T Roberts. 3, Russeti Buiidins. RhyL ? £1 U Y'-Eit ESS23:¡¡û;-reng-a.geIllent to '-Jr youn chiidrun; usual subjcc! Frerich acquired abroad; JSieedIewoman; pxccHent refer- enL.j.—79, Manor-road, Liscard, Liverpool. _21750p a?OTEL, iir?t-cIiMa, rc'<)ui"ed expcr'enc&d Book- -'—'L keep€Iiouaekeeper, and t,uud <tH ruuad Geiieral. Address, "J.W. "i'ionp.i. offic(::3, L'utvvyn Bay. 21929p ?OL'SEKEEPER Wanted; aU duties. — Wil- -&-C- lid.in?, Deati?i', Church-street, RhyL _22048t) ir?O?SHPARLOL?MAlLr'W anted, August -'L- 15th, (Jhurehw&man, three in family; kC¡JL; age 25 to 28. -Kcpty, &atiQg ail particulars, wages, tength of servtcj, etc., to 'J.S. i'toneet"0111ce6,(JotwynB.ty. 21918p_ 'gLit 0 UREKEEPERWantedbvProfe??onai -?. Man; ail duties (tiH?!.), Wekh auvan- t?eou?.—Appty. stating satary. expertencc, age, etc, "6ea3id'3, i':oneer" Oti:ce, Colwyn liiy. 21996p rlqu Appiy, Cobdeu's Hotet, Capet Curtg. 21937p ? EGi?J'RY'*OFmCE for ?crv?n?'of'aJi JL? <ia3M6.—Mra A. Ephra?m, 5, Tatiyn)?n<xi- t< Utaena-u libtilli.jg. 19214p ii>EPRE,)lI\TATïVE Wanted in each'County .A.\J t.o interview Nonconformist Ministers, i'rc-.?:ncf? Church Workers, etc., tn connection with a reiigiQus work. Appticants must be in ciL'se touch with such circtfs, poasesa good and saüsiactory testirnotiiats, otheiwine appiicatiun ignored.—StaTO full tHrticuJars to ''Btbhcai," J,L'J of Ciixtm. South John st., Liverpoot. y. Ul'bh;2!j-flll;H-dT'J PORT 4. ALADOtJ.—Mfs piireys haa exce<Hent "'HU&Ur.> for re¡¡;po.us¡ulo Wom-en as \À.Joiü, iiOuz-,Laide, etc., for next tMOl (PMi- .J UJ.l¡()r)- I-IYL.-(;irl s-k; leep in or out. "Pioneer" Ouice, Rhyt._ p ?.UPERiOR Generai servant required for end ?? of ?.u?ust; good wages to cap?bie Servant; tnree tn fm..iiy; goou iLferencs required.—App)y, Mrs Vaimnce, Brooktyn, Otd Coiwyn. p TH.O:(; Ctrl Wanted as Housemaid; country ? piace; titree in famUy; three Matda kept:; d.¡::e,j, ±<1G to E15 according to experience. "L.U. "Pioneer OScea, Lotwyn Bay. 21974p QHORTHAND CLERK, ttiorou- iiiv efficient, ?-9 ranted.—Apply, stating salary to Nunn and Co., .Solicitors, Colwyn Bay. 22051p ?.MART Businesa Man Wanted. Tr.'t?.vo.thy, Lluerai CQUlu¡Î;¡:Üon. Spiemud opening to)' nun with energy wishing to improve his position.— AddrcM, "Rose,' Box 22038p. "Pioneer" OHices, Bay. -r- SERVANT Wanted, near Banker; only one s in fanitiy.—Write, Box 3601, "orth \\atea Chromcie" Omcc, Bangor. 'IT NTlJ. a .Kitchen-maid and a Stinroom- maid.—Royal Oak Hotei, Beti-waycoed. 218Mp WA,NI 'ED, immediatety, experienced liouse- maid-Waitress; good feiereoce. Seftoa Buarding Huuae, Oid Cotwyn. 2l8HJp -t.rAl\Ù':D- bAR DENER, singlû-h-dd-; Kitchen Garden, Ureenhouae, Shrubs, Flowers.—Appty, "p. "Pioneer" OSces, L'oiwyu Bay. p '?XT'ANTED steady, respectable, Man? as (Joaclttuan, good dnver and rider, s-in?ie usetui.—Appiy. by better, to "M.E. "Ptoneer Uttices, C'oiv.'yn Bay. p- 22056p t?ANTED, irnntediatety. at Ruthin, for s'Ma!i TV farnity, competent L'ok and iioude Par- "M.D., "Pioneer" Otfices, Uot,vyn Bay. -22037p ??/'A?TED, unmedij.t.eiy. Young House-Par- TT tourmaid.—App)y, naming reference, to Miss Wynne, Bryn Ogwen, Abergete. 2lS44p ANTED, FAITM BAILIFF, for a 200 Acre 'V Farm; Wife to do Dairy work. Birch, St. Asaph. _21977p ?rANT?D. L'SEFUL HELP, where anchor kept.—Smith. Boriin House, Coiwyn Bay. 219'!i)p_ ??A.?I'ED.' CKNERAL7 for Eccies, Man- cheater; family three; references required. —A"pty, Mra Hughes. ivy Bank, Heweiiyn-road, Cotwyn Bay.21910p YXT'ANTED strong Country Giri for Kitchen. —Bee Hotet, Abergete.???L. ??7'ANTED Young Carpenter and Wheelwright or Improver; constant job; machinery doing all heavy work; state experience.-—Apply, Jonea, Brynsamt Saw-Mill, Cerrigydruidion. 22031 p Y?.TANTED, in T SoHcitor?"bmce?a Short- htuid and Typewriting Cierk, with know- ledge of County Court work. Appiy, stating wages required, to "L. W. ''Pioneer" Omces, CotwynBay. p WANTEDOUghlY domesticated, superior Girt, capable of looking after young baby. for houae in the ccuntry, N.W.