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A FASH!OfiABLE FUiiCThJN. OPENiNG CEREMONY BY THE DUCHESS OF WESTMINSTER. When tho question of providing education ofF.ces for Denbighshire came before the County Council some months ago it will be recollected that a determined effort was made to w rose from historic and quaint old Ruthin ity privilege of t; the county officials. Happily, tho endeavour proved unsuccessful, and there was cue factor which iargoly influenced the de. ction of the majority who supported the claims ot the ancient borough. This was the carne&t- ne-u and patriotism of the burtjossc«<, as c vi- dod by their offer to provide the site for the new buildings—not an inconsiderable undertaking fur eo small a town. With the object of clearing away the E 800 debt thus incurrod, without .resorting dircctiy to the borough rates, a grand bazaar was held at ileiit with characteristic generosity by Colonel Cornwallis West, to-day week, and on Friday. Led by Colpnel and Mrs Cornwallis West, his Worship the Mayor (Councillor Rouw), the Mayorece, Mr W. Jones,. borough treasurer (hen. treasurer). Miss Jenkins, Colo- roendy, and Mis* Maywnoro Gc" (hon. secre- taries). and Mr Baldwin Griffith (town clcrk). secretary, practically all the burgesses entered into the movement with splondui enthusiasm; lierlo(I tho great success achieved. Unfortunately, Thursday's her was wretched, but, the promoters had had tho good sense to provide for t n a t. A fine marquee had been ereeled in th.3 Castle grounds by Messrs Wilkinson, Martin and Co., and under the cir- cuSistanccs patrons poured into tho town from all parts of the county, many of them garbed in the brightrst of Hummer attire. Tiiat the rain did not very grA.tly affect tho proceedings may be realised from the fact that the receipts amounted to nearly £ 500, The pavilion had Iseen fixed in the old court- yard, with its ivy-covered battlements, a.nd ex- tended to the portcullis and the moat on the otii.r side, and in point of general get-up the stalls which gave its interior 80 delightful an appearance bore eloquent tribute to the devotion and energy no less than the artistic taste of those responsible for them. At .noon the Mayor entertaiiied a party at luncheon at the Castle Hotel. THE OPENING CEREMONY, The opening ceremony took plaoo in the mar- quee between 2 and 3 p.m.. whon her Grace the Duchcas of Westminster, who had graciously con- son ted to toko the principal part, was accorded a reception which obviously impressed her. The Lord-Lieutenant of the county (Colonel CornwaJiis West) presided, and he. wee accompan- ied ai) by the Princess Alexis Dolgorouki, Nirs Cornwallis West, tho Lady Olivia Fitzpatrick, M its Frances Hughes of Kinmol. There were also present the Mayor and Mayor- e.« of Ruthin, the Mayor and Mayoress of Wrexham. Mr and Mrs G. 11. Denton, Mr and Mrs E. 0. V. LJoyo, RhagaJlt, who were ac- companied by Mrs C. W. L. Tottenham, Glvn- dyfrdwy, Llangollen, and Mr F. C. Eden; Archdeacon and Mrs Griffiths, Colonel Mesh a in, Mr Guy Conran, Alderman John Roberts. Al- derman T. If. Roberts. Dr. Medwyn Hughes. Mr John Roberts and Mrs Roberts, Councillors R. II. Williams. Pryce Janes, Rev. E. Stephens, Councillor Hams Jonea. Mrs Thomas (Bank), Mrs Liovd (Cefvi C<jph). Mrs Blewett, Mrs Mui- lett. Mrs T. H. Roberts, Aklerman Ezra Ro- berts, Rev. Mr Abel, Mr R. E. Birch. Rev. —. Prichard. Mr and Mrs Williamson. Graiglelo, Mr Pinnington, Mr E. Wallig Davids, Mr TIuvs. Griffiths, Mis F. Wynne, Miss Wynne, Mr Forder. etc. Tho ceremony was commend ably brief. Colonel Cornwallis West asked the Duchess of w ostminster to open the bazaar, and Her Grace said she was pleased to tell those a.