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PHOTOGRAPHIC NOTES. (BY VERONICA.) pITOTOGR A PII F.RS IX BELGIUM Noxr we k about hundred photograph- ers—amateur and prefer i<>na! 1;" in ti, an('t. cuies of Belgium, rii ik negatives for manv a serie- cf to bo 1!Ied next iir-i. for photographic and literary soea. iet.e/ ieetur s. The Phctogr £1:0 Convention, of the U n i ted Kingdom is inoeli'-g in e. it." lirs. Y, r bevend the bom ■ sho cs, a.nd it is forturar<» in making its first C,ntiti ti--ti experi- in itia ence in a oouMrv where so much beauty and antiout', is compre-sed into so small a spaoe. Tare travelling by many routes. but the largest party, I behove, 16 taking adv:;n*ag'o of Belgian State Railway ar- Tang-ments --t, dthe Dover-Osiemle' p-v At,or the Convention many wit t-ake advantage of the Suiie Railway's five-days and fiftoe.n*d-.tys' tourist vli c-li give paswgo over any part of the lino-. cr of t -eir s|>ec:ai tram-and- s'eamer circular tours, to complete their uter ho id I, in Belgium. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. The following paragraph fira in answer to various queries that have reached me within t.b.) few months, and I acknowledge them to "The Figures. Facts and Formulae of Photo- <?raphv.'r< f which I h tve always made consid- erable us:- ae a reference book. I give them thi.s week. because I am just now acknowledging bc-'ow) the bsue of the fvunh edition of this book, in a new form. to TO ATTRACT ANIMALS A slight. peculiar, but Tint terrifying noise tnade bv a.n aajistan" just at the rigid time will often secure the attention erf an animal and keep it in a good alert p'siti >n for a number erf seomds. Trundling a wheel-barr.w, shaking a few marbk:, very slowly- revolving a ',o»ru- orake" rattle, and making a slig.hfc hiding sound wirh the mouth. have all been used satisfactorily. Birds and animals mar often be attracted to the (p ait ion ch sen by laving a tzlift of small por- tions of some favourite food. » • ■» • INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR AT ONE EXPOSURE. Inter ors of rooms. including the from tlio w:ndow. can bjst be obtained by 11"; of a fla.-h- lisj-ht-. exjiociire, so that the whole uncapping of ti:oe Jens Ii not more than would be needed for the 'jxiertcr view. Alternative methods are to JbLok the window* included in the picture by covering them with black cloth or t>aper outside, give the interior exposure with the light from other wu.dovs, cap the lens, remove the.window- block u'g. and expose for the landscape- Or, Kive the exposure hr the landscape in the d-iv- It.im- cap th:, lens, leave the camera un- moved until night, and make the interior exoosure by flashlight. • • • • TO CLEAN BOTTLES. From photographic solutions: Spirits. of 3a its, I m-ixod with equal bulk of water. Faorn grease: '•Commercial benzole, followed by strung soda I solution. From varnish: Methylated spirit (10 parts) and ammonia (1 part); then ammonia and water (1 in 10), and lastlv water. WHITE INK FOR TITLING LANTERN SLIDES. Iiinglay. i ounce; water 1 or.. Soak until soft, lie at in jacketed pari until d. ^s.lved, and rub up with 1 oz. of Chinese white in a hot mortar. Add water until it flows easily from a pen; then add methylated alcohol 1 dram, very elowly and with stirring. Finally, a oouple of drops of carbolic acid. Then bottle, and cork earefuilv. I TO MAKE SELF-DEVELOPING PLATES. Ilyd rokinon'?, 45 gr.; acetone sulphite, loz.; water. 10 01.. Soak the piate.i for two minutes, ar.ri dry in the dark. Develop in water, 10 07.. potassium carbonate, oz- Ordinary plates lose about iialf their speed through Mi i.s treatment, # • » TO SAVE FOGGED TLATES. Plates which have been accidentally exr>osed to Jight need net be thrown away. The silver can be removed from the gelatine entirely by fixing :n the ordinary hypo bath, and then wash- ing thoroughly. This I-eavesa tine gwatine, film on glass, which can bo used lor making stained light filters, or for transparencies by the ferro-prusfciate and similar processes, or can be 5en»u;->ed with b'chromate and treated by do- velopment and staining, a ia the Sanger-Shep- herd three-colour method. The f,f.:ttes can a¡'.o be ma !•> fit for exposure and development in the ordinary way by the following method: Imaierse for !¡\' mi.nurrs in chromic acid, SO gr.; potass I bromtde. 6C.gr.; water, 10 "x. (1ry Hf- duc?;; speed considerably. They can ako be made suitable for use as transparencies by acaki.ng them in the following solution: Potas- sium bromide, 1 oz. pota3iium iodide, 60 gr.; warrol water. 2 oz. When dis-^Jvxl, add hydro- chloric acid. 2 oz.; potassium biohromate, 1 oz. water, to ooz The plates should be well washed after immersion (ia the dark room. of course), and dried. Tliey will require times tihe normal exposure, and should be developed with hvdr quinone. < < < w A COMPLETE WORK-BOOK, "The Photographic Annual," which Li pub- lished to-day, has been described as "mental ptmmiean," because it contains the f>»iied-d >wri eoenc of such an enormous amount of praotioai matter. It deals with every branch of photo- graphy. from the work of the beginner to that. of the most expert photographic and photo- mechanical workers. It is divided into 38 sec- tions. supplemented by a glossary and index which contains facts, definitions, synonyms, cross references, etc. Wherever is gives instructions, they ar,e cut down to the very fewest possible words, but it 3eems to me absolutely complete as a collection of formulae. Suoh diverse sub- jects as the painting of backgrounds, water- pro0í¡!1 and fire-proofing of fabrics c1oar;ir.:rand cementing of lenses, exposure, development, light-filters, ail th? printing processes, optical lantern work and enlarging, photogravure, photo engraving, collotype, etc., have all their formulae given. Weights and nvea-Tures, hy- giene. copyright, aids for tourists, and a host of other subjects are dealt with. The book runs to 284 pages, and has a few illustrations in the text, and its cost is only Is. post free If 4d, from any dea'e-r. I understa-nd that the three pre- vious editions, which were only half the size of the present book, have gone out of print very rap diy. and the' publishers also inform mE) that as it is now to be issued as an annual, the matter in next year's volume will be very largely different. so that the present issue is likely to go our of print quickly, and to appreciate in value. There is also a cloth-bound edition, in- terleaved with writing paper for additional rotos and memoranda, published at 2.


----__------=._-_A CHARMING…










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