—Appty. L. X. "Pioneer" OHices. Cotwyn Bay. p VXT?ANTED, good General, at once; country "hotel; references.—"Albion," "Pioneer" Omces, Cotwyn Bay. p Y?TANTED a rc-tpectableYoung" Ladv?for 't Sho.—Apply, Mr Evans, Confectioner, Vale-street. Denbigh, p V/?7'ANTED, Country Giri, aa Generat.—Mra W Parry, Ty'nUan Rectory, HangwvUog. 6184el Y?ANTED, at once, a Lad from 16 to IS?eara 'V of at;e to attend pony. etc.—Appi/Mrs Ciayton, Betan Fawr, Rhosneigr. Y,?fANTED a Female? DomesttC?agc'Y8'to"55, 'T as an Industrious Housekeeper for fatuity of two, to go over to America, by Mr Thomas R. Jones (Native of Hantachraeth, Angtcsea); good wages, passage money advanced, payabte in Weekly Payment, until paid. Location: Sima, Ohio, U.S., America. — For particulars appfy, Anna S. Owen, YaHey, Angiesea, N. Wa)es. 6475cl ?XT?ANTED, a amjrt, energetic Young Man, 'T for Bangor &f.d District; salary and cotn- mission. -Apl;J.v..Box 3615, "North Wales Cbroo- icie" OiSce, Bangor. ??TAKTED. immediate!y, good Plain Cook; good references.—Appiv, Mis3 Pryee, Bryn, Bangor. 35810 ??7"ANTED, Gardener, single-handed; Kitchen Garden. Greenhouse. Shrubs, Flowers.— Appty, Box 3561, "Chronicia" Ofuce, Bangor. A?ANTED. good, plaia?'ook, age 25 to 29? good references; two in f amity; no wash- ing; wtgea £22; one who has lived in Gentte- man's faj-nuy preferred.—Address, Mrs Whittey, at Cotet House, Rhyt. 3602c ??7'ANTED, young Girt, leaving School, aa Gonerat Servtmt, comfortabie, quiet, home, light situation, evpry care given in training, must be clean and wilting, wages 10s monthly.—Mrs Brown, ''Thorndene," Cambrian View, Chester. 3622c WANTED, a House-Sewmgmaid, experienced. State partielilars, age, wages, etc.50," "iorth Waies Chronicte" Office, Bahgor. ?OUNG GI?I,rabouri8. WantedTor House JL and Shop.—Address, "M. B. "Pioneer" OEcos. Colwyn Bay. 22033p VT'OUTH (strong) W?mted. at; once.—Apply, t Stmr Supply StorM, 15, Station road, Cot- wya BM'. 21661p Lanø on or on MODE RAT E P RICE5. ?"? f".A.Y'"Â/V' T1 I7'Jl\1V\:E D!AT E I=OSS as 10 M J..r ?? ?' ?*' ?? TITHE AND LAND TAX .-< J.. Conveyance Rl!UEEMEU. ?? ? }. ?" given within a T'oAo. ??" c. ??? month oi'signing Con tract NO CHARGES FOR RuAD- ??" ?0 ?? if required. MAKilS? UR S?WERJISG .??? ? ??? .???-?-?-? ?? ? ?j ? ? .??."??? ??? <A ? .?" Two-thirds Purchase Money can Nett Bmiding Land only ? ? ?? ,??? chaiged ior, M? Halt ??? ?J \? ??? remain on Mortgage ? required. ofRoad?. ?? ??? ?— For further particulars and Pians, apply on!y to ?-? .?" ?> ?D< ????U Y?? V ? .? ?y* Al? t?lK?UM) r'M?I? /0 ESTATE AGENT. ARCHITECT, SURVEYOR, AND VALUER, WYNNS'fAY CFIAMBE-KS, COLWYN BAY. NAT. TKL. 3g. SITUATION. VVANTED. G' ENERAL AC(X)[INTANCY. Rem and ?.? Drot Coiloction, HQUS6 A&ent. iiOtdcj- ui & ()ertûÏc:at.o undof tlw La..v o.t Umtreaa AiH<Mi<j- MEUE D. Jorc-s, Uttncur ?''<ARD?,\ER (2?, married, seeks permanent ?-? Situation, thoro.t?hty experienced in gia;?, {lower, and kitchen garden; three urst-cbas refer- ence. total abstamer.—Huime, 5, Giadstouc-et. .Mold. 2lHobp -G ArujE:EH, head or single handed."married, G lu and 3 years' g-oüd referencea.—Da'ies, Maebynilcth, Mont. 2l952p ÜÜjENEH (inglc) seeks Snuation; exvef- U- lent rciorences. thoroughly experienced.— Address, "L. L. "Pioneer" Othcej, Coiwyn Ba. __2l994p ??ANDY MAN seeks permanen!; sit.uati0ii; ?.-B. C'o)?yn Hay di.,tnct prctcfred; highest re-: fU'I:£]CS,-A¡¡¡¡]'y "J.T. 'Tioneor'' Co!-i ?yu Bay. 21U21? B?OST required aa useful He.),, or charge of -?- une or two Children; end of August.—Mrs Droadhurst, High-lane, llu.rlern. p <?iTUATION WA?KD.?a Cook7 m"private ??'?- Addr?. "J. M. "Ptoneer" U?ncea, Lutwyn Ba.y. 218.'Ou ?rfUATIO? Wau?d a.3 GiirdeHs?exp?rtI cnced, age 24, s?ngtu, abstainer.—Box 662'? (- hronicte Utiice, llal1",or. '??'ANTED efn?toytnent by thorc'Lt?h Du?inesa Lady, pxcetient. n?cascr, i,uud pi.nu cuuk. a.ny capacity, Useful, or ALtendant. UIIUR iuvaiid. or smalt fa.:n!y.-Addre33. "L. E. "Pioneer" O.hcos, Uot'.vyn Day. 2lH5ir' T0USG LADY desires post in bhop; some .I.. kno.vied.ro of Confect.ionery Business.