^embk-d thai she always considered Ruthin Castle her home, although her own home was not very far away (applause). She f It that the public d Ruthin were her best friends, and she had much pleasure in declaring the bazaar open, and in wishing it all success (applause). Tho Mayor of Ruthin proposed a vote of thinks to the duchess, and in doing so said that N thp. vote was moved not on lxihnif of these asusmbied but on Ixdiaif of the burgeei-os of Ruthin. They were very grateful to Iter grace for coming there that day. and were always pleased to sf, her among them. as they looked upon her a. a Ruthuiian. and in Ruthin blood was always thicker than water (applause). The Mavor of Wrexham said ite considered it an honour to be asked to sooond the vote of thanks. They in Ruthin were fortunate in having their town built u nli-e-r the sliadow of that jfraad old castle, and more- fortunate ft,ill in Saving a? owners of that castle a family who took a groat and sympathetic interest in the affa'rs <">f the people (appiaufx>). The people of Wrexliatn lived sufficiently near to Eaton Hail to f<%el the beneficent influenoe of i.ts owners, and when they heard that. the owner of that hull was wedded to the daughter of the Lord of Ruthin Castle they wore highly gratified, as they knew that the noble traditions of the Grosvenor hmih- would be maintained by the daughter of Colonel and Mrs Weei (applause). The vote of thanks was carried with en- thusiasm TIIE BUILDING SCHEME DEFENDED BY COLONEL WEST. Colonel Cornwallis West, who responded o.n .behalf of his daughter, said that the feelings she had expressed were tho feelings of hie wife and himself, and it. had given them the greatest possible pleasure to throw open their grounds for that public object (applause). IIo wa.s bound to fay a few words with regard to the general aspect of the question of the erection of the "county offices at Ruthm (hear, hear). lie was one of those who deprecated extravagance, but they had to remember that, in most continental cities a spirit of municipal enterprise and local; patriotism was created among these who dwelt there. In securing the establishment pf public offices in their town the ratepayers had shown what was true local patriotism (applause). Some regard should aiso be paid to the dignity of their towns and the beauty of their landscape, and he wi.5hc--d that that was moro generally felt in W alec?. He hoped that in tho future there would be a stronger der,1 re for tho clothing of utility with beauty (hear, hear). In that respect their county .architect, Mr Wiles, who, he hoped, was present- that day. seemed to have combined the two in the buildings he had designed both at Colwyn Bay and at Ruthin (applause). He trusted that others would carry out the sug- pestiosi he had thrown out, and that utility would be considered as well as the excellence of de- sign. lie eould only hope that in the future the example set in the county in erecting handsome buildings wjjuld bo followed by private indi- viduals He had-a word to say to the ratepay- ers. It was said that the building would 'cost £6500. but the interest on that sum would be only JE350 per anrtioi, and from that thev had to deduct the sums of money paid to officials for their private offices, which would reduce the amount JE225. As that worked cut at about of a penny in the E, the payment would be felt by no one. Then there was the great advantage of having all 'their officers to- gether. and in the new building they would have strong rooms whore the valuable papers of the county could be stored, whereas at present thev were kept in private offices, wli 1'c'h might be de- stroyed by fire any day. He did not think that the ratepayers of the oounty had any cause for complaint, hut that, they on the contrary should be satisfied w ith buildings for their oounty offices, of which they could be nroud (applause). A PRETTY INCIDENT. At this stage Master 0. B. Griffiths, son of the Town Clerk, presented the Duchess of Westmin- ster with a handsome bouquet of pink sweet peas, after which Miss Kathleen T'gid OWCJl presented Colonel Cornwallis West with a beau- tiful "buttonhole. The duc-hess suggested to ber father ttiat ho should wear the latter in place of the one he had then in his coat. "Oortairily I will, replied the Lord-Lieutenant, and prompt- ly the duchess placed tho flower in his button- hole amid a. round.of applause. It was a pretty incident, which the assembly did not fail to ap- preciate. Alderman E/.ra Roberts proposed a j^>te of thanks to Colonel and Mrs Cornwallis West for all thev had done to help the bazaar, and in doin" so paid a high tribute to the servioes Colonel Wast had rendered to Ruthin during the 50 years he had resided there, to his; public spirit, noble character and purity of life, which they all ad- mired in the owner of Ruthin Gaefie. Colonel Cornwallis West had oocupied the office of Mayor some tune ago, and during that time he had -.earned .