— App'y, "J. D. "Pioneer" Ooice, (Jolwyn Bay. p OU,NG MAN seeks situation as Croont or Coachman; abie and wnung to do indoor and outdoor work; well recommended.—David Lewis, I Ltanerchmedd. 5567o OUNU IIAN Vi"a.,i s S'tuation as Kit;hen Porter, Piate-nan, or Boota in Hote); good references. Ad(ire6-i, "Z. "Pioneer" Cilice. HandLtdno. HOUSES WAKTED. t ?KTAUHED nOTJSE'or?ia.H Farn) ?u?r ?-? rent; b.n&H. modern, situated higi', ?heit.efed front N.E.; fe'.v acre.. of Land preferred; between Cohvyn and Aber.—Address, "J.X. "Pioneej- Ornces, C'oi'.vyn Bay. 2l933p ?LD COU.V?N OR NEAR.-WanLed sn?ii ?-? Hou.?e to reni:, from SepLember, three of four Bedrooms; low rent.—Address, Starttey, 26, Oaborne-street, Leek, Stana. n_. p '?,RANTED paftics h?vtng H?usca to Let to send pa.ueulaj's, ?t once, to Hat.ia.ru. Es- tale Agent. Rhy!. Y?rANT?."ncar Rhyi, smaH?etachcd House. Cottiige, or Bungalow; must have grounds bel(.)ngin,M. (. care of Mtsa Archdeacon, Bodiondeb, Oid Coiwyn. 2l948p ??'ANTED to Hent, between A berate H.nd Pentnaenrnawr, detached House, Kent not, exceeding L6U, three Euterlamillg-, six Bedrooms, Stable and Coach-house pideiied. Address "J. 0. "Ptoneer" Oitlces, Colwyn Bay. _21&32p_ Y?ANTED to Hent smaH, comfortable House. with good (..arden or few AcrcB of Laud. near Colwyn H.).y or Hhyt.—Address, "L ii "Pioneer" OtEee, Colwyn Bay. 2l9.%p' FURNiSHED HOUSES TO LET. E-N,MAENMAWR. Beautifuily. situated House to Let, furnished; three Reception, nine Bedrooms, Bathroom (h. and c.), every con* venience. sanitation pijrioct; Tenrns, Cro<-}uet Grounds; near station and beach. Address, "J. N. ''Pioneer" Onices, Coiwyn Bav. nf?O LET, Furnished, for August and Scptem? ber, a Country Kcsidence, containing threo Reception-rooms and nine Bedrooms, ctose to town, Post Othce, and Golf Ijinks; good L'ishin"' in the neighbourhood; terms, J67 7s a weck.-° Apply, Mesara Blackwall, Haycs and Co., Lian- rwst, SHOOTtNC WANTEO. ??ANTED, httle Shoorof few hundretTacrea m Ans?ieaey, near railway station. — Ad- dress, "Shot," "North Wales Chronicle" Ofhce, Bangor. 36..Oc UCENSED PREMtSES TO LET. ..1.. fT?O LET, Fu)iy-hcensed House, The Lion Jnn, jL Gwytherin, eight nuica from Danrwst; moderate rent.—Address, ''Inii," ''Pioneer" Ofnces, o\n Bay.p_ FURNtTURE WANTED. ?!t7'ANTED. Modern or Antique Furniture; W Homes purcha&ed outright.—Haalam, Auc 10-, < FOR SALE BY PRtVATE TREATY. W?OR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY.?h that Farm and Outbuildings kno\u a:3 j-. 1 rithym,.vyri", .ituatu i,. Biynyinaen, Upper Coi- wyn J;3.y..n the Parish of Liandtilio-yn-Rhot,, conLaiuwg by admeasuren.ent Ion. lr. ISp- or therea.bouts. Further particuiars, appiy to Messrs Pnrtcr, Amphiett, and Jonu.s, SuucitorH, Con way. Coi? yn_Bay.?ud_Lianrw6t. _2ibb9p PRCFESStONAL. UliatTIFWA TED Chomna.Sterand Tra U desirous of an engagement. Twenty yeara' eYperienca )n Pansh and Cathedral servtcee. Welsh or Engiisn. Church of Eugiajid preferred. —Fur terfi.9 appty. "A.O. "(Jhroaicte" O&ce, baagor. c ADAME DORE', ScientifioCharacter Reader, returns to 2, c.¿uet'n's Arcade, Rhy), Aag'ust Ist. Hours from 10 a.m..No extra, charge for Appo.ntmcnts. bi.xna.rs at. tended. r, MORTGAGES. OWRGAGFS on Freholù Farms only. IfA Two-t-hirde of the valuo advanced.—Ap- P-Y. by jetter, addressed to J. G., c-are ûÍ -Piu- nccf" Oni(.'€o. Coiwyn Bay. c THE BEAUTIFUL T VALE OF LLANGOLLEN. One of the Healthiest of Inland Reeoits. Wttli plenty of Freah Mo\m- caTn A?r, 6n<? ? never'en<ling C'?arm of Scenery. For Apartments, advertise I tn LLANGOLLEN ADVERTISER. 24wor?9J. j ? Lut: of Vmtora durmg Se?on. t APARTMENTS TO LET. j""TOM["ORTABLÈ- Apact-nt3-BetkõOnl and .ti c Sttiifig-ruoni; tc'nn:, moderate.—Jone-, Bod- a.ton, Vùh..yJJclou, 2i3i6p 4-'OL\VYN- D\Y=-p;.tn;;1t3 oficrcd in prT: C vato famiiy or ilouge FurQMhcd. 2H, i,awsorl-loa,Lt, (Joiwyn Bu.y. p Of-INTI-tY.-To Let in pretty Detached Cot. c tage, Doubtc-bcd u.nci SittUig-rootn. Bath. Mountain and sea. air; gulf; nuic stiition and ),own.—Burdnt, OJ.kwood Cottage, Conwa.y. p ?OLWYM BAY.—Unfurnished Ai.u.rtmcnts to ?-? Lot; Victoria. Park neighbourhood. -Ad- dress, "M. C. "i'ioneer" Onices, C'oiwyn Bay. 22U34p 'B? LA? R WST. —ComfortableApartments, one -S-J Sittin?rooni, two Bedrooms, every con- venience jll the llryuse, near the Station and the "Piotteer" biHces, (Joiwyn Bay?_ 22042p'_ DOGS FOR SALE. im.ACK i'UG PL'PPiES, champion Pong -'Lt strain; v.h.c. at j)enbigb bhovv; from :61,Tones, Trecarrci. Oid C'oiwyn. 21985p SEVERAL usefut Fieid SpaIlies, a!I ages, for s Sale, trained and untrained. Apply, Richard Roberts, Gamekeeper, Piaa Liiinfaetog, Angtesey. _5582c YORKS Terrier Dog, good coat and pedigree; -S- age 1& \\ucks; Biack and Tan; price 253.— Hu.worth. Preatatyn._ 22059p Los T. T?ILM ('Kodak") !oat towards Bryn Euryn.— ?- Please return to PwIIvcrochan Hote). 22024p ?? REWARD.—Stoten or Strayed?rom"Ppn? ?'-L twys, Oid (Jotwyn, a pure bred South- down Lamb. Anyone giving information that wiH lead to its recovery win receive the above reward. Anyone found detaining the Lamb after this notice will be prosecuted.22047p MEDICAL. rrULE MEDICAL HOME. COLWYN BAY.— JL FULLY TRAINED CERTIFICATED t NURSES &upphed, who live m tho Home when not at cases, and are utMler personaJ supervjsion. Pa.tiont9 reccLved. Maeca.ge Nursing Appii&nues on Hire. Tci. Nc. 24.-Matron. TANDDERWEN, COLWYN. A PRIVATE HOME for Ladies and Gent!e- JL?. men: Medica), Surgical Nerve, Chronic, and Maternity Cases. Delicate Chitdren taken whose parents are abroad or otherwise.—Apply, MISS WILLIAMS. 21991p FOR SAn VAH.cua A NTIQUARIANS and others.—Antique Rush. ?-?- light, iioiuer for gale. Whi:l.t otrd-Ad- dr.ss, -Antique," -Pioneer" Onices, Col.vvn Buy. 2lS31p_ BARBED \V1Rg" 12a per c-,vi. Ualvuiiised ilam Wire, i.s per cwt.; Wrought hoc btanda.ruti, 13 3d Lach.V.P. Dept., Butier. Bell \Vumi).r11J1.mptu.n. 20185? BOA TING for Pro:it baa been made ten timca more by the Motor Engine. 1.-uatinff for Pieasm-e ten times more pleasurable. the f\.ll¿,-Io American Rope and Oakum Co., Cä.n,nmg r,laee, Liverpool, have three makes of lte.ii.i.bio mid Cheap Motor Engines to offer vary- ing in power from 1? t,o 25 ii.P. Wnte for Catalogues. _?? 2l627p ?A?AKV BANANAS, 6d dozenTEnghsh ?-? iotuatoes, 6d per tb.—A. G. Evans, D&n&-or. 5M6 CHAB-APPLES{all-30rt;), 500 tons, Wanted; bust !'o3s¡ble ¡¡rice. prontpc cash.- Hi rito, Hardy FertiiMer Co., Ltd., Statybridge. ?__ 22025p Y?ELiC'IOUS CP.EAMERY BUTTER, from nun Pastures of the Gokten Va.e of Ire- td.;id. Quality unsurpassed. 2ib. Sarnpie at re- duced puce of 2.5 M post free.—Bennia and Son: Limerick. ? m ? _21868p NGLISH 33 6a aozen Ibs.; Caaary Bananas, 6d dozen.—A. G. Evans, Bangor. p T?OR SALE. a few'Strong,healthy Young J'- Ferreta, and atso two or three of t<tst sea- son s; besr, possible strain.—"Over-stocked," Plas Padoc, Bettws)'coed.. p GALVANIZED CORRUGATED SHEETS.? ?? Job Lot of Light Sheets: 4ft., 8d; 5ft., lOd; 6ft.. Is; 7ft., Is 2d; dft. hi 4d each. New Sheets and free from holes. A few tuM damaged Sheets, suitabie for fencing: 4ft., 5d; 5ft., 6d; 6ft., 8d lift., lOd; 3n.. lit each.—W. P. Dept., Butler, BeH Works, \Voiverhafnpton. 21760p ?_<UNS, G UNS," G UNS.—Gradua'r'Payments' ? Thoroughiy rchai.te work. Hard, close Shooting guaranteed. Send for Illustrated List. Lowest ios;sible prices. Thomas Wild, Gun Works, Birmingham. 2l737p GALVANIZED CORRUGATED SIlEE'fS.- G 27 mches wide, warranted sound—5ft., 9d; 4ft.,la;5ft.,ls3d;6ft:lt,6d;7ft.,ls9d;8it, 2s; Sft., 2s 5d; lOtt.. 23 8d each. Hidging, 5d i'et- toot. Spouting, 6d per foot. lOOilltg fett, \Vire NeiLiliiS, Biack Varnish, Rpd Oxide, Nails, Bolta, Nuts, and Screws.—W. P. Dept., Butter, Bell orks, Estabushed lu23. _P TMP.JRTANT TO MOTUERS.-Every Moher' ?- wh' vi?ucs the Health o'f har Child should use Harnson's "Reha-ble" .turwrJ l'lillad- One a.pphca.i&n kilia all Ntt<s and Vernun, be.au- ttuea and .itrengLhens the iiajr. In Tins, 4ad and 9d. Postage, Id. Ueo. W. Iia.rJi.soti, Chemist., Reading. Sold by W'. j Chemists. Agent for Colwyfi Bay: J. W. Adambon, Chemi&t, Station-road. Agent for Pewx,ueLiLriawx. T. J. Hughe9,Cheiiu9.t.. -20093p ir ADIES.