< great deal of the difficulties, disap- pointments, and the inner working of public life, vith the rosuit that he wad abJe- in many ways to help the Corporation (applause). Dr. Medwvp Hughes seconded, and referred to the great work Colonel Cornwallis West had done on t.hp County Council in ooruiection with im- proving tro sanitation of the oounty. In that connection, remarked Dr. Hughes, he has cen. dered excellent service to tho people (applause). Tli^ vote of thanks was canned with applause, §fter which Master R. Williams presented M» ^ornwaiita West with a beautiful bouquet of pe sweet peas. THE STALLS AND STALLHOLDERS. Tue stalls were known by flower badges, and Mrs Cornwallis West presided at the of tho sweot paa. selling beautiful china and glass, and remarkably pretty lamp shades. INire West's gown of areata c-loth., worn wirh a big black hat clustered with scarlet poppiqn, was unusually dis- tinctive. Among her house party were Lady Olivia Fitzpatrick. Prinoees Alexis Dolgorouki, who wore white lace over bUie. wit h a black lace pel-erin-o ai d a black and white t*>itie; Baroness Mcchin in cream, over dark blue natin and a large white hat swathed with black, and Miss Frances Hugh;■„ of Kinmel very gracefully in soft black, with a tulie raffle and some touches of cream colour. Assisting h.cr-e were Mrs Hug-he:, in delicate grey and white and a white ILlt with ro&ets, Mrs Evans, Miss Roberta. Mrs Thomas, Mrs Stevens. Mrs Roberts, Mrs 0. R. Owen, Miss Thomas, and Misa Pritchard. Lady ,jy:{>r-I¿(')Llf1d was president of the '"Carnation Stall," and the Mayoress, Mrs Theodore Rouw, who were a charming gown in grey and white, and aflat, was vice-president. Among the helpers were Edwards, Mrs Harris-jones, Mra Alston Jones. Mrs Arthur Lloyd, Miss Rowlands, Mttrg Byfoid and Mic-s Glynne Jonen. The Still, with its tempting array, was under the direction of Mrs Swetenham. Mrs F. II. Roberts. Mrs W. R. Owen, and Miss Ed- wards. Among the assistants were Mm Lew;s Jones in white, Mins Mair Thomas, Miss May Aldrich, wearing pink and white tlllljiu, Miss A. DcweJl. Mists M. Roberte, and Mi« F. Jones. A mobt att.racrive feature of die costumes were little oa}M>tas of chine ribbon disposed on tho hair with the prc'tiest effect. At tho Lily of the A'a! Icy Stall, of which the Hon. lro Hewitt was president, there was quite a display of loveiy ncodlewoj-k. Mrs Price, the vioo-president, wore a painted muslin gown and a black hat with shaded roses. Miss Tuckennan wore mauve and while and a black hat, Mrs Pyfe-rd';> distinctive Empire gown of blue wa, worn with a large black hat with plumes, Mrs Roberto was i.n g'reen, and Mist* Simpson in graceful black and white mustlin. Of others who were soiling busily were Mrs William Jones, Mrs Hodgson. Mrs Fielding, Mrs R. II. Williams, and Miss Evans. The Flower Stall W:1.<1 arranged with a view to picturesque effect, and the pretty ruatic arches certainly gave the more grace t;> a vory artistic apot in the pavilion. Mrs Springmann, who was president, Mrs Eton. Mi.u Ag.nes JonoiS and Miss E. Preston were drelied in bluo with black hats. The helpers. a^iong wbom are Miss Touzei. Mrg and Mws Ward, Mrs Rigby. :YIi" Mii.foiH.1, Miss L. Springmann, Miss Browne, Miss Basil Jones, Miss Nicholson and t.he Miwws Garnett, had white frocks with blue riblx>n-s. The Refreshment Hoor waa a delightwme pavilion somewhat, in keopi.ng with the old portcullis, near which it to situated. Without it gavo the effect of a very dainty turreted summer house. Within the walls were. so thickly covered with ivy and vine leaves that one might be drinking te-u. in a Continental garden. The badge was a cornflower, and the attendant ladies had utilised the idea very charmingly in their gowns. The president. MN Teg-i-d Owen. wore a pretty frock of cornflower blue marquisette with whit-o and gold embroidery and a blxie tulle picture hat. The vice-uresident, Mrs Baldw in P. Grl ffith, in