—My Improved Remedies act in a L few hours, when all else fails. Surprising- ly elective. Success guaranteed. Send stumped enveiope for Free Sampte.—Address, Nur.e .Uam- mond, 21, Ingledeuo, Boscombe-roa.d, Southend Essex. 21644p WALLPAPERS tor lû per rolL Any Quantay, ia.rgoorbina.il, at Wholesale Pr.ce,. Stock exceeds 250,000 rolla; aii cia<-ses. —Writo for Patterns, etating ctaes jequu-ed.— Ba.rHet).'s Wallpaper W andlou.>e (Dep(. 221), Campfieid Avenue, Manchester, p Y?T'iRE? NAILS.Mixed,8s 6dper?cwt77 231b6.. 2i;. 5d; Screwc. mixod, 2&- per cwt.; 2i:.HOS. 76 6d. All ktnd& of Naus, Tacks, RIvets, Sta-pies, Bolts, afid Nuts, etc. Midland Nail Workei, 25 to 23, Rea-atreet, Birmingham.—C. W.iiayies, Proprietor. 16509 ?? PACE BOOK about Herbs.'ajid how to use ?'t: then), post free; send for one.—Trimnell, '}¡le IIcrbaltst, 144, Richmond-road, Cardiff. Es- tablished_1879.2l478p SHOOTtNG TO LET. A NGLESEY.—1656 Acres of good Shooting to -?- Let near Rhosgoch Station.—T. G. Oweu, Penrhos.Holyhead. o SHOOTING TO LET. ?OOD MIXED SHOOT of about 600 Acres ?JT (including two woods), situated within ? mile ot station. "Bag" inc'udes fair number of Rabbit;-), Pigeons, Smpe. Pheasanta, Partridges (wild birds), Woodcock, Plover, etc. Rent for season, ;S50, no extras; within easy reach of Handudno an<? Colwyn Bay. — Apply, J. M. Porter and Eicock, Laud Agenta, The Estate Ofhce, Colwyn Bay. 21772p LICENSED PREMtSES WANTED. ?MALL Public-House required?Octobor or ?-7 earlier.—Particulara "Victualler," Pioneer" Omces, Colwyn Bay. 21813p ? Fit! in this Form and send it to Advertisement Manager, PIONEER" OFFICE, CONWAY ROAD, COLWYN BAY. The Charge for all kinds of "WANT" ADVERTISEMENTS in the "PIONEER" M t2 Words 6d., and then ?d. per Word after Three Insertions t/- and ?? ?a? (which must be Prepaid). Name and Address must be paid for. j F==\-I- I Please insert above Advertisement_times, for which I enclose P.0< ) j or stamps value" d. Name ? Address ? OLD COLWVN A.D NE!GHBOUR HOOD. "OLD COLWYN enjoys umiv.ned view cf a. a.nd iNIOUDEaali, with great immunity frum the Eaat wind6, and a. dryneus &tid wannt.n by being cincuy situated on the Limestone. Sea L?.t.L.ng, ueauL.iui Wu.tks, and Goif .Links." HOUSES TO LET. MUlLDI?G LAND for Sale; also €xce:tcat ?-? Site? tor Bungalows.—Apply, "EttL?e iJmce." Oid Coiwyn. rllÍ)v HOUSES TO LET. A MLWCH. — Two well-built Houses, with ?-?- large Gardens, to Let.—Apply, Mr J. Elta« Junes, Penmaenmawr. A PLEASANTLY-SITUATED COUNTRY HOUSE, or four-roomed Cottage to Let, about Half-a-mile from the Village of Llan- j sannan, with about 100 Acres of good Sporting t Land attached.—For particulars, apply, by letter, to the proprietor, Mr John Owens, Clwt Farm, Uansannan, Abergeie. 2202op COLWYN BAY. EAST PARADE. Good ?-? Houses to Let, suitable for Apartments or Hoarding, fronting sea; also Freehold, well-built Houses on Sale.—Appjy, Lioyd, 1endortan, Coi- wyn Bay._ _2l894p -GLWYSBACH. To Let, good House and .I Shop, containing five Bedrooms, two Sitting-rooms, Kitchens, Bathroom, Bakehouse, Electric Belts. Appiv, Williams, Cumberland Ho,¥bach, Tatycain.21924p ??OR SALE, Bijou Residences, Semi-detached and Freehold, containing one lar?e Sitting- ro.tm and 3 or 4 Bedrooms, Bath, Lavatory, \v.C., etc. The Yillaa command expensive views nom Rhos to Old Coiwyn, are situate in an ex- cellent neighbourhood, and are convenient to Goli Link.-}, Station, etc. There are also 2 or 5 exccilent Sites ior Sale, suitable for erection of B tiii=,-aloivij.-W rite for particulars, F. Da.teson, Ardilt.ecle Post Oiiice Chambers, Coiwyn Bay. 2i?2p N1 OUTH WALES-VALE OF CLWYD. De- ?-? iiRhtfut Country Residence to Let; Shoot- m{,, LMhing, and Goif; about 20 ac'res of G:<1:;s I.and can be had if deaired. D. Mac. N.ciii, Estate Ofhces, Old Coiwyn. 21954p ?&LD COLWYN.—Cadwgan-road. A House to ?? Let, contairnn? two Sittmg-rooms, four Budrooma, Batiiroom, etc.. Garden. Rent £2ó. —Appiy, Davies, Oakianda, Old Colwyn. 21976p ?\LD COLWYN. ALFRED COx. liou? ?-? Agont. State requirements. RMjNp fof re?y? p ?LD COLWYN.-Houso to Let. containing ?-? two Sittmc, four Bedrooms, and Batiu'oom; Renb .625. Abo, a similar House, but larger Rooms, and Garden; Rent .B52.—D. Mac. I\icoit, Estate Oince, Old Coiwyn. 213Y7p HUDDLAN, CWM.—A Furnished House to ?-? Let at Uwrn, containing two Bedrooms, l'l()l¡r, Kitchen, etc.—Apply, Roberta, Abbey HouMc, Rhuddian. 22655p RHUDDLAN, CWM. A Houae to Let at Cwm, containing two Bedrooma, Parlour, Kitchen, etc. Apply, Roberts, Abbey HOU,60, Rhuddlan. 21855p r B VJT LE?l', STAJNHOPE HOUSE. BATH? -t. S'i'REE'i', RHYL, containing two Reccp- tton-ro<Mus, nve Bedroo.ma. ?tc. J-<ow Rent.— AppJy?DavMS, Freciands, Rhyi. 20065p tton-ro<Mus, nve Bedroo.ma. \tc. J-<ow Rent.— Apply, Davi.s, Freciands, Rhyi. 20065p rB?O BE LET OR SOLD?AngIesey—beauttfuuy JL situated House, known as Park Gias, Dw/- ran.jvith good Garden.—Appiy on the Premrcs. LET, i\o. 17, Garth-road, Bangor. Every convenience Bath (h. and cj. Rent .S18.— ?Pi'ly, LIew. D. Jones, House and Estate Agent, Upper Bangor. 5652c r6p0 LET, from September 19th, welt Furnished JL Detached House, five Bed, three Entertain- ing-rooms, good Garden, sunny aspect, largo Bathroom, Weat End, modern sanitation; four guineas weekty, reduction for longer period than month.—Prestbury, King's-road, Coiwyn Bay. _22049D FtpREFRIW. — Brynrodyn,Uniurniaiied or -S- Furnished good Garden; nicety situated; uuntaming mne Rooms, Blh, W.C. Apply, Jamea, The MiUa. 21942p' '??7'EEK-END Cottage or Bungalow, beautiful- ty situated in bracing position above P\vitycrochan Woods at Coiwyn Bay, N Wales, and within twenty minutes' "walk of station. Accommodation: One Sitting-room, three Bed- rooms, Bathroom, W.C., Kitchen, and Pantry. Large Garden. Small field suitable for poultry keeping. Town water laid on. Immediate possession. Rent JB25 p.a.—Appiy, J. M. Porter and Etcock, Land Agents, The Estate Omcc. Col- wyn Bay. N.W.21b82p HORSES. CARRIAGES. Ae. CAPITAL BRdUGHAM', equal to nowTwitIi c Shafts, Pole, and Bar, built by Peters, London; bargain; or would exchange' for Lan- dau.—Appiy, 5, High-street, Rhuadian. 21884? T?OUR.IN-HAND To-urists' Coach(sccond- -t' hajid) for Sate; perr?ct condinon, equal to new, cur own build, ca-rrles 22 pa.ssengeis; a.l&o Waggonette, to carry eight, pole, bar, shafts, etc., good condition, will be t-cid cheap. —A.pp)y, J. Roberts and Son, Coachbuildexi, LJandudno'. E p T?OR SALE, new Ra.ili a.nd Governess (?ars, ?- rubber and iron tyred; new aud aeoond- hand Dog Carts; new Butcher's Sh.inuty; Sprmg Uarta and Floa.t<i of every description; Jight and heavy Lorrift. Modora-te ptieeo. — Apply, J. R-bot-tg and Son. Coaehbuilders. LJandu<!no. p 1pOR IMMEDiATE DISPOSAL, ?Light- ?- rurmins Landau, in good condition, by wen-known maker: low price. Appiy, J. Hughes, Top Hill, BagiIIt.2l990p .Uiu.LNk;V,A.L CARRIAGES, .-educed pi-ioL,-i .J. eaay tefnu; Washtngton Cafa; Hcareee from i!56. Coa<ehee .830. Landa-ua :E40; Btakee. Uhara.banos, Caba, JE25. Catalogue3.-ilarst-un, 24. BradftM-d-etreet, BuTninghajn 30800 IT?OR SALE, LANDAU and WAGGONETTE. ? moveable top, carry six inside; both cheap. Al,ply, John Parry, Farrar-road, Bangor. 36440 ?OOD SECOND-HAND BAROUCH, perl'ect ?'' order; wanting roorr., will sell tor JEd.— Ellis, Regent Carnage Works, Wroxham 21750p ??N SALE, capital square-backed Lawton Gig. ?? equal to new, with Patent Lamps, Rubber Mat, etc., very suitable for Show purposes.— Enquire, ''G. 0. "Clorianydd" Onice, LIan- gefni. ct ?<MART COB?o?'Sale, 14 handa, hve years ?-3 old, bright Bay with black points, parses motors and trams, quiet in every respect.—Appiy, Roper, Conway-road, Colwyn Bay. 2192Up QMART Cob and Ralli Car (includin, Hariiess S and complete Turn out) to be Sold. Price moderate.—Apply, Mr F. J. Gamlin, Solicitor, Rhyl. 22043p np0 BE SOLD, Cheap, a Glass Front Single JL Brougham; splendid condition suitable for doctor.