blue and white muslin, and wore a white lingerie hat with scarlet poppies and oornflowers. The a smiling and active re attired in pure white gowns with broad bretelles of bi-tie, satin, and qmto the prettiest capotes oompounded of white muslin and blue ribbona. Nor must the Provision Stall be forgotten, where his Worship the Mayer, Councillor Theo- dore Rouw, th;, ex-Mavor, Alderman T. II. Roberts. Mr O. R. Ov reri, a.r,d Councillor W rn. Jones did gallant service in felling. Miss Ro- berta Beech and Mr Mcyrick Roberts were in charge of the c!0ak-rcüm; Among the visile,rs were Mis Ur-loy. from Liverpool, whoee gifted daughter. Miss Jane ..T t-tky, had presented her fit, pa Writing. "The Hour Before the Gloom," to be drawn for; Mrs Mellor. Ijeigh Luye, and her e'sier, Miss Doro- thea Mel'O. who was singing at the concert in the Oa-tk' drawing-room; Mrs B. ILiram. Mrs G. II. Denton. Mrs E. P. B. Lloyd, and Mrs W.R.Evans. THE COMMITTEES. The General Committee of tile Ixizaar was as follows:—Chairman, His Worship the Mayor of Ruthin (Councillor Theodore Rouw); Aldermen J Modwyn Hughes. Manor Hou-ie Ezra Roberts, Yale View; John Roberts, EirklJy House; T. 11. ixoberts. St. Peters-square; Councillors William Brocklehurst-, Star Inn; Be.njamiu Davics, Clwydfa; Francis Vowel], Mwrog-street; Robt. Harris Jones, St. Peter's-s-quarc; R. James Jones, Cynla.-i; Wm. Jones, Glasfryn; E. Tegid Owen, Castle Hotel; Chas. price, The Mount; Robt. Roberts, Hand Brewery; T. J. Roberts, 2, Weil-street; Robt. Henry Williams, 21, Clwyd- stroet Messrs J. Jenkins, Colonicndy; Robert Beech, Castle-street; John Roberts. 1, Castle- etreet; E. T. Hugl:os«, Bedol Farm, Bag'illt; John Williams, 50, Well-street; Peter Williams, ditto; O. R. Owen, Railway Stores; John 0. Davics, Ty Coc-h; John Da vies. Eagles 11 o uso; E. G. Maudocks, 16, Clwyd-street; Joseph Davics, Boar's Head Inn; T. J. Jones, 3c. Clwyd-street; Arthur William. 6, Well-street; R. P. Williams, 8" Well-street J. Ilitchen, Old Wine Vaults; and Lewis Jor.es, 2, Clwyd-streoc. Trie Ladies' Executive, who in an undertaking of this kind found plentv to attend to, and did it well, wore;—The presidents of the stalls, the Mayoress (Mrs Theodore Rouw;; Mrs T. II. Ro- berts, St. Peter'sr-square Mrs Hvford, Pyrocajith House; Mrs Evans. Heulfre; Mrs Tegid Owen, Ruthin; Mrs Dowell, Mwrog.strcet; Mrs Win. Jones, Glasfryn; Mr;, Price, The Mount; Mrs R. J. Jones. Cynlas; Mi's Medwyn Hughes, Manor House; Mm R. Harrw Jones, Sr. Peter's-square; Mrs Baldwin Griffith. Bronavvetl; Mrs R. If. Williams, 21. Clwyd-street; Mrs W. R. Owen, Council School; Mrs Thimas. 7, Oasile-street; Mrs R. 0. Jones, Penlan; Mrs Stephens, Vernon; Mrs John Roberts, 1. Captle-street; Miss Roberts, VaJe View; Miss Willi-uns, Tudor House; itiss Thomas. Plas-yn-dre'; Miss Edwards, Ardwyn; Miss Brocklehurst. Star Inn; IS I t-w Freeborn, Llwvfon Mias Lewis Jones, St. I'ete.r's-square; M iss Williams, The Beo Hive. The other com mi I tee? were composed of the following:—Gentlemen's Executive Committee His Wornhip the Mayor (Councillor Tlieodore Rouw). chairman; Aldermen J. Medwyn Hughes, Thos. ITe.nry Roberts. Councillor R. Harris Jones, Mr Robert, Beech, Castle-street,, and 0. R. Owen. Ra.il way Stores.—Entertainments and Sido Shows Committee: His Worship the Mayor, Mews J. Jenkins, C'olomondy; I^eonard Smith, Fullbrooke; Gef;r^re lirocklehurflt; Jye WiJliam- fen, Dc-rwen II all; Mo Byford. Pyrocanfh House; rs R. 0. Jones, Penlan; Dorothy Rouw, Exmewo House, and Miii Lewis Jones, St- Peter's-square. During the day a grand ooncert was given in the drawing-room at Ruthin Castle, at which the Duchess of Westminster. Ma-dame FJlinor Ress. Muss Dorothea Fentcn Mellor. Mr Furness Wil- liams, and Mr Tom Mann took part. There was also an impromptu concert in the Cafe Chantant, at which many of the young lady h'2Ip.,y, assisted. The band of the Ruth i.n company of the 4fli Battalion R.W.F. plaved selections of music, while in addition to the side shows, where there re were hat. trimming and other competitions, Madame Zara gave readings in palmistry, and Mr W. F. Gilbert ontertained with magic and mystery.




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