—Ffynongroew Carriage Works, Rhyl. p ??ERY Light Rubbcr-Tyreu Broughtmi,M new; new Rubber Tyred F)<?t, two four-wheei a.nd o.no two-wheel Do Carte, n<*w Porte.r'e Cart, Carrier's Cart, H&ndoa.rtB ajtd Whecibarrwra; Hire or SaJe; ca&y and SonH, OoachbuDders, CoJwyn B&y. 17818p Y?ANTED, RALLI?CAR, suit Pony 15 hands, good condition and cheap.—Barber, Poplars, Greenneld, HoiyweH. 21982? ALL SIZES AND PRICES TO SUIT ALL CUSTOMERS. 1TJOR.SES, COBS. PONIES. WAGONS, i-' CARTS, FIoa-ta, Traps, Haraeee. etc., for Sa.!e, Hire, or Exchange, for Ca?h or Credit. The grea.t advantage of this M that hor&ea, eto., unlike other thit.gs on eaay paymcDts, earn the pa-ymenta for which you get credit ae you go on. it b great ecott&my even to buyers for ca&h; they avoid m&ny riska, ajid have fajr trials with view to purchase. Buyers should ste the<5e; thia ta a.n old-establifsbed place with a good assort- ment on ha.nd, ajid do not advertiae selling under varioua pretexts.—Pajker Wood, 22 and 24, Va-uxiudl-road, LiverpooL TeJe-phol); 0213 Centra. 6756 'POULTRY. ECOS. &c. H. SIMKIN. TANDDERWEN, UPPER COLWYN BAY, 10REEDER and EXHIBITOR of BLACK -D and PARTRIDGE, WYANDOTTES. BREEDING PENS, also CHICKS, afwsya 00 S*te to euit requirements. VISITORS WELCOMED. APARTMENTS WANTEO. A PARTMENTS (Furnished) Wa-nted m Liandudno.—A Sitting-room and Bed- ruom, with cooking and attendance, re- quired, from July ISi-h, for three weeks or <M), about, 25s week inclUiSlvo; good cooking &taj ciea.nimes3 ca&ential; c!c(:e to Ma..—Mrs P., 54, btrcha.nger-rottd, South Nor'.YOfd, London. 403d fTpWO LADIES wish to join a fa.'nty as Pay. ing Guests; term? moderate permanency. — Z. A. "Directory" Omcc, Liandudno. ?.?7'ANTED, Sitting-room and Bedroom for' two Ladies; permanency: Lianct'dno or near; terms moderate.—"X. B. ''Directory" Ouice, Liandudno. ??7"ANTED, Sitting-room a.nd Bedroom, with Board, two weeks in August:, in Vaics of Mochdre or Conway; Farmhouse preferred—' "J. H. "Pioneer" OSices, Cotwyn bay. 21858?_ Y?7'ANTED, by two Ladies, Doubtc Bedroom and Sitting-room, near sea, 17th to 26th August.; 1 gumea per week inclusive; Hot Bs.rh. —Appiy, Mrs Garrett, 48, Brighton-square, Rtuh- gar, Dubtm. 2l98op ???ANTED, in about week's time. Furnished Sitting-room and Bedroom (two beds) on Ground Ftoor; must be good-sized; two tadiea and smalt dog.—"J. Bryn Eisteddfod, Rhyt. 'V.c'ÁN'i'£D,-oe or two Unfurnished Rooms; Abergole or Prestatyn; permanent: root in advance.—Address, "M.A. "Pioneer" OfHcp. Coiwyn Bay.22026p HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE. RYNGNVRAN.-For Sale three il'reetiold Cot- B tagea: weii situated in bc;it position; iarge Gaidonjs; splendid investment, low price to quick. purchaser.—A ppty to Jones, Chemist, Holy head.. _6477ct ETACHED RESIDENCE, situate about 600 D test above sea level; tovety views of sea, Uunway Vniicy, and Snowdonia; shehered, hub braumg; three Receptton-rootna, four Bedrooms, Bathroom, W.C., Kitchen, Scullery, and Pantry, iiousemaid'tt Pantry; town water NUppty; S. and W. aspect; Gardens and Grounds ot about Ij; Acres, within easy reach of Post Oiiice, Coii Links, and Church; price moderate.—For further iniormanon, appiy, J. M. Porter and Eicock, Laiid Agemg, 'Iho Estate Omce, Co!wyn Bay. '_no 21'176p- T A.ND IN COLWYN BAY (Dundon?d.. )ad), Jt-J for orecti.oji of ?ma.ll HottBea of \iu<M-.— Ja-meg F. Ta.ylor. Sohcit-or, /i, Lord-'>t!ïØ'1 Liverpool. 2036Sp YLANDUDNO. To be So!d. immcdiata JLJ I)osziesziion, StfUa, Church Walks. Also ia.r,{e, commodtoua Ifuuse, sea frontage, known aa No. 1, South Parade.—Appiy, Messrs Nunn and Co., Sohcitors, Cotwyn Bay. 21892[> ? URTil WALES COAST, ?icarRhyT'and -L? Liandudno.—ilandsome Marine Rc-jidpnco, 16 Bed, and Dressing, Bath, targe Hati, threo Reception. Pretty Garden of three quarters of aa acre. Delightful situation between the bea and the Gotf Lrnks. Low price accepted. Messra Ltartoda, Ltd., Estate Agents, Brompton. road. London, S.W. 350 tc rt1<0 BE SOLD, Freehold Cott&go, ?h?GarI JL den, <Jrcha.td, ajid Field; elevated pob?iom; bctw&en Colwyn Bay and Ha-ndudno; sea view, towds wa.tor Will not be Le't.—Ad<lre66, X. E-, "Pioneer' (JUice. Coiwyn Bay. 205SSp -V'-A:Lk-OY CONWAY. Freeliodd BuilLilng Lajid for Sale; aloo, Houbes to Let of Sold.—Appiy, J. R. Maiek, Arciutect and Sur- vcyor, LHi-nrwet.21310p CYCLES, MOTORS, &c.. FOR SALE. T?ARGAIN. — Gent'a LatestPattern1903 ?-? Coventry Cycle as new, cot soiled, fitted wiLh two tatcst pa.ttern Crabbe roUer ievef rim brakes, ba.ii I:waririg, free wh&ci, cimcher tyres, ptated and enamelled centre wheuis, line fra.me and guards, aiso (,-ompletc with all aCCe&KIflCti, incmatng pia-ted gaa ja-mp. Ch wanted, lowest £4 Se od. Great Ba-rgain. Approval withngiy. -C. House, St. Pitman-road, W('c;wn- Super-Ma.re. 21325p IŸCLISTS! CYCLISTS.—20,00b'0u'ter Covers U at 5s lid; 7000 Inner Tubes at 2d bd. B<-I)s at 4d.. Quaiity guaranteed. Send for iist. '-The Empire Rubber and Cycte Co., 12, Bough- ton, Chester. 2193ip ??xCLE; marveHoua saoriu?e; 2 speed gcar? ?-? Chnjher tyres; magnificent machine, uot soiled or scratched; suver ptated rims; beauti- fult" lined; luud guitrds; 2 genuine roller level" Crauue brakes; plated gas iaiup, and aii other accessories; Coventry machino and pract.caliy new; approval willingly, half carriige paid; pri. irate owner; bargain, towest, £5 lUs.—G. BiaLk. more, 8, Oxford-street, Weston-super-Mare. _Sl407p_ Fino BE SOLD, LADY'S BICYCLE, in perfect -a- condition; no free wheet.—Apply, "L. T. "pioneer" Oihces, Coiwyn Bay. p ?? t? TYKES—SpccK?l vaJuo. covers tit d.?/?/0 Ci'ucher o' Duniop Rims, 5f. e?;.tt, 6 .ara.!H; Air '1'ubct}, with vaivcts, 5s ea<:h. L4>1.c; Free.—W. A. Goiton, Tyre Factory, "01. vcihajupfon. 199COp THE FARM AND GARDEN. ALBERTS B-ASIG SLAG?Fo7 Pricea. appiy jC-iL [o \V. Eih& a.nd Co.. Merchants. Abcrgele. MACHINERY. T- nACTIONHAULAGl.-=-St-am Tractor and- T Wsson for Hire.—Rmtd. Eaginoer, Bedd- geiert.5604o ==::8 FARMS TO LET. npO LET. ?ern' Farm, m the ?ansh?of Llan. JL ddona, Angteaey, with entry on 15th November next; extending to 300 acres or there. abouta; House and Buildings suitable for the hotding —Appiy for particulars and order to view to Mr R. Roberta, Mit! Bank, Manai Bridge. _5472o SAILINGS. L CUNARD LINE ROYAL MAIL (3 STEAMERS. LARGEST AND FASTEST VESSELS IN THE WORLD. From LIVERPOOL (Via Queestown). TO NEW YORK. TO BOSTON. Lusitania, Sat., Aug. 15 Ivernia, Tuea., Aug. 25 Carmama,Wed.,Aug. 19 Saxoma. Tues., Sept. 3( CANADA FAST ROUTE; SPECIAL RATES. For further particulars app!y to Loca.) Agents; or to THE CUNARD STEAMSHIP COM- PANY, LTD., Liverpoot. Weektv Servtce fiona LIVtHDOoI.. FASTEST LiNE TO CANADA. Luxuncua accommodation u' &U cia.saeR at moderate fajee, otity four days open sea. Em ig i-an to met at Liverpoot by Ofilcta.iM. For Saiimgs pamphlet aud m- formation as to opportunities in Canada appty to 24. James-street, Liverpooi; 92, Cross-street. Man. Chester; or tocat agents every. ? where. STEAMBOAT SERVtCES. THE STEAMERS OF THE OLD-ESTAB. LISHED COMPANY, ST. GEORGE'S 5.S. CO., LTD., Will ply (weather and other camee pernnt.ttng) on one of tht most beautiful ltivers in betwoen DEGANWY, CONWAY, AND Date of 'l'om from Return from 6ailing, Do-ganwy, lk>nwa¡. Trc-friiv. AUGUST, iOOB.. 13 Tharxdfty 10 0 am. 10 M ft.m. 12 S5 p.m. 14 Ii'¡'ldai' M 48 10 &8 i ig II ISmmrUtty 1130 „ 1145 „ 2 o 17 !dtnjay 1 6p.m. t IC, 1).ILI. S 25 Ib iuusday 1 M 2 0 „ 45 II 19 Wednesday 2 25 S 45 „ 1 48 t 2U TlinMtiay 4 0 4 10 l' c 6 t FARES.-Fore End, la; RettH-D, 2s; Af tei- End, Is &d; Ketm-n, Be 6d. Children Half price. Pfim&d by the Proprietors of the "WcLsh Coaet Piotieer,' and Pubiiabed by them a.t their Head otfice6:-Conw&y-rotd, Colwyn Ha.y, tn tho County of Denbigh; 10. Highntreot, Con- W!*y; 63a, Mostyn-street, Llandutizio; Clareiicion Building, Penmaerun&wr; Roberts Stationery Depot. Llaniairfechan; Pendyffryn Hona&, Bettwsyoued, all in the County of Cajrn&rvon; 14. H'gh street;, Biacnau Festifttog. in the County of Mehonet.h; The Library, 7, St&tion- roa.d, Utmrwat; Caxton House, Abefgeic; Portlind-plam, Denbjgh, aJi in the County of Denbigh; High-etreet, Rhyi; Centra Budd- inga. High-atreet. Presta-tyn. all in the Cotm.ty ct FUnt.—Thursday. Auguat 15, 1908.